TO THIS HIS Frofeeeor SCIENCE WAS OFF. GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ky- PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spol MINNEAPOLIS , AND . . St. Paul Kansas City Denver OMAHA AND LOW RATES 'WALL EASTERN CITIES. Figured Uight, Bat Did Hot M ow for fcrror. One night a young man in Divinity hall at Yale undertook, with a toy rifle, to hit a lamp, tut his aim was poor, and the ball passed through the v in flow of an eminent and venerable pro fessor of science and imbedded itself in 1 the wail. BURGLAR TOOLS. The Cartons Implement of ma Unlawful . Culling. To the eye of an honest man no tool is a burglar's tool. Were he to find a most approved kit he would merely think that a mechanic had lost his in trade. Drills, punches, bits and ordinary jimmies have each almost i THEY -CH2AT .CCUNQRELS. Street Fakir V.'lio tel Kiirmlee Book I'mJrr 1'alae Fretene. Even the itinerant vendors of small wares on the streets, who jisually dis pose of their little novelties and what nots so readily, have had to resort 10 practices quite objectionable this sea son, remarks Countrv Gentleman. For counterpart in open daylight work, I instance, here 3 . .,. ..liJct iimiA wmild it This was the opportunity for the pro- J 7; were im- -rr " . .i.. noonn Steamers Leave- Portland ' Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. f. full nr-tniln oall on 0. K. & N. Agiiit ta Ileppner, cr address W. U. nURLETJUT, Gen. Ebbs. Agt. PoiiTLAND. OREGON. E, McNEluL, President and Manager. QUICK TI3VI33 I San Francisco And U point in California, via the MU Bheta roui ui Southern Mirtu Pacific Co if rui uuu ow.w w. j - . ford Courant. iie, too, set to worK and captured the curve, and with the exact skill of infallible ngures ire the ball right back to the room of an in nocent colleague, who didn't even know the rifle had been fired. The unfledged minister flatly denied all knowledege of the affair. But men, even ministers, have been known to make denials in self-defense, uwl the professor ihad tJie proof with him. There was the bullet, there were the marks of its course, and there was the computa tion worked out. It looked as if a pulpit career was to be nipped! in the bud. But the guilty student heard what was going on. He called on the professor, confessed the offense, pointed out that the man of science was 200 feet out in his computa tion, and advised that the matter be dropped right where It was. And that was done. AMERICAN PANTOMIME. Clover Clown Are liar to Secure-Somo Wnll-Known Perforuinn. A comparison between English and American mintoniime will result favor ably in many particulars for the Amer iean, because novelty is sadly lacking in the former, nuys an exchange, lac English clown makes his appearance op the stage with a "Here we are again" with a certainty that only equals tht coming of death and rent day. Hump- ty-Dumpty, Columbine, the por.cenwn and all other funny people are an sierc- otyped as three meals a day, and our cousins across the water look upon them with open-eyed astonishment" year after year, with a stoicism that borders on the ridiculous, if the same iucucb were fallowed by purveyors of that elase of entertainment here, how long would it last? With the American insatiable thirst for novelty we should say but a very short time. l'antominiists like the famous iiri rnaldi and Ravel families do not flourish now, and the pantomime must combine irreat mieetacular features ana in genious devices as well as comedy ele ments. Pantomime has never neen suc cessfully engrafted on American soil; otherwise it would be an institution in every large city in the land. But when ever it was well done it always paiu well. Years ago the Ravels came to New York and lx'on in the craze of the town. Francois, the rattier 01 tne iani- . . . it n,. kiuwRT thronuh Hhiorni vt an point Rwt H1 WWIIn. .mini r.-iii of thel'arifio ( .Biit. Pullman HuHnt Attflht tnejrMi train, Mtonlirm mperior Jly, could set the house. i a roar by aoMiniBMKlatmn tor rainti-ciii i .--. For t. titiketa. Imping oar reeerraUon, to. willniionoriwlilreii rvfliia Ben. F. V. At.. IMrtlawi. Oregon plements of crime. 'lo tnose wno know, the two distinctive burglars' tools are the sectional jimmy and nip pers, the first being a steel bar so ar ranged that it can be unscrewed into several pieces for convenience in car rying. The other is described by the Philadelphia Times as like a pair of curling tongs, the clutching end being armed with little teeth, and isused for turning keys in doors from the outside. The manufacture of these tools is not, as has been supposed, confined clusively to any set of men. A burglar, desirous of obtaining a kit, will go to a hardware store and purchase drills, brace and bits, punches and wedges, these latter being in a series, from those the thinness of a knife blade to others the thickness of one's hand. This assort ment of seemingly innocent tools he takes to a mechanic with instructions to temper them to a certain hardness. To another blacksmith he goes, and, draw ing a diagram, has a piece of iron made in accordance. Still another makes him a second part, and finally the thief has a "drag," the most pow erful and perhaps the most useful tool, from his standpoint, that can be used in opening a safe. It consists 01 a ion? screw, wi .h simple iron braces to bo attached by a link to the knob of the door. A hole is bored through the front of the safe by means of a bit, a block is adjusted on the inside, and on this is placed the point 01 tne screw, which is turned by a crank. As the screw revolves it penetrates lurtner and further until the back is reached. Then, ao the tremendous pressure con tinues, something has to give, tne front generally being ripped out., lnis onnarn.tns. in addition to its simplicity and quick work, has the advantage of being noiseless. ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN MINING. Value of the Arc Lamps In Pit Sinking at Great Depth. A novel application of the electric search light has been made in Scot land. To enable the workmen to labor through the night while a pit was be ing sunk a search light, the apparatus for which consisted ol an arc lamp, n lens and a mirror, inclosed in a sheet iron case, was suspended over the pit's mouth. Access to the lamp was ob tained by a sliding shutter on eacn side of the case. The light, says the St. LouisGl.ibe-Democrat, was focused or adjusted by a screw on the top of the outside of the case, ana wnen nee- HUNTING THE RACCOON. Exciting Sport In the Fall on tha Western Beserve. is a man wno nas an armful of paper-covered books to selL The book is a very light piece 01 no tion, a tale of love, written cy some embryonic and ambitious scribbler. It has no - literary pretensions, and is meritorious in no way, except that it is innocent of all grossuess and ob scenity. A child might read it with out risk of irritating its moral epi dermis. Such a book would not tempt one man in a thousand, even at the nominal charcrc of five cents a copy. Indeed, the same books are being of fered from a peddler's cart, two blocks ex. i above, at that price, with scant buc cess. The vendor in question lias Deen long at his trade. Intrigue is neces sary. Throwing his heavy coat apoui the books, thus covering mem irom view with the exception of their rett backs, he moves cautiously and slowly across the street and back again. No policeman (it is apparently a police man that he is trying to evade) being in sight, he exclaims in a fitting tone for the occasion: "Fifteen cents, gents; help yourselves. Suppressed edition of the latest craze. Don't stop, gents; move right along." Humanity pricks up its ears. Here is question able literature for sale. The imagina tion appeals to the grosser instincts, and a youth slips fifteen cents into the extended hand and pulls a book from the pack. "Help yourselves and move right along. Don't collect a crowd. Use care, now, and pass along," excit edly continues the imposter. . A gray haired man drops a copy into his over coat pocket without looking at the title. The example becomes con tagious, victims increase, and soon the stock in trade is disposed of. Aa Ezesedlaclr Tricar Anlanal That Ca Be Captured Only by the Aaalat anee of Trained Doffk JL1W Trot. W. H. wno imkM a peciltv of DM WHW boat Till I Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a (jenerous sumple ill be mailed of the most popular Catarrh nnrt Hay Fever Cure (Ely 8 Cream un.:in ; sunjcieui. iu uu strata the great merits of the remedy. EL It BROTHERS, 66 Warren St. , Now York City. Rev. John Reid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to roe. I can emphasize his stnteiuent, "It is a posi tive enre for catarrh if used as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mout. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Prioe, 50 cents. walking across the mtage, and poor esh(iry tnu uu,p could bo adjusted to Ant. WW George Fox, who was the best panto mimist the UuiteU States ever pro duced, win a good Huwcssor to FrancoLi Itavel. Chicago New. SHINGLES LAST A CENTURY. ( nf Mlrlilffun White feilar Keut (ilinalln Itavace. Theif are said 1o Michigan white cedur Nliiturles now doing good wrvire that have I teen in FIAVfRfftMl riM,fs in f""U" ,inVP " tages: The light in the shaft bottom TlPY P r I'd! eVHmiire and wciir for over "5 years. far n t.x,.,.hS of that given by the I 1 1 J 1J 1U I is "'''" ,lint ',i"'n,' nllt-HH 1le or(ii,iary sinker's lamp, consequently HlVllulM durability of shingles, and the fart that mrc work enxM j,,, ,H.rf0rmed in -TO TDK white cedar Is the natural proum t in Mii h'L'iin mid red eeilnr of Hie Paeille ..... a. I roimt U In Id to be proof that tne ron 1HDT iVn OAHTIIIMflT eedur In naturally n-lapl-l f-r . I eouthe UiUH ill 11 UUUIIIUKJI fiicli Di'ftioitM hh the middle atid north- . THE TALLOW TREE. T It Frodueee the Famou Rice Tape ani Rich OIL Our foreign consuls quite frequent ly send home curious and interesting accounts of the things which come under their observation while in line of duty. These articles, valuable from several points of view, are never seen hv one in each ten thousand of our anv position by a thumb nonulation. because the documents in - !... . i -i which they appear, Demgciusaeu wim other "government publications," are seldom consulted. In this way, says the Detroit Free Press, much that Is interesting and valuable to the scientist and general reader is overlooked. For an Instance the descriptions of the curious vegeta tion of China, especially the "tallow tree." This tree la the stillingia sebi- fera of the botanist, the root of which dilluso light throughout me wnoie t.haft, or be concentrated at the bot tom. The niirri.r, which wan hung in on its center, could be moved in a ver tical direction, so to deflect the rays of liffht to anv required .pot, and could be fixed in screw. This method of illumination was found to give the following auvan' given time. The lamp, being stationed on the surface, could be K"t at easily nt anv lime for adjustment without in- eonve nienee to the (.inkers, and in the U THE I N10N PAflFIC SVSTKM. I.. ! t'lif I A :h t" I HI,., ,1.1 t Hmntt i'ltlm-f i IliiiiiU rlmt Mm 'uliit t Ii,mm (! i tl'i !""' u Kiwh'ta STEAM HEAT. MIWItMT PINTSCH LIGHTS KATICM. Jl. It'. JU.Y777,. f.Vn .1(.nf. ..rffiiM-f, Or;ON J. i !!M;r, A.r nt, .-... r, trH. Silcr, bf0 America J VS TOt d V UlBlCie POTISId eJ . . . . i ..i i. weitel'll Nlatt'x, ete. , pi ruuniir my v- t'iou is biiiiifht ngniliNt the led eedur by conie- n.iliielv: thai til' te III Hint iwid iui lie id hi'h in, ill the eliliiat ,f rertain a-etimi". IH'tid iqioii I'V mtrr no to eoriiMle riiiiniiv I nni with uhiih the -ltiligle ' fa-teied onto riwif", the ri'ft i't-ndiliff t' th" minhI Biound the rtii;K ami '" eiuiitig a ! a k y riflhU ii. tion rplniiiiig t hr In.lra often lo In" wen around imiU In riil eedur rnf. Another 'mt offereil for einittiilcriitUm In thin e iiim-e-lion I the fin t. n etiited. that a xhinjile In riilm-d bv kiln trhig, ami that no MIm drlt-tt lnu tr mm Im- rrgnrded a of .ilm fr otiulih' oik to that V liit-h In Hr dliinl. MAN. event of the strain fdvingolt lire-dump produces oil, the bark the famous "rice it enve nei feet immunity from dunger paper ," and the berries tallow. The of explosion. Anouier point, in nova grcany ixTTies are oi a ngui iH-ancv little Importunee a that by the aid mj resenible thoMi of the coffee of of the light those la cduirge could we commerce, both In size and color. In from the Mii fiu e what wn going on preparing the tallow the beans or ber- Ix-low, nnd a pni. th al mining en- rrn re llrht hteameil and then pounded ginu r who vHted llif colliery gave as j order to separate the mewicarp from 1,1, .minion Unit this alone was worth .h(s kernel. all the out lay. eveti if the light served 1 Ti pMip a then placed In a bamboo no other purpi-M". I seine and the mealy portions separated from the bulla, the tallowy auosunce HOW MICE MAKE WAR. having the oil enpreaaed from It In AN UNCOMFORTABLE lfin-lr4 1 . . I I 6' i .i i U it ft , .-l. I. (.-. H4 ! I '' l p f H . , a . h irH It- t )t M'l, l'4fe C'lltOAOO. Hilara IM Wrlihlnf aad fthnw lie 'Ur. On a Harm d.nfrui, elow lo I ho I,!,,., rm-f of llaii.iii r.t ln' iiljmpie r..f pnrdi ii, mtiy nightly I . Hip Ne "Hi Hrrld.'UP( U ""t r,.il,(, men hi New York. He Hp mun who poratp I he aUiuiu lghi hieh pluy nm Iho atuifo. He . Itnrflv riMHii lo ataiwl up. kip. I. mini .f the limp and tareii il Iho tttaop lu foio tiilO, . low nro tti trying to l""k t.n, and lomf.HUit lo 1'iat the ' ' Ihrm iiint W a ppr tiil i'CiaMn. 'I h. ) il and I Miu h and i':.. en I I.l ,. .,- t Wi 1,1 l i.lllf 'lt ldr I- II" I . r. I, -t !.- ah.fl and jrl in full !, IV U il.rrp fr for boms ppfy !':' Itr lnlt al-nil ana " ,, lp In l,rll. ir loprl Hip Ht l. ." ..f 1,,. rg. Ho k ! d -M.P- t iarm trail mi k ai?'t Hl '' If lrow iwasm i 31. Paul R'o Hrr3 . ,. I ) t,m,( . ... Itv aamo ItlHo o-nw a ,- H irtth maoip.1 ar.Hin 1 lio niH' I I tti ) llrlh. s , I .!., i i... a in f bmnaii li.lorr! That ta Karh Oihpr Slan lllml tk'fnro w had mueh obm-rvod mice, the u e of their long toils was a quoa Hon Hint had pu.. led u. Ve do not know of what mtv lee they are to the f. mah'H. but l U" buek they are. we m o. of no in Uu ir roinbut-; furwiit-n lin y lU'hl they very often faeo one in othi r Maudiu r on their hind leg, the l iiN then mnUlng. a wil!i kangaroos, Iho third featnro of a trip"!- Their apwarttiioo, when thoy thus sLunl failng one another with their head thrown baeW and tholrpawsla front nf their faces la, on account pof harm of the rr nomldnnoe it Iwara to the rMmlure ol prlre-tlghtern, exlromely com to. aaya a wrllor In the Northwe. hmall mice, al-. when atiaoaea oy Uu lr Wggor ooligonora, ran tneir l aws Wf ire tholr faoea, the attitode in Dial i-M- strangely tifgptlnB' one of d.'j-m stloo. hat oornra whm Wltigorotit bucks actually rngage only Inntaotaneotts lndrraph rotiU rocird. eo rapid are iKpir movpmonta. I'rosumably, thoy irv to Mie. twt nwt eonUlcf dofoe Ui bt-Mor part of valor, f. thoy never appt-ar to frt hurt much and brtwwa the rwimW wilt nibble away at the rntt whUh brt.ntflit them Into the tktnaife. onlf ahowln tholr eselie mont hf ratilinif their talUealnt the (rr-Mind. vcannally tall aelwd by the lopth lcaU to ne " bavlrif to draif hlrnrmy over the Bf till tha Utwrlrw r- ding oj Tbei I large, primitive wooden presses, while the chaff or hulls is convened into fuel. The oil thus obtained is nsed for oil stoves, lighting purpose, etc. The whole tree from root to loaf Is sur charged with oleaginottB mattor, and broken limbs and abrasions in the bark ha e Wen known to eude pure oil for days In anccp wilon. The corn is fully ripe in the shock in many fields on the western reserve. and the season lor raccoon hunting, or "cooning," as it is more often called, has arrived, with its attendant scenes of sport and excitement. He who has never experienced the pleasures inci dent to a night in the woods with a trained "coon" dog during the month of October can only learn what he has missed by enjoying such an outing at the earliest opportunity, says tne Cleveland Leader. To hunt the raccoon at night with success, a trained dog is indispensable; for the scent, disposition and "coon" education of the dog are directly re sponsible for the number of pelts which are brought in at a sometimes earlv hour in the morning. In the se lection of a dog for the sport it iawnot best to choose a hound, as the ability and persistence of these dogs in "giv ing tongue" warn the raccoon of his Aantrcr and trive that crafty little animal ample time to seek safe seclu sion in the hollow of some large tree, which size and value prevents the hunter from cutting down. If the dog's education has been neglected, and he manifests an inclination to follow the trail of rabbits rather than that of the raccoon, the hunter will not be likely to carry anything home further than the remembrance of a midnight ramble in the woods. However, many dogs about whose ancestrv there clusters an imperish able halo of mystery, develop Into re markable "coon" dogs. Some of them are verv keen-scented, and will follow the trail of a raccoon over the ground where the scent of rabbits and other animals is encountered every few yards. A well-trained dog will take large circles and skirt along the edge of woods that border corn-fields, never "giving tongue" until their approach to the coon is so close that the viva cious little animal finds escape ny flight impossible and scales the near est tree. Then the frantic and pre longed notes of the dog proclaim to the hunter, who may be some distance away, that the game is "up" and a coon has been "treed " If the tree is a small one so much the better. The animal is either shaken out of the branches and the dog given an oppor tunity of testing his metal, or else the coon is shot while in the tree and the dog allowed in at the finish. It often happens that the tree is a large one, and then the scientific part of coon hunting is brought into requisition. The hunter resorts to what is called "shining the coon." This is done by placing a lantern upon the head and walking around tne tree until iae re flection of two small balls of fire de notes the location of the game. Some times several pairs of gleaming eyes are revealed by the rays of the lantern, and then the hunter knows that the night's work will be a good one. The explosion of a heavily-charged shot gun is the means employed to dislodge the coon from his lofty perch, and he flls to the earth with a substantial thud. The coon is an exceedingly tricky animal, especially so if he be an old- timer of the "swamp" variety one tfiat has encountered steel traps or In numerable dogs or been filled with bird shot. He will take to rail fences, rrnm streams, run along the bottom of shallow creeks for long distances, and jump anything but a freight train when thoroughly alarmed. If the dog is inexperienced, the coon Is usually able to baffle, his pursuers, and is safe from further annoyance lor tne time oe ing. Hut of ttlmes the sagacity of the dog will resurrect the trail that suddenly terminated at the creek, and the gen eralship of the pursuer proves him mas ter of the situation. A favorite haunt of the coon in Octo ber is In the cornfields that akirt the Urgent tracts of woodland. They vUit the cornfields to food aa soon as dark ness aettlea, and will sometimes go tpvrral miles to a favoriu locality They are hunted for their pelts, wntcn may bring from one dollar to one dol lar and fiftv cents in the market, and for the rare sport that It affords at this season of the year. Sot Infrequently VnilMfMIT. doubt treated and cur ed more cases tnau anj living Pnyician; Bis success it aatonithinf. We have fieara oi case of o years' standing cureu u7 him. He nublishesa valuable work on this di ease, which He itooi with a larara fcot- a it. .wint. mm frn to anv sufferer? who may send tneir r. o.m "'''rT". We advise anv one wishing a cure "adreaa J-rofV H. PEEKS, r. ., 4 Cedar St., Hew Tort Cm and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-' eBt business conducted for Moderate Fiis. , remote irom YYasiungiuu. . . j. Send model, drawing or pnuiu., r tion. We advise, 11 patentable or not, tree o(, charge. Our fee not .due : till patent a Pamphlet, xiow w vuwm Vui - -, cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent nee. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. o.p p.tent Orrict, WSHIHaTON. D. C The comparative value of these tweeere la known to most persona. They illustrate that greater quantity ie Hot always most to be desired. -These csrds express the beneficial aaal- ityof RipansTabules As compsred wit any prevlouely know DYSPEPSIA CURB Bipsns Tabulee s Price, $o eenta a boa Of drugglata, or by mall. - BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 8pf U0 M., M.t. WANTED-AN IDEAraorJ. BURN Ca, Patent Attorneys, Washlngtoa, U. tor meir i,ow i . Cummings 8c Fall, PROPRIETORS OI the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4 Q., C. M. & St. P., C & A . P. Kt. W. & C, and the C. St. h. & P. Railroad!. KATES sa.OO PBH DAY Cor. W. Madlnon and Clinton Sts., cxxxc-A-a-o. xxXi. The regular subeonption price of the 8emi-Weekly Gazette is 2.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is 81.50. Any one subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year ia advanoe can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub scribers paying their subsoriDtiona fct one year in advanoe will be entitled the same. NbwFbbd Yard. Wm. Gordon hat opened up the feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solicits share of your patronage. Billy ie right at borne at this business, and youi horses will be well looked after. Prioet reasonable. Hay and grain forsale. tf IS PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States-or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive t vision, who now do not. Thousands under the new law ire entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you-and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. jT-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for sdvlce. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manafer, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C I Jf. H.-Thf Com pan V it omtrolltd y mnrly thontand Itadinf paptrt in tht Vnited m,Uu, and U yuartnuta oy TF5TTmiraiTrg5 OEPFNER, AttornoyH at IrOW All busineae attended to it, a prompt and sstisfaetory manner. Notaries Public sod Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. OBEGOl WHITE COLLAR LINE. CoUimbiallivcrandPiigetSoundNavigation tk pIsr.ASt-H OP THE SKI. The Inu-tii lulling ami smarting Ind ilrnt lo erfc ms, Mtrr, salt-rheum, and other dtaeawsofilie akin is imUutly allayed by epplylrMt CNmterlsins W od u running down the back. (I nimntL ilanv VerV bad cam hs berq I T .. 1 .. 7.. ..i.1... r-miaoentlt mird by H. It Is equally Ston TttETHOSE, BVtLET CiTZIRT AND OCFiS WIVE. on thee expeditions the dor blun.lrrs 1 1.0. Aider Rtreet IX-ck, Porttsad. for Alnrls, Itwseo. Loaf Beach, Ooeea ob to one of thiMks odorous animals taat k... Urn. bukhv. black tails, and a emVk-nt fr lu hint piwe and a favorite rvtn edv f-r ar nipple ehspped hands ebll alalna, fmt bit, and rhronla sore eyes, l or tale by dmimUu at S3 cents r bos. Try nr. f JjS fendlUea Ptwdert, Ibw are juM hst s hone oeU bee In U1 enti U- UuB. 10UM, UKWO puriurraiw ni Yi sale) b Coseer Mnmetlmea the acquaintance so sortdru. I formed Is of a lasting nature. Ia this i the faithful companion of man in an eielllnf ehes Is foroed to abandon his favorite rag by the fire that be has been wool to lt anl dream upon, ana finds himself securely faaUned to lanre airy shed at a aatlafaetory dls- l.,. fn.m the hmiM. II M H sdi- t'.rh and S.heitta. Direot eofioeetiiB wIIb lletaeo taamers sen rail road; also at Tuueg's Bay with Seashore lUilroed. VULBPnONSI Leares rrtl4 11 K. DaH. eH Soodar. teetes Aatnrla t f. M. Peltr, eseept Sadr. Uaves rwtlaaS IK Iwltr. SuM.f. Salrrt.f ait 11 P M. Iare Astoria PeJtf S Bit ti A. t.,iHiiMlr a4 Mea4r. iuodar algBl.7 t. M. OOTJAN WAVD alarnav l 1 r. . r.M. Lmvm rVHUiwt Sn.l ran iltfwt la Iteent. Tl1T l 1U Si . tt UaT Ueeiw 4uM4f 4 frUlar at?.A. M. IHi lUinUf m'.l Fdfi;i Ckifl It M Ptsliaitloi k!. Beiciei Fw (f tipeist I uni-e irora iur I . . . . . . i.n n., n... . k ltrnli, d'Qlt I ,iT, Dd rrfinrd the H.f takes the oe-1 r i.(r. cp!. i.n, , ,ru, , trix-km to which be has bewB otUNS CHARACTER AND PMY5IQUC I 0d the pnmoaBe4 eoldaeaa oa the st it.i. M ..7ZU wtia llref hf I part of lh 'mU' tlrcl hrt" 'f 4 e4 w-.r'M I I Mii, koona ia -bark up lbs (IS I! ! 'lit A I. t,n In a I. i.ti,f t-i'd a ' . . ... ...... w..ii,4n il'i a ! l'i"i"'l no "" ,,..!, ,r a ! w I'h m.t r-flnd.l I at lil Uemi'irnio'" jwra.W- I Ibe f iilrn The t MW 'talr itm.U. IMir r.ljl.l.nlin nt. Ke wmfl .i' !,!' ., ! t m'X - t tH.. mow t rutttf mn r fM Nweiee tkel Will lwe letetweaiaej ta eS Hew M lel A the V ..(. l w i'l tn (IfWiwiiSiwo. ' v r l n,:.ini'll a.r Adlais; !. MM f ' " n )-, ,.f aul.Muifjr ir loe ftr.l siottM ael K .Mtk lUll i:". aa-l "f lis" c,ne, ,. (List Mem. 1 Glance at this Map - I 1 Salt. 1 1 . I ... M i i j i. I e ,rt ll, t I-.. fc 1 , r ' - I .... '! I i I M I . IX a i ; .)4' -.!,.. fc.-.-1 1 I !. I .'l j.-- I . i r I ' ' - e4 - 1 1 . " !'. ' , k., t '0 e'-' , ) , 'tl, , it t t4 I WVt ,mi ., ! i ! 'e ti h a aukrl. ..r awl i r-e. v rT.'I ra, nil I'll ft 1 1 tml artMiwat il e V, ,,. i. i . ,,." ie t. I i iv-l K- r ,i ., f .f II. ff rifl-if I' ft i It" t M , ,. .- if. I .i t . t 11, .M. t 1 Til' .1 IT""' - li; i t 1 ii"t !" fl,.i , l ad riii'i'arv n.ow, Ii,;m 1twlk I. ii,. l tel ft all ! 1-7 , , t,.. , .ili isl.iiblWe . it .f " 11 ... !! ie -at t t 1 "'' f" ' V,, .-n Tin t'i , .. w. . i.'. ' .-I W I' ' V f n !!' -il ! I? r- ' d f k l, l.. i 1 i 1 i t.e t .w I Croaa la a Urtor M toejag ast4htre nf niKf taw raasa. trleatit tslheob- he ( ef rroep Is m-mmtm rl.l. (til.lre b are tab ia St.. i " '- Judlns rhsrarter br phralcaj lodl I roBf tree. rations was practU-vd by the siwleata as well as more ocrult arts of divina tion, the quality sad euhw of hair be In; especially a ewbjeel of I henry. Mralrbt, lank batr was rvrsnled aa la-dk-auveof paalltsBlmlty aad?eward' Vrw. Napoleon was only Ibe esreptb that t rvl Ihe rule. fr hla hair was alratifl.t a aa Indian's. KrlMly balr waa ei-r--l l acwpy ereae of nature sad cl"inea of tmaaaer. The rottipnetil betwertl lb two Itr wee eMf4 mt dirat le, that la. atraifht hair, ettdtoff In s..fily trte-l rimrv ArhUlra ae4 A)as Ttla m ei bad this arl of hair a4 w b!a were the bwba of Tlssott. the miaaaihrfpl Aihealea. Ia !" a Urii r llt Wwwa balr waai4. er4 the innt Waatlfal. as well ae ta dtrejiiee of UUlDgeBee, asalablliir. l There are two distinctive speelea f the North Arorrtraa rtveeo. (aUfiTuia or Tesaa animal differ from tbuae f.wnd east of Ihe Mll alppl river ta that they have black feet Tk fnr of the prairie eooa of the wrt la of lighter enloc Ihaa that of bis Mtra bmlher. This la scroti o led t by the fact that all fur-beartnf aab nata hare darker rnata lUlrkty litl-red rrfWO. it; E::!:j UHs h-4 Ie II let S4 very eeilf ar-4 rtaepj datry a4 etireene tpt,bHy lo M slwt safe !t fII. Tb lk rhsrwisef IKe r.prrn aes. lUack bale was rsiiMnt wtm ilrar ry in Uastaae, Vet red was sa ob)t of et- I STt"S la beees ; IMS l SooS) fat nmtA bf s iseeaUar rveah rwaga, Btleb bteb kt ai' rfi4 a4 l(l aevf be NHN by wbe bee Kee'4 It Tbe Hose Ie set It whew Ihe Skil l tret. twsrse If CkeUUl'e Cwagb lUeaedf lefree If aiai a! tt tr U sretf mesh drteb-pe-l It l VI ihe an Taere tt e la I hie rtv N e-Htia r4kr.g lejsftpMta, fee U bf I A H. trrme eriw, a rtrhidww rertl4 to sack SB ettreme that eves d.akeys saffrred frt It. arewdlng U the pnv etb -As wkhed as S r4 Sm" Anwrtjf tke iVih S r-l 4 ekl wsa ery r A-nfi.-l tt bat. It n-m a bub wa'.L Ike 0if OS if tat U Te Ike eet t the l'au fecav. e tiw twe ree4( eejiaj ae a ii f.e-r rlM f U4 S A awl vt" 1 1 . - U Jea IkuW-ejww Ie IH I t1l. l (-. B4 hil- ' t J (teas trt l . ta I t'tel Hl, ,1m! nieel iMkHkg tntea HttoM: Moiatare; laleaes) ttebltH and etioaisg 1 xwt at lgkl: or by serai ebieg. tf aibvl to swells ae less ore f.-ea. kteh cftea bUd S4 aUjeirste seeoettag eery Hesfewe tt aveal stops Ibe IWhlosT 4 blewdiag, keel slewtalkes, S4 tm wee) r eaoeee Ik leaser. At 4gte4e mt bf sail, bw It) seat. Iw. ?as A rbitedWr-kis. twwetfs la Sea. pWttlleti tna.1 at Ike stkarkoff arratry Ui t'r leilkaU Iksl Ike far wfcick wl Ibe Week spot fttt Ibe so kete e wut,Wf effect ta t-wpief tk lf eeifecw IS IM rtlld He pn eslek, f Ike ....,. mm hw.J tkat m lit lfcrfk Ike rair f Ike ma trm frwp cf )'a t Ike offemii Si4 tmwb f A 'e h ft tfcti eiker al)rt. rt rrrt 4 tbS iia, TH ' ' " tksi er rw el lfc a-l' t1"' mm For tho Curo ot Liquor. Opium u4 Tobacco Habits II kt kaJ4 st kaleea, Orefes, TU MiM fimutifmt Town m fAe Ooosf Cell at Ike Osttvrs fae reV-nt-i Mrvtlf e Mean. IrakUewat rtw4 ears ears. OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You ncttl it in your business, and as a nutter of busmen vc must sell it. Tin; Pattlkuik rwtusmiis Co, I I. ' 1. .-.! t' -I. I . . t, t ,, t' i i i:.nw4 a i f ' Ii,-f ae. h eel .kee e er4 -.t. - tana fe? ea'S bt w , kt t' W'ewker r' rrMyi k! tlvt IWI Tt. FtseJf... . .... ... ti jn . s..i -..w. t. I tin i, !! i tl.ue em s- --