18 DECEMBER 96 if SUHiMtmlTUElWEDITHUlFRI SAT 6 7 3 9 0 1112; are thrust upon up, and it asks con tributions from the public on this subject The legislature will con vene in the near future and it is high time that we should begin the good work. Let it proceed at once. Heppneb, wake up and take an invoice of yourself. Don't lag be hind. Alonzo Walling, the medical student of Greencastle, Ind., who murdered Miss Pearl Bryan near Cincinnati, will hang in February. A DASTARDLY CRIME. Maceo is dead, succumbing at last to the leaden messengers from the weapons of assassins. Like the greatest character of the world's history, he was betrayed by a Judas, one Dr. Maximo Zer tucka, who was Maceo's physician. While on the way to meet Span ish officers, in an effort to arrive at a settlement of the trouble in Cuba, he and a number of his Btaff, under the white flag of truce which has always been respected among civilized people, were surrounded and ordered to surrender. Maceo drew his sword and shouted "Never," when the troops began to fire, killing all but the worthless doctor who, knowing the plot, had fallen behind to escape the bullets. The meeting was arranged at the instigation of the Spanish authori ties, and the cowardly piece of treachery has been approved by the queen regent who has admit ted to an audience Senora Cirujeda, wife of the Colonel Cirujeda, the foul murderer, and has promised to pay for the education of the colonel's son. This is stamping worse than murder with official approval. That this last act of Spain has aroused the indignation of every patriotio American citizen is very evident, and the blood of the in trepid Maceo will bo avenged. It is a horrid crime against civiliza tion which calls for general con demnation and united action. It is no wonder that almost every state in our Union is organizing companies for Cuba. It is not to be doubted that money, clothing, arms and ammunition is and wil be contiibuted. They ought to bo. aud the independence of Cuba should bo rocoguizod by the Unit ed States in less than a fortnight Lone livo Cuba 1 Down with Spain and Spain's black assassins, Am tltTlZE and try to build up Your business. I'atrouizo those who patronize you. TllE repeal of the law creating the railroad commiHsion should le the first work of t ho legislature at the coming wttsiou. In it stead maximum rale bill nhould I passed, or tbo law proponed by Hon. II. V. Uates, of HilLboro, two years ago. Mr. Gates' bil proposed that tho communion con sist of three members to be elected by the people, their salaries and eipenss of maintaining said com mission to bo derived from a tax on the railroad property within the statu. This bill panned tho linuso two years ago but could never t gotten out of th commit tee In ths senate because Jo Si mon, the patron and friend of cor porata iutluctiee, would not peiinit it to bronchi out, for it would have panned the. svnalii as easily as it did the bouse. The heretofore fair and impar tial Portland Chronicle is making a collossal ass of itself in fighting al; Mitchell. We have often made an ass of ourself, single-handed.collec- tively and for other people, but our friend, the Chronicle, is about do a few things in that line which promises to outshine any previous efforts in these 'ere parts. It has been doubtful as to the stand this government should take on the Cuban question. All im pediments have been removed by the foul murder of Maceo, under a flag of truce. Even Bavages re spect the white flag aud but few cases are recorded where it is not accorded all that it betokenB.and the ioul treachery that resulted in the death of the beloved Cuban leader, insurgent that he is, should call orth the protests of civilized peo ple all over the world, and partic ularly of this country. This as- sassination of Maceo adds another black spot to Spain, a country which is not yet free from the aint, brought upon it by the mer ciless treatment of the natives of America, and of other countries, duriDg the early years of conquest Now Willing to Live Tie fell Known New York Merchant, David HirscL, Finds Health in Paine's Celery Compound- v KILLED HOTHEH AND DAUGHTER. The Noted Female Philanthropist, Sarah R Cooper, Suicide With Her Dauehter Were Witnewir la the Brown Scandal. State of Ohio, Citv of Tolbdo, ) LiDCAH UOTJNTY. ( Frank J, Cheney makes oath that be is the senior partner of the Qrra of F. J Uhenev A Co., dolus boaineBB in the City of Toledo, Conoty and State afore said, and that laid firm will pay tbe sain of ONElIUNDllfcD DOLLARS (or eaob and every cane of Catarrh that cannot be oared by the tine of Hall's Catabiih Curs. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and siilmoribecl in my preaenoe, tbia Oth day of Deoeraber, . U. J MM). A. W. OLEAHON. Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken internally and aota directly on the blood ami run con surfane. of the ay stein. Bund for testimonial, rrp. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. HTBolil by Drogtrliita, 7 jo. BBAL (Irsrrut, Antomo Micro, the tirtim of 8panih treachery if tht dispatches aro U lx Mieved, U tb lt of eh'Tru sons who have given up their lives that Cubs fright b fren. One still f ilaU lv. bind the walls of a HpaoUh prison which is woiaa tl.aa diath, Mug worked from morning till flight breaking Un, with IcautTicir'ot fjn.,rLty clothing and faul Cflls in which to sleep, without any 1-ed-ditg or coveting. Brutes art treat! tatter in Annrira. Msrn will ! urrs(v! by (irorral 1I iil.i liari-ia aud .Mjr-(irnrral Uio Uitera. Maro wasUilUth rvuuaandi-r-iochlrf tod tbs couj. tnatidr cf Its I facch cf ths array f rating to I'mar d l Ilia. a Stat at I ii am i i.v'i in M mow Mtifct ati I tUy should rr-l u-vL Tt liit f I u lis in. t Ivitf tl? ti.4t.i tit WHAT OUR KXCHANOKS HAY. Taking all of tbe fifty speerbes that Senator Mitchell made lxfore the people of Oregon during tbe laat oaiiipainn, oona could be more replete with inter! for republican principles as laid dowo in the platform and fur lbs election of Mo Kinler. His declarations were ohirfly ootahU for ths energv with which he re pelled tbe suggestion that sound money snd proterttoo sboulj dropped from be political diaoiiasiona. On tbeee qneetioBS Hen a tor Mitchell occupied oo middle position. Eminently a proteo. liooial as be is by sjmpathy snd tern perament, be became convinced at so early stags of bis political career that protection was a matter of orceaaiiy for this Country, and believed in il as corollary of (lie first principles of our independent iree governinrui. To tins alorere snd slroitg eoovirtion be lias saoriflce ir.och of bis personal tiros soj interests, aud he has Dot alwsys got as much thanks for It, even in Oregon, as hs deserves. Now, when in so many quarters there are proposals, open and veiled, to "throw ever ths sargo and its frieoda," Henatnr Mitchell la the foiUd Hlales seoals is of all moo the Ih en tilled to say that nothing of the kind shall be does. The HI. Lotus platform pledges M Klnley sod Mitchell not only to wotk ! ssttonai agreement on the e image qneatioo, bnl to tnaialais lbs prtwrnt stsedard of oar monetary system nstil such sa sgrwawot can Ix brought eU.nl, ted there will be oo snestii about their otwjlng tbe o Ur. 1h re liremeetof rVnator Hitehe',1 front the leadership would intensify the d Iter sect a thsl fr period spree p. Ths aleclioo, asd lb wotk die to gain the vn t .ry la Oregon Ulh ty Oenator Mitcbell sad ell lojal repeblM aaa, have le. Is s eUiti op of the ratiks; the olj real baa bees mead4 and ei new Aaeotes should U niade la sbiw tl,m- sle. 1 be hour fr a pernee-nt ti 4 repubbcae f rame. aed it eelv eeded the nits l d the woik. lie eettie, ead It wae Heet. Milcbttl, en J la lte soltdifb atloe be has tua le bis mark. Us IS daMtVlug u l.on"f frnts) every layal tpU en. et4 bee ill be re Uioed ae their Ua lr eseatal every vee ligeol Ultereeee Is wip. l -IWkei (ty H'ftoHoaa. With the return of oool weather boats of men and women who relied on their summer vaoftion to make them ttroDg and well came borne still tired, wits) poor appetites and depressed ty tbe tbongbts of the months of hard work ahead, Their overwrought nerves an J bodies today demand something more than a mere rent. Their blood needs to be swept of its impurities and tbe entire nervous organization reinforced and built np by a genuine invigorator before good appetite will wait on digestion and health oo both. The braoinjr weather of November, with debilitating summer past, and the severity of winter not yet arrived, is tbe very beat time for recruiting tbe strength and getting rid of diRertan. Contraot the healthy, well nourished appearance of persons who havs taken Paine's cdery compound with their former nerveless, bloodless, drowsy condition! Men and women getting along in years find a re markable morease in vigor and a bright er, more cheerful slate of mind from tbs use of this great remedy. Don't mope along and submit to Indi gestion, liver disorder, continual head aches or rheumatism. Paine's celery cnuionnd will make yon well snd keen you so. Its nouMHbing, health making virtues have beeo so carefully consider ed, and so exactly fitted to the needs of the tired, exhausted body, that its work does not have to be done after it. It cures heart palpitation and heart weak ness, teetis Die nervous organism so sleep becomes natural and refreshing, and a'eo enj y It." body to convert the food ioto solid tte&b and blood. Of all the means that medical skill has ever discovered for recruiting tbe ex hausted energy of tbe worn-out system, Paine's celery oompound is far in ad vance. The pallid face, tbe pinohed features, the growing thinness snd tbe nerveless movements tbat tell tbe story of badly impoverished nerves and brain all these forebodings of approaohiog disease disappear with tbe profound nourishing tbat Paine's celery compound always provides throughout tbe body, even to tbe minutest nerve filaments and blood capillaries. David Hirscb, the well known Broad way merobant, New York oity, writes as follows to Wells, Riobardaon & Oo. : "I am advocating Paine's oelery com pound among my many frieuds, because it has done me so much good in a very short space of time, t have been suiter ing for tears from indigestion and all its consequent ills, ileeplessuess inoloded. I had lost about 30 pounds in weight, sod was getting weaker and more nervous every day. I was unable to stand exer tions of any kind, and I used convey a noes for every abort distance. "After takiag two "bottles of Paine's celery compound I feel in every respect better, stronger, more cheerful and will ing to live. I will eertslnly never forgr-t tbe effects of Paine's oelery oompoood upon my system, and I wish to state that 1 sm now past CH years of age. bare travelled most all over tbs world, and now I feel I oo keep on doing it Saturday, Deo. 12, Mrs. Sarah B. Cooper and ber daughter, Harriet, were fonnd dead in their bed together from tbe effects of inhaling coal gas, whiob ad been turned on with suicidal intent. She was 64 years of age and ber daughter about "40. They have lived on the ooast for many years and were identified witb Congregational obnroh and educational affairs, especially in tbe kindergartens Mrs. Cooper was a vigorous supporter ol the woman's rights movement and also of the anti-slavery movement. She was contemporary of Susan B. Anthony, Viotoria Woodhull, Harriet Beecher Stowe end others whose prominenoe is well known. She was a cousin of Rob ert iDgersoll, tbe great Ameruao iufi del, but a dissenter from bis religious views. 8he attended the woman's rights oonVection in this oity with Miss Susan B. Anthony last summer, and attracted attention by ber venerable appearance and ber floenoy of speech. No one sus peoted tbat ebe at thi.t time was turning over in her mind tbe subject of self de struction, which was without doubt troubling her then. Nooauseisaseigaed for the double deed, and no one knows what took place immediately preceding the turning on of tbe gas at tbe gas jet. It is said tbat Miss Harriet had on sev eral occasions attempted to kill herself, and expressed a desire to die with her mother. Mrs. Cooper in her will, drawn up two or three months ago, intimated that they might go together at an early day. Mrs. Cooper's huBband oommitted suioide about ten years ago and two of bis nephews went by their own bands. Tbe mania seems to run in tbe family. Mrs. Cooper was assistant pastor of Dr. O. O. Brown's church and stood with him in bis great soaodal trial until she saw sentiment was turning against bim, and then she deserted his cause and be came one of bis antagonists. Catarrh Cored, Health and sweet breath sponred. bv BbiloQ's Uatarrn Uemedy. Pnoe 00c promotes bti increased appetite, and 1 furnishes the nervous force to enable the! the opposite policy. There is do resaoo why all tbe moo lo Oregon who bavs beeo loyal republicans in tbe past may nol be true members of tbat party io tbe future. We would rooosel the discoor agemrot of rrckleis talk end aolioo bow, io tbe spirit boro of over coo fljeoce oo account of receni tacceee. Lt as be patient. Let us be forekoowing. Hslem Statesman. Paine's oelery compound bss done as much for thousands nt others. Tbe Halera Journal (populist) inti mates tbal tbe silver republicans io Ibis stale ere whetting op tbeir boti saws for lloo. John It. Mill Mi's raroaas, and will bare Ibem in ricrllsot frira for dis serting purposes by the lime Ibe legisla tors meets. Tbe oeei peeled very of lea bappees, bul It sems Io be Ibe oiioia of Ibnee beat informed oo Ibe political sllueliua tbal Juho II. will get there with both feet provi led be will sgree lo stand os) tbe pretest repttbliras plat form, from bis aliunde ie Ibe rereul campaign we Jn.lgs Ibet Ibis 1 what be ieleaJs tt d AoM.'pe Herald 0'ir i'r I iti'iy t'l'lo-e (rMiJt Hiual l fl rit4 !. aunt. mJ etl4 In kirk all Ibe f.xnet -fre el lpall.raaa" t f II, e party. Ty saav t-e a.Ud f i wiseleg foists VMHnft tl Was the St4 tf eaeeibe ! to Iks Jeee eawpeie end IkmwW- l l IW H I fnltHl lt lai H f..ea lalk .f ti.a ic .ft that a M at en i UU4 N,taw,lt Al. lbats I VI ! ,i .) f.iir a su.lu g lU't IS !. i! !? SI (,tHlir f PKK E PA I II KR TIlEACHIUV. Thla f.ssh to btir Ik Heart at tk fearvat ra'rlot Is la Use. Mapsio. IW), 11 Tbs queeo regent S'lmitted today In e.dienoe Heoora Ciru jeda, Ibe wife of Maj or Cirojade, who pommsnded Ibe Hpaoiab troops io thseo' gsgrmenl io whiob Antonio Maceo was killed. Uer maj'sty euocratolaUd Ibe major's wife, end premised Ibe royal protection for ths major's eldest son who aocompabiad Senora Ciroj'da. Thw queeo also promised lo pay for lbs bovs sduralioo. A rala Jolata AaoooDOe Ibe preeeoss of rbeonatism which esaaee nnMd suffering. Ilhao- maliara la doe ti lactic acid is Ibe blood 1 1 csoeol be cured by llnuseots or olber ooteard applieetioes. Ilosd's Pare penlla pun 0e tbe blood, remeves tbe raaae of I ben matte at sad permaaetitly rorrs I hie dieeaae. This Is Ibe Ueli- sy cf tbouasoda df people who oecw sufiWed Ibe Pio of ibeaejattaej bnl i woo iaf eeieaiiy to eeresi oy taaing Tbe stale Us levy will beet UealM, j,., Mw,.,(Uc f grrt re.r ille end p.ibly 4', mills. Tbe Male ,0 ... Bboa lh- bkod eed immii en of Ibe K ch,M, ernle ee s. I. lmpmrtJ lb M tbe wewdevfej ere isuts e4 rep.w rroso .i.e....... ar by yj,,., R.pu. r mutvm. r.inj bwwrij who law ; eieeptl.is) t sii-tlrsat, llereey, Ii Llrln, Malhear and Webtgle bow gteel redeeUnba la Ibe stf'esate of tbeir btJ laiat.l prony. The sit coat.S Batwad sbnw al'ght toftee. Nearly ell of Ibe eneal'ee elan shew largely InfrMtael iej4k..e. Malta. Utah I Oot.l.la, l.aat ) ear kf I en p. t.t were only fU?.t II M year lUy ere a Suillloe and a qaarlr doliare. Hlats gefwml as .ell ee ". gv erssaebl is ewiieg aiex a. lb be.ts end em in ) rreil by Ibe iVg'ate lare fut Ibe bt fit f kmiimg pl IS SbJ .Mtc4 HMkctare Me b'4 tnir- Jaa apa Ibe liaye end l.'g'ly rv spn)t4e t.-t tbe li tt Wviee 4 ro.ty aed elate - K O. II Nim It. reef .t Tbanaaeds of r i4 t-eneili a Akiav (. s, Cvtda sad i'mee are erd ey d.v if e I'eee. fr sl. by H A VtiriM, Owe bi lted e I etny er. dd l laJ. 1-4 ' el.t i IM rl U, ll inl tvai ll.iityt tektile t . 4 !'. ! rns Iia, (111 Ni II What's the Matter With Hanna? NothiDg, except that he has just discovered that at the Odd Combination Store of P. C. Thompson Co. Is the best plaoe to bay Sail, Sugar, Soap, Sardines, Socks, So-pem'er, Sewing Machines, Shotguns, or Saws. Complete lioes of Groceries or Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Notice of Intention. .DONT FOROET THE PLACE. OOTS AND SHOES' THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS AT Ue has anything iu this line that yon may desire and you can depend on it you get a goot article when Mat guarantee it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty.'' ENGLISH BUSINESS ni i FftF& ' w aw awm M aWwul- PORTLAND OREGON K5 ' Full English course. v french and german. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy. BOARDING DEPARTMENT LADIES I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, ORKOON, J Dec. 8. WM. Notice ! herebv bivbii thut the following-named lettlur ha illijd notice of ni intention to niHUe niml proof in inpport ol hi claim, and that rI1 prmif will be made be fore Coutltv rlnrlc of Morrow poimt.v (troirnn at Heppner. Oregon, on January 1ft, 1897, viz: THOMAS McINTlRE, E. No. 5718. for the 8K!4 Sec 19. I d 1 8. R 2 E, W M. He name the following wltneRNPi t, nrnve hi rontinnou realdunce upon and cultivation of, iiaid land, viz; Thoinaa Oillillln. Alet Oornptt, Jame Mc Intire and Jame Johnson, all of lleppner. Or. n. r. wiiion, 5OU10. KenliiUir Timber CultureFinal Proof. Notice for Publication. rrriTsn Stats Lakd Orricr., The Ih1Ic. Orceon. Nov. 17. IK'W. VarifE IH HF.KKHY GIVEN THATSgl'IRK i y 1. Turner, of neunner. Oregon, ha filed notice of Intention to make final proof before j. rt. norruw, :o. uieri, at tin nine In llepp ner, Oreiton, on Matnrday the Kth day of January, lra7. on timber culture apiillcailon No. join, for theNKVof aection No. :M, In Uiwnnhlp No. 1 outh, ratiK. No. M rut. II. name wltuewei: vl llllatn O. MiH'arty, Robert W Turner, Jauiu '. rtevey. i'rauk K. Bell, of lleppner, OreKon. i:il JA!t. r. JIUORK, KeKlltcr. Timber Culture, Final Proof. Node for Pnlillrallon. t'HITt Htti Lam Onti s. Hie Hallen. On-iroii. Iev I. VOTH F. IH tICHKIIY filVK.N THAT RICH i. aril W. Kolilxin. nf Klitht Mile. Orevon. ha tiled notice of luleiillnii Ui mak final lir.mj Iwl.ireJ. W. .Miirniw. rouutr elerk. at ht'ottVe In Heppner Oregon, on Nitur.lar the I'.th day of January, I"i7, on timber cullur. aiipllratlon No '.'Sftj, for tb N ol Mvtluit No. i. In biau- ahlp No. Aantilh, ratiite No. 2 eaaL If name a wttueuc John W. AtUt 'tL Cbarle Intraliam John II. Inrrahalu, Aaron e, name, all ol mm Mile. ir-.,o . J AH. If. XlMIKK. Rcul.U-r Notice of Intention. I AND orrirR AT THK DAI.I.IU. nHR'iON, J Iter, a, Nolle I herebv (Ilea tbal th follnaliia namcl aettler ha riled no tie. ol hi Intention In mak final nronf In utv pn oi ni Claim. n.l llnl tal l pnit Kill he mat. netor jwpn t. itiinnn. n, " ( otn.,at inimu, irr.on, on January r, I"'., tli. Jl MTI S A. MII.I.ER, Rd r Nn Mai.fnrllieSE' fwc .11, To I N, K r.'M. II Mine. lb. follnlli( vltneaae. tn pror hi cminiHiiii midanr uiiu and cuilitlloa ol. Mid land. I lnliiK (l.-l1"iv WIIMam Rmatilng. rdvard T. Hro.ltlug, iwn Kii. allot l.lnt.n if J A, r MHKK. I ' Rentier. Md.limiMI.4i MHfc Do You Want a Rig ?" 1 Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson fe Biuns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Thepe irentlcm. 'i are well acnualnted with Grant. Harner. TrnnV nilllam arnt nih mnnil and can ava money aud time in making theiie section with traveling men. I'rlce in keeping with the time. Thompson & Biisnsrs, it m m w or CCRiy :WM FOH NOIItK NtltH 1 1 HtltrHYtilVFN THAT AMFKT n of tha t bolder ol the II -liner Hnllrtl' iA U-an A .l.n..n a 111 I hold al thvtr eltira la Heppoef tifnn, nil tha aer.nd Tady o( Jaanaiy. t-laeen th hour al a m n4 M of aH day. ..f tbe pulp- v4 tlarllu 4lrartM b. Hie enaiilnf far til, M bl"M'if lleppwf tlf , ttae. t, lk ! Nt ). intra NmtifcM- mtiiii'i. N'otu nnirnYiv' TMtTAvrrt l' I ol lb. !. kl.: left ol Ika Sal.... l wnk M HPtir lil ba l,. l li,ti. .., In U't-i'i.e'. ti .it tu,a.la, ni January. !' tmimtu-m tha k la m and i p m l mi4 4. luf the p . I o atoll itg 4itatim b-r lb n"i' tear i a iuiior r..t wr. Ilef aer. it, 1, la. al rtwwtM. Tr iU(fMe.t.4iM rf Ibrr. ! b barea. el lb. Ki.s 894 fnJaf s4 IM II. U. Storrh. rV.lh, ai4 appMiiJ lb. (ulloaiag CbrMaaM Iroo aaailM: t WoTatio a4 !Hf lte-XI r. A. kl., Mr. Ilxi lar. Mr H. r. (laf,.a, Mrs. W. A. Kik; M.mos IUImi klyors a4 Jibi N. .!.!( U . T. V. A), J. i, AUias ! II. T. nti, T emi 4awkUW. a Halib;. Mi 1'.. W. !., s.J IL i. CailMS ) CuM 4 f- U Mai !. tnWib)iBiJ4 Itr,iiri H. . Ilr.e. Klly. ftwrt llrti'4. CkfS A4 ki. a. 4 ft I TtooM. rrf.m-rii.f t. it. Miiu. j. i. A lit. W. la Mlisf. C II lla4. T. W. A, S-kl. Arabs IV. Nl Halt In lbs rl ff CK 1)WM, r. ri. ! Ik, f T . "r ll.... iiiTi't r wTtH kNiii.nrtui m rr i Nmtrt ta nray i.trr4 TtitTT .fn Ml m a .. ol lha k kx.l U 4 ll.e f-leal ik..nl n( M' f-V'r. al Ibeil w lb lataMt t4 Jm.'.mtJ . !, Iha Mmh arf l i.. at an-t iuf a , M aall a.,, 1,4 Iha -u '-" H .!,,.( 4iwlin mt4 ln M.a li.oaa, II.M, . Hbe baiea a ay a (a 1,1 i I iil I ToSlcl . . II , fe t. t Trtaiurtr'i Notice. M a I ..e ata.4a ri Wrt rV lt.4 I.,1. I eh l1 ' 1 ba MM aa rnmblMil I . ..t ( . a.-ta. alnt 1 a ! It . ul i a UKk .-IIIIIU ta H twm ..aly I4. Itf t" 'a. l-m, I lo, Farmers and Villagers, FOH Fatners and Mothers, FOIt Sons and Dauohters, FOll fill the Family. With the close of the Presidential campaign TlIE TRIBUNE recognize tbe fact tbat tbe American people are now anxkmt togirf their time to home and buninena interetita. To meet this condition, politics will have far lens space and prominence, nntil another Stale or National occaaion demands a renewal of the fight for the principles for which THE TIM BUNK haa labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest Tictorioa. Every possible effort will bo put forth, snd aioney freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE preeminently a National Family Newspaper, intiM-ating, instructive, entertaining snd indiapensabls to each member We lurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. Y. Weekly Trlbonc" one Year lor $3.00. ALlr CAMH S'l Ofler In AIJVANCB, THE GAZETTE. Wni. or aama n4 4.raa hi a k.al eM. M II W tn W Sal Trtbaaa nba .a V it,. ....1 . mmf a lh, H,Vll 7, T n. aH III la aHiiW llTi r - - . THE : 31.00 j Weekly IMter QceaU. I am a at a. . . ; i nt ijrcaic.t Republican Isrr of lfa West. lAttta ii.r Itrti Ahtio 4T 4 M , I li. IM !, WW luu tV . .Ia Par Uia Wa a 4Mta4 j f itua.a.r fttrrns p"ii '4 ail t.is . aflair Z i r!TwrV.,J,H.ctlt',,,,M,,k,AhNi rr-f U-i, J a4 lh w,. of current lJlr.trt. JEJll it - r CI.., n4 s. . r.m.t. r,f.f u a 1 rata him rt ti.el f l It a UatMd I . JU'i' J tU I ( tl f. rail ). !. i lit Lilt fry Column Mr a traual 10 thott ol tht ttH mtgtilatt. t tti Youth't Dtpanmtat Is tht rmttt of Itt klo4. tl ,.t,, u i. I.aait tka f ,aa at tea a 4 ,4 .im. la. !-t a .. 4 la A .., m' VZ 'JTZZji :$,0 UXTJVMJZJL ff.OO .1 l .!.....-,.. a.l I - fr.e m ,t , mmTt I ' I '" la.f U 4l5JjTi. J , f.t-l ll k) tiMlM Inf lj 1 Ml-. iii,,u.i,i, rl j l'e I a.l'. U a a. W I M ,' : " 1 I I" 1 f t'f --r .T'f rTT 'fT rW- I 'i i '"ki 4ia,aaSatt.tiaa.i j4 I 1 tH at h,n, t M l , ,., r. !. u,i,.,i " 1 S4.j lr .d ti aa aa aaa i a l4rtHlHeiUt H Ktll.tklM. 1 IMIHMIMMllM.il, IMMIMMIIIMMMIH"