Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 24, 1896, Image 3

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    Tbe wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of East
Brim field, Mass., bad been tnfforing
from neuralgia for two daya, Dot being
aula to Bleep or hardly keep still, when
Induced by the use of coca, opiate for nar- Mr Ho,deMbe merobaot there sent her
cone compounds is bad, decidodlv had uitnumoenwu-i rain Baim.sna
They undermine health and shatter the a"ked that the give it a thorough trial. Oo
constitution and ti e potiar.t. ia steadily meeting Mr. Wells tbe nut day be was
growing into a worse condition-often
resulting in tbo terrible riavery and
misery of the cocaine and cpi'.im habit.
81eep Induced by the use of lU.od's Sarsa
parilla does r.ot perhaj s come as quickly,
but it comes mora surely and more per
manently through nature's great reBtor-
told that she was all right, tbe pain had
left her within two hoars, and that be
bottle of Pain Balm wns worth $5 00 if
it could not be had for less. For sale at
50 cents per bottle by Coneer & Block.
Cnl. John W. Redington, of Payallup,
Ing and rejuvenating cbcnnel purified, editor of the oommeroe, was in Portland
vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds
'the nerves with life-giving energy and
builds up the system and constitution
from the very foundaliou of all health
and life the blood pure, rich, red blood.
recently. He is supremely dioguated
with the reiuU of the ekoUm np iu bis
state ao'l registered nt the Perkins
being from "Poptown, New KnsB."
Governor-elect R 'ger liven iu Pmallup
and Kedii cton denonooes bira as being
an old wind big and fraud who never
even paid a doar tnx. The Gizertle will
wager that Johony ko-uva whtt ha is
talking about.
Eagle: Messrs. Hutchinson and
i i it mil eurel verllla eiunrtntalt 1 r "
nOOU S r HIS easy to operate. 26ceuts. lines from Oanyon City to Heppner,
bave cat down the fare between the two
points, aud are able to compete with tbe
Biker City line. If you are en ronteto
Portland it will onat von no mora from
ow mat mo great political oampaign n nvon City to ' HenDner than it will
is over and the winter season again with from Canyon City to KakerCitv. thereby
us, an win want an df quale supply of makine tbe Oanron Citv and HeDDner
rresb and varied reading matter for tbe route moch the oheBoer to Portland.
long eveoiDgs. ijotfoiz'int or this tbe
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Kqaalisatloa Matters. j
W. O; -Wills, of Crook county, mem
ber of the state board of equalization for
the seventh judioial distriot, is now in
Portland, getting ready tor tbe work of
this year. Tbe meeting will ocoar next
month at Salem.
Morrow oonnty having been out off
from the old judicial distriot at tbe last
session of tbe legislatnro, and with
Umatilla county forming the sixth judi
cial district, was entitled to representa
tion at tbe last meeting of the board,
bnt through an oversight tbe governor
was not asked to appoint a member to
act till one could be eleoted, thongb the
law plainly says he shall do so.
It ia to be hoped that tbe Eastern
Oregon members of the board will work
in haini'Miy and to the beat interests of
the entire stats a well as to onr section.
Mr. Johnson, member-elect from this
district, ie preparing himself for the
work before him and no doubt he will
ably represent bis constituency.
Catarrh in the Head
Is a dangerons disease. It may lead
direotly to consumption. Catarrh ia
oaused by impure blood, and the true
way to cure it is by purifying the blood.
Hoods Sarsaprilla oarea catarrh beoause
it removes tbe oeuee of it by pnrifying
tbe blood. Thousands testify that they
have been cored by Hood's darsaparilla.
ct gtu la
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew.
al subscribers:
The GAZETTK tU.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, S1.S0 $3 50
" 8. r. Examiner, J1.50.., 8.75
. " N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1 00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, 11.50 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, (1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50
Leslie'! Weekly, M 00 5.00
Here and There.
Mother (oom to Date.
Little Polly Michael
Rode upon her cycle,
Exposing more, alail than Jut her toes;
Her mother came out and caught her
And whipped her little daughter
For wheeling lu such shamefully ihort clothes
Washington Timet.
Hi Tash was in from Hardman yester
Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., has wood
for sale. 37-tf.
W. B. MoAlmter was np from Lexing
ton yesterday.
Born To tbe wife of John W. Depay,
Dear Heppner, on Nov. 20tb, a too.
Bring on your job work. The Gazette
ia prepared to do it at living prioea.
Drink tbe oelebratod J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Boroheri'.
Tbe annual Columbia river fog has
made its appearanoe, to the disoumfort
aod disgnst of all.
Ton will find tbat yoa will be treated
all right dowo at tbe Red Light talono.
Call oo tba boys.
L. R. Fxirrhild, representing tbe
Kelley-Q.-odfellow 8hoOo.. of fit. Lulls,
was bare over Saturday.
Dr. J. C. Lannerbarg aod wife depart
ed last evening for Tbe Dulles wbere
they will remain for a brief season.
Winter la here and wood is wood just
now. Tooae wbo are io arrears ninel
settle aoma way, aod wooi it oaah to us,
Fine English Breakfast, O)lon,8pider
Leg and Gunpowder teas at J. W.
Yaogbao'a. New orop and extra floe,
Try Ibem. 2t.
Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia
aod all Tbroat and Loot die ere
eared by Kbilob't Cora. For tale by
VTella k Warreo.
HtDDoer baa plenty of malarial for
post mas tar oodr tba Oomiog ad mini a.
t rat km. lodging from appearances. Get
to, boys, and may tba beat asao win,
R. II. Wbitsno ia at ores sat oo Tba
Pelalomiee, poblisbed al PaUloma,
Calif. tJra. Sao, mother of Frank
Know, also resides al Ibal pleoa, bar old
Gid llatt aod Charley Jooea are
oetated together down at Charley's
14 plaoa to Ibw toaaortal boaioeaa.
011 oo tbea aod gat jour wbUkera
poshed lo.
Dr. J. W. Vog'l, whollod4lob
lo lleppaar today, writes tba (s it la
Ibal be baa dtoideJ Dol lo visit tleppoer
lilt Beit tprtog. Ilu patie oU will pi
lake Botie.
Tba 0t' nut bsva bv petrous
for lia apaea lo order to live. This paper
aeia aa abailtr bat it d e appeal lo
baaia ssee to ak op aod da baaioea
oaoa aaofe.
Jaa Kef", of !oe, waa fa rtrta
aal reports ibiege ry roperet doo
tilaway. II la Mill bo ding bi wheat
crepaadfipMla to gal a better orta
Ibao Ibal bleb la Bow offered.
Kb'gC1rtb; UB. II. T.tWte,
of UUlaboro. oho owaa and operate
aln no ligbl ptaata ia UilUbir, IIpp-
Bf aaj other Orro toaae, was ia
KsaUrg m baaieea dsf of IImI
The ta astral ead literary eoief1alasat
tba M. E. rbareh, rv.a'h, alilN
(leeo, aa saeatioaed to '"
l lb et'S botte, Welae lsf eto-
te. 1 H to4oate4: wtU ha a rare
Lewi . W'lUe. frely 0 rei4t
vf tleftf, bmtber oi ft Dete Mr t ,
a fetlr IeuJ a le.etalie
a, im Wsi'lt (a ls li'e fr-"a
p- kaaa -a'y, f "
II ttasj aeetVO
Is tMi arM aJte.
Tba ft I Ht!va ta H.e aeel t I f a'e,
lVaoeea. rw. Cleera, Paea.
B-a. T.ter. CtrP Mals.
CWiMae,Ca, a- al a r."l
li ,, a-1 ;M! rie !"' "
p.. . -..! t.
....'.e !... ea '
r 'J a i f i t
Oeaeea a) U'i-
On Thanksgiving day, at the Odd
Fellows' building, the Ladies' aid (moie
ty of the unristaln oburob will serve
dinner for tbe small sum of 25 oents
This will be a gennine Thanksgiving
dinner and all should attend, it will be
cheaper for you than getting np a dinner
at home on tbat occasion. Remember
tbe plaoe.
Not long ago a young man from Mon
tana, who told ooat raoki here on onr
streets, advertised for a lost card issued
to him by a B itte. Montana, moulders'
nnion. Saturday it ns brought tf tbis
office by John El wur.ls, of Sand Hollow
tt was found in his barn among the hay
Great is printers' ink.
Mr. E. M. CrlchtoD, one of the owners
of tbe "White Collar Line" of boats
plying between Portland and Astoria,
arrived from Portland Sunday to join
Mrs. Grichtnn, who bat been bere for
tbe past week, aod to visit otber relatives.
Mrs- Ct icliton ia a daughter of Mrs.
Judge Kcithly.
Condon Globe: Jay P.Luoas, wbo bad
a position as collector for a large drug
Arm iu Portland, doe uot like oitr life
and baa just secured a position with
Coffin Bros , of North Yakima. His
mother will remain in Portland with ber
daughter aod tons.
G. F. MoOonnell, wbo is now tn the
penitentiary for forging tbe name of E
M. Hnrgent to two money orders, bad a
true bill returned against him, lo whiob
be will have to answer when released.
tayt the Uregonaa. Tbit retire to a
federal indictment.
The Dotnbe' of people who were loyal
to Omerei rtiuin Ellis aod bit friends
during tha ouoteat I ski enmmer are
oo'inUiitly iucreaemg, judging from
bat a representative of this paper
ooobl eoo, while dtwn to Pjrtltu lrt'
cei.tly .
Ed. R. Bishop, encM-esKir to Tba Mo-
Farland Mercantile Co., is still on deck
diving great bargaios io all lines. Tba
stork must be olnead oat, and it ia ear
prising bow cheap things art Call oo
tbe to. Fraok Mererleod, saleemao.
Hinoe early last week winter baa been
larking ia tbis violoity, soa to ow bar
lag fallen. Saturday night Iba ,,ohi
nook" ont io aa appearanoe aod did
good work for ao boar or to, bat froze
op later on.
Tom MoEolira, Tom Oilfllleo. El
Dobertv, Jaa. MoEntira, Mikt Keoaev
aod wife aod others were io Buodsy lo
alieod Csibollo aervfoea, bnt were dia-
aDDoioted aa IU prieal did ool arrive.
Itev. Miller, of Tbe DalW will bold
err vices la tba Baptist oborcb oril Boo
day. Tb Ostein I laformati tbat b
ia called bera aod will lake pa-maoeol
bargaof tba Baptial eoagreg alios.
Jaa. Dart baa bee a quit ill with
loosilil1 for several daya, bat al praaeot
it very tneeb better, belog abla lo aliead
to bia dolte la lb drag ttor of Ooeer
k Brrck, wbtr b i tnployed.
Ehior Ely, of Keteo, tu a lo
fortlaed reraoily aad InformeJ yt
aertb tbat ba bad diepnee of bt io-
tereal io IbaOaolitt Ad vocal lo A. J
llioks, forttmfl of Ueppoer.
Wheal la doa abooleii ratils aod Ha.
I is oo worth oely 5i lo 01 et
bmbel. It will oo doobt Jeac ageia
aad ft very taneb bigber tbso al ay
lB.a etoe lb Aral aJvsaa.
W..id oa reeetvad by IWv, Jeakla
I 4 aeboaaeiag lb dealt of lie. J.
W. (Valre, of Mr Mioe villa, Of. Mr.
Cole WMprestJtol of lb First Net.
lUt-k. oflb.t city.
I1-. k Mstbew la eltil at lb old els ad
tl d.n.f ta lb t iffioe, waer be It
prepare4 ! 4i aavtbing to bte lio,
Mbavieg, ksir raiiin bsibe al
pooler piir II
flood a,!.; Never lav Wom eo a
oay atbol O b4ll of Cbaanber
lata' Iwl'a, CWera aal iHerrbaea
IiHei7. FT Mte bf Caos-T A tleark.
A'l Miftur. iWa FrMle4 aad Fraak
h. gl la Hi4ey frtHo a baailag
trip l thl' 0) !. Art ktll4 owe
, bat lb wtUr wet aerel.
Tb le-rr-ot4 bb of Mr. aal
Mr. Hen, H (.. la r; III wtlh let! ra
aaii ul the bneele, al Ibe boej of
I. fteeV, if IM !.
tt m ttesW, D A, lletfet) ealis.
J are d'l al lb Oteteapulta. J
tea lb l-4-l t'a4 iff "iH
rMtO toll f 1 '! wek.
At.e Il.gal J" 8.M be
bat 14 ia t g"7 4 ai wea
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and
do not party, pain gripe. All druggists.
Spoke ia California.
When Congressman Tongue wat in
Carry oonnty jntt before the election.
he found be ooald get borne as quickly
and easily by going through Dal Norte
oounty, California, a by returning the
way be went. He tpent a night at Ores
cent City and spoke there. Tbe "Record"
of tbat town writes tbis paragraph of tba
speech, whiob, considering that several
of the California oraton bad been there,
it quilo oom pitmen lary. Th Record
says: "A large and enthusiastio audienoe
greeted Hon. Tbos. H. Tongue last
Friday evening at Eodert't ball, F.J
Corrin, Esq , obairman of tbe county
oentral oommittee, preaided and intro
duced the speaker in hi usual felioitoua
manner. Mr. Tonga ia well named.
He ia both fluent aud eloquent. For
two hours be beld tba closest attention
of bia audience. Hia speech wat an on
broken obain of logic and at a vote get
ter was undoubtedly tba strongest de
livered ia the county thlt fall. Oregon
will find the bat ao able representative
in Mr. Tongue." Hillsboro Independent.
Something to Know.
It may be worth something lo know
that the very beet medioine tor restoring
that tired out nervoua system to a healthy
vigor it Electrio Bittera. Thia medicioa
ia purely vegetable, acta by giving tone
to the nerve centres in the stomach,
gently atimalatea tbo Liver and Kidneys,
aod aida these orgaoa io throwing off
impurities in the blood. Eleolrlc Bitter
improve tbe appetite, aidsdigeatioo, and
is pronoaaoad by those who btv tried
it at lb very beat blood purifier and
oerva tooio. Try it Bold for 60c or !
00 per bottle al Coneer k Brock's drug
Bow the B!clc TdofiMrrs
Southern C Ulforntn.
"It is enterUiiiias to watch San
Diegans catch sea bass," saya a trav
eler. "Fim, they licit a miauow hook
with a bit of worm, and catch a min
now. Theu they bait the taiunow on a
larger hook, aud fish with it to capture
smelt. When they ;t t lie smelt they
take their heavy sca-ilahmg tackle,
place the 6mclt oa the hook, and go to
angling for a halibut or sea bass. After
they get their halibut or sea bass, and
the bigger either is the better, they
bait it on a hook which is as big as a
small anchor with only one fluke. This
hook is attached to a line a quarter of
an inch in diameter. When all is ready
the fishcrmti! whirls the big hook with
the halibut on it several times around
his head, and then gives it a toss out
into the water. Away it sails thirty or
forty feet.
"Say, for instance, that this black
bass fishing is being Uono from the
long do-k at San Diego. San Diego
bay is about the best place for this
fishing along the coast, although the
fish arc plentiful at other places. After
the baited end of the line is cast the
other end is coiled on the dock, and an
empty keg or quarter barrel, or some
thing liko that, is tied to it. Then the
fisherman gets in his rowboat, taking a
harpoon with him, and waits for a bit.
Seems queer, here in the east, doesn't
it, to go out . after black bass? The
trouble is, you see, that the black bass
of those southern California water
weigh from three hundred, to one thou
sand pounds, and it wouldn't be much
use to go out after them with fly tackle
and an eight-ounce rod. That's what I
said. Thousand pounds. And it's
true, every word of it. It Isnt often,
one as largo as that is taken, but they
have been, and will be again. I helped
kill one onco that weighed six hundred
pounds. It took over fire hours to do ,
It, but that waa nothing extraordinary,
for a two hundred pounder will give hia
captors a good three hours' fight any
time. I
''Sometimesoneof these monster basa
wiil be ready at hand when the halibut 1
or sea bass bait goes sailing through '
the air and lands with a splash in the
water, and will seize it immediately,
but more frequently there is more or
less of a wait for the big fish to bite. 1
When he takes the bait, true to basa
nature, away he goes with a rush. In
stantly as many persons on the deck aa
can get a hold on the line seize it and
slacken tho tremendous fellow's pace if
thay can. If he doesn't happen to be
too big they can generally fetch him
to, but that 1 a rare occurrence. Uau- I
ally the lino whizzes through their
fingers at a rate that makes more than
one of those having' hold of the lino
drop it quickly to save their handa
from blistering. The shore end of the
line ia soon reached, and it is dropped.
for thoae handling it would be pulled
head first off the deck if they held to it
Then the empty keg or barrel plum pa
overboard, and the water chase ia on.
The fishermen in the boat follow the
barrel as it is towed swiftly over the
surface, and if tho fish ia a particularly
large one it frequently happena that
there will be a long, atern chase of the
barrel before tho boat overtakes it,
that being the object of the men in the
Teach Lessons In Industry aad
Perfect Government.
There are more ants to the square
mile in Florida than in any other
country in the world, says a writer in
the Savannah News. There are ants
which will measure more than half an
inch in length, aud then there are ants
so small that they can scarcely be seen
to move with the unaided eye. There
are red ants and black ants and
troublesome ants. But, as bad as they
are, I have never heard of them eating
out the seat of a man's trousers, as a
missionary, Ilev. Mr. Wilson, once told
tho writer he saw the army ants do in
India while t!-c mnn was sitting on
the earth for u f l-w minutes beside him,
Hut the Florida ants will take out
the lettuce nr;.l o'.'ser minute seeds
from tho sc.;l i.i v.bl U they are plant
ed, and ccU:nlV.'dc: roy the bed. They
will suck the l!?e f '.t of acres of young
encumbers nr-l i."ion plants, uproot
strawberry p'avt i r cover the buds
with earth to s;v ki e::tent as to kill
them. They v. 1-1 f.t into pie, pickle,
sauce, sirup, suj;ar, on meat, in hash,
will riddlo a crivc or fill a loaf of
brker's bread ti'l it h; worthless.
All remedies failing, I took to bait
ing them near their nests with slices
of meat, bones, apple and pear par
ings, and when I had from fifty thon
sand to one hundred thousand out
turned a kettlo of boiling water on
them. I have killed during the last
week over one million in the space of a
quarter-acre lot, and I have almost
whipped them out. I had to do this to
secure any lettuce plants, and many
observant farmers complain of seeds
men when they should attribute their
troubles to insects.
It is very curious and instructive to
see how promptly the ants which eS'
cape the scalding go to work taking
out the dead, and, after pulling them
outside first, then go to excavating
again and rebuilding their cells and
runways. This being done very quick
ly the next work on hand is the laying
I in of a supply of food by hauling the
I dead bodies of the hot-water victims
into their storehouses.
You may see a small black ant haul
ing and tugging at the carcass of a red
ant twenty times its own weight, and
he always succeeds in the end in haul
ing it in the warehouse of the colony.
Next you may see a sort of ambulance
corps searching for the disabled.
Thefe are taken to the underground
house, where the surgeons and nursef
are in waiting. Theu, too, you ma'
see the timekeepers and bosses direct
ing thia on or turning another back
ou some errand or to some other duty.
There is not a moment's delay, no
halting feet, no idle hands, but all
move as if it waa their last day on
earth and this was the only hour left
in which to redeem a misspent life.
For lessons in industry and perfect
government go to the ants.
I Christmas J
l r- '
Us J
juany tnousana cel. v. s
worth, of valuable artKlu.
suitable for ChrLLv.
gifts for tbe yciin r..
old, are to be gi . -r. I
smokers of Blackvf : V
Genuine Durir:
bacco. You
one coupon inside evil.
two ounce bag, and two
coupons inside each four
ounce bag of Blackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of
this celebrated tobacco
and read the coupon
which gives a list of val
uable presents and how
to get them.
UlacKweirs SM
I Genuine 1
B si nil is f a iii
Mrs. Julia Bradley, rroo
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Taasksglvlag tVrvlesa.
There will b a onion of oo congrega
tion! in poblio tervie oo Tbtokiglviag
dsy, at 10 JO a. m., at tb M. E. oburcb,
Booth. Tbo otber denominations rtp
rsatd ia lb pi so ar Invited to join
with oa. W MDMiallv org all Cbrit-
tiant to elo their place of basin.
refrain from labor aod oatag ia pttjtt
nd Tbanksglvio. A cordial lot itatioo
it tiUodtd lo tb poblio.
J. W. Jniwi,
E. P. Oaiiaa,
a B. Bowabd.
B CsirrUbl Whit Trrslis(
ta onol wtbr. Tb Uaioo Pacifi
ttiWo) bta it traioa Ibruagbool bjr
tm brat from tb toglo, Iba ask
lag vry part of all I oar pi !
aod ooeafortabl. It lo light lit ear
by th lttrtd rtataca Liibl taaktag
Ibsca brilliant at Bight. Paogar
rrrtd daily on th t nstl. rot
Upia ear rtoatvetiaoa. tick!,
fatmatkne. el rm r aedr It. W,
rUttar, O.a. Agt., 135 Third BL, forV
Isod, Orsgo.
rsJarally Mr.
El Wo, lb 10 smooth-old lft
dstf btf of Mitcbsll Ib-acasa wbo hvra
ar npiwr, Tbor4y fsll fro as lis
BoOr rmt again! r4 bo tie.
baraleg lb right awl i.f lb fo badly
sad eaptily l"lag lb y. It I
daabtfol wbMb II will vr
out ef Hi I J trJ gftbr.
Aa Attain pi to Holv th Onsl Mrstrrr
of Illrd Mlaratlaa.
In an nrtiulo on "IJlnht of PasHage"
the CbauUtnquan any If one dcairc an
explanation fur tho great mystery of
bird mltfratiou, there being nothing;
else that will answer, he will have to
accept the theory of hereditary knowl
edge, a knowledge of the unfailing;
star. Tho Circa t Hear and Orion ap
peared at the kame time In our region,
even when the divlnlona of land and
water were very different than they
ar to-lay. Thai th stars ar the
guldea for birds agrees with th fact
that they fly at remarkable height,
often above the clouda, and that wan
derers lone their way when they stray
Into clouds and mists.
On aUrltght night straggling birds
ar seldom noticed. When th aky ia
overcoat, when th night ia dark, but
especially when a fine rain ia falling,
multitude of traveling birds ar beard.
Than thy rail often, doubtleo for th
purpoM of keeping near each other;
and often great numhera of them
bound againat th wlndowa of llght
houaea, Tbua (latba haa observed that
on October 34, I Haa, from ten o'clock at
night till the neat morning golden
crested wrena bumped Ilk anowflakea
against tb lighthouse of Heligoland,
and that on th fulhrwlog day gulden-
created wren hat on very qur foot
of Heligoland.
Toward th end of tb summer, along
Into tb fall. It waa not a rar oecur-
rn on dark nights t4 e, through
th light of street lamp, bird flying
r Inland title, lb eiperleored
obawrver reeoml- by It rail th cur
lew and th atrartd-anlpe, tea-swallow
aad aeagull, uccotonally bear vn
th flap of ther rlnsra. Uut BO bird U
vlsihl In the djrlmss. Oa dark night
bo tr appears then it U that tb stray
lag bird lose l.lsvay. Th tr ar
th aooat plu4bl guide to bled la
their migration. Hat only th futur
eaa UU m whether they really arv
la Utt ;. 'iiy.
Oood-Naturetl IrUUlun of a tVell-
Meanlnit Nnlililxir.
The amount of plain tu-uking that
people will bear from one of whone
gooil will they ore assured ishouit'tlmea
a surprihe to others. ' In "Ueeollec
tious of My Mother." Susan Lesley
says that her mother had this greatest
affection for both David Lee Child and
his wife, the it! fled l.ydia Maria, but
wiih often Him It tried with the amount
of time, huril labor and money which
Mr. Child expended on scheme after
aeheuie, none of which ever suc-
One ofternKin Mra. Child came In to
sH'ii(l a iiuict afteriHMiii with my
mother. They sat with their sewing
and knittiii'r at th west window,
while I nit with one or two frlcmla in
the hull near tho oen door. There
had been a lng alienee, when we
We are not small men, Iba. We are small men, Xs.
wb are not tue Largest nantsiMH-Woildi
But when the people of all tho surrounding country ar In need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crocksrywsre, Glassware, Wood and WlHowware, Kails, Iron, Barbwtre,
Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water Pipe, Pipe fittings, Stoves aud Ranges, Wagons,
Backs, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Baws, Sledges,
Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and A in munition, Mason Jars, Gran
ltewara, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers
and Boards, Bliect Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get PricRs.
Wt hav Goon Goods at Fits Prices, and Cheap lolui Goods at Chep John Prices.
Ixa Lalbr I la fro Qraal owoal)
tot a few data
Toot Craw will ! lokbjbl to vtU
b at'-tbef aad isr p al Eflt,
Tm tubMa) ha rtrd fraorrl
Issd lo M dalle oo lb breach wb
kt bold lb poiltB of Crvrosa.
Isa Morrow, J. W. IkawaU aad
ntber wet a lael week lot freight.
kstldg Outt. IB l44 WHB waot.
llPNev prpt a4 a'l athe wb
bs ta travel will aieaB(laag
is I m Its card ea IM Bfaaeb aod saaia
1KB to ILo
Do you know what this means ? This, that
there are sixteen reasons why you should buy
your Groceries. Supplies and Gents' Furnish
ings at
heard inv mother ha v:
ih.7.?tXi! ever)' one objection made against it. 1 Ins
gaged luT
A urn at ist frutf.
Prtit C had gon lr rvi4 th
tS':g al a frir! a bouse. W ba h
s alwt to tr tl was ralalag vry
feily, whervfoe the ku aiadly
(T4 bira eeenrfdllot fo lb
t fkl, whkb U f'Sft-'y set'l. Hud.
oealy th 4 i ret. oobo-lr
aottg what b4 Ui f Lao. tnJ
f h f ta&Hy "-t u rtr f jC tb
a f ht wVb Trvf. C t;k4 la. a
wwt dfl rt. It i
DM ISl'Vbtl skirt.
tsvtag fM Ml aisw.
Tb ana wbo live W himself b
a th bit t Mly aad poverty and
aaea fr hi mnaoinrnt. II ba
benellrd anlirely, while k has dwarfed
aad wartixd hi wi powers, and
enael ttoa of marble, however lav
Ishly aopr-lled t tnark hi rtlpg
tar, ! bin M BoWaf. II Ba Iie4
ia hlm-lf. b b daM la blmaelf.aad
II that a leavea la twmory of Blme!f
peak wo word of prala la kit behalf.
ao roH of tifi)tkiMt. Tai la bo
Irw Ufa. It la lb worst af filre.
Therw arw gloeWmt i.rr1ttBlti In
this WeM fo sen lew. II who wise)
se thera earVhe Both II rae aa I
Hmself. aad ttylng lee a mooanal
Wh mili grsaiu aad UhrlghUr
Ibao Bnttb4 bta Detroit fr
An amused smile played over Mr.
Child' face. "Yea, Mr. Lyman; h I
carting stona for the new railroad."
"(R-h!'' aaid my mother. Another
pause', then: "Mr. Child, how much
do you auppoa your husband loaea on
very load of aton be cart to th rail-
Another amused look on th dear
Lydia Maria' face, aod aha answered
cheerily: "Well, Mrs. Lyman, aa near
aa I can coinput it, be must los about
tea ceo Is on every load."
t)h well-now-Mra. fild" aaid
any mother, ia th bravest and mot
cheerful tone, "If your buaband baa
got hold of any Innocent occupation by
which b only loses tea cent on a load,
for heaven aak encourage him In It"
Kb bad litll ptlnc with perile
wbo backed down la emergencies, aod
aonaidered It her duty to stiffen them
p B litll. Kb saver had to go far to
Bad as illustration "to point ber moral
and Brora ber tai. flora good nlgh
bor a iampl would insUntly com to
"Look over th way at my neighbor
Maat a front yard," tb would aayi
" that pladld bydraog, that a!
ftat amok bush, that buckthorn
badg. all la tho aaott perfect order.
aad all kept ao by br owt hands. Al
ways ah ba alckn. Borrow, death;
at vry tura aomslblng ad aad aaca
pt4. Ilat whuever dreamed of Mr.
Uaal t aUU-atlng? bh couldn't dolt.
straw Maea vMefi,
"VThea you em lo think of It It I
wonderful bow many tnea ba
achieved dwllnrtion In youth," takl Ik's
Bis a with the nisijarlue.
Toaalbly, w.ly " replied tit
BBta with I he tiew paper, "but I run
arrows thing every day that ar mora
wonderful Uita that.
Hwh a whair
Well, the aun.r rf young men who
aavea't Brbieel distineUou, but wbo
think they have,"
Aa4 lb man whh Ibe msgtrla waa
MBVtBCwd lilrftt fiml.
should decide the matter. It docs. People
want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for
the smallest amount of money. Buy the best
when you can get it at the same figure paid for
an inferior article.
Old Stand, Main Street, near BobKrlck's.
J . O. J30ROHERS,Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
: WITJ-l
nan : rami puis i
Youro HOTJISrD to Tnko 'JSm.
UTirti Mr
Om 9 see Vf rrarf.
"tr- r all rmr gr laiwWrl e-
Ut la ItiWr aakwd Uet Abt
10B. r'wCy.
"'-u'.m ttwet4 ti inL4f
"f etna't te wat ! yww b Im
Wtl. prk ynw eaa I'll
11 w ,!! ! !-"" sf Itsm if il
,al ami bee ! XUm tumf tA
rrUrOdd a4 lU.
Nt 11 hi.
Mr, Itnulheari- H, lime r
with yw, a re they
Mr. tH)ltuppra-lrb itiidnighl.
"Would a I' a J..ir bill brighUB
Ura toy
"Hr'ghlea llrp)! len wwl4 -
rrgu'sr rav.'r-rt! Courier.
Lcnvcs No Constipation,
Cuie i, well m all nillMas. H k le4M d Materia. The alr
(V'WroKTtsi a gull In th world. HilJ bv all Hie e t I hf ax ail
rsrwipt of pri. 2.1 el per b g I:MI-H MMCAl. (O.
Me I'reeeiem. t'al.
Tb tweaf ul bnrw 4elr la Bev si
a k. Wiaa lb Mkiig Inn W-i.t
tram aa tt.tgs A yviog tnrl.a
tusa wm t'Cizg wi'Ji e '. r i f
LwrA IU twraswaB p,u4 ia
iX gtif gl flau of Mm tr.tt4
WOjW daWUSWlna
aeewt lo I
rnsi'l II J''H r wi
ba rUr a - f I.'!
lliivn Cliesrw
.( tits,.
W'br oa en rt FifU
('! Meal at Living lUte.
Mr.Mr.-rw- Good RooiTisand Excellent Service
o."ii.ta b us
4a ta It At e a ll-eg. t,
: p. . c '
.. i ,.. i . t
l al aal I f
ia k ane--, eveef Kel rrk.
Itrrra fufiii
$ . - IK
The retort rant l tw'e "J5 r ' I,
In HA7PTTP. cn A Yrir fnr OAhl.
t.lg W do v. M T Vtkr. kk l
tkn aslilag ta flje tw ' ,
CUUwuct) what a d '' -l "
v v w "-e r i sm tj W thaw J t a " N ' f f I ' bt I