desires to be reading clerk of the house. He is well known through out the state, is well qualified for the position which he seeks and, withal, is a splendid fellow. It is clear that lady clerks will be fewer this year than usual. A FATAL INITIATION. JL K JL 3. Old General Sickles would like to be governor of Cuba. Weyler would not be a more burdensome parasite than old Sickles, who has lived all his life from what other people have done and from nothing he has done himself. If Cuba and the Cuban people escape Spain and Weyler, we hope it will not be their fate to fall under the govern orship of Sickles, says the E. O. If Gen. Sickles had supported Bryan hot he would jump Farther Partiealar Concerting tba Death of Democratic Chairman Curry at Dei Moines. From the E. O. A dispatch appeared in the East Ore gonian a few days ago regarding a death oauned by injuries received while being initiated into the Elk's lodge at Dea MoiDea. The particulars are here given in another Dea Moinea dispatb: "E. W. Carry, chairman of the demo cratic central committee, died this morning in bis room in the hotel Savery. The death was the direct result of in juries received while being initiated in to Des Moines lodge of Elks, abont two months ago. As part of the oeremony be was blindfolded and placed on a obair with an iron seat. Then a lighted lamp was plaoed under the Beat, with the expectation that when it got too But he aat still Internal Cancers Hawaiians are very well satis fied with the result of our election. the E. 0. could not have said enough in his favor. . Jack, your liver is bad. Numerous fine goblers gobbled their last refrain yesterday morn ing. Pendleton has a pork packing islature. E. O. establishment, the property of the The Gazette knows that our rep Mosgrove uros. resentative is qualified for speak- This attack upon him is cer until be was badly barnt. His trousers were burned away and tbe flesh was fearfully soorohed. He was pnt into new olothea and did not realize at the time that tbe injuries were serious. In J. N. Brown, of Ileppner, is a few davs blood poisoning set in and be said to be a candidate for speaker grew steadily worse. It was his desire of the house. The candidacy of that the real cause of bis injuries should Jonathan Bourne is ridiculous not be made public and another came enough, but Brown's is worse, assigned for the illness, the trnth only crown is noi capaoie to preside becoming publio today. An evening over a village meeting, let alone paper published a highly sensational the lower house of the Oregon leg- story that tbe injuries were oaused hy er. placing bim in an electric obair, bnt this la denied by tbe Elks. "Mr. Curry lived at Leon and was a leadiDg attorrey. The body will be tfilcAn thnrn tnmnrrnw hv A InrorA aacnrt Wheat has again moved upward, tainly unwarranted and "coming of Elks and Masons and the funeral will 1'hara lO O Dtrnnnr HstnATlH fnr it. il. iU.l Zl A : ku tnmnrrnn) oflavnnnn " u " I II tHIl LMH BUmCH Limb lb UUKH im ww wv.v and it will go still higher. moBt presumptions, indeed. As an Eastern Oregon representative, Senator Mitchell denies that as a true republican, Mr. Brown The Grandest Remedy. Mr. R. B. Oreeve, merchant, of Gbil- bowie, Va., certifies that be had con sumption, waa given np to die, sought all medical treatment that money could he is a candidate for any cabinet goes before bis peers for the poei position and that he was not prof- tion of speaker of the next house fereda placo by the president-elect, of representatives, confident that procure, tried all oougb remedies he could his career as a legislator, aside bear ' but sot no relief; "pent many Thanksqivinq day has come and from the fact that he is an East- H'")Dt?.op,,D lD , . ' ... r -ii i. . to try Dr. King's New Disoovery, and gone, uregon nas mucn io re u y.yu, mo wa() oured by UBe of two botteg. For the thankfal for this year thankful nomination in the caucus, which pBBt three years bas been attending to Bhe is not her sister state, Wash- result his friends confidently ei- business, and saye Dr. King's New Dis ington. pect But whether elected or not oovery is the grandest remedy ever made, I thorn ia nn rWihf. Mr ltnnn'c " " WUUU lur UIW una The war 4care with Spain, which qualifications to fill the position. " n T ra" ' i- U i.ll..l -1 1 I . - ....... is bu uiuuu uuauu ui ciwuv, for CtookMu.. Colds and consomotiou. It i ... Do Yon Want to be a Martyr? don't fail. Trial bottles free at Conser will result in nothing. This coun try will never fight Spain because Spain isn't looking for a fight Weyler has returned to Havana, a licked bundle of f ubb and feath ers. Spain might as well pull off her cheap soldiers aud let the Cubans enjoy undisturbed the victory that they have won. HOME MATTERS NOW. frobably notl But if you do, try and 4 Brock's drng store, get the dyspepsia by unwise feeding lueo you 11 amier martyrdom with a vengeanoe! Some people are martyrs to this oomplaint from childhood to tbe grave, suffering from all its attendant horrors of heartburn, wind and pain iu tbe stomach, weary slumber and night mare, Jcapirious appetite, nausea, bit ioiiBiK'Hfl, leanness and sallowness. No necessity fur all this. Tbe complaint, obstinate aa it is, when tbe ordinary SOME Sacramento DOODle saw a remedies are brought to bear upon It, flvinr, mnornnn fnw nir,l,t arm . lavanaoiy yiem io ma great stomachic, . , t I U"ttter'a Stomaoh bitters, whioh re- uiot uj,miug ,lofM r(in(iniir , th K(i,r,() regl()n worse man a rat, uocause mey are od Derv., regulates the liver and bowels, both of wbiub are disturbed by weakness "f tn stomach, and promotes appetite and an increase of Hush, That i'topsin of tbe aoul," the dinner bell, when it peals upon the ear, suggests no premonition of dire qualms after a cm- Doted for their sobriety. Flying machines are too high for us. (JOL. hedinqton is severe on those who fought Old "Irreprpsrii- bio Conflict" lingers and who now f"rtbla meal if you have tried Honrs I. i,:, . i r or m oittera, wuion also iauiihet un DID IdlTUIUU U LnU JIIU1 I IIJW 111 I , .... .... , , . totisnwa,rhenmatiira, nervousness, mala IIBHl,,w,B turB- ,veu . 18 Bl uuu ria and kidney trouble, of that sort and da is still ugbting. nniANhasnot yet learned that STATISTICS FOR IDLYCUR.OUS. the election is ovor, and is making cnlttt..n. n m....a.. ruir. kim, Air . I n I J'r,-ur ati'l rnllicueM. w.m.y Bu... v,w .u A (iiTiniiii liivcr of (Itf,ir.-a n.ndo JIQ admits that LO COUld not reach tl.. following rurioUM ciiliMilntioim, any the buainess clement lant campaign, tl. lu-rilm r ai .id I'.K.t: man amok- , , . , , . , , lllg llM' llf IIK-llilllll hif lilnWK llllt )f uuiiiiiDMwneniieranioacuiuera ,,1, ,, flir ,.v,.ry tim ,. mn lt, to understand as ho thinks ho uu-1 "' amUi dowl. If hi aim.ka ,l..,.l.n,l- ,!, il. il.: tr piH a lny fi.rlwi nly yiara l Ul'l BWUVII BUT lUI'U UV IUIUK Will 1 . , ........ ...... I I I ' I iilntva ill I ' 1.41 II IHHI klilnkH i liHliI l6 dead faay. May l0 to: but If tan lxvr am n.t four honra Lusiofss men aro not caught by hMhi-r '' n ivt tuiu-a or nii-iva i m I "JiK) kliMaiw ciiti'iilntinii - ami i a li klaaUala tin mtoimU. Ill IH r year' timo tlia lover wouM buve :.'. i0 kiM, ami tlii'ir Up woulil liavi- txn unitnl fir tin m-e of forty nil ilaya ami aia chaff. It Irt said that the natives and half -cm tea of the i'bilippinu in- hour. lands are being tortured by the Hpaniard by inquisition method. The rccont uprising of the natives has rauftcd thouitandii to ho thrown into foul priMons, and the puniah ruruU are hiflictod in order to bring out confoiHiiona. Kvery American and lihorty-loviug fur eigner recoils at the account of three and other scenee notably down in Cuba. t ! Tnrnx is aa old alory to tin Mn. EniTJB : Now that national politios have been settled, may it not be an opportune time to take in band our home politics? Sure ly there are home and domestic matters that need much improvement. Among the many which might be mentioned there la one that is overlooked by tbe thoughtless pnblio, I mean the late shopping, so long and Oitrelossly practic ed by the people. There ia nothing more conducive to the discomfort and that teuds to the shortening of human life among clerks and their employers than the very bad habit of keeping open to ao late an hour. Uan there be any reason for this? I venture to say none) whatever, eioept the want of thought no tbe part ot the public. Why not do all shopping before sii o'clock. It ia much preferable, as yon oan se what you want to porobasa bet ter by daylight tbno you can by artificial light. Tba meohanio and ordinary laborer or.n give np bis day's work at 8 o'olook ; why not the shopkeeper? The pour shopkeeper and clerks must pasa tbe weary hours just In gratify the fancy of m and indifferent pnblio. Ob sharoa un aurb inilirfreor I uat are the shopkeepers at tbe merry ot the public? Hnrely they can tierc-ia tome force to remedy misting evil; they oan nnite and chute their places ot baslnnae at 0 p. ro., that forcing the pnblio to niake their porchaaee al a seasonable bour and relieve IhemselvM anj olerks of much weariness and anilely. I could aay much more bnl will await tbe leeue of this apal as a word to tbe wise is eaoogb. Yours truly, J. Vfe have numerous inquiries in re gard to S. S. S. in cases of internal cancers, such as cancer of tbe womb, stomach and bowels. When the dis ease attaoks these organs, the doctors generally admit that it is incurable. We make no boast of what 8. 8. 8. will do in such cases, as tbe following let ters we feel are worth more than vol umes of claims that we might make. Bead them carefully : Nobwich, CoNiTn Dec. 30, 1895. Thb Swift Specific Co., . Atlanta, Oa. Gentlemen : Will you kindly mail me your book on blood poison, skin diseases and cancer? Hy mother, 70 to 75 years of age, has a cancer in the rectum. Two of our best doctors here have given her np, and say the sooner she dies the better for herself, and if she lives long she will die in agony. While I do not know that they are wrong in their opinions, I am not sat isfied with them, and believe your 8. 8. 8., if it does not cure her, will at least relieve her so she will die peace fullv. I irot her started on your 8. 8. 8. yesterday, and what I want of your book is points as to bathing or iniecting. Will be pleased to hear from you soon. Tours very truly, G. L. Crosgrovb, Box 154, Norwich, Conn. Norwich, Conn., Feb. 6, 1896. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, oa. Gentlemen : When I wrote you the latter Dart of December, my mother was, according to the honest belief of three physicians, on her deathbed ; She could not retain either food or medicine on her stomacb, and it did not seem reasonable to think there was anything but death tore lieve her. The doctors informed us she had a cancer in the lower bowel and there was no cure for her. She showed such vitality for a person to be ao near death wo thought there must be something to help her, and readinsr of others being saved by the use of your 8. 8. 8., we thought it 1 -I A a I.. mm It haI aima emtA to try it, so we informed her of her condition, Just as tho doctors had in- lormed us, ana leu it wiiu ner to try your remedy or not, as she saw fit. She concluded to try it and from the first dose or two, she began to brighten np, and improve; she can now get up, dress and help herself, and can eat everything or anything she wants and no distress from it. Wo all feel quite hopeful that tbe cancer will pasa away in due time by tho use of your 8. 8. 8., which she will now gladly take. Tou may make this letter as public as you choose, and the more so the better, aa too much praise can not be given your valuable remedy. Yours truly, Geo. L. Cbosorovb. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON. Nov. 19, lx. Nottre is hereby given that the following-named aettler hu filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that aaid proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppuer, Oregon, on January 9th, 1)7, viz: MARTHA C. EMRY, nee Martha C Hoskini, . Hd. No. 3999, for the 8i NWM and 8WH Sec 1, Tp 6 8, R 26 E, W M. Bhe namefl the fnllnwltie wlfnemipji tn nmvn her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vis: Kelson Compton, James H. Smith. Robert Knighton. Weslev Unmntan All nf HfiTdman. Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE, 496-06 Register. Notice Of Intention. Land Orrica at La Grande, Oregon, November 16th 1H96. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followinff-namml setMpr hnji flleri nntine. of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made ueiure uouniy uierK ol MorrowA;ounty, Oregon, at Heppaer, Oregon, on December 29, 18, viz: JAMf.B MCEM'1 1KB, E. No. 5277 for the 8KW NWW Bli NRU and NK 8WJi 8ec. 25 Tp. 1 8. R. 27 E. W, M. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Michael Kenny, James Carty, Francis Kil kenny Thomas Gilfillin, all of Heppner Oregon. - B. F. WILSON, Kegister. BOOTS AND SHOES! THE PLACE TO GET TH EM IS AT Hehaaanythinginthlinethatyou n it you g.t .good SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old St.nd. Main Street. Repairing imiSMUSINESS OLLEG Notice of Intention. Land Office at La Gbande, Oreqon, November Kith 18flfl. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followlne-named settler hn filer! notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on December 29th. 1890, viz: fKANCla KILKENNY, H. E. No. 5278 for the NU N WU &N NEU Sec. 25 Tp. 1 8. R. 27 E. W, M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Michael Kenny, James Carty, James Mc Enllre, Thomas Gilfillin all of Happner, Oregon. Ji-w o. t. wilhuw. Kegister. By PORTLAND OREGON Timber Culture Final Proof. Notice for Publication. United' States Land Office, 0TICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT SQUIRE J. Turner, of Heppner. Oregon, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, Co. Clerk, at his office in Hepp ner. Oregon, on Saturday the 9th day of January, 1897, on timber culture application No. 3040, for tne oi section mo. 20, in township jno, south, range No. 26 east. He names as witnesses: William G. McCsrty, Robert W. Turner, James F. Sevey, Frank E. Bell, of Heppner, Oregon. 494-04 JA8. F. MOORE. Register, Full English course. french and german. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy. BQA8B1KG DEPARTMENT LAMES Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney. Crook. Gilliam and other counties and can save money and time in making these sections with traveling men. Prices in keeping with the times. THOMPSON" & BIOTAS, PUBLIC LAND SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PUR. suanre of instructions from tho Commis sioner of the General Land Office, under author ltv vested in him bv section 2455. U. 8. Rev. Stat. as amended by the act of Congress approved Feburary2fi, 1895, we will proceed to offer at public sale on the 22nd day of December next, at this nirice, at the hour of 10 o'clock A, M., the following tract of land, to-wit: 8E'4 NE, Sec 12, Tp. 4 8., R. 25 E., and Lot 3 Bee. 7. Tp.48., R. 28 E. And any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to file their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeit ed. J AS F. MOORE, Register. November 7th, 1896. 491-01. If tlii rnliro tititit Km ia mnsiili-ml to Iw l,4inl.i8i.ii.l tin liralna of tins IiumiImT ( Iiiiiiiuii li iMift wiuilil wrl?li I.VJ'J.TI'J I. m. or a liiiirh Ha lunrty an Irotit'laila nf tin- onliiiary air'. Tlie air r -iirr nil a riMiii of inll- tiary ai la tlitrt u aii'l u hall loiia. A man of lifi y yraranf it lia In or dinary raw a ufiJn s.l liiinwlf I .VM) tinira, ainl, of oinirw. ilrftl Miiim-K Just aa many tlmra. U lM-n A 'riii on Ihv atrr-t raise hla hat, inahia a Imw, the ifU of a of the earth Vu nu li'K ronml with Ilia I'lanrt, tlirrfi iiii!a r-nui l l!.r aun. and lu arl; a mild firar.l itb I No aun. effiyl that a numlor of turn wcrt io tho smoking car r( a railroa; train, and oarh one m praiaing th atata La aa froiu. One man aa from lVnnsylvatiia; anolhor from Illinois; another from New a a a a a a. lori, fux liol ona tnao lnvlo l a word lo tay, at J aa aaliv! a hero ha cama fnut "Wfll, I'm fnin Kanaaa," tha tnan replitsL "Now Ungli, d o jott." Hme tha rocc tt I1 virtrj tha atrj Iim start- fl on ita romi.U ayain. Al.ltlAttT ratnlitatoa for tha tai oua li'ialatitt clrtkahiim arc ora it tu tha frofcl It la ati l that K I a, Morrhral, tf Junrti.'O City, I ab lT. If. Cra.f r-l of Pottlanl, atl ti Uchiof chtlt ut thai , M . li'-naA Aa ona raa u ti,r xl. It a, tar al onca that thra ara rtifiicti&g luUrrU. W. A. S UaA, i W. ( au l II. ti Jo laa, of r il!an l, art ran lU IMIls m rat. 1 ills ilo But ear rorialii.alioo. Tbe anljr Sfa-ravasalo. Karl's Clow L.. Tea l rf-l rrftitarilr insula, tut saU .t Well aa.l Varra. la kali tba ava. An-.!!!! .i a Miipiitil..n of S In-rtT liti'l llufltt'liOii'Miii. i,o , iliui ' tS ami'tiiil of '! in II .- . a wat.r 'f ifloU', if rslfa. 1. l. . iS I Ih -r. at f III maa II an Uu' laii 1. . i f.. run it ajar a''f llw w(.f 1 , , II aat, rutrr U lr in I of t:, Bit!, urff, r tiint 4 at a , i ii.,r tuartl iMiire im. T1,v t. n , 1 1, 1 . r i.airinm In lUw a la It at all l i-tlta .,tniiiir ih.i t'.av rf'e J. of lltin n a U ,.,if ii..f. tnaaiiniia Ihrrr am Iti . ' m , In" mill of wntrr A ii ". I'l H Hull r lolllll,IIV i ll Hk at ' r. iaittt S aU'Vraio of Mil I... I ' f a r ' , il I Tbe above Is bat a sample of the many letters we receive daily in regard to various deep-seated blood disease! which other remedies do not touch. Contagious Blood Toison, Scrofula, Eo tema, ltheumattsm, and Tetter, are ob stinate blood diseases, aad only a real blood remedy will have any effect what ever upon them. 8. 8. 8. guaranteed purely ugetable) Is a real blood remedy and never fails to ours any disease hav ing; IU origin in tbe blood, it mnttert not what other treatment baa failed. Valuable books can be obtained by ad dressing Tha Swift SpeclOo Co., Atlan ta, ua. Notice of Intention. J AND OFFICE AT TnE DALLES, OKEGON j Oct. 21. 18(16. Notice Is hcrebv given that the following named settler has filed no, tine of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made ociore 4. w. morrow, counij r riern, ai Heppner, Oregon, on December nth, 18!8, vis: JULIt'H KEITHLY Hit. E. No. 41IK1, for the NK"4 S B NKJ4 N VVi. Hec. 82. Tp. 2 H.. K. 2fi E. II names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of, aaid latin, vis: William P. Dutton. Charles P. Mallory. A. A Wren, J. A. Wren, all of ileppner Oregon. j as. r. MIHIKK, 48A-41IA. ... Kegister. Hie Thaskaclvlag Dane. Tba Thanksgiving ball last night was a ooinplete success, qnite a cumber of maskers as well aa spectators being present. Daooiog waa iuJotged io till a lata bonr. Tba Judges, meadamea J. J. Roberts, Dick Neville and Dr. I'. D. McStrorde awarded prices aa follows: Beat dreased lady character, repreeentiog "Ooldbug," Mra. Frank McKarland; beat dressed gotebaracter, representing -Uulformad Koigbt of Pytbiaa." Cheater Sargool; moat oomloal lady cbaraeler, repreaaot log "Tha Washerwomen," MeoUmee L. W. Rhea aud Usnry Caouoo; must anra ioal gent cbaraolar, repraaaotiog "Blind Jim and," Meaara. Clyde Walla and Dua Matloek; beat aaslained char acter, "Tha Tall I'olliea," MesJamaa Frank lingers aoj Arthar Mlaor. itiif. t Mi .. i I .. 1'i.n f-ttii. of li Ara i Mxxatiia tif J aiti-iioii, ('"n-Ofa-Ima. tisiiia. tfa tf A'-iWs 1 all ftaiaT Hh I ., ii; w a iii r lira, Ftf i tie b U 4 Wari. inu llewara IKK). Tba readers tat this pepor wilt U plrane.) to learn thai there ia at laast one ilria.liv (IImmum inai aclene Da twen alila U ear la all iU atagea, aad that la ratarrb. llall'a Catarrh Care Is the only post live en re ktuiwa to the meilu-al fralrrnilf. t-alarrb baitig l ponlilnll'iol diaeaae, ruinire a eofti tntinnal Ireatmant. Itali a Catarrh I'ure la lakaa tatrrtialv, artiog dinvtly npoo tbe till and niaonua eurfarea ot the si stem, I hare by ilealmjing lb fonad lion el lh duwaae, aad iiviog tba paliaat Iraeith by bolMing ap tba eon (lint toe and aaaialing aalara In d4eg Ita wnyi. Tba prpritora have an mneh faith I euralita power, that Ibev ftef ( Ilnnlrr. iMlare for eaaa that It fails to ear. Head for list of leetimnai al.. A I Ireaa. Y. 1. Clteaaf k CoTi4k1,0 taW".-v..l.l by IHmf.i-sa, 72c. Ik I at ( asis IWk Tb ral earaa lark, foe II wonl.lo'l tav away, aad Hi tm )h ell her. Three weeks at Vtm. lUrnbo d.rl.l Wilh bis family lit College It, Weak., er Walla Walla, Ukmg with hit lb lig low rat that baa tot long b-m a lrrr M the tne al lb Htaeeaatite - lahllatimeat ot K (I. W .-via 1 1, lie had a g tmt lilft oiaj a aatk whea the eat rasa bark ki Ita old jiar Ma. No a.aer la.l lb animal bee Mra!4 fmta iU t-n a that It was en. fln-l In ow IM trip Ibat II dta appeared, an I nik if aat et at frlgt,if lo m la ol lVnlll.a oa us rlra, arritiag 11 V tk early last we, hatieg trae 14 the iiiauae of 4i ei. af a roa-l Ibal II ha4 ! tfae, ! rH at II was ita oat la a aa" Ilia Manlaia ta!. Se la tha lire to g-l tha Wk' tw-"e, tt ri-f i li.e Waal. Hh llxliatta. t.h rriet It to a Itanr. na t. II fkk M to4l Tk III f Wia. Oonstitiatioo, caaaea mora Ibao half tha Ilia of women. Karl 'a Clover Root, Tea la a pleasant rnr for Oooatipalion, For aale by Well a W arren. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. ORF.flON 1 J (H't. 21. ImmA. Not Ire is hereliy given that tha following named settler has fl led notice of hla Intention to wake final priHifln support of his claim, and that said proof will lie inailr before i. W. Morrow, roiinty clerk, at Heppnor, Oregon, on iiweniiior , l'. vis : r.PVYAKDU. Ahn HAI It II, Hp. E. No. n.t, lor the bWa.aun ixia sanu 1. !. 111. Tn. 8 8.. K . iiF... He names me loiinwing wimeaae in prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol aald laml, vis: Ortnan I. Allison, -rus O. r il'Hia, Rllhn n HI. m Ion. of F.lght Mile, Oregon, lilM rt I). Coals of llanlinan, Oregon. j as. r. MHHK, 186 DA Kegister, notice of Intention. AND OFFICE AT LA (iRANPK, OIIFOON (h i. IO If'.. Notlr Is herehv given tha lh lollnwltif naine.1 artller has fllel nntlcaof hla Intention to make Altai proof In support nf his claim, and that aald prnoi will ba mn before Joerph t l.lliaon, t'mnilsoner of the I'. H l lrriilt Court at LeiliigUm, Urrgon, on Novemlier W. i". l: KiiMKKT H UKACH. It K. No. W f..r the Fa hf " Heel, S' eK NKtaKee ITTnlH. KkV llnam lh loiinwing illniwl tn mvt bis mmitinous rMtilenr upon ami cullliallon of. aald land, )' Hohert II. Walklna. Jamm II. Iahv, Malt lltiahea, of tlrppnvr, tintun, Karl itrach of l-eilngtoii, ur-aon, . f. W IIJM1M. M Krister. Uw aa lb 014 L4g A story ia told ot a yooog lady who fiiand a parkag of lova lettera tbslhaj bewa wnlleo t her ntolhar bv her father before they were marrlej. Tba dsn gb tor aaw thai lhy emit have a little sport aaj read thKa to hr Bothr, sub eiilallng br own nam tot that of bee malber, aoj a flaa youag naq for thai f her father . Tha Briber Japv ap anj J.i en, aliifie.1 her tl, aad ad Imility di.gaatod, aad furbaJ her denghlef to bate anjtl.lag to da with th yonng m win eakl wnleeneh irkeemg onaaetieical, aiulT to a girl. When thayooag Udy haaJexl the l.ilef ta her . if her to ra.l the hoas lraiae aaet ill that one etmiii bear lae giaaa grow lag. T.-M. Ne ( awfawteM a kit Trawl la aw weathef. The l'ln Tartf )tUa heal l Iraiaa l! t $ heal frnaa tba engtoa, tba saak log every p" all I tr rll aa. onaaf.wtahl. It atao ligtil it ear Mr lh eeUl rale.1 llalerh t.l aaak sg Ib.ia hfili'anl al eif ' I. raeea rarrted dailr oa II f aet wall, hi tot'tg feaev t atlnoa, ta kela, of la faftaaltoa, ell ow r a..lrM It W. laita,l.a. Agt l1 ThiM liL. ( I aad, Oeua. trail T4 iawxa Its ha a la M ol frail itg l fall aa4 wiUr f-i4, whteh h rfft f.t et al ! fee fwafe l. II Wiil alen e-et la .ke M a pna4, Wor4 nt Wbea, itIv at h J' lae f..a Sal'ea tl ae Notlct of Intention. I.tKD Orrn a v t. iane. Oatuoe. W ....... I . . N'oticr t iirttrtty i.wt.s that t ti tollnwlne named erlllof ba fll4 nollre ol his lnlentlin i snete Siial )mf In siirt ol hl rlalm 'and lhal a!4 ir.. a III I mad. I F I. ereelaml, ri.mmwlnwf I'. a limill t ..un al llri.i iwt, tron, on Iwrwmber lh ln, tU; I'AJdFt p. ixnmmr. It. I, -TV fit la PK Sec. 12, Tp I a. R s g w. M. lie mim lh. Inline Ins ItnMae In penv b I eintiii' un and ruliKsllna ol Url ln lt Ina i Fernell. t4 tlrepnef, Ovno, Jimis Kr'ii. timal-l H.M, l lll. k x.blr, ol In Son S4-.,. . P. ttJKtl. Register. .WTICK TO CHriilTVHH. in tag rtH STY rvti-aror tng rrTi 1 M t f J.tnW ..OMf. a IK. eller ol IM mu nl Was lerii. nervaerH. tt sMi,iM,l havln be tnmOilel b ibi I rxinlv I milt n4 lh ol U4 . ..Mini, ,wmh t the Mt.l. of l n. I !! Anrm.i. ..o. U Wll W ) rtvltiota ol. eM all o,.ft. bl ei.ln. aa tv.,tiiret I'T lae. Ii bin Ms monOrf aftef IHe Soil .'''atla 4 Ihl. to el-l etornbat al Hi. o .4 J " ! al Hjf iih at ruirnin, ,orl..r ol be r o.i. iJSai ril I Ivi.) ka It, I,, t , SO . Aly ! Mlof MiTtCK TO VlitDITVli. 1 til lit TV ml at r tNg T1 I ol 1. M.owv I eiv la tfee eof M li. m.i of Jm . ...act, 1 9 Ike ..!... tl biM I.'., aretti-l IK. hi , o..' ol I.- Me .4 t I. W r.. r.. I . . ... . t.t ,t. t-4 Ike .! J a w -IMt.v .i. wmm I, hntlf I. a'' . . m i M 'l A tm . , ..-I t .nullt i. to. e-.. baifcr ol II,. W M I a a iei..i.. al at iw-io I w .. i i t al ar l lbl 4 iMeMa' el Jaw !' iii at a. ies. Tk Ml IjUetaeaat. A reataraal ha tw ftenel ap Of til lh ( il It-Ut t.f N.J XIlM keee aaeala will N ee4 al all be lot UKj s etopbtej s) la ilt a I dialag re-e. b-4l i4 aettu al all ht ll'" toifof fl'l lae eae ehiat I paieaao lb Mtei hi York Wily Tribune At "A. .- I t i ::J FOR . FARMERS and VILLAGERS FOR FATHERS and MOTHERS FOR SONS and DAUGHTERS FOR ALL THE FAMILY. With tbe close of the Presidential campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizee tbe fact that tbe American people are now anxious to give their time to home aod business intereuts. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, nntil another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will bo pat forth, and money freely spent, ;o make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member Wb mrnisn "Tne Gazette" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" one year lor $3.00. OAHII Add reas all OMers to IN ADVANCK, THE GAZETTE. Writ Toor nam and a4traa nn a potul rani, send It In (Ion. W, Real, Trihnn Offlr. Haw York C It jr. ami a emil ropy ut th hoe York tckljr Trlbun will b mailed In jrml. UP UN I Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . t(e ! i.oo: si. oo j Weekly IMter Oceain(. : Tha Qrcateit Republican Paper of tha West J TT I lb moat sfaoarf ummtrrlnt Ktpublltam Wttkty pab- 1 lnhr j nlr o raa alwari b raltad apo lot lair aa4 hiBl ro- J 2 p"'' " Po''l'tl aflaira. a fMrrTliaWkljr lnlrr(Van Swpplka All o tb Nw rrr mliJU ( aod th IWst of Currant UUratur. il hi Morait Cla. and a Family rs per k Wtibowt a Tmt. ll$ Uttrary Co I u mm art equal io thou ol th bt magatlot. Urn Youth's Department 1$ th lint tt of Id kind. ...... It twin la Ik. raaaitr tk er Ike taiie Wat aa Ik. ! tkml 4 ata.UMM all sjaeetiaa iae .,. im lw f im IselM wm el Madia saaitee eaa SHwa e4 bele roM'.ae ) klM la twite. a4.f4 M lk sda a Ik. rt eM ot ! AlkHkeay Meaaiaia taaa aaf aaae rpf, 1 1 X X : si.oo I Tot Mi is4 ktdif. tdl t Uzt a( r liter Ormi an rvv rv.ii, kt tii ..... f. r .. k. mu . I J1 r Ml 4r t eud ., M pm Me. .. mff fear 2 4eeTHRikT h rx itaa.t aieoao. aaaaaaaaaooaaa The Lancashire Insurance Co. a. - k - - - i j i aiAiciiitoa ricM, i;noiani 4. t f aTTE5iX. H1LVT. !. i. w.ria .Nte wt crt fa t- a-U : to d rtag frnlt b"H rV wtfc 'HtLti. Iti-a. If. I -i iil ii I-, i. . e. i -t I ILleaiLoHkXA la Oaif rk la Uo Ta lb I lh i'aioa t'arifte. tl om fill ar rara4 ta Its It wiia f.oef ekae 4 ae taaa ia j iiaet-naiei siviii iss letetv Ke-a In nf Ire tl l Ilk t'ailej fttalM. 1 I . . . 1 . , I 1. ft. I ,ihim i . ee'e 17 it. ei , jPwiW.lkt. At. IV, hi M, loftjaal. - .Lai I tg !tal lk lffc ba Vm um a la rer.j, U lb Itt4 Plri( ettl.tieiMrl Ioaa,roalat r t'y.yaoo aw. tit rej('!ll n La I rlale4 t aaraak.0 aa ta-tit f tthttna't Vkta ltar II o fail f,r f.f Ij Wi; 4) Hum.