40k thought to be as constitutional as it is convenient However, the courts have willed otherwise and thus it mast stand. FALSELY ACCUSED. TTJS? TORRENS TRANSFER. A San Francisco dispatch Bays that lion. D. P. Thompson of Portland has arrived from Japan, where he has been for two months studying the resources and finan cial system of that country. Mr. Thompson said: "If Bryan had been elected president of the United States and a free tiade policy adopted we would have met with strong competition from the manufacturing interests of Japan." It would appear from thin that Mr. Thompson, though favorably inclined towards free coinage, would have supported McKinley on account of his protective policy. The news comes in that Bryan It has been chronicled by the carried Harney county and Tex. daily paperB of the country that aB. Good boy. the Illinois supreme court has de clared as unconstitutional tne lor- The (Won Short I An will rens system of land transfers, re- 80on te un(jer Beparate manage- cently adopted in mat state, wane ment from tne Tjnjon Pacific. this paper has no right to criticize xi l: C 11. - i. i :i .t me actum vl tut, uiv, mu KEELEa h. Qabbert has begun say that their findings are indeed the pablicatlon of the Avalanche- uDrounB. journal at Canyonville, Oregon 1nf am 4-Via Anirinrf nf lfti mnnnii r , . j .1 , , Things look better, don t they. of technical faults in titles, be 4 would be wise for Heppners ,, . . , . i ousiness men to tane ume Dy me they unjust ones, and, if removed, , . ' not interfering with the just rights forelock and advertise. of others. The Spokane Review says that This country should have a new Illinois was the first state to adopt . , , , , ... u ,- , d then we Bhoujd regt to tne unuea oiaies, uas sioou mo tftst of lnnrr annlicfttion in other lands. It has been in ooeration in Wheat BoId D New York at 873 Prnsaia. Bavaria and other Euro. cent" Per bDBneI on Ist luesday, I mt . t . t Teau countries for more than a 1 ne conditions at nome ana aoroaa 1 11 1 L I l Ait T n.muM ; v..- wm sena h mucn nigner. viner LDUbUl w a .S.1J .1.-1 u lu u ui ic ii una looli i used for more than 600 years. It Products are advancing also, is now in operation in Australia, New Zealand, in parts of England, Mrs. Castle, the wealthy 8an and in Ontario and Manitoba. Francisco lady who was recently Judge Hurd, one of the commie- "fenced to three months impris- Blotters anoointed bv the Illinois pnmeni in an r-ngiisn prison tor lemslatara to investioate the 8vsJ8boPliftnfr, ha9 bpen released on tern, gives the following as to its ftccount of the condition of her ji;iu. health. Mr. and Hits. Castle will V4 litiin t i "Thefirht tei) is to nrovidA an B,10rtIy return to America. - - 4 --- i officer, or set of oflicers, experts wliocnn make au examination of Tuii .Spokesman-Review article title once for all down t.) a given in thia issue is significant. This time that is, down to the time of lpor, though republican hereto. tho application to Iihvu the title More, supported Uryau enthuHiHst lettered; and tlio title being lcally through tho last CHrapuign (ontid to bn in tho applicant, to it should voice tho Boutiim-ntB certify that fact, rrt. ring tho cer- f'' Uo "J?iyan republicans o tilicatu in a book called tho regis- Washington, and of tho West tcr, and il livei ing a copy to tho owner, which certitifiite in conclu- Sen. l'KTTIflliEW, of South Da. hivo as to cwncihip. kotn, hits aunouiiced publicly that "Thu tith being thus icgintered, ho will support protective tariff tho next thing is to provide for negotiation. Pettigrew lilted the subsequent dealingH, so that at St. Louis convention, of which each transfer of the title, all (pes. body he was a delegate, supporting tious of form and substanco must Bryan in tho recent campaign. bo conclusively settled so that the That tariff legislation will be pass. purchaser will got just what be ed there is not tho slighest doubt buys. If be buys a fee simple clear oi an incumbrances, he will TnE supreme court banded down . .... I get a ree simple clear or all incum- a third decision in the branch any. brances; if be buys subject to in- Jam case on last Mondav. affirminn cumorsnce or any ! interest than the iudizment f the lower court in a lee, ll will appear upon the regia. restrainins the state treasurer from ler and in the certificate that will honoring a riS.OOO warrant issued be dolivered to biro, and there is n pnyment of the site for the pro. no going back on the certificate. poM building in Eastern Oregon. H is a matter or no consennenco to It ,-mt that both fate and the bira bo owoed the land before iudictarr are asaiost Eastern . . I - mm, or now many owners inera Oregon'a cherished hope-that it msy uava wen, or wbat nice quee- might have a branch asylom with- tmns or law nave lwn or might be 0 i(t bordera. rained upon the various convpyan. fH llirnnntt mV!kIi ll I... - w-h IViUB I lla tnWuiuk.1 ku4l .1 1 - t! . 11 t II. I ' uowu w imn; inry uave ail leo TroUblf tot! Ilul It too do. Irr and . a a a ' w ' aeuiiana droppea lota oblivion. t lb dyippls by aaU frlio "All this is mads practicable and TUa you'll suffer mwijrJoa Uh a comparativelf easv bv tha aimola . pipla ara lo . ' ' lit... ... .!.! Lliit .L. maoner in which tha register Is ,u " , N ... I , i . ... , i'ava, offrln( from all lU altoxWat kept Tha first ceitificala is tha bf wr. ol alban,. .104 aod p.io i. m it( il ia um miDg mai win appoar to tba lib m.wrb, trr nmUt and bibt regiater, this bring a new root of JM-lrlotu ti Hiis bidm, bil- title, lck of abicb it is not Deya. rm,l", ' '""' aed aalloaaa. No in l.i mv If MeMil? r all Ibis. Tbs aoaifUlal. . . Ubm.UM H to, ba lbs Md.atry ... ,H iH"iiin w" I fw.i art bnmhl la br dm U. le liliI in tha onlee of tha regintrar u Mr yi.l l lo u. (ri tto. Lio, and a ntemoiial of Mortgage will ! Hmh lillUft, lika r- U enteral iinrnMiaUty under the airWi ria ..f IIiU. tt. Mi 0r nUla Iba llr a4 gng, rroasl. the notation illLMktIl , ,u 9tnmtlK .. raimiifci. ll an evH-Uimn of ai itU and an m fM. t flh. Tlal atU l.ttciil ia uttn tha Ucd. "" aal," IK inuf bll tU f.t iu,tll .,M.,l.trar,!-:,;: 7 i. I i n 1 1) f a al ll aun m a i '"' i 1 ! h l in WHO DROVE THE STAG J. Tkia Serloai Qawtloa la Uinpatod Bctweca Tom Rba aad Joba Lattarop. From the E. 0. Joba E. Lstbrop, city editor of the East Oregooian, bag come home from a trip through Malheur, Harney, Grout and Morrow oouDties, having been ab sent inearly three weeks. Be baa not yet resumed his duties, but baa been kept busy receiving congratulations on his newly earned repntntioa as a stage driver, Mr. Latbrop says he oarae through on eohedule time as far at Monument, but found there that the stage driver had gone crazy. The only reason to be given is that the team due out of Monument the next morning was known to have bulked every time they were hitched f;r the past three weeks. The driver, appalled at the thought of orging a balky horse up the long moun tain bills, lost hie reason. The only thing to do was to take the stage and United States mail on lo Htppoer, from where the train could be taken borne to Pendleton. Thomas Rhea, of Heppner, who bad been riding after oattle for about ten days, was at Monument, bound borne, and was quite badly tired out. Be rode part of the way in the stage leading his horse, and when the stage horse balked, be took bis lariet, tamed it onoe or twioe around the born of the saddle and tied the other end to tbe end of the stage tongue, and Tom's own borse palled tbe load or most of it up the long bill by the rope. It was a rather laughable sight and one to be remembered, for Tom ia by nature a very jovial man, bat, with a orazy stage driver, a balky horse, a slippery road, and inoesaant mountain grades, his tern per was lost and expletives were used In profusion. He has now partially recov ered bis equipoise, and ia in town today attending to business. He says, however, that he will make tbe trip tbe next time on bis own horse, as the work of whipping a balky borse up a slippery bill is more than a good Christian can stand. Tom's arm is par alyzed, his. temper no longer new, but patched up and mended, and tbe past is s borrid nightmare, with visions of orazy horses running through his brain, and he falls over steep preoipioes in bis troubled sleep, only to wake and find himself with part of tbs bedolothing twisted into two reins, while with the rest be is mauling tbe bedposts and hollering" himself hoarse, and one night since reluming borne he waked np to find that be bad mounted tbe foot board, a rather sharp saddle, and was trying to make the 500 mile ride on bis faithful oow horse, Sailor, to avoid rid ing behind that balky stageborse, Tom's friends Lope he will soon entirely recover from the mental strain, and be the same old gonial Tom, as of old, and all of tbem are hereby requexted to desist from meutinniug stage horses, or to in vite him to tbe theatre, because liia ( by lioiim fears thut the eight of tbe stage in the opera house will so excite bim that he will huve a relapse and perbni lofie ins mum, Meantime tie is r; busy playing solo, etc., for diversion, at tho (lohleii K'lla hotel, where be ii at home to all fii.inil, barring tboso wh talk about bulky liorsus. Deaf From CatarrK. The sufferer from catarrh, perhaps, meets with more discouragement in seeking' a cure than those afflicted with all other ailments. After exhausting- the skill of the best physi cians, and inhaling; various mixtures, paying- out larg;e sum tor aoctors fees and medicines, he finds himself either as bad oil as at first or a great songs, ppepcbniaking and conversation. deal worse. ' the fri.nJ relirfid.exDrpssini? thpmsplvpa The cause of this is easily explained. , . , ,. The disease is in the blood, and only a as bavin fcpent a very "'joy.bls even real blood remedy can possibly have lug. The psator expresses bis thanks any effect upon it. The doctors being and npi-reoiriiirw for these tokens of unable, with their stereotyped reme- les of potash and mercury, to cure iseases of the blood, direct their efforts toward treating the symp toms of the disease, and ignoring its cause. The inhaling of various sprays, and use of washes, etc., is but a su perficial and temporary treatment, and cannot possibly effect a cure. Surprise Doaatioa. At about 8 s'clock p. m. on the evening of tbe 11th inst., while tbe pastor of tbe M. E. church, Sooth and family were enjoy ing the quiet t tbe home circle, tbe tramp of many feet was heard ascend; ing tbe steps wbiob lead to tbe parsoa 1 age door. Soon a rap was beard and as tbe door opened a happy company of members and friends of tbe obnrcb filled tbe parsonage their arms and shoulders laden with good things for tbe larder Tbe donation amounted in cash and provisions to about $K). After a pleasant time spent together in I700TS AND SHOES D THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS AT M. IylCHTENTHAIv'S lie bas anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a good article when Mat guarantees it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty. HP friendship and love. The Best Cugh Cnre is Sliilob's cure. A negleoted ooob is dangerous. Stop it at onoe with Sbiloh's Cure. For sale by Wells & Warren. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow countv. k. 8. Bennett and F. P. Mays, Plaintiffs, vs. Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, Wm. Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wife, W. 8. Mercer aud Sarah Mer cer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, Samuel Hall and Mary Hall, his wife, Win. Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kimsey and Nellie J. Croft. Defendants. To Charles Kimsev and Clara Kimsey. his wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, William Kimsey and N. Kimsev. his wife. Rich ard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, William terren ana Eva f errell. bis wife. Thomas Kin sey and Nellie J. Croft, of above defendants. in tne name oi the mate of oresron. vou ana vr. Tnentnv TtaTOTTT i eacn oi you win lane nonce tnat tne aove MS. J0SKPHINK rOhWBJ plaintiffs. A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Mays, have Tn.-t,!- TVilhill nt Tt, W I commenced a suit against the above defend Mrs. Josephine FolniU, oruue west, ant, ,n the aboye coujt to foreclo,e , mortgRKe v.. tt d ivi it.i. m o u . vivi .v i given cnem nv tne annve aafennanM unnn ini this distressing complaint, and has I eastihalf of the northwest quarter, the south a v.. n. i.rf.nl. I west quarter of the northeast quarter and tin ' northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of on aay! section 18 township 1 south range 25 East In For -years I was tne victim OI tne I iairt county. 1 hat the relief demanded in the worst case of catarrh that I ever complaint in said suit is for a decree that plain. heard of. I was treated by several pVoVrty .old an! doctors, and took numerous medicines ment of costs an Claiming tO Cure the disease, DUt in- " ecureu oy ma mortage aim uio . I nttirncv'H fooa mat forth tharftln That h In nlfiintiMV fnvnr a rpcnvftrv tionjf rew WOrae Steadily. from Charles Kimsey, A. J. Kimsey and Wll- 'The trouble became BO deep-seated nam mmsey oi seven nunarea aoiiars (fvuu.wj tv.4. T .-;... Amt in nna r ioa inisren innuon u leu per cem per annum !hat . Jra". entl'elT d" 111 on ar (romrteptemberll, im9, and seventy-flve dol- It is difficult tO describe my condition, lars (I75.00) attorney's fees, besides costs and but some idea Of the ravages of the disbursements of suit. And further decree v nYit,,r,A tin T tat that all the other defendants be foreclosed of diseaae can be obtained wnen 1 state HM . . ,i.. j.mnn in that all the inaide of my nose, includ- to said lands, or any part thereof, and that insr oart of the bone slouched off. It I plaintiffs have such other and further relief as can be readily nnderatood how offen- !mo nl . erved noon T0U bT Dubl. sive all thia was, and how unbearable cation by order of Hon. Stephen A. lxwell, condition became. When the I iudge of the above court, made by him at diaease had gone this far the physl- Chambers on VieWiid day of Bepteraber 18!. , 6 , . . y ' . I and each of the defendants above named are Cian gave me p aa incurable, and required to answer said complaint on or before tola me I wouia never De any oetier. 1 me nrst nay 01 tne next term 01 tne auove 'Reading Of many Similar Caaea be- court, m-; ne im monaay 01 marcn, imi, ing- cared by 8. 8. S., I determined to rellef demandedln said complaint. try it as a last resort. 1 soon oiscov- 1 cahey & mayh. ered that all my former treatment 7-91- Attorneys for Plaiutiils. had been wrong, aa tbe diseaae was in the blood, and only a blood remedy could cure it. I began to improve at once, and grew better as I continued to take a. . . it seemed to get at NGL1SHBUSINS GO L LEGE PORTLAND OREGON Full English Course. french and german, BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy. BOARDING DEPARTMEMTrLMIES ST It.ill tilts' said mortgage be foreclosed, tliemortgaired rty sold, ana the proceeds applied to pay ment of costs and disbursements of said suit, Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Gilliam and other counties and can save money aud time in making these sections with traveling men. Prices In keeping with the times. THOMPSON & BINNS, PUBLIC LAND SALE. Notice is hereby given that in pcr. suanre of instructions from the Com mis- trie seat Of the disease, and after a "Inner of thejleneral 1-and Office, unn-er author- . ,, 1 ' Ity vesteit in hlni by sei'tlon IMA. U.S. Rev. Mlat., few wecka' treatment I was entirely Rtmelldprt hJ ,hJ u.t of Vongn ,,p,.roved cured, and for more than aeven years ceburary 20, iw, we will procwd to otter at hav had so liirn nf the diisans." public ssle on the IJnd day of Iiwember next, 0 . . - I tl.la nlHM a tha l IHn'i.ln.1. & f th Catarrh is one ot the deep-aeated " " u,.wltr MK'i N IfM. ijcc 12, Tp. 4 S R. 25 E , and Lot S, Sc. 7, Tp.4S., K. ME. Ann any ami sll persons clniniiinr adversely the s!h)v ilfiK'rilx'il lands are sdvlaeit to tile tliclr i laliiis iu this nllir on or ix'lors the day ahnvu ilpslvnstofl lor the commencement of S'lid sa'e, oUierwIse their HkIUs will he forfeit-e-1. JAS F. MUOKE, Roister. Novcmlmr 7th, iw.si. (11. BUCKS! BUCKS! ly 1 Vc want your tea-trad "or the rest of your life. Do you sec now how w a . can attord to sav: "det every sort of Schillings best of your grocer, and get your money back on what you don't like"? blood diseases, and only a thorough blood remedy will have any effect upon It. S. 3. S. Is the only blood remedy that Is guaranteed Purely Vegetable and cures Catarrh, Cancer, Conta gious lilood Poison, Scrofula, Kheu tnatiHin, Ecrema, nnd all other dis eases arising from impure blood. Hooks on hluod and akin diseases wilt be mailed free to any addrcas. bwift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. CAPTUniMCi LLCiiANTS. Notice of Intention. 1 AMI OKKK'K AT TIIK lA I.I.KS. OHEIION I J in t. 21, vi. N'ltli e Is hereby alven that lht ffilliivvlns' nnniiMl m'ttUr Iihb Mlctl no, tire of his liiti'iillun to iiinke Dual In sup port of his claim, anil that snld priKit will he nmila bclnre J. M. Murmw, I'linntx rlerk, at llcpi.hir, O'cikhi. on liifcinlier 5th, ls'.si, vis: Jl I.II H KKITHI.Y ltd E. No. 4HSI, lor the NK' BWla B'4 N N W. he. HJ. To. 2 . H. i E. Hi- nstni-s the fnlluirlUK wltnrniii'S to prnv hlsconnnnotis reslilanre upon and culllvailon A SrtiuMat a Csmpsay aaa riaaOM WK Tt)I.D VO0 SO. Sport That tha Sllir.i)h Oceaalonally 0, M Id land, vt: Indula-rs la. William I. Knlton. rhsrles I'. Msllorv. A. A The enttrri i orrraniwd for the I Wrvn, J. A. Wren, all ol H'TJ'ny J,,nJ;,JJ;Ri, niiwnM-ntof the uuilinnijali.anil take isa-M " ' Keatsier. Now that lbs political Of bt Is ended it ii tvldral to all that s McKioley tnea bat aot deceived aoyona Ws protnia. d tba country tbat Not. 8 would sad this democratic-popocrtttc dodging. Tbs fools bas been dalivertd. There bas bn aa andless amount ol talk, and with so evident show ot ood. OJsnee, tbat this popoorstif doetonnf would aetlls varylhlflf. For ona, I otlorsed tbs dtagnoeis mads four years ago aad from a vetf well man I got safutty sk-k. We want a ehaaea lo work-to rasa mooe; tbat Is wby I voted for lbs liaj if. This country baa tried "frea trade," praelieallr ipeaklog, and It Is a sum- tlt fatlara. lVottotios is "lt staff." W want f wj mosey too, let it ba gold, stiver er papor. Tba country aswds mora boaloeea and Uaa aoaswaee. tlaaai Ct aaiaiss. El IVmswret. UaapMAS, Of, Nov. It, Iwrt. ct as nK rairruau rHti4aK!. Ibe National Hnrgtral taatlluU. N. 81.1 Itasa HI., ttaa fraaetaaa, nraMfal if trwata all uf onbo vIk aurf y. Use er aim surf mm of Ibst Ustttate ill U at tbs I'slsesi bnts4, I!t par, Tbatslay, Norahr I :h, one day, to aiaiiuue tsws. Tb snivs of tha la- siii.ila l tiestinf ail a ol ettrtaiara of lt i, dis of !. Lip and ke )te, Ub !, kM lit and bodily Jf'XmiiiesMWll aa ilM.B'tula, oniti nla-o only omt" in al-ont four years. elite the for.t would U (h nu.lrd of bg NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. frame. A small army, nmsmtinfr of limit a oral niMi aiwl ix-ilnnta lb reel elel 7U , . ' , , , , 1 . ed A4uitnlstratrla ollha Estate ot hamiiel phanU and a fi'W horiHlt, Uk part in N Xortati. deoea.et. will mass rinal hettle Ka bunt uiva rhanttiera' JmirnaL MJld I ment of her arcuunu with Salil r.iale as such they carry t,DU ami provision.. Jus, "'oi irfeWst"- w ii u i'niiiii k"ii,m" "'""i 1 ne nnmen at Heppner, ir , ia sam 1 ooniT, on emv ere In tirourcwi. Vhrn the nad nay ot January A. D lmrt, at I e'rlnrk . t a . , a.m. sakaii a. muruan marls of the t lriiliant are found h t I r steadily trw lved down, and aa soon aa I fOtiCt Of Intention. lie is louiiii fttraiiMHi 11 if 11 it 01 niaosi KtMN lea ia nrirrd niralnst hltn. f AND OffK I AT Tilt bAU.Eit. ORE(IO!t. 1- -..I. 1 . , 4 1 i 4 in, a, xmm. praira ia naranr firei m iir, ,ir pirn.nii uix.u lh. Iniio-i,.. nmt aetller hu lU x.llre ul git ot hut iirien, and their ols- his Intention lomaka Rnal ptmil In support u , . Kim. Ia ilia him his rlalia. and that sl1 pfnil will ha made rrt l to .re him ao to tlr bim ioni. W. Morrow. omintVelerk, al M.ppnar, uuk lie thou siamla al tmy, and the uretoa, on Iwemher t, l. is ; tujr of war n-miwnre The o,,,Hlnf t VaVroS r swffl'uis f and animals butt at one another with their taw. is. Tp. ia.. a. E . hea.U d.wn. and should one ahow his iiwiof wttossaae to .re e.-t. 1 ' 1- . w. . -.k fctoem. lowoosr-sldaoceapoBaad ealUs.Uoa IIHUMH. HO tm 1J J l I J Ml"", M IV .l IHi I Ql M IQ U,nd, Til WI..11 (ln.ll w,i,.rl ik kII.I l Ortnaa D. Alllsne. frms 0. Finns. Fllha . . . ' . . ,, ,. , r. Hanion. ot ti.hi Wlla. Oraaott.tiUbartD.Coata. phont is prraard by bla pursuers toward Hatdman. Orefoa. water, of which he Wt ao murn in neni after lila rrrliirui that hla hind Hr ran be sharklnl aa he drinks, lie la thrn kept atlai lir.1 by r- lo other ele phant until be gradnatly beevntra a rustoinril to UinOatfe, and In a few month be It rnrupletely ut;4er control. The is3rt U a bloudteaa one, and tha el eplistnu when rapturesl are moat kind ly treateil. MOW TOT IS NtGUtCTEO. (Mat iAa.r. sirtoat. Sealeter. Motlct of Intention. f ASlDOFrttt ATtAUatMM. EOO!I 1 4 t : !. Matte U berabT f1n lha tha tniiMlnf stisat seliief fca tied aole ot kit InteaUoa to suks tnal pronl la Supporl et kts claim, and that aakt "" IU b oiads twines Jtiaepa L. iiiMq, t orn aiia. Inner rA lha t a teruil timri al Laalnatua, Urefoo, oa BokSBT H SI( it H I. ma 1,4 I fee sll Ity Nt, K', A ssa sv (mv iTasK.9awa DitHMH Mhm tho ril Chita aad I Makaapi Ilia MmlM wlliwaw tia I au a t r y ( oaaia. I ais nai nrnttmrn apoa am taiuiaiioai Takinff the l.tll ikild out for I k.rl ll 'alkln. mmr U taakr. Wall r'a l.m ofua uieaoa a promena.br fa . '". if-m, Karl awa 4 . ,. I laitiif wa, Or-a, rwuai iiTaurf, in anirn ib w-ii- i p f.wtijnw. lemr of m rh.U ia not for a moment I fceise. aidered. He It held In S Hfht rein, trukil to walk alow or f sat U tttit bit run- n'tl I il I He umi al iaklia aa etaalaO.a 4 Jiachtrt' lamination. ... . . ... . . 1 1 . sural ia n aiieniiiFn. wii i " ,rm I 1 1 ike uiknai ) kiIIki iiwIm h aakt ip.r.t -i.t.a Sim I avtil.W-,1 a -pl, all akaauf .. ik.a.a.l aa ll ' .... .,, U.M IwMniaf k'llii miilf linnnuim) 1; i naaiw mr.n.i i I, ,.,.), , tat eoilf m frtVrt nf lnli,r k.a aeiia Inl.l ra, and er.eai ..r4 will k-td a . ASM ! aiMsani intj rmmwi wxiww wm sja itiwer, Don't buy your Bucks until you sec the Full Blooded and Grade Delaine Merinos from the Cunning ham band, of Pilot Rock, which will soon be in Heppner. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM. Mi I I Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . mm Desires to inform Sheep men that he will represent D. N. Baker, ol Weiscr, Idaho, in the line of Fine Delaine Bucks. He has 180 head at his residence in Hepp ner, ailso some fine Merinos. Prices range from S3 to 810 per head. Call at osea oa. or writ to. D. A. HERREN, Heppner, Or. on Hif. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OI MJtMCItatsaTICMs KNOLANn 1,1,..: t . f ll - f 1 ui ii " ''. sbiri aian Laalattee U MM.,..1II id U.e r,l. 1.4 n thai .,,., lK.e.l,.w , hel.,.e.. , ,,l. . aaaal caianh kill all .l,M.idiaaa ia I e,l t,ft ,0 t li ifial it tli. ' al-tnef troulil I " ! f. I -- - 'Vi"M l!. (Hl.it Wal,i ,' aaatlai-l klla tr.laj II u..f r tl.a lsti I, i tut rni.l. f a Is c-. wtatLar lb t'akn 1'anae l.i rr rttf t f 1,1!., ati Ul is can.! ,,'w tUiasl.at ht . , ... j tag ' ait n al I't esia leas.tl I .! M tit lhh " P-:.ta4eoa.t.Ull It eta.1 baM tit e Urn- ll.k bat a 6.S M .1 f.wit. rt, r..W J. I.nU autcaaita I tt.s e.UNtl. I I lata, k l.kl ..k.tf it fad aad Wiokaf tta, il! !-(, hl.MI't ..,(n lUn b l.iant at ! i t'aaaa-ra nkieti M t Re fr aaio al oa raat per has ana. I t. Ita Instital a baifrl reulli.i. W'ril f if oftilaf i l.ffea aial l f. t JCIlaje, IU toe, Mrs. A tillia, llci t..f, A A. U wteN lb lall. II. a. lb.. L. ItalHla., rSaleOI aa I b-ll'lrls of ultftt. e ther mak'ng bim retll,o i ur sr.fi, a I. ,,q-..iti 1 Ini lihea tnomrtl 1 vr lit.) t. lr h"Ut i na if ii; l.i' I' it ie.l..! aifiMh. f- l.eaiih. rtsia of h fui"t out. Ii-fa, ! lh S.rfalel t I fsl I1.-' I tV .,n. I, i.f IKe il.a I. Is i f lh 1,1.1(1 ,,,! inl isi is salt; In tM I 1 I rr ' a .il r.( tt. I . -ia f r r i . . ! en btl plrff.i-U f I'u ir Vie ' nl I I Uiu. 'i I a In- n,l. ;.'. ii' -n s'ii'i-if ttrti I'ot if r-i.ol 'i..! 't.rf f l.t ir i ' nrl ! t r , . - 1 . t ! il l J-.t e . , a I 1 i,. r w I in ft ,f . Hf i Ulf, f . . t as ' 1 i a ' - 13" " si C ' tl m , ; 1 . f is.i.mI ; tii 5t r ,t '. ,r. , i-r , I' V-a .,i.,, I'll. Mle. 11.1. HA 4at H la jt sMirtf T a. fc-t ir-t. (a a(c of Inttnlton. ts IttHS t ' 0a ".f i ia Nrit t ts ttiriat '.nn tnt ini l.,k..i,tMa4 a. aa al .4a 01 a s .Mtt-.u aa awi.a tirf ia e- ei n k ana avl O at 'I f.J a 1, i . l. l ,e r I S-ve-al. intaei a tl".tttf 1 -i't al Mf f. V"". a liafc l.np. Isi ii I PkkttLF StV. a t 1 -s m ihaar u t t a a jt a .' a . 1 U. h,wll4 I tllMMMl.rlMI k'S t . .. ... a a,- 4 s (iae a aat u t -' i l.m I .s.k al ttf. n a. t 1 1 1 1 , - Via lb Calaa PassSt atatati faf ftf W cbackad Ihroaf a troas Tot taad to deatiaatloa. Tba toiaJUM at lb Cai TaeitU; sra aesiMlUd lrt k sad )nlitat, esloa depots, fast Moss, tbroaf h aara, ttaaa bl. Ilalsrb lifhl aad oarteoat trliat to, paaaetftra. for rate and leformatin apply i K. W. Psikse. dsa. Aft. U-1'. Jtt-m, pr. land. Urvfa. Walt. tVnitna ran staa tt e lltpr aad MHiiaai, arnsinf trwry day trd kliMi.taf aad laaslaf y dar Stl f'ata.l)T. Hh-Mttaait aa I baa aat rnl M lh ia'an-.r. C',t,, 4 lmt k. ar. a Uppaar to rdltoa via Ilppar f.elo Bt In. rrn deatroat a4 vialiisf FradUtoa saa sat Uma aad BMHKf by taklaf this real. By as qQtialinf tba Mtt tht pratoas aaa llb tJj all Ssak roeaaelKaa l 1 aclork (raia at fcba tot TaadMoa. (ma at City 1H4 et,ar. W. IX U-n, l"t"ptof. a r v I ft Xiirn ks It lirti to fat lb Waakly (tiasfnaakSk. tha greatest as(af 4 lh Weak. Uuk tb(W-l,b sine If.! alae, aa ta. 4 9u ! 1 ante bis, a 1 kn vf papr eaa b asada . a. . . i ir ai usmi a a win fie aa a farr.nsa aa a1titkil Jia'asl. tk tV lUatae, aa fttiitraJ tbmf b leaiaa H (X l A 5. will ra via. frratill. Haiia Walla aad 1-aadlatAtt. Tkeontk tleapaea, firal aad ewMid elaaa, will fa iael wilfe IS I'aiaaj rrllUki lb a kka t.ra. A lhf..b ffrat laa s lea par rof tsnd M Fie-kaaa, aaofif with lb fr.t elaaa al-p to St I'aal, aad a IhftMfh ltfte alaepet TitrtUad ka Hi. f'tal, ll raa la rtra with it lira at Notlr) rallatf If trarr. f.t tV-isKi ta "W as4 a)kwelta. papaw. Ta Vkae. msh tea a.rsel ri ta as kef . at-a 'a jr.i .4 -. f- a eti Ike tM I. I 4 : a , ml aaitaa Mia t I k IS I 'aiw .1 m I, Snwl I .r .! lUiljr in tt las! mall. .!.r,l. f I--.. - 1 l I-..- ' ' ' ' u,t. ,n m k '' ! Sl , . f - .. - I 1 .a , , . ( u J , a ,.. r taaalt-a, llk-la, . I, t ..)., w.. 1 wheal, ill'ej ''' 1 h. ;- s LwaAaaT j iii.ai , ' ktril llmrlM fit l!Ll!J!,K U.'tl tti ll ttitli abj ajaa.laod Otw tit. tl. 1 u ' Vll A I. U .sall iitariksty Wa..a aea. raratwUk. 1