Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 11, 1896, Image 3

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    "Cures talk "In favor n
ol Hood's Sarsaparllla, g Jl 1 lr
u for no other medi- 1 C& I IV
cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful,
convincing language of grateful men and
women, constitute Its most effective ad
vertising. Many of these cures are mar
velous. They have won the confidence ol
the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa
rllla the largest sales In the world, and
have made necessary for its manufacture
the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's
Sarsaparllla is known by the cures it has
made cures of scrofula, salt rheum and
eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia
nd weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver
troubles, catarrh cures which prove
Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills SK
Now that the great political campaign
is over and the winter season again with
us, all will want so adequate supply of
fcesh and varied reading matter for tbe
long eveniDgs... Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangement a
with a number of periodicals and now
offers tbe following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, $1.60 la. 50
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
' N. Y.. Tribune, $1.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1X0 8.25
" B. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 80c 2 50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
iytl jyii?i
J! or sale About thirty tons of rye
bay, located about two and one-half
miles of Hardman. Also 400 acres of
good range, fenoed, to go witb same.
Plenty of outside government range
near at hand. Shelter for 2,000 head of
sheep or large band of cattle. Good
house on place. Call on Gazette office
for particulars. A rare cbance to get
bay cheap. All signs indicate a hard
winter and delays are dangerous. tt
A number of oases of sickness are re
ported out near Hardman. Those down
with typhoid malaria are Joe Bannister's
two daughters, Geo. and Bernard Bleak
man, Frank and Will Oowdry, Joe
Howell, Jas. Hardman's baby, C. M.
Hogue, Mr. Furlong's little daughter
and Dave JenkiuB' two boys. Hiram
Clark's baby is reported ill with the
same malady.
The Gazette is in reoeiptof tbe Colum
bia desk OAlendar, made by tbe Podb
Mfg. Co ,of Hartford, Conn. The Colum
bia people never forget tbe printer were
there more like them and annually the
Gazette reoeives this handy little token
of their good will, wbiob. like thair
wheels, is a model of beauty, very sub
stantial and equally as useful.
Tbe Gazette would like to see a few
Christmas ads in its columns that is, if
our merchants have any Christmas goods
to sell. Gilliam & Bisbee are the onlv
merchants, of Heppner, so tar, who have
boldly announced that they would like
to sell some holiday goods, and it is well
worth yonr time to oall upon them.
Dr. McFaul was taken suddenly ill at
Myers' restaurant last evening, but re
covered sufficiently in a short time as to
bs able to ride borne in the 'bus, and to
day is very much belter. His illness is
oaueed by overwork, having bad to make
great many long rides in the country
Epieoopal services will be held at the
M. E. church next Friday evening, Deo.
18th, at whioh time Bisbop Morris, of
PortluDd, expects to be present to ad
minister the rite of confirmation. Mr.
Potwine, of Pendleton, will also be pres
ent on that oooaHon.
Married At the home of the groom's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Warren, of
Light Mile, on Tuesday ol this week,
Mr, R. H. Warren and Misa Alioe
Enighten, Rev. Goodwin officiating. The
couple have the best wishes of the Ga
20 222 22 2 25 2C
272229303 iWv
Here and There.
Mrs. Cy Uoroor is reported on the
iok list.
Gilbert Coats wsa in from Hardman
LowTillard and Frank MoFarland are
in Portland.
J. O. Williams is io from his Spring
Hollow ranob.
Louis Devore, of Hardman, is ill with
typhoid malaria.
Dava Prela' IittltgtrlUtbrtaUo
with pneumonia.
A ad re w Neat end family are over from
Lone Rock this week.
Frank Rogers It down below to r
Or ire medieal treatment.
Jeff Nsal, eon of Andrtw Neal, Is con
siderably snder the wlbr.
Ora Adkioa,wbo was rportJ ill few
days ago, la vtrf much better.
Tb. Rhea left last night for Roes
land, B. C, oo a botio trip.
Tbe wife of Taarl Joe, ol Eight
Mil, ia reported as much better.
Drink the elort4 J. II. Cutter
whiskey. Oo tap at Cbrla Dorobtrt'.
lion, uearr Black man eame up Ihta
mof olng from Portland to visit bit fata
11 arrow eoasly bat ooii jarab! 111
bm at lrt)t, pfitKipally typboij ma
I aria.
W. K. Cottoa left Tal7 to vieil
relatival to Hbtrau oonntr so 4 Tba
Baggagw aed pMwcagatt ! and from
tut depot at balf brtce. He CttMl
Hagaet. tf
E. W. Kb rtturoeJ WtdtMwdty
aaoralaf tnm a loeioea trip to tbe
air. aod lira. Cba Ttft art doa from
Walla Walla, Mrs. T.ft was mefl
Mr, Ha Oaaa.
CbaaUt Pargal aill Mai ptmpn
ad bafM to aed frn the d.p-H at
bait prtra. II
!. IX iJf, of Dosfle, ta iti
UblrtMtdt ad rtaii d a in tba
Tq will tai lUt ) w.ll U let4
all rt bt 4 at tba IW! UgH !,,
Call tbe
C O i Mr. II. r. HeSWa
fro llf tbta ta mI
M m, II lUlket,
Net I (. lb 'Uali lUt
b be mtm44 I f hum l
mm la tba flr it ! 1 .
M4 lltt 4 t Ujr i- are a
--tel4 tgtb 4a 4 CWUj '
U 4a la lb to ul !.
Call !! a4 t )
rU4 la.
fc. it! 4. K. !. rfM
frea Mt ; la tba - r
tales, ff ll. 14
mtnf in I H.lfTti Mr.
H- ii44 l'4 iL tMkk. f
4 Ik b na 4 4
iraa Io twMW i Ik U
I art, M 4 tK.i u Mas
One or the Leading Cobaa Genfrals Falls
From a Spanish Bullet
Eky Wist, Deo. 10. It ia learned
positively that the report of the deatha
Mac so and young Gomes are false.
Both are believed to be near Maril. while
Weyler ie near San Cristobal, aearohing
for Maoeo. It ia thought the latter will
co operate with Gomez, and tben an ad
vance on Havana Is looked for.
Havana Dispatch Confirms the News of Ha-
ceo'a Death.
Havana, Deo. 10. Dr. Maxim Zertu-
obaw, tbe personal physioian of Antonio
Mnoeo, has surrendered to Colonel Lort,
the Spanish commander Bt San Felipe(
this province. Tbe doctor oon firms the
announcement that Maceo was killed on
Deoember 7th, near Punta Bruya, in an
engagement between tbe insurgents and
the Spanish column oommanded by
Major Cirujeda.
Dr. Zertucbaw was shot in the chiu,
the bullet breaking bis jaw and passing
out near the neck and shoulders. A
seooud bullet wounded him in the abdo
The Whole Story
Of the great Bales attained and great
oures accomplished by Hood's Sarsa
parilla is qnioklr told. It purities and
enriches the blood, tones the stomach
and gives strength and vigor. Disease
cannot enter the system fortified by tbe
rich red blood which comes by taking
Hood's Snrsuparillo.
Hood's Pills oures
aobe, indigestion,
druggists. 25c.
Resumes After a bummer's Experience Op in
Montana and Elaewhere.
Ed. R. Bishop, successor to Tbe Mo
Farland Mercantile Co., it atill on deck,
giving great bargains in all hoes. Tbe
stock most be closed oat, and it ia sur
prising how cheap tbioga are. Call on
them. Frank MoFarland. talesman.
G. W. Staver, of the old firm of 8taver
& Walker, but late of the firm of G. W.
Staver ft Co., tell detd yesterday morn
ing in bit store in Purtlaod. His former
partner, Walker, was accidentally killed
while ont bunting several yeart ago.
Wright Haling was oalled to town
Wednesday oo account of an attachment
suit brought against Lim by Jerry Cobn
through bin attorney, G. W. Rea, for
some 210 and ootts. Tbe Gazettt it in
formed that tba cast was aettled.
A A. Curtit and family, old residents
of Heppner, arrived here Wednesday
morning ou their way to F rasno, Cat
They will visit Mrs. Cortit' relative
here lor a tew days before leaving for
their new borne.
The Ladies' Aid Society of tba
Chriatiao church will glv a social at
the opera Louie oo Wednesday evening,
Deo. 30th. They prom is you a good
time. Admiaiioo will be free. Don't
f irget tba data. tf
tlder J. W. Jtckiot departed last
evening for bit bom al Tba Dallea
lie will retura ahortiy, however, to
superintend tb work oo tba eborcb
boilJiog, which la al prraeot pmgre
ing nicely.
Hat or. lay and Huodsy, tb 12th and
I3tb inat., will b obtrrvad a a quart
arly meeting oocsaioo, la tba M. E.
cborob, Hooth, Presiding elder. Rev. R
D. Swift, will b preDt to OooJuat etr
Diek UalLawtaod V. GUy, under
tb firm nam of Matbtw A Ottrr
r associated together io tb bvbr
btuio I lb nw elaoJ, two doors
oath of lb poetofflo. Thy eolieit
call. if.
At we go to prM tb Oat(t U li-
formed thl tb rMiaia of Albert 8 titrk
will tw laUr r4 ia lb II(ror .
lory tooanrrow fUmao. Kaaeral at
lb Uptia! ebercb al 1 o'elurk p, m,
Jo ynckenaa we ia from bit ranob
of Uio yeatiwday, tod a4 aoii
repautm a a tlory tllr while Hb
a. Mr. Ieriman baa bwa qqiU
bat I tBdob bHir t prweal.
Ur. A. (1. flan Sole .maw rtarnd o
I n-Iay from Milkio, Ur., war eb
bad bwt ralid to lb bdaid of It
Biibr. wb ta bM aiu ix
rA Joareal; J. A. Ufd.L lb
.nrl. baa parba4 lot Buito
Cm tfira 1 aed tb bow apa I'
fna lb Arm Iron- ubt,
Woid la tnday fr lower ftot
r rrl Ibal Albt thick . t4 Mr.
4 Mr. I), hhios, b4 d(4 faaUrlay
ol lytbil malaria,
Mr, tj. M. Ilarru, aMi U Ma.il
CVwbr, catM op ttim latow. I , ImI
Tlaf M lait Mali la (Jft
Wl'f lbe WioUf.
No Reaso to Get Angry.
The Gazette has been endeavoring to
collect some delinquent subscriptions, as
well at to get a few new subscribers, by
taking county eorip at it face value.
Some have evidently misunderstood the
proposition. All we want ia what is due
as, and we are willing to make a dis
count in oider to get it. It one desires
tbe Gazette onr plan gives tbem an op
portunity to get it. No business men in
Heppuer have been any more lenient
than tbe Gazette people. None will be
any more so in tbe futnre, so long as it
is consistent witb good business princi
ples, but what is due us we must have in
some shape.
Fra Pilla.
Bend your address to H. E. Buoklen
& Co., Cbioago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will oooviuce yon of their merits.
These pills are easy in action and are
particularly effbotive in the cure of Uou
etipation aud Siok Headaohe. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles that bave been
proved invaluable. They are guaran
teed to be perfectly free from every
deleterious substanoe and to be purely
vegetable. They do not weaken by their
action, bnt by giving tone to stomach
and bowela greatly invigorating the
system.' Begular size 25o. per box. Sold
by Conser & Brock, druggists.
Introduced by Senators Cameron, of Penn
sylvania, and Mills, of Texas.
nausea, sick bead
billiouscess. All
The eporting editor, after some months
of innocuous desuetude, whatever that
means, baa again laid aside his silk tile,
straddled tbe editorial tripod, spat upon
tbe faber end resumed bis duties.
In tbe receut campaign we were told
that "tbe way to resume ia to resume."
This ia bully good advioe.
Montana borseraoing is all right. It
it needless to mention that a aummer'a
experience, in wbiob we won lota of
raoes and gave tbe talent the worth of
their money pretty often, wound up
prosperously, tor we bave the horse, our
ife and good health yet. And tbink of
tbe fun we hadl
Now tbere'a Dee Matlock, and Ed.
Gotcbel, and the "woks," Pat ton and
"Yak." Well, they all made monev bnt
eft it io safe keeping, up iu Montaoa.
There's nothing tafer in wbiob to de
posit tban tbe Savinga Bank of Faro.
It is always wise 1 1 throw tba responsi
bility of money matters on soma person
who makrt a business of taking oare of
Uid Halt didu I atay long enough to
teet hi lack good, but be may give tbe
talent a taste of bigb life next year.
Low Tillard la on deck with Binoer
wbo bat broken Ihe record io being
dead failure. That's what Low tellt tba
boys, but wbeo be "winks tbe otbereye"
it meant tbat be oao ikio tbem good and
will be out for "tb long green" next
Mikt Roberts and Dnva McAtea will
put a crimp into the boysueit ytar with
Ueneral Ooity, wbo ia a rattling good
boraa to get away witb free silver be
lougiog to bia owoera. Bat b was tick
last year.
Heveral valley towns, following tbe
oobla example of Heppner, bave paaeed
tnct Iawt oo gambling, witb Iba retail
tbat It ia entirely tuppretaxd exoopt
wbr tb boys bv money and oao Bud
a tc I ii dad room.
V think tbat Montana will b good
Dtt year. Tb bankirs will b at tba
tame eld aland oo duobl.
"ixiDg iota niepneua, woo we re
ported a baviog bo killeJ oer Burnt
recently, may bave mat bit matob Ibal
way but wt doubt it. laoor oploloe be
it al tb am old bal aed bllby.
Didn't Catch Htm.
Ed. E. Cafes, deputy sheriff of Wal
lowa county, arrived here Monday after
noon on his way home after having made
a long and noaaooesaful chase after the
bank robber .Fitzhugh, whom he followed
close until the sawtooth range of moun
tains was reaobed, a heavy snow storm
following Fitzhugh's crossing of tbe
range and interfering witb tbe offioer's
progress. Ed. returned home by tbe way
of Long Valley, Idaho, and has given up
hopes of oaptariog the fugitive other
than by wire. It is thought Fitzhugh is
making bit way to California. Mr. Gates
bad a hard trip and oonoluded to reou
perate a few days here in Union .
Union Soout.
Washington, Deo. 10. Senator Cam
eron, of Pennsylvania, introduced the
following resolution :
"Resolved, By the senate and the
boose of representatives '.hat tbe inde
pendence of the republic of Cuba should
be and tbe same ia hereby acknowledged
by the United States of America.
'Resolved. Tbat tbe United States
sbr uld use ita friendly offices with tbe
government of Spain to bring about the
close of tbe war between Spain and
Mills, of Texas, followed tbe Cameron
resolution atonoe by tbe following:
"Resolved, Tbat tbe president of Ihe
United States is he eby directed to take
possession of the island of Cuba with
tbe military and naval foroee of the
United States and hold the eame until
the people of Cuba cau organize a gov
ernment deriving its powers from the
consent of the governed and arm and
eqiiip suoh military and naval forces as
may become neceesary to seoure tbem
against foreign invasion."
The Mills resolution was referred to
tbe foreign relations oommittee.
Call of Florida followed with a resolu
tion rooognizing the republic of Cuba.
The resolution has already been pub
Piles! Piles! Itching Piles.
Symptoms: Moisture; intense itobing
and stinging; most at night; worse by
aoratobing' ir allowed to oontinue tarn
ora form wbioh often bleed and ulcerate
becoming very sore. Swayne'a Oint
men! stops the itching and bleeding,
neais ulceration, and in most oases re
moves the tumors. At druggists, or by
mail, for 50 oents. Dr. Swayna & Son,
Heppner to Pendleton via Heppner-
Eoho Stage Line. Persona desirous of
visiting Pendleton can lave time and
money by taking thia route. By ao
nalnting tbe agenta the previous tven-
ng the stage will make connection with
oclook train at Echo for Pendleton.
Office at City Drag Store. W. D. Ijoud,
$ AN '
What arc Schilling's Best
food for?
Good for anybody who
likes good things and
doesn't want to pay for
F- W. Rha h ( a
l.yl laanJ, t'a Flrl Jap, a
oNf.. Ik ImI I .11 it
ll-ttr. 1 a I b ( 0 lb
Ufei'f. tf
F. C Aar.ba-jf (awl wf Mat
AUo a4 C. (I ! a wlltnna.
Ta rUl.trrw of M fta'aia flay
bot.af a lk ihI, !l m
aunt ! !! r all IiIm
I'll. t'f BAalaiSa raxia lr,
I mI.. aUat tarraata,
f '4 ' f r. U. TV trm m l
Mlk tUW IL l fJl;
. m tb nm I mi T-lr. l M
uK !. MliMlaM.
Il tf V. aal w.f
fr-wi HiJW. Mr Oal b4 lwv
4 lm bt rwwel H.a,
t mm tk 4 m4mm, atv t
a4alM, , t4 tiiv4 b I.
(' "I t4a-w . 9
j liaala 4 iu t,mtmt I t-a
;!-! m al ! M ay f l'H
i Ii- C-w. 4H
rn Prt Kita luut.
Tber U ooflavd ia lb aooaty jail at
Pre J !' a ea by lb f loba f.
Elliott, who fareWb a iaapl nf lb
frailly of lb ba ran, ay tb E. O.
Cllmil I atd by wbuky, a4 at bld
r barfs of f.4fleglh at to of II.
r. tnte la tMb lr IU. II I ol
a gfK4 Kbl ab family. Oa brotbaf,
Oaofg II IIMI, I fofoof Tbo
l4, a 0fHb raaailo Afri, aad
b ! a ltibf f tb Ilriliab prUa-
toL A oI. f W O.lb-rt K4IMI,
a tear ao apkr f tb
bnaa Maiawi. a4 a IIU Ii la
i tiit gv'4 f Maoilab.
Wb f I'.Ul"!! wall4
fori avlta I IH rrn a A wa
ll It. wbf b bl4 aa mmim lb
t itrnaiaal, bl I lao4. U An
M lf-iaMo, f.lr.j rnm b4
. fiatllf tn1 Io Htbr I k-
(. b 'r4 a balf Hf-4 la
4i) tta. Ffoai it b ei-
t t'itlt l4a ra aJ b
t,4 a aWv a! U .f, all lb liw
4nak iag bttty. f b M a f(H
'I, bavlag l!U tm bitfti
l at i a k4 wnb lb luw
m ip4 lMy.
The good-will that goes
with good tea is part of the
profit that is why some
grocers are glad to sell you
Schilling s Best. ,
But there is more profit,
take it all in all, in Schil
lings Best tea for you, for
the grocer, and for us.
A Schilling St Company;
3n Francisco
Condon Globe: Prof. Hiram Henry
left bere Wednesday for Lexington
where he hopes to organize a cornet
band. Our band has ooncluded to
strnggle along during Ihe wioter montht
without a professional instructor, but
will donbtless employ one net! spring
Prof. Henry ie an efficient band teaoher
and leaves here with tbe good will of tbe
band as well aa all of oar citizens.
Bncklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Outs,
Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It ia guaranteed to give
perfeot satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box. For tale by
Conser & Brook.
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It
To b educated one mint mut
ths heat literature.
Tha brat literature ta aipenalv.
Uttla'a Illustrated
PulilUhed al 110 Klllh Avantie,
New York, la lull of thelmttliliika.
Ita lllimtratlnita ara suwrti; Ita
itorlna rlnrmlni; and Ha literary
di'partinrnta are clltcl with roii-
aummat kill.
Such a paper It a treat popular educator,
Tha auharrlptlon prtve of bli' tl P" annum.
Vt't mate Ui unparallalad oiler ol a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year (or only $5.00.
K aura onVr waa evrr made before. No aurh olter will ar ba mad
ataln. Tbeaa two papers niaka a ml acceptable ChrlMmaa or hlrtliday
gill, and will be omtiant reniliidi-ra of tha 1tr'i klndneaa.
Jlemll by pnetal ardrr or rherk lo liie
Heppner. Oretron.
It ahnuld le In every 'V'
1 1
mf Get X
I Christmas J
Many thousand dollars
worth of valuable articles k
suitable for Christinas M
gifts for the young auJ
to be
each Lgj
4 4
oia, are to be given to
smokers of Biackwell's
Genuine Durham Tp
bacco.. You will fiud
one coupon inside
two ounce bag, and two
coupons inside each four
ounce bag of Biackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of
this celebrated tobacco
and read the coupon
which gives a list of val
uable presents and how
to getithem.
Tobacco ym
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect.
The Trouble is Over!
We Mean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
Wbo never lets politiot interfere with business. At tbe
same old stand, next door to M. Licbtentbal't.
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Til T p 1 1 f MM
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
great serials
A e III t ftal hf R.aiie rl.aite Tl.e Itel e-jthHiUte aai a..iia Ultol
w.ewi eve. p ... tmitwi. mm i m iwvmfw..
ratf ailla Bn iW errtal, " aiMalna .rirmfa.ua " (IWmk Ik Mavemfaar )
ll ate' "M. Itea" Th lr mI benn a eilll aniuliuhwl
(kea A. fta, allMne War Tle " Tf t li Ihr nt lh rfiti,
, nf im h m iuii i amwr a umin I l.i i al, an 1 a ,nui it wtit
li. Mk lliihi ki aai a HLotitJ1!. M.bH, u4 Mile ft.-t tram kta
fw.tt WritnM Bf'l ami Hi'Ww,
awrt'alia l real leiHlitu. ttaf i4 lKw aHti.lih4 lo u.. a alia ihlaeiM
t fOniia M H ..Ub-wl t" t.Mli .!- , hk MMM !! Ie mW III
Mattaaur 1 tt I M Imi utlutt" l Mia.
aatlaa'et ltll. arlailr tea.a W-e etibi a 4irwl.Mt.
ttawlea l ela. la(WMl"U imn.H ill nm ae .n... 1n..
to.Mi .. e4 i..r-it at.. la lh i.n a M !"
a e WMt4e ra e4 MMra
It Mtr a alt tM alln ikal Ka eat Itt em. 4n. immi eiifc It., tttmftifm
Ml nmllhmtim in imHM al.(rU.M, ab '4 lrw ttlm knt tm", lit
toll mll ta Mtnala nil a-t d'ttM In Ik mm 14 aa Ihe ' Pnt
VabMI M t MM Si, ItlmliKIXH
l t'Tltl) IirtJau .i14 f iMnpmt' B:in el. I .in,.iw Wi M(iaa
an al IM atoct efoM ke file 4't( Men.( ft.
K 1 TH4 t T Ie atia Ihe ..(t a "W iwi fit la Kk k Ike eM
1 . w til a,e, e a em be la lie. I
at'4ia. se ki
ike Me Brt HH
rt M. &lk1a aVUlf Wt,mta
hi ail tax M.ue ta M at M Ike mmh-t
tkMe Mr a eM.l Kar af i e4 lral j-, i (
in m 9 a a m )r
t" im awtaxti
Cl reall
M umi MM.tiai M
I HKiwi, I'nlaKi a
aw t4 bf f r
M fl. Wf ,
4 a'.a; W .1 i M ,,
One Dollar a Yar
TVa a -lae M' 'ik fc.t. -. A eiaH iik W w
Tho S. S. McCluro Co., Nev York.
Main Street,
Holiday Display !
You Should all See It.
Con)e In at Once.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
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I. W PATTKRSON'. AGKST. oi.o ti. n-t m worin
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