Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 20, 1896, Image 3

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    Upon having Ju3t what you call for when
you go to buy Hood'a 8arsaparlUa. There
la no aubatituto lor Hood'a. It la an in
ault to your intelligence to try to sell you
something else. Remember that all
efforta to Induce you to buy an article
you do not want, are based simply
the desire to secure more profit. The
dealer or clerk who docs this cares noth
ing for your welfare. He simply wants
your money. Do not permit yourself to
be deceived. Insist upon having
" Sarsaparilla
And only Hood's. It Is the One True Blood hirlfler.
HnriH' Pillc easy to buy, easy to take,
"wu s rlll easy to operate, :25c.
Now that the great political campaign
is over and the winter season again with
us, all will want an sdtquate snpply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cogoiz tot of (his the
Gazette baa made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew,
al snbsoritern:
The G sETTIC 12 50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan.tl.M. $3.50
" 8. F. Examiner, 1 80 8.75
'. . N. Y, Tribune, $1.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1 00 8.25
Tbrlce-a-Week N. V. World, 11.00 8.25
Here and There.
baa wood
duos, hunting
Bring in that wood.
Get in and advertise.
The Heppner Transfer Co
for sale.
' Qeo. Harrington is
dowa on the (Jolumbia,
Peter Molntire, the well known wool
buyer, is with as again.
Q. D. Uoats was down from the Hard
man country over last night.
Henry Blaokman returned to Portland
oo Wednesday evening's train.
Drink the oelebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Ghria Borobers'
Col. EL Jooobaoo, a stationery and
piano dealer, of Tbe Dalles, la in the
oity. .
Dr. H. O. Hinkle, of the National
Surgioal Institute, spent yesterdty in
this city.
Bed 8. was beaten by a two-year-old
in a quarter daab at Prioavillelaat week.
Time 025.
J. P. Harden, the rnslliog commercial
traveler, interviewed oar business men
E. L. Freeland, Arthur Minor and
Frank Rogers are bunting deer np on
Ditch creek.
You will find ft) at you will be treated
all right down at the Red Light saloon.
Call oo the boys. '
Seism reports three in-ha of snow,
very nnoaoal November ocourrenoe for
tbe Willamette valley.
L. Blumenthal and Antooe Binge re
turned Ibis morning from week's bon
nets visit to Oregon's metropolis.
E, Waldmao, of Portland, one of tbe
old time well known drommsrs, is again
on tbe road. He visited Ilopporr yester
day. Oar first siga of winter appeared last
Ttteeday morniog when the ground was
covered with a light (all of tbe -beautiful."
Fine Eoglisb Breakfast, Ceytoo, Spider
Leg ftod Ouopowder teas at J. W.
Vaoghao'i. New crop an 1 eitre floe.
Try tbem. 2u
F. A. Ilensie, of PortUoJ, Iratsllog
freight agat of the Nortbera Paeifla,
was la Heppner yesterday la the Inters I
of that real.
The Ctly hot I now baa la iU employ a
Frtnob eook froca Portlaad. aed ae a
retail Is riiig eiotlleot meals. No
CGioeae ot loyd.
Mr. Tim BraJtoy, tbe proprWIroee of
the Hotel Pale, is reported lo U very
aoriooaly HI. t!ovr. we hope aooo
to be able to chronicle ber etm plete re
Oid Halt tod ChirUj Joor are
xvlaUd logatbor dowa at Cbarley'e
old tAa la Iba tnoeortd boalo.
Cell chi tbxa and get yoor
enabed lo.
Rev. W. H. Iloedrreoa, iMbodiet
ralaisUr, of Ialaad City, Or , eaoM la
Taeeday morning's Irato aad d'partel
Wedeaedar fur Leeg Croek wbtre bo will
or ale.
The Ota' moat have n' palmos
fof lis eparo la fix to live. This pop
Mkt ft ebeattf bat It rV
traaieaoa to wak ap J de booiaooo
onoo tano
Uk Maibewe I elill at lbs aid otaed.
Mil dwr o tbe pal uO. b to
Swaraj t Jo aU leg lo b lo,
Uhatiag. bair tolli' bait eto..
anpala pfoe
On last- Wednesday, evening Chaa.
Freeland, who for sometime past has
made bia home with hie brother, ; E. L.
Freeland, of this city, departed for bis
former borne in Portland. Early in tbe
evening be was given a farewell recep
tion at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
8 loco m by theohoirof theM. E churob,
of which he was a member. Tbia waa
certainly a very pleasant affair in
every respeot, one of tbe features being
an appropriate lunoh of cake, coffee and
sandwitches. Mr. Freeland has certain
ly made many warm friends during "bis
stay here, who entertain for him the
beet of wishes for a prosperous future.
The wife of Mr. Leonard vV'ells, of East
Brimfleld, Maes., had been suffering
from neuralgia for two days, not beiog
able to sleep or hardly keep still, wh"n
Mr. Holden, the merobant there sent her
a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm.Hud
asked that she give it a thorough trial. On
meeting Mr. Wells tbe next day be was
told that she was all right, tbe pain had
left ber within two hours, and that tbe
bottle of Pain Balm was worth $5 00 if
it could not be had for less.- For sale at
50 cents per bottle by Conser A Brock
Elder J. W. Jenkins arived from Tbe
Dalles on Wednesday morning to look
after the oooetruotion of .he oburob
building for tbe Christian churob of this
city. Work on the building will be
begun Monday and pnshed right along
to ormpletion. Elder Jenkins will
preach at tbe opera bouse Sunday morn
ing and evening. It is especially desired
that all members of the congregation be
Last evfning the mother of Mrs. John
.iHnRtns, who resides at the letter's
home, aooiden tally slipped and fell to
the fl;ior, fracturing the bones of tbe
right wrist and slightly bruising ber
bead. Dr. MoFaul waa summoned at
otioe when be dressed tbe injured mem
ber anil reports the lady as getting along
nicely tor one of ber age, she being past
Married At the Hotel Pa'aoe last
evening, by Kv. E. P. Greene, O. M
Harris, a druggist of Day too, Yambill
oounty, Oregon, and Miss Maud
u onran, who (orderly resided near
Monument. Mr. and Mrs. Harris depart
this evening for their home at Dayton
where they will be accompanied by tbe
best wishes of tbe Qazette.
On Thanksgiving day, at tbe Odd
Fellows' building, the Ladies' aid sooie
ry ot the uurifttaio oburoh will serve
dinner for the small sum of 25 oents
This will be a genuine Thanksgiving
dinner and all should attend, it will be
cheaper tor you than getting ap a dinner
at borne on that oooaslon. Remember
the place.
Ooe of the best campaign jokes we
have yet beard ie this: The day before
eleotion Mrs. Bryan was introduced to a
large crowd as ''the next mistress ot the
White House." An Irishman present
bellowed out: "And b'Jaeue it ehe is
she'll have to elape witb McKinlev."
He proved I me prophet.
The woolcrnwcrs of Grant county will
meet at John Dty nut Monday for the
purpose of organizing a woolgrowera1
nstocintioti for the mutual proteotiou of
all sheepmen, an J to oonslder tbe propw
itiou ot levying a tax to he ostd for tbe
extermination of coyotes.
Tomorrow I be republicans .f Oregon
aid give Hon. Ho Hiracli a banquet as a
rrongbitiun of tbe able nmnoer in wbiob
he conduoted tbe republican campaign
in this slate. Tbe proprietors of the
Oiizetie arkoowledga an iuvltatioo and
regret their inability to attend.
Not - i P4TK0N auk bkokkbj "
itward Rrqaests fur Positions. Kecciv4 by
Mr. Leaoa. ;.
CucvtxAND, Nov. 16. "I have had all
the glory I want out of tbia campaign,
and I am satisfied," said Maik A. H-nna,
today, while be was busily engaged in
going through an enormous accumula
tion of correspondence. , '
Tbe remark wag oalled forth by a let
ter which tbe national chairman found
in ilia mail, tbe writer ot which eulogized
Mr. Hanns as the only man for tbe
secretaryship of the treasury, and said:
"It you find tbe vutiee of the position
too arduous for you, oatl on me. and I
will come and help you."
Here," continued Mr. Hauna, "is an
other man wbose request I can easily
grnnt; he say?: 'Don't appoint anyone
to this position until you see me.' Nearly
every letter I get nowadays is either a
request for an appointment orb contribu
tion of some sort. It's absurd, though,
to make the formal requests of me, and
I juet told a man that I was no patron
age broker."
Concerning tbe national republican
headquarters Mr. Hanna said:
'The Chicago headquarters will be
closed early next week, and Major Diok
w 11 oome baok here. Tbe New York
headquarters will probably be kept open
until we decide about tbe permanent
national headquarters. " . . .
'Where will they be located?"-b waa
asked. ' - - : -' : - '
"I am in favor of Washington, myself.
Everything will be oentered there, but
wherever they are, yonoan depend oppo
it that active work will be kept np." . .
The Whole Story :
Of tbe great sales attained and great
oures accomplished by Hood's 'Sarsa
parilla is quickly told. It purifies and
enriches the blood, tones the stomsob
and gives strength and vigor. Disease
oacoot enter the system fortified by tbe
riob red blood wbiob cornea by taking
Hood's SarBxparilla. .
Hood's Pills oures nausea, siok head-
aobe, indigestion, billiooscess. All
druggists. 25o.
Meeting of the Great Politician and the
Oregon Cartoalst
I tea m4
Aeg J. IW4, tbe Usdteg dr-lfx "t
breepct. La. ! D. JttM'
la the naif IM tbt ei"
a aad N la Ibo bt flW
Mrs." . r IHaip'-H. mmthti t
Haff4.AMifiMi:, Ir. Eg
Dtf is all It el a eU.aa-4 fr H ; M
v fatbv aa l M &'
rtmt4 GrntU 4 0J. I
ay a-ab b M tw. . .
! f-aearf Cit
put (-.'! l rt,',. t'
ta l-il t e ,"
h.l.t la S4 t. ft
ir t'
Eil. 11 Bishop, siioceaaor to Tbe Mo-
Farland Mercantile Co., is still oo deck.
giving great bargains in all hoe. The
slm:k mMt beoloaed oat, end it is sur
prising btw cheap things are. Call oa
I bom. Frank Mo Farland, salesman.
MatrU-d Last Wtdoesday evening, at
the boms of the biide'e parents in Ian
dlatno, Mr. Win. Fowler aed Mise He
Waffla, IU. ChaodUr offioiating. Mr.
and Mrs. Fowler departed tor Portland,
tbeir f oiure boius, oa tbe dowa traio.
Dr. Lanoerbwrg, the ocaliat, la com
pelted to remata wltb ns a few days
longer oa Ing l many nneipretad Balls
at the last momnl. Tbuee dselrlnf
good work stxmlj coos alt bits before
be Uavt s Ibe city.
The plant of tbe 04 oo Crokr Com
pany, of Portland, was tatirely deatmy
d by fire last Mosd-y svolng. Tbe
orlgle ie a royaiery. The lose lo about
I llflO wbieb la tovred by 1 10.0 O lo-
After IhU date Ibe First Natll
bank will ! lit door at 8 p. as. oa
Hatardaya to'UaJ of tbo fw ovtf boor,
I p. at. 1'alroas will pi mm aee this
I art aaj govere tbesselvM aaoerdisg.
E.J. !Uylf, oaeof Ja Day's Im-1-
Ut oierebaela, leover fro Ibe leUrtnf
toa-try to dMpnee of elio of wool tbal
bae ba ei4 i Ibe warebottee bere
f f aavaf aJ asoaths pest.
IWgntar arlM sl tee M cborrh
aeit r)iflay nvraleg end evarleg.
Mnranig eatiy, "Too V-alla; ovea.
laaaobi. -la tbe IWela.M All
aiw latl-l.
rUod advki Keter !
amtt alibnat a buliU t4 CbenWe
laia'i Coll. CM aad liarla
fWcMdy. For U by Oaex A f'Kk.
lUlpb ead Ore AJkiaa. oe of I.J.
aJstM, art ill. Iba Iwmt mm peaia
Ie end Ibe latter witb bUMe fv
pmb are gief bta.
II a. J. !. fl'es Um iHieatsa
Ia I traio eMl Ibe Otrarb lael
f..H' laal.tata V. IS 1. 1. i I
0 sil. .
Mark Hanna and Homer .Davenport
have met, shaken bands and deolared all
bets off until next time, says tbs Wash
ington correspondent of tbe St. Loois
Republic. ""
Davenport is the' cartoonist who pro.
vided the republican chairman witb
campaign c!othiog,,ooDst'ruoted of dollar-
mark plaid, and piotored bins as an on
classified animal witb "distorted, yet
recognizable features. After the' eleclfod
Davenport expressed a wish to' meet
Hanna personally, and on Saturday
Secretary Perkios, ot tbe national com
mittee arraeged a meeting.
Tbe chairman wm not in the eeoret.
M'. retkino led i tbs wsy ioto Hanna's
room and said: '
"Mr. Hanna, allow me to introduce
yoo to Mr. Homer Davenport,"
Mr. Banna's face look oo a semi ser
ious expression, as be pal oat bis band
and shook bands, saying: ..':.
So yon are Ibe so amp, are you, lhat'e
beea doing II? Well ain't yoo ashamed
Then be added: "I admire yoorgenios
and eirontioo, butd-o yonrooooeption.'
"I don't miud meeting aoybodv I have
ever carioaturrd," said Da veo port, "pro
viuiog be ie a broad-ganged mao hot
I am afraid of their wives Womeo get
tbe Idea tbal it it personal natter1
" Don't lot Mrs. Hanna get ber bande
oo yna." leagued tbe oheirmea.
"Well, oow, Davenport, tell ms," said
Mr. Uaooa, as tbe pair parted, Mwhat
re yno going to do aow that Its all
over, and I'm oo longer available mater
"Uiiog to Europe Wednesday' was
tbo aoswsr, "Ooiog to gt a look tl
parliament aad do little wck and rest
"Oo4 help Gladstone," obeered Ibe
Kewly Dim frwaa Caotlx aad Kanaedy
tvesm Crladdlrb.
Klely, or Keely, afld sometimes the
h&mt ia written Cayley, but according
to the Boston Poet, more correctly
O'-Keeley or O'Kicly, ia a name derived
from Caoile, an individual df the same
blood as the O' Donovans of Munster,
and is written O'Caoile and MacCaoile,
pronounced like O'Keeley aud Mac
Keeley. Mao ' Tire was chief of
Ui-Mac-Caoile ' at .the time of the
English invasion of Ireland and,
according to old ' annalists, slew
Kaymond.Le Gros. His name still
survives in the name of the village
Iai!e-Mac-Tire, nov Castlemartyr. in
County Cork. The name Keunoily, or
more correctly written O'Kcnnedy, is
derived from CVmeirtiprh or Crinneidih
'pronounced Kennedy) the king of
MnTKster and father of l'rian Boromha
(Uricn lioru.) . The septs of O Uog'an.
m h ihh O'Hiagain, ()'Ciithasaif;h, ang'ii
ciscl OXisey, xind O'Twomey or O'Too
mey, in Irish O'Tuama, are also de
scended from Doncliuan, pronounced
like lXmueH'an. . T'.ic unrnc MacNcill.
or-M;.t;il, originated with one of the
progenitors of tlni il'liiwir.; (now writ
ten O'llourlte), pri.iee of I'.rni ucy fam
ily. - It sig'niiies'sim of No ill (formerly
written Kiall.) ... 'i'lie- name w, been
anglicized to Neilson and NcIhiui. This
name is different "froiii i 0 Xeill. which
is derived from Niall of the Nine Hos
tages, king of Ireland iu the fourth
Coyle, MaeCawmeli IacCawell and
Ca wmil . are " eterivcil iirdm Fearach, a
brother . of M.urta jjl M or Mac lOarca
(Mitrta More Slfeiiiriu)..thi3 one hun
dred and thirfy'-tirst rioiiarch of Ire
land. This l-Viiwtiii hivVa son i) nmed
in Irish Catlmiadill prononnced Caw
mill), whoe nm tnoU ,-the name Mac
Cathmhaoill (hifi-nifyin.? son -of Citth
mhoilI)V The Cluh ('ami'bellv of Ire
land,, had the samo common progen
itor, and the name (j( pronoiiuce4 to
the .present-day Cuvmell in many parts
of lrojand: The name i:i derived from
the -Irish -word cath, a ' battle, and
maoill. a heap. Canltield in from the
same root; ao also is the name Cagh-
well and aevoral other corruptions of
the old Clan Cathmliaoul. .The clan
were located In l later, where many
representatives yet remain. The. name
Hegarty, O'llag'arty and llagarty
is 'of Irish ' origin, and written
O'H'Eigcheartaiffh (pronounced O'llag
arty). The name 1 Esmond has its or
igin In the Iritdi word Peus-Mhumhan
(pronounced Dasvooan) w)iih was
afterward anglicized, to Desmond,. an,d
means South.. Monster. Nome of the
owners of the paine have tried to JJor
manite-.-it into-i)'Cinond. : Dillon, Le
DilloO and Drluano la- traced back in
'Irish liktory to: an' individual named
lyoehwi Dilmhalh " (Lofrhafi- Dilwinn)
w1to Bed' to France in ancient times,
nd ohij of whone deaee nfl ants, Itolicrt
Lo Dillon, or Dilllftn, returned with
llermiXi Maellurroupli at the time of
the Noriuau conquust of Ireland, lie
iva afterward eiveu a .large territory
lo- Leinster, which bis .descendants
held until the rei;ni of Queen Eliza
ln'thj ,TheDilton fumily have been fa
motm in Irish history for the past three
hnndred years. A nn:nler Of them
were chief-, of the IrLh; lrl;failo in the
aervicc of France, iu whieti there waa a
Dillou rrgliuent. . ,' ' .
People Who Beromi Confirmed Smoker
lArm Tea Yean on an Average.
"Seven-tenths of the people of Chins
are opium smokers, and two millions
of them die annually from its effects,"
said a Chinese missionary recently
who has spent twenty-two years of his
life in the Flowery Kingdom.
- "This habit is rapidly growing1," he
went on. "It is confined to no class or
sex, but men and women, officials and
coolies, use it alike. As soon as opium
smoking becomes a confirmed habit
with a Chinese coolie he knows that
he has about ten years to live. That
seems to be the average. I consider '
easier to reform a sot in the gutter,
one of your lowest type of drunkards,
than an opium smoker. Place them
behind iron bars, if you like, and after
being1 imprisoned a short time they be
gin to beg and plead for opium. They
rave like maniacs and their sufferings
are terrible to behold. They act like
wild men.
'The opium vice is ruining China.
The people know it and the govern
ment knows it, but they take no ac
tion. In twenty-two- years it has in
creased fifty per cent. Fertile fields
that were once used in the cultivation
of rice are now growing the opium
weed. The provinces in northern
China, where the terrible famine oc
curred a few years ago and where
thousands perished for want of food,
had been for years given over to the
production of opium instead of food
grains. When food was short the peo
ple fouriu they could not live on opium,
so they starved to death.
A parallel to the Buffcrinf? during
that famino is hardly equaled by any
event in the history of the world.
Human beings died in the streets of
villages and on the roads. Teople
turned cannibals. Some dug up roots
and others were found on the roadside
where they had died biting the burl; oil
the trees. The dead were not buried,
for the living had all they could do to
take care of themselves.
"Now to-day rice is one-third higher
in price than it was. a r.core of years
ago, because the crop has fallen off.
Opium shops are everywhere. You
may be traveling along with your chair
coolie when the first thing you know
he will put you down and leave you
aitting in the streets while he goes in
to take a smoke."
, . . "v
rvEST with a big B. Blackwell'a Genuine
pi Durham la In aelaas by Itself. You will And one
coupon Inside each two ounce bag, and two cou
pons Inside each four ounce bag of
nuine our
Smoking Tobacco
Buy a bag of thtscetebrated tobacco and read the coupon
which gives a liutof valuable presents aud ho w to get them.
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect.
UvmIbc Tliluaa I p Among the BlrltlM
Unreta al a lloil.
tmadnly InerMsad In llrllllancy Slztean
fold, and Than Faded Out.
The romance of astronomy ia well
illustrated in an article by Edward S.
Ilolden, director of the Lick observa
tory, in the Forum. Mr. Ilolden de
scribes the queer antics of a new star
discovered last year, which reaembles
our sun and which in two days in
creased in brilliancy aixteonfold and
then gradually went out.
Such phenomena as this star has pre
sented, saya he, are of the extrcmetit
value to astronomers and phyniclhts.
By the atudy of exceptional cases old
lawa are tried and new ones discov
ered.' Apparent exceptions "prove" (I,
o., test) the rule. ISuch canes arc ulso
of the greatest popular interest since
they throw a light on the past and on
the future of the solar Kystein. The
Nova was, no doubt, a star like our
aun. It was, no doubt, very dis
tant from the earth, since iu original
luater made it at least a faint as tlio
ninth magnitude. The catastropho
which we nay occurred In Iecomlcr,
1H0I, was announced to n by light
which reached mm then, but this light
must have left the t-Ur twenty, per
haps fifty, year earlier. This recent
event la, iu fact, ancient history. Let
us imagine what f:ili ours will be, if
our aun should hinliU-tily increato iu
light and heat homo huudrcda of
aud then full off some thou-
Kvery vestlgo of lif on our
would l extinguished; and
Gilliam & Bisbee
We are not email men, lbs. We are small men, Xs.
v;e are nol me Largest rnercnanis ia ine Vorlflt
. But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware. Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Barbwtre,
Cumberland Coal, Oust and Water Pipe, i'lpe Klttlngi, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axel, Hammers, Saws, Sledges,
Wedges, duns. Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Clrau
iteware, I'lows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bollleri
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Trices.
We have Oooo Goods at Faib Prices, and Cheap tohn Goods at Chep John Trices.
One morn In,' a wo were having a
melancholy breakfast a a prelude to a
melancholy day, nays a writer in the
Washington Tost, Mis Chicago ap
peared upon the scene with bright
eyea, rod cheeks, ribbons flying and
feathers nodding.
"Why, how do you do?" cried her
cnecry young voice, "ao glad to eve sand,
you. Haven't heard a word from you earth
ainee we riMHi on the ictorla to- the only sign of It to the univcrae at
gether. What an y lolng here? I imrge woi,i be tj,at m mtL KUr our
Lave come to eonvil,. a gouty father; sun-had gone though a remarkable
am ainitu u win u awruiiy atopiu, nut ejc of changes.
onnae ami uowi wim mo aurr urea
liou luware lioo,
Tbe feeder of Ibis papof tU
plteeed to Woro that Iters Ie at
oo draadaj a I aee that ooieoee ba
b eble to Mr ia all lie slafM, aad
that is catarrh. Hall Catarrh Core
is the only poetUvo tore too a lo tbe
madua fraternity. Catarrh Uio m
oocstitotluoal dissa, rt,W aoaoti .
tatioaal traatataot. Uall's Cat arra Car
take laUrsaly, antle dlractly apoa
tbo blood and Biaeoea torfscro of the
tsteea, lbfbr dMlroytag lb foaada
lluo of lb d man, aad (iio tbo aatiaol
eUaoftb by bU4iaf tp tbo e-Msiiatiua
and aMisilos? tore is eViief it arork .
Too peopf a bate so moob fallb Ie
oraliv por. thai tbaf offaf Oaa
Itaodrrd I Ml' tot ear oaa tbal It
fail lo fere. Road fof hat of iMtiaaoot
A4drM. r. J. Co M if A Co ToUdo.0
fM4 by ilraisl, 75r.
Tm as Hw atlitt.l. tilMv
Mr, i. D. Moa'rMrr -tao""!
day afUfenen, fn I oalii I, e ao a
ttifoila, Mr. W. IL Eil a, vile
of CiffMait tilt, of ti't'p.
lh f om4 af bor. Mr hr. Brrl
raviMvad Mb lb bosteae, Mr. lb
ard EwbUf aad Mm May Failles poor
4 . MffifMl thrialbooieM
e alaW alaly borbl lhroOf lb
f nnojao, d 00 lartiM f4ar
of Iba tab La. C"0r'aso aad Mr.
Rill Uft lal mi U Vaahi(tu)f
D C.-flaodreffpoi
ke'fti riM '
b rrteM TrMH
TU tin ril
fe na aalbf
mj btl fmej Im ffioo.
fast and we will talk it over." All
this was delivered a rapidly I had no
opportunity to InU'irupt "liowl with
you, my dear little child? I asked.
"The alleys have hvg ctowd fur
wv!ka." "Were vIimhI, yon mean," Mid
Mlaa Chieao. "Now llivy are open,
and I hare diworrn-l two little ni
gruva, whom I'm golvg lo drrw in red
flannel aouave r.ultv who wait to do
my bidding. We will bml at U-n,
have a TurkUh bath at twrlre, ride at
four, rlay ml before dinner, aud
dance afterward."
And It waa evra ao, Lvrry pla of
arnuwmrnt -.uii--t. . witb the ImUl
bail brrn rliv-v.l. Ml . I'itM-ago turned
the kry whlvli niil-x '.i-l n!l thr dirra,
and during the rent of tuy alay at the
Hotel we nfl . t ie gayeat sort Of a
time. . .LvrrytxMly was happier ba-
cau of the pn-nce or thla bright
young wertvrn r'rl. The Invalids
arnilrd w br kIn- pa t I bm, lit
arrvanta nihel uxlo her M Idlng: Dte
vr-ry animal) -.-l k ii'w wlwn
a 1m- aa near ' 1 I--ft lr !, Itit I
hniiw thero wia it-et,'.ii f and walling
rhen b came I ia' Kar dvartora.
, Pwall rrM Oatae.
Tb eh-! I mvl by airlpfaoff tbo
fruit fron il, talk and pUiag It bifb
oa n fl H ial ajftii.liling II over wit
in- tOi-fl cr. Thl ay W tfooo
Vi'A'i lr hrrrTi. ra'cbrfTa, eurraal
ot may au rmite anis4. rur ia
eugar la writ tianlet, nrrvf aver all
all larga ut.lrm of wla or braady.
mr t kr uilrtnm 1 llfmr, aat
tcl lh Us tor a all Ibal la Valr4. a
lillU nodrml rlnnapm) should bo
ad'lnl. In kHr lo Ifcta aal ad, thl
fruit annul I U I'fh'lr allrrMl. ao Ibat
la d angar alsauld l ially 41
IriMilrd. Aty of iHm frail raa
a'l Into a IatM fb MparaWy
r tngvUtrr, laalJ drftt IWiaUm
Farts Draw M) Ika franrk lTvlaxM foe
MmI af Urt Mallva Notablas.
The city of Tarla with Ha environ
boast nearly one-twvlfth of the total
population of France, yet. according
lo the New York Kwnlng I'oat, It
does not escape the charge, which Up
againatao many other large cltira, of
being a huge maw into which the Wat
of tho national life is sucked. Only
la tho aligbtoat degree ia it the parent
of tho energy and dUtlm-tloo which It
displays on ao great ft aralo. la tho
political Arid K-arrrty one of tho
distinguished men of the time I Pari
born. The prldmt of the republic
la sot, nor la the prvaideDt of the era
ate or of the chamber; not one of the
tea cabinet minister, neither of tho
chief justice nnr of tho attorneys
general of the higher court reck
on I'arlaa hi birthplace, nor dor a
the governor of the l-enk of I'ranr
Hotoewhat similar rrmi I la are ob
tained by arannlng the list of dUllo
folabed acholara. artlsla. jmrnalUta,
aoUlor, f rom the provinces have
com ft disproportionate majority of
tbo me a wb'tao iuivm In life makao
I art laovraa. hurti fa U are snor
atrlklng la tbe ea of tho I'rvnrh cap
ital, Wboao prrpunderanro ovrr III
teat of the cm n try baa l ao lung
eatabllahed, than they would I la
Bwer eoealry. whrro tho b Hong
rasb to the clto ale a cHiparallly
avaw thing
HB to ILo
Do you know what this means ? This, that
here are sixteen reasons why you should buy
your Groceries. Supplies and Gents' Furnish-
ngs at , .
"or every one objection made against it. This
should decide the matter. It does. People
want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for
the smallest amount of money. Huy the best
when you can get it at the same figure paid for
an inferior article.
Old Stand. Main Street, near Bob Krlck'i.
.1. O. B01iCH3SLlS,Pi ii).
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Youro liOU-KI) lo Tako Km.
yum. iiets Leaves No Constipation, . xV
ft1 riMo . ......
' m.mmA I C arae l. a troll a ail lUllMeaoaae. Km h llaadaabe a
1 La lUal Matt ia IM tsrM f tW. i f' b W !.. throWOl hf
Ibaiua. IMm fle. W !:. ei ""m -, fa at
t .... ri..i H..U HHrt 'l 4Mat
thiiUait-. .d al Hi La- , f M .UlrfaUd tlloi fJM Bvatisa
jlj .., l p !' rae lil 4
,.t ne, .! tl i ,al f
l. r f- M "f-U..
' r t' l I f f
ana r-f ioai a if V hmii
d(lf II l4 Sat II tt
alMti f MNrilta. t.ta, I,
(talk- . eall im ai4 l W,
U-a fi tk .
last OrV
Mm ef taa f-aala.
flafoTO tbo f.ao! aver t nir hf
tbo Koa tby ii ,M,t mr abo
aole la b b veto a "lr b44
noil. h" of (as b lf a Jw
rrvd la la to trara. Iko tallr bind of
tmo Oftd bftbo lorg fiulalod oo
a faasilior Hi p'r't f tho i
naiary, aad oabv. ' tr gariiy
ftaaOiaiO lo OaaataeO.
boaad ftabrwib I baing Iu Ml
"v IViHtg, t f -r -J r'f ti'
1st ia t Wn I' - W
f Uo C.Wfv i a Ibnroiag
fa uo - ! ff ijnt
ln,r Hii'jf i. t i f,
$ m mm tt-
Clfosrktl t ih ft"Aj2, 04
Ae aifctasta ua.ormaf,
Tbo aw g furrni.f of llrltiab ftulaae.
bir Aoguaioa II mmlng, m bo Ie about lo
wa Ibrougli tho t niird Moio oa root
lo GourgfUtt a. I oapovlally flbrUl
la I'.nglaad ao ft rrtc kir, Uli.g r
rowao4 ao ono t.f Ue oldoal and anuat
umwlul t4 ana(ur pla)ra, a rival.
Itadood. of llua. AlfrI l.ilfM,
of Uo fmn.Urs ul lh
la Iooba. ard baa only Jwl roalgood
IM nooaxloary of Mo rortiMiiloo la roo
kHr of bn oVparlaro fmra f f
load, lit) frifM aaanrialo la tbo
foMOdiatf of tbia rvaraot IbaUttitioo
ao Uo law r J-i.a Ail7, fpularly
fcaa a "tho Vsio." Mr AugoaUi
la l.kroMO en rt knight of U
novi. son. ia apuo oi eta naiarv ; vera, rnr. ail f nnATIT
rrialaU-dayblbWlsrfO J)JY & jV I
or nr-.attaia pi It) lb world.
l ll ot pri, 25 eor.1 pH 11
d Malaria. Tbooolr
MJ by ail dfif aia or aont i f road eo
I III MlrH alllMCAL Ul.
Haa fra!), ( ai.
Mtv t'linriiia
.if ..
fto4 a taawaael Mo
bt at4 rr ti I ft
bat ti.iit Mtfi, TVs
rr,H tWg u f a.. Vs, cf tl
a'.ae aS'p l r a bug. to Iho
ffvBlol on a ma'" la arallo,
I I 'r l. rtiIt. l !. lawn bia t 't
I' a a In I a op aa taraj i.m la la t a
lr,. al . Ii t t ,m l.t.f 1st
ari r. wl'.b I
U l.rre ,rti f an grl KirsU I'l1f Ifft'I'll
(Is. a Mtt tt Lln-4 lUtoft. Ul I 1 IU' I n Uf
Good Rooms and Excellent Service
rl-JI Tfi. GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH,
i ta ft rrro