TO THE GIVES THI CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry.-V PACIFIC - RY. ivia via: Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA -AKO AHD St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oll on 0. B. A N. Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. a HUBLBURT, Geo. Fas. Agt. POBTLAHD, OBMOK. E. McNEIlL, President and Manager. quiob: TXXkXXI I TO San Franolsoo AodUpolnU In California, tie the lit. Sheets rout of the Southern Pacific Co The erast hlehwe through California to all point Kent and sontk. Grand Hoenie Route of the Peel flo Vout, Pullman Hoflet Blaepera. Heoond-elaes Bleepere Attached to ei press trains, affording an pan or eooommnttatlons for eeeonrl-elass aaatsniiiri. for rataa, UokaU, sleeping oar reeertaUona, ato, call upon or address IL EOKHLKK, Manaser, t. P. R00IR8, A Ml, tea. P. P. A(t., Portland, Oracoa .in .)' . n r. i .1 UUttaUU MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. -i-A silk-worked seteen inscribed This screen 'the wtork of Quern. Anne, Wka presented byher majesty to Rt. Hon. Richard Hitt embassador to the court of Turin? 1703," came under the hammer in Shrewsbury at the eale of the effects-of the' beulfraptv Viscount Hilt fetcfcmg $430; What are -enid -to be the twd oldest vessels irf the 'merchant aervice in the' United States-arrived at Calais, Me., together a few days ago. They are the Polly, a schooner" of eighty-four tons, built in-1805, and the schooner Hiram; built in 1819.' The Folly is the vessel that captured a British brig at Machias 1n the war of 1812. 1 A - six-year-old r German ' boy ar rived in Santa Crua, Cal., recently, hav ing made the entire trip from Bremen to that place alone. He wore a tag bearing the' name- and address of hia California friends and had a ticket to San Francisco. He says he received great attention and the utmost kind ness from everybody during the jour ney. The story of the phenix is a com mon superstition in' several countries. According' to' the' ancient end best ac cepted letters the world has' but one phenix. This animal, at the end of 900 years, burns itself to death in a funeral pyre of its own erection, and as soon as it expires another phenix with wings outstretched rises from the flames. A great many persons firmly be lieve that anta do not sleep. This superstition arises from the fact that in moonlight nights' during" the summer ants have Often ' been seen' at work about their nests. People of almost all nations have believed that ants lay up food for the winter. The alleged fact is mentioned many times in ancient and modern literatures, and is directly stated in the Book of Proverbs. They do no such thing. During the winter they remain in a torpid or semi-torpid condition, reviving' under-the genial warmth of the spring sun. The bicycle has taken Holland, and the state railroads have had to determine what they shall do with it. Unpacked and accompanied by the rider they will take it as personal bag' gage for the sum of seventy cents equal to twenty-eight of eon.' This is for any distance, bttt you can't go tar in jiouana unless you go round and round. The . owner must help ' take it on and oft the baggage car, and transfer It from one train to another where such is nec essary; and the railroad will not be re sponsible' for damage to an unpacked wheel. At Alexandria the Berapeum, where the mat of the great public li braries was preserved, waa recently discovered by Dr. Bottl, director of the Alexandrian museum. The column that rose in the middle, visible from the aea aa Well as from the land, he identifies with Fompey's pillar. He haa found the tank of the fountain that stood in the central court and the channels cut through the rock that led the water to it, inscriptions of the time of Hadrian and Beverus dedicated to Serapis, bull of fine workmanship, remains of gilded ornaments and a few tombs. AMERICAN CONSERVATISM. the Pawar aad laOaaaaa of the gapreasa . Coart ef tha tailed titatee. The supreme court is not an elective body, and I suppose that might seem to the English radical a sufficient reason for sweeping it away, saya the Nine- j teenth Century. The judgea are ap pointed for life by the president and they are responsible to no popular tri bunalnot even to public opinion. They ait aa a court of pure law, the final authority from which in all Amer ica there is no appeal. Their jurisdic tion, strictly defined though it be, is coextensive with the whole union. It is the one instance in history in which popular sovereignty, acknowledged aa supreme in the long run for every other purpose and every other authority to which it has delegated power, submits to a master whom it did not appoint and cannot remove and cannot escape. Everybody submits; the states them selves, sovereign as they still are tor certain purposes, submit: congress and the president, the army and navy, the people themselves, all submit. In the hands of the supreme court de mocracy itself, if it seeks to pass an un constitutional law, is powerless. A unanimous vote of the people, a unani mous vote of the house and senate and the approval of the president would not make a statute law if this tribunal says it is not a law. But do vou ever hear of a proposal to abolish the supreme court? Why not? It is not only that the court has been a great court of great judges, its honesty and ability and wisdom alike recognized, but be? cause the American democracy has the good sense to see that, under a written constitution like that of the United States, such a tribunal is essential to the working of all its parts, and that,' check and all-powerful check though it be upon democracy, it is also a guar-' anty to the American people that, in the words of the preamble of their great charter, justice shall be established and the blessings of liberty preserved to themselves and their posterity. A REGULAR GOLD MINE. ''a.Tror' ALMOST LOST HIS MILLIONS. -TO THE- VIA THE CMOS PACIFIC SYSTEM Tlirotiiih Pullman Palara reefers. Tonrlit Sleepers and Pre Kerllnltig thalr Cart i'AILi lotliltafo. Many hours sated via this Una ta Pastern Pot II (a. STEAM HEAT. LOWUMT PINTSCM LIGHTS. NATKB, 11. H. BAXTER, Orm. Agfnt, Jtorfiuerf, Orr yon, J. C. HART, Agent, Urppntr, Orrgon. I i Waatlta Aeverteei A Ajtacy M VT. oa ajaai. Zljs CHaina parsera. eJ OOPVftMMT. rw Hva ee pmnawie ante m ins a iu, ett Nmhii, ew ea. d i,a toueee f a '.nm m a.tre. a.f tatre w mm aM M r-u tl a mu (Itee Inees seere al at rifntific wtrtcaa t T-t mmlm W T rWrhNMNM m. unit M iia k r, a I eee atVw A keusesae,Sei hMeea, Sea latacHf, CHICAGO. IDMee&SL Paid 111 xmiajavaiiY 4 sj o w rk XV m X Oot Back Mia Portraaa Jatt Bafora tka Saorvt lloldar Ulad. When up-country last year I heard that thowrlnghea La 11, manager to Lalla Muttra I'ershaud, was in Uwali or on some temporary business, and I called on him, aa an old friend, at a place in the Lushkar whera lie waa re- aiding. We dlscusnea the action or govern ruent In closing the mints, and I asked his opinion aiHiut the possibility of rola sunuard for India, and men tioned the fact that certain members of the Currency association considered the fifty million pounds of gold would be aufflclent to provide India with a gold currency. The Lalla laughed the idea to acorn, and assared me that fifty mtllloa pounds would not suffice to replace the ailver hoards of even one stale. "You know,-' he said, "how aailous the lata Maharajah Seiadia waatoget bach the fortress ff Gwellov, but very few know the real tauae prompting him. That was a concealed hoard of alsty ernree (aisty million pounda) of rupraa In eertala vaults within the furtreae, over which llrltlah aeatlaals had been walking f a boat thirty years, never euamctlnf the wealth concealed bvnaslk their feat. Long before the llrltlah reveraaseal gave beak the fortress, every one who knew the eatraare Into the concealed hoard waa dead, e ice pi one aaaa who waa citremely old, and althoagh la rood health he might have died any day. If that had hspveaed. the treasure might have been Imi to the owner for err and to the world for aa-ea, beeaese there waa oalr one eatraare t the board, wktch was most eaaelagty if reeled, and, eieeet last eatraaee, eery other fart was ittrroueJed ay eulU rwk. "ho the saaharajah waa la each a that he aaaat either get Web his er divelge the eeeret te tke foveremea! a4 rea tke rkak of lalag the treaaere frtar. "Wki ike fortreesfiaef Ivea bark te the makers la k. aad before the UrilUL How a Justice of tha Peace Mulcted Bi cycle Riders. "There's a justice of the peace In' a country town not far from here," said a bicycler to a Buffalo Express man re cently, "who has a scheme that will make him a millionaire if he sticks to it for a year or two. "You aee ' the town has an ordinance forbidding bicycle riding on the side walks. A good many wheelmen go that way, so what doea this justice do but scoop out a hole and make a great big mud puddle clear across the street right in front of his office. Of course, when a wheelman cornea along, rather than ride through the mud, he turns upon the sidewalk. That's what the justice la waiting for. He haa a con stable on the watch, and the two rush out and nab the cycler. "I was caught in the anare one week. Though I protested I only intended to keep on the walk till I passed the rand, it waa of no avail. I was fined five dol lars and had to pay it. 1 got a chance to look at hia book when he waa re cording roy fine, and there was a rec ord of some twenty wheelmen who had been served the aame way that day, and It waa still early In the after noon. It made me mad, and I began abus ing the old fellow for having such mud-puddle In the street. " Why don't you fill It up? I asked, if you want wheelmen to keep In the road?' "He grinned In a moet exasperating manner, and answered without so much as a blush: " 'Upoae we're goin' to destroy such a source of revenue aa that mudpuddle is? I gurwa not. John,' turning to the constable, 'you better take the hose and eofU'U it up a little bit ready for the next aucker." MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. The hardest varieties of wood, such as mahogany, ebony and lignum-vitae, grow in tropical climates, but their wood does not season aa well aa that of trees in the temperate zones - The "Era of Julius Ceuaar" began with the reformation of the calendar in 40 B. C. It prevailed in England for civli purposes until 1752, then being superseded by the Gregorian. Several substances, whose odor ia to western nostrils exceedingly re pugnant, are highly esteemed in the east aa perfumes. In Persia and Afghanistan, asafoetida is considered a delicate perfume, and many luxurious persons carry a quantity or it in their pockets or in a bag suspended from the neck. The door nail in earlier times, says an antiquarian, was the plate of the door upon which the old-fashioned knocker struck to arouse the inmates of the house. As the plate or nail was struck many more times than any other nail it was assumed to be more dead than other nails. Hence the phrase; "Dead as a door nail." The skeleton of an Indian warrior at least six feet six inches tall waa found in Muscongus, Me., a few days ago by two men who were digging a cellar. The body had been buried in a' sitting posture, facing east, ' and about it were found iron Implements and spear and arrow heads, while around the arm bones - were copper bands covered with curious carvings. - A new bicycle tire, which is said to be an improvement over those in gener al use, haa been invented and patented by Miss E. S. Hutchlns, of Big Rapids, Mich. In the middle of the rim of an ordinary style pneumatic rubber tire is a groove, into which is fitted a smaller tire of leather, which, it ia claimed, is much more durable than the present atyle of all-rubber tires while equally elastio and light. ;. Several towns and cities in Oregon and Washington have lately obtained an excellent and adequate water sup ply in an inexpensive manner by the use of wooden pipes. The pipes are made from common pine logs, ten Inches In diameter, hollowed out with a six-inch bore. It ia claimed that the wooden pipes' last aa long aa iron plpea. One town' baa a line of pipes seven miles long that, with all connections, cost but 2.000. Suits aggregating more than $S00,- COO will soon be filed by the government against certain big lumber companies and turpentine distilleries in the lower part of Alabama. The evidence abows that from 2,300 acres of fine forest lands belonging to the government 13,654 trees, yielding over S.OOO.OOO feet of lumber, had been cut. The govern ment authoritlea propose to stop the depredations by bringing to account tho concerns that buy the moonshine lumber. Some patriotic citizen of rreacott, Arts., In lauding his town and state, and descanting On the wonderful riches of the region, declared that even the build ings of Prescott were In part of gold. He waa taken up on the assertion, and a bet resulted. A few days sgo an assay waa made of sandstone being used in tbo erection of some new buildings, and the atone showed four dollars per ton In gold and 20 cents per ton in silver. It wouldn't pay to mine the buildings of Prescott, but the boomer won his bet. AN AWFUL PREDICAMENT. A Startling Onluloi at a State All waa in readiness for the luncheon which M. Hanotaux, the foreign secre tary, waa giving to the members of the Metrical convention and Sir Joseph Benala. About 12 o'clock the chief steward bestowed a last look of proud satisfaction at the harmonious set-out of the table. All at once he shnddered, at a poet might have done, in the final revision of his proofs, at the discovery of a printer's error that would have horribly disfigured his latest sonnet. "The menu cards!" he exclaimed, "they have been forgotten; lay them round at once; there's not a minute to lose!" Search was made for the bills of fare on the sideboards in the dining-room, in the butler's pantry, at the foreign office, even in the minister's private room. Not a trace of the menu cards and the lord mayor might arrive any moment! No such disaster had befallen since the days of poor Vatel. The fact was communicated to M. Crozier with all the delicacy that the circumstances demanded. Various pro posals were submitted. At length it was decided that all the functionaries, great and small, who happened to be present should be laid under requisi tion; even the son of the hall porter found himself pressed for the nonce into the service of the'diplomatic corps. The ink of the last copy was hardly dry when the lord mayor entered the banqueting hall. Honor was saved. Le Figaro. . The time for seasoning wood variei very greatly, extending from weeks ir the case of some timbers to man months or years in the case of hard dense wood. TT0 i WIS frm r-&ianM! MmMttm Prof. W. H. Peeks, who makes a specialty of haa without .ted and cur- EDlleoay. haa doubt treat) ad more cases than any living Physician; hia ancceaa is astonishing. We have heard of cases of so years' standing cores oj him. Be publishes a valuable work on this dis ease, which he sends .with a laree bot tle of his absolute cure, free to any suffererr who may send their P. O. and Express address. We advise anv one wishing a cure to address ProMV. a. PE2KE, F. D., 4 Cedar St, Hew York IV J H X7 4 i Caveats, and Trade-Maria obtained and all Pat-; jeatbusinessconductedfor Moderate Fees. Sous Office is Opposite, u. 8. Patent Office dand we can secure patent u less timo toaa those frtmnt, frnm Wau Vi m (Ytnn i Send model, drawing or photo., with desenp Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of; (charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. S a pihmlet. " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of sama in the U. S. and foreign countries J sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. J Off. Patent Office, Washington. D. C. 3 Theeomparativevalusortheestwesarde Is known to moat persons. They illustrate that greater quantity le Net always most to be desired. .' These cards express the beaeSclal qaai ityof RlpansTabules Aa compared with any previously kaewa . DYSPEPSIA CURB " Ripens Tabulea: Price, 50 cents a hem, Of druggists, or by mall. .'. BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Sprue ., M.Y. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, DISEASES OF THE SKIN. The intense itching and smarting inci dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chil blains, frost bites, and chronio sore eyes. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. Try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, they are just wnai a nurse necus wiicu in unu wjuui- Uon. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Fof sale by Cooler & Brook, druggists I CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q., C. M. & St. P., C. A A , P. Ft. W. A C, and the C. St. L. A P. Railroads. RATES sya.oo PBR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CHIOAOO, IX.I. WANTED-AN IDEA'r.! 5tbWtn5iSrwsK BUrlNA CO., Patent Attorneys, Washing, U. O.t for tneir (i,uu prise ones. The regular subscription price of tha Semi-Weekly Gazette ia 82.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregoniaa is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tha Gazette and paying for one yearia advance can get both the Gazette anal Weekly Oregon ian for S3.60. All old sub scribers payiog their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled t the same. . Nxw Fbkd Yard. Wm. Gordon hat opened np the feed yard next door ta the Gatette office, and now solieits a share of your patronage. Billy is right at borne at this business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prioee reasonable. Bar and grain foraale. tf WANTED TO GET SOLID. Lost Bis This Is Teur Oppartaally. On receipt nf tea cents, cash or stana, ii a IS a a as . a geseroua sample win 1 snaiiea 01 tut moat jopolar Catarrh aad Hay l ater Cure ( KJy's Cream Ilaliu) seffletent to demon. Strete tlie great merits 01 ue remeay. ELY BROTHi.FR, fd Warren fct, ' York City. Rev. John TUld, Jr.. of Great relU,MooL, reeMasaeaded Ely's Cream Balm to me. 1 eea empkaatte his stale mml, "II te a pi Ue en re f w catarrh if aaad as direesed." He, free-ok W. 1 '. raster Central free. Chorea, llelcaa, VI oot flj'a Cream Balm le the a4aoUdged rare f ea terra aat eoenaia 90 merewry aoy injurious drag. Fries, 60 eeele Files! Pllret licking Plies. Symptoms: Moisture; intense Hcblng and stinging; most st night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tarn- rs form which often bleed snd ulcerate becoming very sore. Hwsvnee Oint ment stops toe Itching end bleeding, tests ulceration, and in most eaaee re moves the tnmore. At dineirlate, or by mail, for 50 cente. Dr. Swayne & Hon, Philadelphia. ow to raiTcxr root-r eee aVaaetae That U4 rveee leseeeauaA Is teeag ietaeve-lew te teaeed tke BeMaere Ptsisss Qlanco at this Map K (VWerx wtteeotee sM t Nxllefl. tf ae4 eats IM aweeerW a ell ell treae.ea slwelal Knee e4 at reel sa4 Stake, s4 NHweMUel KelreJaeere hekkad eitkaiaa tfVMit t4 ea4 ftf iMe lw etolreteat et Iteaee Sv UVere, taw i te4 a .re e'a. te reFltl4 i tee e as Siesta set aa eMP e eatl leea. sM Its slatt eae ae the keet te CM -Ve nutae Haas ee t ear ttee Uav k4 ease ae aMs. s4 ae eke eeWe (aeskwre tie Wa (gaTajJajaajk YaVaVBA'V HlSfc4a"Jfc4 eMatisf0 MtaeeVlaFtta4-rBeaUeeeea." feesae te mn aaUrawl e UI sfas yt Kret te leweie. at sMieeS r. I. trt-T.Oeaeealataee, I W.tMMr.TVae Peaa aeeeA pFWisaj a, tveevs, Croaa la a Urrev te yeeeg aaj as xwt laeai enaeeralag I I'd sitr(Us e4 Weelaseat Ulbe e4 o( Ills Ilea. The ertgia at aroer la a eoeiBioe tmlL CAiUree whw are aeb lent Le II take eU4 very eeetly a4 areaa kt aleaaea aaea ta Wise, Tha rt eifsptnea It hoetaeeaes; ukt la aawa fol rawed bf a pewwtle mk rwegh, kiek ektrA le eeally re(aite4 aJ will ae Le forgnltea by eee eke haa heard to The list set ia bee) Ike ehM I ret him esse tweree. tf CkaasWtla'e Oesgk Items ly st free ly ftvew all tea aee y te treepy aaeeh has Aeeetnael M wfll yewveel the eeek Tkere le ae leader ta grvtag laie reeaadf f M enalakae e4hlg IslarVtia, for eJe by Cmawe a lUtwk. SHC WAS STARTUP. Ae leetettte Tawth Teasee4 Oeee a far SNIa Vpm a aa4aetes eteA. "Whew Monet Tabor, N. J, waa I rat taVra pneaeeeioa of by the Newark eoa fvrraee of the MetbeUiat l.iieoopl churrh," said a clerfymaa ef that da atnnlnatlon reeeatly, "e had little money with, wMeh rarer a the grou ade aa4 ereet the tret bwlldlage asreeaary. Aftr pwlllag ep a eort ef epea air patllkiw In wblfb the pra- Ing eervlewe wuwUI we krW. ww bpfaa Ve rest arwead fer aame balMiwf wherw traaeieal gweete might be daaed. The'atrweiare rewnHlMr from thle ire Hy waa a tow freaee butr-ties', hkh waa christened the .Tabor koae.' It) eonetnsrtlag the houae m ee eonttombrat a tale ae sneaihle. Use partltlewe were at rua all the way aw to the rsfire aad the rum wee ao relied. "t shall e-r fotti," roijs4 the lalaler, "one ef my tret eights la tkie rathrr rrwte hoteL After I bed retired I wee suddenly armiaed wltb a etert by the wtoat bceartkly skriek. "Herder! Thkeee! Kehherel Help! Itrlp' a wotoaa was skoailaf at the tp ef kr tunga. -1 kuslled exit B tke arrww hall la my agkt robe aad fr4 e4here la tke aeane aHlreUHk 90 aad woexra rFitnr ermrM la a dietrrt4 way We a!) sttj td before a dear frwen wttk le wfcwk the ewuade wesesdsil, teit rercA, kallk ead eweaA IM.IU4' Catarrh feeta. Jeel IMat trsw. I Wet.'e Warrra. II Bevee kvee kvary Kay Theessede at eee at lsawpu AHkese, Uwegi.s, ll te sad Croaa ae eer4 eteet der by r-htWe a Cwee- fer le by WetteA wertea. 1 hreegh tresee ee Ike U K A X. will ra eta, CmeWUe, Welle Walla a4 fea4le4aa. Tkeeh ateeswte, ftret aed aeasisleaeaw, wtU tea ta i wll tha Caiew rariia, Ue aee ae h-wa-.e, A VkprHiik ietefae ataepef lea, ke ll-ksee, ae,eiea4ieg wir tke teetelaeai ekee te M reel. ae4 a . freae te ihrMik ft !rf rtlsa4 q H rwaakt faal. tea I 8CIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Tie tea plant la aaid by Chinese writers to hate been cultivated in that country from at least 3000 D. C. As wood U largely wanting la Australian gold fir Ms several steam- hlpe are now engaged in carry lug tim ber from the Pacifle coaat for use U Australian mlnre. Tbeslramahlpeeaf ry from to J.JOO.oou feet eana. The wol ia ( aliforaia pine or fir. Though Ireland hae J.noO.OOO acrwe ef bog land, large quanlltlee of prat Utter are ImporVd from IM glum and Holland, Mil la ere be- In fitted up to eejf rate m litter from the turf, and It la hoped that feet nveee litter may eooa be aa article ef export. After two aeaaona of failure Ore graj baa an abundant crop of tomatora. There are ocreas of them, ana Cne enea, according to the roitUad Ore foe lea. One factory aluM U using roar to fire tone per day, wnu-n. are bought for 110 r toe, and are made lata catsup. A correspondent ef aa EegtWa rrty aayai "I erai yon oa HepUnafcer 10 a white turnip whkh I autle 'reea a largw field war liurm. A boat iWte-rwUf f the fUUI la write terolpe and the other half svmlee: Ute whole of the w bMee are ewermlag with gteea iy aad roitiri ewey.efcik the ewedee are quite heilthy." The hygiraie value ef soap la hard ly re41ee.t by the gvarraj fuMle. Be real firri meats hare ahowa tbat a sol u un of p wtu kill tyrho4 wr rhelera mlrriiles. A ear per rest eolw tin will d art la I) hoere, while a eeveaor tea per reek, enlaiioa will de It la a few tniaelre. Ikie ks eiwet Use elmplevt asul snoat reliable of that we hare at wwr die reeei. eebaywal rwwdtUwae aever keeiged a greet eVel siiww the fasa'ttaa ears. The enwueeeta thee were erb eewaJW ef a4 Ua ewewa meeh kargwr. while tlaf shallower. The greater part ef North Awseetea wee eukeeergwd la tesw brea tMwee. tambvtaa rwka, tawb rwerwt by left cWyweite ia ael 4ea, are etwnawi la a tew aakere, rhlety e swaaataia waka la AaverVa, Asia aad Auelralia. la rlllsl.e strewtwtrwa aadef f taae ef taraewe enswe rrwt. fjerhare wta.f arlte, f nxe, he weMelwed the fu.hewia ralM' Ord eary etaar f tae gate the Wet aad eartieat trwitt etar f We IsM-reaavtl tha vei-sutaeav, hat lsrd the axehiy, sue aad earth ae i4 the frail . ta4t g taae tireeaa the yia, at IVe etpeeeet tkaaasiryj rt. W m a4 gwe were hurai a aJ kiat f reua. aw aa Aspiring Journalist Job. The experiences of young men who are anxioua to enter the newspaper business because they think they are born Journalists on the strength of the tact that they used to write "good com positions' when they went to at-liuol have been an iuexliuustible tliciuc for the professional Joke maker from time immemorial, and they are not all fake Jokes that are written about them, either, aa the followiug real bappeumg will shows A reporter on an afternoon paper waa detailea the other day to go out and write up a fight that bad occurred in the northwestern part of the city, and in the course of bis hunt for facta he ran acroaa a busy young man who proved a very mine of iu formation. "You ought to know me," aaid this young man to the rejiorier, after the latter had pumped bnu dry. i used to be a reporter on your puper," "1 don't remember you," replied the chaser for news, figuring to himself whether to brace for au application for a loan or hint for a ui Ink. Whereupon the uiine of Information allowed that he was a grcto baud and had worked only four iius, though be did not volunteer any hiioiuiatiou con cerning the rvaaou why be failed to bold hie Job for a longer period. When the reporwr got buck to the office be asked bis city vdiiur about the young man he bad spoken to, tut-ulion-Ing the young man e tiauio. 1 bo city editor thought aw bile aud then he re membered. "Oh, yea, 1 kaow him," be remarked. "He's the stiff that used to come la every morning end shake bauda with me. Ae aoon aa he would bit the office he would chaae up tome, giebiuy lunch hook aad agitate it up and down, at tha aame time making solivltioua In quiries about the bralih of myavlf and my wife. 1 stood his work fur four morn logs end lite a I tlird him. All of which gore to show that It le poor policy for a hired to get too familiar with hia Ua.-bt Louie lie-rabUa. tmu.s. government! PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To person! who served In the warj of the United Statesor to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Hid You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? 4 THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED & UNDER THE NEW LAW M To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new W law sre entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the yv time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. VfV (7"Write for laws snd complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unleit successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AYIRETT, General Manater, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C iT. Company it controlled If nearly on fAousand leading eews. papert in the Vniltd mmtt, and it guarantied by (Asst. AttorneyH tit Law DEPPNEH, All bosineee attended to iu a prompt and atisfaotory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. e OFFICE IN NATIONAL DANK BCILDINO. i OREOOX pAiiimhifi Dirnnnnfl I lUllllllUkl IUU'1 dllUl titvis v w HI DARCO THE CNQINC A Peeasmar Telle Wee He eee ta a liilmi tare. "One Carlatmaa I waedowa watrblng the jard geeee or ewiiebmea ia the yard at Ottumwa, la," asHl ibe drum mer ta a Bee Antonio Lapteae iwea. The whole trew were eelebtaUng, more or leee, aad had paid many sluts ta The lioad ta liell." kept by old tttormy Jordan, who bucket! lUe oroh bttioa law ee rung. A tellww ta the erew pUtrf pi a a,' a tall, leak, blue aoee from the reatrra limit of Aue tteeAla.waealwsye'rhewltig the rag' snd rawbrdiag with the eagle rye' frvagl hear aa the yard eagiue. Ith were rvtty well leaked eil gut to blurb ug each other, aad t ua I itae Uut awaw bet the englaeer he tWl alaad la the middle at the track aad get oa the head ead al the eagiae ae laet ae a he eetthl tare a wheel. They put ep l; a aide, bat thai waaa't ail tke etakee. lailure anewet ewrteia death fr toe swiuhmaa aad a trial at there ittevr fur tuutder. "They wtat out lata the yard ta set tle It 1 here sum! the eitb eegiae all "Vet" The grwuad wee frwea aad aitr-pery aad the lrak fall at hard ehe4 aad freea aaaw la the toe l the red. l to thea ae ikaog kt they were WaAag, bat whta they tuk the eegta-e haxh a aoarter fur a Saft we trte4 ta g the l-i edf the Uwth, but he wee waved with a ear pie aad eund as et. "The eaeyiae eeme et full sr, II er M alie ae hf i tkal Itumm etaggerlag draah ia Ibe sealer tfeah aaa Mer awt4. Hha glee reexhed hm he I. si-J way l art wa lt aa aa the sieat aad t-trked him ee sake a taeh ead aeter tti threw kaa ep eg stast the trwa head reUl tkey weet hash ta the aa hiaa aad eee sart drb m?m fti 'res but asweef." WHITE COLLAR LINE. DllfVAT Atin1 XL nil ill tiiinii I fa. - Ubvv avvuuis si'Ai iwt Slnacri TELLTOONE, B1ILET GiTZEET AND OCUS WiYL Leaving Aider Rtreet lXck. PnrtlsoJ, for Astoria. Ileeeo, Long LWeh, Ooaaa Park aad N sbc.t t a. Dtreel eonneetioe with Ilaaea eteamere aad rail road; alee at Tooag's Usy with Seaebore lUilroad. TEHiBPXZOTVB Lea res PortUftd T A. M. Dally, tieret SuikUf. Uaree Astoria I f. at. Dally, tieept MBdey. Lsates Portland P fcl Helly. eirept anndar. SaiuMat alrht, II P at. tearM Artorta Pailt a al at A. M,eioeet Sunday aad MetHtar. euaday algbtl P. kt ooxaAtvr Uates Portland and rwae dlren la llwaea, Tqesrlsf aad Thsrsday al I A. M aalnrHit at I P. st. Leatesllaara aedeaa.lay aad Prtday tllei.ll. Oa eaaday atgtl at t P. kt hgy b Etibti Dtsiisiliei M kirks Frtt tl hpst Pat Hafety, peed. Ceeslort, Plaaeara, Tratel ee tke Telepaoae. halley Oatsert aae Oeeaa Wsta Xhs 'Eeeu; hue For tho Curo oa Liquor, Opinm uA Tobacco Habits It h) kwasad at hsVeas, Oregva, TU ku4 Seaaf al Toera ea Ukt Cbctef Cell at the Oiierra aaue aw ae tare tare etfWtlr saasjeauai. Treat aveal arttateaa4 eur tl tea la iretrlfaiTVvvamJwwe wHk the I ekeer t ea. Mee'lk ad Sea feaik aeeeeaj, by thUekl Watanb tUieW. Iftea M. watt. Tewatfawa raee eta4 bte list faer eed TstAaaaseal, aettvteg evert dag tt4 MMi4ay aad levaa evety ear etae4 ,,, pilHeteal I ehesp ae aaw ta na leksttev. U-weae Hrxk, aaeatgs OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers .it .1 great financial sacri fice You need it in your husmcss. and a; .1 ! matter of business vc mut sell it. Tin; PrmkiK IVauttiuos Co. vi 1. . -y-i V 1 1 2 vrs.. a V