Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 18, 1896, Image 2

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    ... ew -atg'"' - ey y 3, f""3Ssaae :.-v--.
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3 Z IS 67 Q9
II 27 2829W3lmm
Alexander Salvini, the great
Italian actor, is dead. Xastfyeir
Salviui vieited the United States.
Congressman Towne was de
feated up in Minnesota. Towne
jumped the St. Loais convention.
Jack McAuliffe has quit the
prize ring and relinquishes the
claim to the lightweight champion
ship. It is now conceded by all that a
good protective revenue measure
will be passed at the special ses
sion of congress, just after the in
auguration of McKinley.
Counterfeiters are operating
over in Idaho, making $5, $10 and
$20 pieces. The scamps use silver
and plate the metal. It looks
well and has the right ring.
On Wednesday the Dingley bill
was shelved for good. This was
not unexpected. It was called up
in the senato by Vest, of Missouri,
Killing Maceo did not extin
guish the fires of liberty which
have been burning in the Cuban
through the Allen resolution, but e?rt fr Neither has it
it soon became evident that the
deterred patriots of this country
from aiding them. Weyler and
the Queen Regent have got no re
turns for their damnable treachery.
Washington, Deo. 16. There it some
thing of oontest over who shall suo
oeed Hermann m a member of the com
mittee on riven and harbori, bat there
eems to be every indication that Ellis
will have the plaoe unless Load, of Cali
fornia, makes a fight for it. Load said
some time ago that be would not be a
candidate for the place. ' la fact, be ma
hope for a more prominent position, and
is now chairman of the committee on post
office and post roads, which gives him
ooosiderable prominenoe, and is thought
by maoy to be better than a membership
of the rivers and harbors oommittee. If
Load'keops out ot the fight, Ellia may
Mitchell has introduced a resolution
asking the secretary of war why nothing
had been done with the provision for the
improvement at Ynquina bay, where
$1,000,1)00 was authorized, ana the Wil
lamette and Yamhill rivers, on whioh
$200,000 was authorized, to be unrler the
oontract system.
Senator MoBride took oold the last
night of bis purney to Washington, and
was quite ill at the opening session of
congress. He has recovered, however,
and is attending to bis duties.
Representative Ellis, who hn been suf
fering for some time on aeoount of a
lame leg, has recovers,! so that he gets
around now without limping.
Repreeeotutive Ellis has introduced a
bill extending to January 1, 1899, the
time in whioh settlers upon forfeited
railroad lands oan make payments. Tbe
hard times have made it difficult for set
tlers to make their payments, and Mr.
Ellis has been askedto secure an ex
tension. There ought to be no objection
to the bill, and it will no doubt pass, if
time oan be obtained for its considera
Senator Mitchell has introduoed a bill
graining a pension ot $50 per month to
Artbusea Wright, of Sheridan, Or.
Taul Tlmbenoa Tells Bis Experience
Joining lroa Crow Lodge, No. lit.
''Ay bat bane aboosed een mos' shiitue
fool vay," plaintively remarked onr
Swede friend, Timberson, early Thurs
day morning as be limped into the office
and painfully sank into a chair.
Be looked like it. One side of his
bead was shaven, bis faoe was daubed
with streaks of paint, both bit shirt
sleeves were missing, be was barefooted,
the right leg ot his trousers bad been
out off a'wve the knee, and be had evi
dently been suffering from nose bleed.
"Been through a threshing maohine?"
"Ob, eet bane vorse nor dase," he re
plied with an uneasy squirm. "I tal yo
ol bole eet Oner nite Ay bane loafin'
by da pbstofeoe, ven 'long koom das falar
Sbarley Kinselly, en ba poak ma een da
ribs en sa : 'Taul, yo bane booly gude
falar, en Ay tank eet bane - gude skeetn
eef yo yoin da Knights of Pj thins.' Val,
das mtk ma feel tick'e, en Ay tal beem
Ay taok Ay done das some day. Ha tal
The M. E. church and Sunday school
will have an old time Christmas treo
with an appropriate program vt exer
cises on Christmas eve. All families and
friends of the ohuroh are cordially in
vited to aid by their presence (hIso
presents) and cheer to make it an en
joyable occasion. A speoial and more
formal invitation is extended to mem
bers and friends ot the Episcopal church
to unite with us in the festivities.
The Best Congb Care
Is Shiloh s cure. A negleoted ooueh
is dangerous. Stop it at once with
Shiloh'g Cure. For sale by Wells &
id e
Given Away-tlOO in Cash.
Who can form the greatest number of
words from the letters in "Evnino
Houn?" Yon are smart euough to make
fifteen or more words, we feel sure, and
if you do you will receive a good reward.
Nothing, except that he has just discovered that at the
Odd Combination Store of
P. C. Thompson Co.
Is the best plaoe to buy Salt, Sugar, Soap, Sardines, Socks, 8apeurers,
Sewing Machines, Shotguns, or Saws. Complete lines ot Groceries or
Hardware. Satisfaction Ouaranteed.
TTftft TCnfflinh vnrda nnlw in oinnrnl ar ai
ma dare bane no taim laik da present, en piurai but D0, both. Do not n8e Boy
geet ma kard to sine ma name on. en tal ,. mnr ,imBa thon ,.,, tlw,
ma to tek eet doun to Soban Pirdoo. Ay . .!?., .. , , .
sine ma name, en gone doun to Meester
Annan's store, en geet da kard to Soban.
He rede een sa to ma:
"'Taul, yo vil advance to vedeen tra
feet of ma face. Plaoe da end of yo' left
thumb on da tip of yo' nose; viggle yo'
feeogers een viggorons manner; eenaert
on," "our," "run," etc. I will pay
fifty dollars cash to the person making
the largest list, fifteen dollars for the
seoond largest, ten dollars for the third
largest und five dollars for each of the
next five largest lists. These awards are
given free and without consideration for
bill could not pass, as it had lost
advocates rather than gained them
since its experience in the senate,
the first part of the session.
The Gazette is in deep sympathy And now they have it that Maceo
with the protective features of this is alive. The Gazette hopes he is
measure though it has many bad and that he will flay the hide of
points and under the circumstances the whole Spanish army. If per-
it should not pass, as this paper chance the first reports (are true,
views it cay his memory live in the minds
In the first place it was intended of the Cuban patriots to encourage
as a temporary revenue measure, them on and on to a glorious vie
with incidental protection, under a ry,
democratic administration. The
treasury was going behind and the The 0gonian is talking about
-,v.i ;.. fL- ortont,a t iv, silver hold-ups, and then makes a
situation, having a majority in the Mitchell. Mitchell never " ul l-
t,ao A . .nnnAoo y.omr,'fg in neld up anything in the way of Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
the senate, to pass a measure cal- legislation, and has been true to is the senior partner of .be firm of P J.
hi r,art ..f oil t,oa TI,Q iW Cheney Co., doing business iu the
cuiatea to relieve tne strain on tne y - - 0itv of ToIed CoQufy 8nd 8ute Bfore.
treasury and at the same time to "F " F4"J .aid. and that iid firm win oav then.,
protect, In a measure, the indus- la8t 8PD2 faileJ signally and of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eaob
trion nf tliia nnnntrv htJiovinr? that then subsided. Another subsi- and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
dence is in order. oured by
would sign the bill, though it was
generally known that he was de- TllE Ileppuer-Long Creek tele- my presence, this Cth day ot December,
cidodly opposed to it in principle, phone line is a Bure go, Heppnor Al u m5.
Al H. l lima . nam rrnailan f tins) I Kaninri l-vr a .11 tl.o , ) A. W. OLEAHON.
, , ... f ,, . . n. . . ( ) Notary Tublio.
, r ' . . Hall's ( atarrh Cure is taken iuteroally
certainty as to the future. Idleton to make connection with and acts directly on the blood and mn-
A.in nnl tha rlnttf nrnivuuul lha 5ntnrir,f. nanllnn io in. D, f,l Colli Surfaces of the System, bend for
r testimonial, fre.
was bix cents per pound, art ra- the Pilot Rock branch over to I v. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, o,
Inrni. Now this is not nix pnnta IlAnnnnr. for our linn will hm num. t Sold by Druggists, 70a.
protection to the Oregon wool- pleted just as soon as contracts for
nrnwnr munir wnnl.l thinlf TliA nnl trt on ha Ut Uvely In Mwrow.
wools coming into competition with
da right han' een yo' pants pokket, en the purp08e 0, attraotin8 attention to my
breeng ote femteen dolar for ma
handsome illustrated monthly magazine,
111. - u U -.. . U .. - U . . t L . t I
nBK uoo.u u, iur, uuti in iai mi) Tbe Ladles p,VBninI, Hnnr. Tt iq nam...
to note blow ote ma lungs asklo' foolish 8ary for you ,0 8eDlJ either 15 two.cent
kwestions, bote to geef heem da money, 8tamp8 (or a gix monfhi, 8ub,0ription or
or be met ; ma sorry Ay ban, born. Ay Qfty 0(jnt8 (of year,g 8a080ril)tio wi(l)
tal heem das bane erys.stabul argument, your ljs, of word8Bnd every per80Q8eQd.
n fork ofer da kash ; en ha sa for ma to in , . i.
koom oop by da Knights of Pythias ball KUaranteed an extra nt (i addjtjon
vensoayereoin aa vooa reex ma oop. to tha mBOli,infil . ... fha tnnjin
a., Ul. . a, uu thraa bnokn vh nh oil ha .am nl nnria
Ay meKoopmamin aas Ay go en gate oostnaid: l'Th i,.in swi
da vorth of ma money. Ven Ay go ma Cook Book 0ODaMog more thau eeveD
oop da stairs to da lodge room Ay start huDdred o( the c))oioegt reoj 2
eento eletie room, en so kweek Ay done ..geventv .five (Jomnlet 8tnriHS." hv non.
das four falars nock ma doun en pool nlar 8Q,hor8 an(J 3.,Tna L u . M d ,
kan see. Da piok ma oop dane, en falar K,laranteed in every oase or 01jr aouy
j ... I - I rrv. I
vvu . u..r. V'J refunded. This is a remarkable offer
ra raBoom-de rom.' en deep voice sa, and lists should be set t at once and not
Mooter ved da rash soul. Ay wonder Iater ihan December 24'b, so names and
wno aa rsen soul oane, oui yoosi oane .jaresce. of n,Wnl nnr,(u.(pnt.
He lias anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good
article when Mat guarantees it. -
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty.
i' fM fl w tsm am aa aw
Full English course.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegraphy.
oured by the use ot Hall's Catabrh
8 worn to before me and subooribed in
the product ot the Northwest, and
particularly of Oregon, are very
light, shrinkage about oO per cent,
thus the protection given is much
loss than six cents, because the
duty is calculated on the weight
Taking into consideration the
freight rates against the Western
woolgrower, the protection plank
of the Dingley bill would have
amounted to very little, though it
would be better than none.
Hut now it it almolutely certain
that in less than one year an ade
quate protective and revenue meas.
uro will be panned. In the face of
this, would it bn wise to aa the
Henry lilackman, oolUctor of internal
reteone for this district, returned yesler
Fon accenttne a commission to dy from a visit to Lis former home io
- i . it . i n, Dliiokman says that times are deoidwlly
wuicu me uuuou oiaies is uow ai M(ur lo Morrow 0unn,y lUh1J rtloi
ponce, tho penalty prescribed by have prevailed, the snow has all gone,
section 5281, rovisod statutes, is and with snothor twk of the presonl
t'2000 fine aud three vears' im- ,"",r' n'm Wl11 ,onf 1o1'
ul,;u f ''ih, wbu-h will insure Menty of rai.t
('a idwiiiuv u n uiai; tut v;unnuu J I - , . t
rvj ogiuHi, ojmm or ei-curing .msoldat Ileppnerf.r H oeuts pound,
any one to euliHt, the penalty is saij Mr. Iiiuckmsn, sod a hepburf
tl(KK) fiuo and thrco years' im-
prisonment Hut this will not do i
ter patriotic American citizens from
fightiug Spain.
soom vote ceef ma beeg keek bhin' en
Ay enter een masaf poorty sudden 1 Da
horrors das Ay meet ved Ay haf note da
tongue to tnl. Da first taog das attract
ma atteosbuo bane beeg tub of ice vater,
eento vioh Ay fall bald foorst. Veo Ay
krawl ote, lote falars pouo' ma ofer da
bak ved barrel staves en ask bow dale
bane for high. Ay bane so mad Ay Dote
Boswer, en da yoomp on mil eo pBiot ma
face eu shave ma haid. Da tsl'ma to
dance jig vhile da organ play 'Sweet
en da tek off ma shoes, en poot ma on
hot rook, en Ay tal yo Ay dance laik
gude falar. Aftor dai Ay do euntsng
da Ul ma, eo Ay tal yo, da lede ma ofer
uff road. Yen Ay bane ao Ay bote half
dead, en mos' or ma klotuee Dane gone
da roll ma d6uo stair een barrel eo tal
'ma da bane through ved ma.
"Ay go ma boam, eo by yeeminy! My
vife note know ma, en her Dots let ma
o da boose, eo Ay hat ma to sleep een
lestret. Das mtk ma mad; bote Ay
nee falar das mornin' eo ba tal ma das
Monday 100,000 pounds of woo!
were sold in Heppnor for C cents,
Dingley bill? The passage of the tba GiuteHo. This does not
Dingley bill now would not stop
named Hherlock, from Illinois, bought
2.VI0 sheep for shipment, and Ham Palmi-r,
of Ncbrtfka, is oow there on tbe smls
niiasloo. The farmers are gxtting from
t;2 to Wt eools a bushel for wheat, and a
far better filing now prevails ia ell
parts ot Morrow county.
'.How lt Cars all Mala !'!
Himply applf "Heayne's Diiitment.M
indicate that the wave of priHUwrity N' tutrnal mi-dirins r.iuirel. Cures
. .. , . ,i baa nil-tick tlm WfHil liiiHinKMa in '''. wwnia, llch, all erupt l.m no the
imitations, because in anlicipa- J " 110 f Uoi k ,u tUa
tionof tbe passage of a higher right plac'e. was where .bll .(ll,lir.llby. ita,r..tb,..l
tariff next year, importers would lt Fharkey, Udow the Wit intM, corattve rxwrre trs ihJ
crowd in cood- and raw material. ' aeuiog ii.r i cents ue- l.y oo oihr frmedy. A.k yonrdtog
paying the duty, which would I ir tlie elcttttt. Durur Dintatcu. gut tor neains s umimwii.
afTord. teraiwrarilr. a larce amount Kma time Wfore the chction
t ... .. the Wat rrli off..rivl for an v of h iw
" '""UUB- l u" ",UO """ :.. . . . - " . Tk. (..Iln.in. ...B.ll. I. tM.n. kf
.a a a ft . . a I I li 1 lot l ay,Mkl lay at sa f flrinld 111 " ' m "
Hie uazettn bat airwuiy aialM, w.w. . N. jifft a,,aotiM la OfM-: HeloJ
afTordinc onlf a minimum of pro-1 T lim8 auring OctoWr there was N. . 0lMH , Utmt w.ib a tt
twtion, and eventually not aaronrbP0,0"1 mrkft io Heppner at any Lot ana tongoe and le oa ais waf
revenua aa this country almuldl t""
bate. Dut we leave it (o our
..tra if tl. li.miv.riri ...n..,.f I '
, .. .. . .... The beglneleg tt the Now Year will
such a measure aa the Dmgley bill . . . n. ( ... . m
would not bterfera with tha pas- tf,0 Alwaaae, 4ipme p tbe ortg.o.
aaga of a bill ni-lt year. Take, for aatare aJ of the aatkmal t.tne
instanc. tht Tortlaod Ore e-nian. alterant. II sutler's Hi..m-h n.i.
II ia nrarlv Mmoeratia- imths tot CWel wilti the derrutive
, . - ,. ,. aiallor eill U ft4 falea lar and a-
Ur.fT que. u.n, and how many mor.L wl,oUlli,M .l-ul,ll,
weaianevvi repm.iicana woui.l t,u r. e..f(in , uuMir. uio.ih
ther t0 that when their ConatltU- Imna, v- earrfull; Urtl,sn. itl.f
rnta Wgao t t op the hue and " '" aigbit p.flul.u aJ etr.
tnro, hat leg tna-U a fo4 thing oat of
It et4 be only one rnonlv lu l He
llls Ihe former be ran have tl lr (t
and If ! wants It it write tt bint, la
rew ! eiu.nf a. ; einee a'o
He itM Ur4 tbal Ihe farmer bee tbe
tgblof the eooiily fur tbe pUel waua
t.Kige. aaJ, a b bat ataJe a big Iking
of ll to reef lvebta,be aeeUtobor Ibe
right i f Ibe ceatily aoJ till Ibe farwei
and ts I 111 tn b.aj tbe lf in.
Ibe larmer wniee N . I an I eels to
boo bto Sole for Ul. He aever er
4 eilhef of Ihe tnra agtle, t-ul bt (
eiHea op ellite in a brlbUim
toea aj be t ent .
cry that no oojn.t burdmia should u.iot- (,N thi . Mbl-beJ
i , ,, . aad nat4 annually by The ll leilr
Ixt put uimo them, aMtimmg Ia- (, , g. . ,
1 ' i? IVtepeny, el I iilahitrgb, ftl bends ere
caum of auwoea causal by larga tAn, la ibe aert,i.io.l dn.tit
im tr tat ions that woubl aurely oc- at Klva hiUm .!.( I lis . KM a l'i-f U T t. o..u
cur aa w Lave already aUt!,Ut- l r"W t. t " rrr
would fall by tha wayaida. -ss r- r, ae..er. ,vr
fi.i- I i mi i i ael le tai4 ta r.,Uli. Il.
I lie iMBgirj vm, ii nwiii.w1...rkH1,.iA tt.uk.
tow, which ia Impoaaibla tvao If ,ua, !l.nao., ltee.li.li el tt.btua.
it war wanted lcana it cannot
I wee ,, tite., Iff il.'.'e
R. ti Woat
f-t ' by U'.ll. a tt art,..
be published io.the January issue. This
is an opportooity fur you to make $50
very ey. I respectfully refer you to
any mercantile ugeuoy or the Oreeoe
CouDty State 13 :tik. of thin city, as to my
standiug. Address, Q. 8. Turrill, 201
Main Street, Jefferson, Iowa. 502 1
For HhIc
One band red nud sixty nrres deeded
lead, for sale cheap; the Hoiend plaoe,
southeast quarter section t liirt v-two.
AytaldsmeAy note do das, township two.
Address: Coffin Bans ,
BOl-tf No tb Takima. Watb.
Notice of Intention.
J K IfMi. Nilr It hiTi'hf si veil lhl
the f"lliiwlii(t ntincil lottlor hut tlltxt iu.lli- n(
till liitvntliin to mHke niml pr.Hif In iii.Kirt ol
hi clnlin, ami tlmt ulil (innil will Im) mmln Ixs
fore llountv I'lork ,( Morrow puntitv. iniroit.
at l!i.'iiiit!r, OrrKnii, on Jmiuarv l.'i, iv.17, vU:
H. K. No. STW. (or the HK' St-fl 111, 1 p I H, R .'S
r.. n m
Ma iia.npa Die (nllnwlnv wIIiii'iuuhi In tin.ve
n . r.fiiiiiiitifitia r.atniiiii iiiu.il umi on ll i i..i
.1 . I.... - . - Lt. , . A -la ...... .... . ....... .....Vu
ui uii)i ;mm ueiig imi m ma, en oas m, mhi inn tif;
I 1.. i.i.1.1- t. . 1 iiiirnu iiiimini, aipx i omeit, Jiinii mc
1 1 1 1 ium uiwiuri) ni I i iw auuw iinw
Ay kan gate da law oo dnme falars.
He was referred to the Hueiety for tbe
1'reventioo of Croeltr to Animals, and be
linind ilii wo the street io search ot the
eetretary. Hprlg ol Myrtle.
IiiUre anil Jaino Jcilinnin, all ol IIoiiiiit, Or.
K. r. W 1-HON.
;H0. K.'Kimr
TimUr Cutturg'Final Proof.
Nollre fur 1'alilirtlloa.
Hacklea's Araka Helve.
The lleet Halve io the worU for Cote,
Uralses, Mores, Uloers, Halt Hbeum,
Kever Hiirea, Tetter, Chapped Hsbda, I nn umi.rr ..inurii.,iii.ii.,n Sn. . ut
Chllhlaina, Corns, and all Hklo I'.fup-
I'xiTtn pSTT Ltm Orrn ,
Thr lnill. Ornrim. No. 17. iwW
n i. Turner. l llii'i"T. orin. haa flint
tioilre nf liilrnlliin l.i maae final iirn.,1 liflore
i. , xi.rnm. i ,i. I iir. al nia i.nii-e in II. .. i
Her. Orrin, nnealnnlaT thewilnlajnl Jamiary,
tioiia, and poeiiivsiy cores riles or do
pav reqiilreiL It is goaranleed In give
cerlecl aalitfantliio or money ref un.le.1.
I'ru-sW rents per bin. For aale by
IVinaef A Urttok.
the KK', ol errlinn So. , In tnarnblp No. I
nlh. ra litre Kit. X rn.l.
tla mm aa Utiewa: William O. Mr'artr.
Soiairl W Turner. Jamea f. eetrr. I rank k.
Bell ol llrpii.r, tte..n
t'lm jaiv r. niMiiir., Krciner.
liKiag t aaakl. v
Da lAyde auJ Kleard Hamford a-
eapd from Ibe stale reform aolin Hat
ordav mnroing. At Is osnal lu eoeh
eases, boli-e of their eoddea departure
was CnmrouDiealeJ lo all Ibe surround
Ing Inwoe aoJ yealetday af'eroimn Ibey
era broogbt to Ibe sheriffs office by
W. A. Daveoport, who captored them -a
Ibe road near tbe Abfoe, eeveo miles
fmm HilvaMoa ehnnt Id o rlark la the
l.treoimo. Tbe bo) were ee rmwing
ISe brtlge al Kilvert4o at 1 2."-) oV-B
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binna, Lower Main Street,
tieppner, Oregon. v'
Thorn? gentlemen are well aonnalnted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Gilliam and other counties
ami can nave money and time In making thou aectious with traveling men.
Frlcei lu keeping with the tlmea.
New Yor
! Weekly
Farmers and Viiiaaers,
Fatners and Motners,
Sons and DanoHters,
All the Famliu.
limber Culture, Final Proof.
Net ire fur Pakliratlna.
I sitd etT t.n umi s.
Ihe Imliea. nr. Ie. I. I wet,
NOTHH IS II He. II V LlVs TIUT hll ll.
aol W, Rii.ian, ol light Mil. Ilref.in.
haa fllerl rf lr ol luienilon to make flual prwt
h for i W Mrn, eoniii rleik, at hiaonV-e
In Hriitfter lmo. uu nai.ifUv Ihe I'lh ilr
r Jaii'iarr, !:. on tlmlf mltiire attll aili.a
; It lha i, ol aerlion So ii. In lo n
ahte So I amilN, rauga No. H eaat.
Hanaieea aa eiiueaaea John w. Altai It,
Thariea laftaham John a, Iniraham, Aaroa
a ll.in-t, ail m4 I lahl Mile im m
t .A, f. MmiHtK, ftuirr.
Notice of Intention.
I AM lirrii AT tllS t'AI I M OMfLllM.
ler I. i ..im ia l.i.i t alien
Htiolar aftereiMiB a til aeveral Oarllee 1 toal ll.a Mies lnMt aetiif haa Sie-I
w I . .i Kta tl ..11... 1 KAa, t
larleJea a rbase alter I hero a tea b ure
later. Mr. Iavtprt gut eo ll.eir
Irafk early elrfday n.niMng and
bmoght Ibesa U bay M lby were la tbe
art of pretKMieg le tffert a emeaieg of
the aalla sres. Their olius
(umi wet t'aeiera Ocegna, Je bar
leg be ensawltUd frni Uoims auotty.
tley were drerlei t Ibe aa.a ae4 ap-
-eared etee.Unaty g'J o feel Ibe
aratlb (rues the slave la tbe benlTe
ofl ehee aiaulel Ut- lla( di
Mteel of tbe aiHtil be by IJr. !e
f t. - Hate a M ateewee.
Iw ol hit lnlei.tQ lo tnata final tiwf In aur
M .nu.ii, an. l. .1 a,. f'--' elll h
hl.wa J.r h . l.l.u. I' a . at
eli.i.., ntc..n, i.n Jaii.iar, a, !;, ,
it art s a. Miura.
hi r u in. k ii, t i . a
t. a n
Me haue Ihe ft!nln elli.mea lo mn
kia rmumieM eeafcUa. a--a aiwl ram, ait. hi
a a. l. ,aiwt !
n i.a .,!l.. WH'lam aeor.ln VlaarJ
f Imimnf.Jil ii,.ii4 ll.,'n., lf
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eV"J ifi.lf,
Mitlrfc "
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l..g v4 lb e. Iho Wit M IHe Mer,nt
e-iMi'f a l.n a va al tw .,.( al
lleif rSl.w !. II?.!,. Iiwe. .m lha aer
t .., M lanwa.y. lev'. Iwlaeee ll.e kmit o
III a M Ik e 4 aaM 4a, lle l.iie
ej e ta 4tr f,e rln tea.
im. e ei.M.ip
With the clone of the Presidential campaign TJJE TRIBUNE
recognizes tho fact that the American people are now anxious to gire
their time to home and business intercuts. To meet this condition,
jiolitics will have far lens apace and prominence, nntil another State or
National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for the principles for
which THE TltlUUNK has labored from its inception to the preaent
diy, and won its grcateat victories.
Every poaaible effort will tie pot forth, and money freclj spent,
to make THE WEEKLY TBI BUN E pre-eminently a
National Family Newspaper,
intctesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member
Wg lurnlsn "Trie Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly
Trionne" one year lor $3.00.
A I tr
i all Of.lcra la
W rue ....f ham an4 a.1 treM on a real raH. aen II la flea W, t. TrOmM OSV, Kr
' Hr. aw4 a aa.ia o. u the ee let Weekly Trthaae elll ha aaaiM to roe.
S uSfws Hot are, on w- tw ' li f
Ihe ln)lc, the Ust
gt4Uo through tha anale, ami
wars it to aes that U-l, would U
knocked into srsitherrecs by tha
verUwea Mr. Clevelao.1, would in
letfefS with Su1uett legialalloB
whit !ir K little MSprtw
tertiv tnoafora. This is lie thing
lo a riutaUU.
tioll.it, if ii.Uifiie with tha
t eaaea i f a fair, Itniefttal tariff
law, that will rti.l fevetiU and
i'Mei-t Aiulican pluIMoa, at tba
liil a-eii.o t, n,t tftfae h
a ire 1,1 U f.JUI M e..ltt S Mr. Vila l.ee fc-et fa.',
Mcatifatry it Itiag if!i I ie t W.ils a U n-e
tket4klf lal4
Tbe ilpatL,rs f Ibe 4feest WsJta
Wait Pavings rk l.ae b4 ll.etr last
lhie ileeirn-l by ihe reeml fi-t mt
lUaxelief kleltbee, Tbe ealtaa'e valea
ff !e aeaets be lug eelf : T eej ll-e
Ierlag tbe lael su aeeaa, Vlr. W i.f ,
rap ree a ling ft.ibetNtea Hi.-, t'h..
rf kae Kiegbt, lie. ae4 i,li t.
fm Ibis tase aboitl MV'O om.U el amtl Jee J.t,k.i Maitf Uifl,
wnr.1, aiakleg tie leal peti-baee ef S7) ,t Seaf be Sai l thai ar 4ti44teS
lea nateiMaf. 1,1 Stj Mve lpe.11 e,-l U lafiaiUieal. Neve
toea abnal reels blgber Uee aeee ef.
fere4 before eeU.ea. Taere Jet t
ssaies la llt r ahi.. jvinn rea I
et aee44. e;s the Oeeg-eiae e
e a
k'ke aeiw i.a
-g 'a-
thrrc arc, Th.it h as nc.ir
a we cm sny. Nt ywr
money Kuk if yuu don't
lile tlirm.
r. w
fae I" i
a4 Ivet roitala . bale MW4
geaiaalee ea erf tnHls hi-U-a's
u r it r,i
wee rai aaewe leereBf a.y moseii ibae j t Va ra'v fr I mt Uee
. . It .)- I M . .....!
na... P..-ee ea ry Te IV. a4 k, se I'.Ua Tee &e. feet
; , "r ... rtliee ... tea. 1. 1 Vi. Ih las IU
be lak la al the Ualilal. la
r.utie ). a4 4e.a4M .e !'' He tie H
,1.,. a.la e.. al- I Iwllae aiia i I-Me - tlalee e?e lie ei Tee
a.la Wa. al e I4 !- I irli la Ika ti.l Utalee,
atxei motiiKHn' Mtruvj
Noll. ta nvatMVI.lt t ttUT A Mr T
NilH lt-eet l ! M.4 a' la kai
a ti, H,,eei.M( Ha ae T .a.f 4
laaarf i Mw Hi lMe mi k a ar4
I a a. a4a.il Aat . fmm M e.a !..
a.reivwa 14 M aae 'f '
I I' a e,nr leMe
Mafeaef, (, pi, t. ea aj 4
aotis or a tim a a it Mas- ir?iM
I 1 m a mm ' ' - mi ta aw Ik Mi'l '4 :
inf.ia IM".! ea'k " Weer1-, ai iimhi I
aa I 4 t .....I mi v a'r la I
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..,.( 4-ea.a.aj aM I ka awv a! '
- V.'il e,a II I '
..i . . . .1 a f ...
a .a.
1 Weekly IisIteii OceainI.
Th OrraU.t kepubllcan Paper of th Weat,
IT iH- riwai tutma, r mwttlng lttpmblkm Msr peb
I..II ao I caa a be rete4 etoa tut t.,r sa4 hoeeal re-
r..a 4 all r.:.tnl aflaira
! L'lJ 1 asxl ibe lest ot Currant UUratwra. ImLLul
ll ia Viws,: . Ca. an4 at a ram.le I ar-f tt Vi;bv a Teef,
rt"l--- i.-irLii.i-i.-irLru i.i u u i X
j In Ultrgry Column tre equsl) I
m- mm la.... .Afaia. BL . at . I T
ri f tiot ol the ixtt megetlaet,
l($ Youth' t Vtepsrlmtnt Ii the
ftnttt of lt Una.
Ii n ,i la.l.a.iit a Mmmt mt thm t aiiee Wa4 a4 (tee
t.a heea mm 4 awlwa.a m H vim a Ike eat. laa
lee fmmmm t,rm aae mi etM .lw mm awai
a4 mm'mf rWlake4 la) I baea W Wltat a4apae w lea aa4a el
Ika Ml a mi mm Aiieakaar ataiae IM aal aiai aaaaa
i e lea t.irU la fie
('all, fet.e. f. aa'a -a
..f Ilea larV.ee, a..e.M a.'-. U-e,. A,. . . I III, T t J-Lrl'- 1 M
1 Will a(,, M Ik. J. t I U i-S I
J Til Mf isl U.Uita
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la e t
rsa ti; ., a a. cs
tl 4Ui ft;L...
r-ea ef fHI'a M a1
r 4 i t m.i
i a i at t a4a t,
N as ea. fm
I: a u. e
St aaf few
AS4rae VMS MTkH Of C I . f !.