Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 04, 1896, Image 4

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    TO TII1C
J3 J&L.
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
al Ml Arm
J7 r Jr M7 9
and It tht result of coldt and
sudden climatio change.
It can be cured by a pleasant
remedy which la applied di
rectly into the nownla. Be
Inzquicklv absorbed it give
relief at once.
Ely's Cream Balm
is acknowledged to be the most trtoronjxh care for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of nil
ailaya pain al innimnnation, hrals theatres, pro
tects tiie rneinbraiie from colds, re;-torefl tlie pciuh-9
01 tateanaViitll, Price Sfe. at Oniuilitaor ly mnil.
10.Y iiitOTUIJItt, 6(1 Warren Street, Now York-
The Uvea of Infants Preserved
by Artificial Means.
Science's Substitute for Nature Dolna
Wonder for Prematurely Bora
Hurallnfra In New York
m m world
13, Pages a Week. '' 156 Papers a Tear.
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For (nil detail call on 0. K.
Agent ta Heppner, cr address
k N.
Geo. Pass. Agt.
E. McNElLl, President and Manager.
quxozc Ti2vraa t
Ban Franolaoo
And all points In (California, via the Mt, HhaaU
routa of the
Southern Pacific Co
Tha mat hlahwav thronch California to all
points Kaat and south. brand Hostile Route
ofthaPaoiflo Coast. Pullman Hnffet
Bleeper. Baoond-olaaa rJlsepera
Attach ad to expras trmlna, aflordinf an pari or
aoonmnodattona for aooDci-l iaMnar,
For fates, ticket, sleeping oar raservatlona,
ate,, oall upon or addraat
R. gOKUUK, Manager, I. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Hen. r. r, ait., roruaua, uregoa
m mm
It stands first among "weekly" papers
lO .iiie, . frequency , of publication and
treebness, variety and reliability of oon
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price of a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign eoun-
trieawill vouch for the accuraoy and
tairnees of its news oolnmns.
It is splendidly Illustrated and among
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Cohan Doylb, Jebomb E. Jbromb,
Stanlit Wbyman, Mary E. Wilkinb,
Aktuokt Dope. Bbbt Habtb,
Bbandeb Matthews, Etc
We offer this uneqaaled newspaper
aod The Gazette together one year for
$3.26. The regular subscription prioe of
the two papers ia $3 50.
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place
New York
The Outlook will bo In 1897, as it has
been during csoh of its twenty seven
years, a Hiatory of Our Own Times. Io
ita various editorial di nrtmt.nt The
Outliiok ifivca n (urai'iint rcvii w of the
wurld'H iimtirt'KH it follows with rare
nil tlx' in, pursuit .li i ! ui 1 1 1 r i i. i ii inul id
's imctCii
Tlmmnh Pullman Palace H c .et.
Tontl.t Weeper and fres KitIIiiIhk Clmlr
Car. lAli.Y lo CliUa"'.
Many hour saved via this Hue to K a tern
R. W, BAXTER, 0n. Agent,
Portland, Ortgon,
J. C, BART, Agmt, Ufppntr, Ortgon,
4 tolMtifla Arka
f Agtney ff
Jf jrj Ttaoa saaaKS.
iYQV-X Biaioaj PAvasra.
n u n ourrnit 1st. rutiire ;
i fnl liili!,-l,',!ii iilmiit 1 1 1 m ii
in '1, in at I j 1 1 . iii'iiih In L'ivH
1 H '!", rii.-itiiil i -lit i v (it lun,
I i -ii 'I ii' ii f i rt ii i ii ii 1 1 hi .
! wi'li Hit- lifiy ll.flli Volume,
t!n iiiii i r will iiiMiiiue the ri-uulur iniiua.
sine hi.-, winch will Hil l LTiMlly In iln
conve Duiifie and attractivenexa. The
OutlcKikt ia publialie J every (Saturday
firty two iMiiee year. The first issue
in eaoh month ia an Illustrated Magaaioe
Namber, eontaiuiag about twice aa many
pages a the ordinary iasuea, together
with large a umber of pictures.
The prlosol The Outlook ia three
dollars a year In advance, or leas lhao a
cent a day.
Bead for apMiman eopy and iltuatrat-
ad proapeotus to The Outlook, IS Astor
riaea, New Totk Citr.
IW taantwaAMa a4 frM Nawltu, wriw ta
Mi an a u. aai f. ra.
fM4Mt ara r arnii4 pmm m A rt-.
If i A mt r u I brmai
M tluhf imwh. (m 4 akarga aa IM
l,i rtfmt m t af vwHo e.r ia
t-4i'l 'f Iniwtfm i allMkfl
aM atantU W. UfcM ll II (-it
mi iivaiwaiH tlW at Vri t.
rLaaa,Sl kMOtl, kw til.
piilwtt & SI. Paul R'3
v A
XiiisiaiaiaN 4
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fill Ml
II .1 Ii
1 ruov -id-mi's
Ii ilf ! uim. nt of
- II lll'll H ( U til
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rcliyi' iiH iirwa;
Urn in i r. ; t (if
"He was incubated," the proud moth
er of some great man of the future will
say of her son. Vov the baby incubator
is a success and has come to stay. The
doctors declare that incubators have
already been the means of saving the
Sives of one hundred infanta in New
York. In fact, the new-born baby who
under old-fashioned methods has no
chance of living, now, if put into an in
cubator, st;mds about an even chance
of becoming a healthy, crowing young
ster, liaby incubators are now in use
ia two hospitals in the city.
A cozier place for a baby could not
be imagined, says the New York World.
If er6 the embryo citizens have every
opportunity the world affords to hold
on to life and to grow healthy and
strong, while in the tenements where
their parents live the lives of the frail
little things would have been snuffed
out in less than a day after they first
saw the light.
Tho incubator is used only for prematurely-born
babies and for babies
which are so weak thatothe wise young
woman doctors are pretty sure they
will die if left in the open air. Strange
ly enough, the incubator is shaped
something like a coffin, while its par'
ticular aim is to keep babies out of cof
fins. There are two kinds of baby in
cubators, and they differ somewhat in
construction. The babies are taken out
of the Incubators at the Maternity hos
pital to get their nourishment directly
from their mothers, who live in the
buildinc: but the mother in the Post-
Graduate hospital may not see her off
spring from one week's ena to another.
Therefore the youngster must be fed
by artificial means, and, alter mucu
experiment and study, the doctors have
completed an incubator by means of
which the baby is nourisnea wunou
being removed from its snug little nest.
The moment a baby for the incubator
arrives at the Maternity hospital the
white-capped nurses and the doctors
gather about the little wooden box,
which rests upon a stana some inrce or
four feet high. Baby is swathed very
carefully in warm clothes, and is then
weighed, clothes and all, beiore ne ts
laid inside and the glass cover is placed
over him.
Underneath the board upon which
the little mite rests are three bottles
that are kept constantly full of hot
water. The air passing in from below
flows over these and through an open'
lng in the board into the chamber
where the infunt is. A thermometer
:eeps the attendant continually in
fiirmi-d aa to the temperature, and a
little aluminum anunoineter in the
small chimney through which the air
escapes, and which furnishes the
draught that keeps the baby supplied
with fresh air. always liulieauis wneui-
ir or not t.hu circulation of the air is
Tho weight is a very important mat
ter. Otiii biibv in the ipcubntor is
wei::lu'd every day. A lie:ilthy baby
fchotiU i-1it,v a- i.U rht duirn; ! increase
n vi;r:il, tni't n "'H't-irs iiiki mui
he (Iniiinuli-.v p itii nt ii not growing
ii i.: . i..
ii v ii -r I iii'V remonu" ir in nr
Ontario-Burns State Line
Leave Borne Dally at 6 p. m. sad ar
rttM at Oi'Une la U soars.
Single Foro $7.00.
Round Trip $10.00
CVTrn(h irdtfci S ri rt-
! SntM Aallf li-f4 ?. fonaarM
I ulna I ill ilk U !,. Moana
BhM( MMII M ritH Itnm rMlia. I nnwll
li Ik imuiM, f'tMU 4 UkliM
a Suta.
Glanco nt this Map
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Throats ttaiae ea the O, IL A N. will
ras via. I'oikUIU, Walla Walla sad
'rHlUto(. Tsroagh alpta, fliet sad
il rla, will fin la r""i,nr'i..ii alth
t'ni'.n !' I'lo. Il in a t.-rl
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Thi-i U the Iril. st nietlicd
nf u ri-l.iiniii'f t he baby's
: . I I i r ,'i.iv the L'ni'test
,i : l 'i 1 1 i: ( lul'ic-i shall 1
f I'.. ,'.i'i w ; 'i' . !ti 1 O "r
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i. i-hl K nnlv M vcii or
Hit ix.iiii'!;.. A'Ki'it h.-veiily in r eelit.
f tin "iiiriibiili il" liat.ii -4 luivt lived,
nml nt leii' t I ftv IHr rent. 1.1 Ui'"
would liuve died but for the incubator
The incubator wlil. h will I in the
liable' word of the new building of the
l'(Mt-41miliiati himpilnl Is a rrt im
nroveinent on that at the Mnternitt
hoxpital. although It lavun me kenu
mental ktirruundinirn of the one in
charge f the young woman dnetora.
The Incubator U M-t upm Mcyelu
wheel, aolt mav be nnvrl alHiutwhro
evrr deklird. Thr fn'sh air U I. ' I
bv naanlng twlwwn two utrnta of hot
watr, riMa up both ut the hend and
the foot of the mattiv and l kept lit
motion by an aluminum fan run by
clockwork, Ihua preventing any
bllitr of lh littlu patient kaut.i rin;'
for want of air. There U bUi s tut-
for the ktintilv of ovygi n. HN-rnl finsn
titles of whleh are nl for lble wh.
are hanirinir on ti liiV bv the imrrit
thread, and it U U lleved till btiiirov
nwnt will aave s grrat ninny ll.- tliut
would have been lut In the old Iiku
By mrana of s clvr mechanical tie-
! ths weight of the Uby U alwaj
roglktrraxt, ao that tW jh; I, U n nmy
dlarovrr the kllghtr.t variatl n at any
tl-rm. Infanta are aubjit li tntwrviilai
diaeakra, whU'h drvrl.ili hrf.r tbf il
tor knows what la the tattler. if
rourw, the lneultr tnu-t l o( re'
1.. .. ..-.! ll.. t.l. II. rlllt. U I
ill inii.r tuifi ...w . .--
fund, but by nivali of a M l-Iif
the rTrr the titrri-e of any .! I a
from thai ouUbU U iwvfl-t, J. 11m
Wmrwrature f the lu4.l. of iH" li.u
baUtrlakrpt aa star uli.rty rlbl dr
rrca aa tlbl'.
The roktinluat h'pllal ( tm rf
SubU for Inrutiatora than th Ma
Wrnlty h.ilal. ami the U f I r trr
tnif the llttlioiMk by l.' M i f-k l
lnr and hralth l tbo hm . 'o I
Waaa the nmttirr ar l.t r.- it
nnre them. Tht Uif- !,'.
thl InMllull-n ht liirmllv nathir
life fra the Ji of lth m-xi
tsas one uera.n.
The CKlleet Mi In AtUaoarl Oat Oat of
Troablo In an In eipected Mannar.
On the southern edge of Phelps
county lives Scott Swartzlander, who
is considered the ugliest man in Mis
souri, and there are some of his neigh
bors who will bet his equal cannot be
produced from any charter. Swartz
lander, who is thirty years old, says
the St. Louis Globe-Der iocrat, has
white hair, eyes like a Cninaman, no
eyebrows, a nose of abf-ormal propor
tions, which lops over almost to nis
cheek bone, and i ornamented at the
end with a beautiful comic bulb. He
is lank and tall, and there are numer
ous other imperfections that add to
this picture of general and particular
ugliness. Swartzlander was arrested
about a year ago for cutting timber on
'government lands in Pulaski county,
and when his trial came up at Spring
field before the United States court
tha prisoner was promptly arraigned.
While the district attorney was read
ing the judge said, addressing the dis
trict attorney: "You maj enter nolle
prosequi in the prisoner's case. After
a careful scrutiny of his physiognomy I
am convinced that any man who is
ompelled to carry that face is pun
ished quite enough for the amount of
lumber whieh he is charged with hav
ing unlawfully taken from government
lands. You are discharged, Mr. Swartz
lander. Go as quickly as you can, and
don't forget to take your face with
y" ... .. ... . ..
Undoubtedly this decision 01 tne
learned and discriminating judge at
Springfield, Mo., entitles Scott Swartz
lander to the undisputed title: "The
Ugliest Man in Missouri."
The Dutiful Intention of ConacUntlon
Mai Emu,
The museum of natural history at
Soufh Kensington, England, has lately
received the skin of a very handsome
emu, the last of a pair of these strange
Australian birds which had been kept
as pets for more than twenty-five years
by a clergyman of Essex. The death
of the first bird, a female, left its matn
very desolate, and, as often happens in
such cases, he sickened and seemed
likely to die.
Ilia mistress carried him dainties to
tempt his appetite, and also 8 daily jar
of water. Again and again this jar
disappeared, and the lady was much
incensed against the unknown person
who made himself thus troublesome.
Finally the emu retired to his shed,
folded hi long legs and refused utter
ly to come out, until his master, in the
hope that the sunshine might even yet
do him some good, took him up bodily
to carry him out. Then the mystery
was solved. Under the bird were all
the missing gallipots!
The conscientious emu, feeling that
he ought to be fulfilling his destiny by
hatching some eggs, and having no
wife to lay for him, had seized upon
these smooth round jars as the most
promising substitutes to be had, and'
perhaps would have perished in the at
tempt to hatch them if his master hsd
not "broken him up.
Adopted tha Amendment.
A member of the house of commona
had been paving attention to a young
lady for a long whue, and had taken
her lo attend the house until she was
perfectly posted in ita rules. On the
last ilny of the session, as they came
out, he bought her a bouquet, saying:
"May I offer you my handful of flow
ers." Mie prompi ly repneii: i move
to imieiid by omitting all after the
wi ld 'hand.' " lie blushingly accepted
the anii'iiilnieut, and they adopted it
Bow a Monkey Made Good Fee or a BUly
Like a Policeman'a Clnb.
"The most novel fight I ever wit
nessed,"' remarked a traveler to a
writer for the Cincinnati Enquirer,
"was between a bulldog and a monkey,
down in Cuba. A friend of mine had a
bulldog that had licked every canine
on the island, and he was very proud
of him. A gentleman from South
America said that he had a monkey
that could whip the bulldog and the
owner of the latter laughed at the idea
After some talk a wager of five hundrec
dollars was made and the only advan
tage that the monkey was to have was
that he was to be allowed the privilege
of using a baton, about the length of a
policeman's club, but not so heavy.
The fight was in a public place, and in
a pit that was -surrounded by an iron
grating. There was a big crowd out
to see the fight. Of course everybody'
thought the dog would chew up the
monkey. After a few minutes, how
ever, the audience was surprised at
the sagacity displayed by the monkey.
The bulldog would make a rush
at the monkey, and the latter would
jump aside and allow the bulldog
to hit his head against the iron
gratings. This was kept up for twenty
minutes or more, and then the dog be
gan to get tired. The monkey began
to fight. He would let the dog make s
rush and then jump on the dog's back
and strike him several times with the
baton. This was kept up for an hour
or more, and finally the dog fell on the
floor completely exhausted, and the
monkey actually pounded him to death.
The monkey would strike the dog sev
eral blows and then place his ear to
the canine to see if he still breathed.
Finally the owner of the dog agreed to
give up the fight, but the owner of the
monkey told him that he was too late,
as the monkey would not quit until he
had killed the dog. This was one
of the peculiarities of the monkey.
They always kill their victims. The
owner of the dog said he did not want
his dog killed, and insisted on taking
the monkey off. While they were talk
ing the monkey belted' the dog several
times with his baton, placed his car on
the dog, and with a sudden jump
leaped on the shoulder of his owner
and commenced to use monkey lan
guage. The dog was examined and
found to be dead. The people ap
plauded the victory of the monkey,
and it looked as if the monkey under
stood it."
For Dygpepgia
and Liver complaint you bave a printed
guarantee on every bottle of Bbiloh's
Vitalizer. It never fails to oure For
sale by Wells & Warren.
To the Editor : I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely usa
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. Sr proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty to
stnd two bottles fret to those of your readers
who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SLOOTM, M. C, 183 Pearl St., Hew York.
S9- Th Editorial and Business Management of
tiiis Paper Uuaranteo tnia gunerooa Proposition.
v vvwt V i
AO 7
Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat-'
ent business conducted tor Moderate Fees,
our Office is Opposite; 0, 8. Patent Office
and we can secure patent ia less time uuta those
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured,
i a Diiisiii ,t " How to Obtain Patent." with
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
sent tree. Address,
The comparative valae of theaatwocmrde
Is known to most persons.
They Illustrate that greater quantity ia
Mot always moat to b desired.
These cards express ths bcnsBcial qual
ity of
A compared with any previously knows
Ripana Tabulea : Price, 50 cents a boar.
Of druggiats, or by mail.
- ..
BIPANS CHEMICAL CO-10 Sprues Sf.,ll ,
Protect your ideas ; t ber may
aa- vou wealth. Write JUH WEUUBnV
BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, WaaJoiajtesw
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Depot of C. B. &
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C,
Half block west of the Union
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads,
Cor, W. Madison and Clinton Sta.,
cmcAao. 1X1X..
D. 0., for their $1,800 prise offer.
The regular subscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gasette is 82.50 and the
regular prioe of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for. ths.
Gazette and paying h for one year is
advance can get both the Gazette and r
Weekly Oregonian for 53.50. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions tor
one year in advance will be entitled tf .
the same.
Nbw Feed Yabd. Wm. Gordon has
opened up the feed yard next door, to,
the Gazette office, and now solioits a
share of yonr patronage. Billy is right
at home at this husloeBVsnd your
horses will be well looked after. '' Prices '
reasonable. Bay and grain , forsale. tf '
rsMini,l.Vr ,
I'llm! I'llm! luulflC i ilrs.
rniitonis: Alomturw; intenae itciniik
and stingiuK; numt it iiiuM; aoraeb
acralcliiutf. If allomej to coulmuo tutn
ore form which often blifd mid ulcerate I
brooming very sore. Hwarne's Oint
ment stops the itching and bleeding,
Deals oiceratioo, and in most eases re
moves the tumors. At diagglsts, or b
mail, for 50 eeuta, Lr. Swsyne & Hon,
TIIK C1IROMCI.S rank with lb great
a.pr In the l olled State.
THK ( IIHO.NIl'LK baa no equal on the PaclBa
Count. It lead all In ahllltr. enterprise and newa.
TIIK CIIHO.MCLK'H TeltKraphlo Hepnrta are
the latest and most reliable, Ua luteal New tb
fu li.il (iid aplrli-at. and II KdlUirlal frura ths
hli'ni pena In th eouiitry.
Tilli i ll Hi I.N II I.K lianalwey been, andal wavs
wilt hi', the friend and champlun of th people a
an imt combination, clliitie. corporation, or
oiiri'Mliiii nf any kind. It will b Independent
!u everything neutral la nothing,
if-- r r v. . . 7 . r."
lO'.S '.TSVtJ z. w ' W T.iW V'
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had Vou a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension datea from the
time you apply. Now is tlie accepted hour.
Write for laws and complete information. . No Charge for advice.
I No Fee unless successful.
I The Press Claims Company
1 PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
I 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
' K. Ii.W Company i$ emilmlltd ay nenrfy one fAouatmd leading news
I Jkxth in the United Stnte; antt is ywvranlrtti by thtm.
Tls I ti Prvi"k .).
Ort rweijt of t n eeula, r -.h r n a ,
a fti-r. 1 III k-Ml'-li-f t
tn-ml . tiM ll nth t. ISay I' vf t'fcra
il!i a i.m 1" 1 -,BHit to
tti tl, ft- I 1 1 ! lj.
TWa Ami More Hart Thus Mr. KIdUm
lis Introduced to I',
The Anglo-lmliun woman I a more
varird type thun ever Mr. Kipling's
versatile pvn has made her. Accord
ing Ut the cleM'ription of one sojourner
In the land of the Hindoo, kaya the
New lork lleenr.ler, the Mr. Aauk-
khrra are 110 inure common than the
women burning t r a desire for knowl
edge and paradinif tiewi on the rducav-
tli in of the nnllve women. Mi gra
about armed with a nuU-lnmk In which
khe dota down tho Information khe 1
erivra. Nhe lnUt upon vWtlng "lur
dan" ladlri and klvr tlirm advice
about the aU.lilli u of child tuarriatje
and the nprrkkity f..r lutcllwlual tip
velopmrnt for vioin. n. hhe always
wears a k-dar "I ;. e." with a gaute
veil arnund It. even at afternoon par
tlra. whrrv rrrrvonr bl mnhii like the
ruao In fforci-ou ai(rl. Mi cou-
verwswUhthe ttitti Lutlrr concern
ing the statu of l,ll p-Miple and quutet
him largtly am if Uf people who ilia
play aha in. ful linllir.reuea us the
kulijrft wlik'h Inlrn-at her.
The athlrtlc youitf woman duwa swt I
flirurlah to itlt the aailla) tlrgrw In j
India a In Kuglait.L. TherliinaU la
aralat IL Hut a lo nllllrd form of the
alhlrllc girt In the ' man a wmnkn" Is
m prominent fia'nrp of aasrWly, hha
ride Well and ha a rjrarrful arat and
rftty f gnrr. ht I ititf ri.tr aat long
wklk lira br Mie ilrvtana WanU-
fully, whether In tailor tnxW gowns at
the uici, ir khfriiy tll gown, or
graceful Ira rota-a. ll la In thra at
that kh U moat hrrvlf. la thnti aha
matiayra ! arrtn more n filial, mvww
hiwiIUt.l aliri't am-re trti lT than In
antthltig' t-
Hut the r. Hum ! t ti w l aimn-
llnl iiiiitr..r re iti.-t ri.la bef
own tir Mi" l atiail of him; h
tM aliM-4 siil '. f. I off, ttlt kin
j think h mij'ht in liff l ktMnint
that ilear litil.' r.t. iflil Ward if
N h mm
Attorneys tit Iaw
All business attended to it, a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
: t t : t
VV&lllariaVV & 1 VI VlBVpm at, V
n 1 it
Miimn ,vi
rbraalela SlalUlag.
the: daily
r Matt, r rata.
Only $6.70 a Year.
The Weekly Chronicle
Tit tni Wet! a tLi Caitry.
S1.50 a to
9mm l ikAtVl. aVa.4 M4tm
Jk mmu 9mtmm Wewftiy mm M'i"
"J4 mm tm"immnf mm Wt.SL af
fjajktfwk (saf Jkmrn I aisW tiirsj I Ms
ll-,sl mm lf w trysaW.aa
Leaving Abler Htreel tVck, Portlaod, for Astoria, IIseo. Long Beaeh, Oceaa
Park aod Nebcotta. Ihroet aooneetioa with Ilwaoo steamer and rail
road ; also at Toong's Ilsy srltb Seaabort Railroad.
Uavs Portland 1 A. M. Daily, eieept Hundaf. Laavcs Astoria T P. M. Dailf , et (pt un4r.
UavaS Portland I CM Ixilr, urutay. SaiaHav nltht, II P. M. taave Astoria Dalit a
alt to A. at, aiotpt aundaj and MowUjr. aundar al(bl,T r. at.
Uaves Portland and ran dlrsrt to tlyv. Toaarler and Tbar4a at I A. at. arnriaT at I P. It.
iavs imaco xMaewti ami rnoa sii,s.a. ua eunoaj aifiitiir, at.
Ete Clerlf. Ii Biihai IVslisilioB Bo ill rVifki Fm cf Expraa.
Por satetf , fptd. Comfort, PUaaura, Travat on lb Telephone, Kallajr Oatsart aad Oeeaa Wave.
yor tho Ouro o
Liquor. Opium isl Tobacco Habits
la loratad a Baatfa, OreaM,
7TU itotl Dtatul IW m (JUOMsef
Call kl Ik Otsarra aate af fantealata
afWU twadaaUai. 1 laataa sat krltaia aad ears
'"W ! ,..... .....,!. H 'ili..t l.aMN. I ! ty Mklfk.l,... ..li)IM.H,a.l,, llVl VlUlUlU ILLtll
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OF . . .
It to aAdvcrtifcrs .it a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
nutter of business v,c must sell it.
Tun pAiTtkw ruuntnuNc Co,
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