Nerves just as rarely come frcm the L. v. Hood's Sarsaparilla as does the cr.ra o! scrofula, salt rheum, or other -so-ca!l?,: blood diseases. This is simply because the blood affects the condition cl ait ib Nerves bones, muscles and tissues.. If it ia im pure It cannot properly sustain the parts. If made pure, rich, red and vilo; teed by Hood's Sarsaparilla, it carrie: health Instead of disease, and repairs thi worn, nervous system as nothing else cai do. Thus nervouB prostration, hysteria neuralgia, heart palpitation, are cured b Sarsaparilla Because It Is the One True Blood Purifier. Hnnri'e'Dille the best after-dinner IIOOU S fills pills, aid digestion. 26c Here and There. Bring in that wood. Get in and advertise. Wool is moving at a mnoh better price. Frank Lee is here again lookiug after wool. Pat Kilkenny last. Oftrl Crow last. was in town Toe day was in Heppner Taesday Let your light abine through the Gazette. bits returned from bis Joe Biber vacation. The Heppner Transfer Co., bas wood for eale. 87-tf. Geo. Lund got Lome Tuesday from Wyoming. H. A. Capper, of Monument, is over on business. , M. O. Fnqia was in from Eight Mile yesterday, A. Andrews was over from Alpine yesterday. Tom GilQIlen was in from Sand Hol low yesterday. Morris Mack was over from Long Creek yesterday. 0(rff Hayes is over from Lone Rock. He says, "Burrah for McKinley." Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter whinkey. On tap ut Chris Borohers'. Jobn MoMillau and son wen in irom the Lexington seotion on last Tuesday. Got. Lord bus set apart the 2iitb day of November as day of Thanksgiving. Geo. French sold bis wool yesterday at fair figure fur these limes about 6 cents. S. J. Free 1mm, representing Eaberg, Gunst & Co., of Portland, was in town yesterday. You will Sod that you will he treated 11 right down at the lied Light saloon. Call on the buys. E. Gamble)!, of Ridge, was here Wed neeeay. He is running two bands o( abeep up in Idaho. A man named Gordon bsi struck Dfr trolenm down in Donates county, the nrst aisoovered In Oregon. T.-M.: Hod J. B. Eddy, slat railroad oommissiousr, accompanied by two lady irionas, visitiug la ins city. Cbss. Harnett is np waiting on Marsh White, Alvab Leacb having had to re- letarn to bit bom at Lexiugion E. O : Tom Rhea, of HeDpner, and W. M. Radio, of Long Creek, are in tbe rity, having ooma over from Ilappner to look aner soma oactie oasioeee. All soooaots owing tba Oazette, if not settled before Jan. 1st, will be pat in tbe bands of a collector. Tbe (iesette meant business, that is all. Good ad vies; Never leave borne on ft louroey aitboot bottle of C'batnber- laiu tolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy. For Bale by Conaw and brock The M. E. ebnrob. Bon lb. will give masieal and hUrary entertainment at ins opera boos oo Dec. 'iad. I'le remetBDvr date and look for pmgran later. ii n ,.1 1 v tr,.wt. ..i u-.v. ingtoo, were bare tbie wsvktobay ebeep. Nona being for sale at wbat they consid ered good terms, they left for Grant county. Tbe Qeaetle must have more natrons for la epaoe to order to live. Tbie paper eaks wo cbaiilv bat It does appeal to basioeee tneo to wake op and do boeineee onoe more. Neit Sunday being qnerWrly meetlne. oooaebia at tbe at. E. eboroh, eeriee ill not be bald ei 11 e. m. is tbe M. t chnrcb, Mob to. rWrylone ta tbe steelof I 7 o clock. Old flatt and Charier Joeee are ee eootated tofelber down ftt Cbarl.y'e old pleee In tbe toneortal btuiBMS Call oo tbsm end get your wbtekert poabed la. Mrs. East Oarlock, eieter of ilarrteoa Comategs, of Hard man. arrived here oa teeterdar'e trata from California end ee mt by bee brotber, leering for 11 aid n ae yesterday. llk-k Metbewt e etill at lbs old etse.l Beat door te tbe post fcffiee, wbare h Is prepared t do eevtMng la fete Ho Hbavmg, Bsir eettieg' baths' et., el pepvler priere if. Ileppeer bad He nv lli"B twt. Toelee Jobs K Minis baaUd Hub llyed la ehIU.rruw ee Mala etreae Iruee one bats to tbe lt.e. Ketnia bet M llryae and del. T - al.: Lens manly inm te be la tbe beat eoadiiioa fleeaeially of ee ta lh elaU, AH warrants ieet cttoe to entree 7X feee bea eelt1 feu f tbe eoeely treeirer F-O : BryBiall.r-dTeik.rk fUe4 Ar-ble llerria, el Iag Crwk eal II millm ru. la l1ae wila e bo ff bwf ftte te be d.i 1 fe fnr f.ipnl W ILt H-'OO I Clyde lKntPto, l- le efTiag trnae ehretlej. w-nt at bn bfnih'i. Wail T--Bpne, b '! Tdl tk. k it ta Br4 be will ret. lite eJ Ittel ki d.fftily at a t laqiporery. A very pleasant whist party was given by Mr. and Mrs. J. N- Brown at their home in this city last Wednesday. Tbe first portion of tbe evening was spent In playing progressive wbiet. Tbe prizes were won by Mrs. Frank McFarlaod and E. L. Freeland. Booby prizes were won by Miss Mabel Leezer and Pbill Cobn, Following this an appropriate lunch was served after whioh the even ing's entertainment was concluded witb vocal and instrumental selections and in sooial conversation. E. O.: Rev. W. E. Potwine came home this morning from Heppner, wbere be conducted divine servioes. Tbe chnrcb at Heppner bat concluded to build a bnuse oi worsbip, having suf ficient money on bands. A lot has been donated by J. W. Morrow, the popular county olerk, aud it is hoped tbit tbe new btructure will be up Bud dedicated before very lung. Stolen Off a saddle in Heppner. on laat Tuesday night, a "omt nas." It contained two aooount books, one cheok book and some notes and bills. If tbe party that took tbe "cantinas" will mail the other tilings to Geo. French, Hepp ner, Oregon, he oan keep tbe former, and no questions asked. The papers are of value to Qeorge but to no one else. A whole lot of those good people who have been trusted for the Gazette, year in and year out, and who have no oasb but plenty of cord wood can square their ac counts by hauling in some right away. A bard winter is before us, and to be right plain so that no oce misunderstands us, we want a setlement of some tort. Wood it cash to us. While some rain bas fallen in this iooality this week, not far from here it has came down to earth iu tbe form of snow. It snowed yesterday on the ridge between Liitle Buiterand Hinton creeks. Considerable snow bas fallen in tbe mountains and tbe air here in Heppner is tolerably crisp. Ed. R. Bishop, successor to Tbe Mo- Farland Mercantile Co., is still on deok, giving great bargains in all lines. Tbe stock must be closed out, and it is sur prising how cheap things are. Call on them. Frank MoFarland, salesman. Tbe Blnok Butte mine in Fox valley. Grant county, will toon be yielding up plenty of tbe 'yellow ftnff." Mr. Jobn Gageo, tbe prnriet r, his a big mill in operation which it its nhij will aave all of tbe gold. Complete returns have been received from all counties in Oregon, except Curry, Grant and Harney. The figures now are; MoKinley, 48.675: Brvan. 46.- 340, or a plurality of 233j for McKinley. An exohanoe nolo tbe fact that tbe state of Oregon in 1890 oast 78491 votes. its vote this year of 1896 it lust about 95.000. Eight years ago it was 60,614, aud twelve years ago it whs 52,682. Saturday niV'ht, October 31, William Spitzer oommittod suicide iu his room tithe Oeetral hotel, Mitchell says the f rineville Review. The job was auooena fully done witb stryobmoe. Rev. J. H. Miller. Bat list minister, of lue Danes, win begin a series or meet ogs at tbe Baptist ohurob in this city this evening, continuing over Sunday. All are cordially invited. GOING TO WORK. No Doubt About This The 8nce :ss of McKin ley Ulves All Confidence. 8 pecial to The Walla Walla Union: Sbdalia, Mo., Nov. 9. After working one-half of tbe force on halt time for several months past, 'he Missouri Pacific shops here todsy put a full force of men to work on full time. Bbistol, Conn., Nov. 9. Tbe business revival is felt here and the most notable instance of it is found at tbe works of the Bristol Brass & Clook oompany. Be giniug tonight, tbe factory will run overtime. Manchester. N. H., Nov. 9. The big silk mills of Cheney Bros, began a full- time sobedule today. The works have been running at reduced time for more than three years. Tbe exchange aftots 2500 employes. Piqua, O., Nov. 9. The corrugating works, rolling mill, Snyder-Bentwood works and tbe Orr linseed mill started today, giving employment to 500 men. The Amerioan strawboarn worka will start as soon at repairs are made. Effect of the Election. Chicago, Nov. 11. Tbe Tribune printa list of 285 mills and factories which re- umed busioets tinoe November 8, giv ing employment to 155,495 men. More go to Work 8pbingfiim), 111 ; Nov. 11. The Slat- tley plow works, whioh have been idle for two months, have resumed operations witb 75 of tbe. 200 employee at work. Tbe Wabash railroad ebops, whioh have been runnig with half foroe, began with the full foroe thia week. Charles Ridge- lj, president of the Springfield Iron Co., states that it is very indefinite when the rolling mills, which give em ployment to 600 to 900 men, and which olosed May 1, will again open. The watch factory, which bas only employed 150 hands for tome time, will not in crease the foroe for some time at least. Yon Can be Well When your blood it pure, rioh and nour ishing for nervea and inntoles. Tbe blood it tbe vital fluid, and when it la poor, tbin and impure you must either suffer from some distressing di setae or you will emily fn a victim to sudden cbangrt, ex prim re, or overwork. Keep your blood pure with Hood's Sanaparil la and be well. Hood'a t'illt are the best after-diuuer pill; assist digestion, cure headache. 25 oente For Pyprpla and Liver complaint yon have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Sbilob'a Vita'Urr. It never tails to onre For sale by Wells A Warren. Paso oa TkakKiTlK. Wattenberger it Ingraham will give a nmqnerede ball at tbe opara bonne oo November 20, Ktf-TI anksglving even Ing. Tbe beet of mosia will be given and a good time guaranteed. Tickets f 1.00 for gentlemen, aad 50 eeott for ladies without masque. Lad,e mask ed, free. Huilable prtsee will be award! whlob win be oo exhibition at II. E. Warren t at ton earl dale. Tbnee who are masked must leave their respective name and chareetera rrprsetd with Ibe doorkeeper. Tbit rule will be rigid ly enforoed. It, TUB JOLUriCATION. "Bam tot itera." .' Be e-a," eaa KlMrwi Other Burhets Were te tbe Air. Taesday night waa Ibe time eet apart for the Jollification of MoKioUy't eop- purtert, aed they did it nloely. Early la the tvtaiog Ibe "lie eaa brigade" toroed out with ite Bsaal eetboeiesa ibe smaller tbe boy tbe bigger tbe BoUe reminding ooe of to imcaeaee Bomber of ebartvarle, boiled down into one. Later os two Immense bodflrec oo VI tie street ligbUd op the whole sorroondlofs while anvils aed fireworks male BoUe eooogh, bat not taffletat le droee Ibe tboote el ibe maltitade. The Ilefpoef bead, com pnm4 entirely of lediew wlib Ibe tieaptioa of Ibe leader, fmf. Henry, rendered two eeUetloee oa tbit or a Ion. eed did eiteediegty well, ertiilerine Ibet Ibey are a new nrgaal taiioe, Bsvlng bad bat Utile) preetlee aed ell Bovieee I'vpt Ibe pear, Tbit wee followed by short oddr, after wbieh Ibe crowd dwptreed U tbetr retrtive b"ite. liepnr WtTl the mmpalie el gaat era Or" bet il reeks first 4 He rle eed le willing to awt all eerm. le (r(ra of !(,, la b rlenralkoe of Important areata, ev anything el. THE WHEAT BOOM. The Peadletoa Paper Talks About the Local Crop and tne Price Still Going np. Probably 1 15tb of tbe county's crop re mains unsold, to laid a gentleman well versed in wheat tbit morning. Tuesday the prioe for No. 1 waa from 63 to 67, today about tbe tame. Tbe Portland review at the close of business Tuesday evening was : Portland, Nov. 10. Close of business. Tbe wbet-t market has a firm tone in sympathy with the East. Liverpool prices are the turn dearer. Walla Walla in round lots was quoted at 80 cent? and valley at S2J- to 83, with many holders a6king more. But oargo lots have not adviuoed since yesterday and our quota tious are (nil value for export. Tbe East bad a strong opening, fol lowed by Iiigber prices later oo and olosiug within of tbe top, Chioogo December sold up to 84)4 aQd closed 2 oeuts dearer for December and 2 oeuts for May. San Franoisoo olosed 4 cents per cental over yesterday. Gossip news reported heavy foreign buying, nearly 2 penoe in advance in futures at Liverpool, bullish newt from Argentina and doubts about tbe reported raise in India. Receipts at Eastern and Nertbwestern points are falling off. Bradstreet's world's visible supply statement Indi cates an increase for the week of 3,300, 000 bushels. E. O. It is estimated that fully one-third of Morrow county's wheat crop remains un told, and those who are thut fortunate will profit muoh thereby. Tbe prioe for No. 1 at Heppner is 65 to 67 cents, Other cereals have advanc ed in proportion. Hops are also a good figure. Tbe wife of Mr. Leonard tv'ells, of East Brimficld, Mass., had been suffering from neuralgia for two days, not being able to sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holden, the merobanl there sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Paio Balm, and asked that she give it a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells Ibe next day be wat told that she was all right, tbe pain had left ber within two hours, and that tbe bottle of Pain Balm was worth $5 00 if it could not be had for less. For tale at 50 cents per bottle by Conaer k Brock. ABOUT THE SPOON. The Fork Has Taken Its PUe Wherever Possible. The spoon is a time-honored utensil, but of late seems to be growing' in dis favor except in its very proper kingdom of liquids. Perhaps its aristocratic standing1 has been a little injured by the mushroom crop of inartistic sou enir spoons, which are supposed by dealers to be the great incentive to travel. To eat with, a spoon anything; that opn be eaten with a fork Is dis tasteful to those who are sensitive to the niceties of life. Besides, it givee rn uii" of elogance to one's table man ners, nr.d it, is at the table that one ex hibits most unconsciously one's breed ing cr the lack of it says a writer in Illustrated American. It is a posi the embarrassment to be given a spoon for rati 11,7 some dish which one is accus-to;-.!-l to eating with a fork. If sxons and forks be laid for dessert thesioon to he invariably of dessert size there can le no opportunity for embarrass ment. While on the subject of spoons let ns plead for small ones for eggs served a la eoque. Waiters at hotels have a reprehensible way of bringing one's eggs broken into the bottom of a tall glass or egg cup, tumbled together in an unappetizing fashion, all daintiness and beauty gone. Into this unattract ive substance one Is expected to throw salt pepper, paprika, butter and any other condiments, and to eat voracious ly. Contrast this with the perfect oval form of an unbroken egg, stood upright in a holder which conceals but little of its symmetry, the shell a pale biscuit color, and dull with unglossed fresh ness. The eater cracks off delicately the apex of the oval with a small spoon, gold bowled lest the sulphur mar its color on the moment. Milk white and oriole yellow are the contents thus dis covered, which are delicately sprinkled with wilt and pepper and eaten little by little from the natural cup which holds them. This is the only way to eet a soft-boiled eggs. Philadelphia Press. THE TRAMP! WHEN SOVEREIGNS CONFER. Croat Ada Mad on the Oocaalons of Royal Meeting! la Europe The innumerable banquets which are offered to the royal persons on every oc casion are exact emblems of the many valuable and pleasant days which are, ot their instigation and by their com mand, wasted in senseless formula, says Ouida in the Forum. Once, when cos tume waa beautiful, pageantry was to also, and ceremonial woe ao also; but now both are unsightly and grotesque. Two bearded men in heinlete, or caps, kiss each, other on arnilway footboard; old ladies in waterproof cloaks toddle through two lines of policemen; a fat gentleman, with a round hat, with a cigar in bis mouth, walks over a piece of red carpet, nodding to a bending hu lunn hedgv of supple spines; faces Ix ain Inanely, throng outside the station door cheer, they know not why, troops are mimcd in readiness, for nowhere are these ersonng( safe from at tempts upon their live; the whole thing la unlovely, abaurd, anomalous, a tnrUnture of what wo once both In telligible nnd reepectnble, but In which th'Te it no longer either rtreM.iL'e or symbolism. Without dignity In ltob- jiHt loyalty is a mere Uirwleas bundle of vtornout rohra, and dignity perishes at the scream of the railway whistle. paesa comment. artM te Me . . . i wee eruM. iirM. irnutJe ee etoae. Karl's Orter iUM Tee bee as4e esc well ee4 happy. Maa E. K Hoar, est by Wlle A NiriH, F0SSIL3 Itf THE DAD LANDS. Ulwavortaa Kmnllf Made In Hoath . hnia by Prof. To-ld. There waa brought to thla place i few clay a n;o the lrui!gpt rolled inn ot bone and irtriHeetiona that one roiil. vih to eer. seyaa lirrmoaii (S. I).) lei trr lo the New Vo-k Sun. It we sei.i by the party of wlctitlala iiml r I'rnf. Todd, Mate gfologlM. who I nve b"n lit work in Ihr l ed fluids fur mime eekx end l:it week found e bill ob-arb eh wliU.h et IntrnuN jiml.ri. rr.a nukes, they have turn fir aunt lime In the section between Wnunl.! hnee rreek and flattie rirrk. near Hi--seen of the Pine Itldge affaire with the Hiout some years ego. They hit found nuatithlea of the fOMllUe.1 eernam of t on Irs. with ahell from Iwn o three f,-rt In dimeter, ami of the broiitotherlum, a huglike animal from n to II fret In length. e veil a- Ibe Miil'in, n prrhlstorie animal b. apr"e-rrne . the! of a aherp. The vr 'n the region la saturated wliS ?, . .-'., in eolutlon. end II re- mMrsa r V;, lirtj v. 1 1 Hon t eeiitl-g. i!rp l ' irr the eolor end rrr. - ten-v ft eit-im. This be been Ih- rail.-. r -; -m ttifferlng amntif thegrf. In . f ; a brn a!mo l Inifiu. tilde . ct-i v aierflllodrink. T.rV.g'n rotor f ffjf utt, eomri'ng thf m- lire fat .f ibe country ere nrnly ell el, eed ere ao slippery Ihsl II I ,k walking p aa lorline of smooth Ire lo rllmb rt-ew. A Mew BarfleaJ I rl. Aa Iftatrumral ohlrh, aa the eam de- notra. is Intrn'W-d fur the arrr.t of bleeding la surgical oprrstlona,hatbera perferird by lamn Tslt. of x)nloa. A plsi imim wire, errengnd to rjrry a correal of rlrrlrirlty, le lnr.ed in tbe blsdee of a pair of ur furrepa or soy other rquUH Inatrvniriil, Ibe !reb- leg inaulalenl l y e hrd of bum! il rlay. A eurrtil of euiuM ulug ) lureed on. tbe eriery eriMt end mm reae4 end la a few arrot)4a the llaanes and arierul walla are en errlitinstx fiat tli pr "f bll ! rebmt lmn:lii Jb terrlufefr(.iiet i slm I' I drr f"ahfrihll..ii II will tie errs thai lb plnrj (nS. dsiveully 4ir7rvet frotw I ha I of !. Irlrel ratiierlilor lnirnnneaia. It le If, as now teemt probable, an extra session of. congress shall be oonveoed toon after the inauguration ot President McKinley, tbe tariff will come np tor consideration. Tbe republioan party it pledged to the repeal ot tbe existing tariff. It is not pledged to tbe re-euaot- ment of tbe McKluley law, and that tariff will not be restored. It it, bow ever, pledged to tbe restoration ot Ibe reciprocity clause rf tbat law. It it ot intereet to turn to tbe platform adopted at SI. Lonis, to recall the party's utterances upon tbit subject. They are substantially as follows: 'We denonnoe the present dsmocratio tariff as Motional, injurious to public credit -od destructive lo business enter prise. We are not pledged to any particular schedules. Tbe question of rales is a praotical question, lo be governed by Ibe conditions of the lime end of prodaotion. The ruling and no compromising principle it I lie proleotmu and development of Amerioan labir and industry, The country demands the riybl sclllement, end then it wants rest. We btlleve the repeal of the reciprocity arraoitroioute negotiated by the last re publican administration wee a uutioiial oalaiiiity, and we demand Iheir rruewal and exlentino oo snob let me at will equalize our trade with olbrr nation." There ie every reason to believe tbat the tree silver republicans of the elate ot Washington and tbe entire nation aill be in fall sympathy with tbe tariff tloo of tbe inoomiog admioletrelioo. Certaioly tbey are la warm acoord with the declaration for tbe restoration of Mr. Blaine'e admirable principle of reelprocily, and with ths declaration that oa tbe tobjeot ot the tariff tba "rating end oaenaipromisleg prleolple ie tbe protection end develipmeol of American labor aed loduetry." Hpokeeman IU vlsw. '.Now le Cere ell Bala Plerum" Himply apply "Bwayae'e Ointm-i.t. No letarnel roedlalDe rqtri Caree tetter, ectame, Iteh, ell or apt loot oo tbe faoe, beede, noae. an., Uaviag the ekln eisar, w ene ee l ballby. lie greet kai. Ing aed curative powers are praMeeeed by ao other remedv. Aak yoor drag gist for He ay ne'e Ointment. THE KAISER AND William A PlMeer Pea4 i. m. Ileaier, a Dkmeer reel ism of CaeUra Oregon, died at the home of kit deait.!. Mr a J. If. frtash, aer Via aoa, oa N aDer 7th. (Ie bad heej aa Iev,tl4 r.r fee or en yeere. Mr. U-.r wee bora ia lodleea Jnty "'. 3 being el the time i.f hie death U) yera, 3 moftlLt and 14 da)t old. He crossed tbe plains to tire got u W.I, settUof y Morrow ennely where be bee rMi leJ ever einee. Of ale ehlldr Iwe dsngbevs ere living. Mrs, J. II. Kreeeb. ae1 Mre. (', It. Ul., alee ae adpt4 oaaenwe, him jm 1 1 nef , Mr. Item wee well kaowa In the roetdeele ef lle pee, aba eipre ir eyaapalby e Ibe breev4 rUliv, Tee MeeM ftMMereev A tmterstl bee bwHI eeeeed eg eeeMHetMly H .M by H J.Ws m's will tw aefvet al alt br ee k ! I irrW. l I'.e 'eet . ,, nt "s t eVW M g (ktrrk prieM The 0rt qeerterly tbeeiieg at tbie eoeiree yr ei! be bM at Ibe M. K. r ber eh ,. U end . lUt. Kobt H'eraoe. Ibe reidieg a'Aef, will pftk Seiardtf eeaieg sad twieeaa Kee4ay. C"emii,Ue evM Prtey t1le'eW- 1b neeaeiae will be oee ef leit ae4 ptnOt A e ft I let let Me Ue te I I'eelel '!. el ll bonis. 1 V Owf f IM stvre tkoeii tatra e tle at.4L ttt i.f iii r Mi-i't m. ml Afl te,, fell lll Ree4 linn Ibe rvlre i tbie tff will I ee4 bt Ura the! Iare le et ) fie 4re4i dieee that e-xnn bae - -. i . . ..... - . . , .. , ....j ..... ... v .. i ... . . . . ( "J nsie.i t,,,! i ealerh. Halle relerrb Cee Bietbod Is plsed la the beads of tbel f't'eently. Catsrib Ulega -ergma fe tbe trrafmeet of ewrfer. ! """Nti-eal dee, reeiree a ttrr ! t'litoeal treaiML YOU lr. t 1 XWfii I I nothing BUT THE genuine: You will find ons coupon Inside each two onnoe bag and two coupons Inside each four ounce bagof Blaok well's Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which (lvea a list of valuable presents and how to get them. jijHL Hotel HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop Guests will. find the best of accom modations in every respect kes Mia , (islakee UairtOleribCore latemaly, artiag 4rarlly ataj I dwi't knoe by )n bil l kt'e 'tb bbd e4 aneeee srf e f ibe eeleriw! trte f uiuo ir fr e tarn-. aeiiag ik tnae te- h'HwI." a e!y ern1 g e '" eedeirigifceniwa ek!ani;t I hu is .'-1 ". u n-1 "" t beili-eg eg ih ai.e,ii. nr. 1 i'1-.k-w te, a a wr trii V.1 '' 4 '? - i i , fT w'1'! n pars inin ie "That pefiM tSe tV,m4. bt yon .; fed im ft r W-rapire- Im oi uiM-t. T. wafers ere T M..bfc' Vii-ie e r-(,lei ' I tare, I v eale by W ilit AWariea. I g-ilt f fm IUe I' ef- a '-tV fe.- t'f. Ihl lie tff.f fire lta'r, Me er It el M f''e l"ae, rWt I iM ! n, rf.i e r.j r-s.if ic4 1 ..o. lETMi by IVeeiM't, Olvea a Vagabond Soma Money and Good Advice. An ancedote of the kaiser and the tramp has just appeared in Berlin pa pers, soys the Pall Mall Gazette. Kaiser William was, it seems, lately staying nt the Jairdschloss Uubertstock, near the Angermundc, and was one day shooting in that neighborhood. A tramp descried him from afar, and, not lcnowinp It was the emperor, accosted him with tbe usual German request for unterstutzung or financial propping up, and also wished to be directed as to the road to Angermundc. The kaiser com plied with both request, conversed with hiin at length as to his personal and professional views of life, and dia inissed him with a wlah for a pleasant enn to bis nay e journey. The pleasant end was in the police station, for one of the kaUer's servants, who seemed to be of the Scotchman's opinion that it wiit "un owfu' like butiincHs for pulr louk tne lulk at a king," imagined that the euineror hod been Insulted and tele graphed far and wide for the arrest of the pilgrim, with accompaniment of bonds, fetters, handcuffs, and so on. The wanderer waa run to earth at An germunde, when he learned several things that he did not know before inter-alio, that he hud bwn speaking with the kaiser and wan guilty of high treason, anarchism and tbe like. Need loss to any, he was speedily released by un ImprtuoiiH telegram from the em peror, who ordered that he should be fed, comforted and hnve a free ticket to Cuxhnven, "where he told me he wanted to go." HOW DUELS ARE STARTED. Moral Hot on the :r" (Urea In a Let ter la aa Insult. Arthur Thlrle, a young student at the high school of tn'linoingy in ( hnr lottrnburg, war llerlin, ha been sent to a fortr for nine moiillui U'enuxr he protnl.rd anil fought m it b Dr. lirx-k-rlmann, says the New York Sun. I'.roeLrliuann was Tbielr'a errand In a sword duel, and In hi i-oiiuiH-nta on the luertiiig criticised artrrrle our or Tbirlea atrokea. Thlrle rrennhd the rritiriam ee an insult, lie rhal lenprd the doctor, but a court of honor ilreiilid the doctor was liudrr no obli gation lo nivepl the challenge. Thia ilrriaion angered Thlrle. lie aaileler- mined to have a duel al any price. Ho he aal do n and w rote what, lo hlalirr man mind, was the nioat insulting let ter he could think oul. Thla inter reached fta rliinaj In the sentence: You may regard yourself aa moral ly boel on tbe ear by the under- elgned." To UrorkelmaJiti'a German mind, too. thla eeerurd an luault that only UimmI muld wipe out. Thue it rame Dial early one morning Thiele and Hrmk- rlmana found Ihrmarlvea ten rvuva trt In the Gruiwwald and elMit at ea. h oilier unUl Thlrle fell with a daa- reruua wound In the Bllotnrn. Thlrle lingered for days lielween life and death, but afirr onre taking a turn for the belter, recovered rapidly. With mar wmtle' rt la a rrutmao frt- rrse ha will W fully rlored lo hreltb. .N'eer tbe rlty of klendalay, llurmah, la lo be fotind Ibe largeal laMik In tbe or hi, lb faniowe bulb lew. In ma siits of 7'."i rla. In Hie ahsw of bile Inarhle plalea. lUkrh plat Is prnerle iy a wmpie ni lir lika. 1 bia rnornMiua olntbe u writiea In I'al, end roiiioiii ST1.V (dm, Tbeae atanaa form Ihe rHiglotta nele of tl.e ',udi!liiU Tbe Kmh ! la not eaenrteal prnilm-, lloe. Iltfblhiallr plrly piniplr II prrperaiion la lUia reetury. It a lual by rfoitnand of Miodooiln. oie of the al king of I'.urmah. la marknl metrat Hb Ihe Kuib Ikiw la e Kn rraelia lellron put.ltfbed le llerl.e. kith la Ibe mallral -m,l In ll.e orl, The vtiluinr la Ibae half a riil-lr Ift'h In l.ola. elihntif h M r.ii,,. M. trI for the ptrje le errearv I" eaal'le the ra-lr ki -ruke lata mftgel of a bonk. ae awe !. Ibe foilit et ll. o a.iuf ul ag df tbe J.reaeot Ird ll"joa id e rn ) el ihe i-trh rburrb, wbirb ea f lld ih nett,ljea of ll.e rr'at ftj family ai.d ali i b nn-ml-M of Mia II n rlae. 1 b fwllttt of Urot grf alum lbe mp1 ree t Itriag 1 11 Ua the &)etry Ugsa Lit dtf ").( .' t '':! 'Ut bvtbrr. ! r; rv t i..m'.i i- ja" fi, r.f rm-II la an !ei"''r,l le at Gilliam & Bisbee We are not Bmall meD, lbs. We are small men, Xs. we are nol (lie Largesl mercnants ia tne World! t . But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockaryware, Olaaiware, Wood and Willowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Oau and Water Pipe, Pipe Sittings, Btovea and Ranges, Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axei, Hammers, Saws, Bledgra, Wedges, Ount, Piitols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Maton Jars, Gran Iteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllars and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices. We have Ooon Goods at Fxia Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Cbep John Pricea. MA.IN STItEET . - HEPPNEK. OREQOTST MAJN STIt H3 to H o Do you know what this means ? This, that here arc sixteen reasons why you should buy your Groceries. Supplies and Gents' Furnish- ngs at T. R. HOWARD'S "or every one objection made against it. This should decide the matter. It does. Peoole want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for the smallest amount of money. Buy the best when you can get it at the same figure paid for an inferior article. HOWARD'S IS THE PLACE. Old Stand, Main Street, near Bob Krlck'i. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, I. C. BOHOI-IimS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. PRENTISS 1 S Yom-o BOUND to Take 'Km. Leaves No Constipotlon.-aww Cerae It, ae well ae all lUilinean. Nirk HeeJaebe aal Malaria. Tbe ealf nrwroatiai a ptU ia Ihe world. rVild by ell 4rfite ne enl by snail ea rer (,tof enee, taete fet hot. f KH.Mlrwt MlfilUiL U-. Raa yreeeieee, Cai. SPRAY & PROFIT Where oa can jt'l I'irtU fM'PV finrI,ls,I Claea jf.aUl Litbg ItaUa. vll X llUll!iij9 Meevee Olseeru ..( eitae.. d''.v.t O at l.e la a wil l II ran ar aa i-p et a Uir" r-f Good Rooms and Excellent Service m " i 111 ' iii 1 1 ho GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH,