jl3 W g a y Here is a ppntc'uco from the business review trfMri-u by R. G. Dunn & Co., last Saturday: "Never before Las buPfbsss shown so great a change for the better in a single week." The revival of business is at hand in the east nisei proruisrs to strike the Pacific coust iu full force within another year. Confidence and prosperity are good things. Let's push them along. .McKinley's majority over a million! Who was it that spoke of the party of the common people? Who told the story of the dif ference between liuffnlo Bill and Wm. McKinley ? Toor profit Pierce. R. P. Giles, congressman-elect of the first Missouri district, died I last Tuesday after a very brief illness. The president has appointed James L. Cowan, of Portland, Or., agent for the Indians of Warm Springs, Or., vice Teter Gallagher, deceased. McKlNLEY'8 sdnjinistration will be a tepetition of the Hayes regime in the matter of temperance, as no liquor will enter the White House during his occupancy. It BA9 been definitely arranged that Bryan is to take the lecture platform. Iliz first address will be delivered at At'antn, Qeorgia. Bryan has 6igned a contract for a series of lectures, aud while it is not known what his salary will be, yet it is thought it will exeeed that of the president of the United States. He will visit Oregon on his tour. Coos county indulged iu a coun ty seat contest at the receut elec tion, Coquille City nud Empiie City, the former county peat, being the two towns in the race. Last June a vote was taken and Coquille City won, but owing to the claim that many had not voted, another vote was oidered, and now Coquille City again walks off with the prize by about 500 majority. EASTERN business interests want Mr. Hanua to accept the portfolio of secretary of the trensury. Al though Mr. I lamia has repeatedly said he wanted no position, jet he is being overwhelmed with de- mauds from all quarters and it would not be a surprise t-hould he accept the position. The need of strong man in -the treasury de partment is now felt us it li!i:-s not been since Urn. resumption of peeie payments. For some reason, the strong financial and commer cial interests of the Kw-t are look- ng toward Mr. Manna as the man to meet the (mergi ncy. test upon the part of the candidates for congress, who, it is claimed, were defeated by frauds. The re publicans claim the frauds are far reaching, and that in five Vest Teunesee counties alone enough votes were transfered from the re publican to the democratic ticket iu the count to overcome the alleg ed republican majority.' - E. B.i Stahlman, who mannged the repub lican campaign, believes that with a fair count the state would have been in the republican columu by a large majority. The Nashville Banner, one of the strongest demo cratic papers in the South, is lead ing in the light for a thorough investigation. Blood Poison. MAaV THE CHOICE OF WEAPONS. A. S. Clay has been elected U, S. Benator by the Georgia legisla. ture to succeed J. B. Gordon, who completes bis third term next March. Clay is a radical silver man. An exchange says Bryan could not carry his precinct, ward, city or coubty. Well that's better than Sewall's record. He could n' carry anything, not even his own family. K. W. Pettis, is Alabama's new senator jut elected to succeec Senator Pupli who is now couplet ing his third term. Pi ttus, like other southern senators, is of the silver faith. !( You Want to be a Martyr? Probably not! But if you do, try and get the dyspepsia by unwise feeding. Then you'll Buffer martyrdom with a vengeance! Some people are martyrs to tbia complaint from obildbood to the grave, suffering from all its attendant borrora of heartburn, wind and pain in the a'omacb, weary slumber and night mare, JcRpirious appetite, nausea, bil iousness, leanness and sallownest. No necessity for all this. The complaint, obstinate as it Is, when the ordinary remedies are brought to bear upon it, invariably yield to the great stomachic, HoPtetier'g Sfomaoh bitters, wbioh re stores tranquility to the gastric region and nerve, regulates the liver and bowels, both of which are disturbed by W6huees f lb 1 stomach, and promotes tipi-tit mid an inorease of flesh. That tnexin of the soul," the dinner bell, when it peals upon the ear, suggests no premonition of dire qualms after a cm- rtuble menl if you nave tried a ooorss of the b tiers, wbioh also banishes bit- HHt)tH8, rheumatiRm, nervousness, mala ria aud kidney trouble. HOW THE NEWS WAS SUPPRESSED. best be appreciated, when I state that to bed.and there he stayed for more my throat and. mouth were full of sores than a week and when he again appeared and my tongue was almost eaten away; I ne was greeted witn so many jeers ana I bad not taken, solid food for three hisses that he was glad to "shake the mnfliha . U ntir hodv WaK covered I A,.m IVia uHlnnml kin (u.t " Hilly Chaws AKalnnt the Associated Press with red blotches, mr hands and feet hll- T b., f th MliTfiwflill Refut d-Thsnks .nr ni m hair wu fallinor I Vvnm H.ilh Lioulera. ii . i i..i ., I aour Til K K veiling Telrgrnm of Port land has been reduced in prico an at the same time greatly improve) iu every way. Many new features have Loco added and it ia now cer taiuly a very creditable paper bot to the city and state. Cl EYKLaND received 1 7 5, I fi 1 votes ia Kentucky iu 1VIJ; Harri son received l"i,4ll. McKinley voln is ilS.OO.j; llryau's v.to is 217,71X1, The republican gain is hM,(XK) totes, rhilrt the demo mjii. list gain is only 4i,0(H). Now that the national election is over the people. f this statu are once mote difciiHMiig h"ine lr.ut- ters. The coining seKHiou of our egiwlaturo in now fut-t nppronchiug and consequently is receiving due attention. Follow ing the organra tion tho first demand is the re-election of Senator I b n 11. Mitelu'll, the unanimous choice of almost al the republicans of Oregon. After this matter hns been disponed of, needed legislation will bo taken u; and proposed laws, dissected. A regihl rati-in law will prulmbly be pHHHed; thf) bull' t law and the HHHCKHiueiit ,iw will b,. improved and many other I Mini n. h-K k aol economic iiii'imiuyH pa'-ced. In all the coming Ncr-r-iuii of tie- irlis turo bids fair to bo one i f tl,. Lit held fr in ii'iy enin. t -. Bdif CkUs4. roach! mm TTtlniS FM Cwtat rUk Tmtmtotr Bow Elder Lawton fought a duel it told by a correspondent of the Dexter (Me.) Gazette, The elder was a travel ing' preacher, a tall, muscular old gen tleman, and he was conducting meet ings in a town of Franklin county, where dwelt a troublesome character known as Pat Cnsick. Pat, having- cre- , - . , . HWU UlBliUl UUW MUUQ wmih, I.Jww3?-tSwl was pubUcly rebuked by the clde, sylvania Avenue, Washington City, "d thereupon Pat sent him a chal where he is well and favorably known, lenge. The preacher's first thouglv: was a victim of that worst form of dis- was to treat the matter with silent con ease contagious blood poison. He tempt Then he reflected that Cu-.iol realized that his life was about to be always kept the community in a com blasted, for. this terrible disease has motion, and no one ever dared to ir baffled the skill of the physicians for terfere with his movements, so he tie ages, and they have never yet been cided to accept the challenge and tins) able to effect, .a... cure. His mental to the Lord. As the challenged part' despair can better be imagined than Lawton had the choice of weapon. I!. In a recent1 letter he says: "About fiected ha,lf bh f f tlslr?e lri four years ago I contracted a severe tatoea and stipulated that his opponent case of contagious blood poison, and must stand fifteen paces away and Vr.ii it was hot long before I was in a terri- only one potato at a time shoulj "be ble condition. I immediately placed taken from the basket This propo:,i. myself under treatment of two of the tion infuriated Cusick and he declarccl best physicians in Washington city, that that was no way to satisfy honor. Their treatment, wntcn i too iaitn- Dut Lawton insisted upon his rifrht. fully for six months, cost me just three and threatened to denounce the fellow hundred doUars, and left me worse than as a coward if he made further objec- when I began it. ,My condition can tion8 M finally Cusick consented. At the duel everybody in" the settle ment turned out to witness the fun. The seconds were chosen, Deacon Hil ton and Jim Morton acting in that ca pacity for the elder. The two men were arranged in position, by the side of each being a half-bushel measure full of large, plump potatoes. Lawti n threw the first one, and it struck his. op ponent and fell to pieces. A loud shout of delight went up from those around, which furthur intensified Cusick 's much ruffled feelings, and his pot -went wide of the mark. The eUU r watched his chances, and every time his opponent stooped for a potato an- I other one hit him with terrific force in the ribs. The fellow received five do;cs in this way. ' Then a sixth tuber hi t him in the short rib, and he lay on the grass doubled up with pain and groan ing: "Enough." The bystanders went wild with delight, but Lawton looked I very sober. Cusick was taken home and BOOTS AND SH0ES'i... THE PLACE TO GETTHEM IS AT . He'hM 'auythiM In this line that you may desire snd you cn depend on It yoo get a good " ' article when Mat guarantees it SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Strt. Repairing a Specialty. m lfv j - Faiirx B. Martin :' out ranidlr. I was in a truly pitiable condition EARLY BANKS. NGLISHanoBUSINESS OLLEGE PORTLAND OREGON - FULL ENGLISH COURSE. FRENCH AND GERMAN, BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegraphy BOARDING DEPARTMENT LAMES SB mrXQ Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney. Crook. Oilliam and other counties and can save money and time in making these sections with traveling men. " Prices in keeping with the times. THOMPSON & BINNS, '""Til i xrTT BUNKS Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . New Youk. Nov. 12. -The general " I felt that rwa. Incnrable, and w- .Mlkir munKRr r.f tl, Anr iHtfl Press has r- WM ,n iT" Se8PaJr nn a irieno Hobbrt I . M MM- mittm !. I Bobbers. It must have been difficult in the Of ivi d tue rtillowius letters: I .w.iniv-rMrs m I W: t "f!iinlm. Ohio . Mv DaarHir ! It ffivea mm. wIimI had finlahed the fourth middle ages lor a man of limited means ' J m I ? . ... I - . M . l l mi me pleasure to acknowledge (snd I tin- bottle, I began to improve, and bjr the , x -nsp, ..v.L.;A J:. time I had .finished eighteen bottles. I were, it ia time, the Lombard ami cereiy wmus you lor, uie emerpriie Ol- ... W.no.k1. rM of th Mmt of Onmu hulcrn. whft At with lilay m1 by jour Rrest association in re- COurse, I wa not sure that I was cured, princes, nobles, bishops and the abbots porting anil trniiMinttina so folly the but am now . convinced, as no atirn I of the greater monasteries, and a3 time news from CuDtou during the campaign of tne diease has ever returned for went on there arose the Slenese-Roman . I four rears. S. S. 8. is the best blood I .. -,uv u. jUHiciimea. I desire to mana 7ou espec- mii u .t,- worM . . rt- ,,.."" "'' islly for lbs ffa.il hfnl and effloieul service i solely and alone to it." ' nrancnes wmcn m later tirnes suppuea ui mr. viii. u. ripi.ii, wm.m iua uniu- i . - l...,J VII. V K .d tot.se cbr,eof this, .rduon. sod c"VoV man" Ueryice were to great luxnrylovin, exRcticg work. Yonre very trnly, kind. It has alwava baffled the doc- people to the peddler, the yeoman or "William Mt'KiNLii, tors, and, until the discovery of 8.8. 8., Ismail shopkeeper, whose gains came "To Mr. Melville K. Stone, general was incurable. . . not in by pounds, angels or marks, but manager .t th. Assorted Pres., New tlFZ'??ZJ:2 a.?Jln"?L J S v , 1 - """" 1 Bjroai 01 pronv on m very suocessiui 1 oi irr treatment lauea. it is iruaran- 1 . u .1.-1 . . j . . - 1 fcutuicr uuw nHviwiroiuuc; iiAnruf teea nurcir ytHciuic, buu uiic muu- . . . . Lluc.1i.. N,t. -Melville E. Btone, ssni dollars rewara is onerea ior prooi The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHEHTKH, KNOLAND W fATfERSOX. AfiF.NT. oo q the net tr t world SUMMONS. I Tue tie vutt for leprr illative of Goe Cdunly letm.'U Tlioiuas Hiickuion, ilvcr rsn.li.lsti', ami J. W. lictitirtt, rcjiuMican, Ust Jmn, was si-tllivt on Nor. .'Inl I7 Uia fortuT rcvoiving 1 ,J75 an. I th latter l.'Ji'.J vote, t'itii.; Mr. r.iK'kmau m in 1 jot it y of 13, i NrvAi4 cut only 12,(M) toli-s at the recrut flfrtimt, aUml l.ftilt' more than Mamm rouuty, aii.l; '1 IK .M AS J. l?IUi.KY, V.1hm1 fi lll- oil Tiinotliy J. C'iiii)l i ll for con. Kress iu U10 ninth ilihtiict of Ni w Yi ik, will In' (In youngi-hl nn uil rr wlio t v. r H it in tlio lidlls of roi j'iihf. loa l'- y in cli'nn rlinvrti ntul to joiitlful I.h 1.. ing t lint In 11 ii':iu ii'tio tluopil t n nu liilt, for iikvkk, rot'fts it' iiiii.l Kt hey tl.oolil dim not t liiiili!'-. ruili lnt for conrjtrss nnot Im l't )i ninol I lli-y ' 1 II 1 sit ssiil. I (t n 1 i y Kfii. i" cmii l Min Ihc fsiui'y l'ib!i l pio, HmIIi.. V.RB lx'lll .Il;lfir) 1, ll 7i. h-t lie wns Doiuii iiti .1 mi 1 1I1 ft- il. il '.'iiin. .11 I ... NI, Willi lllcl I l I'll III ! 'tin m'trfnl t lln, l y n nt. in ,1 j nily iirniUi'y ii Uin 111 tl 'ili-liirl w lin-h !i" i'l n t r -. i.t in ii. . " - t0 the contrary. 8. 8. 8. never fails cn"re" 7 " J.". T . . A (J.'in'ihl MainiKcr t l the Associated Press, . ,,- Kiwvt , parish chest, though if put to the proo t . . . . .t .Ll t I . . 1 1 1 i V . v 1.11 ng.i i ui HT mr: jiuw insi 10s any other disease of the blood. Ifl" wo uuiua nut re rjr i i.ni ii'tii is over, I de ire to thauk yon you have a blood disease, take a rem. ready with an answer, but it is quiui 'or the r..in.res si d llmronghness with edX which wl" no ,niur J0"-, u' ce",m on "a , . , . , . ware ef mercury; don't do violence guilds sprang ap in every village, they O.ir-h )..n l.hve e.rt..d my speeches t0 y01ir ByH(e,.. ti b."Wer. for the gnlld men. (Jur books on biooa ana sum ais- (ut there must have been many per eaws, will be mailed free to any d- ns who belonged to no irnild. somt IN JUSTICE'S COURT FOR THE 81XTH Dis trict, State of Oregon, County ot Morrow. Minor & Co., et si., FUlntltti, vs. Ben Hopped, Defendant. To Hen Poppen, Defendant : In the name of the Htate ol Oregon, we com mand you to appear before the underalfrned, s juatire of the Peace in Heppner, In taiil County and State, on or before the )th day of December, 1WW, at the hour of So'clnck In the afternoon of mid day, at my ohice In the said town to annwer the complaint of Minor A Co. et al., founded on exprem contract and wherein they demand the sum 01 one nunarea iwemy-ux auu iu-i'u uoi Ian, lor which mm Judiimeiit will be rendered aintlnst you If you fall so to appear snd answer aid complaint. uiven under my nana iniiiin ubt 01 boy, A. !)., WINJ. W. A. K1CH ARDHON, tUi-H. juiuc 01 wa i-eace. 11 1 iilxo to ii: run my Appreciation of tl.c ci ri 1 Mionili'i.ta wlii.m von have de- laili.l I,, lr.iv.1 with our purty. Yours bwiiibiiibw,, Awnia,o, ta they were of loose life and such Lilly, William J. Ubvan." A Jaikaoelaa Club's Blarklisl. as no guild would enroll, others because they were landless folks who had nc settled place of abode. It was danger Omsba, Nov. IS-The Jsckoleo Club, ou to nrrJ Pecl 00 th ? in ' I il .1 bars uys 0' I -TV . T? .. V. t TT I V A ...r.c n ci c iuuj iwtuiy iiwu. .ui.wj who had no acrnnles aa to robbinsr the ation, ordered the pieloree of Heeretariee p,Kr as well as the rich. To the weak Morton and Carlisle removed from the the only course that was open, if they alls of its elnbroome last niubt. and coold not deposit their coin in the struck from Us rolle tbe aaueeof He ore nanoaoi aome irustworxny neignoor, isryMor.o.,0,.1 Job. P. Irish, of Ci- "S? JL" T ! . . f . I . ti t a A C '!?' ' J I 1 I inoairasoi com wmcn nave lurnca i Sil'iltliing S nCSf, and return mitteemso; James WooUorlb, preeldeot from time to time from the thirteenth of the American Dsr AssneistioD, sod century to the present time. about 40 others, for bat I be reeolotioo recited as "active and cpeo oppositioe to IU res alar democratis somiaeee. sad w rtis.iee mt mumim sff nta. aidiog tbe election of ibe repebliean esedldsUe." No one would il rink poor of m,,h bonl mt a,m ' I so rolled, a pioneer democratic orgs tea 11 lie or she knew the difference in tea. Good tea is not costly. Your grocer will sell you your money in full if you don t like it MOUNTAIN SICKNESS. rtii.tKe or rvsioN. I kairmaa ailrr.r Ik fneelM fart A4. il Kryaa If He WI4 agate Lre4 the Itarty. forever lave Ike pesjarrary. lUisMit, N C.N iv. la -Seoal. Dot Iki's paper siil. I editorially ; me M Cerwia SJtwiI . A French scientist has announced the reanlt of exne rime nta la daiarmlna tha yx ... .in.. -L- . 1 : . : W iu iMacaiais ere soe aamee 01 real eauae of mounUln alcknei dosea gold demoerate, who ere eeedl-1 complaint that seise many mountain dates f..rsppoiulmeol by rteeiJaotaeve-1 elimbera. and which may be said to land to Ibe late Uolted States Pietnol correapoad wits see aicknea. 11 Has jnt.. 11 .i recently been proposed to bore a ton- Jasg-fraa, a dtataooe of 11,000 feet, sad to install therein a greet peaaesger Notice Of Intention. Land Omcx at La Damns, Orioom, November 16tb 1896. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TH followlni-named settler has filed notice of Ml Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Detore county uiers 01 Morrow Louniy, Oregon, at Ueppaer, Oregon, on December 29, 18V6, vis: . JAMES McKNTIRE, H. K. No. 5277 for theSEH NWI4, NE14 and NKH BWi4 8ec. 25 Tp. 1 8. R. 27 E. W. M. He names the following wltnemes to prove his continuous retldeuce upon and cultivation of, laid land, vis; Francis mi ner Oreson. Kefriater. Notice of Mention. r AN'DOPriCE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON. IJ Oct. '.0 Ihlirt. Notice is herehv alven that the followliif named aetller haa filed notlcsof hla interitliiii to make flnnl liroof In support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before Joseph L. (ilbaon, Commlulnner of the I'. 8 Circuit Court at Lexliixtuu, urcnon, on Noveinlwr 'tfth. imis. vis: KOHKKT H. DEATH. H E. No 5.VJO for the HK Ht HecH, N' A SEVdec. 17 To 4 K.2KWM He names the following wltnepuce to prove his ronUiiuoua realdence upon aud cultivation of. aald land, vis: Hotiert u. vtaitins. jaiuea n. U'.ni, nan Htishea, of Heppner, Oregon, Karl Beach of Lexington, op-iiou, ' B. r.wlLHOS. t-94 KigiaU-r, Notice of Intention. Lasd Orras at La c'sakm, Osroom. November th. W. 1WTOTICK IS HERf.BY lilVKS THAT HIE 11 f.illowlns nme. aeltlrr haa fllcl nolle ol hla Intention to make nual proof in siippon of hi. cl.lm and thai nld t.n.t will be made be fore K. L l-rreland, '4mmlMloiier V. S. Clrciilt Court at Heppner, Oregon, on uereinnar l-in inw, vi: PAMKL t. DOHKRTY. II. E. 4T74 lor tbe l Heo. ti, Tp I S, H g. W y He name lb following wllneaae to prove hi enntlnuoua rraldem-c upuu and cultivation ot lit Unit vli ; jene II frenrh, of Heppner, Oregon, lamas Kelxiii, Donald Hues, I'alrli k Itaherly, ot Vlu on. Oregon. I O ir. B. r. WILSON, Register. Michael Kenny, James Cany, F kenny Thomas Ollfillln. all of Hcppi 6H3-1.1 B. F. WILSON, Notice of intention. Lakd Orricg at La Grands, Orroon, November lnth 1HM. VT0TICE IS HEREBY (il VEN 1 U AT THE 1 followlne-iiameil settler has filed notlca ol hla intention t.) make final proof In support of lits claim, and that Mid proof will be made be fore the County I lerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon on DeceinberJilth. Wile, vis: r' is Kii.kr.niii, H E. No. 527h for the M. NWV ANU NEV( Sec. 25 1 p. 1 H. k. 27 E W. M. He names Hi following witnesses In prove hi continuous residence upou ami cultivation of, said land, vtt: Michael Kenny, Jame Carty, James Me Entire. ThoinaaUlilllltii allot Hiiuer, Oregon. .hu m it. r. niLson, negiater. Timber Culture Final Proof. Notice for rablicatlos. t'fiTso Statr Lard Orrn s, The Ihille. Oregon, Nov. 17. Is'iS. NOTICE IS HF.KKMY GIVEN Til AT l I Ft It J. Turner, of Heppner, Oregon, baa filed notice ol Intention to niaS final prool before J. W. Morrow, Co. Clers, at hit ofTic In Hepp ner, Orrson, on Saturday thesthdayol January, iwi.nn iimoerruiiur application ro. suu, tor UiehK1, an'tlon No. M, III UjWDablp No. I He name aa wltnr : William 0. MeCarty Sell, ol Heppner, Oregon South, rang No MeaaU : wn lam a. Merartv. Sobert W. Turner, Jame F. Scvey, Frank 4. MU JAS. F. MOORI. Realeter. Tin: f !! it 4 i- f:in n 1 if IcL'iw'iiinn t ,1 ;i in n r r. af . f Ii.- S ! ft S! . ; . ,1 ' f.riiii;!-) Il ! ; tl ..t ttr . mi Tee Ills ef Veesee. 0oeeiit4Ha. eeeaee Bore thee half I elevator, bat warnlnes of the dreaded H,eHki"g now rf tbe people speriy tbe Ills of womea. Keel s Oovee Rot, geowaUla aickaese. which It is aald f Nofil, Carolina, and, we believe, tor Tee ks a pleasant rare for Osstipstion. wrmld serely make the tonrtat repent theiisti n, e lake Ibe libeity of eeeviei w "" I bla UrorHty. have brought the project entire n Mr. Ilryso that. If bedeelreete 1 ' " to a aUnd.UIL eilrack by the fact be, I II.-ref .tm Ureg of tbe people's ee laeaalvlaej. pa'it lu IV..!. be must 4a so nsdet Wajwbrgr Is graham will aire e I ! I., ..Iiniinnil I ee lliatt many very atiialt , . , couMioe In i.aatrro etstivs. Stilh , li III', I!. 1' r l i Netate liaa tea m hsI ts, v. id u$ m much power io thr itj j r trairh lf CoDifS" (ho fcttcst tto lf j New Votk. M aI 1 I. .In II Mil '..!. I. 1 t ti 11 f l"iitf r t 1 m. 1 1 I ll.n. !i. ... 1. suii' i JU't l" I'i I! Jj l. , . . ..!ljT 1 1 7 Hi" 'l of tl. I '.net fr il.lT. r- !r is eeM in aii-eci thai Ktisv. , 11 J-- I'm M. K.i.- tor Jobo M. Tbttrslon cmll e,- M'- Mii.-l.. 11 1. i eat.iDrl rwitioo ami wouM so j '"I1 -im-...I l.in... If m,-I eitUK!a.!!r wtreit t-t that the' u Uhn ' ! " X ,,r '""!'f Nfl.raakeJep.mure etouU C!l liei ' ' ' s tv.l.t uul l.,f,.ia il l.a.t llin I..! t t'la! -t II." I S teet BKmaUia e limber are effected st ea eWvfttloa of ebovt e.ouo ft. Ule ui .111 , '! iu me mill, ne ransi aa so nar v, . 1 . .,,Ki ..i.i. n.i , iw. j . .m. ,.i!r nsme tb.e Ibslof sdesseerel 2l?JrJffi.Fm9 to double that bebjbt. tbe eekil.t con- ., I f i. pain bae tnvotne a reprr-aeh as4 a I ,nt be beet .f aeie ill be giewa I clde4 that SBsacuLar fatlg- bs ur 'em n "' g ti e pet'tue, sn.i 11 win eei : d4 a art d lime a ess a teea. ncseiti r vmv wm 11. n acwruiafiji II IU ! gsalUu.se, Sa t ill eeeUfof ptare4 aaler a tll jar two rulne lad lee wilhwet eiaaqoa. La4.ee meek pig, of )ss one had to Wurk s wlivvl ed, frwe, Hntssbte pneee will be saoWi wbtle the otber was st rent. The air hteb will be p egbMHUa) at B. K. of tbe U II jar was tbe a pnarreaaivrly Werrea ealaa aatly gala, Tbaee wbe ibaaa(4. At a pee re ealvslret aresaaeaaai asaei ttava iar rf pmm easae bsmI ctiasetev repeseeeesd Hb ibe doM keeper. Tkfce rale Ul be rlgtd ly enfureeJ. , It l a.i ..rie any mre, aost aor bere- I Imuii hi'y I Ci til 1 Ml .1 I! u I. .;l. after. In tti eswt.elga lost eloaa.1. tbe l...le'a a'ly .Ined t Vitb tbe l-n. .', and Ibe deesnereis Sgala U)t. Ih ile falsa, gvaealy aae I ruUllv (). We at dose vitk Ibegg n an I f.ireter, and ali aitb aaf ssae ti seeks In lea l tbe peole Beveeftat ni. l. f ai.y Un U J lUal snay beer Ibe aa'uei'l late lb eruifch of tbe aerd 'Je m-ct -i e II." a 1 grt chl, with Mr. rrjsti. His U, !ui' ' 1 1 1 ' " " ! lU.Oir Siller I le.'Ou' l .tter is a .) lee sailed f H e ae .p. nl Itetbsp BSOfe ge- I !ir'i!y I-.1 ahrn Ibe lenf iiI,eibaeie4 f.v. ' (.'ti;,.a ll.e Ilet Is tofpel i ti , , . 1 . , . ' f I l '.m'. 1 He i-lof e toeke aad a earnuc tm ui -iw in i.u n. .tetii w f.Jl. Airapl aee of IbM Las the syristhy of. the aholsi,n,,, r " ' ""7 ' eouutij. jsjtl ,Snlor Milclie'il h ( m. - J r!il!x trent tittle ft Oi.'-n; Wiicx (irst.l ran ssiiint (Irt !.) it I !. ! I. ' I .. " ' 1. io b"l New Yik ifste the former 1 lotk!ilf of b,J that bee ferur tra rife-.!r. for mtf Trt 1.. .1 I I rrei troliat fer. Ii late ttctit to, ' cnunilt f l 1 n. r, w 1 '. I y Mt Ktitley's j-!ma!it of '.'TirtH i" U i' ' HI Itm rt.re.. ty It It s , f I ' , ! ,. I I of rl-l .iti 1 sa4 l 'n. e f'l I 'i "i Nvere, Neaselloise til if' ti... snrely la eaalra) i I f g it. !. to ffew tbe ! il 1. . ll. !. ' . u.tgetia, OeWA 11. .., t ti . 1 Sel l to lUeet'if lbt t, f. ' u l tt 1 f b"ti!e st Cesser t I 1 s J g tl .e toS.Ckd feet tbe cllnblsff sjeiare plr ebowwd sign ttt etlatreas, aa4 at t .' feet be renoa tbe straggle and r snaiaed lylnf im bis bark. Tb ulbei fiaa pi, h.mever, appre4 quite entaf.arUbW as to en lvatw of IV pmt feU iM ble en.tb I cata krr Ike Oety rkr re Lae Te Ibe h1 te tbe t'elee Teelfk. Eeet era etle are rearbed vie thai lies eltk I w eetly at a belght f ?. feet. fewet rkstigee of ears lbej vie elber liaea Hatee alware Ike eweat. Ttefcete to or treat antakt la Ibe l'aM4 I lata. 1 aea kajanea t !, or Karefw f4 sale H R w, A eery wart ytrueg aaea wtakiaff U halt, Ilea. Aft 131 Ire Ht, rartlae. I aeppty siauesnet tut k rToap bf yoaag ladies tbet errtHnpeel4 bias, arcoUt S0T1CE TO CREDITORS. IN mt coi'nty i-orsror the ktats nl ihmiiii. lor Monow t'ouuiv. In the matter ol h at il Wat. ree'l. deieaaed. Ih anderalined having been appointed by th County tonrtol th ut of oron, lor Moe row eonnlv. eteruioe ol lb auit ol Wm. (art!, derwaaad, notlr la hereby g!B la Ih eredllnr ol. and all rrann having rlalms aanloet aaM rte.ee.l, in prmni ineta venneq aa reqalewl bf law, wllhln als BKtnlha aflet lb nl publication of tbte nolle to rl. iiwiili al Ik eAtre ol J. Hen a al Heppner. Wagon. I'KTtK SO IS!irtlV, 1 1 ecu lor ol Ih I talent w a) lerll, twxeaatd. lowt kov. I. lata, J. N. Saow. eg 110. Any tot tsveutof. Irtasurtr't Notice. Vy1 W Ir.Y lilVE THAT AlX il M.wrow I'ouaty warranta rfttov4 ptur Io sn4 Inrlwllng Iw. 14. I"l ill b raid aa tnn nUih at Ibe t ra'irr oAVa. lulareat lllrllMWitM inrnwKi PUBLIC LAS'D SALE. TkjonrK is iirnrsY oivin that in h b- lv auanc of Iminictloin front th l onau sloner ol lb Oenarai land OnVe. OlVer author ity veeted In blmhy aectWin WV., U.S. Rev, mat., amended by Ih art ot (on free approved feburary M, wewlll proreed Io offer el public aula oa the 22n4 day of lierembef nest, at this oibe. al the h.-ur of le e'clurt A. lae tallowing Iran al land, to-wil: et4Ml4.ear. 1.S k. 9 C , 44 l( I, 8 7. Tp ., S, Mt. And any and all parson claiming advtraety lb bov dearrlhad lands sr sdvlaxl ta Sie Ibetr etelme Is Ibis ogle oa or be lore ihaAar atiov designated for lb roaiineiieegMnt oil Mid aal. other la their rtgbu a til ba ww4tv ed. JAS r. MoOSI. keg'et!. Xrmbee Tth, la ea IL. Notice of Intention. rM4K I.IIMAM Teeaearee of Morrow I mialy. Dated. Mepeawe. tieawoa. S. I, task. V I i I . 1 . IM f 1' . I W V.l Ketead. V I . i..i'..H to I era rtkl np U t peer Io feadlsaea via Orppasr . l eko Klae tiaei, Perenae aWtreae e ttaitie l ee.llat.ie eaa Save tiraa e4 tnoeay by Utlef that In I. ty kg paaintiae ike ee te ibe eeevtneg eea tag Ibe etege wtll ksate erten auk 1 a'rbtrk Irsie al ibo M Paadlelnsi tltllM at 1'iiy 4'g bkr4 W. IX Ue, rf rtt,.f. . , e Te awetaaa k ,t itrMt had ta Arl-a at ked St - S " tk ad at Iba aaleraV I ef a fall, teaj La ' H-i aa-aaal a g j u .u li diMHiatiiisl T-,o.ek.- M Jk Jtuskel - tbe roadwettrr et a rUrea4 treia s (ol lewei "My eVar eon! ue, wWat-er-do )e rati ea ep ireisT "Wky. a Ukia tkst blawe a p. et ploW, fjr te TaA-aa j Mmg et tbat eort. "Aa, yes, le We sere. Aa4" er wtst ie wsj rail a 4aww traiat Via Ike la toe rente Raggsg Is ct. acted Ibroegb frees Tort tasd ti deeUssiloe. Tbe rialliee el Ibe Cetoe reetfte ere oeeieallaj Ira. i snd rtl(net. aaba depots, feet lias a, Ibroegb ears, Steeea beet, Me I at k ligbl sad eoartaoee treataseet ta paaaeegee. for rstos and lef .fmalioa apply le IL W. Pat We, Ilea. 4.1. C P. system. Pert lead. Ore ne. I asd ornrt t mt dalls omoos- 14 Oct. 1. laaV MoOea la krt ! that lb folio Ing aaaied aetUa ka fled aa, Ik at bla Inleniioa la aiak gaal peaot la pni ot aiaeiain, aad ibal said proot will be male beloe J w. Morrao, eonaly trk. at Heapnaf, urevoa. aa l-reieb su ( l,, J lilts ktlTMLT M l R. Na in. (. 4b r SWU ki lk kWt,.ka. SJ. ip JS.SL v Meaeioeatb Mtoalag aHnaa la prove ktaemHlaaoa pi4aea apoa ad ealUvsiAaa , aald land. U. Wllilaat r DolUrft, rbarte p. MaJlory, A. A " rwn. .... rva, ail a Mepenef orr- J. Assess AS,r M.RS. Regtatof. Walt. Tboenpeoa rasa elate tlwee tl eg peer sed Maeeat, arrtvtr. evary day eievpt M no day asd leeeietj eeery day eieapl ndy. hboftaal aad sheep. at pnak Wt is letartar. (V.aaae A P roe I. agents. S0TICE Or riSAL&KTTLEHEST. V(Ttr a korfef a. nal lb Inderal ga ll ed AdwtnlMrairts "4 la I Mela a K. Morgan, Imaa , will aia flaai u la "J kef emmnla ana aad ! a eori 4aouirtna, al IK JMry Txaa at U "" " M M.wrwa lamaiy. al Wm nag a bkid Mer, lie, la a4 lamaiy.aa la Ok day al Jaauaiy A. I !":. at cuk SAfcAM S MOSOAS. Notice ef Intention. IaD ftrrft T TMt bsUt. OSt'nJ, ihm kn towleg aed Mi Ih t ad a fill b k t rare. PiUs de twit tare r-wttpi.e r 14 t, ku i n.tnale aed Ml.ar ka S ad MlM ad I loWa ka MM S l I Snlpwrl eg kt 1 Ikal m! pml aul ka de b.iM J. W Mmvm, mm al atiiag. Oraeoa, ii.im . e ,, . ll'SkltC AaR4UJJ, ? her b t e k a4 Lakj I kM Ti. I 4 " i.i ,a m, , H aavaa Ik Ku Watng alia -Iewa tra.e?-fcy. iket a trsia! v..r. ru ti -..TZ! ".7,. that g- iUm sa irtlar.isi.il, or I" " ...u,. ,j lkj. .t-.... Urvjaifk a tv, lM seme 1' . M W,i;. s.J t.r. -1""." a.TS,?" F.V?.l , el Hard atae. Ktm-tm., t&iii a.M t&.A.I I u . . .... M ..... bal ' i .,t te tad) KM se t in agji i w,-m 9 I H.na.1 Wfti'l el It a) iiivot. iw b. . . . - i , ... , . 1 1 rr earn ia a, u ii- w a "-"i bb vi g e.se. atw J.-rr ... Um. lib Ik te.ta.b.-k rnet . f-e 'eieiy pxjlatii;'' tt U ti9 V'f rrt !f aartw.,, on, l Sn .ihtu J4AMHVf. LfTtf t.lsf I,.! I i . . i, I . i, li.,, i . i , i , nf,., I'.im li.'.ll.f J. 1. alteeel . re , - ' at! frwatic'-' tt U ta tt-y mrr oea.f.. o.i nM atkMtaei 1 J.'..". If p.M-f in Ksi ' ' " ' '.' " t - ,t... , I ka the A.lehet) j M VjaV.f " iZ t li WSb Ih- !. I . g , m !. I ! I.I ! 'Mn,w f m.M Tii.1t itwtsAt"it .,ttt The el u.t, , . . ' t ftl! " ";"'' ! tl .""'..,T" "U Mb.- rr 1 tw ,-. t j, -g ' twts).d-i ea aj 4 ! J. 9n.4i.1te wefc. ; ,.. w..--e.sea j-w ilw ViaWrjf. !i: -nib !, ei ie! . i..'. .. a... i.-s i s k i. im sj-14, ilg, ' 1 ' l, rfttlkiiutwi,i aVk-jTsVii. bftinvm i r..-er.kr