Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 04, 1896, Image 3

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Tired Feeling
Makes you seem "all broken up," with
out life, ambition, energy or appetite.
It ia often the forerunner of aerious ill
ness, or the accompaniment of nervoua
troubles., It is a positive proof of thin,
weak, impure blood; for, if the blood ia
rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im
parts life and energy to every nerve,
organ and tissue of the body. The
necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
for that tired feeling is therefore apparent
to every one, and the good it will do you
is equally beyond question. Eemember
Iftthft tWf In font ttlA fna Tro Dlniul l.tlla
Hnnri'c Dillc cnre'lveril's. easy to take,
I1UOU S r 11 IS easy to operate. 25 cents.
Now that the great political campaign
ia oyer Bud the winter Be aeon again with
na, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long eveniDgs. Cognizant of Ibis the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and uow
offers the following to all new and renew
al subsoribers:
The GAZETTE (2.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, 11.50 $3.60
- - " 8. F. Examiner, 11.50... 8.75
' " N. Y. Tribune, 1.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50... 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c. 2 50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Here and There.
Quite ill earl tnia
Ethel Boyer waa
Wheat ii 85 to 86 cents per bushel in
W. . Qiatt waa over from IUdge
John Handr. of Llla. was on onr
streets today.
M. 8. Corrla&ll waa over from Butter
creek Thursday.
Geo. Perry and Otbo Ward are ia
from Lods Rock.
D. A. Harrao eame op from Portland
yesterday morning.
Wheal still eontinoee to roll io
Wheat la wheat now.
Sanire Jones waa Io from Eight Mile
Toeeday, prepariog for winter.
Drink tba eelebreled J. B. Cotter
whiskey. Oo tap at Cbria Borobera',
Tuesday's tralo got through to Port
land and aow mails are being received
Oregonian: Mr. George M. Irw o, etate
superintendent of public instruction, ia
at the Imperial. He oame from Salem
yesterday with the intention of going to
Heppner, but, finding it uncertain when
the eastbound train would leave, wiaely
cunoladed to defer hie trip. Superinten
dent Irwin says all arrangements are
now complete for holding tbe teachers'
state institute at Salem on December 28.
It will be held in the Methodist ohorob,
as the secretary of state etill insists that
the institute cannot meet at tbe etate
For sale About thirty tons of rye
bay, located about two and one-half
miles of Hardman. Also 400 sores of
good range, fenoed, to go with eame.
Plenty of outside government range
near at hand. Sbe.ter f ir 2,000 bead of
sheep or large band of cattle. Good
house on place. Call on Gazette office
for particulars. A rare chance to get
bay cheap. All signs iadioate a hard
winter and delays are dangerous. tf
Tuesday all tbe snow was gone off tbe
Blue monntains. Wednesday morning
tbe cbinuok struck the Heppner section
and no enow is left to tell tbe story of
last week's oold spell. Tbe ground be.
ing frozen it all ran off and for a short
time Willow creek and tributaries were
bank full, and in some plaoes overflow'
ing No damage was done worth men'
Honing, toe worst being tbe loss ol a
foot bridge near T. W. Ayers'.
Tbe eervioes of tbe Episcopal obnroh,
wbiob were to bave been he'd at tbe M
B. oburcn on this J) riday evening,
have been postponed till next Tuesday
eveniug, Deo. 8tb, when Bishop Morris,
of Portland, expeota to be present to ad'
minister tbe rite of confirmation. Mr.
Potwiue, of Pendleton, will also be
Tbe following are the republican
nominees for tbe otty offices of Salem
Mayor, Dr. J. A. Richardson; recorder,
Ed. N. Edes; marshal. Addison O. Dilley
treasurer, E. J. Sw afford; oouucilmec,
first ward, J. M. Lawrenoe; Beoond, E.
F. Parkhurst: third, Hiram Smith;
fourth, J. S. Graham.
Dr. B. F. Vaughao and W. K. Corson
oame in on last night s stage. Dr.
Vaugban has been over at Canyon City
on professional business for some weeks
and Mr. U.irson is on bis way from
Monument to bis home at Tbe Dalles.
Tbe latter will remain here a few days.
Oo last Monday night, at Hardman,
O. M. Hogue, assisted by Dr. MuFaul
and Jobn W. Hornor, organized a lodge
of United Artisans with ten members.
Sickness prevented others from Joining
at that time. Silae Wright ia Master
Mrs. Li. J. bates wisbes to announce
that sbe has just reoeived a floe assort
ment of dollies, tidies, table covers.
'splashers," Iray cloths, etc, etc, ready
stamped. J ait the tbing for Imu pres
ents. Call and se tbem. It
Ed. R. Bishop, successor to Tba Mo-
Farlaod Mercantile Co., is still on deck,
giving great bargains in all lines. The
stock most be closed out, and it ia au
prising how cbeap things are. Call on
them. Frank MoFarland, salesman.
Henry Vanderpool arrived oo Wednes
day from Slielton, Nebrkuke, accompanied
Tbe Oregoa Btatesmaa Till March 1st for
Oaly 25e.
Every taxpayer should read a Salem
paper this winter. Tbe Oregon Weekly
Statesman is the biggest, brightest,
cheapest and best paper published at tbe
oapltal. The legislature meets in Janu
ary. Needed laws are to be passed and
a U. S. senator ia to be eleoted. Every
body will want to read a good paper this
winter frcm tbe seat of war and to all we
cheerfully reoommeod tbe Statesman. It
fearless and free spoken. It urges
eoooomy along all lines of state govern
ment and is waging a war in the inter
ests of tbe taxpayers. Taxation must be
reduced by abolishing all uselees com-
miasious and correcting, abuses. Tbe
Statesman is the only reliable republi
can Aesooiated Press paper in Oregon.
It oonaieta of twelve pages weekly. Its
subscription pnoe is $1.50 per year, but
by a special arrangement with the pub
lishers we bave arranged to supply it to
our subscribers from tbis date until tbe
adjournment of the legislature three
months good reading for only 25c.
Forward all subscriptions to tbe States
man, Salem, Ob." Send in your orders
right away tba sooner you send, the
more you will get for your money.
Why all tbis hue and ory from oextaio
quarters as to Senator J. H. Mitohell a
standing on the money question T In bia
speeob at MoMmnville Mr. Mitohell
quoted the St. Louis platform and said:
"On this I stand and on tbis I have
stood bimetallism by international
agreement." Could any words be more
pronounced than these? Transonpt. .
The literary and musical entertain
ment given at tbe opera bouse Wednes
day evening under tbe auspices of tbe
M. E. obnroh, South, waa certainly very
creditable to Bev. Howard as well as
those who so kindly assisted him.
Several numbers were rendered in a
manner that elicited hearty enoores.
In all tbe entertainment was a suooess.
Tbe following is tbe program as ren
dered :
1. Overture by Orchestra
J. 8. Henry, Violin; Chat. Ingraham. 2nd
Vlnllu; J. C. Hart, Flute; V. Crawford,
1st Cornet: W. L. Baling, 2nd Cornet;
Mrs. J. D. Brown, I'iano.
2. Recitation. "The Gambler's Wife."
. . reari asey
Selection Jtlpley
muiei nana.
Male Quartette. "The Moon U Brlehtlr
Beaming," wntu
Messrs. C. R. Howard. W. L. SalliiK, W. C.
Howard and M. B. Galloway.
Piano Solo Nocturne . LrybacK
Mrs. Herbert uarinoiomew.
Declamation. "The Martyred Mother."
Mn. J. N. Brown
Music Ripley
Ladies nana.
Duet, "The Minute Gun at Sea," King
Messrs. J. u. ana w. J. uowara.
Overture by Orchestra
10. Piano Duet. "My Regiment." March.
into Aiuenuu
Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Bartholomew.
11. Male Quartette, "Voices of the Night,"
Messrs. C. R. Howard, W. L. haling, W. C.
Howard and M. B. Ualloway.
By way of illustration of tbe way in
dustrial conditions change and tariffe
must change with tbem, take the duty
oo tin plate. Before 1891. all tbe tin
plate consumed in this country was im
ported. There was a considerable duty
on tin-plate, but not enough to equalize
domeetio and foreign oast of production.
The McKinley law doubled tbe duty
roughly, and gave birtb to a new do
mestic industry. Tin plate mills sprang
up everywhere, were conducted with
thrift and energy, established trade con
nections and commanded tbe market.
Oar imports of tin-plate diminished con
stantly until now tbey are only one
third of what tbey were in 1891. But in
the meantime tbe Wilson law bas re
stored the old duty without checking
the Amerioan production. Having had
three years' high protection, tbe industry
is so firmly established that it can thrive
and grow with protection that was in
adequate to start it. It would bave
been unjust to consumero to continue
the McKinley duty. Now they get
Amerioan tin for less than Welsh used
to cost. Oregonian.
Wheat now at 85 cents at Portland is
long way better for tbe farmer than
wheat at $1 used to be. Oregonian.
Yoa Can be Well
When your blood ia pore, rioh and no nr.
ishi'K for nerves and muaolea. Tbe
blood ia tba vital fluid, and when it ia
poor, tbin and impure you must either
suffer from some distressing disease or
voo will easily full a vicMm to auddeo
changes, exposure, or overwork. Keep
your blood pure with Hood s Sarsapartl
la and be well.
Hood'a Pill are the best after-dinner
pill; assist digestion, cure headache. 25
Aanlveraar and Drive W hist Part.
One of tba very pleasant social events of
the present season in tbis eity waa tba
There are a lot of wioked fellows down
in tbe wioked otty of Portland that are
grinding a large number of knives to an
exceedingly keen edge with tbe purpose
in view of assisting in relieving Senator
Mitchell of his official eoslp at the com
ing session of tbe legislature. Already
we see communications in the Oregonian
(written no doubt by some member of
the reportorial or editorial foroe of that
paper) expressing grave concern as to
whether it is altogether proper and
right, in view of the eplendid yiotory
achieved by the sound money forces of
this state, to send a man to the United
States senate from Oregon whose views
on the money qoestion (from a Harvey
Scott standpoint) are not beyond re
proach and wbo never at any time ot
tered a word in favor of any but the gold
standard. Ot oourse all tbis is but a
prelude to tbe fight wbiob will be insti
tuted by Joe Simon, ex Senator Dolph
and the Oregonian against Mr. Mitchell's
return to tbe senate. Everybody knows
it ia ooming and tbia choice combination
bad aa well walk out from tbelr cover
and begin their work at ocoe. Mr.
Mitchell will succeed himself notwith
standing all tbis, however, and the care
fully laid plot to lastall another io bis
place will fall to 'be ground shortly after
tbe legislature oonveoea in biennial
sion. Milloo Eagle.
Despite the exceedingly oold weather
and that means of travel were nearly
blooked, quite a good attendance of tbe
teachers ot tbe oounty was recorded on
Tuesday morning.
Communication being shut off between
this plaoe and Portland the instructors
wbo bad been engaged were unable to
be present.
Supt. J. G. Shipley called tbe insti
tute to order at 9 SO p. m.
Miss Anna J. Balaiger was appointed
secretary, and after tbe appointment of
tbe usual committees, tbe superintendent
arranged an impromptu program lor the
Tbe subject, "Sobool Management,"
was presented by W. O. Howard and A,
W. Balsiger, followed by discussion of
tbe subj -ot.
Supt J. G. Shipley discussed the sub
jeot of "Spoticerian System of Writing,"
giviog a Bbort drill in movement, pen
holding and form."
The subjsot of "Graded Sobool Work"
as exoellently bandied by Miss M. A
Barker and Miss Ada M. Jones. Fo!
lowed by general discussion.
Miss Anna J. Balsiger and W. L.
Sahng took up the subject, "Needs ot
tbe Country Schools," discussing it at
Second Day.
Primary Work," by Mrs. S: A. Piok-
ard, was listened to with rapt attention.
Mr J. 8. Horner, Miss Florenoe Crit
tenden and Miss Beth Thompson pre
sented tbe subjeot, "Aritbmetio," in an
attractive manner.
Afternoon Wednesday.
Mias Ada Gentry and MissLuoy Thom
son presented their plan ot losoning
"Narcotics" was tbe subject ot general
discuBaiou, opened by Mr. BalBiger.
Thursday Morning.
Many thousand dollars
worth of valuable articles
suitable for Christinas
gifts for the young and
old, are to be given to
smokers of BlackweH's
Genuine Durham To
bacco. You will find
one coupon inside each
two ounce bag, and two
coupons inside each four
ounce bag of Blackwell s
Durham. Buy a bag of
this celebrated tobacco
and read the coupon
which gives a list of val
uable presents and how
to get them.
Genuine' 1
"Geography" was
opened by Supt.
Mrs. Piokard and
a At V r a ma I
uy nis nroiuer, w. r. vanaerpooi. iney JrWe mhM par,y ,T-B by Uf , j Mfg
ioo aneep acrosa toe uau issi aummer Ff.ok MoKlirIlU)d fcl ,hlr ho(n, Mt
for E. Boettcher. Tbey made a Tuesday evening, this being the ocoa.
soooessiui irip. iio. th(1 ,i.en,h anniversary of their
Hon. rhll. Metsoban, state treasurer of marriage. Following tht arrival of the
Oregoo, and Mra. M. E. Sweetcer.of Ban Invited guests eleven tables were oon
Rafael. Gal., wera oolted io wedlook, lyeuientiy arranged wbeo drive whist
Deo 2. the ceremonv being performed al w i0dulged ia tor several houra. The
the residence of tba bride's parents io prixes wera awarded to Mrs. E. W. Ithra
that city- and Oeo. Cooaer. Booby prises, Mrs
Itor tiadley, a vrry repotabla young W. P. Duttoo and 8. P. Garrlgues, after
man ot Uardmao, died oo Wedoeaday ot which an appropriate loooo of caka, oof'
typhoid fever. Die young sister died of I fee and sandwiches wera served. The
tba same malady only a Ibort time ago. I remainder of the evening waa epenl to
Tba bereaved family bevs tba sympathy social conversation, mualo anj daaclog
of all. and wbeo the gaesta departed at a late
Today Mr. Willey. tbe woolboyer. ' it U safe to aay all wished that Mr
hmiirht the boot of 100.000 do a a da in- "0 Mcrerieoa Btgbi soj.y many
clading the clip of D. A. Uerreo, Nat
Webb and J. L. Ay era. Tba prioa paid
was C'i cents.
A report was la circulation early this
week that Jack Clark had bea drowned
more such anniversaries.
Tboea present wera: Mr. aod Mra
E. R BUbop, Mr. aad Mra. Wot Dnno
Mr. aod Mra. Oeo. Cooeer, Mr. and Mrs
W.C. Brock, Mr. aad Mrs. i. N. Brown
Shipley, followed by
Miss Jones.
The subjeot of "Writing" was dis-
oussed by Supt. J. G, Shipley.
At this time Prof. P. L. Campbell ar
rived and took up the subjeot ot "Lan
Prof. P. Li. Campbell gave a lecture
on tbe subject of "Geography."
Tbe subjeot," "Primary Arithmetic,'
as discussed by Prof. Campbell, Miss
Jones and Miss F. Crittenden
"School Programs" waa the subject of
disousslon by Prof. Campbell.
Thunday Evening.
On last eveniog at tbe M. E. church
South, tbe following program was ren
Song, mixed quartette.
Select reading, J. S. Horner.
Vocal duet, Fay and Elise Bartholo
Select reading, Anna J. Balsiger.
Musio, orobestra.
Vooal solo, Mr. Frank MoFarland.
Paper, "School Management," W. L.
Song, male quartette.
Masio, Prof. J. S. Henry's rnufiic als-s.
Friday Morning.
"Writing" waa again presented by
Hnpt. Shipley.
Prof. Campbell tbeo gave a leoturo oo
the subjeot of "Language."
Quite a large number ot people wera
and tbe exercises wers thor-
iWILIj JLJaBB IrtJI .ir"g as1
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect.
Gilliam & Bisbee
We are not email men, lbs. We are am all men, Xs.
we are noi ifie Largest fUetcnanis io me World !
But when the people o( all the surrounding country are in need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Qlaaawaro, Wood and WlUowware,Nalli,Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Gaw and Water Pipe, Pipe fittings, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Backs, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axon, Hammers, Haws, Sledges,
Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
lteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices.
! We have Good Goods at Faib Prices, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chep John Prices.
Several would-be trimmers of political
maneuvers are trying to foroe Senator
Mitohell to oeo bis mouth that tbey
may sea whether or Dot be baa sny gold
filled teeth. If they can find that ths present
senator has bis dental csvitv fitted with onJ njuyrd.
.ilv-r in.tead ol .old amaloam. thev tro- Mlowto. rs attending the insti-
... . - ...
th.t haihttl nnt rhaw in ai.ntirial u,
t-- -
gum. OosLydell Baker is tbns engaged
In trying to tickle the senator till be
laughs, for ths purpose of making so in
spection ot tba senator's loolsors, cus
pids aad molars. Plaiodsaler.
Vaggag Mi peaseagera to aud from op MM bii p,M, u,9tti ,b. moaalaina, "'"d .V''
Ik. A. I .1 half nrlna. H Cbreter k.i .1,. fl ..nnl .. mnnk I. Iha v"'"-'
" f " " - W I W.I ViWV.W " - - I . . ... M H n . .
., I roan. nr. ana air, i it. r" imiidww
""senu l train Mil. y. and Mra It. W. Dar'halom.w. Mr
W. F. Furnish aad Dr. a J. Bmlth v y., M aD froir run 1 so J yes tor- sej Mrs. W. V. Dutton. Mr. snt Mrs. H
era nakiag tba mayoralty fight over at j,, u laks out tbe I'sslaoJ eatlle, bat Hpweer, Mr. ae4 Mrs. IV 0. Wills.
o Jl..- I. A .. l.-l I "r' ' r. .Irri-w, mtwmmm
asioeyexi b .r,,v. ' ds artUtt,Lti-rsraewoftb.rioriee
oigbllof rBdlioasollil retoreiaer.it:nii.t.. Ada Joaea. Klii.Utb Ma-
f.r v t r.m.,1.11 .J Vtav.aih I l"k. MalHil ltr, Jtaaia hnbie, Lite
Beoatora Mitchell and MeBriJe left
Portland Saturday evsmog for Wash-
Ingtoa, aocompaoMxl by CoogreMmaa
Uermano. Heeator Mitohall dtotined to
say aartbiag coBceralai bis poertioa oa
tba stiver qneetlca, eieept to remark
that be bed mada fifty five speeches la
tba recent campaign working for lbs
lectio of MoKiol.y o tba HI. Urn Is
olatfiirm. Tbe aeaator seems to think
bis record sofllolent f osrsoly aa to what
be will do, bat tberw are fnnt bard
bearted aad thick beaded people wbo
1W. I'.L. Campbell, Anoa J. Dalsiger,
Retb Thompson, Tbebte Tborusoo, Lacy
M. Tboawon, Ads M. Joan, Charlotte
Kbipley, A. W. Bslelger, W. C. Howard,
J. A. lialslger, M. A. Barker, Cams
Htsnfistd, Ilnrton II. Ievk, Mrs. II. U
Oney, Cora Allison, Rsrlao Hlaotoo
Mollis Jobnenn, Ada Geotry, Florence
Crittenden, Mabel Ulasoock, IUe I
IUed, J. W. Hhipley, W. L. Saliag, Flor-
euca iavtdne, May LJevMson, Ura
Driskell, Mrs. H. A. Pk'kard, tllanebe
McCoraiick,M(eneer A k ere, Job e lloroor,
A. W. Kk loner, Alios OImo k, Ivy Iht-
man, Jennie Klnoeid, Mrs. U. A. Fo'jua,
Artbnr Uoilaoa.
U3 TtO Ho
Do you know what this means ? This, that
there are sixteen reasons why you should buy
your Groceries. Supplies and Gents' Furnish
ings at....
for every one objection made against it. This
should decide the matter. It does. People
want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for
the smallest amount of money. Buy the best
when you can get it at the same figure paid for
an inferior article.
Hr ats or Ohio, Citr op Tolbio, I
1T( M IXirsTTT. )
Faana J. Cmbbt saekta oath that be
are ant aatlafled aad wbo losiat on some t tu seninr partner ot lbs firm of f. 3.
Old Stand, Main Street, near BobKrlck's.
. Obester 6argaet will baal paeeMgeri
aad bajrsa to aad from tba depot al
halt prioa. If
ILUieery at cost for tba aeit thirty
data at Mrs. L. J. Eatee, aeit door to
aoroer oa May street. It
E. O.! iUv. W. E. rolwioa wsat r.fi
to nennasr Taeodaf evesleg to hold
- w - -
divlas aetvioea.
IUf . a W. Toakoa. ol lwk Qty,
df finite atatemeot of the eeaelor'e tiews.
Tba Dalles Cbfuolote.
tftala Normal tkbuol, arrived tbia oro-
lea to lake part ia tbslnsttlaU. Us
as delayed by I bo rteeet saow elra.
Emery II. Aterlll, lUlyb D.tUobWer,
D. Marl, I S. FuJ;ee aad 8. M.
Conner wsre beta Islwtiewtaf snr
abaais last Wedo4sr.
Punt suaaJ smIs bad greet diS
Miour, Lia Itbea, Ada Mien' aad
tCdiib Putter aad Mees Abo Jna
IMA. llyad. M. B. Uallooay, W. It
Iroin aad A. W. Paliereoa.
A rl R4y.
Aecordiag to a owlebreted aaatootlat
tbra are Bp ward of b&n.dJQ little
alaods la tbe bas aiomacb. Tte
leads par oat lbs di(ttvs Ja
will prwskcb ia tba M. E. chorcb, rVstb, etjlty with tea daring tba reaewl ald wbeb dielva or dig m tba f od Is
Mil Header, Dt. 6th.
ftfiaeos Iy Pormaa aad Jennie Kia
aid came ap oo VTedaeeday caornisg's
train to attead tba iaadtole.
Um, lUieba U AppUfata, kaowa aa
ana of Orctfon'S bkiaewrs. died at A.b-
lead oa Dec. 1, Md 63 f eara.
Cbaa. IWrger, tumlf til lue.
waa blown Into aWa by dveemite, ap
U Brttieb Clatt.Ua. K if. Stb
Tit larga ssaeoaUlle iwim aleaJ
aad aMdd,alo aU4 srreela,eitfu.
Ill Crawford. agd 24 '
illd ar TMrdWI'M bt IM artf-
l. r.l a lnf Mies wsfl'4, fcS leaf
The lull Cf tmt rsa ooio a mk.
smi HorMsa laeliBf. a fe dais ao
aal sack ta sli feel of oat',
laioad teasdtately.
(lid Hall aad Ct.e!r i
ria tod trfwttwr tk.oa al
Id pteoo ta Um !. "!
Colt a tUa aad I ywr
bd la.
t'i.w L It VB W.ak'e, of
k.a aad tla lt C
AmA TkalkMlltti 41 ta W'.
eoeo. 1 1. IS M aosaetDiag , aa eeii
ar rar) frea.
Iw Lodge N4. 50, K of P, he d
aided to bold aa tts lastalUtloa. Far.
d rMtloa ts want ef itkm, etiksMS nf
aleoda. mk of blp VtfMtoro loo kstailb
of IMavs eraaa. Tba beat e4 aaw
aaiaral alp ie tba! f ivea by Hbaker t-
mil's Onrdlal. h Moral, twoaeao It
lbf partisslara la a aU.j.al lama of tppit Ibo asaUrtala aa4d by too
the (atl.
Floe uk U aa4i, aete, Wswas,
m pnuiiM. eie4 last rvj r r
C, Tbowpeoat IO.
neiaaaata rf wielor adwsr o bo
eiod eel at t f by r. V.
Tbapsr.a Co.
i Urals It etraibe sol tavltforaUo
Ibe gteads aad Ibe etnCAMa. ajabl tbey
are abta Io do Ibeir work atno. Hbaker
lha-eeuee t)fdtl aoree leittkaa 9
laielf ead aovsaaoeeitly. Il 4mb so by
aaiaral ea, aad thrtit te tbe
er4 i4 Ha wo4MfaJ aad aura 1 I sac
0 sU to tlM
At dra(ltt, arte
I per UMlle.
HoAtinj! Schilling's fiat
It oU! ba
Dd Yaw C
Tf f tnelri lr lure aa rttd lr
t.,ar iroaUf If an. tt a MUo aow
f,B4 lab aiM-ally adaftod l Ibe tCl IH r2n iTAnCIO COSH
rliW aad raienf ell fMMleOxaplaitife,
lflin S w-h trfal S.r-1 ,. ft tens la
fiTteg tr' aol iae n tb o(an,
)! tee te "i Ai-t . O (v
ii..a. lftwli. Fatetiof PI . f
hfiM, rtlpw. ltfiUb4, W.lsa-
r or iHibU4 Iir "H1.
llri l ila e llta Sk4srH fo
a4 la ad rUreegib are
l4 tt lie . t tT eea aad 1100
at IVtsf A lirrwk's 4 ee.
Heealor Hilebell aad bis Irteads ma
dismlea aav doable tbey mar have en
It t slued m to hie re election, Tbe saat-
Ur Is aow ma le aa rrieie as aay barely
nee Jane natter ran !, If tbe falore eea
bo Jalged by Ibo pU Tba O'eanaiaa
i. v.. t.i . : .i 1. 1 I.
mild wsr, by brtnlilltit Ibo ecoaU oo I )
hlicel frf Io eiW.te at bis bte la lrabf
entree pxtdraeo. Tba Ofnaiao oill
grew tur; it lie fa-til aod fulile al
tfk of Ibe llnt.m. rlbbtr bwfure
Inag. aad will eJ.WIall; atutapt Io aa
etet la Ibo jub with He beetior toUl aad
Ui$i reefe.
IWaa (wiple eaaoot 14 a etewftoc lina
alne. aod ! bart Ua the aakeila
Ukea plaoa. We bate Ibe rfaaJH
ali(alia lor Ibo aUlitf of Ibe Ore
oatea editor. f bia Uaraief aad bis
ttfroa aod at jHel EafUeb; bwl ol,a
tl row to b.lilieal Int. be
b ta refrt Hied br a eevitv.
lilbll as oo ptHt Bate groaad 1i,e
Cmbbby & Co , doiof bosloMss Io tba
City of Toldt, Cueoly and Htala afore
said, aad Ibel eel 1 firm will nay Ibe eara
of ONE llt'M'llr.l) DOLLAR lor aeb
and ary ewe of Catarrh that ssos'il ba
eortxl by Iba aa of Ilaix's CaftaaM
Hoots to bfre ma aad etibao'ibc.1 la
my titt-Minee, ibis 61b day of UtHaH
a,. D. ltwa
N.lary Publio.
.1. O. nOllCHlCltS, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Lifjuors and Cigars.
Ifell'el'elerrb Cora U lakeo laietaally
aiU directly oa Ibo bld ead ana
k,ns e'ir'wo of Ibo ersttai, road t
F, d. ( II KM F.T A (it . ToUl h O.
IF" foil by IwatfcMte, taa.
Are ia
yt,4(M S- l.4 ..-) fWWM.
ttt I, Sf-i.'.. I
.! 1 tff
set. t- a by AWeiroo.
mure tluti roasting other tea
in Cliina or Japan, but it
makes tea tetter.
You don't have to pay
the difference, though It
comes out of our rrof;is
Wc nuke rr.or.ey in -.
inr up profits. Queer!
fWaaint MiifMll will aol e M a
fiaa silter tnll, Kr r 'as. Fi'4.
Hr ail M a lr lvr fc.ll
be 1 14 I Mr bH I' II
re ielNl4 'SMfe eewHettr sf il
ir a iriia lent Nil
aa a tl t MttUMOtaa
raw's Tas aeaiaary
Morrow's saeamary, aa lakea froas Ibe
Isi Mil, Is aa follows t
.all .!.. ft v I
S(M WD II. Ul l'
.l ,lt, U-t ox
l ,. mi l 4 m4 4m4. ., ft im
M 11, --! M fj-'m
lira4 t.!.ti " t
t fc UuiUM Mm. SI ! I fm
W I..... , fci
.. r t , s. k
SiA.Nf'l.l W , -
MMl"laiirf, rA 4-
I .. t W Wilt
4 ,... M
i 1
I ...
Youi'o 1JOUN I) to Tnk)MCin.
Leuvcs No Constipation,. v
Cr l. ee o.ll aa all ',iluoMo. rt k HtedMbe aad Malaria. Tbe oaly
it'SniatiMI IMU la Ibe Watld, Mold If U 'f-' n otl by tl B
(rw4 t4 ftm,. iS et.U U 1 IIIMII at I I'ICAL tt .
Ha a lytaoeiM, ('!.
M i l
I' 1
We Ubete Miebt aad MtlWtteael
Tewe ed I.Um omI owl o wl,
a. lewUt, ear fret. If IMf
la, silk so-. Ir" oii bo IMHr
ftn4 t4 bt "Ug fwt ".nuutns.a.
fw toM raw.
J Ba s A r ait
I Tba IWel Haifa to tfce ootid f. Caa,
;ft.aH, tt. fieMO, Ball kao,
t-w av TIW, f"V.f p4 Ifsd.
C 's,iiMM, I Vom, ed al ia Ftetr
. t'itit ee r"i.e s
Te i . - 4 fi . t t 4,
Mmvo l'ieorai
t.t.f (!.
M'hta to can yr I sU
ClaM Meal at Unt g UaUa.
Good Rooms and Excellent Service
1 M; GAXrYi I l, -.j A Yi. u i.. r CASH.
Mr. Vao lak'ws ts rnk.r I L, i
aa- - o '
T f I ' ', .Il I
awweie f- I " eod
C- A