Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 13, 1896, Image 4

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Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Bow tha Model tiMit Conduct Herael
. Whan Vlaltitif Tnam.
-. This ia the season of the year whea
the city folk look about for a place in
which to spend the summer vacation.
We hear the mountains calling to f us,
and the seashore extending us an invi
tation, and then others of us write to
our country cousins, and in return for
the brief visit they paid us last winter
we announce ourselves ready tc sojourn
with them indefinitely. These country
cousins are rather impressed with our
grandeur, and nothing they have is too
good for us. The best room is thrown
open for our benefit, and the sunshine is
allowed to pour in on the best brussels
carpet and haircloth furniture. The
neighbors give tea parties for us, and
the wealth of the larder is spread out be
fore us. They serve six o'clock supper,
and the menu isn't at all like the meal
we have been in the habit of having at
that hour in the city. They have sauce
and biscuit and spice cake and tea, and
fill in the odd spaces on the table with
plates of cottage cheese and cookies and
q i Tlotirpr Iresn nutter ngnt irom me cuuni
DDOkane LyenVer very morning. Those of us who are
loriunaie emuigu to nave iu b-juu ui a,
summer come back to the city refreshed
in body and spirit. The crickets and
the katydids do not make the same sort
of music that we find at the summer re
sorts, but they lull us to sleep rather
early in the night, so that we are rea.Jy
to respond to the cock's crow in the
early morning. But the farm wife is up
about her work long before we know it
is clay. She has done a day's work be
fore sunrise, maybe, and even lazy old
Sol peep? in at the V.ltchrn door at her
with a blush of crimson on his guilty
face. Simple country living affords a
great rest for overweary nerves, and
those of us who have country cousins
1 l 1. j. a lUii lAndinota tti.
SAN FRANLlbUU. heritance, and leave our city latdi-
three lengths off to the rear.
At Collinsville Hank Hibbard, white
faced, came rushing up to the 182 as
she lay under the water tank getting
"Great heavens, Boothby!" cried the
conductor, "do you know what you've
been running against?"
"The O. & M.'a hottest stuff, and I
cooled it for 'em."
"Yes, you have. You've been run
ning against an earthquake. The O.
& M. train was picked up by it just out
of town. A hill 20 feet high followed
her last Pullman and she was running
down hill the entire way, being pushed
forward all the distance."
"Say, Hank," said Boothby, "did that
earthquake help us any?"
"No; we were 100 yards ahead all the
Boothby climbed back on his box
and Hibbard returned to the train.
But although Boothby's achievement
i brought glory to his roundhouse, he
I would never race again. Be said he
didn't mind whipping an ordinary en
gine run by ordinary steam, but he
didn't want to combat a thing that
"laid up" with devils and was in
league with cyclone, storm and earth
quake. These are the two instructive stories
told by Engineer Boothby to David
Lawrence and myself .two trusting
cyclists who stopped to rest with him
Chicago News.
Steamers Leave Portlandl
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on O. B. 4 N.
Agent ta Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland. Obkook.
E. McNEIlL, President and Manager.
Son Frnnolsoo
And aU poinU In California, via the Mt, Bhaata
ruuia ui wia
Southern Pacific Co
Tha gnat highway throngh California to all
point Kaat ami South. Grand Hoenlo RnuU
ofthaFaolflo Coaat. Pnllman Hnftat
UlMpera. Bammd-claM Hlmpera
Attached tn(rM traina, afi.inlina auparlor
aooomiBoriatiiini for amnri-laM pawnnxxra.
For rata, tiraixa. almping oar rararratlona,
to, oall nXn or adilraaa
R. KOKHLKR, Maiiar, E. P. ROGKE8, Ant.
Gen. K. A F. Agt.. Fortlaiid, Oregon
Tlirmiith Pullman Palace erx-r.
Inorlal SIim-i ami rn lli. lliilni I'halr
( an l All.V to t .'likagM.
Many Imiirt aavi-.l via tlila Uiih tw r,atare
them during the winter season, when
they come to town to see the sights.
The etiquette of visiting would fill a
book, if it were set down in black and
white. A hospitable New York woman
who enttrtains a good many people
during the course of the year tells me
that there are but a very few of her list
of guests who meet the requirements of
the guest.
The model guest Is one who comes
when she is invited and goes home at
the expiration of the time specified in
the invitation. She makes her own bfd,
keeps order in her room and is all ready
when the mnid announces that the meal
is served. I believe, In addition to these
excellences, that she brings her own
sonp and scissors and comb and brush,
and thct, In case she does not do this.
she, at least, on departure, refrains
from appropriating any of the articles
mentioned. The model guest busies
herself with o bit of attractive needle
work, which she afterwards presents to
the hostess. She makes friends with
the doif and cat, and she tells stories to
the children, and admires the family
baby and praises the cooking, and never
forgets ii lit t! fee to the servants. She
never int rude herself during the house
worl.in;' hours, but settles herself hi a
suiicr corner with a book, and has the
best kind of a time. Sometimes she
dusts around a little. Inst for exercise,
nnd she rltilnta only the privilege of be
ing one of the family. She knows how
to express appreciation In a way thst
piitsapi.rs In everyone's good endeavors,
nud she goe home while everybody Is
very fond of her and regrets her.
The model guest In the country nn
tlciimles ft thousand way a in which flie
criii help. Kometitiii'S she chums Jimt
fur the novelty, and when the country
cipiihin wash dishes "he w lie I hem for
her. The model fneM la R refiilnr nr"-1
in (he (iiiiiily.niiilKlic maiwnjat iifni,"
for thd'a month In adniir. It In nil n
account of her iinarlflidiiii'Ka nnd ready
M Mimlliy,!iii.l iM-cnifeahe btmtlie power
of mlii lit ink' licisclf to iniMlea or iii ni'ii
U lotig to other rather thiiti to hcrw lf.
nnd fliida every sitinitlon frmirM wtlh
human lnt.-rrat.-N. Y. Uecorder
ii. II. PAXTKtt. (ten. Auenl.
fvrdnml, Oregon. j
J. . IIAliT, Agent, Ilrppnrr, Oregon.
4 fdinllfla AmtrieM
I U m 1 TRaDI attlll.
CAVf ATta.
TRaDI attlll.
ettlCN rATIHT.
COIrCMT. mm!
ft (afmalt mhi fr- HMvt a fc
n a a tt,tm i.t,
fitMIIUt.llf l( l.M !.("
m fm'tm tf ftta la
SfituiUic mntan
I f"-i.it" M a (on rf- la IM
m1 il l ..r4 l al "M
w aU Htwt ii. i pi o
Ml HI .... Hl
lasMH Sol lai
WMtti & SI. Paul d'j
P tldlJ? -
rt. J
i . n,
Glanco at this Map
MVr tl.a. MUatika a4 Pl tart-
t M M Ha aMNtv auk all urmm
,..ul a4 f t a -.4 m. 4
twtw Uii IU lrtwr ItaVtaai !
l.wiif a4 fca4 t ataaai w air"al fc
.! ' ! . !.! lark
0 ..'- ! Vtt aa ' it f ltat
a I ,'. 4 ' i a-a ti l
l-i; t r a a-a W- a - o.t I' V t a a
-',i a fca aa i Wi l'ia
amailtl" Iwnix t -a
t 1 1 1 - va',f IMI .trl" !
. a t f ra!'- ' a.' t "I
1 . I ' ll ' in' a, .
( J lilt . a.- (,
I Var, tl' raa, Art.
Mat IU llatrt Aka4 f tk Train Thai
W aa faaliM h? lanhqaaaa.
IhHithb) tld tta tnothrr story alattit
ihruouiriiNl natural dlstttrbaiice. IU
iil I felt tcudrr atraul It lecau ha
ind licurvd moiiiif atly In it hioilf.
I'hp auiry concerned a habit eugiue""
in the audu1i and the Ohki & Ml
iaal pi ronda bail of rat ing. Juat
Mat of F.at HI. 1-ouls la I ha roaalivJ of
talt railroad, and from there on lo
tha bluffa. anrn mllea away, la a
traJirbl atreak of parallel track. Aa
the outgoing aartirir trains all Irara
fr aA Ht. I4uia at about the same tlnw.
It aa I ha regular thing for Ohio
Mikaliiiil and Vao mi?lnrrra to
liamntrr for their lta oter the aeeo
iiiilea, bll the aaeoifra ylled ile-
f anw at one soother and whooped and
rot etr'.ied. 1 he Ohio Miaalaaij pl
had one enf Ine, the t-. w hirh a aide
to wa!k away from er) thing rrr put
up a?int lief, rh had humiliated aU
th Xamlalia rt)giitefB, except flout h
br. and ha fairly a.hed u trt at hrr.
thi day, juat aa ha had whlatlrd for
the croaaluf, he heard a pot hey bltle,
and. looking otrr, saw the lhlo A Ml
ailtitl train ahnraat. Tha ersglne'a
aumtMr m M,
tUBrfhUy atraifl.teiiel tip r th
ra-a of ha bf. Tmdrrly. tnitrh by
aot h, he onr4 the throttle, whlla
ha nrrman kept the old fcettla J'tl
tfF tlie at'H"f point. tr tb t"li
the m alongt.le.
f aaw fr w aa mrn
opanral, I Jli
tUlua aa aat, craldlitig taa marMna,
and at the Ural tiiile he two coarh
Irrgba t Ih fat.. Ilia iapia
era ahrtrVirg thur ). while thia
the II. M aria dumb. Tt
M, rw, tto, aiue.1 aatnntahMl. and
galh'rl on the platform to ha k of
at th an a tirw ra It a rh
In "a r- la a a!a
Nn.. truly th flfl
antbir g waa k'alrg j.kig
mrf hi r'Wlilf h f'Wfd tKell A M
! only half a rr krifh lk atil
to ry ng akng like lf Mb i It
r, tutu, and ha i!td hrr Uil
wijrr opn Tka d.d that Mt 11
I t It lad thrgk ! atr,
kfl t aaHilrg til towk) tba tat;.
Is t M at h't alMwii.Wy a the art.
Wart,t.j f0 h't !, Thy t
l.H r s g w .tt,.a) miJa a
l.a.tt,l. a.. k' r a lnrtm
tt (i lit lha l.t h klvrw k tn.
k'l-e aa a g-v lh brat. Tbr)
ttf-. f.pw p . fat",y ii ta
tkalt4 1a w'5, Mr, la. atil
Exclude the Light and Air Daring th
Scoreblag Honrs of the Day.
However mild the first day of summer.
July and August generally blast all
hopes for a cool season, and it is a rare
and exceptional year in which these
months are not a fiery furnace of en
durance, so far aa the weather is con
The main question then for those
who, from choice or necessity remain I
in town, is how to keep the house cool,
so that when night come some part
of the discomfort of the day may be for
got in sleep.
No one needs to be told that the main
element of success in this effort lies
in the total exclusion of air as well as
light during the scorching hours of the
day. The breeze is very tempting when
ever it comes, but it is also very treach
erous and deceptive, for, in the long
run, it ia more heating than cooling,
as it blows over streets where the ther
mometer is marking1 90 in the shade.
Of course, we must have light and air,
for if we remain in the house we must
employ our time in a thousand and one
ways which require both, but the out
side heat ia the foe to fight, and it enters
bv every crack large enough for an
atom. The best generalanip selects cer
tain rooms to be kept open enough to
live in, those of the second story beitiff
usually preferred
As soon as the light grows strong in
the morning all the other windows of
the house ahould be fastened tight, the
shutters loltcd, the sashes In place and j
i vtn the dark shades lowered so as to
exclude as nearly as possible tiie rays
of day. i
In the second story the shutters snouia ,
bo Iwwed in and the rooms made as i
dark aa feasible, while on the parlor j
iloor the only wlndowa open should be
those of the dining-room ana tnese
are fastened tight between the hour
for menla.
The cook tieeds light and air to make
her hot kltehen atUI hotter, mil ine
work l rendered more tolerable If a
large gas stove or an "Aladdin's oven"
Is substituted for the fierce Area of
the runge. This deprives the bath
room of hot w ater, but it also prevents
ihe heating of the houwt by the. piprs
which run from th boiler to different,
rooms, and hot bntha are not advisa
ble in hot WMitlvrr.
A very important factor in keeping
the rooms ciad la tb Hwer to get, nu
of heiited air, which riiwa towaru uie
loof. A trnn door which can In act
ciHrfralmot a neeeaaity for this, but
It must le carefully wweiiea u un-rw
are any empty botiwa In the row. ie
by the means a burglar anouiu iw
ti nnded Intodcvkwia itha,
A house that waa ronaklered Intoler
ably ld wa made more Imiiitanie oy
ihe iiudncioin elrangatiref Its owner,
who Itod a lonp. narrow window cut
In the wall near the roof at the bead of
the lal fllirhl of atepa. J he wtuuow
Simple Directions for Seeing Paxia la
One Week
First day Drive to Drexel'a or Mon
roe's to get some money. Steal as many
American newspapers from the reading-rooms
aa possible. Take lunch at
a boulevard restaurant. Kick at the
bill. Take a cab and visit Notre Dame,
the Morgue, the Sainte-Chapelle, the
Palais de Justice and the Cluny Muse
um. Wind up at that big anop canea
the Bon Marche, and finish the after
noon looking around. Go to bed im
mediately after dinner.
Second day Go to the Bon Marche
and stay till dark. Of course, only the
ladies do this. It will give a chance for
the men of the' party to go down to
Henry s American bar and stay till
Third day Get up late and take the
ladies to that big shopcalled the Louvre.
The men go to see about their steamer
tickets and then make a trip to the Gare
du Nord to get some extra trunks out
of bond. All meet at the Louvre; take
lunch at the cake shop opposite, then go
to the Louvre again and stay all day
buying gloves. In the evening go to
the grand opera, where the whole party
goes to sleep from sheer fatigue.
Fourth day Se about the wash. Be
gin packing the gloves. Start for
Versailles. Get back in time to take a
drive through the Bois de Boulogne. At
nisrht the men of the party go to the
Moulin Rouge.
Fifth day The men go out alone and
the women go out alone. The latter
buy hats on the Hue Royale. The
former go to bank for some more mou
ey. In the evening ride on the top of an
omnibus from the Madeleine to the
Bastile and back.
Sixth day Everybody goes shopping.
In the evening paak trunks.
Seventh day Finish shopping; en
gage the omnibus to take us to the rail
way station, and take a nap in the after
noon. The train for Havre is waiting,
and so good-by to Paris. Pittsburgh
Lot of Animals lor Drink.
Close observers have noticed that flie
avill gather upon a half-drunken,
sleepy sot, while a dozen sober men in
the same room are not molested by
them. The flies will buzz around then
subject with great delight, frequently
alighting upon his perspiring face. Off
they go, and return again ana again,
quaffing the alcoholic nectar issuing
from his pores. Alter aw rule tneir
flight becomes uncertain and eccentric,
and sometimes they come m collision.
Recently a drunken man raised his
hand and brushed them from his face.
Some fell to the floor and lay theve par
alyzed. After awlulo they pot on their
feet and wearily flow oil. half dazed.
Many animals yield to the seduction of
rum drinking, ppecmuy elepuants,
horses, cows '-ad swino. Poultry, es
pecially tax Keys, will absorb the terapt-
inir drm c till they lurnwe over in a
leaden sleep, lying1 nrovnd r.s if dead,
and utterly ignorirg their accustomed
roosts. On awaking they stagger for a
few moments and Boon recover, but it is
hours before they roucvv their cheerful
Radically lMIferetit.
Two things may look very similar on
ttttt surf ace, but be entirely unlike at
(atom, as in this case reported by the
Memphis Appeal-Avalanche:
The landlady of a boarding house in
thi city had an eight-year-old son who
ia remarkably precocious. Not long
aijo he went up to town and had his head
shaved. Among the boarders is a gen
tleman whose hair long ago bade him
folfcwelL This gentleman came to the
table the next day, and .id:
"Why, Charley, you haven't any more
hair now than I have."
"Yea, air," said Charley, "that's so.
but I have a lot more roots than yon
mm VJLJmmmt of MtHth
Prof. VT. H. Peeks, who
makee m apecialty of
Epilepey, has without
doubt treated and cur
ed more case than any
living Physician; hla
aacceaa la astonlahlog.
Wa have heard of cases
of ae years' standing
carta oy
lira i
larsre bot
tle of hla absolute cure, free to any Bufrererr
vhn TnRv aena tneir i u. ana iLxnress aauress.
We advise anv one wishing a cure to address
frof.W.H.P2EKE.F.l).4CaarSt., HewYort
Th eomparatlvevalue of these tweearda
Ii known to moat peraona.
They IllnatraU that greater quantity ia
Not always most ta be dsainaV .
These cards express the beneficial qual
ity of
Am compared with any previously knew
Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat-
eRt business conducted for Moderate Fcra.
OUR Omci ia Opposrrr, U 8. patent Orricf
and we can secure patent is leu time tuaa wose
tw,n Waatimfrtnn.
Send model, drawing or pnoio., win ueson
don. Wo advise, if patentable or not, free of
charee. Our fee not due till patent is aecureo.
- - How to Obtain Patents." with
cost "same in the U. S. and foreign countries
sent free. Address,
ae. Patent
Office, Washington, D
Rlpana Tabulea : Price, 50 cents a
Of druggiata, or by mail,
BIPAMS CHEMlCaL CO., 1 0 pruca S W.T.
tussiTrn aat inra Who ean think
W All I LU Mil I U CM of some simple
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable ' '
Gault House,
Tlila Is Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stands,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh nnd Hay Fever Cura
(Ely's Cream Balm) suffioient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
. 60 Warren Kt., Kew York City.
Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. 1
nan etmihaKize his statement, "It is a posi
tive oure for cntnrrh if nsed as directed."
Rev. Francis V. Poole, Pastor wntrairrea.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurioua drug. Price, 60 cents.
Some Beading That Will Prove Interesting to
Young Mothers-How to Gnard Against
the Disease.
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4
Q C. M. & Bt. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C.,
ana met;, ai. 1 01 r. nBiirosun..
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8t.,
csric-A-d-o. X-lXj.
D. C. for their $1,800 prise offer.
The regular subscription price of tba "
Semi-Weekly Gazette ia 82.50 and tba
regular price of the Weekly Oregohian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tba
Gaiette and paying for one year is
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oreeonian for 83.00. All old sur
sonbers paying their subscriptions tor
one year in advance will be entitled ta
NewFbed Tabd. Wm. Gordon bat
opened up the feed yard next door to
the Gazette office, and now eolioits a
share of your patronage. Billy ia rlgbl
at home at this business, and youf
horses will be well looked after. Price
reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf
Blf Billa Follow m Husband's Scheme to
Hide Coat of Clears.
One of the funniest things that have
occurred in Joliet during the present
year, says the Joliet (III.) Republican,
waa the mishap of a gentleman Vtho
formerly lived on the west side, but is
now a resident of the city, and whose
wife ran the store bill and looked after
the household expenses. He waa in the
habit, by agreement with his grocer, of
having his cigars and occasionally
goods that were not exactly cigars
charged up aa potatoes. One evil day
his wife took her pencil and began to
reckon up the aecounta. She finally
found that the family had eaten over
three car loads of potatoes in leas thRn
a year, nnd she just didn t believe that
the neeount waa correct. The smoker
and the amoker'a grocer were between
the upjier and the nether millstone for
several days, and it waa doubtful who
would lie pulverized the finest, but
finally an explanation was made that
mollified the wife, even If it didn't
saliufy her aa to the correctness of the
groeer a charge for potatoes.
fnnn is a terror to young mothers
and to post them concerning tbecanae,
first symptoms and treatment is the ob
ject of this item. The origin of oronp ia
a common cold. Children who are sub
ject to it take cold very eaaily and cronp
ia almnat anra to follow. The first
symptom is hoarseness ; tbia is soon fol
lowed by a peouliar rough coogh, wbioh
which la easily recognized and will
never be forgotten by one who
haa heard it. The time to aot
a when lha child first becomes hoarse.
If Ohamberlain'e Oongb Remedy is free
ly given all tendenoy to oronpy ooogh
haa dnvftlnned it will Drevent the altaek-
Th... ia nn dancer in sivine this remedy
far it nnntaina rnthina injurious, For
sale by Oonaer k Brook.
Tha inU'nae iuliina and smarting inci
dent to enema, letter, aalt-rhrum. and that
dur-aaeaoftlie kia ia instantly allayed by
applying Chamberlain a r.ye and Man
OiiiiincnL Many very bad caw have been
permanently cured by It, It ia equally
aflkient for itching plica and a favorite rem
edy for aora nipple; chapped Manila, clnl
hla na. fnrt bilra, and rlironlO
wa aupplird lth a grating and with j, wU . drll gUu 55 cent per bot.
.Mt abutters, an that ail air waa ra- I
nudiM, and the hot air Ioiiimi a pas-1 Try lr. t ad; a lenumo rowaers, mey
mure ttvm Ihe hail to the outaide, w hile ar juM aliat horaenewla when in UdroTKl4-l.uri?liu-i.rm.f
frallng tnad It poaaible U-m. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge.
lo Irate the window on all tilghU
Thi front ibmr might readily b ao .
arrantrttl with a grating that It, .
could W left oin at night, and In all
rnar it aiwiuld Iw aupplird with an awn
ing lo prevent th Intrnn glare of In
marble atra awl the pavement, and a
lha anrtM time, to afford inw 10 tn.
tlaitor and trwWtnan who must wait
three till Ihe bell la aimwervd.
Aa an a lha aun haa ceaanl to brat
... . 1 ,
Uam tlie houar eitnrr uirrruy w vj
rrflrc tj..t- all thrar proerM-a ran ta
trtrfard. What la Brrded IlirB la air
whirb. however heated. U aura to lo
a drgrva or two of Ha temper aa ntgbt
... . . .. . . ,
rtiini on. All wiuoowa tern enouia
I lbmi wkU oprn and remain an un
til lata, tha upja-v atofa-a. In fart, be
ing Ml 010 until aunriaa tint morn
ing tinuiniere th tmttla onre) mora
1'hilaalrtpllia tfalgvr.
For aala by Cooer k llrock, droggiata
1 tfT the apiitif mil
Hark Ihry rnt.
J Ti hta y. Uikhy
I tag away frvmi hia
ra4 Itaka tla4laatr rHItrtaM HI
ttmm frae x
irfir.hltif i..ry ia lol l In tha rob
Uilii.a of lha Ktertkfrttt lUrrltr! Th
... . a. . 1 t
rar lrttrlrl t mai I an aei, a iii-r-rai'
tnimlr l man. with an Inquiry lain tha
rawara rf tha trtHMr d.aarr at Ma
rem on tha nnaaiosi ft tha rttrvnatlori,
and th OMihl did nt hra.lala t trtl
hi majritt. In tha prra.Tir of f .rani
thi la l niir, that h wiM ha d
hvllrr tn' t rit lh r'ln'ni1rnra ..
lha rfa, fraiitala ln th ban-U
f tha f ran.l HnVr. Tha frark daclara
tiou aiaarrrr l tha mprrwr, ki aaaed
r.mnl 1'al.lra l ad tsar hu raaartna.
Tk ftnl aaawared: "Tbt ftaal
d.thra ara la thr rirht p' ra ta IM
army and . bi If ha tad
Mh frrvtra a l tmiranr they
anutt I thalr4." Th 1'iaad IW
Via I r rmlM ' tna. b
amil rt'v (utinl I'ah'ra frntlailM V'hi
f Kia a hi ir .f i f"t"
lua wHIt th I i..l I K fl Ihe anuria
ikiir. h la IUM'f II, la ( 'ara
rf th t V n ' ft feint !aVn
t ftiilf f f !.. waa nrl--l l
a. atirnr l In I .tfi I' r1l I
ern t MP t.a H ifftif, am ail
bfa f4 tt a ii-aMi; v rr
At 4 '.a a. !' at.a V a l. i 'ufvti'.'i ! U lta ' W
batbe Wlia.l.tt ..lt t a t a S a-ntlt (W r4 Wrt a
aa't aaa tha Joaa
Here ia Ihe arrioua manner In w hi h
a big Ixmdon dally and a anlate Ixuwlon
ttiHglairatr treated an old-time Amrri
ran ihr: "A alrangw amlrly waa
brought to light during tba hearing of
raae hrfora the Tbamea magistrate.
Srtrral men werechargtNl w ith stealing
a wan h from a aailor and were all dia
rhargrd eirrpt Air lander Fullrrton.on
whom were found a t offiea aavlnga
bank lMk for tv and a card of wav
brrahlp w ith a eurlotia title. It bor tba
ndlowing inarrlptkont 'National Llnrn
H-laUtn. Having brrn a mrmbrrof
i the above aaaorlatron. and finding yoa a
bigger liar than tnyaelf, I wwi ron
gratulata yon on relieving me of thla
card. It muKt be gratifying w lb Mat
Kn.l roinmunlty. aa well as a tribute to
function a own abllltlra. thai ba found
j. a, .at a . a .
no on woruiy of rriiaving mm ot uva
rartl. Tba tti aplat rata remanded him
for Imjulrlra."
lha Oaij Chair Tar Uae
Ta tba eaat ta lha Ualoa 1'midc tUal
111 ntia are reach! via that baa aim
feaef rbanaaa of af Ibu via atbat
libra-Kataa ala)a tba loaasl. Twl.ia
lo ot Irani Ui U la tba t aitad Mlataa,
Oaaada. of CaroM fut aala I r & W.
IUiUv, (laa. ktU t 3rd t, rartlaai.
There are six tunnels in the world
which have a length exceeding 81,000
feet St. Gothard, Mont Cenia, Hoosac,
Severn, Nochistocgs and Sutis.
A small planet, the tenth discovered
thia year and the 408th in the list, waa
... a w-a m r
recently discovered, oy rroi. Max vyoii.
of lleldellerg.
It is said that the inferior grades of
tea are greatly adulterated by tba
Chinese, who use for thia purpose plum
bago, turmeric, indigo, prussian blue.
china clay and other substances.
Coca, like mate, confers wonderful
powers of enduraiiee. Under lta in
fluence, Indian runnera have been
known to travel continually for 30
hours, covering in that time a distance
of over 100 miles.
lake George ia 320 feet above the
sea and 325 feet above LakeChamplain,
with the upper end of which it ia parallel
through most of lta courae, and but a
few miles distant from it. The descent
to Lake Chatnplain ia made over a auc
crasion of falls at Ticonderoga,
When Anna Jonca and W. A. Dono
van were beardlesa children they were
playmates. As thry grew older they
I mm ame lovers, but fate nrparated them.
Anna married a man named Elliott,
nnd became celebrated aa Rarnum'a
IVarded Lady. A few daya ago ahe waa
divorced from her husband, and on the
following day ahe became Mrs. Dono
I van.
Twelve mllea weat of Hereford, al
Ihe aouthrm end of lha Golden valley
ihe nave of the old Cistercian abbey a
I lore waa dug up laat aumnier. Then
vere nine bays to the nave, divided bj
olumna 3a fret in diameter. Parti
if the rude arreen and fragmenla o:
1 ahrtne In 13th century carving, wilt
nu-rs of color, were found, togrthei
. Itli armorial and emboaaed tilra.
Tha blggeal mooa head ever aeej
In Main waa brought Into llangor th
other day by T. D. M. Cardea, of rbll
adrlphia. The antJrra spread CJlnrhrs
Juat two Inrhra Biir than the on
head owned by lion. C. It. Uaxrltina
of ttrifaat. We., which waa, until Ut
Canlrta aerurvd hi trophy, tba blf
pvet mooaa head in Maine. Mr. CerdefJ
ahottb Btonae at the font of Cbreuncoob
An inWrratirg rJW waadiarwtrrd
near Baa IWrnardino. Cal rvrretJy. It
la aa Immruae arulpturv-l arrow nrnd
four fret four Inrhra long and weighing
tttore than "0 pminda. II la of blulat
granite and ahaprd In prrfrfl ItnlUUof
f tha entailer nrrwai-Mila fr .pirntlj
found In that region. On the tnounialr
M, nar whrra t'.r atona waa found
la a natural fora atton la tha abapa of
aa ar.owhrad many frt In length and
tti.tcuilf lait-lr for many ml Ira
a IS
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
I on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an increase of pension, ine government owes 11
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
gyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AV1RETT, General Manager,
618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C
JT. B.THI Compttnv tontrolttd bit nwirfg ana thoutand leading ntrf
nT.vr. t At V nltcd Rtatrt. and it auaranUed by (Arm.
Attorneys at Law, '
All buaineea attended to in a prompt and istisfactory
manner. Notaries Poblic and Collectors.
Columbia River and Fuget Soil Navigation Co
Leeaine Alder Street IVck. Portland, for AMorla. Ilwaoo. Loaf Beech, Ooeaa
Park and Nahcotla. lireet eonneelion wilb llwteo ataarnara and rail
road; alao at Toast's Bay aiih Baaabort Railroad.
Laava lortlani 7 A. M. Pally, aaeapt aunrtaf. Leave Aatorta T P. M. tally, airapl Ihiwlaf.
LaavM Portland I P. M lallf . at r4 mmrtaf . aalanlar UbL tl P. M. tMvaa Aftorla Dally a
Ul.aa, M., tir.iiuir ana aioonar. aunoaf aicai.7 r. .
Uavt Fortia4 M run Irwl la J! a-o. Tnaadar aivl Tborwtay al I A. . talnnlaT al I P. M.
UatN llaaco aa.lora.tar aii4 PrMaf al J.aj A, M. Oa auo'lat nlf hi al a r. M.
hz$ ttffitl to Ba3ml Ikslkilioi IA kuhn Frte if ttfi,
Par Aalatjr, apaad, Comlort, riraaura, Traval os tba Tattfeaaa, Sal lay OaUarl and Ocaaa Wave.
rh Eeeley Hliil.
aw-at a a fr SJ aar a irtaaf
ft. ..i a. a a, ifc- aa
A tVaakia. AMtaa 4a
thiraaa Alt tall of a doable-aaUaf 4e
btrb ba playad on MaiaannUr, aa
aa a bnUstai la aia aoara ef lalatira.
Tba famou dramatlat aeat him a perwr
ronulnlnf tba 1rW ma ot a .rfrrirf.
IflUr-t btm Ibat It a iba a4 ot
ery rare pUat, IIHa ara tba aawtt
rminf oaf M mmke4 tba i-reat painV
rr tba t lima lta aaw aim. "Oh,
lautiftti;i t Kaa .;aat4 ibaaa la
a ilrvla Ad taa tank tba aakxiiahad
a.krr trt a ertrtip of M eVi bra
tba ba4a ef mf$ rmf ra Jott
taa Ilia a aTaM.
C.4 it atWa, aae aaa Ikaa ba!f
I laa I' la tJ aran.aa Karl a CVra R-nl.
t. i 'uvrual avua.U i a Hfc rnr- I f nattUpatt w,
Ptlrat Hla! twataf PUaa
Mva.pti.eM: Molalar; lalaaaa itcbiat
and aliat'ais ara4 al alfbl; araaby
aavaicbitc. If allaaeJ ta mltaaa taat-
era form, aalrsb ofiaa kW4 and aioeteta,
baattiieg vary aotav flaafaa'a Oial
a.al atopa laa itrbtaf aad bladaff,
aaala a!eetia, aa4 ra aat aaaaa 1
aaa laa tnavra. At dragaia, a bp
Mail, fnt 60 aaoav ie. i;aa m rVa
BM4 BaMratf fcf Waa
A pieaalnf aownaat U a gvemmrat
aattratv aruirr frrr.li.tna rala frwa
taa IltUa lad.aa caa lalaad 1
MlabT. altaalad aaidaaf Wta-ava
tba Matdl ad Laradive fruapa.
Tba aroaaaa la tha bead taa rf tHa fr.
rmat aod f ta b. and hn
a&a aaarrlea ht fcabaal Uara bar
j caiaa ar.1 iU mr ill b'aaatalafi
I trwi3l b a Art4 htm, t
jrwaartlhiri v r. ta ;-rr
,a ik tka .af n-l a. at4 aartn-c.
. v-a Ua b tea ;ia la Math
For tho Curt) o
Liquor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits
It M lairalad at aalaav, Orafoa,
71U Jfiat fleomtfl Ten ea (Aa CotM
Call al laa fllrra pmem far araatare
Mru-ilf ata4aUal. tiaaiiaal antataaaa aare
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
nutter of business we must sell it.
A M. Utaaa -it eiafa,UVwaa!t.
J Fat tele Waiit War ran.