18 DECEMBER 96 ISWlMOHlTUElWEBITmWSAT 6 V S .9 IP. LL L? 242 22 23 2? 25 2G THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. Tbe recent message of President Cleveland is one of the ablest, if not the best, that ever emanated from his hand. It is quite a bui prise in many particulars, but all in all is what might be expected from a democratic president who is not in touch with his party or ganization. His introductory is peculiar, as it hints that the termination of the recent political battle was satis factory to him. He says, "A po litical contest involving momentous consequences, fraught with fever ish apprehension, and creating ag gressiveness so intense as to ap proach bitterness and passion has been waged throughout our land, and determined by the decree of free and independent suffrage without disturbance of our tran quility, or the least sign of weak ness in our national structure." The president then perpetrates a huge joke by alluding to "brevity" to "avoid tiresome narration," in referring to the fact that many de tails had been omitted and would appear in departmental reports. The president is always heavy and verbose in state papers and publio addresses, thus "brevity," it must be admitted, is a new feature with him, and which only appeared in the introductory part of his mes sage. The president regrets that some thing has not intervened to stay the hand of the bigoted Turk, but says that American citizenship and interests have boon protected am cautions this government to avoid interference that would not only bring the opposition of the Otto man eovernment, but that of the groat nations of Europe whone duty it is to take the inintive in the pro tection of property and life in Turkey. Our nation is advised to permit tho wives and families o Armenian refugees to join their husbands and fathers here. Tho Cuban question is handled carofully, with dao regard to the rights of all. It is truo that the American people sympathize deeply with tho Cubans, and wera it in their province recognition of tbei rights as bolligorenU, if not their independence, would have been accorded long ago. And yet the president is taking a wise, a ( statesman-like course in giving both sidosj ample opportunity to settle their difficulty, but at the note time warning them that Bpain must not espect this attitude on tbs part of this country to con tinus as any Permanent policy. adding that the frnitfulneas of the island and its oortunitis to make tuotey had attracted from t'W.OOO.OOO to tfO.000,000 of American capital and tlat if Spain, after due and ample trial, still Lowed an inability to oojm with the insurgents and protect these interests and the lives of American subjects, Spain might as well make tip her mind to eiprt-t the inter vention of the t'oiUvl States to set tle lis difficulty, even if it tk fighting to accnuiplUii it Tho Venezuelan natter is re ferred t the plan of general aibi tritinu commend!, tbs scheme of tiaminatiocs in the consular set- ties favorably mentiottod; also that iT)dl rid? nr far attbMdft should ro4L Tbs seal I ft ft . . . , com id ror ins sbsie ci aiietiion, Lil ths condition t f our Indian population is j Vco of with deep roueern, and lis L that it ma- I WUi'ieJ. TLi preeidrtil notes tbs fart that thers is Do diUiiuu turn ol tii duujNt iT tbionra, and tbt abuses hats crept ia that a . a must i (rrcwi, em WottLf .rjstjfS i&icht I wrege. io an sttileator ti m out thoM t4 "worthy t-t their rntinUj's afTi-ftl'tisU rrrorm. tlkM." Tit rr.ilftt d-IWIs tb Wit son tariff law in a sort of a per functory manner, the bill that he refused to sign on account of its "perfidy and dishonor." There is nothing, however, in his defense of the same to inspire our people with the idea that this law should remain on the statute books. It is horribly inequal, unjuat and fails to encompass the full spirit of our great American republic. In regard to financial legisla tion, the president referred to the so-called "endless chain," created originally through the exigencies of war. His concluding words on this subject are as follows: "In considering projects for the retirement of United States notes and treasury notes issued under the law of 1890, 1 am of the opin ion that we have placed too much stress upon the danger of con tractmg the currency and have calculated too little upon the gold that would be added to our circu. lation if invited to us by better and safer financial methods. It is i t a not so mucn a contraction or our curreucy that should be avoided, as such equal distribution. This might be obviated, and any fear of harmful contraction at the same time removed, by allowing the or ganization of smaller backs and in less populous communities than are now permitted, and authorizing banks to establish branches in smaller communities under proper restrictions. "The entire case may be pre sented by the statement that the day of sensible and sound finan cial methods will not dawn upon ue until our government abandons the banking business and the ac cumulation of funds, and confides its monetary operations to the re ception of the money contributed by the people for its support, and to expenditure of such money for the people's benefit Our business interests and all good citizens long or rest from feverish agitation and the inauguration by the gov ernment of a reformed financial policy whioh will encourage enter prise and make certain the rewards of labor and industry." Since 1879, the year that specie payment was resumed, there has been no scare to create any "end loss chain" until the Cleveland administration came into power. when the doubt of its ability to handle "the ship of state" became apparent A new and imperfect tariff bill was thrust upon the poo pie, and added to the very bad features occasioned by general dirt trust Thus it was that an "end less chaiu" came into existence. It is clearly evidout that an ndmiuis tration which inspires confidence will have no troublo with our financeD, and it should be clearly evident that a reformation is abso lutely necessary before it is at tempted. No one honestly doubts Mr. Cleveland's patriotism, but thoy do know that his judgmout is no. toriouHly bad in many things. form adopted at St Louis- Those absent on this account were Du bois, Pettigrew, Mantle, Cannon, Squire and Teller. Dubois has resigned his place on the steermg committee and as secretary of the caucus. Fitzsimmons has sued Sharkey for the $10,000 purse, and accord ing to the evidence he ought to have it "Fitz" will prove clearly that he is the victim of a conspiracy. It is not difficult to understand that Eastern Oregon has the right to ask for the speakership of the next house of representatives. They have not been favored with such an officer since E. L. Smith, of Hood River, was speaker. East ern Oregon will doubtless center an Hon. J. N. Brown, of Heppner, and it looks like be would have enough following to nominate him in the caucus. A Welcome Usher of '97. The beginning of the New Year will have a weloome usher in the shape of fresh AlmaDRO, descriptive of the origiD, nature and uses of the national tonio and alterative, Hostetter's Stomach Bit lers. Combined with the deecriptive matter will be found calendar and as trnnomioal calculations absolutely reli able for ooneotness, statistics, illustra tions, verses carefully seleoted, and other mental food highly profitable and enter, taining. On this pamphlet, published and printed annually by The Hosteller Company, of Pittsburgh, 60 hands are employed in the meobauioal department alone. Eleven months are devoted to its preparation. It is procurable free, of druggists and country dealers every where, and is printed in English, Ger man, French, Spanish, Welsh, Norwe gian, Holland, Swedish and Bohemian. who hss been recommended for the posi tion by Colonel Parker, the District of Columbia member of the republican na tional committee, bat whoever be ap points will bare the eordial support of the people of Washington regardless of party. The True Remtdy. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111., 'Chief," says: "We won't keep boose without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Ex perimented with many others, but never got the true remedy nntil we need Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy oan take its plaoe in our home, as, in it we have a certain and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc." It ia idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged od yon as jast as good as Dr. King's New Dis- oovery. Tbey are not as good, beoause tnia remedy has a record of oures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at Conser & Brock's drug store. The Seed is the Vital Thing. .WHAT OCR EXCHANGES BAY. Hon. John H. Mitohell will attend to hia duties in Washington during the entire winter. Ha will not come borne to buy votes to re-elect himself, if he could buy them. His record is behind him, and upon that he proposes to stand for his return to the United States sen ate. Ha will be eleoted, we prediot, on the first ballot He ought to be, sinoe he has stood by the people of bis own state on all questions of public interest. Baker City Republican. Planting must be began right, else no amount of cultivation or fertilizer oan prevent the orop being a failure. The Orel step is the selection of the seed. Do not take aoy risks here. Get seeds that you can depend upon seeds that are fresh, that have a reputation behind them. The most reliable seeds grown in this oooDtry are Ferry's Seeds. When ever seeds are sown the name of D. M. terry a uo., or. uetroit, Mien., is a guarantee of quality and freshness! The greatest oare and strictest caution are exercised in the growing, selection, pack ing and distribution of their seeds. Not only mast tbey be fresh, bat they mast be true to name. On a par with the quality of the seeds is Ferry's Seed Annual for 1897, the most comprehensive and valuable book of the kind ever printed. Every planter, large and small, should get, read and digest this book before planting a Bingle seed. It is free to all who address the firm as above. What's the Matter With ? - Nothing, except that he has just discovered that at the Odd Combination Store of P. C. Thompson Co. Is the best plaoe to bay Salt, Sugar, Soap, Sardines, Socks, 8apen7ers, Sewing Machines, Shotguns, or Saws. Complete lines of Groceries or Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed. E. W. Bingham, of Portland, has drafted a registry law which in the form of a bill will come before the legislature. Mr. Bingham is the man who did more than any other man to secure the Aus tralian ballot law for Oregon and a regis try law from his hands is worthy of con sideration. A registry law is needed and the prospects are bright for one. Are Yon Made Miserable by Indigestion. Conwtiufl' tion, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, fellow skin? Sbiloh's Vitalizer is a positive oare. Hot sale by Wells &Warren. .DONT F0P.6ET THE PLACE. 17 00TS AND SHOES D THE PLACE TO GET THEM 13 AT He has anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good article when Mat guarantees it. SHOES IN ALL THE Old Stand, Main Street. LATEST STYLES. Repairing a Specialty. Mitchell need have no fears as to his re-election. He will have a walkover. A mat'K ic India is killing hundreds. Eight hundred have perished so far. rrtviDEXT LnrtRrxAN, of Li beria, died on Nor. 1 1th. II is native of Liberia, TBI sen at a is preparing tho way for an international agreement on tbe question of silver. QrtM "Lll," of Hawaii, that is the nurn that was, is risitinc America on a pleasure trip. Tot appearance of soow.or Arc tic U, in Oregon is said by some to iudicaU a Lard winter ahead. Cltt IK, of Illinois, tn ado ringing ieech on the Cuban question yeterdy, lie esj Spain ia tbs prince of rol lers. Iris evident that the thoglty bill faonot bs paaae.1 The dmv rrals do tvt watt it, as well as namtr of republicans, I f pasee. the president would veto it i . 11 ""f Vk HlHi.mo was elms mayor of Sstem, lale YV, P. Famish was "indicated" 'J Meg elected to a similar wltioa and as his own etieeeeaor. tip at l'ebdlel.ib. a. . .a k k nil! ids repeMteao causae mwiin Kf iif r nil yri m 11 wk fcumlwf tre is I rt t traut they d- like tie tt- WASHINGTON NEWS Washington, Deo. 4, 1896. -Senator Sherman with oharaoteristlo promptness and bluntness pat bis foot down on the sensational stories saying that he had made a deal with President elect Mo- Kinley, Governor Bnsbnell and Chair man Hanna, whereby be was to resign from the senate to beoome secretary of state and Governor Busbnell was to ap point Mr, Hanna to succeed him iu the senate. Said Mr. Sherman: "I have not talked with Mr. McKinley nor with Mr. Hanna sinoe the election, and no tters have passed between us eioepton ordinary matters. There has not been word on the subjeot between either Mr McKinley or Mr. Hanna and myself. I know Mr. Hanna well. Ws are friends. He is e man of lofty parposes sod a dis interested gentlemen. I do not believe he ia seeking any oflloe or wants it." Mr Sherman also bad something to say about the difference of opinion among re publicans as to what should be attempted n the way of legislation at this session of oongreis, and be stated the oase just as It is when he said that there was oo friction among republicans and no like liiiooj or uilliirencea ttisl would give rouble. "The question ie one," be added, "ooncerniug whioh men may honestly differ, but all that will le net tied in Ounforonce." Senator Quay has reason to feel grati fied at the reeeption bis ides for the re- tirrueutol the greenbacks Is meeting from senators and representatives, eves if it does not get adopted. His idee is to remove the opportunity for raiding the golj in the treasury by replacing U grerobarks with notes payable io gold at the option of tbe government, lie thinks) Ibtwe Dotes would everywhere be regarded as good ss gold; that they would I Used by tbe banks to uaiolalo their gold remvs, and that tbeir nae woulJ put an end to tbe much talked about "endless chain." Men who are Opposed to further issue of bonds taks kindly Io 8oator Quay's plsn, and if so (eglilalrua increasing tbs reveou ess be had Ibis inter, lbs; may try Io pel il through congress, provided thai It sodoreed by the republics census. see There ie a decided revival of tbe talk A organising a Talent Iter, with rule ef practice strict enough to make lbs pro freatn) of Ueitle palest as honorable as Ibal of preettoing ia ear highest Is coarle. And tbr t resen eigh for the revivsl, l. The boworable petes! lewyer dneen'l tike Io be eosslJrred It the seme els ee the gree goods sota. lbs banco starrer or the Uhsil vs Jet ef lottery tickets. Hal if emetlleg iso't deee to stop and to prevent lb bone offers of eIUtl would be perches ef pa t tilt sad ef lottery prliee ft Idea bether aluUble er aei,ltre Ie grave danger that tbey ill be eo eaeixHeWd, eeiUtiilr to the suie U uf ito b are benened by lb erttae of doubtful legality an J of erUs lnmre!lly. I'nl efur atl.lt Is the toveoU ! ! prteeiH the a l. Tbe U. H. euatte Let the tariff tinkers remember that it required a yeor and a half to pass tbe McKinley bill and about as long to pass tbe Wilson bill. There is no precedent warrant tbe idea that the proposed extra session of tbe fifty-fifth congress could pass and have in operation an ultra protective tariff measure before next June. Telegram. Tbe story of Maceo'i death was spoil ed by putting silk stockings ou tbe corpse. Instead of being a daintily' hosed carpet warrior the man was most likely is a regular military Jerrmiab SimpsoD. Telegram. A Valuable Journal. The January number of Toilettes will be an excellent edition of that popular fashion magazine. Aside from all of its splendid features as a journal of illus trations of fashions, what renders Toil ettes even more useful to the vast ma jority of its purobasers is its line of 10 oent epeoial patterns, which are invalu able in the home as well as to dress makers, and tbe fact that it retails every where for only 25 cents per oopy, or $2.00 for a twelve months' subscription, which makes it the most reasonable of all first class fashion magazines. All newsdeal ers and booksellers sell Toilettes. It is published at 126 West 23rd Street, New York. The Ills or Women. Constipation, causes more than half the ills of women. Karl's Clover Boot, Tea is a pleasant cure for Constipation. Dor sale bv Wells & Warren. ENGLISMUSINESS ni l pnF&ss r asm sssa mm s ssaaAtu PORTLAND OREGON Notice of Intention. ran Full English course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy. BOARDING DEPARTMENT'0 LAMES It Meceo stays dead this time be will disappoint his friends snd delight his enemies Telegram. I AND OFKIOE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, J Dec. 8. lH'.tti. Notii-e is hereby ariven that the following-named settler haa Died notice of nis intention to make nnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk of Morrow county, Orcnon, at Heppner, Oregon, on January 15, 1WI7, viz: THOMAS McINTIRE, H. E. No. 5718, for the Bee 19, Tp 1 8, R28 E, W M. He names the following; wltnesnei to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz; Thomas Glltlllln. Alex Cornett, James Mc- Intlre and James Johnson, all of Heppner. Or. fl. r. WH-NON, 500-10. Register Timber Culture Final Proof. The editor of one of our exobaogea en courages bis delinquent subscribers to nse lees tobacco and not drink so muoh whisky until they pay up what tbey owe Dim, and auas thai tbey sbould lose do time in doing so, as the bog cholera is lieble to strike that section aoy time. Notice for Publication. Vhitso Htatis Laud Omrs, The DalW-s. Oresnn. Nov. 17. 1HKI. JOTIOR 18 HEKKBY GIVEN THAT SQL IKE i. Turner, ol Ilenpner. Oregon, haa died notice of Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, Co. Clerk, at his oftVe In Hcpp ner, Oregon, on taturday the nth day of January. l"'7. on umher ruiiur uppitratiou r.. w, u.r the HKU of section No. M. Ill UiwDnhlD Ho. 1 south, range No. 'J enat. lie names as wltnveaca: William u. Mccarty, Rolxrt W. Turner, James K. bevey. frank K. Ilcl I. of Heppner, Oregon. J Art. t, MOORE, Register. THIS. A story, which is too good to keor , is told of a lady teaober of this county or some other count, or somewhere, who, having an inordinate dread of coutagl. ons diseases, sent a little girl home be oanse she said ber mother was sick. The next day tbe child presented ber self at school with ber Soger In ber mouth and little bat swinging by ths string, and said: "Ws'se got a liitls baby at our boose, but mamma told me in tall mn II ian's aalnhlns Thai He name the following wllneaae to prove hit i ctiiiiiniMiuB rrviiieiH'ai ufMjn aim ruiuviuiinui. teacher blushed el rbtlv. eaid she was said land, vis : jeaaa n, prrncn. Ol neppner, irregon. J a mm I'alrUk IHihrrty, of Vln Notice of Intention. Land Orru s at La grand, Oknoon. NoveniheMth. !). JOTICR ! HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 following. nained ecttlcr has filed lint Ire of his InU-iitlnu to make llual liroof in support of hl claim, and that sold proof will lie made be fore K. W rreeland, I ninmlaaimier U. I. Irvull Court al llitpptier, Oregon, on Imvinliar U'lli lw.i, vl: I'AMKi. r. iiiir.Kii, It. E. 477 lor tbe HE'. Sec, 12, Tp I S, R 3 E. W. glad or tl, snd lo'd ber popil to take a seat. Kelson, Itamald son, Ongm, 4 :1. H. F. WIUtOK. Rrgl.tcr. LI. W. Hcolt, editor ol the Oregonien, is mentioned for eeerelsry of the Irene ory. McKinley might seek further, bnt be oan Bud no better qualified gentli man for this cabinet position than tbe editor of tbe leadiog paper of the Faolflo eoeat. Certainly do other doia men ia tbe whole west beve doee more for tbe gold stesdefd Ibsa bee Mr. Hoolt. Ao enthaeieetio admirer declares Ibat Koott Is the braioieel editor ia tbe United HteleeCoDdoa Cllobev Timber Culture, Final Proof. Koike for ribhrallim. t'giTp Sftvts Lans Orrus. 1h iNillra. fn-nn. Iwc. I. IA XOTICK IS IO KKHV .IVKN THAT Rl ft r. Vt . HoMann. of KUhl Mile. Oregon haa S!et hMIenf tiilrtition to make final prwt mt..rJ. W. Mnrmw, riHinty clrrk, at hie nfllf In Hrppnaf Oregon, on ealuMay tha .MB day nf January, on tmlHr enlliir appllralloo No r. lot th N ia ol aertlon o, iU. la low B thin No t amilh. rai. No. il east. He Mims aa allni-nw John w. Alltl It Charlr Ingrahtm. John II. Ingraham. AaroO S. Ilalnra.atll r.ignl M 11., (rr..n mhJ JAM. r. XiKIKH, Rller. There oaghl to be bo eueslioa as to rUnalor klilclell's powliosj oo the mossy qaeettoa. In ble speeeb st UeMioovilie be quoted the Ht. Ioois platform snd said; X)a this t sued snd ou tbie I hv stood -bimetallism by Interealioaal ssreemettL" ConU say words be ssore proooneeed tbso Ibeeet-Coadiio Otut. Heslic 1'alUre.vo would, as we said some deys sgo, (make a ntoel esel!enl preaidetit ol the tpuef btsach ol lbs Utegosj tegtslature. Us Is the peve la all the qeelitteeof a gooJ pteetdleg efSset of say ef tbe dMnhgeisb! Ibirly- HaUm Htsleamaa. Notice of Intention. t ATI Orflrt AT TBI PAI l.M OREi.Ol 1 1 Im. a, lav H'.llra Is hrl v gives thai tha lollowli.g nai4 a.tti.f haa ntad rio- II. of hit lnli.Uoo to mat Bnal pf In tup. t.n l Mtrialia. ! thai tai.l t ''d will I ma.ta mon J,aph L. .Imi. O. a Ona lttogloa, itrg.-o. mi January ., 17, tit, Jl eTt i A. MIU RK. H I r wt tt.e Sot II. Tp I 5, e r. W M Ha the Mlowms Wllnaa n Mtr kit rotilniuut letelaura Upoa til rttiUaO4l ol. aat4 land. i-.io H. .1.1.. n WlUiani SmwMng RdwaM f Straw hlbg, Jtn kiaua, all of lMngo "t lion. J. N . Ilroen, etete repet els- lite Iron stores county, te s taedhitU f.if siwaktr et the beee, and If ll.at butrtaT is givo to as F.aaUia Oc( .e eae Vr. iWnee eiestde atsry 4 etiow of meg it. lis te a Wit, oi yoneg sbo, aed, la our eiialHt, te well ill give il to bim efur be gtle kis pet- Unaltft4 I Ike r"iie te el..eb be fcuTUK V' iigsrsf tM tiut ami rr iV If f at h. aba Aa'.l lwa a lha ll-r , SmU.1I A Aa,alaiioa i l h.. Ih.tf aSV.a In It ..b ll.a. lit aii t-lav fW Itnct. '" tal tha Ikn-ara of k M. a4 e a. "4 aat I day tha Mlna, til. S IMr tffaa lf , W !. l t- l Upr'f set, but It Is Mme be gels bis t ut tbal be M k lotted, if be doeeo'l atnaiat good Jodgaseet eeiMigb t aaeke bas S plteetio tbfough booersble aiant t teie, snh se would eewi Ike Ulre .Itfih.e f lotiefy eiib.ls iei.i tltatr buaibeo fof Ibe sakewf Mltrtag edvseee f-e ft"m IliS fnekets f latatilata If sa ieteelnr ! ae'l keaw uf seeb a Brut be about J In (lire ef ftteal, sed ttksse rlieeoe. esse CheiMueti HaSSS tS siHa4 la Weab. i.o ibis week, te eeeeusss Ibe ebeir esse el tbe taeeg s'eiu eeSkiHee ss4 lak Olbef 4nsMMy biessls ewie.-Astel'twi llerstd. STx HiU'kKi- MltllMJ VTi It lilkr HT t.l l T1I T A wrrT 1 ftt O.. 4 I. .Ml. a4 K mai.al MUt at HrV'-. ' I ta h-l ! hatl hwaas la tlvfMt oo Hit t tt.aa.lat la,.af r . hmmm.m zm Mmnirf taa. m a If atoHrUl lAt r-n-a 4 aiali sua eiHie (okw M..--fe Ol ,a tfa ia a We Uare fines the tToteu Ibal nf. W. A. W.A. ef Ten lee 4 lee J .dale i 4 hm tiih 4 reedleg elail of lir UgiaUieie, AHwMbevee keouMse ef Mr. ttelgtU'e -uelifW. Itee. ku bias ta be essieeetiy Ettasl f .f tbe pt-MlK-fi l wbleb be mm e4 a (! sere lUal bia ble of fred IkHMhsbtvil tbs siele uel4 be (!! t la4 l-i ber ef bie eeetee. wbieb they Ie 1 Sails.' -Wse OkahMeef. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Uregon. Theae gentlemen are well acanalnted with Grant, Harney. Crook. Oilltam and other counties and can save money and time in making these sections with traveling men. Prices in keeping with ths times. THOMPSON & BINNS, .li-vkrxmht. ngrnrxB, k York Wily m irni FOR Farmers and Villagers, FOR Fatliers and Motners, FOR Sons and Dauoliters, FOR All the Family. With tie cloao of the rreaitleotial campaign TIIE TRIBUNE recognizes the (act that the American people are now aoxiona to gire their time to borne and business interests. To meet this condition. politic will have far lem apace and prominence, nntil another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for tbe principles for which TIIE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the rreaenk day, and won its greatest victories. Ererf possible effort will be put forth, and money freelj spent. to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member We lurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly Tridune" one Year lor $3.00. A I If CAN 1 1 i all Ot4n la IN AIIVANCIC. THE GAZETTE. tfl.(fll s ai4 a4ltM aw s aMal rar4. sMIl In (taa W. M. Trlbaaa OSVe. Kim Tk lili.aa4aaa.tt. H lh M a.kii Tr1f-.ua will kMilal mfon. Sntl t nr ittM .not I'lM wir?H Notk s inttt :tr. tmr t. itr a , i aa a --... - m m4 IKa taw I Im- 4 ft H-. S. a 4 Ht-a. Va a laa t a, ia f l ..a tat aw laaaft laa m4 M aa a - t p m M a.4 4a II f-ai m4 'i a 4. ,. .. It l-aaa. m M . I, aW ai aaa a f : .-a. ..I ..( a TaaHlaa SI. . t- a a al SI.OO -Tiln- SI.00J i Weekly frJTER Oceais. : Ths Urcatctl Republican Vmptr of ths WtL I J 1 T tt ie awi sfsee.f m4 mwrlng Iftpmhtksm Her txb- e 1 1 .11 Ut i sae eiwap U rele4 s;os luf 1st ee4 huni re J ! 4 all fw'it-: el 9ir J -T MsUll lertef nteee) wfpH All 4 Ike N) -,5 I' I sl Ihe rws 04 tr,, LJlerslsrt. 1-12 i ! Il I. M -al t I '.'. s4 s s rs.lr rff Wi'Wei s feaf. kf eh Uto ar Ike ssse e4 lee ColaaA (eeJere Se wneaea I lie ran tatt'i ran m tm ht Sale- . Am HmM !!. leeetUk. e II Ultrmry Cevmni art tqual to tho o the brti magit I tie. lit Youth' DtMrtmtnt 1$ the litittt of In kind. . . . ti IK MtaeawraJtosi aat rraan4al MfKieWf I! ' eil 4 Heli4 jik i .tMfl s4 Vka), (Veo) ht r-f eia4rf . Il IS e -o4. Ul ks e.lk Ilea "e" t the 8 al a) li.Ue l is S -lrwta.s. il.al Mr. tlets en-l ! isi'fej'eeJ l'se e4 Mr H. W. tt.4esfJ,l4ffU aVelUrJavle. it i..i.Ml,um, (J k M ' at ' lana !" rjl : l Wiaa Walk. I, m ml taa Iuih Sart aa, a. - 4 aata. 4 a. a an , Mri M aa awe H.aa , a l..l raaa ml laal w a, at la. aa. aat a4 mmmm rM.e4 la) fctaa. la MM a4.,W4 w. ,mm ml IS t-r-m mmm ml taa AiiMfcaas MMiaa iu. a.. . . -oo griff, pf t vm.t.nrM'.yjA 1 atk 51.00: f.a tla k ajl rWa af aa4a . .f e 4. tt a.,,) A44eeee tkl ltl k ih T. . C le m aa! eee etati tt al M mmm