Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 15, 1896, Image 3

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With Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, tt8alee Talk," and
show that this medi
cine has enjoyed pnblio confidence and
patronage to a greater extent than accord
ed any other proprietary medicine. This
la simply because it possesses greater
merit and produces greater cures thsn
any other. It is not what we sav, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tell;
the story. All advertisements of HoodV
Sarsaparilla, iike Hood's Sarsaparilla it
self, are honest. We have never deceives
the public, and this with its supei luU .
medicinal merit, is why the people ha
biding confidence in it, and buy
Almost 'to the exclusion of all others. Try '
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mi1-
u rn are the only pills to ti ,
rlOOa S PUIS with Hood's Sarsapan'
Now that the great politloal campaign
is over and tbe winter season ogain with
us, all will want bo adequate snpply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
-long evenings. - Cogoizint of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE la. 50 and
Weekly Oregonlan, 11.50...
,-. " 8. F. Examiner, tl.50...,
" N. Y. Tribune, 11.00
( " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 ,
" - 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. WorJd, $1.00
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50
Leslie's Weekly, HOO.i... 5.00
Club Rate
.... 13.50
.... 8.75
.... 8.00
.... 8.25
' .."yt.vy f: r
12 ilLIS IS IZ13 19 '
2l)2L222i2125 2
27222SW03lmWo' ll
'. Here and There.
' RulDb Beoge dropped iu 8ualay from
Social Ridge.
Loo Leather! was dowo from Dard
man last Sajnrdsj.
Tom Eixitbliy and sister were np from
Lei ins too Saturday. '
Dr. McFsul baa entirely recovered
from bis recent illness.
J. D. French and wife were over from
Butter creek on last Friday.
IU ports from tba mountains iodioata
a heavy fall of aoow op there.
Jae. Mulr is dowo from Umatilla
county lo visit be relatives .
Drink tba celebrated J. II. Cotter
wblskejr. On tap at Chria Borcbers'.
Hoo. II. V. Oatet and wifa left Friday
for' polo Is la Eastern Ore goo aod Hbo.
Milt Uorsaa cama over from Walla
Walla 8ao4y aod left laal nlbl for
Tom Williams aod Tom Briarly cams
la Saturday from Loot Creek for
Baggage aod peaaeegare t aod from
tba depot at balf prwa. rWa CbreUw
gargicl ; if
8o w last aigbt eo tared lltppoar't
bittav bet a II la vary warm it will aol
leaf looff.
. Qteetaf pargeat will baol peeerofera
"aod baa-gage to a ad frosa tba dpot at
balf rtfea. tf
Too will find Ibal ton will t treated
all rtgbl deaa at tba Had Light eelooa.
Call oo tba boys
WUge WbaUtaae. bila ehopflni
veud laat weak, bad tba misfnrtoaa
Ml bto band vary badly.
Ifaek partiaa aad aeastepar wiwk
3at go lgr ibar sad bea aea mat
Ur la a lillla aby io tbie leee.
IIstUob Cammlaga wee la It
llanimaa neiordet at! Head 00
biatne tuboacUd otlb bis bumMtrad
Jobe K LtlbrofS of Trtidlrtoo, ba
tea eletd r balrmeo of lb doorf lis
fetreJ eoranlttee, of I'wetllle mo oil
viae IV T tWatie abo reeitae ta areuaal
of raxtal from tba roao'y.
For sale About thirty tons ot rye
bay, located about two and ooe-balf
miles of Hardman. Also 400 acres of
good range, fenoed, to go with same.
Plenty of outside government range
near at hand. Shelter for 2,000 bead of
sheep or large band of cattle. Good
house on plaoe. Call on Gazette offloe
for particulars. A rare chance to get
bay oheap. All signs iodioate a hard
winter aod delays are dangerous. tf
The Gazette will take eorip on sub
scription, at faoe value, and (jive highest
market price for balanoe, if there be
any due. Or it will pay the highest
market price for scrip belooginc to those
who do not owe oa, and who desire to
subscribe for tbe Gazette for one year,
allowing face value for 82.50. This is
fair and yon ail want thrt news.
Settlers will have to buy io their, rail
road land by Jo.l, 1897. or lose it.
However, subsequent relief will probably
be granted by special act of congress so
tbat those wbo have paid the double
price tor land oao get 160 aores each for
the amount due them. These settlers
have fairly earned tbe lands and should
not lose them.
E. O. : Rev. D. W. Yoakum, of Baker
City, aod family, are guests ot J. M.
Bentley. Mr. Yoakum is a representative
in tbe legislature from Baker oountj and
says he is for a silver man, demoorat, re
publican or populist, anything to elect a
silver man to tbe United States senate.
E. O.: Episcopal services will be held
in Beppner at tbe M. E church Friday
evening, Deo. 18th, at which time Bishop
Morris, ot Portland, expects to be pres
eut to administer tbe rite of confirma
tion. Rev. W. E. Potwine will also be
present on that occasion.
Tbe lady traveling for the Chicago
Costume House, of Portland, who furn
ished tbe suits for tbe ball on tbe 14th,
will be io Heppner at th9 Hotel Palace,
00 the morning of December 23rd, and
will be prepared to rent oostumes for
tbe Christmas ball. 3t
E. O. : A landslide occurred 00 the
O. R. k N. line between Pendleton aod
Portland Friday night. It was not ex
tensive, and may not delay trains any,
as it was tbongbt tbe debris oould be
cleared away by 10 o'clock this morning.
Ed. R. Bishop, successor to Tbe Mo
Farland Mercantile Co., is still on deck,
giving great bargains in all hues. Tbe
stock mnat be closed out, and it is sur
prising how oheap things are. Call ou
them. Frank MoFarland, salesman.
Rev. D. W Yoakum and wife, of Ba.
ker City, aod Mrs. J. M. Bentley.of Pen-
dleton, are visiting with the family ot
S. Wells. Mr. Yoakum is a member
f tbe legislature from Baker oounty
aod is 00 his way to Salem.
Tbe Lad lea' Aid Society ot the
Christian ohuroh will give a aocial at
the opera bouse on Wednesdsy evening,
Dec. 30th Tber promise you a good
me. Admission will be free. Don't
orget the date. ' tf
Hiok Mathews aod V. Qeotry, uoder
tbe firm name of Malbewa & Gentry,
are associated together io tba bvber
busioeas in the new atsad, two doors
south of the postoffloe. They aolioit
call. If.
The Woman's Cbrisliao Temoeranoe
Union will meet at tba home ot Mrs
Edna Hlooum tomorrow (Wedoeaday) at
air past Iwo 0 clock. All ladies cor
dlally weloomed.
' Royal Diamood, Pto Fired Japan, on
colored. The best 25s tea evsr sold lo
Heppner. P. 0 Thompson Co- tbe
leader. It
tats Ukc hold lunik
Mr. Grocer, and dance I
We've got some bcautifu
business fur you and with
you. and far and with your
Sih mint's Uat s the
tea "Pay every cutomtr
money Hack that don't like
it We'll pay you.
There money in it
It Was a Grand Saocesa in Every Partica
lar Elegant Costumes Not the Exemption.
Last night's masque party, given by a
committee ot Heppner ladies, was a
Oomplete suocees io every particular.
The ball waa bicely prepared for the oc
casion by Mr. S. P. Garrignes, the music
by tbe orchestra composed of Mr. Cbas.
Ingrabam and Mrs. W. J. Wattenberger,
was excellent, while Mr. W. J. Watten
berger officiated io the capacity of oaller
to tbe entire satisfaction ot all.
Tbe costumes were the grandest ever
seen ic Heppner, tbe whole assemblage
presetting a very gay and attractive ap
pearance. Shakespearean charsoters,
representatives of various nationalities
atid elegantly attired, were numerous.
But tbe most successful disguise was
that assumed by Mis. Ed. R Bishop,
that of a little boy. No one knew ber
and her part was well taken. a
Oor reporter endeavored to ascertain
tbe names of those present, together with
characters assumed, and, as given to
him, are as follows:
Wtu. Dunn, Italian ; Green Matthews,
none; Mrs. E. R. Bishop, boy; S. Kins
man, Old Uuole Ned; D A. Herreo, Le
vite; Mrs E. W. Rbea, fairy; M. B.
Galloway .Spaoish Troubadour jMrs.Gao.
Thornton, bride; George Thornton,
clown; Mrs. Duttoo, sunfbwer; A. W.
Patterson, George Washington; E. W.
Rhea, warrior; Lesley Matlock, Romeo;
Ada Jones, Japanese; Florence Critten
den, faoe; Mabel Leezer, music; Mrs.
Frank MoFarland, peasant girl; Arthur
Minor, Davy GrocKett; Frank MoFar
land, Arabian; Ada Minor, spider; Etta
Minor, two beaded girl; E. R. Bishop,
Mexican; J. N. Brown, beggar; Miss
Bartlett.pres; Miss Farnswortb, domino;
Mrs. May Minor, Gypsy Queen; Anna
Spencer, spring; Mrs. Phil Coho, Mar
guerite; W. E. Brock, Robinbood; Mrs.
W. E Brock, black domino; Lena Rbea,
butterfly; Mrs. Henry Blaokman, Aunt
Diuab; Mrs. W. A. Richardson, spring;
W. A. Richardson, baseball; H. W. Bar
tholomew, woman; W. W. Bartholomew,
clown; E. E Bartholomew, clown; Otis
Patterson, Cardinal Woolsy; Mrs. Wm.
Duno, none; Mrs. Kiusmao, none; Mrs.
H. W. and Walter Bartholomew, bride
and groom; F. E. Bartholomew, cIowd;
Robt. Hind, Indian; George Noble,
Unole Sam; George Conspr, Uermany;
Abe Joues, Irishman; John Hornor,
olowu; S. W. Speuoer, none; H E War
reu. down: J. Myers, clown; Mrs. Coo
sor, Spanish lady; W. R Itwin, Obuob
siao; Frank Rberte, Texan; Mrs. E. L.
Freeland, nurse girl; Mrs. J. N. Biown,
Gypsy fortune teller; Mrs. Greeo
Matthews, nun; E. L. Freeland, domino;
Mrs. D A. Herren, popcorn fcirl; Mrs.
F. K Bartholomew, spring.
op a little augar and water, with whisky
on top ot it, Tom just chopped it off with
a batobet like taffy, sprinkled a little
sugar thereon and aerved it on a plate.
It it hadn't obinooked so soon the whole
barrel would have been aaved. But ice
toddiea were immensely popular at Long
Creek, we can tell you.
Tbe coldest place on earth is at Mao
dao, North Dakota, wheo it is cold. All
tbe old soaks np there bave worn their
teeth down to the gums eating ice tod
diea. There's some mighty sporty boys in
town this winter who are game to back
tbe high card. Any person wanting
first class sbeepberders should be around
town at the breaking up of tbe last freeze.
Tbe way winter bae got doing this
winter it is very uncertain just what sort
of weather we are going to have next
spring. It it gets bad, lambing may be
delayed as mnob as two months.
. Piles! Pllest Itching Piles. : : .
Symptoms: Moisture; intense itobinj
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching" If allowed to continue turn
ore form wbiob often bleed and uloerate
beooming very sore. Swayne's Oint
ment stops the itohing and bleeding,
beats alceration, and an most oases, re
moves tbe tumora. . At druggists, or by
mail, for 50 cents . Dr. Swayne & Son,
An Interesting Pros ram Presented at
Close of School In District No. 3.
A. A. Cart's and family left last even
mg for their new home at Fresno, Ok I.
The best wishes of many frieoda go wilb
Cbas. Baroett returned from Coodoa
last Hatorday, having been over there 00
bnstoret eoooeoted with enlarging pie-
Livia Mottee aod wifa leave aoon for
Elkton, Colo- where Mr. McBa baa
position uoder b'a father, Cbaa. MeUoe
wbo Is aaperioteodsot of a mtoa.
Charley Parorlt will make appliea
lion for tba Lenngon poatoffioa.aod bis
petitioo. wbtcb is being circulated, baa
received oomsrons siaoaloraa.
Money -back dealing
organized honesty safety
if you prefer it
Schilling Best
aniaf it rrs
arc money-back goods.
F- W. Khc & Co.
brawa la la It
Mora Hoe. J. X. Brewa'a Mora from
Portland, ba Otsotte r0rtr baa aol
bad ao opportoaity lo latarvWw bits.
bo I from whet oor errtba roold Iter
Mr. Browo m tba moat prom in lag rapob-
lirao eaadtdate l speaker lo tba eteta
JoeMlien IWmrne eUiote e,tw 0 fttiejber
of rpbitM bat lbs (W(lte la lo
alioad t thiol lbt very few rapobtieatte
will support a as a b 1 baa Ufl tbe
party, fteQlauy lot Ida amaa
peak. Tba 0il', aa wl aa M
ttroan, eatartafaa 0 my kiadly fUti
for Mr. fuorae. bnl aa Mf. I Wo we la
straight rtbhao aad e tiling frata
Eastaro Orfa, aad Mxrrw eooaty
having ail tba ataaaaary qoalitkelM
f ir toe bffiae af epaekar, tba 0t4te
git a M frly IU eaialio4 aaart
Ua Is dM vleg f lha plara, as 4 Eart-
era Oe"0 la Ublnd bim aa bf Oand
4l, 11 ai!l lo Maftoo taaaly
itb aa ! a tbao aay mw rpitilt
too aad Ikia Maar tltt aUl ba ll.a
rti OoW4taaa eilhant doalt.
Mr, Ilrewa fU vary aagiM af
bta apia
riaa as laa M4
la 0 aefe U may U4
J..i'y fa iat-t.ii. CUtb la
raaaxl hj afr tUt. aa4 Ika
iif t rqo H ia t t ! bWM
llowt inpiiis aarM 1 ana
U I.W..4
- The Only Chair Car Line
To tbe east is the Uoion Pacific. East
ern cities are reached via this line with
fewer changes ot oars tbaa via other
lines Rates always tbe lowest. Tiokets
to or from points in tbe United States.
Canada, or Europe fur sale by R. W,
Baxter, Gen. Agt., 135 3rd St., Portland.
Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., has wood
for sale. 37-tf.
A Great German's Prescription.
Diseased blood, constipation, and kid
ney, liver aod bowel troubles are cured
by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by
Wells ft Warren.
Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as
sociated together down at Charley's
old plaoe ia the tonsorial business.
Call on them and get your whiskers
pushed In.
The following very interesting pro
gram was presented 00 tbe closing day
of school out at Distriot No. 3, where
Mrs. S. A. Piokard had just olosed a
very successful term of school :
Opening address, Pearl Logan.
Summer soog, class.
Duet, "Smile nheoever You Cao,"
Mabel Logan and Pearl Logan.
Rscitation, "Kate Shelly," Mrtle Lo
gan. Recitation, "Setting a Hen," Henry
Sleighing song and tivolee, class.
Recitation, "Somebody's Mjtbe ,"
Mary Depuy.
Reoitation, "Amelia May," Mabel Lo
gan. Hong, "Little Old Log Shanty," Henry
Reoitation, James Login.
Quartette, "Those Evening Bells," H
& U. and M. & M.
Reoitation, "Two Little Kittens,"
Pearl Logan.
Recitation. "Sneezing Duet," Colonel
Dnet. "Bopeep, Mary Depuy and
Henry Paokard.
Reoitation, "Tired Housekeeper."
Myrtle Logan.
Boating song and round, class.
Recitation,"Unole Reuben's Baptism,'"
Mary Depny.
Duet, "Chants the Robin," Myrtle Lo.
gBn and ColoDel Depuy.
Dialogue, "Taking the Census," H
Paokard, Colonel Depny and Jim Lor an
Soug, "Good bye," olass.
Closing address, Mabel Logan.
Heppner to Pendleton via Heppner
Echo Stage Line. Persona desirous ot
visiting Pendleton oan save time and
money by taking this route. By ao
qualnting tbe agents the previous even
ine the stage will make connection with
2 o'clook train Bt Echo for Pendleton
Offloe at City Drug Store. W. D. Lokp
Proprietor. 1
Old People.
Old people wbo require medicine to
regalate tba bowels and kidneys will
find the trno remedy in Ele:trio Bitters.
This medioioe doea not atimulata and
contains no whisky nor other ioloxioant,
but acts aa 0 tooio aod alterative. It
acta mildly on tba storoioh aod bowels,
adding strength and giving tone to the
oruaos. thereby aiaiog maiore 10 10a
performance ot tbe fnootiona. Eleotrio
Bitters is ao excelled appetiser aod aids
digestion. Old People Sod it just ex
ao'lr what tbey need. Prioe fifty cents
and 100 per bottle at Connor A Brock's
"81'ORT, OLD BOY."
Talks Horn Mora Akoal Things r.rtiaeat
a4 laiiiertlaeat
It ought to be understood tbat Bepp
oar propoeeo to bava 0 raoa meeting next
apriog. Heppner meetiogs ara alwss
soeoreafnl beoaoae tha people ara both
prxgraaaiva and sporty." But doo't
parmit tbia prospective meeting lo deter
soy peraoo from doing Ibeir abara to-
warda Iba completion of Iba Heppner.
Mitchell road, or Irom tekiog tha proper
loteraet lo Iba proposed telephone liaa
to Loo Greek aad Canyon City. Home
people gat "dmoooraged" ao aaaily
bao it comes to yielding op a dollar
tbat II ia really beat for oa lo remiod
oor deoiteoe of three littla things, on!
Ibat Ueppoef baa aay moeabai ks. Oh,
00! Ibay live eaewhere
Already lleppeer sporta ara planning
for tba out year's trip to Montana, to
take lo tba reree. Tbay will aaad op
soma mif bt? aood boraea, 10 additloo lo
U'g. qeaotitiee of troek Ibal cao be coo
verted, 00 abort Oolk, loto Iboea things
ao dear lo Iba beegry heart of a Urpp
eefite. Wa ara vary glad tbal tha beat
hoferarlfilealomsee. Espeolieg
lo ba Ibara aartalvea, and k Bowie f. tbal
Montana brake mao baa f real difB-
Many thousand
worth of valuable articles
two ounce bag,
coupons inside each four
ounce bag of Blackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of
this celebrated tobacco
and read the coupon-
which gives a list of val
uable presents and how
to get them.
suitable for Christmas gfj
gifts for the young and fjl
old, are to be given
smokers of Blackweli's
Genuine Durham To
bacco. You will find
one coupon inside each
and two
to m
via sslW. fill
Genuino" 1
Mrs. Julia Bradley, rrop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect.
The Trouble is Over !
We M ean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
20,000" POUNDS OF
CoiijsjIss tints of
Tablea, Chairs, Hookers, Bsdroom 8aila, DeJstaaila, Hook
Cais, Lonngps, Hofas, Bprinu Mattresses, Wool Mattressea,
Parlor Baits, Canter Tables, ate , ato. Brussels Carpets, Wool
Carpeta, Mattinga, Sideboards, Mirrors, list Hacks, Hanging
Lampa, Portieres, Pillows, DlaokeU, Htoves, etc., ato.
All the above Goods are Placed on Sale at
Half Value or Less.
Will be Sold Regardless of Cost.
Fix op ;oor hotnee at once with Htyliah Fnrnitore,
bila this opportnoity Is dffnraJ.
Wbo never lets politios interfere with husioess. At tbe
snme old stand, next door to M. Liubtentbal's.
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
J. O. BOHOHEI, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Our Holiday Disp
Our Sale on General Merchandise
Still Continues.
farmers at a diaiaara suonid eail anon.
tbrrtbjr f rtllDf a belWr aeleollon
rttlt; ia f tltla "aooia al to aat," we
Biaat a dura Iba plaa of "aamplat oa
Ibelretk. Vi tkalf I d'W la
..... - - - - - i u . Bilk W 1 ..1
osaraia'.klf.ika," Aad Ibaaear wbtakefs
til rart as II "Hoika" stx-olJ fia.aa ap
and ar sa? a word ab-.al fadia."
Iiaud -aowawei I'" aata good ap
p41ta la M Una.
As ewa aa Iba aaaw inaUa aad tba
mad drW a liMla t raaa. I O tarda,
ill U rue off tr T-aa Iarbaai aad
CJTeiWtaoa. Tba laat t taada waa
4da Ibal etbf rilj aaadrad
..,.. Thw ia atota a-o UiUtta
Iba eease ptpiiWa.
Tba vu.tbe fla-bl ka l aibaa
Iba portiaa alaaal. Jt4bla eltraila
aer b.ia a ibaa abarp. cUaa w
la(, 11 H U ) 4ma, tbakaaa,
k,a aa aa. !. bate abUl ail
'iad aa iba pnal m-i aaa ao
m aaa Ml ablb iba fatwiMa I
ft. . atm will aia it
T.m Will ia. IM all fcaaaa aH
. Lu r.l.t iHa,la laal !. I"
I. a Iba reaaal fwd ' "
.m ml Lie Im( Uiria 4
.i ui.i,..n.tt4 UnliX
.... ti.k." Ua. ee W4
t a
A Campaign
Of Education
1 j
r 1
How to Get It
Mum .
ta ba M'll Ml tnti.1 rr
IIj. M liiMalurai
Tha tM liuciif U iuita.
Laalla'a lllMtlralaa'
r-i.int.-i i tie riMk a
of. I lull of IM M Ihlkf
lis UltwOaiiMia r nt,. lu
alwtl rkis. a4 Us lK.fry
t.ri !. a Ilk
la (Sin.
wi a al' I e in e"ttr '
ll ahwiH I la f
i 1
TV tmm prirm n Laalla'a I' "
a mtt ih aatri!ii " -4 a ( (
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year lor only $5.00.
II. . h mMm m mm mm mmi. UIM k. au. k mttmrn m lit mjlm
ataia. Tk ! tv mk a awn im I bnMM m MriL Uf
( fill. m4 alii b-t'mmt fUn r4 IM lt.ri IIwi'M
IbMall kr anMal 4r a t ia U
Main Street.
You Should all See
Con)e in at Once.
Tuk Lancasiurk Insurance Co.
I. W PATTERSQS. AGKNT. "a.Miia nat v.,rii
--: WITH .
Youro HOQNJ) to Tukn 'Jim.
Lenvcs No Constipation,
Vnr h. aa aa ail llntwianM. Hu k II. .!(. aad Malaria. Tba nalv
t anaTtl a bill la lbs aoil.l. Hold It all .!.. n ot,! t.t a,ul u
trnftrpi vt ptmm, & eat, la pmt Un.
he r raaaie, I'al.
. i
f- k 11 .iafr.!. li4tHi aa 1 V'
i-"u"""""-'-"-7 jtr.Tt" r;;L7..:....r .j i 1 1 mxwti Plenty of i
ZV.mh Mm, Garcttc OK
them at the
ICC. , ,
rX W lliivn t'liaaraf
of tli.(
Uharatoaean pat a Firet
t'laa Xfaal at Liiig IlaUa.
Good Rooms and Excellent Service
Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year (or CASH,