i a u t M r-.w--si i::VA'KlV'Arii tart- if. - , , , , of Grant over Greely in 1872 when the latter failed to secure a Biogle electoral vote. No president since Monroe has ever gone into the White House with such "a testimon ial of popular approval as that which President McKinley will carry. More truly of him than of any first term candidate in our his tory might it be said that be is the people's president. DISPATCH BBEVITIE9 Delewabe's three votes go to McKinley. Tom Watson gets even by say ing "I told you so." Dick Bland has been re-elected to congress from Missouri. CONFIDENCE AND PROSPERITY. Kentucky's official count gives the democracy one elector. The remaining twelve go to the repub licans. Had it been possible for the voters to have seen one week before election the remarkable demonstra tion of the revival of public confi dence which has come from every section of the country since the election of Maj. McKinley, there is no doubt that McKinley and Ho- bart's popular majority would have been a million greater than it is. Republicans had no doubt that ap prehension caused by the fear of those who controlled money that all our standards of value might be upset had done more to paralyze business than any other one thing, and they so told the people from every stump and through the col umns of every republican newepa. per. They convinced many, but if the starting up of idle mills and rnauu factories and the inaugura tion of great enterprises involving vast expenditures and tho employ, ment of all the unemployed who wish to be employed could have taken place before the election a million more would have been con vinced and would have voted for real prosperity instead of for a chimera. However, it was only by waiting for a restoration of republican con trol, executive and legislative, was absolutely assured, that the great business interests of tho country the prosperity of which involves tho prosperity of all our people, could show to tho world the faith felt in tho wisdom of the republic an party. Tho republican who docs not feel Lis heart swell with pi ido iimn-l y to belong to an organ i.ntion which ran inspiro such faith In tint bo cold blooded indeed. Tl:o jiews columns of tho press since tho election of Mi-K iuloy and l!o bin I was aiJtiouiicid have, by jimf printing tho cold facts about the actual, not tho protective, revival iu alniont every pait of the couu try and in almost every lino of in dustrjr and bus'iopa, paid the Lighett tribute of praiso to tho re publican uarty ever paid to any jKiIitiral organisation in any couu try in the hixtory of the world. It is now for tho republican to Low t tho wot Id that thi tribute wan donerved. No Mio who familiar with tin lif and record o 1'reiiidei t-plect McKinley and o! thoo of tho republican elected to .tlio fifty-fifth rongreM and thimo holding seat iu tho auto ran ru tritain m doubt ni that auKjWl With I'r t-i.l. nt McKinley to ug l and Spvnler I!cimI, tho lepub Ii.'mti majority in tho lc , an the ImjisJ for republican Majority in tin iM'iinte, In rice-tile, thn login. Hill l" ou.'ti at ti ejpaia! m l it.V p riuaiM iit tho l'tiiiii'd b.iu !.i h UrUd th hour tlm ripul licim urrr aaure.l, ' and ,i h oil', it I coi.fi. ! ntly j U'lievi-I cii tii.u" to grow and gow ut.til tli country rrj i) a long rra .f Ihrt gntrnl j r j -4T i t jr in it a l - a auml it will lit that tl.o led prit ho IiUn m . .. - i lar to r i -.1. i ' i hnr iu Hip cetirr- fci , It ought lo tnak al irtirilt, it ., .' Xucj really arp, lnU. ch ' fry U tra.l by d.'tUgk; m d j.ublie ,,n "Ut4 'l0, cp lul.t jr. Tbrea McKinlry Kleetor. Wilmdioton, Del., Sov. 13. Gov. Watson Issued a proclamation today de claring tbat all votes cst for James Q. Shaw and James Q. Sbaw, sr., for presi dential elector sliall count for James O. Sbaw, as bfs name was on the several ballots in two ways. Tbis will send three McKinley electors from Deleware to the electoral co'lege. Kentucky's Official Vote. Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 13. Official counting of the vote shows that Cash. the first elector on the ticket for McKin ley and Hobart, has 218.054; Smith, the highest on tba Bryan and Sewall tioket, 217,796. Smith defeats the lowest Mc Kinley eleotor. McK'nley's plaraiity is 258 tBkiDg the two highest votes. One of II r- hatina'n Entprpriws. New Castle, Pa., Nov. 14 The Rosena furnace, owned party by Mark Hanna, of Cleveland, started tuday after several months' idleness. The farnaoe employs about 2000 men. Mark Hanna will return to his private business; he wants no position under ths administration. This should certainly satisfy the popocracy. "The suggestion tbat Mr. Bryan be made United States senator from Washington doeB not meet with much favor, and especially from those who happen to be think ing of that very position for them selves," says the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. The Cincinnati Enquirer, after fighting McKinley to the bitterest extreme, made the following judi cious comment when the returns came in: "It is the judgment of this journal that the grazing would be better if the fall ruins had been more profuse." "Dude" t wia to Marry. Seattlb, Nov. 14 James Hamilton Lewis, congressman eleot, left for the East last night. It is said be is to be married to a New York young lady. Death of T. C. Hyd Bakeb City, Ore., Nov 14 T. Calvin Hyde, aged 40 years, a prominent attorn ey, died this morning. He leavea a wife aud five children. Ddoeaned was born in Oregoa City. THE NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. a la Mm Xobleat Bpertea of th WboU Canine Km. The Newfoundland dog takes his aame from the island where he is sup posed to have originated. .-Many, how sver, believe that the Norsemen, who discovered America in the year 1000, in troduced this dog in Newfoundland. He is by some classified among the wolf-dogs, while others, on account of his large pendulous ears, say that he should not belong to this family, but that he and the St. . Bernards should occupy a place by themselves. The Newfoundland, says Harper's Young People, since his introduction in England, has improved in appear ance, and is now larger and heavier.' In Newfoundland and Labrador these dogs are used as beasts of burden, drawing considerable loads of wood and provisions on sledges. Their feet are partially webbed, and therefore they are most excellent water dogs. The scent is not strong, and as the dog is slow and clumsy, he is not valuable to the hunter, except aa a retriever when speed is not required. In the island of Newfoundland this dog is almost totally black, but the English varieties are usually black and white. As a watchdog the Newfound land is only second to the mastiff. He is amiable to children and small dogs. Kept in confinement he often gets cross and ill-temperedy and -flies at those for whom he has previously shown the greatest regard. ' ' ' ' Where a dog cannot be allowed to run, and must be chained up, the New foundland should not be kept. This dog is a great life-saver, and by in stinct will jump into the water to save ven an enemy from drowning," Was Not Iaaaae. . In a reoent issue of this paper mention waa made of the insanity of ClydrfThomp on, who drives stage for his brother, Walt Thompson, owner of ths Heppner Monument. stage line. This information waa given us by parties who came over the line at that time and consequently waa published in good faith, bnt sinoe then the Gazette learns that the report was not well-fonnded and so desires to. oorrect the same in justice to Mr. Thomp son and his friends. Clyde was quite ill at the time as the result of a severe bil ioug attack, bat has now folly recovered and is at present spending a few dayt vacation in tbis city. We Oust other papers that published tbis article will in jnstioe to all concerned oorrect the same. D 00TS AND SHOES D THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS AT lie hat auythlng in thil line that you may deilre and you can depend on it you get a good arUele when Mat guarauteea it. SHOES IM ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing Specialty. Electric Bitters. Eleorrio Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonio and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine bas often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers, No medioine will aof. more surely in oounteraoting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Consti pation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit ters. 50o. and $1 per bottle at Conser k Brook's drag store. For the Cabinet. Buys the tit. Loais Olube Democrat; "IIuw would this do for a oabinet for President MoKinloy; Seoretary of stBte, Thomas B. Reed ; seoretary of the treas ury, William B. Allison; secretary of war, Joseph R. Hawley; secretary of the nitvy, John II. Mitchell (Oregon); seo retary or the interior, Carl Suhurz (or some other gold democrat for some post or otbor); postmaster general, William Warner; attorney general, Henry Clay Evhdb; secretary of agriculture, James . Walker (Virginia?") THE VAMPIRE BAT. Dmd Creattara That Is Ooani ,. India. . . I have alwaya despised bats, said a Cleveland- man recently, and it always sends a shudder over me whenever one of the hideous creatures approaches me. The bats of this country, how ever, are not to be dreaded in compar iaon to those of the vamnire srjecies which abound in India. Just imagine : ' Washington Who proposes to make big mouse with a horn on his head aim V. a. senator from that state wbere like a rhinocerous, furnish him with a ; the liberal law requires no length of The Chicago Record, St. Louis )emocrat, N. Y, Woild, and sever al other prominent paperB have Senator Mitchell in their cabinet slate for either the position of sec retary of the navy or interior. This is very complimentary to Mr. Mitchell, but he would probably prefer to return to the senate. is Senator. Butler, the populist chairman, rather rubbed it in on the democrats when he issued an address to the country putting all the blame for defeat on them, and asnertiiig that the populists will be the principal opponents of the re publicans in 1IKM). Tho address has mado tin di'inocrnts hopping infill, but liutlur thinks them of so iltlo conHcqufiico now that he doesn't care. cure: for cki c pled children. Ibe National Surgical Institute, No. 319 Bash St., San Franoisoo, successful ly treats all oases of orthopedic surgery. Oue or more surgeons of tbis institute will be at the Palace hotel, Heppoer, Thursday, November 19th, one day, to examine cases. The success of the In stitute iu treating all oasrs of ourvatars of the spine, disesses of the hip and knee joints, ulob feet, crooked limbs and bodily deformities as well as piles, fistula, oassl catarrh and all ohronio diseases as made for the Institute a national reputation. Write for ciroular. Ueferrnoea may lie bad to: J.O. Hayes, ileppner. Mrs. A. (lilliam. llepuner. A A, Uowney, T he Dalles, lion. I bos. Li. Davidson, Salem aud hundred of others Major McKinley might have Boarchcd the nation over aiid ho could not have found another man who would have managed his cam- paiga wiacly and skillfully without an error to b corrected, aa Mr. Hanna has. Tho loyal pl cau well oflVr thanks to the wise gJiieral of thft campaign. It waa an educational campaign and Dot one of brag aud bluster and mu slinging, Union Republican. That tome appointments of ira Mrtauce Ihi toudored to gold democrat for their assistance iu thn campaign in probable, but it ia imt tn-lii'Ved that they will iuolud a cabinet xitiou. Tho diplomatic artifn otTi'ra opportunities. man baa only to e a patriotic Aiu 'iican t' represent Ida oouotry utifncUrily abroad, but a lueiuhr of Hie rabiiiet iiiut In iu eympath with nil the Mlit'ii' of the n. tV administration under whh'h h a tw, or h iliatttangoa inat hiu ery hit h ought t rut) mnoothtj to get tin beat result. pair of demon-like wings, and you have very good picture of thia latter kind. The natives dread the vampire bat on aocount of his blood-sucking propensi ty. ' In the sultry nights he fans the heated sleeper with his wings while his needle-like teeth -are being in serted into the veins of his victim, quenching his thirst for blood with such gentleness that it is only by some fortunate chance that he is discovered before the mischief is done. It is a well-authenticated fact that if an indi vidual is once bled by a vampire he ia invariably chosen, in preference to all others equally exposed for a aubseqent attack, and even If he were to move ten or twenty miles away, no' im munity is gained thereby, as the bat ia sure to follow him and keep up his blood-thirsty attack until hia victim succumbs or the animal is discovered and killed. Cattle and horses, from being more exposed, are more frequent ly chosen as the aubjects of attack by these loathsome creatures . hrmnrratir TfatlmoBy The t. Lnuit Ilepubtio, oue of the few leading papers of the country thai supported ijnn, and the result in Miaaoiirl shows that its sfforts were sac reaaful, lias dropped free silver since the election and now gives testimony rrlutiv to the return ot tirnirity Following are tb headlines of three long artiu'es iu a iroiut iesua. General Itetnrn to BiKini-as thai bas been Nlecied; Mills and factories will Kim Overtiti In Fill Old orders: Politi ral Eicitmeot I'aal; The IU Ival Is Dot CooOnrd to any on teolion of the Oouu try; All lodostriee Affected." "Ysllo Matal Again Hhowa ill (so everywhere Employers Teaching a Ho aallej Object Leaeon by I')iog eft in Odd; IIssv deposits at tba bank; Havings Ibal wers Hoarded bring Tfauaferred to ths loUr eat pa log toslilutioua; Roma Hubtreas ory Figorra." "Up go Wheat, wilhCol. ton and Cora to ths Wake; Hi csoU Buabell llraohed Yesterday, with a pros peel of higher I'rirea; (laaetal AJvanca to atoeka; (toveraroeul Hoods ars strong a hit a llraibful Activity la tverywhsr Kihitiilr.l; Aa hortmratfinii Oollook Th la la tnarb holler than to refosa to Se avloal '). Iiltona, and Iheo aeaert Ibal they do n! etliel. The wife nf Mr. laniard nella. of Kt tlrinifti Id, klaa , dad been eurTrtig from aenralgia fr lo 'aya, eol bring abla In alerp r l.af.lly kp alill. wb-o ? Tempting Offers. Although Bryan was defeated yet be bas oertainly made himself famous, and is now the recipient of many tempting offers. Two large mercantile establish meats in Chicago and New York, re spectively, have each offered bim $'25,000 annually as a drawing card. A law firm in the latter oity bas offered bim the same amonol and doubtless for the same purpose. But the latest is from some philanthropist from the state UNAPPRECIATED . BANANAS. SiifMintOtlon About" IlaAdoakj moA Frm Koote. The banana pAaneaaea wonderful sus taining properties, and yet years ag6, in the warm corintrie where it flour- ishes, the bananay waa thought of so lightly that it waa allowed to waste if not eaten by the cattle. The plant itst-lf was valued simply sa a suailu for coffee trees, between rowa of w hich it was planted. ' SomeiMHly once told me, says a writer in the iM-ntlvwoman, that the IS pan larua ust'i to regard i ne nsnana aa a forbidden fruit, bveause they detected in its In-art the transversa aectioo of tho rroaa. 1 remcintier, too, how one of my early Toverneam-a vwd to delight me by thowlng me the croan and the apoatlra in the eenU-rof thepaanion flower; and the other day a friend told me of some curious aymlxillcal marks to ) found at the back of th neck ot the haidork, 'jideuUtions similar to those that might be caused by the .finger and thumb, the supposition being that the haddock waa una of the fishes picked out of ths net on ths occasion of the mn-Mulous draft of fishes. CHAMPIONS IN THEIR LINK. AbMia-Mlna4 ropla Waa War llBtplf They are telling a story of a Dutch man who presented himartf at the reg Utar's ofllca rrertitly to obtain a I Ice no for hla appriMuhiog marriage, and who, oo being aked the Dam of tha bride. was compelled to eoofeas that It had quite escaped bits, and he had to re turn noma for tha naceaaary in forma Um. It's a pretty good at.iry of ab arnca of mind, but thrra arc others on rciwi inai are even iwtter. j hrra raRTLAND 'OREGON'-. tW?1 FULL ENGLISH COURSE. &7$T - FRENCH AND GERMAN. tjlf fy BUSINESS BRANCHES1. QiiffH yp. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook, Gilliam and other counties and can aave money and time in making these lectioni with traveling men. Pricei In keeping with the timet. THOMPSON & BrNlSTS, time aa a resident. This is oertainly charitable bat woald probably meet with strong opposition up there. "Dude" Lewis, newly elected congressman, hns his eagle eye on tbis. position, not to mention abont seventeen populists of more or less importance. However, it is sate to say Mr. Bryan's recently gained fame will not injure bim even though he was unsuccessful, and a lucrative posi- iou will await him at every turn. LEGAL BLANKS Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . The Lancashire Insurance Co. Catarrh Means Danger, Because if unoheoked il may lead direct ly to consumption. Oslarrh is caused by impure blood. This (not is fully is- tablisbed. Therefore It is useless to try to cure catarrh by outward appl ca- iona and inhalants. The true wsy to core catarrh is to purify the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood pari Her, cures eatarrb by its power to drive out all impurities from the blood. Thousands of people ratify tbat they have been perfectly, and permanently on red of catarrh by. Hood's Psreaparille. Delay Is Tratas. The Heppner traio leal Huuday failed to make oonneotion with the east bound Iraiu on ths main lu.e, owing to the fact that the train waa detained near Cascade Locks by the washout nf the bridge orosaing Herman oreek. The paaaeogrs were transferred wheo the west bound Irui'i arrived there Sunday morning, and the bridge was out eornplelelv repairrd until this morning when Ibe Drat train paHxl over. Tba Heppner train awaited tha arrival of the delayed train, aod oo eeijneotly did not arrive borne today un til 10 o'clock. Three days acoamulated mail waa also broegbi op. OP MANCHKHTBH, ENGLAND A. W PATTERSON. AfiFNT. o ot the et in wona SUMMONS. I IN JUSTICE'S COURT FOR THE SIXTH Dis trict, State of Oregon, County ot Morrow. Minor & Co.,etal., Plalntltli, va. Ben Honnen, Defendant. To Hen Poppen, Defendant: In the name ol the State of Oregon, we com mand you to appear before the undenilgned, a j nance ol me rewe in Heppner, in earn County and State, on or before the aillh day of liecember, DtW, at the hour or ro clock in the afternoon ol aid day, at my office In the laid town toamwer the complaint ol Minor A Co. et al.. founded on expreaa contracta and wherein they demand the urn oi uue "lino red rwentjr-iix and lu-iuu uol lara, lor which auin Judgment will be rendered aitnlnat you If you fall ao to appear and anawer am coin pi mn i. uiven nnuar my nann tnii I7tn flar or Nov. A. II , W. A. RICHAKDMON, Ui-li Juatlceof tha Peace. SUMMONS. Notice oflntentfon. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON. 1 Oc t. '.0 Hi. Notice la herebv given that the following named settler has filed notlcaof hla intention to make final proof In aupunrtof hla claim, and that aald proof will be made before Jiwph I. Glbeon, Coinnilwlnner nf the I'. M Circuit Court at Lexington, Oregon, on rovomier 3n. via: Ri'BEKT H. BEa-CR. II E. So. M30 for the HF.v KKI4 Hcc , N' 4 BEi SKUeec. 17 Tp 4S R. K WM llenaniHa the following wttneMce to prove ma rotiiiuiioua reeiueiica upon aim cultivation of. aald land, via: Hort I). Watklna. Jamea R. IhT. Matt Hiighea. of llcppuer, Orrgun, Karl Beach ol Mxiugiou, ur-gun, B. r.WltJWN. MM Krg later. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow ounly. A.B. Bennett and F. P. Maya, Plaintiff, va. Charlea Kinney and Clara Klmaey, hi wife, A. J. Klmaey and Klmaey, hia wife. Win. Klmaey and N. Klmaey, hla wife. W. 8. Mercer and Sarah Mer cer, hla wife, L. A. Florence and Ella Florence, hla wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, hla wife, Samuel Hall and Mary Hall, hla wife, Wm. Ferrell and Kva Ferrell, hla wife, Thomaa Ktmary and Nellie 1, Croft. Defendanta. To Charlea Klmaey and Clara Klmaey, his wife, A. 1, Klmaey and Klmaey, hla wife, William Klmaey and N. Klmaey, hla wife, Rich ard Hall and Minnie Hall, hla wife, William Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, hla wife, Thomaa Kim er and Nellie 1. Croft, of above defendants. In the name of the Htate of Oregon, yon and each of ynu will take notice that tha above plalnttne. A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Maya, have commenced a ault agalnat the above defend anta In the above court to forecloae a mortgage given them by the above defendants upon ths eat,half of the northweat quarter, tha aouth wot quarter nf the nnrtheaat quarter and ths northweat quartern! the aoutheaat quarter ol aectlon la Uiwnahlp 1 aouth range Ifi Eaat In aald enmity. That the relief demanded In the complaint In aald ault la lor a derrea that plain, tlffa' aald mortaage lie foreclnaed, the mortgaged property aoia. aim the pniceeila applied to pay. mentnf coala and dlaburaemente nf aald suit. In the note accured by aald mortgage and ths alUirney'a fees a't forth therein. That ths court alao derree In plal'-tlflV favor a recoverv Hacklea's Araks Helve. The Deal Sal io the world tor Cole, Uruiawa, Moras, Uloert, Halt Rheum, Fevae Horee, Teller, Chapped Hand, Cbilblains, Corns, aod all Hit la Erop tioua, aod poaliively core rile or DO pay rt quired. It 1 guaranteed to give perfect eeliefaotlos) or money refunded. Trie 25 real por boi. tot sal by Cooaer A Brock. A Nalarml llraalller Kail's Clovtf Knot Tea purifle the blond aod give a clear and beaatifnl eompteihm. lor sal by Wall War-re. Mr ll.,,Ur.. i.e n.rrel.aal ibere n berhave two rear wher wrms have U.lie i.fl bamhrtlain's Tain lUlni.aad i wen f .r-..ttvn their eat nam. akti lialaieatltllalbtuagn trial. Ua a-h trial. Ua lina tha l,UM.ii . rVf M.' U I".'.1' V u th..t wonderful fit of abatrM- Ml be, ..l.lr, I.. b,.,ra, .n-llhal tb. r',,.01"1' 7? I . V' f ' h.itle.d I', a ll.l.n... a..,lh f 1 t'l if r"" h',Tt'ni ?'. WlU "J mh'n I U: wi'.m phi innnta upprr win- il..w that lk prof.-. waa but Itaere a IbaasivlaeV Waller.bff(er A If rshsm will gtv maeursd ball si tb oper boas oo November 24, lfl-Tisi.lngttlng even ing. Tb bwat of B4MI kill b give i4 l rl tiro raniawd. Itrleta II Ul lr geaiUn.ea, M eU f .r Notice of Intention. l.AXD Orril S AT LaCetKtlg, Oas.tnH. Novrmber 4th, li. VOT1CK !S HEREBY OlVKM THAT THE i fi.llnwlng named aeltler baa Sled notice of ble IntenUun to make aal proof In aui.pnrt of hn rial in. and thai aald pn.if will be made be fore K. I. rnwland. Commlaaluner I), a Circuit Court at llept-uer, Oregon, on tteremtier 1.1b, lm, via: DANIEL P. rxiHERTT, R. E. 177 lor lbs BE'. See. II, Tp I R J9 K, W. M He namee the following wltneaeea tn prove hit enntlnuniia rvebleuc a pun aud cultivation oL aald land, via : Jraae P French, of tteppnar, Oregon, James a.l.n, iHtnald hum, I'atrit k ttoberty, ol ln enn. Orvgnn. )o. B. r. WttaON. Kegtater. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN the rwNTY rorRTor thi state nf omrnn. f Mor.ow i'nuniv. In the matter nt the eaiaia of Wm Cer1!. derpwepit. Ihe and'nigiwt having bvea apfdnted by the (mini? Court of th. Ma le of Orrgun, ..f Mnr mw r.mniv, eaer.tne of the eaiaw ol la tell. drraael. notim la hereby given tn ibe rrwlitme ol, and all penni ha. In rial ma egelxe. aald dar.aavil. In prvanl lhw vvna4 ae rasulMd br law. wlibln aomlha a'ter the Sra pubiu.tmn nl Ihie mvra lo el4 etwulnr at Ibe 0lhr ol I . H (mi. at H'feof, onejna. rrtea mi laSrriMi. I.ar.itor nf IbetXalvul Irll mw. air4 ov I. lv J. K. aauwa. 7 ttu. Ally M taeenttfr. f mm Charlea Klmaey, A. J. Klmaey and Wil liam Klmaey nl aeven hundred dollars (1700.00) and Inteteet thereon at ten per rent per annum from -ptrmber II. lw, and eeventy-Bve dol lar (;.Vun) attorner'a leea, bealdee ooata and dlahuraemenu of ault And further decree) that all the nther defendanta be fnrerloaed of all right, claim or equity of redemption la and In aald lamia, or any part thereof, and that tlalntlrra havsauch other and further relief as i equitable. Thta aummnna la eerved upon yon by publi cation by nrder ol Hon. Htephen A. Lowell, Judge nl the above court, made by bim at Chamhere on tba rtnd day of Hepteraber, imal. and each nf the deleiKlanta above named am required to anawer aald complaint on or belora the Brat day ot tb. neat term of tba ebnve court, to-wlt: the Srat Monday of March. rj or the plaintiff! will apply lo aald euurt for the relief demandedln aald complaint. .... CAKEY A MAT. 7MI. Attorneyt lor rialntlffa. htaturtr'i Motke. PUBLIC LAND BALE. VOTICE U HEREBY OIVKNTI4T IN PTE. il ana nr. of Inatrurtlnne from the Com m la tinner ol theiteneral Land (Hdc, nnner auihoe Ity veetwl In him by en-tlon H A. P. a. Be, nut., aa an.n.l1 I y the art nf t'ongrean apnrnved lhiirary . f we will lo offer at public aale on Ihe n4 day of larembi waa. al Ibia omc. at the hour ol 1 e'clos A- M tka follnwlngtrarlof land, wvwif An4 any and all neranna elalmlnt adeareety Ihe above landa are edie4 io a ia Ihvlr rlelae In thia nrnraoa of hetwv. ha aV de.lnait bf I ha nmatanwwl af id aale, vibera lee ibHrrlihui n ktmtL. . ,t . IA F. M'MikK. KevuMav. Noemhr Tin, laraw IL Kotlce of Mention. I A Jf OFFICt AT Tflt DAME. ORtonaj. at imb, II ri'tM a-'l l ha I for b-e. y'l.r sale at rl ewolg per It. tile by t onar A H'org. M a Waal t. ben Marly rr !' bbly M-l! !iil if .) .!., try end tA .l.avai. by nnataa fr.lin Tl.n )oa'U anftrr aryrJM with a tepgeaee? H-.tna w,pe ar narty I W Una ..esplaibt from rl.IIJb.md I1 III ia. afferli fn-ni all lU sileti.laal brna f beaflb.rn. wiod and pin I tba t''.ti.a. h, weary aloail ee aod bight n.are, Japliiou sfiK fcaaaea, bil. li.ueiiveav, lennaew and aallo . N eea.tv t- all 11.1. Th lelal, ulwlinale ae it ta, wt.ew lb cwJiaary r..e ar t..ngbl lo War np II, Istariablf lll I t II. gtnt slnatbie. It -eoliet't rb.nah l.ilta.a, whleb r .'a Iraaatitly M lh gaelrw regmo aa I mum, reg ilai-a IU li.er i ta.wela, kit ut !. Ii are .alart by tMteH ..f tb e' .tiaili, an I ...en Je lito an I a liereaee 4 Itaafe. Thai , t t4 the a.-nt," tb diat.er ttl, . v -a' p"n lh ear, e-ig( ie b H ml .fio .l ( e-ra' ..t.w.alana, - f a.MB aavalri.l a . . .ul attkl I f i I atal. -a lt l.iet.eej a, llUfc l 11 ', '''' ''' 'a' I i 1 .! tV a.i.i o Ihn f..l,al.tl ia ... ...-r . :,,yt alt & ii ui--r!tHti..n. Hr.r ano--! j..1ptlie.t in ) -''it. aflrf t'.- taUJ ' lf.'t Mil n. M. Kim it Ut?'.i i li.1f I-) t,n 1 1 .tl Ii a; .l' wo i - ' 'i f Jf Ira a Tina Aa.ert.aa We me li e Meray and ar Ihelr. W m. M 'tvieUy b le ll. preai detil by i if lt lafat eleplii V. les vwf given li4 by lb p-.polar Votav. U t a Put alaleeii.ae ae J b.'po b lll giveotaa a lenu atiie dee wttleh lb reunify will oenaf-r A a el iMttletti i4mi w dtMrw wtlb blot on lb petKBlpeml qai) a aaa, lulaHll tM.Nl r lb bam: 111 tb e)t teftl nl etej pally. He t the pie-Mjeal . It a Amrnaa BpH. II .ar i. litlc.1 r.neau tt pf na.tef b alminiatfalK.aj. ill wax If Urn drt O'.t lmg 1 1, a trfnepatfiiy penen J by lb twt....ne fail. In Amavtet al borne, ha anbl: "Alt rbibt, I'll cux irain, and walheHl eway. Tber waa an tnfl.afc rlrrpymao. ' K. t.gt iiarvrat. ho a e n if ag-xi 10 a daui-hUr i.f th t.Uhi.p of txd., Iml .Hi Ihe day of til Weddlnf Went BU.li.g-. aod f a'etfut of lb pp..laUl b.mr .1.4 a..! a pi war al lb aapuala. Tb Udy be. be i ff in BaaWk keWM IIUO lb. rwvlaf t4 Ui -apwf til ba plraee.) Ut learn Ibal there is al Ia4 dra.n dmiH thai f,ete baa bwa il Ulartrtli K it U, 4 11 al ealarrb. IUH' Catarrh Car lathaoaly wUivw or ko lb i i l -aw.tbaul maeqitaa. Istj.e maek- ! ( iZ ZZtZZ: "I" T"ir i-..-n -1 aviMri ta Mratav i.ivgi TtiiT all. i . '"t::"" "eni m au- cn"...aw riw -mi vm a- ..". , I'L,' , "L,. . r... i mm " .""wa, aa ihai ai4 trmf will U h.t. will U r. etb.WibH. al II K i J M-Td TftZtFZ ttJlT,?JV?y' V arret.' nl a warty del. Tb.- w ho i ,...... .i "... ir , w aeet H'n Tut lZl,?L7 aretr.aake.1 tun. I lent Itlr re.rwcl.ee . ati ibe data of t bia m t. ti.v b tb. an, Jtr, st Xw na.it ami ti.areei?a retr. enieai wim i . . , . .. .--.-,-. a,. tnwwwkeep. TW l a Ul b rlgi I rl-d Meeynw iwet u I. Im cn'ne tabrwAi a..,. at7?.i?i.T!? rdial ffiwiiy, CaUrtb b4tt a Pn.i)ii eiia la lb. if toighl lb wiilaM .ni 4. , vir Mett- II IH" a at barl laa tea pnwa j lulmftal leealavMtfi, llallt Calarib Cwetj Tb.wnne. f lb bleewing 4 Im a4 M lakes taUrwaly, WiM dirwrtly mpm le,,p,nUwl.nlry- ,..Mlla.... ,, ,MJ M ,,., Mrtw., .f Ut ,' I t.rb Jeal'utibf Ik iunaJa- tim al lb dieeaa., and fivtef lb patietl ViUtUl U I CXtrCtlifiV ea.th by blll( lb.etiu i a llrfpoee to I'm I let ihi Via Iteppaef. !bofllt Io. rerM drn)e of VIH rraJMn) ea af lirn aJ cnnn.y by lakl lb uol. Ity a 4 blio- lb agMil th breelnn e tag lb elaga will atak fwtirS WHfc 1 'rWwk train al I Imi In VMlIa IrrTion 4 Oily lr( Mue. W. l Mao, frrtnof, Vts tb Cat) fee.! iyaaeai Haggag e I rhk4 Iheosgk froas I'nit laad Ut deeliaatloa. Tb -.iallie el lb Canw I'aaifle sre eia.lle4 Irarb a ad t, Hits!., oaroo depot, faat lie, Ibmagb at, iltta beat. Innlai k lif hi tad -irtoa tralal la pe(ee. Fag fete 4 Uformalm apply lo K. W. Hat bye, (. Agt. U. V. galena, roft land, UrvfttO tl ..It... . - . km A... .a. t . - " " - t'tHHl 1 tit P.! IV H1 KnW jla fe.txeMrn a o.eli faitb io , ' len.aliv -., thai Ibe rffa ( llOW' VO Kl. , , , t llw4 I l.l.r I.- kkf gaa. Ibal H ... , , . .., f lei tares a4 M ! t4 la tare. I II ;.( ) -,' II a ;f ... inti.iMi r l i ai.iili'.TJJ,iil (VJ 1,11,1 IM' II, Jliyr l;i ; Jaf.MI kt lSw,mW,7V Tbrb tew ihe O. R A N. will ta via. raaatlll. Walls Walla 04 fwo4!a4A. Ikenwgk tlewpax. 8'a4 a 4 w4 elaaa. Wit r I m wt'D IV. lw l atifta. tba aa as Wwewtw toe. A l mgk ! la alawpwe r4- taevo to !p aaaw, aaTg who mnl. to lb ftrwt loaa U.p to PL Tent, d a agewia .nmwgw mm . e. i wvu.wi mi m i l'l. Will two l Hinw With lb Ilrwal oth railway If j Mw I lb lira lo get tb Weakly - ; (Waaraft, lb g .! awwateo tef t M-tao ill. Want. 'WHb lb.l.b'b atre l l ...mia...Mtol'.M l I S-ltanr., nag !, t-1 5U Mo t4W-r Wall. TWtentOna) tn eta bolwewo llet.pnef sad klaia, arriving rvwry 4af w4 Mnetilay 4 ltig overy day tvl 4v. Hbrietawi gn I tMea latwei-v. (l.-nrnw A wmiem f t..-., lb.ru. p. tlaiiorr. A. A wren, t, a, r. .u , tfft- nt.. A, g 'I. letiiwr, NOTICE Or HNAL SETTLEMENT. VOTt' E atbaMby i v eivww. tbat tba wndeeaiew. eo 4ainwair1 rt lb. I.ui. w . f . ' final Ml. a4mia)irairt al Ifca ia.n.ry f0tm CT.nl, i oarl rt M.-m natty l Ml I im aa h. bM. at M.M.n. i . I. L. tb l 4ay eg iaawaey A .,iWa " Mllll goldit, Notice of InUntme. IAanorrrra at va pan u. nti v t. ' rat . law. ., i. M- f at lb Mowing Mwt . le t .(- Is ( lM toa. 1 granf i. t-e-.1 rt bM etetm . M Ibat mt4 aenM Will aaa4 '. i W idn.. mull ,M, Hmmmmn 'wa, mm loankx iw t ' ll'r Ml.itJ zj i!Vptb a1 iy N aa.M Ik b.wing til.., m a . ltMw.w4-M aaoaewg tmlMvwit) rt a4 la4. W la. - a r" " ,k . ' Onwbtaioi wf .wp.re e ! hIo . . ml . . tii imowej...i.wib i . Ik. la 1.4 III . la lb ataba. tljat Ju wa will ! aa a I at Her. !) tzzu ,M'"' 'mTti r i ;m mJViC-t-v '""zzi j ht lie!, 0 agttrwllceej ft t mm to tww aawt aataerliw , , at , ,f t f ,.Uf v r I 1b.e.H.f fl'fr.etff. I'.lvK 111 f.ll. ' a I alt Tt .al at, t Ubt 4m- ! M T?.77!.7Z? I ' lat M a I. l . tf.rtao Kw. I ' 12. 1 J-wn. ii t " 1 i. it a a a t " 1 1 aI 'r' ' ' 1 ti.-mf '..! wT Va, Tor. royifl I -w -7 TTTTT.' H H t4 -w4e I -.1nitw bf O t j tu. m, 11 J t" ' !.i;.,ltr,u.lk-.i'I''l'l''l',i;'tt,"M ; .... ' T