si 18 DECEMBER 96 iSllHlMOHlTUtlWEBITHUirRllSAT 22I 22 23 2V 25 26 27m39303mm. WHAT Ol'B EXCHANGES BAY. A good many letters anonymoos and otherwise ar beiDg priDted in tbe Ore gonian asking Mr. Mitchell to declare himself on tbe money question. Mr. Mitchell will probably attend to all of tbeee details when the proper time ar rives. We hope that tbe whole session of the legislature will not be frittered away in tbe eleotion of a United States senator. Arlington Reoord. We hope that tbe able editor of the Oregonian while laboring so zealously to bring sonod money demoorats into the repnblioan fold, will not convert himself into a democrat Arlington Reoord. I people. Ail the Oregonian reporter was able to get from him was just before leaving Portland for Washington when he said that be stood entirely on bis past reoord as a repnblioan and a senator, and tbe farther fact that be bad made 55 speeches in Oregon daring tbe presi dential campaign in tbe interest of Mo Kinley and the platform adopted by the national repnblioan convention at St. Loais. No one in the state questions tbe senator's trne republicanism. Oorvallis Gazette. Hon. 3. N. Brown, of Heppner, is a candidate for speaker of tbe house. He is an able man and we believe is entitled to recognition and should be elected. Baker City Republican. HEPPNER MUST AWAKE. Correspondents of the Oregonian de manded that at tbe banquet to Mr. Hirioh, chairman of tbe repnblioan state oentral oommittee, Senator Mitobell state plainly bis views on tbe silver question, and whether or not he would vote against monkeying with the silver question un less in the nature of international bi metallism. Tbe banquet came off Sat urday night, and there Senator Mitchell used the following language, presume- The members of tbe legislature who cast their ballots for Hon. John H. Mitobell next winter, will have tbe sat isfaction of knowing that they are not voting to bolster any particular clique or ring, nor to place only tbe members of a certain faotion in office. Baker City Re publican. The True Remedy. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111., Chief," says: "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Ex perimented with many others, but never got tbe true remedy until we need Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy oan take its plaoe in onr home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for ng Cough, etc' It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if tbey NOT AT ALL NECES8ABV. A few of OUT enterprising citi- bly in answer to their requests, and in zens have taken hold of the tele- responding to the toast "The President- -v. ,;t:n with fVin ifW nf l,uuuo r . . . "it was these same thin-, in flnnnv i TT - -..SIK i-U i I COnneCling noiier nu wo lion with his reoord as a nrivste soldi. terior, via Hardman, and to reach and offioer in the war of the rebellion, eventually all the small towns of and bis well known views upon the Morrow and Gilliam counties, tap- financial question, and every other pub- 0onBha Coldgi Whoop, I11U UCDHUU JUTU1TCU IU EWCUi UBUJ- nftiorn nitad hv him m naot ami iniAA4 . "I 1 1 r i I ' - - w I SB. .an if t h aw b ma nAl els. nn nm DOlDt in UUUEim COUUlV. 1 luunn.! k.a IU . I.U1WIW, " " VII HVw k - l uoiauuai UCDUUK UUIiUg kllfj CHUlUHlVH. I -rr . . -Br- . rru- Mtamrl'fi rABi,1M,r nf out 1a tt,a .v.... . " " JU8t 8ooa 88 ut- A,D wew Ula iuoco vu...-e, u... ui uie cam- Tho nnt aa annA uena. a 3 it.. a ll. .a-asV I naln nnAAiina ! L.a It. .i J A. I I ' B I town nave unaerwaeu ui whuu .n, -uu , luo ,u no. on.y thi8 remedy h8B a record of ourea and any particular aBBUrance mat I Z r " l" " ouuul besides is guaranteed. It never fails to will ba of direct benefit to them. " " . . , ""u"l satisfy. Trial bottles free at Censer none, me trienua or. law ana order, ol n ii . . They are interested in Heppner, I fi0sncisl honor, anJ of the maintenance 8 '"a store, however, and know that It Will be of the integrity of the supreme court, of Tast advantage to the town. that he was triumphantly eleoted presi The spirit manifested is the one aeD, 01 ,fleMi UDliea Dt8tes. was ... , , tv i .i luruugu uobo luuaenoes ana tnese in- that was dominant in the early set- 8tromenUlitie. tbat he BeoJred on 1 1 sT A I aV MHiit H.1 At I tiemeni 01 me woo. , Ur , n,Bj0Htv. but the largest vr and women braved everything iD cast for any president of the United eion' beCBnse of Blih' error ,n th Tint tbv mio-ht become States." Tbe Dalles Chroniolfl. pers presented to the oounty court, yet , - o the road will be put through legally, the me ponBenmnB J January term of oounty court commenc might Lave prosperity , mai meir John undoubtedly tbe '"g according to law. Hepp- little families might have an op- onoice 0. Doufflas oounty to sncoeed ner People, as well as many others, are Heppner-Parrlsh Creek Road, Mr. . Q. Sperry informs the Qazette that though tbe Heppner-Parrish creek road venture was defeated in tbe oircnit oourt of Grant oounty, at tbe reoent see- From the Pendleton Tribune. Tbe East Portland Chronicle is very mooh exeroised over the silent contempt with which Senator Mitchell treats the load demand of two or three newsnapers in this state for a published statement of his preseot views on tbe finanoial ques tion. It is not ut all necessary that the senator should make any such statement. To make snob a request, let alone de mand it, is nothing more nor less than a stupid exhibition of inexplicable hostil ity, by no means inspired by any doubt as to tbs fature course of tbe senator on tbe money question . Having said previous to the holding of tbe national republican convention that be would be guided by the deolaratioa of his party in convention assembled ; having contributed largely to the re publican viotory in this state by falling in line and vigoroueiy and fearlessly championing tbe principles of sound money and protection, does it not seem unreasonable, childish and inane to de mand of the senator a published state ment as to bis views on tbe currency question? Why not ask William Mo- Kinley for suob a statement? Senator Mitchell in his epeeobes dur ing tbe campaign said it was only through the publication of garbled ex tracts from bis speeches delivered in tbe Ben ate that it was made to appear that he favored independent free coinage; tbat be favored free ooinage only through international agreement and that he pur posed battling tor bimetallism on those lines. He did not utter a word during his splendid csnvass of tbe state that in dicated he purposed running oounter to the platform of his party, but on the con. trary said everything tbat any reasonable minded repnblioan could expeot in oppo sition to the wisdom of independent free silver as advocated by the popoorats Senator Mitchell evidences great sense in treating with silent contempt the oon stent jibes of personal enemies. He can well afford to treat with contumely all such. No republican who took part in tbe late campaign, battling for tbe oaoeeof sound money and protection, could afford to re fuse adhereooa to his party's national platform, no matter to what position eleoted; no matter what bis previous views on tbe dominant question. Free NOTICE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Nov. 19, ltt;. Notice li hereby given that Dllowliig-named lettler hu filed notice of her Intention to make final proof In lupport of her claim, and that laid proof will be made before I. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on January 9th, 1897, viz: MARTHA C. EMRY, net Martha C. Hoaklna, XIA Vn ormn v. at mum V 1 ou'Li Bee 1, Tp 6 8, R 26 E, W M. one names me louowing wicnessea to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Nelson Common, James H. Smith. Robert Kniehten. WeBlev Comutou. all of Hardman. Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 496-06 Register. Nc Notice of Intention. Land Orricc at La Grands, Oregon, November ltith 1H96. OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TBE followinir-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of nis ciaim, ana mat saia proof will be made De fore the Countv Clerk of Morrow Co.. Oreeon. at Heppner, Oregon, on December 29th. 1896, viz: FKAHClo KILKENNY, H. E. No. 5278 for the N WW &N'Z NEU Son. 25 Tp. 1 8. R. 27 E. W, M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Michael Kenny, James Carty, James Mc Entire, Thomas Gilflllin all of Happner, Oregon. a. r . niivsun, uegisier. What s iiiimi iii fan 2 491-04 Timber Culture Fmal Proof. Notice for Publication. United Status Land Offick, The Dalles. Oregon. Nov. 17. 1806. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT SQUIRE J. Turner, of Heppner, Oregon, has tiled notice of intention to make final nroof before J. W. Morrow, Co. Clerk, at his office in Hepp ner, Oregon, on Saturday the 9th dav of January on timoer culture application No. jU4U, for tne tiK.y. oi section no. in township No. l south, range No. 26 east. tie names as witnesses: William G. Mccarty, Robert W. Turner. James F. Bevev. Frank K. Bell, of Heppner, Oregon. 4S1-U4 jab. r. moo tiK, Register. Notice of intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DA LLES, OREGON U Oct. 23, 1896. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, uregon, on uecemoer , imm, viz : tUWAKU U. ASHHAUUH. Hp. E. No. 4364, for the EU SWM.aud Lots 3 and 4. Sec. 19. Tp. 8 8.. R.25E.. tie names tne louowing witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: Orman D. Allison. Cyrus O. Fuqua, Elihil B. Stanton, of Eight Mils. Oregon. Gilbert D. Coats. oi Haraman, Oregon. JAS. P. MOORE, 486-96 Register. Notice of intention. LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, Oct. 10 1896. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Joseph L. Gibson, Commissioner of the IT, 8. Circuit Court at Lexington, Oregon, on November ram. it, viz: ROBERT H. BEACH. NothiDg, except that he has just discovered that at the Odd Combination Store of P. C. Thompson Co. Is the best plaoe to buy Salt, Sugar, Soap, Sardines, Socks, Suppem'ers, Sewing Machines, Shotguns, or Saws. Complete lines of Groceries or Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed. DONT FORGET THE PLACE. I700TS AND SHOES D THE PLACE TO CET THEM IS AT M. WCHTBNTHAL'S He has anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on It yon get a good article when Mat guarantees it. SHOES IN ALL THE Old Stand, Main Street. LATEST STYLES. Repairing a Specialty. 111 A ENGLISH BUSINESS ni.LFRpa sr mm mm mm lsi SMai PORTLAND OREGON Full English Course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegraphy. BOAKDIKG DEPARTMENT'" LAMES of, said land, viz: Robert l. watmnt, James H. Leahy, Matt u iwuiim, wm. .amour u.uc.o, .re ... . . . . . . , . ,rBa H. E. No. Bfi20 for the 6R 8K!a Hec 8. NU & onin, thA Wpsbuid-b ii, tt:.j interested in cettind this road throuch 7 . ' beh NEit Bee. n Tp. 4 8. r. 28 eWm LAJinuuivj i -j-j o i iu mo iiwihi m win uumu - -- - trade. He names the following witnesses to prove bdu lue wur .teu, uuue w. no, uo TKa ronnint nf thA rntnrna of th 1U " ' "?. ious residence upon and cultivation fortunate. None knew posi- Bna protectionist ana souna r " " " " , election in South Dskotn makes it possi i ii i it. ii j ti money man. tie is in layor oi ins pres- ' ' fivoiv that the v would Bucceea but l .... ... . ti,;. u tknnnht tht ' , gtnndard until an international i 1 1 . ..i,;. v, v.n. am. they were willing to take chances. ,Kreenient oan be had for ree ilTer '250 will complete it in excellent shape. "Thi . . . . . 205 t. ii,. l,;.in nf Mnnna mnitti t. 4u. un It will be comDleted and oDen for travel .:. . iu iuo uwiuij v 4v.w" wuV wmu,,, ui ensure us buu iu roiiumi- - Dobhoans. 137 democrats and 15 dodu- a . m v.l . riS Mai I Hit I - " bUlO Dllll nno vi i j vA.urvvM i w s p m possioie. juitoDeii is a sare man. uive Himhes, of Heppner, Oregon, Karl Beach of Lexington, Oregon, 83-94 B.r. WlIiiON, Register. was this that built up the substan tial little town of Heppner with its modern conveniences and railroad connections. It was this that caused to be erected our beautiful us Mitohell tor United States senator fa tl, . .! .. TJ1 -: .1 !.. iui iup ui via i iBiuuoaivr, i uur jrut-cr win tcn you The assembly to ooovene in Salem l - I nrk mrtnlh artll wnsiiaif tf Oft mamkafi I film rr1it m r ri r try oolirvil Viniirhntr Rnil the nnmerona U,. ......... . , J vnv-jr . lnere are repuouoans 10 n opuosi . . i ... .1 ... i - - Cburcnes. witnout ll tuis section tion. Mr. Mitchell baa from 6 to 18 would now be a howling wilder- votes to spare on Joint ballot for United Htates senator, lie don't bave to be there to watoh it. Moro Observer. if ness. But Heppner has been playing the laggard of late. It has not been np and doing as of yore and the evidences of mossbackism oc- cnrsionally crop out here and there. Those who had made neat little full you don't like it He is our agent to this ail extent; ana we want no better business, It is with a feeling of mingled interest and disgust that ons notices from dsy to dsv tha contributions to the Oregoniso from W, 8. Failing. Lrdell Baker, at al. A SrMIHtif It Company ban risncisc m noon the senatorial auratinn. Tlmaa fortunes found that the old, loose gentlemen seem very muob xioise4 Indlaa AerldfStally Shot. D. A. Ilerren and Dr. MoFaul went dowo to tbe depot last night to look after an Indian who bad accidentally methods of doing business would lost the wishes of the people of Oregon shot himself op in the mountains while i - - - i no longer suflico, and often they have subsided into a mere exist ence rather than to meet the inevi table like brave men and forge should be carried out by the r election of John II. Mitohell to suooeed himself. Is the opinion of these gentlemen, no doubt, it would be tbs wiss thing to do to eleot ilsnry Failing, or Joseph Simon, ahead. They wore afraid to make or George Steel, or, perhaps, if nothing s a new move in the line of modern business progression. Heppner has suffered much from this spirit Tbe telephone company will ask belter oould I doos Lydell Kaksr him sslf might not doolios the honor of rp resenting tha stats of Oregon in lbs sen aU of lbs United Hlts. Tbs story be soms mors InUresting when ws remem a I. 1... ... a small Uonus OI lieppner less ber lbs! tbs gaollsmsn who now prats tor lbs Columbia. than it Las given doEeus of times ,0 PWie print about tb splendid for War., raa and I.fll..l,ratinn.- ,r,c,or wo Bt tb raoent .lectloo, did ...... . not turn their bands to bring about Ibal and It is to be hoped that this ipUod,a ?lclory. Bor M , ol tb. mf0 proposition win vn acccpMHi, oi bo ar basking tbstn in their new. hich we have no doubt The paper chatter. II it well known thai Gaxette hones further that there n' 00, monthpieess of Himnn ill U a general awakening all tM mb0 a,a Oo,,u,n ,n ,b r,KM ong the line and that legitimate k, CM diifMdil 00 b, cl business Ventures Will not be al- tbs si at esmosino b tb esntral em lowed to die for want of enterprise milt. II I tb old story ovr agate to support them, not as objects of ,"mon itonA lb eu egging on an cbaritv. but as rureU business nppo,l,,on to p",' at - - "law- a. mlmM. a- - i proptwuons. au wora to- h N M , t ! , A In r t li.imAn .n,l 1 . . . . Kru ui m I air. iui ws nis gsm two and Sil procpsnty will atts&d onr efforts. Yr ago, bat tb prop oon Jitloo did oi matsnaut in in nnish. It is a tsi propillkia, bovsvar, thai asld hunting deer, ahont two weeks ago. Tbs wound was mad in tha Meshy part of ths right leg, between lb tbigb and knee, and from nested had beoom a very sor leg. Dr. MoFaul pal on torn 8UU "" impl poultioe, after olaansing tb wonoil, with lb result tbat tb si wash thought this morning that " Boston man's medicine, bias cl Tb Indian will undoubtedly get well in s short lims, and will Isav tomorrow lists. Of the republicans five are said to favor tbe free coinage of silver Messrs Ililborn, of California, Broderiok and Curtis, of Kansas, Linney, of North Caro lina aud Beaob, of Ohio. Of tbe demo orats, two MoAleer, of Pennsylvania and Elliott, of South Carolina are sound money men. So that on lbs silver ques tion the bouss will stand ss follows: Sound money, 202; free silver, 1S5; mi joritr for sound money, 47. In tbe pre ent congress tb totals are: Republi cans, 252; demoorsts, 92; populists in eluding fasionists and silverites 10; va caooies, 3. With a majority of forty seven in tbe bouss for sound money it apprars very much like borrowing tronbls to lose any sleep over ths fact that Senator Mitobell remains silent when taunted by a few buoolio newspapers as to bis views at this lime on the onrrency question. lie bss already defined bis position and to iterate and reiterate it would indicate a denrssot stupidity unbecoming United Notice of Intention. Nc Land Orrics at La Grand, Oriciom, November 4th. IBM. OTICK 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE follow liiir-na!nei settler has filed notice of his inU-ntJoii to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made be fore E. L. Kreeland, Commissioner U. H. Circuit Court at Heppner, Oregon, on December 12th, io't, viz: DAM El. r. UUUKK1Y, H. E. 1778 for tbe BE'4 Sec. 12, Tp 1 8, R 29 E, W. M. He names the following; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. sain isiKi, vis : Jpk 1) French, of Ilpppner, (ircton, James Nelson, Donald Ross, Patrick Doherty, of Vin son, Oregon. 4'JU-atl. B. r. wilhon, Register. Timber Culture, Final Proof. Notlr for 1'ubllratloB. Ukitko Btatss I.awd Orrtrs. The Dalles. Oreiron. Dee. I. iww. XT0TICE IH IIKHEHV OlVhS THAT K1CH- 1 ard W. Kolitaon, of Klsht Mile, Oreicou, has filed notice ol intention to make final vriMf IwforeJ. W. Morrow, ronnty clerk, at hisofricel In Heppner Oreion.on fatiinUv the Hilh dav of Jauiiarv, .fl, on timber culture application U.. ,,r. f... II,. Kil l, n bl Ki. In l.,u n. A K.., .r. ...V . W. W..'? l-V, M., ... M shin No. I south, raime No. 24 east. He names as witnesses: John w. Allat'ttt, rhsrles Imrrahain. John II. Iniirslmlii, Aaron I S. Haines, all ol Mk-lit Mile, iin-fon. .w :m j An. r. mijiiiii, negisier. Notice of Intention. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson k Binne, Lower Main Street, Heppner, uregon. These centlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Gilliam and other counties and can save money and time in making these sections with traveling men. Prlcei In keeping with the times. THOMPSON & BINNS. LIVEETMEIT. BZPFTXB. puj Jilt k York Weekly Triune A Malsral IWaaUler. Ksrl's Cloyer Itool Ta poriQe tb blond and give a clear and beantifol Qotnplriltin. For sal by Well k War ren, Will Skip U kaaaaa City. K. (1. Hperry, of Ueppssr, and Frank Holland, of Ion, will start Wednesday (tomorrow) with 44 bsad of si or row eonnly mot, deetiostion Kan City, Mr. Mpvrry wos 30 head of lb nnabor, Holland lbs remainder. Tbs mol market Is prstly brisk now in tb sail and lb shir pets iiot tod J wall. A Welrosse I'sher of '7. Ths lieginniog of lbs New Year will bav weloom nsber In tbs sbsp ol fresh Almsnso, desorlptiv of tb origin, nator and uses of tb national tonio and alterative, Hosteller' Stomach Dit tar. Combined with lb descriptive matter will b foood calendar and tmnomloal calculation alwolutsly reli able for eorisclneea, statistics, illustra tions, verse carefully selected, and other mental food highly profitable and eotsr Isiniog. On tbia psmpblet, pnbltabed snd prioled annually by Tb Unttter Company, of Pittsburgh, 00 bands ar employed In tbs meobanical department alona. Elsvsn months ar devoted to It preparation. 1 1 I procurabl fre. of drnggist and country dealers every where, aod is print! ta Koglub, (lr m so, Frenen, Hpaawn, Wslsh, N ir -gtas, Holland, HJieb and Bohemia. I AND OrriCIt AT THE DALLES, OHE'iON, li Imr. S, Iw. rtotic Is hereby given that the followlof named settler has filed no-I tl.-a nf his Intention to make Snal pronl In sup port nf hie rial m, and that eald proof will be mane netore Josepn u uitienn, u. it. mm., at Islington, Oregon, on January i), 1V7, vli. Jt:TVS A. MILLER, Hd. T. No. M2, lor the Kl Kec tl, Tp I N. B K. W M. He names the lollnwlns wltneesee In prove his mntiniinue residence upon and coltlvalloa of. Said land, vis: Olio Hixlxlon. William Browning, Edward r. Bmwtilns. JcIT Etana. all of lltiK.ti Or J AS. r. MtMiHK. fit SA Hegtstar, OTI(K. VOTlfl l IIIRr'BVOtVKMlllAT A MEET ll lug of the Sl" kholders of the llfpnr Building A U-n A UUon will he held at their oSr, In Heppner. f..n. on the eec.nd Tuesday of Januaiy, lW7, hetaeen the boure ol o a . and i p n nf eald day. for the pur pom 01 sterling aireruirs tor tne suing year. ED. H hUniir. Heppner Or., Dee. 7, I. t il eer y. FOR Farmers and Vlllaoers, FOR Fatners and Mothers, FOR Sons and Daughters, FOR fill the Family. All sea4 II Tbk (alitorou airship tory having Im3o worn out, the wnia. tional iajxr down thm ar look-Ut. Helen Ubt. log op a oew faka. Ask your pbysicisn. your drnggist and vonr friends ertnnl Mhllob's Car for from lbs mn who ar natnrally orpoMd Umsnmption. They will reeouimeoJ lotb ssior ssnalor, tb Hinjon Htee) mbinstioo ba but lilt! inflaeae. It. For ssls by Well A Wsrten Henstor Uilrhell ba bee la Torttand for liro aloe letio. lis left fuf Wsabisgtiin only lt week. II i far from (leg unapproachable aad t aJ way too lo oblige. Had Lydell flsfcer really Jeaired any tnlormatk frurn Heastng Xlilobell, ths rvoimon eM and tteiul ws of eblsiala Co - ri tTt rturti of Neva.l on Me" ' IJ ' . : . i I .. . , Mr. and tad Is. lea 4 i'l,,llub u Ho. II J. Patih, of 1' instil! oniDtj, it a (anilMata for iaVr of tha Dtl boos of re j reaeotative, j th Milloo Kagtn, Ik Me4el Krvlsrajit. A reedsreal bss bea opened up op(Meit tb City HuUlby N.J.M; where neals will l served al all boar Willi labor is uipl.'yej ta ths kitchen and dial g room, tJe swrvte al all boar. Tbn dealrtog fir it clas MMtief ebnald alrfllM lbs M'Ul. In 17 tha rrfsnlential tote hava Ikwd corn pile, 1 hj tha nevrelarj of tU, Tha total vot of tha stt i 10,. 315; llrjan at.l He all, 7,SJ, llfjan aJ WaU.n, 67:, McKiolr; ao I Hul art, ,K It ia tr(irUl ! tha AacUlU l'ri-M that A ml . hr IlatarJ 0 dotsg, b pabttsbe rstber lmf tl set Wttf la lb OfMnnlsn, detsaadiag soots UfiaieU-i. Tb 4eig in all Ibis ta l rs sfparssl. Ther ar bf prteelatl ! pahli Seal r laJicrosi and tb few 1'iwtlasJ g.. l.mea wbe) det e srneeitlv J a phlisly, I b' rW ll.Ubell par.! bM Views, "fof tb ! ttt tb psopl, Mast tr(4 to ba lsgb4 at by tb b sevvisg. ll I lovs's Ub-r le)t, lt th will rrlva f pnpnUr iutcip- ppf r4 lrfa will nt stsal any Ad ttna tl r.BcUn t'a anriiewLsL a l bwt)0(rvslli UsaWt, Chriataaa prMBt ll it alao sail that lUyarJ U Mm, but bil Tb leoala ba Wma Wytag ta frin-U 'D tht ri.U ItJiik that tha ,wr rU,"f M, U mel kind of XsWeseal nwetieg bis Hon mm exteii wtii. list lb I autk rare. wet hrsMtlh srrnred. taib KeaseJ. l'rK Ml emt. Nasal lajertor free). For J by Wells A H arte. T M.I IMH.f C U. Khali, U lb Atlelup Herat J, d nut pf kiget left a souanl f being laU; heas bis peliliK Ui tut eppxtotexj regielef bf IL land anVet al lbs pteet I alreaJy out Mr. fbuit kaa Lad cttdeU gpt- hn In lead kisltets, sJ tb wy Ws "liiMted 'es np" fof MKialy title bis t rerrgaitB. acr Urjp t f any tfft 'ruw lht tHurc woall t-w ilriJol! im CVasusiptro, La Oripp, rweat 4 all lbrwal and Lnag diss i sis r sired by kliak' Car. ft ! by Hells A M stff. I J ba,! a dissifl! slt.l le. 'l T ' t . J bwi bt slat Wi a a smssl l lb 1 r Bvery tHy CtrsrMsas To all part of tb world a N arranged fr aay dsy ia tb year, tor on or tuor pervtos, npon spplioatioa lo sey princi pal ticket agent of tb Cbioago, Milwq ks A Hi Psnl railway. lUasrsriswrar tally prepared for nsorsvios to Calllo ala, FlfirlJa, MsiIsha, China, Japan, and ta aay pari of Europe. Ftioitles f srs kahed. Iseladtng nil sit nee. Ttekets forslsbsd ltr tb emplei Jonrnvy. Ii is st kreery t wait for any so -called "IVsnnally OindaeUd K.iearei.m." tbeee dsye nf pmgret snligbtenmsnl, with tb 1'eglieh langasgs spka la ty land aader tb ana, n il n4 be. to dped Bpo tb sevvt of gntJe fng stithl etBg, but tan go II ! r ia saiall family parlie. witb (rest taiafnrf and saniy, and at on' o 0T.see. Writ Is C i E4lr, (WrJ Aft. Cblfsgx Mil soke A Hi Tsal r4sy, rnlad. (r , Im 4- laila if yoej ar ttleeBp!stg a I rip, l' 01 ' New Is t ere ail Ssl iHeesjeea Hip!y spply Ttws;s's (bniml " !( tatcmal ehHa lr4. Co'e Wilee. svieana, ilsh, all esplhs lh fees kasde, A, Ustlsg tb skin elear, bit aal bltky. ll gtet ti lag s4 Pali wet r y-eseesel by ) ke rssnedy. Atk yar Jrng M M !' Oiiel J A fce4 tutsias Fmeritet I ..ea4 bt.tnd. ! elMW, Slid k id ey, ltf aeij bawel rit:e eiea Ste4 , hy Kal Clf ftl le. tt ssls by I Melt A W alien. With the clone of the rreaitlcutial campaign TOE TRIBUNE recognizee the fact that the American people are now aoxioua to give their time to home and businosi interests. To meet thia condition. r politica will bave far leea apace and prominence, until another Stale or National occasion demanda a renewal of the fight for the principle for which THE TUIDUXE baa labored from ita inception to the present dhj, and won ita greatest victories. Evert possible effort will be pnt forth, and money freely spent, - the u'rci'T v Tninrvp it- . uiaao sii 11141.11U1 aiituviiu iiecuiiuuuhi National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member aruttUolliEKsr MEET IM1. NwawssjiatKa We lumlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekiu Bank of Hft"f alll h hd a Ha ti,slng . , ..Mi.y on 1 Piniino nno voor inn lm fin IIIUUIIU UIIU UQI IUI tPcJ.UU. ohm. IS ll.iiner. os the ewond tueeili JeBuery, bet" e tbe kounal lee. m end i m ul said dsy. fur the ursae of eiei Ung 4 Her tun tut the ensuing year ii fv niiior r...ier, llerfaer. Or., Pee. (aaa, s.j A44r CAS 1 1 1 all Ot.lers to HOTHI Of TOhr10LitKjr MtETIM, vimn I iiratnv otvri vtfTT."tiiit I il III t a Kneeling of the Stn tbirf.lee. ..I th. Firs n.....l n.k 4 H'fpnet, a) lkHf neltretMl the 1ft 1iwl.y nl January, trt, . the kuues nt I" srlnt a s. ai4 I erll s SB . n aal'l !. ew Ue yaryae nt elerttng it 1 iwlirfi aa4 ! lrM li.a H ewi k MkM ae nay i.r.i ! I ('.Slr, H'ltMf, ot , fw. t, l r a. IT AI1VANCH, THE GAZETTE. Write jmtt a.m. en atleM am a snetal eaM. ee4 It In frM. W. tWt, Trtbasx OSW, If ew Weekly TrtsMM as 111 fce aiM ee yoa. York t lly, axt a eawyie c y of tbe kew t aw k I urn a AT Intvas kpvmiKD t . ler, 1. ! Ir.iv. Anale . ! Saeyer. anal. Wkes railing k U-e Me"S rtM a4wM4 J f mjB.r nirrota SI.00 -Tile- OI.Oo Weekly IMter OceaM. : The Orcatctt Republican Paper of the West X SI, rats tau-t ran t-. Beets for sale-SO H Mertn bxk: )HIMJ ral. I. ton ire of U. F. tarasernrlh. f. J Tr tM Sfssrf e) srnmrrv.fff RtpmhlKm U pb-1 I lifd maay so-1 css slvayi b releH r4 tug lair sad honest re- J fn ol ell prthixsl sisira I pTb Vlily ltkra5Pplle A trthN-l W' and tb twt 04 Cyrrvnt Utsrst.r. -LzXl ll t aliy C,t sil ss fsp-r Is Whboi rf. A PURE FOOD PRODUCT COTE BROTHERS VINEGAR sue seiViy iiill tfl . ere ' al iivi, tll pimmtmiym mmm taMetkwa. not p ap nirowwrM'vr t t, t T MOM , CO., asrmia. nntmn. L w . fj I lM ! f e-e t-eV lf i sv i ewUaaJBWSI i L i Ut Literary Column art equal to tnoii or in txti magailntu U ovth' tkfrimtnt It tha Hunt rt lit kin J. tt rrtaee te las rest ly lfc l,e, si la. tai re ael4 ae4 r Mat a4 Uwilai ar e l sm'ims sf IM ae,. t k. ," S ,a-aia sweae g Billa a.a SMaa t rU.Sel M I ku.,, 1, ).., -i -Ir e-T IS i ia. wtm eg tka M,i M tees say kay taaa tWZJMTSQ&UlZWMA- SI.00 t"? ul l4i 145 t:u (4 tl hit Ortl in W4ii mi :.... r iia a rft. ke a.,1 ,, ra ,1 B. I f a I 1 s if ., r It a.ii ... ksss ga aaaet .. s: a ... t SB aef .ear A 4 4 aaaei f N K i t T i U CM I , ( te evj