71- o) Ini ays Of severest trial and test prove In regard to Hood's Sarsaparilla 1st, Greatest Merit 1 Secured by a peculiar Combina tion, Proportion and Process unknown to others - which naturally and actually produces 2d, Greatest Cures Shown by thousands ot honest, voluntary testimonials -which naturally and actually produce 3d, Greatest Sales According to the statements ot ; druggists all over the country. In these three points Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself. IrJOOdr Sarsaparilla Is the best It Is the One True Blood Purifier. H nt a D! 1 1 ar" the only pills to take IIOOU S PHIS with Hood's Sarsaparilla. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great politioal oampaign ia over and the winter season again with us, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gnzette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodioals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subsoriberp: The GAZETTE $2.50 and Club Bate Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50 $3.50 " 8. F. Examiner, 1.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 3.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 ; 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, ftOo. 2 50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Here and There. Hear the Ladies' Bund entertainment At the Opera House, Heppner, On Wednesday evening, Deo. 23, 193 .December is a pretty deoeut month so far. Robt. Siyets was ap from Dinging yesterday. Assessor Willis ia in town today business. 0. M. Hogae asd .wa from Htrdman yesterday. Hi rasa was d w:l from Uarilman Wednesday. Mrs. Julia Bradley is omflued t bar bed by illness. Hon. W. F. Matlook is here to visit relatives a day or so. Dav Drinneo ban just reoavered from aa illness of several days. Chn. 8 perry was in from lone Wednesday to attend I. 0. 0. F. lodge. Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers. Baggage and passengers to and from the depot at half price. Bee Chester Sargent. tf Jndga Bartholomew was in attend ance yesterday on the "Good lloada" convention. Chester Sargent will baal passengers and baggage to and from the depot at bait irio. tf Oscar Minor and Ike Eunii are over lb mountains looking after the tele phone proposition. You will find that you will bo treat J all right down at tbo lied Light saloon. Call oo the boys. Editor Jackson, of Pendleton, Is get ting op a Cuban aubaorlptioo. The Os teite hopes ha may succeed. Dloa Mountain EagU: T. It. Lyons, oaa of Ueppnor'a legal lights, earn over Sunday on bosio ia this locality. Ileman Colwell was in yesterday, baring returned from bis John Day mine, and will wioter oo E ght Mile. Judge A. U. Bsrtbolotnt will appear before Ibe board ot equalisation at Salem, tor Morrow oounty, oo the 13.b last. rbill Oobo, maoegr of Iltppbei's arelioase. will pay lbs blbt market price for bid's, fare, sbp pHs, eta. Bring yoor biJee to bira. tt LsJwV BaoJ aoterlalomsol WVIo- dayaveninf. Cbaroa,o,Mtt, doalo and soloe with baoJ Salaoiloo. Cao yoa afford to mls Ih'a treat? fVMBoOypslee ara camprd aar IUpp- br. Today one of tt ba Woosiii lo bears into looa and III paper is InformtJ ttieontQl intend to give a abow. Harry ItilJIpe and Uao. iltrriogtuo are do wo to Iba river gnu banting. The birds are very scare, bat there ia plasty at water, Iba river biog qolt bSgb. Horaaaa Myera baa Uksa charge ot lbCly Mal.obU fi4 AIIimo. bl forma algal clerk, will rue Ibe M-l-l rtaart baslag ponbaant ibe sain. F.Mf Mi'Ur, bo la at r.rtet paator ot Iba tUptial abort b of IhM piece, was editor ol lb iW( Haiini. pal.l.b4 at Tb Italia, and rtiy rle4 b poailta). IUv. IVtwtee, of I.!!!", f rlJ yatlar sal wild Hwbop U m. wlxj arrived frooj I'tivtiaoJ thi saimiog. will bold C"fefi'atiia sviMe at lb kf. E. eborah toaigot ft. II. Blerkmaa sal I- pf, ll-a. J. B. M l-r. ar la too. Mr. IC ! e-tox to v.l nh tit family but Mr. Maiiof'a mm M ohoJly a baw Jrf. litieoi IIry artv4 ttm Go 4no I bio avratog o a vil an fibf, trot. t. i. ll.o'l. II oill ! lo 4if fr GaUi;U, Ub V las tafgo a bI. Dm INiTtl o to w tf 4 vr4iy t i r u.i wk i-h. .ll.,t !kl t. IM T " ' I-' ' (L1m 1 tr!!t rYr ul tUtvr The trial ot the case of the Doited States against Taffe to oocdemti the right of way for the boat railway, termi nated Saturday night, the jury finding a verdiot for Taffe in the sum of 417,500. This is an inorease of about 83,000 from the former verdict, and it is probable all parties will oall it settled and let it rest at that. Judge Bellinger has set aside the verdiot as being wholly unfair acid entirely out of proportion, and has ordered a new trial, whioh knocks the above prediction of an exchange "galley west." Under the auspices of the W. 0. T. U. on Sandfly evening, at 7 o'clock, in the M. E. oburob, tbe different denomina tions of this city will unite in observing 'reace Sunday." in harmony with all peace organizations throughout our land. An excellent program will ba rendered, ooDsiatiog of musio by soaas of the be-t t.tlent of tbe plac, readings, addresses by tbe pastors and also by Mrs. Cox, president of the W. C. T. U., of tbe state of Washington. jjor saie aooot tnirty tons ot rye bay, looated about two and ooe-balf miles of Hardman. Also 400 sores of good range, fenced, to go with same, n . . . . neniy ot outside government range near at hand. Sbe.ter for 2,000 head of sheep or large band of cattle. Oood bouse on plaoe. Call on Gnzette office for particulars. A rare chance to get bay obeap. All signs indioate a hard winter and delays are dangerous. tf Lok out for the swindlers who are selling patent linen gloss for one dollar for two boxes and in addition promise to deliver at some later period a. set nf Rogers Bros, triple plated silver spo ms or knives and forks, or it the gullible oustomer would prefer they will give a certaiu uumbir of pieces of Chinaware. These things never oom and tbe gloss is Oregonian: Mr. A. Q. Bartholomew, judge of Morrow oounty, ia at the Per kins. This is bis tirst visit to tbe Northwest metropolis, although be has lived in Oregon many years. He bad benrd of Portland, and now is here to see for himself if all tbe tales that Henry Blackmau and the Patterson boys have told biui are true. Blue Mnnutain Englo: Tbe Eagle learns that C. L. Williams, ot Monument, who has for some time been cattle fore man for W. M. Rudio, has lost tbe use ot bis right hand and arm from paralysis. No further partioulura oonl 1 b learned. It is boped, howevar, that if snob is tbe 04HP, that he will sjou recover the use of the same. It the wratber rermits it is expeoted that the new Christian oburob edifloe will be ready for dedication abont the laiit Sunday in January. Elder IV. P. Cowden, ot Tacoma, Wash., will be present to conduct the servloes, and a protracted meeting will also be began at that time to oootinae several weeks. Arthur Minor got back last ninht from the Columbia where be had ben goose bunting, but got no geee. This infor mation prompted one of bis friends to suggest that a wild goose is not much ot a goose alter all, for iiiey aro very bard to get dowa on tbe Colombia. Tbe Ladies' 13nd,of this city, assisted by the best looal talent, will givi on en tertainiueol on Wednesday evening that will be well worth bearing. This is to bs a benefit for tbe ab'iva organization and all should show their appreciation bv giving them a crowded bouse. Tbe lady traveling for the Chicago Customs House, of Portlaod, who tarn ished the enile for the ball oo tb lltb will be io Heppner ai tbi Hotel Palace, oo the morning of U-flainber 2.3rd. and will be prepared to rent oostnmea for the Christmas ball. 8t Ed. IL Bishop, successor lo Tbo Mo- Karland Mercantile Co., is still oo dck. giving great bargains in all lie. Tb stock most b eliwwl oat, and it ia aur prising bow cheap t bin its are. Call oo tbem. Frank MeFsrlaod, salesman. nhil U. Ubapio, or Murdrum, was oat ban'iag recently bo found a hoi or orater lo a bnih peak wbiob sent oat something like smoke or Hoaro. Mr Cbapio Ibitiks Ibat this baa beo going oo for a long time. Tbo Ladi' Aid fioeitty of ll.a CbrUiuo cboreh will give a social ot Iba opero boos oa Wednesday avtoieg IV. 3i)i b TliT promt lu a good lima. AdmUioo will ba free. Poa' forg-t the dale. If Hliow yoor apnrec'atin f lb ldi ff.iri to orntcifig a bod I tbi city by ilading lbtr eUfiklamant WednMklsy vrpmg, 14. iW.I. l tb upr b (, lvrte ot admtMluo, ' aa l 13 edU. Cancer Can be Gored. It is very often that the most insig nificant symptoms are forerunners of the most violent disease. There is not a more destructive disease than Cancer, and in a majority of cases it is first indicated by a very small pim ple or sore, to which no attention is attracted, until it before long: develops into the most alarming conditions. Here is another case where the first symptoms of a most violent Cancer were too small to receive much notice until the disease had fully developed. Mrs. Laura E. Minis has resided at Smithville, Georgia, for years, andis well known throughout the adjoining country. In a recent letter she tells of a wonderful case. She says : " A small pimple of a strawberry color appeared on my cheek ; it soon changed to purple, and began to grow rapidly, notwithstand ing all efforts to check it, until ii was the size of a partridge egg. My eye became terribly inflamed, and was so swollen, that for quite a while I could not see. The doctors said I had Can her reoord is unsullied. In the highest degreo be is to be commended who, like Hermann, Qeer and scores jf othere. brought our state in so close toooh with other patriotic commonwealths ot this na tion. Baker City Republican. Congressman Hermann would do honor to Oregon if MoKinley selected him for a oabinet officer. Aa the predominant power in republican politios in this state, and tbe mutual guardian of tbe common righto and interest of the people, bis promotion would be appreciated. Baker City Republican. To Senator Mitchell Oregon owes her present politioal s'.atos, and not to the Oregonian as some paJte fondly imagine. Senator Mitchell carried the state for MoKinley and therefore deserves the good will of onr citizens and a return to tbe United States senate tor his labors. Let the legislature elect him senator by a good, big majority nd then get down to solid business in legislating some of our peroioious laws out ot existence. Milton Eagle. SPURT RUMINATES. Piles! Pllesl Itching Piles. Symptoms: Moisture; intense itching a nd stinging ; most at nigbt; worse by scratching' If allowed to oontinue turn ore form wbiob often bleed and uloerate beooming very sore. Swayoe's Oint ment stops tbe itching and bleeding. heals oloeratioo, and in most oases re moves tbe tumors. At diuggists, or by mail, for 60 oents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. Mrs. Laura E. Mims. cer of the most malignant type, and after exhausting their efforts without doing me any good, they gave up the case as hopeless. W hen informed that my father had died from the same disease, they said I must die, as hered itary Cancer was incurable. I was terribly reduced in health, and felt aa if my life was wasting away. At this crisis, 1 was advised by a friend to try S. S. S., and in a short while the Cancer seemed more in flamed than before. I was informed that was favorable, however, as the medicine acts by forcing out the poison through the pores of the skin Jjeiore long the Cancer began to discharge and continued to do ao for three months ; then it began to heal. continued the medicine a ' while longer, until the Cancer disap peared entirely, and I enjoyed better health than ever before. Thi has been several years ago and there has not been a sign ot a return of the disease." Cancer ia becoming alarmingly prevalent, and manifests itself in such a variety of forma, that any aore or scab, it matters not how small, which does not readily heal up and disappear may well be regarded with suspicion. The fact that 8. 8. B. (ruaranterd purely vegetable) cures hereditary Can cer, which ia considered incurable, places it without an equal as . a sure cure for all manner of real blood diseases, such aa Scrofula, Edema, Contagious Blood Poison, or any other form of bad blood. Our treatise on Cancer and Blood Dineaaea will be mailed free to any address by Swift Soeciflc Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Special Notice. Rev. Miller will bsgin special meet ings at the Baptist oburob on tbe first Sunday in January, to be oontinued in definitely. To these we invite all per sons who desire to du good or get good. Elder J. H. Miller, pastor. You can expect too much of Schilling's Besth is only tea. But your grocer gives your money back if you don't like it In packages, full weight. A Schilling & Company Saa tranotco SM A jury at Boseburg has acquitted (James Dixon, who was nn trial for kill ing Charles Rioe at a ball game at Oak Creek, in Douglas county, last June. Tbe evidenoe prodnoed at the trial showed little provocation for the killing. the defendant having been In no imme diate danger at tbo tima be did the shooting. He is a lad ooly 18 years ot age, and tbe son ot a wealthy and influ ential citizen, wbiob probably aocoanta (or tbe strange verdiot. WHAT OI'R r.XCHASUKS HAY. J, N. Brown, repreaeotative-eleot from Morrow county io the oomlog legial tore, is oiling oo Pendletoo republicans today (Io. 11) In tbo interest ot bis can didecy for tbo speakership. Ha baa met tb mxrt promiOHOt Pendlstonians ot tbat political faith and baa arged bis elslma for tbe position. Mr. Brown comicg from ao Eastern Oregon oounty and having knowledge ot tbo law, ba seen red nm following In bis raodidscy and will oo doubt bavo aomo activ sopportor wbo th legisla tor eoovfoes in Jaooarv. II woo tbo Sgbt io tb Jon ooanly eUoliqo, whlob was strongly eonltd, and b d a good majority to show for bis popoUrtiy. Mr. Browa rrlarns horn to Upper Ibis tvsoing. air. iirowa I ai4 lo b quiio ao able lawyer.-E O Old People. Old people wbo require medioioe to regolato tbe bowels ond kidneys will Rod tbe trne remedy io Electric Bitters. Tois medioio does not stimulate and oontaine no wbiskr nor other iotoxiosnt, bat not as a tooio and alterative. It aal mildly on the storaiob and bowels, adding strength sod giving ton to the orgsns, thereby aiding IHator in Ibe performance of the fonotions. Lleotrio Bitters is an exomlenl appetizer and aids digestion. Old People Mod it just ex actly what they need. Prioe fifty cent and fl.UO per bottle at Oonsor ft Brock's Drag Store. Heppner to Pendleton via Heppner- Eoho Htsge Line. Person deoirons of viaitiog Peodletoo oan sav tim and money by taking this route. Br o nualiitlng tbo ageote tha previous vn lag the stag will mak connection with i o'clock train at Echo for Pendleton. OfTioe at City Drug Store. W. D. Lord, Proprietor. Koney Going to Wast on Pablle Enterprises Numerous Other Things. Some people are very "touchy" ou lit tle tbiogs. Other peipla besides tha sporting editor have notioed this. On might have a little private dinner party, or lanoh for instanoe, and some would take umbrage because there woo not enough ot tbe menu, whioh means grab in oar case, to go around a very large gathering. What mast one do? Cut your cloth to suit tbe pers in; in other words, invite just enough to devour th viands, no more. Tbe party wbo doesn't happen to be inoladed shows bis dense igoorsooe when he kicks. It's odds that the public will fiad a few such peo ple in every comnaoity. Ye editor has been looking over suoh papers as he could find in order to get at tbe truth ot tbe report of the killing ot Tom Stephens. We din't take any took in it, bat there is a m in on earth oy toe name ot "tiaaa boog wbo can make Tom hunt bis bole most any tima. Tom and "flank" shot the Burns bar room an lo pieces aoout two years ago. rom ran out or ammunition ana nerve and went upstairs, they say to rest till "Hank" was disposed ot. Tom has al ways been a good friend ot ours, bat they do say that his promise on mouey matters isn't very good. Io other words that he won t pay a oent that he can get oat of, though ia tact he Is pretty well died. We oannot believe tnese rumors about Tom's honesty, and he's too laoky to get killed. Our mutual frieud, Les Matlook, has hired Eli Keeoey's chicken-coop and will convert it iuto a bedroom, it's on run ners and when he gets ready to bava round with Morpheus he oao reaoh his babitation without maoh effort. We would suggest that tbe "geers" ot a de livery trioyole would be better than th ruuuers. To walk a blook is a pure waste of labor and time. It is a bad habit, this doing unnecessary labor. Ed. Uetohel is training hors s oat at Oass Matlock's McDonald canyon ranch. Ed. would have stayed in Heppner this winter but city lite doesu't agree with his constitution. Ed. hopes to be bet ter by spring. Dee Mutlock is stopping in town a few days enjoying some needed rest, having been very busy plowing for three days of last week. Tbe telephone subsidy has been raised. Those wbo did not give anything have decided that thia ia a great waste ot mouey. Of oourse it is. How many of oar ambitious sports are oow pining away tor laok ot a poker stake; how many thirsty soaks are going dry! 'Tis a shame lo thus waste $400. We have decided tbat we will see tb managing editor and ask him to enlarge bis paper. This is neoessary. Tb un usual demand mad upon bis columns for advertising oontinuea at an e x t-r-a-o-r-d-i-n-a-r-y rate. Sball wo bavo within our midst an editor with a bank aocoant and 'a pis tborio pooketbook? Shades ot Horace Qreeley, forbid tbe thought! Our sys tem will not atand tbe innovation. Wa will resign rather tbao so (Tar tbo indignity. I It ''v Mi I DBQHUL The highest claim for other tobaccos ir "Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as good as (MacLWeGD's wasu J SSuHOnUnlfolHICCO You will find one coiioon insii each two ounce bng.niid two con pons inside cacli loi.r ounce bagof BluckwiUV. Durham. Buy a bng of this cele brated tobacco mid lad 1 lie coupon which gives a list of valuable presents and how P to get them. Hotel HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop Guests will find the beBt of accom modations in every respect The Trouble is Over! We Mean the Election. But that Makes no Difference' With R HOWARD, Who oever lets politios interfere with business. Al tha same old stand, next door to M. Lichtentbal's. The Brut Way to Car Disease is to establish health. Furs, riob blood mean good health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is tbe one true blood puri fier. It toues np the wholo system, gives appetite and strength and causes weakness, nervonsnesa and pain to dia appear. No other medioioe bas snob a reoord of wonderful cares a Hood's Harssparilla. Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's Furnishings, etc. T. R. HOWARD, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE PALACE HOTEL BAK, J. C. BOEOHEES,Pr()P. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Hood's Pills are th beat after-dinner pill; assist digestioo, prevent constipation. 01 io, Tfodlcton, It yoa do not want to gt robbl ot lb honor of bsviog lb first uJ't'boo in lo 0'nl eooaty. It thing go lo suit. IIppar says a lloa will bo computed lo Ibis ooooty by My ll niL Ci' I yoa go thl oily on bMr and pal yoor lino tbroab by April 1st bHT-Kgl. (Omfoand tb bofeor. IT bo'iomo or fur. Ka) J.N. Drowo,rtrBUtiv from Mor row Onaoly lo lb Or(K lf illr, i ia tb aiiy f mob IIppar. Mr . Bms m a eao li-Uu fr tha pkar(hip of lo boq.-Wsll Wall Uaha. Will k Hie' special ! I .)!' rp d lekt ad rUla rttt do will oommvort Ifeo. 21. It SOI I'. ft ibir prut aad i "''! Tbeywillgiv rr brgtn. St Omi. Miilr wa ap from ta-la T lay a1 W1nday, II lun o that b will hMlf fl a tt. mi ( IVKigtM nd nvtt to Arling ton, linffl bM ttl UltltbM br vr l g'w. Ilwb Mibw .! V. itry, nnUt lb firm nam ot Mai A (Uir, re ! at! ! bf ia lb bwtvf biirrM sj th w U I. v 4r smith of lb pualufflt. Hy U'I rail. tf. lUf Ur pfM'biBg ' at lb U. P.. rbft. !' 1. at II s'fWl. lo lb ! ib W. 11 T. C. will kUi a -I'"" riw, at attirtj M'S. IK C. II C-.s ui ola will pk. (Il1 Halt ! 0My Jntttm ar Mtsla trgMlr 4oW M (rrv' oil pim t iba otrl bnio, ('II i htm and ! mt wt.itr ttt.J Is. j ttl- N rtkf' thill, I2ih. "tl)(lfil sulwi, J, riwlh. mnm t , ifm?Um, up V tr lit r M.l bl M ot a l4a't f t inUfr4 ! llaHoMM la) ' U t4f. Tb Urg'ia liM rMltl by UU grtpb mbwtt lb Nw York Hi pnblMbtd al snisnvr, that tbo r- larytbip of lb iaUflor woo'd bo ffrd lo aa Orgua a. Hator Mitbll lb a.miIm4 but II I adrto4 lbl b pofn a b r W1 I tbo S oaU. Now lb (rg tln ba priU lfrmli" tl at lb pwtu easy b of ff4 to m rUtr I .Iph, obo bOl a saorb ebaoo of Ibat a b 4 ot lb ii.fblp. o4 lbt I rant l il. hit, ft Urma mom utora lkly ad wool! b ry lrn, it f 1 Mf MrKl lt' nit HI lb I m ? "" probability I Vt bifit, t, ., llslrUM BISHOP'S STORE III5rI?J5W, OHI5GOX 2(),()()(r POUNDS OF BI! 1 FD11I OotlNlNtlllfT Of TabUa, Cbalra, Iioeksrs, lUdroon HoiW. lUlsUals, Bouk Cssm, ldnf$t Hofaa, Hprmg Maltr, Wool Uattr, IVIor Holla, Oetot Tbl, eU , lroals Carpus, Wool Crp, Mailings, HilrbrU, Mirrors, Hal Ilck, llanglag Iaoip, rrtirs, rillows, tnkK Htovvs, Mr., !. All the above Goods are Placed on Sale Half Value or Less. The Lancashire Insurance Co. Ol MANCIIUMTICM. ICNfll.ANIt I. W PiTTERSON', AGENT. . f.ti it t- w.rii at Will be Soldlteirardlcss of Cost fit ap yoor hooM at nor with Hitllsh Fornitor, Wbii Mil .pMQkllr i nrJ. W rhIU(.g nay I d.(ii lbl tiflfal t:vl. !) Tit4 ftp. I i' Ua .r ant,! 10 Hfpt. V. tl Ib-w O. .a!.. tf fa,! rlf. l'l t'f ai !. Uaj al I b' ' a' t tff-f irt Orag't) ptogaM, a attU ik of It U'4a tnroard Up ta lak.o I Iba rat f br t-.t'tt lai. It wt , ; (al I la lb' tiWiraol 'f i Li itiMiliini tx 4ilg lb paal , apl, lal U-g I ft b ttMl a Our Sale on General Merchandise Still Continues. A I.AIUii: STOCK TO SKLl'CT 1UO.M. rsnf at a dlc shtui I sail am tbrby gatusg a bilr aalaelbxa FRANK MGf flRLAND MANAGE!. It. a aavitg i -- wild elkf I lift I I III I Tir( if- l tf 4si U L tic4 tl-lt U.I Plenty of them Gazette Office. at the Our Holiday it. Main Stre.t, HCPPNCR, OREGON. You Should all Sec Con)e In at Once. GILLIAM & BISBEE. : WITH IBBBS BIFIIi : FILLS Youro HOUN D (o Tnko'Km. Leaves No Constipation, Cora it, a wall all IltltiooaoaM. Hi. k ll.al.r U oJ Malaria. Tb !? tHroTBLa fil lo lb orlit. H-.M by HfH,.n t by taall rniptof pnoa, 1) oai.t p IliLMIhH Ml DICAL fJII , Ha frMian, lal. ?CISV MAXAOI0M15XTJ 1. I IIJYEIS Wlirayoa en cr r'irsl. nifllV I I VP 1 I Cl leal at luting Uatwu Wl 1 1 1 1 U 1 lit ljf French Cook, and White Labor only, employed. Good Rooms and Excellent Service Thp GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH.