Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 04, 1896, Image 2

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    18 DECEMBER 96
M3 I1 IJ L6lZl9lMst
W2021 2223 2 25MM
has one Bryan
Who says that Heppner will not
rustle for business?
Spain has "busted" herself try
ing to conquer Cuba and yet Cuba
is not conquered.
Uncle John Gcrdane thinks
that Mitchell will be re-elected
without any opposition. Of course
he will.
The Columbia was frozen over
at The Dalles during the recent
cold spell, the earliest on record
since the country has been settled.
Hon. Wm. E. Chandler, of New
Hampshire, is an ardent believer
in bimetallism, though au oppo
nent of either silver or gold mono
The attention of Oregon people
is now being called to that portion
of the wild mountain section known
now as the "Cascade forest reserve."
In fact this reservation has been
the subject of contention ever since
it became evident that it was no
longer available as pasture 'for
The mountainous localities of
Eastern Oregon, and in fact of
every section of this state, are nsed
as summer range for sheep, and
ofttimes cattle and horses. Their
vast forests of timber are in the
main so remote from civilization
as not to be available for use. Na
tive grasses flourish in abundance
and on these stock grow fat Sheep
feed on underbrush of certain sorts,
but never touch evergreens, and
this kind of young shrubbery is
the only variety that ever matures
into trees in most of the moun
tains of Oregon, and particularly
in that part of the Cascades known
as the "forest reserve."
It is then apparent that the oft-
repeated objection to sheep rang
ing in the Cascade mountains
that they will destroy the young
trees and finally ruin the vast for
estsis not well founded. The
Antelope Herald in a recent issue
strikes the keynote when it sug
gests thnt the sheep are destructive
to nothing but hunting and fish
ing, and that the reserve is for the
pleasure of a few hunters who re
side in Portland. Undoubtedly
the Herald is right Sheep, prop,
erly herded in the mountains where
there are no habitation da no
ilawngo whatever, and unions the
sheepmen can avail themselves o
this yiiht range, many of them wil
bo forced either to go out of luni
neHH or drive long ditauces to
summer rune whore Uucle Sum is
not so pin lie ul nr. Ho fur as Mr
row county in concerned, tho l'.luo
and Greenhorn ranges furnish an
abundance of fine range, but our
more unfortunate brethren o
Wasco county are the sufferers.
The interests of the sheepmen are
mutual, as well as those who are
depending upon the sheepmen for
business, and this is no small par
of the population, and the Gazette
therefore nrgee that our delegation
io cookpese bava this order, which
i t ii . . .
croAuxi tne uasceue lores re.
stm," revoked at an early date, so
that this vast section of wild land
may be nsed as pasture lands.
That is all it is fit for. It may
spoil tbe hunting and fishing but
no one will be the loser and ninny,
a great many hardworking citizens
will U ths gainer thereby.
Dakota and Minnesota have had
some experience with the recent
cold wave. Some 2.500 head of
sheep that were caught on the cars
iu the storm were depleted 500
The Review of Reviews for
December denounces the adminis
tration's abandonment of American
interests in Turkey, and demands
that existing treaty rights be re
spected and enforced.
National Treasurer Morgan's
eport etill shows a deficit in gov
ernment finances, though it is not
as large in proportion as that of the
ast fiscal year. It will take a re
organization of tariff laws to give
the required amount of revenue.
Who is Lydell Baker, the man
who is making bo much noise
through the columns of the Ore
gonian? Why, a fifth rate lawyer
who couldn't make a living at his
profession and got an appointment
as clerk of that misnomer, the
Oregon railway commission.
The gold reserve was 1131,510,
352 on Deo. 1. During the mouth
of November 1,911,000 standard
silver dollars wore coined. The
gold is increasing in the treasury
and some silver is yet being
coined, though many wild ad to
cates of Dryanism averred that
none would be if McKinley was
elected. What nonsense!
Garfield township, Sewaid
county, Kansas, cant two votes ouly
on November 3rd. The entire voting
Imputation consists of four repub
licnus aud four jipulintn. Six o
the eight voters paired, but one
populixtdid not like his ownnomi
ueo for county attorney and re-
f osed to pair, consequently one re.
publican voted. The board drew
their tl per day for a regular voting
precinct was maintained.
From tb e Corvallls Gazette.
At the banquet tendered Mr. Hirioh
in Portland Saturday night Mr. Soott,
among other things, said: "We have
diflbreooea on miuor questions, but we
agree oo the mnio question." Io the
graphic language of the street, "let it go
at that."
The main question of the campaign
was the financial question. It waa a
campaign ot education to many of ns
who bad hitherto impressions rather
than knowledge regarding the science of
money. As (Jolonel Jlelsay says: "We
did not ohange our minds; we simply
begno to nse them."
Among the leading men of the cation
now in active political life there are few
who have not at sometime been deceived
by financial fallacies. Carlisle, McKin
ley, Sherman bdJ hosts of others have
let their zeal nutrcn their wisdom on na
tional finanoial mutters. Yet Oarlinle is
today tbe ablest exponent of the soience
of money and McKiuley led the sound
money hoBts on to victr ry.
This campaign ot education has edu
cated tbe teachers as well bs pupils. An
interesting example is tbe oase of Gov
ernor MoOoonell. His letter to tbe Spo
kane Review in the beginning of tbe
campaign, explained why he, a silver
man, supported McKinley. A month
later be was exposing dearly and forci
bly, tbe weaknesses of free silver argu
ments. This election has settled tbe
silver question. Those who supported
MoKinley will oppose independent free
coinage of silver. "We agree on tbe
main question."
There cannot be any real doubt con
cerning tbe attitude of Senator Mitobell.
It is profitless to quarrel now over the
meaning of tbe republican platform ot
1892. Tbe finanoial plunk of that plat
form is admitted by all to be weak and
evasive, it is capable of many con
structions. Tbe flLBDcial declaration ot
1896 Is, however, plain and explioit. It
admits ot no difference between republi
cans on this question, and Senator
Mitobell is a republican.
Tbe Oregonian asks Mr. Mitobell to
define, publicly, bis position on tbe finan
cial question. Tbe best reply to Ibis in
vitation are those words of Mr. Soott,
when be said speaking for Senator
Mitobell as well as for himself "Ws
agree npon the main question." Tbe
Gazette baa no better method of disoov
ering Mr. Mitchell's views than has tbe
Oregonian, but is nerfeoily willing to
rely npon Mr. Scott's statement. Tbe
Oregonian should desire no better aa
There are several reasons why Senator
Mitohell should not rush with bis views
to a newspaper io order to answer tbe
inquiry. In tbe first plaoe tbe queetioo
presupposes s doubt that does not really
exist. Tben a pnblin declaration at this
time would be onnstrued to mean an no
dignified bid for votes. There are proper
times (or public men to make public ut
teraocea, aud apparent frankness isofteo
mere stupidity. A weaker, less intelli
gent man than Senator Mitchell would
have paraded bis views before now and
imagine bimlf a born diplomat. Pro
priety, etiquette and wisdom would let
the matter rest, publicly, in theooromon
undurHtanding, that "we agree on ths
niuiu question."
Tbe busiest and most useful men
are not alvrays exempt from sickness.
Especially are they liable to be at
tacked and completely disabled by that
most annoying and painful ailment
Rheumatism. Men in all walks of life
are subject at any time to be seized
with this disease, and besides the great
bodily pain, there is almost unbearable
mental ancruish at the thought of hav
ing one's strength and vigor gradually
sunnlanted by a condition of utter
helplessness. Under the effects of
Kheumatism, tne strongest men De
come the weakest, and the most useful
are robbed of their usefulness.
Mr. J. A. LeSeur has lived in At
lanta, Ga., for years, and some of the
prettiest residences and most substan
tial business diocks oi mat city are
monuments to his skill as an architect
and builder.
Not. 19. 1896. Nnti it hereby riven thnt
tbe following-named settler ha filed notice ol
ner intention to make final proof in support oi
her claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on January 9th, 181)7, via:
MARTHA C EMRY, nee Martha C. Hosldns,
Hd. No. 3999, for the SH NWU and Ntf SW)i
8ec 1, Tp 6 8, K 26 E, W M.
She namea the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Nelson Compton, James H. Smith. Robert
Knighten, Wesley Compton, all of Hardman,
49646 . Register.
Notice Of Intention.
Land Office At La Obandk, Orrgon,
November lbth 1896.
following-untried settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of hiB claim, and that said proof will be made
Deiore county clerk ot Jiorrow county, Oregon,
at ueppaer, uregon, on December s, isto, viz:
H. E. No, 5277 for tlieBE'4 NWV4, BS NE"4 and
NEW SWU sec. 25 Ti. 1 s. R. 27 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: r
Michael Kennv. James Cartv. Francis Kil
kenny Thomas Gilflllin, all of Heppner Oregon.
b. if. WILSON, Register.
Tok republican party Lm de
clared for international biruetal
lisui, m a safe aolution of the ail
ver queetion, and tbe Gazette ex
porta that under tbe McKinley ad
ministration tbe matter will le
aMllcd to the aatiafaction of all
Tbe Gazette doe Lot believe io
anything abort of honest, diligent
effort to tring about an cud to tbia
financial agitation. It it a con
atant menace to business.
Ti Gaulle still urges tbat tbe
Esstsro Oregon republicans should
unite 00 a man of their own erec
tion for speaker of tbe ueit bouse
of representative. We txdinve
that they will do this, and that
their action will be eecouded by a
sufficient number to Dominate him
io the caucus. Tbe only Eastern
Oregon candidal ie lion. J. N.
Hroan, of Heppner. lis has sn
sanies 10 the house and will make
a goikl speaker.
Til E. O. tare the Gazette's
proprietors are tliemsriree reptn
siMe fr the ihf.irnnttoa npn
t 1 1 if a , m
liu uu claims rouuuitori for a
fr Urn prinl eliUn.l. Th-y
deny it. If it wtre true the 11 O.
tiiart, Javkeoo, baa ctnitiiitt an
utij ar Jtbl U breach of Cut fi .n. a,
J. l-u should b Lii-uro y
I, is t.ao kUu-Ierl. lis i a cheap
gio an I should api ly fr ad-rnittatx-a
at ( Dee t. B-tu rir U of
C'l 1 "u.FQ hi ,! tidhiria fif ia
m- tt.it, a till tM bvt fui and
It is pretty well ettld that tbe
republicana will have a clear ma
jority io the aeoate the neit eon
.a a
greas. II I Ley nave not, me Uomo-
cratio senators will assist them so
that the peMage of tariff legisla
tion ia an aasured fact. It is pne
lively certain that revenue and pro.
tActivo laas will give the country
the relief that it um-da, then it
wants come real
TMre le NstMnt ae Gte"
Tar it koihins aa M k4 m If
Kiss's Htm IXsdo-ry to Catta,
Cbs ea4 O'IJa, to liaJ II ao4 do
ot pwttll lb dW t o tern
sabatilaU. tit wilt k4 tltlni lbrt
aelbit lllf, t) la Jf to soak
axirs I b mf rUna tot-blr.f
Io bt tl at fw4. Yu t !r Kits
( tMkvtf IxrtaM lo II In
A Wclrmau l .hrrof 'V7.
Tli Ix'Kiniiinn of lbs New Year will
tiavt a witlaotue ulir la ths shape of
fresh AlmsoRO, di iriri()tivfl of Iht origin
Dataraainl uses of Hit national totno
aul allcrslive, Iltttttr' Utomacb Hit
Urs. C'linbinfJ with the deacriptive
matter will bt foond caleaJar and as
trnnomloal culoalstions ab-olatoljr reli
alTe for oorreotneM, statistic, illustra
tions, vtrsos oarefally telnotad, anl other
menial food highly profitable and enter-
taiDiog. Oo tbit pamphlet, published
tnd prirled atiDtiallv by Tb UuoUtler
Oumpaoy, of Pittsburgh, 00 bands trs
employed In the meobaolcal department
alona. Eleven months are devoted to itt
preparation, II It procurable free, of
drngglstt and country dealer every
where, and It printed in English, Oer
man, Freoob, Hpanish, Welsh, Norwe
gian, Uolland, rJwedleh sod Bobemiao
Mb. J. A. LbSeur.
But like many other busy men, Mr,
LeSeur was overtaken by Rheumatism
and soon his strensrth trave way to
condition of helplessness. This dread
disease produces more agony, he aaya,
.i n nni-r;k. V
ears I have Buffered with Sciatic
heumatlsm and often felt as if
small niece of my spine had been
taken out, also as ii a iragment oi
bombshell had passed through my left
hip. When I would ait down, I could
not atraltrhten up for aeveral minutes.
and then only at the expense of great
pain. I could tret absolutely no reiier.
thoue-h many remedies were tried,
Someone recommended S. S. S. and I
waa almost in despair when I began its
use. In three days, however, I was
to greatly relieved that I felt very
little inconvenience from the rheuma
tism. The disease grew leaa painful
I continued the 8. 8. 8., and very
soon disappeared entirely. 8. S. S.
also proved to be a fine tonic, aa I now
have more appetite, and feel better
than ever before, in my life. I cannot
say too much In praise of S. 8. S."
Kheumatism is a condition oi tne
blood which has always baffled the
doctors, and it is a peculiarity that
those who once have it are sure to al
ways be subject to Its attacks from
time to tnne. ine reason ot inia is
that the doctors are only able to give
temporary relief, but cannot rid the
system of the diseaje permanently.
. 8. S. (ijuarantted purely tfyiiablc) ia
tho only real blood remedy for real
blood troubles, such as Kheumatism,
Scrofula. Cancer, Eczema, Catarrh,
Tetter. Contatrioua Wood Poison, etc
When 8. 8. K. once forces a disease
from the system It never returns. Our
valuable books will be mailed free to
any address. Swift Specific Co., At
lanta, (icorgla.
rKHHlMlKM U A tone,
r row IU I. O.
Large sale of wheal were mad last
Belordty et ToleJ i, Oblo, fur May de
limy al one dollar s bosbel. A dollar
a bushel wheal mesas a higher prio for
a Ins! ( bread sod lbs poor of lbs title
fisd Ibat lb blgb pric of bread is eol
tb bleeaing ll It srscied ep I be.
Tbt btgh prio of wbeal Ibit year bt
tatred msny tf the "see tin I y debts" of
past years. Wbeal would sever bavt I
brief over 43 Io M eenl a bushel te
ear pnwporily la tint -ilrr were
ul f ir (he Serarity sd other debt tre
ated Io bo m lime. 1 U member Ibal la
(Uled price fur wbesl bete Ibeir draw
becks aad bad rvealt aa well a left
I his ia the prire of other tbltg. The
people e art sisrvlng la InJIs at w
se ib snferlng to to aeemelii I
other eMr!e ere aol eve- ait at te at al
this Urn eve If beat la blah.
What's the Matter With Haona ?
Nothing, except that he has just discovered that at the
Odd Combination Store of t
P. C. Thompson Co.
Is the best plaoe to buy 8alt, Bugar, Soap, Sardines, Sacks, 8u penders.
Sewing Machines, Shotguns, or Saws. Complete lioee of Groceries or
Hardware. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
November 16th 1896.
following-named settler has filed notice of
hislntention t make final proof In support of
his claim, and tha' eald proof will be made be
fore the County clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon on December 2flth. 1896, viz:
H. E. No. 527(t for the K'X N WK &N'X NEii 8ec.
25 Tp. IS. R. 27 E. W, M.
He names tne toiiowing witnesses to prove
nia continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Michael Kennv, James Carty, James Mc
Entire, Thomas Gilflllin all of Hsppner, Oregon.
is. i. iLua. register.
Timber Culture Final Proof.
Notice for Publication.
Unitsd States Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 17. ISOfi,
J. Turner, of Heppner, Oregon, has filed
notice of intention to mak final proof before
J. W. Morrow, Co. Clerk, at his otilce in Hepp
ner, Oregon, on Saturday the 9th day of January,
1897, on timber culture application No. 3040, for
tneHf.oi section no. in townsnip jno. i
south, range No. 26 east.
He names as witnesses: William G. McCarty,
Robert W. Turner, James V. Sevey, Frank K,
Bell, of Heppner, Oregon.
494-04 JAS. V. MOORE, Register.
He has anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a goo 1
article when Mat guarantees it.
Old Stand, Main Street. . Repairing a Specialty.
ll suance ot Instr.ictlons from the Commia
sloncr of the General Land Office, under author
itv vested in him by section 2JSS. U. 8. Rev, Mat.
as amended by the act of Congress approved
Feburarv26. 1895. we will proceed to offer at
public sale on the 22nd day of December next,
at this oftice, at the hour of 10 o'clock A, M the
following tract of land, to-wit:
8K NEH. Sec 12, Tp. 4 8., U. 25 E., and Lot 3
Sec 7,Tp.4S., R.26E.
And any and all persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are advised to file
their claims In this oftice on or before the day
above designated for the commencement of
said sale, otherwise theirrights will be forfeit
ed, j ao r. aiuuKt, Kegister,
Novembor 7th, lK9tj. 491-01.
Full English course.
french and german.
business branches.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy.
Notice of Intention.
I J (V't 2l. 1XJA. Notice ll hercbv vlven
that the following named settler has nled no,
tlceol his intention to make final proof in up-
port of his claim, and that said proof will tic
made before J. w. Morrow, county clerk, at
Heppner, Oregon, on December 8th, 1896, vli
Hd E. No. 4HM. lor the NE'i HWH 6 N'M
N W1A. Sec. 82. To. 2 8.. II. 26 E.
He namea the following witnesses to prove
hla continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said lanri, vu:
William P. Putton, Charles P. Mallnrv, A. A
Wren, I. A. wren, all oi Heppner Oregon.
(K,WI, Register.
Thry ( oiumrBi Th'lr Ijilmra at HaUn by
Oiganliiin-Harry Wrlls tterretary.
Fmm the Hlah-tman, ThurwUy.
Tbe etele board of eiualif ation met st
2 o'clock p. m. yettenley in sdjoarnrd
seeeiua (or tb purpuee of oompleliog
tbe orKsnizttioo sod preparing (or ths
work in bauJ. All members were pre
etit etoept O. P. Ooolell,o( UdIoq oouq
ly, tbe only populist on tbe board, being
detained by tba blorkxle oo ths O. K.
k N. roel. Q. Witigate, of Astoria,
reaebed lbs city yeeterday sfterooon.
rermaoeot orgaolietloo was sffeoted
by tbs sleelioo of A. G. Aaldn, of Leks-
flew, as pmelJeot; Darry L. Wells, ot
rortlaod, seoretary; George O. Hbirlsy,
of rorllaod, elerk: aod Harry Uolman,
of Dallas, meesenger.
Oo motioa of V. V. Thorn peon, of
PortlauJ. tb eonpeoealioa of secretary
and clerk was Died at ft) per day esah
sad tbat of meeeeoger at It Si per dT
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, uregon.
These sftiitlemnn are well acnualnted with Grant. Harney. Crook. Gilliam and other counties
and can save money and time In making these sections with traveling men.
Prices in keeping with the times.
Thompson & Biisnsrs,
Notice of Intention.
I J (let. !M. IH'.nl. Notice la hereby riven that
the following named settler haa filed notli eol
his Intention to make final prool In support ol
his claim, atwl that said proof will be made
before J. W Morrow, cotintv clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on iHwemiicr , 1"'.. vis :
r.llnAH ) l. AhMIIAMtll.
II li. K. No. 4.M. for Dip K'i HW V.alid UU S and
4. Sw. I'l. In. as.. R.i'iE..
Ho namr-s the l.illMWiug wtTncaM- to prove I
hl c)ntliiuoii rnil'leiice upon ami cultivation
of mid lam!, Mr:
Ormau It. A llmin. t rrns O. FiKiua. t.llliil n.
Htnutuii. nf Kluht Mile, (in-gnii.ililM'rtP.('oata.
ol iiardinau, Oregon.
ja. r. M'n'Kr..
4n,:I lU-glster.
New York Wily Tribune
notice of Intention.
I J (k t. '.0 Ifja. Nntlr la hervliT a1n that I
tha following name.) ttlrr haa filed notlr of
his Intention to make Bnal prtmf In iii.p..rt nf
hla claim, and that aald proof will b mad
tielnra Jnarpti I., iillxnn, (4intniiaiimer ol tha
I M Ircult Court at liliigttin, tmcin, on
No ember lh. I"a. ls:
I K. No. V.Ji for Hi Kpta He , A
Farmers and Vlliaaers,
Fattiers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
fill the Family.
urtkllt iw 17 Tp 4 W k. 2a K M M
H mhih in lollnwinc wixntmtr w prov
hi rontlnuotia mldcnc upon and cullltaiiua
of. aald land, vie
Rtrt I), vtatklna. Jinn II lny. Matt
With tbe clone of the rresiJetitial campaign TOE TRIBUNE
recognizes tbe fact tbat tbe American people are now ambus to give
tbeir time to home aod bueinetts Interests. To meet tbia condition
politics will bave far leae space and prominence, notil another State or
u'iuTl' tKST' Hrrh National occasion demand a renewal of tbe fight for the principle, for
which THE TluuUNE baa labored from its inception to the present
daj, and won its greatest victories.
Every poeaibla effort will be put forth, and money freely spent.
to make TUE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a
a. r.aiijos.
,Hw is rare all Hals IX
Hmpl applf "fleayne'i Otnlmeal."
No ioiemal nedlctns repaired. Cares
Uller, Mtia, lleb, sil eruptions ee tbe
fee, baoile, &, is , leaving tbe tkte
slesr, bile sa heeltb. lie great bea4
togaaj curative pvmtn are Beetl
if ao uibef i.ly. Ask otr drog
g Ut lot Mesibe'f Oialraeat.
h.e.r.e.4 ttJlablau ( .sM..ll U r...i-.wi.femeea.
in gw4 Of tanae rfitle.l. rf
Cwngbe, OdJ. (.pqptla sed tut all
effWltoM if Tbreat, I1.t a I Ilegt.
there U u4bmg g 4 ae U llf. King's
Kt ),ier. Trie! t.IH fr at
iVrr A ll fosse, lUgnlar s ')
eatiie aa4 1 1 u
TS Stefk k I 14
A report baeenate lmnora. Ilaraej
empiy, Io I be $ tbat Tn lwtM
bae lawa killoi la a ru eiia aeoaboy,
Lkcb orerre4 la tba tVtallj el Haras,
l s tb V. U !e satbealie to fur m a -txa
raa be otulaJ, a Dares is 110
Kit frets tbs railroad.
rttrpheoe le tse of lb t4 U
Ham botrl ril ling, aa4 rot a !
la It. II te a g 4 aaiar4 felM, p
ba ltSle4 ti be rkWa, bql t a
. e,trr4ee, Tb anl t4
if pap la a day er t til pmt
1 1 elr Bp tb asaiur m4 g ee parttra
lata, .., VI st. h s billu g t b p'eie.
Mf pl.r h al lb fall rMS
eg", an. I a k !rt ary
,rr i tba MmIHmI a aa all faaJ
l-.it. lUbaetal ann t1 fJtt In
l a-rs ai.4 la a I ablcb be an I Hark
ririg Ktblf, O. II.; m. Ibleej. j ij gnfc tiwi eaK).ia
mat, 1 11 "er h .ih-iiv . . , ,
. I ...r INM4 .Ul b ebe at ibe " ' '
ll bl t . '
kari a (Wr Km T
I e so r ear fut Ile4teaa4 a"ts
lta .Nml tiif rli.i sm 4 1 it b 1 .
t ot eale by Vt elle arr.).
Stent aat '
( lat fae4ay lM ! Ul 5e.
ft lb airig year; I.. (I. Hlrtraaa, l
0,1 (I. W. IU, V. C i Jb W. It ar,
I'raial, Ot a faltr,.,, ,.f W ; f. I,
llal. K. of It 4 h.. i, I. 1 1. 1 xtt.
M fll , I" (I 1 1,.-, M SI Aran.
Notlct of Intention.
Land Orru lit U fipe. Oaaoo.
X..imlr ih.
VOTirt la ttiERrsY uiis that mi
11 followlnt nit Hlf ha Slwt entlr
of hla InunUon In mak Snal pmnf In support
nl hi claim tml thai M nmnl will h m.t
trm K I. rflnl. ( ammiaMunrr I. I'trriill
onrt at ppiwr, (Hrf uo, on Irahf liib.
Airi. r. ikmimii,
National Family Newspaper,
intoieating, instructire, entertaining and inJispcnaalle to each member
s:r.:r:; We lurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly
enntiouou mliUnr ata aud cultltatloa ol. , , , A l
irioune one year lor $3.uu.
bt Ian4 ll
irmm l frvnrh. nl Tlfp'"r Ortiti. Jama
X.,,. knnat4 aus. I'aUU t lH...ltr. o( IB-
Soft. i"fo
4ui. a. r. Ujoji, a(tatr.
Timber Culture, final Proof.
kaiir IW reMltala,
l tTt ettts Un ottti i
iTU hi as hv tilt a ttiaT an it
ka Sl4 mrtrmat lnlntl.n in mat Snal '-
hl..r $ m Mnnw, nrant !!. at kt uV
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at Ha Boota. ri. ka. li Mtt
II biii.iw Jha W, AliatxH.
( ktt I JnM H Incrakaaa, m
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A.Mrse all Oi4m la
Wm rout nam an4 M.IrM am a ertl rM nd it t ti w. lai Titu. rL. .
Votk t nr. ! a aait tpf si ue terk ki Trtbua will k sil4 kojom.
I - . H
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: Weeicly friTER OceaiJ. 1
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The Created kepubllctrt I'aprr of the West
Ike 4t kMral.
k k reetareat baa ta epa4 op
epttt lb t lt II-Ul tr N. J Ws
tr tawal ill l ef r4 at all twer.
U bit lehi I empW4 ta tbe S la
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mW ! I pairn a tk M lea
H wawBl km. r
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5 ITi irmisvfHsrsa.-(rigfiti,jl,i, H e pub. S
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5 f-wta 4 ni f- ..li at.it. J
P'?H1,,,wk!','''i'PaAltiiNes r?-r
UTJ I. enJtherW.trtCurBtutsraiMe. l-tiJ
ll I Mew!; ls. i- 4 I i
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W.4 ea rlr-t lt4ar tbat. lb Irte
ftbaik'f lt4 lb 4wato l Ct ll -, 8n tba keif
ku Ll.1 hIi r.tu,KBn.. .1 iu ra. : l lilt ii ins. kl a Cbn VW.
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