Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 15, 1896, Image 4

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    TO THB
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
is a
and it Mm mutt st eoMi anS
audtfen elianti change.
It can b cored by a pleasant
remedy which ia applied di
rectly Into the nostrils. Be
ing qnicklT ataaorbad it (fires
relief at once.
Ely's Cream Balm
U acknowledged to be the moat thorough core for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay fern of all
remedies. It onene and eleansea the naaal passage.
allays pain and Inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tect! the membrane from colds, restores the senses
of taste and smell. Price 60e. at Druggists or by mail.
SLX HHUTUM.HO, 60 Warren Street, Hew Xoia
18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear.
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 8 Days For
For (all detail call on 0. K. A N.
Agent ta Ueppner, cr address
Oen.Faaa. Agt.
Portland. Obboon.
E. McNEIlL, President and Manager.
quick Tiivraa t
It stands first Bmong "weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of oon
tents. It is praotically a daily at the low
prioe of a weekly ; and its vast list of
ubseribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign conn
tries will vouch for the aocuraoy and
fairness of its news oolumns.
It is splendidly illustrated and among
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
Amerioan and English authors,
Con an Doyle, Jerome E, Jekomb,
Stanlm VVeyman, Mart E. Wilkinb,
Antuont Hope. Bret Harts,
Bramdbr Matthews, Eto.
We offer this unequaled newspaper
and The Gazette together one year for
$3.26. The regular subscription prioe of
the two papers is 3 50.
Simple and Direct Method Employed by
the Nea force Indians.
An old custom was revived by the
Xez Perces Indians and their visitors
during the celebration on the last
Fourth of July, says the Morning Cre
gonian. The natives of the local tribe
are very wealthy people, and thei-e arc
designing mothers amo:-g the aborig
ines as well os in the different elnssts
of civilized society.. The young bucks
of the Xez Perces tribe ere regarded
Bcmewhat like the scioni of royalty in
matrimonial circles. The maidens from
ull visiting tribes were brought to I.ap
wai to find husbands. The customs of
the tribes, which were revived for the
occasion, were more effective than the
Boston man's way.
The marriageable maidens were by
common accord quartered in a selected
spot in the valley of the Lipwai. At an
Appointed hour the young men who
wanted wives to share their annuities,
their homesteads and the affections of
their hearts appeared in procession on
the hallowed camp ground. The hour
was midnight, and the scene was in a
grove of trees mode fragrant by the
wild flowers, and every heart danced to
the music of the rippling waters. The
young men morched forth, and none
but candidates for matrimony-joined
the march. They were dressed in theii
brightest colors, and each carried a
white willow cane. As they approached
the tents they chanted an Indian chorus
that was tis doleful as the song of the
owl, and kept time by beating upon the
tents with their cones. The drumming
was deafening to the distant spectator
and must have been distracting to the
vvniting maidens in the tents. At last
the singing and the drumming had the
desired effect.
The maidens came forth, nfter a delay
just long enough to satisfy that uni
versal passion of the mind of a worn-
pii to drive a lover mod with doubt.
There were more men than maidens.
The, former kept up the march and the
milsic without. The minidens counter
marched on the line of the same circle,
each selecting a husband from the (inc.
The chosen ones Wstened to follow
their brides away into the darkness.
The unfortunate suitors were left to de
spair. cigarettesfgrTen tea.
Enormous Capital Invested in
Blcyolea In This Country.
An Industry Thai Has drown to Mam
moth proportions In a raw Year'
Time Coat to the Maker
j. and Ueere.
Scin Frnnolsoo
And all point la California, via the Mt Bhasta
ronie or 'oe
Southern Pacific Co
thronch California to all
Grand Homiio Rout
The treat Bichway
Dointa East and Month.
or in ramno uoaai, ruuinen nonet
Bleepera, Beoond-laae Hleepere
Attached to express train, affording anperior
aoonmssnrlatinns for eaoonii-elaaa DaMenawra.
For rataa, ticket, sleeping oar reservations, 1 3 AstOf PlZkCC
R. koKHI.EK. Manaicnr, K. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Gen. F. 4 V. Agt., Portland, Orecou
Published Every Saturday
New York
TiiroiiKh rullman Talara "lee ers.
rnurlat Iimts and Fre Reclining Chair
Cart DAILY to I IiU.hK'.
Many hours tared via tl.lt line to Kastcrn
IU It. BAXTER, GVn. Agmt,
1'ortltiwl, Orrgon,
J. C. HART, Agrnt, Ilfppner, Ortyon.
U4 toUntiflo Awlcta
M A Yl Tuot ,
Oaj PAVtaTS,
The Outlook will be in 1897. as it has
been durlDg eaoh of its twenty seven
years, a Uistory of Our Own Times. Id
its various editorial departments The
Outlook gives oompaot review of the
world's progress; it follows with care
11 the important philanthropic and in
dustrial movements of the day; baa a
complete department of religious news;
devotes much space to tba interests of
the home; reviews oarrent literature;
furnishes cheerful table-talk about men
od things: and, in short, aims to give
frrsb information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with the fifty flifth volume,
the paper will assume the regular maga
zine sir., which will add greatly to its
oonveuicnoe and attractiveness. Tbe
Outlook ia published every Saturday
fifty-two issues a year. The first istue
In each month it an Illustrated Magstins
Number, containing about twice as many
pages aa tba ordinary issue, together
witb t large number of pictures,
Tba prioe ol The Outlook Is three
dollars a year Id advanoe, or Iras Ibao a
cent a day.
Head for a specimen copy sod illustrat
ed prospectus to Tba Outlook, 13 Astor
Neee, New Yotk Oil v.
Ontario-Burns Staoc Line
They Tell TJa That They Are Now Smoked
In "Society."
The green tea cigarette has arrivi-d,
and promises to cuuse greater ravages
than its predecessor, the slender roll of
alleged tobacco, which now poisons the
air almost everywhere in Asia, Europe
and American. The person who first
discovered that green tea would smote
ia responsible, suys the New York Jour
nal, for milions of disoidered nerves,
stomachs and heads, but ia probably
too far gone in adoration of the ener
vating habit to feel any remorse. Al
ready the new fnd has taken posses
sion of England; it will soon atornithe
walls of Paris, and before we civn
fortify against it here we shall be be
sieged. It will penetrate the boudoir
of the ladies, and even the strait-laced,
orthodox public will see no harm in
an Innocent tea cigarette. But none
the less a deodly peril lurks within it.
New arena for the growth of tea are
constantly opened up in the east, and
the product will le pushed with all the
energy of merchants determined to
make fortunes. We can even foret.te
the time when to every pound of tea
purchased for legitimate consumption
an a cheering anil nonlnehrluting lever
age the subtle grocer will add the
dainty package of tea cigarettes, en
veloied in piicr covered with pretty
Chincae or Cej lonese designs, thus Ulg
Ing the entrance of the lmon into the
household. There is but one conien
anting feature in the whole buHluexa,
and t tint is that at its worst the tea
cigarette can neter furnish an ef
fluvium n stifling oh that of the Amer
ican p.iT roll with which every office
lwy ilelilieratcly exiws hla lungs to
(Mtrtiul paralysis daily.
How ne
W Hir.OTK.il" n4 rW rUMtat ni.
I ON a to l r.-.iar. as ..
fH.l4 . I' aprMrtti flta M. Im.rt(
a raMM.MM ! ffe raw tm th
tHteiHief aey .mfvpawft
vi iia.t it, !., ay 1
itisiww adm.a Vi a
- MMN.M, tal W.4Sf, Jl.W tutklltj
lieavM Burns I al!y at A p. m. ami ar-
rlvea at (Hilario ta il boor.
Sinalo Fnro $7.00.
HlilwaaKeB & SI. Paul R'y noundTnp $10.00
nr"ii lltM - WV l'M M'
iwnxs CAXYOX
Imtrr Hums dallr, tnM P'lB.Ur ranrt
at iifiMi t tir a. ttli llffiMtwr ali.iHwint
Mrl rH 1.1 liiWrt. fttuA I'ortlaM t tumw la
nil ili m.iil.s rilueilil ! lAteilesi
( at K urns.
Menace to Catch
I BBsrMi
Tln seal ia prolialily theclumalratan.
Iinal In tlio world, an.vs thf ew ior
Iteconb r. lie likes to bank In the sun
nil day and hen he nnr he Is exceed
'ngly slucglsh and awkward. It liaa
often tcrii won.rerl how thU anlmnl
liiRiioires to aecur lt favorite food,
wild M'l fowl.
S.a gull arc ao wild that tl is dim
cult even for man to get within guitahot
of one. The ami rma to reollre that
li would I a want of time to attempt
to rrnwl tip on the gH ,hry rr1
ilium the water and catch them una-
1 . ... . . .1.. n
Hurra. rf ! waina- iipm ""
nrw arwrinir alowlv through the air awl
,.e to the war. Then the aeal llea
to the tara and awltui tinderiirath tlu
watrr fir .iih ibatance. By the tim
lie baa inanaa- d to aw itti aNiut I"" feet
the gull haa forgotten the prrarnce of
U rneiny. Thi gr the ral hU op
Mrtunity. Be cuiloMly rs the
kurfiu of the water at nie llatance
from the .lnl st wh h hw tlivrsl. and
allow nirrrly the tip of M great a"
toaprr aUie thp wnlrr.
ItrinaUiing In this oitMitt, he give
I.I nioriiHiii t"ly a rotory itMitUm. so
that hU ma .f ril rlrrle on the
tnrfai-r ..f I lie i.rin. lie dura thla
Some of the larger companies have
capital invested in the manufacture
of bicycles alone aggregating $G,0OU,000.
Yet, as has been shown, these firms are
but a tithe of the whole, and the indus
try is growing larger and more wide
spread every day.
"Judging from the capital invested
in our own concern," said the manager
of one of ticse films to me, "I should
say that $30,000,000 to $40,000,000 would
be a conservative computation of the
amount of capital invested in the bi
cycle industry in this country. And this
is for the manufacture of bicycles alone.
1 do not include those necessary ac
cessories saddles, lamps, bells, chains,
tubing and odd parts. The nianufac
lure of these articles has necessitated
the building of specially constructed
plants attached to existing factories,
and, of course, the employment of many
nundreds of additional hands. In these
reinforcements I do not think 1 am
overestimating when I Fay that an
other $10,000,000 or $15,000,000 has
been invested in the last three or four
years, and with perfectly satisfactory
'."There is, however, a peculiar and
altogether unlooked for change in proc
ess. When the industry started upon
its truly remarkable course bicycle
makers were unprovided with ma
chinery and tools for the manu
facture of certain parts of the wheel,
such, for instance, a-s those made with
screw machinery. This was alniosl
entirely done by one firm, whose bur.i
iess in consequence increased enor
mously. Necessity is the mother of
invention, you know, and as it soon
became evident that these parts could
be made more cheaply than they could
be bought there very quickly aro:-c
bright engineering geniuses in nearly
every establishment who set them
selves to the invention of new and im
proved machinery with which to make
them on the parent premises."
"I do not fear contradiction," said
the manager of one of the largest ath
letic sundries concerns in the country
to me, "when I declare my belief that
there is not a trade in the United Stutea
that has not leen beneflciully affected
by the bicycle industry. Why, even
i he butchers are benefited by the im
proved health and healthier appetite
of the people. Members of every trade
have found it to their advantage to
invest some money in one of the many
necessary adjuncts to the bicycle pns
"The leather goods people have found
it necessary to invest in a special class
of goods favorable to the manufacture
of saddles, bags, valines nnd such like
sundries. The shoemuktrs now make
specially designed shoes, legging?, etc
The glovemakers are affected. Watch
makers manufacture and keep on sale
cyclometers nnd such like instruments
of precision. Photographic apparatus
makers turn out eclnlly designed
cameras. Woodworkers nnd cane'
workers and cork cutter, engravers,
lockMniths and newpiiers all have
found It positively nccesrnry to Invest
more or leas capital in various branches
of the bicycle industry. The total np'
ital thus Invested, entirely outside of
the ncaiial manufacture of hleyeles.cnn
not lie far short of t20,noo,oo(l or
000,000. The Investment i spread over
an enormous nren.
A lime sum in arithmetic is neces
snry to get at the amount of money
sent by the devotees of the new pas
Prices of wlweUi vary from f.10 to
lino nnd upward; $7.1 may, therefore,
le pirtty siif- lv accepted us an average
flrt coat to the owner of a blcyrle
Put ilown another $J for such ad
junct a lump, liell, cyclometer nnd a
few liaeful, handy tool. There la Ihm.
Ibly a suit of bicycling c lothes, which
may lie rtimntr at $20, and thrn for
the simple rr mi I r that rrmv lie needed
while on a long trip and awny from the
regular repair aboiii of the Maker
Thre are not likely to encred $.1 In a
year. The guaranty given w ith all bl
cycles covers ,!! ordinary relra not
the result of rarrleaatiraa or acrldent
ranted by the owner. Toirethrr these
auina, which Include first cost, amount
to $i)5. Now by the end of the sea
son a rider may Iw tired of hla "bike"
or sits one he !ike better, and wlshea
to m.jte an exchange. Ill old machine
and to $Vi w ill procure Mm a brand
new one of the latest model, Itrncf wr
may take II that the annual expense of
keeping Metrle, Inrliwlte of flrt
Co t, is about liO, or, any. ft per week.
Thla, of coiirae, dors not Include re
freshment on journey, hotel and
othrr Incident! espeaaea. N. Y. Herald.
Mn of Fe!ln-s T!i;it Traccn It Ancestry
to lu'.lcncft'.leuto Hull.
As a historical ftiuvr nir the cat is a
decided nolty, which comes from tbe
sacred shedow of Independence hall,
says the Fhludulj.iiio liccord. Some time
ngo people v. hose business took them
through the historic old hnll nr-d the
surrounding tiquare frequently saw a
colony of common looking cats loafing
about in that vicinity. All thew nni-
rutls could trace their ancestors tcck
to a couple cf fjood ratters which bin'
teen introduced into the c.iI'aiM of t!u
old hall to depopulate the rodents which
thrived and fattened there. The cats
cleaned out the one nuisance, and be
came nuisances in turn. They w ;
oared lor and fed by a colored man
named Charley, employed in the sheriff's
office. When the animals 'increased
si rapidly as to threaten to oven un ihc
place Charley conceived a i ruiii.nt :dc-a.
He decided to turn the cats into money,
lie "four.d :cos le were willirjc to jv.y a
Uigli r.s one dollar for a cut Lorn and
reared in Independence hall. He socn
disposed of all butonc or two of the cats.
These few Survivors w vip l?f t. in the hcli
when the aheirit's offics r:ovcd up to
the city ball and took Charley with it.
Leading dealers
everywhere sell
Don't risk the loss of time, labor and gronnd
or planting Beeus 01 unxoowD qual
ity. The market is tnii 01 cnBap,
unreliable seeds. FERRY'S KtOI
areilways the best; do not accept
substitute. Heed Annual t res.
, FERRY Sl CO. i
BaasTrt Tan
: I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its bmely usa
thousands or nopeiess cases nave ucru aucuj
permanently cured. Sr proof-positive am I
of its pwer tnat 1 consider it my duty to
una hattla free to those of your readers
who have Cxmsumption,Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, it ttiey win write me weir
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T A. SLOCniff. HI C i& rxari di new inra.
jg- The Editorial ana easiness Management ox
tnis raper uuarsiiiiev wu ,ukvu. . . uv..
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-
ent business conducted for MoDERATC FttB. i
Oun Ornci is Oppositi; U. 8. Patent O tficc
and we can secure patent ia less tune than those
Send model, drawing or pnoto., wiia Descrip
tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
a Pamphlet now w uoiaiu i Ltw, ......
cost of samo in' the U. S. and foreign countries
sent free. Address,
Opp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C
The comparative valu of tha tweeardw
I known to moat person.
They illustrate that frssUr quantity ia
Not always moat to b desired.
These card express the beneficial qual
ity of
Ripans Tabules
4a compared with anjrprviouIyknoral
Ripens Tabulea: Price, 30 cants a boa,
Of druggists, or by mail.
V 'Ssfc.Dotrolt, Mich.
Cummings &c Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
nnifhlnplt west of the Union Donot of
O.. C. M. & Bt. P., V. 61 A., r. n. w. at t;
C. B. &
and tho 0. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8t.,
D. C. for their J1.800 prise offer.
The regular subscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tba
regular price of the Weekly Oregonian
is 81.60. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year i
advanoe can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for 53.50. All old int.
sertberi paying their subscriDtions tcr
one year in advanoe will be entitled U
the same.
Naw Fbkd Yabd. Wm. Gordon hat
opened up tbe feed yard next door to
tbe Gazette office, and now solicits
share of your patronage. Billy is right
at home at this business, and yout
horses will be well looked after. Price
reasonable. Bar and grain forsale. If
Send your name for a Souvenir
of the Works of Eugene Field,
tbe Eugene field monument Souvenir
The most beatitllut Art Production of the cen
tnrv. "A small bench of the most Irairsat ef bins.
soais fsthcrca from ins oroaa acres 01 nugenv new
Fsrm of Lore." Contains a selection of the most
beautiful of the poems of Eugene Field. Hand
somely Illustrated oy imny-nve 01 me wunu
Greatest artiste aa their contribution to the Mon
ument Fund. But for the nobis contribution, of the
srsat artl.ta this book could eot have beta msaufac-
tend for I7.00. For sale at cms stores, or scui
nreraid nn receint of li.lo. The love off erina to
the Child's Poet Laureate, published by the Com
mittee to create a fund to build the Monument
and to care for the family of the beloved poet.
Eugene Field Monument Souvenir fund,
50 Mopcot Street, Chlcai, I
,IfMIu TJTAV'-7,Vliiir r
cine COAST
THK rifROXTCI.K ranks with tbe froateet
ariMiMinrra in the United mat.
THK I'lIKOMCt.K has no equal on tli Pein
Cnaat. It leads all In ability, enterprise and now.
TIIK CHKOSlfl.K'N Telnaraptil Hepurt are
the latest and most reliable, it Loral News the
rtitlrst and solclnst, and It Kdltuhais from Uia
abli'si pt'ns In tho eiHintry.
TIIK I'll HUM K1I.K has alwara been, and alwars
will he, the friend and champion of the poils a
aaamat ooniiHnsiioiis, clbim-a. roruoratluns, or
oiirimnit nr kind. It will be ludrpeudsal
lu everxtlUiig ueulral la noUilua.
To persons who served in the war. of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
in vr,,iar..i u willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
fWrite for laws and complete information.
Mo Fee unless successful.
No Charge for advice.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AV1RETT, General Manaier,
61S P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
JT. H.-Thll Cnmpnntl 1$ control ltd 6y -rnrly on thtnmtnd Uadlng ntwf
jMiprrt in the Vnilrd Htnltm, and it yuanmuta oj mem.
;! peiGii
t! FSiRE
m BPip
Attorneys tt
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
n 1 l ! !! in 1 it
(inrnii!) wmm nrnmurn
VviUIII'JIM lllivi vsitva a
era inn dn
V II v w
Nrarly four ftflli of tlsr aubruarlne
inblra of tie wvrUI arv in the hand of
Ilrttish iHiniporii' a, ba own a H-.c'h"f
iHire than I .".' mtlr f raith', Ini.l at
tint tif ntrr C .1i,iai,ial. (if 1 1 rabk
ami) tl Allanti to America, rrartre
0 W a V -jT )
ha one and t.rral tVtisiin trn, blr ao
aklllfullv that to the full hi mn l..V 1llei' " 1-rHish rablra that nine
l.lm a flat, al t.lav. Tbia rolrlsra the " "I rTr wrV"m
sr die-
jJ .Ji
Glanco at this Map
Cm4 Arroe&'-aUliui U htzpn,
ll.roojh Uatas oa tbe (I. IL A N. lll
rua via. I'm at ills, Walla Walla and
I'rnJUtofl. Tbrongb slevpera, first sad
Mkwd elaae, will too la emiarpll with
tba rain rac lfle, tbe aam as bereU
fiire, A IbroagB Bit etaae alaepr I'of t
land t H-aaea, e'aa.ii: tilth tb
flratelaM aler ttt M. I'aal, aa. a
thrfHi(a atittrtat alaepat I'oftlaad to Ml.
I'aal, trill ran la aerttoa with tbe
(Ireal Niwtbem failaay If
gulf eye, and II al onr ilerl .Fine")
with Un- nl f an rtn . aiming
Itaigtit f-r tb III 1 to l..t. The al
vri it cHHiting ami ainh a frw inrftr,
nnd aa I 1m- mill alnUr th water with
llrnKi'buia fir Itw a!' Js rb
i erd and tbe gill iliprs.
Httrbrd r'
lsr fwr
ltMil.tf the trrr Issas In I hfland
thrrv ate1 .tiur sirsi iMtMa rrgaHl
ng the U i'f bulssrt ami alf, A
Human a. lrn.i,l ap ld t.t nr nf H
..i,..,rt tiiaritrlr thei rlirf ilar t
.i brr tshi-lhrr at, err ( I lr
Id tsaslt twr hnlr ahiru, aad
tnr.l S.f f if. l. Irtra lbt ! fee
r ll.e t tiirrn, Mllik sn-t H fan! tail
vet a4 e. it wiarMHi on alt lisnaw I
tiMoial Dm -4 aa. raal M 1 , a4 1
f.MM thai It I'ii4si IWIital Vila elev. I
ttll a4 besUj s-l asas. 1 1 .ift le I
- . . .1 fe. a t ii.., s.ji.. .hi
aH-e k r. m.i( .k. . i.t Hfe sad .aal, wmit
te4k kmtit, Was t.ti. ratiit Ur I day tei4 liaiy sa.l leatiaa; every I
4 iw 4ut aee tM -hH la iKe i4 j,f MM, i Kaadav. Ht.Wil and
Wall. TV mi a rt ! Uleei
M ll-W S'S tM I Si. Int
a w, a4 m eate tae - lasart-M
aiasi tt ttavtis a-,Vtit r. earn 1 1
twtM,V"'f l"tM Shl riMI
whet rt I tef riin4 om i
, I . r ll.f ll.rfiaytMI, M . lM
r I. tl't.T. C.el .(,
I tiv tsav A fat,
fvr'tite. nt.a
4 r..U la lbs ltnf.
ttrtk, (!
Ob A
TM I tws trr"""
! rre4 i4 W , stasia-
a . at4 lll t- twaiM? ta
sM -Uf t aiV) a4 Hat I t r
1 11, t im ImIh. i meat Aifmrn-
Mate ! (! a-M-is M U I!
I Li I BiMliriA
U r. M, Vm tV tMy
U J.4,!.U. if rMler',
rmsaM I H - tlalaa a. I
j4 kal aar Isrt
Ad Uo aro eipwel to ba, ltrl4
ta eltM anil U sU4 to kaosr thai llaary
N. IVep, tba Waaaiefkaa, U Uat
laay, baa rvtd CT' IVatpwiot's
Maaaat. Tbe aaiaef alof ioal pv of tbe
ntk ha ih aim wt tirlv rriMa
bf Cabrada atala eaeia aaa has
badyeartaf aipevteeea ee ! f ""
aaasjer aa J pertataaJeal of stia) aaJ !
rnlt4 HUie earwyer.
Tb bx k ta txlar traiia na ae
ear las aa4 tatafbr. an J all ta
l4 awfal a ail mka tat) l satsMvet
anlnsav TV teat 't ef tba fitM
tba IVlM Hata aslataf laa a4 ref-
UtioM, Wn Is) IneaU a1 lilrsf a !'
las etaita, artnaa ! 4 rt.i !
abl lataraaaisna. Tbe avtea ta Si)
al srtmJ bMk ta, at tba
Mf Ma t, Twai I'al4.
The Weekly Chronicle
Tl! trti i Vee'Jj b lis Ctt.trj.
S1.50 l b
Leavin Alder Ntreet IVek. Portland, for Astoria, Iltraoo, Loaf Beaeh, Oonas
I'ark sad Nabcntta. Direel sonneettoa wltb llaseo ateensers end rail
road ; also at Yonog't Bay with Sea bora IUilroa4.
tave l'ortlan4 T A. M. Datlr. treH Hundsr. Uavea Astoria J P. M. Dally, icpt Suodsf .
I ltrs rortlaiMt P. M tHillr. tMT Sandsf. amrlar nlsht II t. f. Imtm Astoria Dallr t
el A. M., esorftaumlaiatv Moaisr. kundar Bight. 7 r. M.
Ibarra fn1!n4 anl runs tlrwt In lltsara, Tltar a4 Thur4ay Utl.M. SMnrAar al I P. M.
Imih llaara nriotoiar ani rrwiaf at ( m . m. un sinar nif at at r. at.
Fae Cberlri la Biilrcil Drtlulioi Ml Bfirkfl Frrt tf Ixvt
fat Mrij, Srwt, Coeoloft, Plraaara, Ttorsl e th Toiephon, Bailey Oftlaert am Oraaa ..
Ih: Eeeley Institute
For tho Curo oa
Liquor. Opium u4 Tobacco Habits
II la orsta4 al Salees, Ortsoa,
Taa Jafuef Drauliful Town 9m tAe 0t
Call at Ik nirre a fa asirfWalaie
arkrtiseaHiB4tiUi. tfsiiasaal pntat aa1 Mre
ll-i4 1
l at pm is I aiw4
I M 4 M W
Ttta rnl V na.i I e. ws.m-
M- .-.,,- m Sfce
aeM r.t at me tv
t I sw.m .mm ISn.w
Smi. SlMI a4.la rtl.l
RA.MrLI CJMtS SaNf f R it.
IMI YMT want Tin:
Reversible Map ?
. a
Itk Maiheat U .ll al Ih aid eUed
tt ib' le tba pistt office, ak b le
prlr4 ta da aatttinf ta t lla.
nb a. bair It t.s' boti' a . al
v is la taa taa t
ltt le etlf4 Uaib feai Tui
14 tu 4iiii-a. Tl.a im)i al
lb t'aana I'aMaW see aatIUj lr.k
et. Uyta, ft litaa, t
tn.f W. I wtttrJ a , t,faf S e. eas bl, ltria.li IjM
( kttriBj, ll-4.Ai Ml- I ,.4 e, atteo r.laet It. .t(ra
jf' Crm fm'm U lb a-U-t I j f, a I tfKa a-a.1 II
tun, t w etl 4 ..'. a- w-tf J as; fj,, Mft. AU V- ,' I "I
IMf a t, rf rtS ' IvhI, Vff
r e kM.r .i.w-... "II I i
rs f. ifb if s-t 4'PeA. I at
The Uclte J SuiM, DcEiaion of
CiokJt ati4 Northern Meiico
trt aillit,
j Sa ta
Map of tho World
0 ittK 01 lit 11 ait r.
a4 $ a4 ta Hep 4
fcit I krmli t f n tear,
p.4t .l I l ! rB
OF . . .
ll to Ailvcrtifcrs :it a (rcat financial sacri
. 1 - - 1 1
ice. lounccuu in your ousincss, .inn as a
matu r of htiMHcs vc must sell it.
Tut: I'atikkk rfw.J5iu.N0 Co.
f- J'ttlM tt