PAPER A HOT NUMBER Is the Heppner Gazette. Without it the Heppner hills would appear dry and barren. People read it; business men advertise in it. A LARGE NUMBER.... Of Morrow County's citizens read ' the Heppner Gazette. Not much of , an authority on agriculture orpoli , tics, but true to the interests of its , neighbors. U i FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1896. ( WEKKLY; HO. 718, 1 8EYI-WKKKLY MO 600) OFFICIAL SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rnBUBHia Tuesdays and Fridays BT W PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANTf. OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. . . Editor Business Manager At $3.50 per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 cts. lor three monuu. Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Asjeney, A4 end 65 Merchants Exohangs, San Francisco, California, where oou roots for advertising oan be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:05 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Arrives 4:55 a. m. doily, except Mon day. ' West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 2:19a. m.: east bound 12:51 a. m. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 10:43 a. m. and 8:45 J. m. ; going west, 6:30 p. m. and 6.45 a. m. PUBLIC LAND SALE. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PUR. suance of instructions from the Commis sioner of the General Land Office, unrter author ity vested in him by section 2455, U. 8. Rev. 8tat., as amended by the act of Congress approved Febnrary 26, 1895. we will proceed to offer at public sale on the 22nd day of December next, at this olllce, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M the following tract of land, to-wit: BE NE!. Sec 12, Tp. 4 S., R. 25 E-, and Lot 3 8ec. 7. Tp.48., R. 26 E. And any and all persona claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to tile their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeit ed. JA3 F. MOORE, Register. November 7th, 1896. 491-01. Notice Of Intention. Land Office at La Grandk, Oregon, November 16th 1896. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Ueppaer, Oregon, on Doe.ember 29, 1896, vis: JAMES McENTIRE, H. E. No, 5277 for theSE N WW, 8U NEK ana NEH 8WJ4 Sec. 25 Tp. 1 S. R. 27 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Michael Kennv, James Carry, Francis Kil kenny Thomas Gilfillin, all of Heppner Oregon, .494-04 B. F. WILSON, B. F. WILSON, Register, SUMMONS. Catarrh. OSTICIAL DIBECTOBT. United States Officials. President ..Q rover Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson Secretary of State Richard S. Olney Seorntary of Treasury John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior E. R. Francis Secretary of War Daniel 8. Laniont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William L. Wilson Attorney-Oonsral Jndson Harmon Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. tfovernor : W. P. Lord Racretaryof State...... ....H. K. Kinoaid Treasurer Phil. Metsolian Bnpt. Public Instruction (i. M. Irwin Attornav General C. M. Idleman . G. W. MoBriue "u1" J J. H. Mitchell I llinger Hermann v""B" 1 w. it KUij Printer W. H. Leeds ( It. S. Bean, innrama Judmw . A. Moore. tC. K. Wolverton filxtU Judicial District. Circnit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney a. Morrow County Officials. Joint Henotor A. W. Oowan llepreerotativa. J. Drown Cnintv Jndim A. G. Hnrtholomew " CommUsioners J. li. Howard J. W. Hackett. M Olerk J.W.Morrow " Sheriff K. L. h at lock " Tnunnr Frank Gilliam Assessor J. r. WUIIs 8orveyoT. J. w. Hornor School Bnp't Jay W. Shipley Coroner is. V. Vanghau nipesn Town nrrinzpa. vina Thus. Morgan r...nilinn H. H. Horner. K. J. Hlnmra. Frank Bonn, Geo. Conner, Frank milium Artltnr Mitwip. Kaooni-r F Jr Mallook K. L. Freeland Marshal .......A. A. UoberU - i Prreiact Offleers. J.tflMnl tha Pasoa W. K. Kirtisnlson Con.Ul.1 N. B. Whetstone Dslted Statet Und Officer. TUB D1I.I.U. OB. A. F. Moore K.gisler A. ft. Hun Hoeeiver t.A nmns Di. B.F. Wilson Register J. II. Kobbins Keoaiver EOXXT aOOXETZ3. RAWLINS POST, NO. IL G.A.n. Meat at Launatoa, Or., tha Uat flatorday of aoh month. All rstscane art Invlten W )oin. I-H. Mnna. UWO. W. rlHITI. Adlntaot, tf Commanilar. D. J. McFaul, M. D. TN JUSTICE'S COURT FOR THE SIXTH DI8- A trlct, State of Oregon, County of Morrow. Minor & Co., et al., PlaiutillB, . vs. Ben Ponpen. Defendant To Ben Poppen, Defendant: in tne name oi ine state oi uregon. we com mand you to appear before the undersigned, a I justice oi tne reace in Heppner, in saia uoiiniy and State, on or before the 30th dav of December. 18, at tne nonr or a;o cloeii in tne atternoon oi said day, at my ofilce in the said town to answer the complaint of Minor A Co. et al., founded on express contracts and wherein they demand the sum of One Hundred Twenty-six and 10-100 Dol lars, for which sum Judgment will be rendered against you If you fall so to appear and answer saia complaint. Given under my nana tnis i7tn nay oi Nov. A. D., 1896. W. A. RICHARDSON, 493.05. Justice of the Peace. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Catarrh is teeming! y one of the most complicated of ailments, and one which the doctors are absolutely unable to cure. The reasons for this are easily explained. Catarrh is a blood disease, and only a blood remedy can effect it. The various sprays, douches and washes which are employed as a local treatment, may, for a time, alleviate the trouble, but no one ever knew of such treatment producing1 a cure. They can not reach the seat of the dis ease, as the experience of many sufferers will prove ; nothing can do so except a real blood remedy. In the treatment of Catarrh, S. S. S. has demonstrated the fact that it reaches deep-seated diseases, which other remedies can not touch. Mr. Chas. A. Parr, the leading wall paper dealer, of Athens, Ga.. writes: " For months I suffered from a severe case of catarrh. The many offensive TN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE A of Oregon, for Morrow County. In the I matter of the estate of Wm. Cecil, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Mor row comity, executor of the estate oi wm. Cecil, deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them verified as required by law, within six months after the nrst piinucttion or tnis notice to saia executor at me onice oi J. n. Hrown at Heppner, Oregon. PETE It BAl F.RNF KIND. Executor of the Estate oi Wm. Cecil, Deceased. Dated Nov. 14. 1896. J. N. Brown, 493-501. Atty for Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE X of Oregon for Morrow "County. In the matter of the estate of James Galloway, defeas ed. The undersigned having been appointed by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Morrow county, administrator oi tne estate or James Galloway, deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them verlneil as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice to J. M, hers, bis resilience near lone, Morrow Co , Oregon. J . M . K E r.H, Administrator of the estate of James Galloway. aereasca. Dated Nov. 2J, 1896. 49543. NOTICE OF INTENTION. AND OFFICE AT THE DAM.F.H, ORF.OON, Nov. 19. llMn. the following-named settler has Notice Is lerely given that tiled notice ol her Intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will he mails before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Hepnnur, SPIRIT WORLD IN 1893. At Mrs. H. Welch's Residence. Night telephone connection with the Hslare Hotel. E. L. FREELAND, !! COLLECTIONS. INSURANCE, !! ABSTRACTS. U. S. LAND COMMISSIONER. Land filings and Final Proofs Taken. STLNOGuiFBER,. . ' KQT1RT TIBUC. xxrrxrxa. osE30ir. Oregon, on January '.'lb, I'), vis: MARTHA C. EM BY, net Martha C. lloskliis, Hi. No m. for the H'4 NWU and Ntt 8WU Bee I. To H. R K. W M. Mie names ine inunwing witnesses (o prove net roniimiotis resilience upon ana cultivation of. ssld land, vis: Ne son Comiitnn, James H. Kmlth. Robert Knlshten, Wesley Conipum. all of Hardinau, urvgou. j as. r. wniKK. 496-06 Register. Notice of Intention. Land Or r ii i at La iaxr. Omno, Niinnir Hth lm rOTim IH IIFRFRY lil VKM 1 MAT TMR following. named settler has filed notice ol his Intention In make final prtf In support n htaelslm. and lhat sell proof will tie Dwlt he- fore Ihs County llerk ol Morrow Co,, lregnn, at lleppiier, Oregon o leremir?itli. vis H. K. No. Vrts for the ht hWi KIU He. hit. is k. -n k w. m. ne names ins lonowing wiinessea m prove his continuous resilience upon and rultlvaUon Of, said land, vll: Mkhael Kenny. Jamea Tarty, ismes mp Entire. Thomas lillflllln allot H ppner, Oregon. t4 4H M. W. fiiutUA, (Mgisiar. STof BRANim. Wkllafona- foar snkworla4iosi paid yrw au keep soarbraa4 la fraeof etwsrf. BtM. F t).. Hepaaar. OrRnrssaL F .. Wft I Vmlilari eatue. aaaM ua ten kip. (-fcapla. II., Hardman. Or.-Hfe braa44 brawim IM aanje. a tau Ma. Chas. A. Pakr. symptoms were accompanied by severe paina in the head. I took sev eral kinds of medicines recommended for catarrh, and used various local ap plication, but the disease had become so deep-seated that they had no effect whatever. I was alarmed at my con dition, as I knew this disease invari ably descended to the lunirs. endlnir in consumption. I was induced to take 8. S. S. (Swift's Specific), and after two months I was perfectly well, and have never felt any effects of the disease since." 8. 8. 8. is the only blood remedy which it is Impossible to imitate. There is a substitute for most of them, for they are all alike contain the same ingredients, and are made in the same manner. But there is no substitute for 8. S. 8., as it is in every way dif ferent from every other blood remedy offered to the public. It is nature's own remsdy, being made from roots and herbs gathered from the forests, and contains not a particle of mercury potash or other drug. It is not a drug store remedy, and not a single Ineredi ent can be obtained from a chemist's shop. 8. 8. 8. (Swift's Specific) is the only blood remedy which is guaran teed to be Purely Vegetable All others are founded on mercury and potash. Deep-seated ana obstinate blood troubles, such as Cancer. Scrofula. Catarrh, Rheumatism, Eczema, Con tagious Blood Poison, etc, which oth er remedies do not reach, yield readily to the curative powers of 8. 8. 8. Books on blood and akin diseases rill be mailed free to any address i ttwift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga, A PURE FOOD PRODUCT COTE BROTHERS' VINEGAR is ennerlefitmtsl rwronimnrHlnd to mr sum. rs fiw I'-eiierwoandiairtti will pieasetue IBSIHIKfUB. OLD AD RIXOM MKNURD BT Os TIIOMI'MON uirmu, oauKix. Visions Claimed to lie Been by Responsi ble Fersoua in Different l'laces. We have heard comparatively little lately from the various societies for psychical research, and there seems to be a temporary lull in the activity of the hypnotists; but the. tlieosophists, who are far superior in knowledge of the "unknown" to these people, whose mahatmas know all that is in creation, all that has been and pretty much all that will be, have had some interest ing proceedings, and the year 1806 has, thus far, had its full complement of ghost stories. The unseen but noisy spooks in Silverton abbey have received many columns of careful attention in the English newspapers, anu are still unlaid. In Seabrooke, N. II., the face of the first wife of a recently-deceased farmer appeared suddenJty upon the tombstone erected to his memory, much to the annoyance of his second wife, who was doubtless looking for ward to a peaceful widowhood. In one of the many Italian settlements in the heart of New York city the face oi tne Virgin Mary, crowned with a halo, ap pears at an upper window of a partly deserted house, and the omen thrills jven the policemen on the beat. These visions and visitations are ail authenticated by "responsible per sons," as ghost stories always are. But they are still less worthy of credence than the long and informing letter dictated to a medium by the spirit of a physician who was killed in a street accident. His widow firmly believes in the authenticity of this document, and she ought to know. The letter is as verbose and platitudin ous as such communications foneially are, but it is important because of its direct contradiction of tlio most cher ished belief of the tht osojihists and their .mahatmas. They to the Brahma'Duddhlst doctriro of reinenr- nation. The souls of are used over and over again In th? processes of creation, and are houred according to their value. When two members of the society were recently married by a veiled mahatma, it was expressly stated that they had known and loved each other 5,000 years before; and a little girl, who delivered an address to the embassy starting upon an around-the-world mission of enlightenment, remarked that while her body was voung, her noul was very old, indeed. Now this physician's soul, the mo ment it realized that it had been sepa rated from the body, found itself in company with the aouls of the phy sician's deceased children, his parents, his wife's parents, their grandparents and ancestors for many gt'iic ration. Here were thene apirits, evidently with no work on hand, unattached, loiter ing about on earth for no other pur pose, as we can see, except to disprove the doctrine of reincarnation. The most curious fact about the real gboit stories those, w mean, in which a certain nuoiler of sentient hu man beings are known to believe In that they are Invariably much loss thrilling and in Westing than the pure ly Imaginary talcs of writers of Action, ust as th doings of the trance me diums and the oreuslonal perform- nncea of the mahotmns are not nearly no clever and mystifying an the neat tricks of the profraaionnl "magicians" of the stage, wiio bewilder yon for your entertainment. Harper's Wrvk- A QUEER INCUBATOR. and forests of oil the Pacific states, of British Columbia, lower California, Mexico and .South America, and has 12 times tramped over central America always after plants and insects. Over at Trig, England, lives an old man who is chiefly knowu to the world because of his immense wealth, but who, if he were poor, would be fnmous be cause of his researches and knowledge as a naturalist. lie is Baron de Roths child, and at Trig ho has a large three story building, which he is filling with entomological specimens. He heurd of Mr. Dunn some time ago, and has em ployed him to make a collection on the coast of Mexico. Dunn has already sev eral thousand butterflies ready to ship to August Belmont at New York, who will forward them to Trig. , Each is placed in a three-cornered envelope,.so arranged that the delicate inclosure cannot be injured. In a few days he will leave for RevilaOigedo, on the east coast iirt Mexico, ne hos an indefinite com mission, and will be a long time com pleting the baron's collection. As he ap pears certain to be good for half acentury more of life, he does not need to hurry. Indeed, he says the philosophy of life is this live slowly. San Francisco Ex aminer. Highest of all in Leavening Powsr. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MM . lTT)nna?!srrs ABSOLUTELY PURE AN EARLY START. with the A Subterranean City. The "City of the Salt Mines" is situ ated several hundred feet below the surface at Weilicska.Galacia. This won derful subterranean city has a popula tion of over 1,000 men, women and chil dren, scores of whom have never seen the light of day or the earth's surface. This remarkable city has its town hall, a theater and its assembly room, as well as a beautiful church, decorated with statues, all being fashioned from pure crystallized rock salt. It has well graded streets and spacious squaies, all well lighted with electricity. There are isolated cases in this underground city, where not a single individual in three or four successive generations has ever seen the sun or has any idea of how people live on the outside of the earth. Their rock salt houses are said to be perfect sanitariums, and the av erage longevity of the denizens of the "City of the Salt Mines" is said to ex- ceed that of the surface Inhabitant of Oalicla. Chicogo Chronicle. FOSSIL MEAL. 1, CO, .... , . . IlianlB. II., Ilarnmaa. w.-nrM national Bank pi Heppner. &$&2&3&z wt f INLAND, KO. treats!. ft. BISHOP, raaalrf. at a4 ' ('.. a J..Ina Of.- H.a. trna riM .fcnsJ a. t aiiia. sunan ns In pi ssatfe cns afl left a4 stilit ta nikt. D-wlaea. W K. Of.-TaMU. Illss vatvriM! irrvTOIt BlVttVr. BrctVPf P I w,U4m la as sstrt korass, li I LA.VUUO 1 UL.H.rUb DA.i&l.'V UlOl.iUfc I ift aisw Kir nM. faraiwM El.f ssi left sSwidOT, eaulai Saaaa ssi rut, is nail ear. VWesiea, L IL, fUs O. 'li. l.f a rtvV kisi teatwa w sr,Us M ate a rtsM JiTMe, Users, Rat,. tr Hmm tirsa l A J mi t sen efcMiMeri Mrttla fcea 44 i m nM alp. alaa saW la test '. staaa t Koms sarnatf. Je. fells. faL Or. W ins, eteUT tafl SIW: Mil aeweea) rM kip, Sadat Mif sr. Is n- m abtit m n as aar. . rtfra. Or.-Hnraas ea4 111 ua, U1 ! a4UaM sari as-W eiuea IM rWrM Saalarlaa4 W.A Maaal tama ftf.-l I. Sattia aa nsM aa4 lafi aVIaa, elra fi la a fl a-W Hi flkl aar. keaa4 as tart ahmekar. 4ara M Wel aaaats taa. isinaaa. fat.rte.-N L, e fal ais aa aaitta an mr.4 at-lil mm rlM sm. H Wa4 tan llt I W MaMrUr-HaMM WsaSal I. s4 a aa Ml a-a..4ari aall IS) aa a let kip, srauia aaar nH era. lJa eua la fM COLLKOTIONS Mads oa Fsvofabis Term, LXCHANGE BOUGHT 4 SOLD ntrrstn. a oreoos First National Bank or nr.rn.En C. A. Rmca. T. A. KMC. GCO. W. CONtCR, s. w. srcNCCM. a rrlslsi Vie PVasHet a Csahlar As 'I CsaHler Tmadj i Gtwnl Ei&lit hiuu. IflXCIrl-AaNGKR , aU puts al IM sravll- Ma tsars, wat.eaar rs - 4 afila MaMkia. baeaa M aa sett akaaMar. at S . m,mm. O. -H O as I Boucht and Sold. r,. ';jrr.-;, f (aiU ea"la asien -a etai a, a, ,, , . rM'na s. rsr4aaa.t.-liaaatrs I ctlertVS B-t aa all sMats aa tassiinsitie Trrtn iip. tO as ail eaesnas see aaraail a4 sa s)rl.s at S-M Sat stoat laa Ia4 4 aaw a arts ts lul I " IN a-a veat a m MIslMtSI 1a.a.(.ll H S. Hiuol- Wanted-ln Idea 2SS fi was far Pr a.ei.u fsr -Haa if a wa) Ml e.'lla, sastiai aasaa aa W kip a.ue at la aa t Si . s.t(.a, IK - tart etial sar, I asua, II aa rWM kip. 1 ri . IUa-. II. -! t aa Wp - ' ae tmt la left mbm. eala aa Urt sSnait. Tn a W, . i -si.aii aeal 1 I 4-aaa, keai I k-e a-.. Ivery ls KirsralaM To all parts of lb orJ eaa if err snged fur st day ia tb year, for 00 or ninre parasina, oposj aptiliealins) to toy prtnti- pal lirkel agett fif II. Cbieago, Milwtq 4 HI I'snl rtilaty , !linMsriarro- folly prepare! for ritnreiuaa tyi Callfo'- ls, Florida, It ilea, China, ispso.aod 10 say pari of Eof"p. Itim-I4 fsro- UUrd, UeloJinc all fttfnaao. Tlekalt fortlsUed far lb eompleU J iornajr. It Is kcil ser east try It trail for any to-fallm) "far aoc ally Cuai1aetal Kieorsi-ios." la ba da of prograaaUt Mil;hleOtnCt, Kb th Kog-liab lao.lefJ" p"seo lo aary latij aodrr Hit tan, on d -M not D-i lo depJ OBad lb Mftlaat of f ol lr tit s'bl itt, bo I ao pi It alisB r I ewall laiktly par lie, villi (rati ts'iM and aer'ntii, and si rn inssMiaies. W rila It t J, t rVI4 V Oaaeral At, (lileigi. Milvauksa HI. Teal railaay. Wtla l. Of ., f.if 4a- 14 1 if crO are tstiioji!atiiiat a trip- lit taslaril4a kils tral,4 la ,,! iatbr. Tt l-eWm ra.tfi sisla l.asU lit Irtio II,vIkI b stesm pes I fro Id tagle, lb tst It. r; 1 art p ail I'a a pleasa an t .Isl.l. tl ! lifUs ia part l.r IU tUali l lalailt 11,1 Sissir IheSa N.liiar.l tl m, t I aaaettf art tsriMd utilf II last tatl. Fof tlaepir f ear rrsatrali-a, lirkets, ir la formal a. rail tn of iMies It W 1st w, fi abi, tbn4 h- For la I, Ofag-0. .. vi aa a , r..a a-l . a a-- m , I r m A mm 1 a.fta s a p.. t , I , - a I aa n.a aw.t fca - Jtt ra.. s-p s4 , t mm4 sae a mm, fas M t lari kf a k.aa.U k-aa- ar aI 1 Ilea lire l ft Iba W'fkt Ire atau. lb raalaa apt(f 114 asl U life If I ads-w,trt, rrt)c Ha'ri b Saa-U I IM Ul. OM That la l'sa4 la Hatch Uat Mlerabae fur Kspatisaaalal rrraaaa. A flrm in JUrgnt street, Londin, ouike a bualui M of hau hiug out art I- ilej birds, chick cut aud U10 like, and tha ImuUu.rt adaptrd for their va rious puriaairs are lim-d up against the tiili-s of tit lii a- room. Thry also Uke lufanla tliature prrtiiaUriHy Urn and by keeping Ux-m ui a certain aul unvarwng (-ins ralurr, ami giving Ihriu proM-r nourisliimnt, develop thrin iutu liralUiy ami luaty babies, IVrhaiss the auangral of all U . ir many apliiuiia for liatrhiug living organUma U their biological Inrubalor Here are "cultivated" w hole "ntlonlca" Of JSlty Mlirrtiljr for iurMsarof lC' Urktloglral Invi-atigal'ain and r rl nx lit The r holer a bswillua, Umi acarlet ft ver mh-rvsrorctia, lb Irpruay and tulrrrtu. loala lav illl arxi don-M of (Mlier varl-rtri-S of these liratifrroU liltl OfgSII- bnut iirigsti Ik tnaj-lea In tlx forrliijr lnm a v Ith marvelous rapid ily. Thry am grow u tin smsll orttv ilisiaj-d i.U-1-ra uf plaiinr, ami a frig lurrit Mi liti of a qnartr-r aiilTii-ra to maintain a "colony" of (f inl- rn1" . This ir-'rular InrulatUir kt falnid by U u I "' t if the) strt itestlrn Jid) ! I Inlr.i ate rasrrtirUotii and. In lw of (V irriMe rrwiiiu Uil mlfhl trawiMr fi.lUrw from an iinanllrrlril meddling with It grrvss-Mii rtrn'ro't, Ui prrrautUin awtn a vb'Hjf ttaras- ssvry or.. irtrinnsli r.nrjulrer. A BUTUWfUY CAICHtW. Aa 01 Ma t fcaslaf lb I stars fa lbs fsMsaet Ma ka Ik warM. (baaiiitf Imltrrflirs for lb rubral In the vturl I la now lhorrupetu of (ties of tb lin-sl alriKlhg ikii.g ihsrarlrrt tl In tb stre-ls of Ust Ahgelra. II It 1 yraft old. kn Jed strs rhl and vUformia, llh Ih si t atl slsrtrtrst of s msa !' bf baa lr tra-til i r,f rVinra III nam la frrrg tv'. thin, and b has lsn snsrlt g bil lr!ira lara t1. ha b ram in lb ! s t-slufvlnl f lh All'I'lle I) II k tt all lb !. ! l sri. I mI b klt'ivs l lit r than all Ihr book of l.alur. and bi pr M his il i,r turn iff Ms . a tea ,s an ) d the f l.i A Mew German Prniiuet Which Hat Man) Uses. A new product, called fossil meal, ii being introduced from dcriminy for pie enting the los!t of hint from rndhitiot which takes place to so laig- a t ::ltii from tha uncovered surfaces of boilers steam pipes, cylinders, and U n 111 p'au genernllv. It coiikhita of lifuaona nrth, obfnined from certain nunes v ianovcr, combined with oth T :'r.c stances to secure greater strength and cohesiveiiess. This Infusoriul ruit'u is composed of millions of minule crgun sins, whose hollow form givtn 1o i..e foKsil meal Its high jioronily, and con sequently its iiou-ronuui'tii.g power, The use of this material, Imwrvor, ! not confined to the mam: fuel uri' of i.ou- coniliicting rompoHition for steinn P'.es nd engine mid boiler surfm-i . it iihimI in safe making at n fire-ivslsting ouipnuiMl, nnd by explosive tiiuim faetun'rsln t ho produciion of dynamite, t Is In for cold storage pur osca, for covering cold pipes from eon tnet with tlr waiuier rxtmiu) a r. 1 abio rmplnyen in liciuical nintiti iictiire, lis n preventiv ogninsl dump or (denning glass, and metal; n a toolli pnMe; II is i:i:.ile up Intnblntf ing pn; and It Is employed In the manufacture f sealing wax. It mnkrs up int. a firebrick of one-fifth the orilinnry welrht, with a flre-relating ipuilliy e'liuil to that of ipinrtz. It bna many other uses, one of which la filtration and it la Winir utilized for the domestic pntlfiealloii of watt r. Another Marvel Connected Bicycle. An uptown citizen was awakened very early on a recent morning by a chcrus of musical voices. He arose and went to the window. Dimly in the shadowy dawn he 6aw a half-dozen girlish forms grouped before the house next door. There was a wheel beside each and he comprehended that this meant an early outing, s he discreet ly ducked back his head a shower of gravel struck the nearest window of the next door. Mabel, oh, Mabel 1" aung out a shrill soprano. ; "Hush, you'll wake the neighbor hood," murmured a warning voice. "Something ought to wake it up once in awhile," said another voice. "Who lives next door?" Thla In a loud whisper. "Mr. Crimmins." , ; j , -: ; The man at the window ducked back bgain. "Let s serenade him." ;. . , "Guess not. He'd throw bootjacks at us." , "Maybe he'd go along if we asked him." . , 1 Wild chorus of giggles. "Not much. He loves hi pillow too well." . Then the shrill voice rose again. "Mabel, oh, Mabel!" ; Then an alto not descended from the window. "Say, girls, keep still. You'll wake papa. Just wait a minute mamma is going with us." A few minutes later there was the sound of footsteps in the gravel drive way and two more shadowy forms Joined the group. 1 here were hurried greet ings and then an older voice asked: "Where do we go?" "To Willoughby, don't we, Marie?" There were more giggles and a little Reramble of feet on the roadway and then the party wheeled down the street into the deepest shadows. Mr. Crimmins came away from the window ond sought his pillow ngain. Whi-n be stepped out of the bou it might have been eight o'clock he looked up at hist nmghbor'a shaded porch as he passed, and there sat hit neighbor' wife anil his neighbor's daughter, in dainty white gown, look lntr ns cool and restful an If 30-mile morning rkle were never heard of, Mr. Crlinuilus stared a little ns he bowed to the ladies. Tlie Idea of tf ring them there came like a mild shock after the dialotrii)' In the early dawn. "Dy Jove!" he muttered, as he strode down the street, "the blcyclo Is a mar vel, sure enough." Cleveland Tlain Dealer. A NEW RECORD. Ocean K early Six Deepest Spot la the I : . , Miles. . (. , For 20 years or more the deepest spot i n t!ie ocean has been supposed to be to the ! northeast of Japan, says the New York Journal. , There the bottom lies 4,055 fathoms down, or more than five miles beneath the surface of the waves. Tn the latest hydrographcr's report of , admiralty surveys, made by the British government, this ocean record, which " has, stood so long, is beaten, for there is , ofi'cial information of a deeper sound ing ithnu has hitherto been made. The, deepest spot in the ocean, so far as known tit present, has been found to be , in the neighborhood of the Friendly and Kermudee islands, In the Southern Pa cific. Here the maximum depth is 5,155 fathoms, or close upon six miles. The observation, made by the officers on board the British ship Fengum, is all the more interesting for the fact that it , bears out the result of previous re-. searches, showing curiously, enough as it does that the deepest parts of the sea are not far from land. : , , . Deep-sea sounding has come of late years an exact science in itself. One cu rious feature of it, and one which is lit tle known, is thnt the "leads" used have . to be constructed with especial strength In order to withstand the enormous pressure of the mass of water which bears down upon them when they lie upon the. bottom. So great is this pres sure that the Bounding apparatus in ordinary use would be crushed. KIPLING'S SNAKE. WILL YAK. Ha S sue Spirit, Hat Knt f-aaafh ! elalaa pad Kacrajy. Tli yak, r wild ox of TiUt, ha" sufficient spirit lo turn and attack .1 huiib-r. If It bad inor laTM-vrrniu-.- it would prove a duligrroua rlirtiiy. lul. I'rrjVvslakl, In Ins amount of li s travels In Uir TiU-lan mountains, lite ral'- an silvriitur whWh tllustistr tb k't dik-ltion: I was returning lo ramp whrn I " evrriil old yakt gracing on a little plateau. I r.rril Hi t hem, snd on fell and sli.d down lb snowy slo-. Hi 11 11 nr. I by hi full, be lay iimtlniili .. at the boiUiiii of lb ravine. I run lo him. A aHi as hr saw inr, aomr hun dred frrt r. he roM- and tried to flr. I fired, but Ike lill dill not toueli bl m. Ibrn l t limed and ruabrd al m. I bail only two rartriilgea; ft red one al tlttJM- of T'l frrt, Bixt (Mi si s (ll.taner of 50 fret. II Slopped lirli h wm iiile tM-r mr, holding bis brad ro0 and Iwshllig hi tide wilt) bis 111. I we rirr riMiueb lo srp his liltl r) ra and tlsas blond whb b ran froin his inairila. If Ii Itad had a bill mor If-rUem and rnrrgy, I should hsr 'rn biet. I roiild not " t a,V, lid hivl no rao bill inv 1 Kipiy gun. Wo slil looking al 1 h nlhrr. I'raarntly h ral"l b' brad Slid stopped Insb'ng III Sehs r.vidrrillr b KM p-rllltig of-f hia bngef. I lhrr intMif on Ihr ground, snd without tak ing tin ri from lulu, rrsahvl Iwrk srd rue f'rl. Then I Jirnd and sta'krd ay aa fait as Hihle. I dd ttot Itralhr frrrly lililil eon '.'SI frl lt lalorrn , Show log tha Peres ( m IlUOrderad I aflnalloa. A writer In McClure's Mngnxlne 1-ll bow he edited a pnprr in India with the help of Kudysrd Kipling, and he jnen tioua ns s side Issur a -ril from auakr which Kipling ouen underwent. The iliui(.'-r of siinkea In liliore wns real enoinrh, nnd tb pliiee wns rich In cir plntrt. i he thoii who tells the story hd bern atiing by a scorpion In 1-I on tuorn'iig, nnd Kipling aided lit 111 In the uftrruoon in a worplmi bunt. Thry found "ii under tb lusltiiigln Ihevrr- tndil (inlaid, the la-droom dMr, Iwtlde a few ernliH'iles, slid pill III lot Into A Inr if tiinihlrtr, and ftllrd It up with wbiahy. On day, when w wrrr drraalng In lb moriiiiiir, I heard Kipling shouting, ami went Into his room. Ilia fac was pnli- with horror, and hr was llglilly 1 hisfilng otir i g alaiv tb klir. "Tlir's a ariakr," b gad, "Intldn in irou- rrs, and I think I vr got him by th brad, rut, your band up from ! low and dra him out. loharrvrd thai Klpllngonly "ibonplil' he bud ll by the heml. slid thai rrallv It bend liili'M Ii si Ihr nlbrr rnd, In vthleli (- bill l for I bud flnlebed, I enwr flu- horror In likt fmr r Inv and glvr pbn-r lo s iillrt lisik iiervnb-,1 by flls of hiiitfhlrr, I'mb stof 'HIT lo rrrlain by lh erne of loiirli w briber ll was lh bead hr was giai'n s. he had diaeovrrrd thai ll did ln-1 rrallv fr liar any p'Ht of a tnnkr at all. In fart It hid a 1. 11, lie, and hr rrallerd lhat lilt braj-ea l ad I r, 11 ilnncling Inaidr tb garinrnl w hen h 'l It on. SALOON IN TWO COUNTRIES. Ingenious Arrangement for tha Thirsty - 1 on th Meilea llorder. . , . There is au ingenioua saJoonkerper who conduct a place In 0 little village. t on the lionler Ix'twecn this country and Mexioo.-itiys the Louisville Commercial. . The: village is half in California and hnU In lxwer California. There pre two bars in hi naloon, one on the south and one on t.lie ttorth aide of a large , room. The dividing line between the two count riiw bLnecta the house, anil one bur is located in Mexico and the othnr is located in tha Tnlts-d Btatt t. The proirit'tr pay big l'wnn to both' countj-ie. but still makes a handsome living out of the, hiiMiie. lie hat susMMided nil the way acme: the i trcet in front a unique sign. On the I. tilted State id It rem in. In letters a foot high: "Your firwt and hit chance. On tin other side, in bpanith, It x- prewe t!i same UUtu I In suloon m known by that name for luihn around, iuid ninny an eneteril Uiuriat who Inut ipicnched bis I hirst there will remeinler It. It Is 11 gmit n-stirt for "cow punchers" of 1hs1.Ii na tion who work in that territory. llenee many In the blisxly fight that Isikr plseei there, snd few are th one brought l Justice whore crimes aro coniinitted tlsiT. SIAM bAPPHIRE MINES. Mood's raaiaal spt(-f Ml NauM k ks .! law 'I aaajp. aj m m li..(.--4.-.Us-r.rl "4 1 191 lie F.trn a. 1 aught a uo-ukr as th tnis d hig of 1. Hun. a I r 1.1, if I, I abaipd't e m, Instil In t'frhi htjian In Hi k Ins-t-HI (he letbrf dav, S rs.r J ts l f ft In U rslMin-br lb lirnrb ttwin bad grvnan f'd of brarflesN. It Is v'(atrir., snd waa r""v pissed r Iskir bill ft Nrst sj nr. of I ftl ir IraUuitftlt rf lb rrilsl ! rat ""ot ra' t !, r -l h isuea Tl ttilr tl bis ril.a, and Iha avn4a tl I '. 1 1 Ul b'Sld lb Frtiiti y. rili ';ing l la. rf Jon , tw, tolri f toast UlM I lis It a Sara Ssait srrlil Itataask Tbry wtblwd lb fraerful move mrnU nf ih playrra oa U Unnlt (Hrurt. l b rtiunt," taid tb of lb auburn birkt, "I a fin iilevrf, la b tuilV "Ah, ) ea," rr,lir ah of U req IrraarS. -Ksriai1 OU I admlr bl per. Ilul what ar lbs sirani- words wbicb Im r-U rrb llm lire foe b arrvra lb I -a II V -I arm I hem nV lh rtiber SO tarred "l It taid Ihtl b IrtroH I heist bn k ftrat rvaal li er. aad earnot break hi msa If nf Ika habit" Mod by nirinaMy, lby pproorhrd leJ a tl.l.-1 r nnl.b man, and ltl lhir Ih-s-I lo lilra "V'. tar," taUl lb foutil, -lr-biMiar-atrak rosak Ix-af MUllotl ( b-a-m 4, f veal " - ( krs4 1 rmu. Valaa of f rUar( It I Iha Uaaatlly Hot Uoallty The l'uilln mines are spread over an area six milt si by two, anil consist nf 13 niinilig villages, the chief of whl-h are lluw Tuka mid liaw Dineo. Th"e two ar more Hum lour holes spar', nut thry are joimd by an race I lent mid cut lbroiih the forest nnd well drniunL Sappbirr-t, ,uy th Umdon Tlima, r found all over Una district; the wIkiI l-omtf rysid la riddled with holes sunk In lb red soil down to Ih tnpobir lavrr. Formerly lb sionrs wr found (pill iiear lb surfser, biillhiss plnert have long bIiict l-rn rabsutl I, al though Ihr lliirmra still eon 1 1 ii ue lo I urn oi.T lb old hia la lb firm ron v let ion thai prrsloiis aloiietgrow. .Now Ih ttonet are found st a depth o' from IS to Si frrt. In s reddish, gravelly Isyrr of varying Ihh knes up In I bicb, Th fait amik I usually kinir fir feel In dl iinrirr and rlihrr s'pisr or rlr rulnr. Soil It raised In IwmUwv lask rls, allni hed to Ihr rnd of a balanced leirr, snd whin th sapphlr lvr la rrai bed Ih tlrsWitn la etirrlnl li Ih near, t water and washed t arrfiiMv fur aloiira. Not more than nn abaft in lhr- pyi for lis working r ja-n-a, but shi n III Mppblr Uyrr la slruek Ih l.roflis lli(y lav bllfe liidml. tl It tlt iiirsliort of (in k. Todig slid work out on shaft (weiiple Isn or lhr men fin month. Two or Ihrr Murine erally fo into (mr tnrrshlp and blr I ana ininers l,i work for lh in and sink Ih shaft al Ih rat nf Isn Heats (twit shillings rlfhl janrr) -r 11 1 hi bra. Or eaaimial!y aapphlrva (f rnis.rrabl vain rrwkril llr miner, but thuMp. phlrrs i.f I'ailin ar of niore rornmrrrlal value l. a-r nf Ihrlr itiatillfy Ihta b reuse (f Ihrlr Inlrinsle everllrnr. A fet t t kaa.a. laalla. Farmer's w.y - fat lr, wky eaatyvl t rls In lb wot Id lb tarn Fr lr,in. wbjr canl U"in si fslary of agfsrullur? Old I trmr Ts Itt. loo la. rT asn, Voi kao lav Oilkk tifOiil Ittit- l'. -X, Y.Wfskl. It ra,t.l ! " -X. Y- Mrrrf, I a a aaaas la sHsaaas. Tn bo healthful, Oi asrpplt.f airt llirnl should 1st lb ttl-stt aarlfcrli rn ol lb bosis; lb furtillur sImmiI I av slinpl. th Boif nrrrr4 snd Uir ! I romfortabl. rmma on lb sunar awl r-f fcmissv ra ba kpt rd wlthnul Insula blinds, f tan IWhlifS miUid. Vtey knoaa krrprrt msk Ih mistake of rtrludirif tuiilift.l and air from Ih biua In Order lo krp )l nail WmduWt ail I ibasra aln ul-l lav throws early I Ih mornlbg. ao at lo frrrly admit un ah in and liftl. tk tby may I rbav-.l tiitii li la th bal In tb Hod 4! of lb dt), tit t atrai thmwt ma? i ' " 7- " ' V '"",B' il I pom Af ' "d n-elteel mwvl b frr- j .-.i fa a y , --.1 m t"o,n-r, a la til ! srlaii,iitf l' lb fsmdy K taf fl. at.d Wiil b fo4 Wj larudttt f swl tesnlls In even Ik Wtrkertl til' JmtW-ll-.s- biie i4Ktpsaa,