Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 08, 1896, Image 3

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    Moro ObserTer: Tuesday evening of
last week the Bad news of the sadden
aeaia o( ill re. Minnie Uoobran. was
flashed across the wires from Wheat
land, CaL, to her father, Prof. J. M- De-
Moss, at DeMoss Sprites. The oanee of
her death is supposed to have resulted
from poison oak. She bad been visiting
Narrow Kaeape of Some of 8and Hollow's
itesldenta Recall the Drowning of
Clark aad Overholt
On last Friday, down at the Doherty
ranch, on Sand Hollow, the flood, oansed
by the sadden melting of the enow,
raised moot) havoc. Ia crossing the
" Merit talks" the n
Intrinsic value of I lAC
Hood'sSarsaparilla. i 41 tAa
Merit in medicine mean thn nnv tn
cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual the grave of her mother, at Roeebuig,
and unequalled curative power and there- Bd there CBnae in contaot with the vine. itreBa,( whi0h hft(j become a raging tor
tore it has true merit. When you buy l'h bdy H be brought to Moro for reo, witn B load of hay with whloh lo
uwu d oiBapaniin,Bna wiKe it according
to directions, to purify your blood, or
cure any of the many blood diseases, you
are morally certain to receive benefit.
The power to cure is there. You are not
trying an experiment. It will make your
blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus
drive out the germs of disease, strengthen
the nerves and build np the wholesystem.
Is the best, in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Pills grngC
Now that the great politioal campaign
ia over and the winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evehings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
- with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
TfeeEly Oregonlan, $1.60 13.50
" 8. t. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
" N. Y. Tribune, U.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, 11.80 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, 11.00 8.25
Webloot Planter, 50c 2 50
Leslie's Weekly, 14.00 5.00
175 wis 673s
1202 22 23 2V 25 26
burial. The bereaved husband and fam
ily have the sincere sympathy of a host
of friends.
For sale About thirty tons of rye
bay, located about two and one-balf
miles of Hardman. Also 400 aores of
good range, fenoed, to go with same.
Plenty of outside government range
near at hand. Shelter for 2,000 head of
sheep or large band of cattle. Good
house on plaoe. Call on Gazette offioe
for particulars. A rare chance to get
bay obeap. All signs indicate a hard
winter and delays are dangerous. tf
"Are you a single man?" asked Dig'
trict Attorney Cozad of a stolid looking
German on the witness stand at Burns.
"Now you look oud," was the indignant
reply ;"bud don't y oa try to make no sboke
mit me yoost because I vas green, Do I
look like I vas a double man? Do I look
like I vas a Si'meee dwinl Huht I yes
no fool if I am not long in dis gantry."
Ed. R. Bishop, successor to The Mo
Farland Mercantile Co., is Btill on deck
giving great bargains in all lines. The
stock mast be closed oat, and it ia sur
prising how cheap things are. Call on
them. Frank MoFarland, salesman.
Died At the home of I. N. Basey, in
Heppner, at i o'olook this morning, of
inflammation of the bowels, the infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sbiok, aged
about 2 years. The interment will occur
tomorrow in the Heppner oemetery.
A board in the middle of the road,
near the sohoolhoase, ceased John
Edwards' trusty old mare to kiok the
oart to pieoes this morning, throwing
both Mr. and Mrs. Edwards oat, bat
without material injury to either.
Nat Dickson was surrendered to the
authorities by his bondsmen, on last
Sunday, bat was allowed farther time to
get new sureties. Nat was boand over
to answer to a charge of selling liqoor
without a license.
On last Wednesday, at Portland, Mrs,
Benjamin L. Jones, colored, drove an
ice piok five inches into her brain, the
driviDg being done with an old hatchet.
Strange to say she is still alive, tnoogh
Dick Mathews and V. Gentry, under
the firm name of Mathews & Gentry,
are associated together in the barber
business in the new stand, two doors
south of the postoffice. They eolioit a
call. tf.
W. M. Stewart, the atagedriver on, the
Fossil-Arlington route, was thrown
from the stage .at Thirty Mile bill, on
Toesday of last week and pretty badly
hurt. He will reoover.
The Women's Christian Teinperanoe
Utlon will meet with Mrs. Briggs to
morrow (Wednesday ) afternoon at half
past two o'clock. All ladies cordially
invited to be present.
Jay Devin bad a runaway witb bis
fonrborse team, the wagon being loaded
with hay, np oear Joe JUctor's this
morniog. Nothing lujured bat the har
The Oregoa
Htatesmaa Tilt
Only 25c
March 1st for
teed sheep, the horses aud all were
washed away, one horse being drowned
despite all efforts to save it. The men
escaped without injury.
Down at the Carty & Kilkenny ranch
the same experience was bad, but with
no loss other thso the load of hay and
bayraok. Johii Carty was driving and
was fortunate in getting the horses oat
loose from the wagon.
No fences were destroyed and on Sat
urday the flood bad subsided sufficiently
that property washed away could be re
covered. The ground being frozen be
fore the fall of snow caused all the
water to flow off into oanyons and
streams whioh aocoants for theuuusually
high water.
The report that Jack Clark bad been
drowned proved to bo untrue. Jack is
all right.
The reoent flood, caused by the ohi
nook thaw, calls to mind the drowning
of "Squire" Clark and Mr. Overholt, in
Clark canyon, in the early part of 1886.
The men were "batobing" together near
the head of the oanyon, and after the
thaw and subsequent flood were found
drowned some distance below their habi
tation. There was no witness to the
sad occurrence, but it was evident that
one of the men got into the cold, icy
water in trying to save a pig whioh had
got oanght in its pen, The other in or
der to save his friend also jumped in the
water and both were drowned. The pig
got safely oat of the pen end was found
on a neighboring bill without "soar or
Blood Is Lire
It the medium which oarries to
every nerve, muscle, organ and fibre, its
nourishment and strength. If the blood
is pure, rioh and bealtby you will be well;
if impure, disease will soon overtake you.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to keep
you in health by making your blood rioh
and pare.
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to
operate. Care indigestion, biliousness.
25 cents.
Every taxpayer should read a Salem
paper this winter. The Oregon Weekly
Statesman is the biggest, brightest,
oheapeet and beat paper published at the
oapital. The legislature meets in Janu
ary. Needed laws are to be assed and
a U. S. senator is to be elected. Every
body will want to read a good paper this
winter trrm the seat of war and to all we
cheerfully recommend the Statesman. It
ia fearless and free spoken. It urges
eoonomy along all linee of state govern
ment and is waging a war in the inter
ests of the taxpayers. Taxation most be
reduoed by abolishing all useless coui-
mieaions and correcting abuses. The
Statesman is the only reliable republi
can Associated Press paper in Oregon.
It consists of twelve pages weekly. Its
subscription pnoe is $1.50 per year, but
by a special arrangement with the pub
lishers we have arranged to supply it to
oar subscribers from this date until the
adjournment of the legislature three
months good reading for only 25c.
Forward all subscriptions to the States
man, Salem, Ob. Send in your orders
right away the sooner yon Send, the
more you will get tor your money.
From the Blue Mountain Eagle.
Dr. B. F. Vaughan, who has been in
Grant oounty for the past three months
practicing dectistry, returned to bis
home at Heppner Monday.
Flour is selling for the same figure at
Heppner and other outside points that
It does here. This is the first time ibis
has been the case for years, if ever.
Lavina Johnson, daughter of J. B.
Johnson, of Prairie City, and Garry
Cozad, were married reoently at the
residence of W. H. Johnson, an unole of
the bride in Baker City.
The First Eastern Oregon Agricultural
Society elected the following officers for
the ensuing year at a directors' meeting
reoen tl v : J. J. Oozart, of Grant oounty,
president; George Ebell, of Baker City,
vioe-preBideut; M. Dnrkheimer.of Prairie
City, secretary. The next meeting of the
society will be held at Prairie City,
Grant oounty.
Here and There.
Nell Jones ia over from Batter creek.
Geo. Smith Is in from the Adklns
Lee Kilbourne ia In from Gooseberry
Frank Lee cams op from The Dalles
Gto, Molr was up from bis ranoh
A. E. Uikeeell was lo from the moun
taini Monday.
Mrs. Win. Aysrs, Jr., ia ill at ber
bone in Heppner. .
Ytm Branoon waa over from Eight
Mill yesterday.
Littla 8peneer Crawford ia threatened
wits pceutnooie,
John Correo ia down from Prioa Flor
ence's plaoe today.
Walt Thompson, the stage man, ia io
from Parker's mill.
Uinry Heppaar returned from Port
land Ibis morning.
IL 7. Oatea is report! aa being ill at
bla heme is Hillsboro.
F. M. Thomas arrived from tbe Wil
lamette vallay Friday.
IL E. Werrea aad sons were la from
Eight Mile Friday last
HUfliOfl Smith's littla girt, OladJa, la
tbraautad a lib peearaooia.
alill Powell aad Asa Tbonpeoa ware
la Iowa Saturday and Sunday.
Cbaa. TbotBpeoo, brother of Jaa.
Tboapeoo, ia is attar a eeeaoa'a woik.
Prof. Uanry baa 0fsaUd elrlef ,Wj
Drink lb eUtxeted 3. (1. ColUr
TirVT, we money-back.
Jota EltkMiti T.ri llalallraaad Jam. I '
Carty are ia today from Hand Hollow.
Bora In Baker City, on Toesday,
Deo. I.IHDO. to the wife of Mr. Hind
man, an eight porjr.d girl. Mre. Hind
man was formerly Miss Effis Griffith
Ed. Curry, who waa reoently fatally
injured by Elka in takiog one of their
degree in Iowa, was an old friend ol
Bruce MoAlister, of Lexington.
Dr. Uuolock it baring "phones" put
op in his ofilr, in the lower brick boild
ing, aod also to bia rrsnleooe, the Hlo-
curo boose, near Tom Uoward's.
Not having been furoiabed witb the
taeaher' program for last Friday night.
the Oatetla ia noablt lo publish same io
this isana.
Flna large maseatclla raieioa cleaned
aod aaedad, also cleaned corranta, citron,
etc., for sal by F.U. Tbompeoo Co. St
A young man a a mod "Chink" Howell
died Sunday on McKianey eratk of ly
pbold ftvrr. ila was sgad U yara.
Dr. P. a MnSwords aod Bob Wills
left today for N. J. Halt's, near Lrtiog
too, where Mre. UaJ is qoie siok,
Fine etock of oaodiea, sate, lomona.
wee potato, etc- iuit received by l
0. Tbompeoo Co. 8t
The Christian eburob atroctore i pro-
frraatog rapidly to the beads of iJar-
paeiar broilh aad otbara.
Ram a an Is of winter coder a ea to ba
eti oat at coat for each by P. C
Tbompano Co. St
Do you know uhy
f acUMrt
The) are such as you
Mr. aad Mr. Ed. Day wn in from nt more than the money
little Battar cieak HlardyaaJHoody I . , .
I 11IC) IUM, WlUJtX.! JUU dlU
baggaa aad oaaawagara to aad from
the depot al half oruw. Cbeatar
Hargaot. If
OimU (! a III t,sa ii"lHl
aad bate; la aad fro I be dnt al
fcelf II
Oao. T. Newmea, rpaai.rg tba
AaMrleaa Tvfcaoeo Co, aa la loaa of
ti I. Caal ia np ffa IIUUr and
will fMaalu a.lk bmtbar, Ik Kan, a,
laie alalar.
TrM i Hay U ky dos al tt4
lUm. Maa I be ik ! II pd
aa to li) a ta.
Htil'IU ua 1HK IkttMIUt.
M.rr Mm a Tlii.( krr.
N aa ka Lm trMk a4 aafaa
rut tt ' 'r"-
ItMMilr iaea Eaaia, W.O. Mar.
W. E. Itroak aad U 6ra 4 O.llvam A
ftMbaa, t4 tUppM, j 4d fofiaa In
aa o'teiatk to arart, aaaialaia aad
ofi UIt.i)M tiaM. Taa firat lite.
avwjlad will tp IU loeaS lA
(liani aaa(y, a4 wn aa Ufa a aa
lewa as IKa eaa laiftva
al aa ewr at, wira, . All ar
Friday Alternoon,
Prof. Campbell took up the subject
"Geography" in a lecture.
Misa M. A. Barker demonstrated ber
method of teaching fraotioos.
Mr. Halnff explained bis manner of
teaching spelling to primary grades.
Prof. Campbell took np the sabjeot of
school management io regard to set
daily program of both study and reoita-
tion. Nothing banded in (or Friday
Saturday Morning.
8upt. Shipley opened the session witb
some remarks on the relation of the
teachers to the superintendent and in re
gard to the attendance on institnte, gir
ing it aa bit opinion thai the law de
mands every teaoher to attend the whole
Prof. Campbell then took np the sub-
jeot of programs for district schools, iu
regard lo both study and recitation.
Mr. H. A. Pickard presented the sub
ject of "Physiology
The revolutions committee read their
a ma moon.
"Methods of Coodncliof Reoitatiooa"
were very ably aod aiialeolortly pre
sented by Prof. Campbell.
Mr. John W. U or nor presented the
object of percentage aod dlaeoaaioo of
Iba (oeral proceae of approaching
new tabjeel Id arithmetic by Prof.
The committee oo reaolotlooa pra-
aeatad the follow log report:
WatatAH, Wa, the teacher of Mor
row aoaoty, io loatiloU aeaambUd, feel
log very mnob beflted by Iba ioetroo-
lioo we bare reoeived aod Iba aa ela
tion with oor (allow laacbera, therefora
offev Iba following reaolatiooa.
Httolvfd, Thai wa Ibaak the cooaly
aoparlotroJeot, Mr. J. W. Bhlpley, for
bi aaroaet aod capable work la ena
doeliog aa iaatilala for the aJvaaoe
meot of edocatioa to tbla aoaaty .
lienhft, Thai wa tprM oar grett-
tade U Praaldeal P. L Camptwll for
bi praaean with n. oatng It lha dta
graeabla elrcornatanee attsndlng bla
ontnto;elo for bi ootiriog effort aod
fftoieet labor la our behalf.
krmlrti. That w la I oor iodablad
oeas lo Iba M. K. oborcb, foatli, far aa
kiedly greeting the oh of it boa.
HtmtvHl, That w baartily Ibaak all
thoa who ao gladly aaaiaiad ia Iba
aveaiag aalerlaioaMOia.
lif tlrtd, lltat wa eiUad Mr Ibaak
lo Mr. aad Mre. E. O. N. bla aod aay
other wbo may eaUriaiMd laalt-
lata work era.
lr ((, Tbalwdes4rf4tU flaper
taieadeal Irwio lo grad Iba
a,.4 of ()rao aod we gtt oar ear-
aat to Of-ef allow.
f Mm H A. pK-atan,
ty eamlitee, t V, I arrraaMa,
I Ma. J. W. Iloaaoa,
Htate Board of Equalization.
Permanent organization of the state
board of equalization was eneoted on
Wednesday of last week by the eleotlon
of the following named officers: .
A. C. Aulden, president; H. L. Wells,
of Portland, secretary; G. G. Shirley,
Salem, clerk, and Hardy Holman, page.
All of the members, except Goodall,
wee present. .Upon motion ot JJ. r
Thompson, the pay ot secretary and
clerk was fixed at $6 a day, eaoh, and
tbe page will be allowed $1 50 a day.
Tbe secretary was directed to corre
spond witb tbe county boards and as
sessors to asoertain the basis of eaoh
county's assessment.
Free Pllla.
Send your address to H. E. Buoklen
k Co., Cbioago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These pills are easy la aotion and are
particularly effeotive in tbe oure of Uou
atipation aud Siok Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles that have been
proved invaluable. They are guaran
teed to be perfectly free from every
deleterious aubstanoe and to be purely
vegetable. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorating tbe
system. Begular size 25a. per box. Sold
by Couser A Brock, druggists.
. J
Statb of Ohio, City of Tolkdo, )
Ldcas County. j
Fkank J. Cuenby makes oath that
is the senior partner of the firm of F
Cheney & Co , doing business in tbe
City ot Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay tbe sum
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
oared by tbe use of Hall's Catabbh
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my prexenoe, this 6tb day of Deoember,
A. D. 1888.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and aota directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaoes ot the system. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O
tJTSold by Druggists, 75o.
Many thousand dollars f.li
worth of valuable articles
suitable for Christmas fi
gifts for the young and
old, are to be given to
smokers of Blackwell's i
Genuine Durham To
bacco. ; You will find
one coupon inside each
two ounce bag, and two
coupons inside each four
ounce bag of Blackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of
this celebrated tobacco
and read the coupon-
which gives a list of val
uable presents and how
to get .them.
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect.
Catarrh Cored,
Health aod sweet breath scoured, by
Shilob's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50c.
Church Dedication.
Next Sunday, Deoember 13, a Method'
iet Epieoopal ohuroh will be dedicated at
Wagner, tbe soene of that famous d6
bate last year between Kev. Moore,
Baptist clergyman, and Mrs. Katie
Kebm Smith, a representative of infidel
ity. Soon after the debate a non-denom
inational oburob was ereoted by those
friendly to Christianity, and this winter
the property was deeded to tbe Method
ists. Rev. Robert Warner, presiding
elder, and Rev. E. P. Greene will oon
duot tbe dedicatory servioes.
There will be no preaching servioes at
tbe M. E. ohuroh of this plaoe on tbe
above date. Members are invited to
attend oomrannion servioe at the M. E.
ohuroh, South, at 11 a. m.
The Trouble is Over!
We Mean the Election. But that
Makes no Difference With
It Saves Uvea Kvery Day.
Thousands of cases of Consumption
Asthma, Uoughs, uoicis ana Uroup are
cured every day by etuiloh's Cure. For
suit by Wells & Warren.
Who never lets poli tios interfere with business. At tbe
same old stand, next door to M. Licbtenthal's.
A Campaign
Of Education
HOW to Get It (TIT A A
For 3 J.UU
To t edurat! ntia mint rrad
Ilia Imat literature. W
Tli btal literature ll pttiilv. O
Lealia'a Illustrated Yj'
Weekly, ft
rtiMlihed at 1)0 fifth Avrnti",
Naw York, ll full of the brat thlnga. tT
Ita IlliialraUons ara aiiMri; Ita Q
tnrifl rharmlni; and Ha lltarary
drtmnU are rditod with ron-
grsat popular educator. It alinuld be In tvary
a- Ca..
umaat tkllt.
urn a paper la
Tbe tubarrtpttna prtr ol Lealia'a u I P" annum.
We Baka Uie unparalleled oltrr of a cp; of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No atirh onVr was aver made before. No mrb orTrr will ever Im made
ln. Tbeaa two paper make a ml avpUble Chrlalma or birthday
lift, and auntie ronatanl reminders ol the fiver klndneea.
kemlt by ata ardaf or ehark lo tbe
Call on him for Stockmen's Supplies, Gent's
Furnishings, etc.
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
J. O. BOROH3DRS, Pi-op.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Oir Holiday Display !
You Should all Sec It.
Con)e in at Once.
Main Street,
rr Bat j a-waeae witmww W
The Lancashirk Insurance Co.
1. W riTTEBSOX. AGENT. M!Mi-.-Mwri!?i
Heppner, Orotxon.
4 aad tt- ei. a
Tea ! 14 thai ra U rab4 i fM
ail rwl 4 IV Ut tbt 1.-mi.
ll oa lb b-j
If ya U ol t ? aa laa . a
ao4 yabta IL If ya la aaitbiag
"tut M tp" aJ layii ll.
(.14 Ball aa4 Oaelay Jm4 a a
awnatJ i. e.W da al t.y a s
all pitm ta
Call a Ueej
a,U4 la.
I (!
TM eay fnfma M t a eeaall
bf af aaa alaaa l Mieie
a4 t Ma, Haat aaa at
tAt .e 84 viUMff la 4 alt
iaal I i4t4 of It, aiiWa a aap
tea Wa eeUtt,
Tba ipai aa Ibal Oeaa
aa1 Caal- aUI ra w4 a.ih
r wit Wn ia im at er of a y
f.e sl4a.
IvIIm i A rate aalea
Taa ll Halve In the aorl I t Cat,
llralM, rVia. Claere. Dall Haaai
eae li. TW. CiatPl I! .!,
CbUUslna. (Waa, aa4 ail Pile Kr
(toe, o1 piMelf rare ftlr it aa
yay ea,ir.L It ta taaall U r
afl4 eatiefaatioe f r iead4.
I'rr Vt raata "l. t ! Iy
0ef 4 llearl.
ta. Oery fat Uaa
T taa et k He t'e) Tw U. T'
aei iia are rat4 a I tie li tla
feoaf ra t-t tte tie ht
; liiet'tuie al it le. T-!
V nf Irnaa 4kU l. Iba t"ll4 fl'aloa.
I raHf, U.a. Aft . JU l4 BL. IVnlaa.
feeia- Lit al artel by "liaite tmiifk The (ret a ilhidteitte and a-l-i'U Ulenl
Kraal em paMiL (tUfin la iMmkM I
)tfara felallaa'a !' Amartraa erul, "TeHaln mi '". leWta In Rnrentr )
Mil eteea'a la Tb anlf awel 4 tue.eaaiia etui anp4tllabl
ikVHiue la Met 1
fle'tee a. P, erttrtn.sl.Ttine Mr na m Inrrf4 tie M trtiwal
M IM I ICtl .f rta , a.if a mmmimw 14"..'. ...'t. 1.1 m ,.. iw
tii thmm awn Mtie '. aa e-ii.'L! t tM p"4 Itnm bte
aalrlt al teat OmerWea. Har al ibee ii.twba4 i.rMimii... eiik vmm
M .,rUt:, 1 t.1r. wttUil'l. .- V .1 PI I'ltH W,r l gWV4 lilt.
MtllM Ul INI I MUM fftMl fc.l.lW a U ...m.
attlwre at aaleellaa. S Utif takea u.eatitrtdlwtia.
aiarle at eale. aeeieJ (("' II UtKblika elll h MtiMMlim,
e mtf ifirMf tiHi aaa. ia ue piitwie'dwm e.ie. f iwmn tm
a e4i tm a4 .
M i I a t ail Ike ala l. el I am. 4 in.. IK ei fear. aih u. .trt4b
ti.M, I M l ta M.a.aiea
tuii i it i ri a a aunt a i ew.n ta tt.e a. u '
a.Mt ewl taa lut Mr. t kiewer" eM
triiTr Ktrttao a-4-.t.i. r ...,.-.-I'e" a til elrtMui In M-c ai
a.! ml IM afc-H t-f ea U! eiriie 4ria t. wii f.
Or fit a mnir M tst ene Um M '. e eie al einrte la K ar a taaeaiM
. eMtt ea ei. tmy-tn ia iwi
Bri Man rtaaaH Bar
rrak ft. fMaaMa) aelaa wiiiaia Clark Faaeell
id ail Mwrtaa la Hf ut at M (aa m! tear
i tMae era ? mmmSi tvam a Ik fmt tM latknrteM feelwf. 4 M-14 Meeetl I M
( Mil Pun I
i llfliL t
Vouro JJOUN I) to Tnko 'Km.
Lcnves No Cunstlpatlon, .wv
Car i, aa aall a all !lMe, Huk llealarl,e aal Malaria. Taa fel
(MririKiB iill la lb aorit rVilJ ty all Hrnj ieta atit ty nail oa
rapi4 A aria, '& et pt bi. MIDICaLU),
Haa rraaleo, I'ai.
A. NI5W Ii:.Mvl
1 1 v C'liaamaa
of tlia,.
raaraelare alU ff.
A attiy H
W h-t ton f an fjr-t irU
CUa Meat al Lifitg IlaUa.
ta ni-'
One Dollar a Year
fVe a raiaaM Vi ) tneiet, '' t e Ha tfc'e
Tho S. S. McCluro Co., New York.
Good Rooms and Excellent Service
Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH.