ef (D Blood Ifl essential to health. Every nook and corner of the system is reached by the blood. ni itsqualitytheconditionof evsrj organde pends. Good blood means strong nerves good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest way to have good blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing Bleep and cures that tired feeling. Eemember, Klooc Sarsaparilla Is the beat- In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hond PHIc.T8 Llver Ill9; easy to 1 1UUU S fills take, easy tooperate. 25c got home in time to Here and There. The Heppner Transfer Co., has wood Ifor sale. 87-tf. Oy Metier was in from Lexington Monday. .. x W. J. Brown, of Lena, was in town yesterday. ' Ed Dougherty was np from Alpine Monday last. J. H. Kolman oast bis vote. John E. Lathrop, of the E. 0 , left last eveotng for Pendleton. J. H. Piper was np from hie ranch below Lexington Saturday. Sven Troedson was up from Douglas on last Saturday and Sunday. Antona Binge oame np from Portland Sunday and remained over till today. Wheat is baok to the old notoh of a few weeks ago and going higher still. Drink the celebrated J. H. Gutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'. Arlington Beoord: Congressman Ellis was given an enlbrisiatio reception on his visit to Ibis plaoe Monday. The ball where he spoke waa artistioallr decorated and the grand parade waa a credit to the town. Mr. Ellis' speech was the beat delivered in this count during the oampaign and helped aug ment tne spieodia rote AlcKinley re ceived here Tuesday. Condon Globe: The reoort that the First National Bank of Heppner bad euspeuded ia entirely witbont foanda- DEATd u W.Y. CKC1U Died In Arlington, Nov. 6, 1896, of dropsy of the heart, William Y. Geoil He wai sick almost a year, bnt for the last three weeks was oonfined to bis bed until released from all suffering by death on Friday afternoon at 1 :15, William laooy Ceoil was born in Kentucky, May 24, 1819. When eight VAarn olfi hia nsrants . AmiarntAd tn ffi.a.ffmssaEis'- p w yhood Over in Heppner preainot on Nov. 8, thirty three 'first votes" were reoorded. Andrew Besoey and father, Thoa. , Seaney, were np from Lexington Mon day last. Chester Baling, of Eight Mile, is suf fering from an attack of congestion of ine inngs. Bbeep are on the upward grade and none are for sale except at greatly ad- Yon will find that yon will be treated all right down at the Bed Light saloon. Call on the boys. J. W. Vanghan is Increasing hi stock of grooeries to meet the demands being made upon him. Dave Ackerman, representing Fleck enstei i, Mayer Co., of Portland, Sun dayed in Heppner. T.-M.: Congressman Ellis is In the city, having arrived from Heppner on this moriog's train. John C. Laos, the populist leader o' Grant county, oame in Sunday from below and left Monday tor Grant ounnty. Grant Go. News: Marriage license ba been issrjd to A. L. Urecnwood of Hep-oar and Mrs. 0. E. Pains of Ham ilton. E.O.: Mrs. Wm. Douglas of Heppner arrived in Ibis city Friday evening from Chicago and was met here by ber bus band. Mrs. D. J. MoFaal, aaoompsniwd by ber mother, Mrs. Uolman, returned from a visit to Adams, on Wednesday of last week. Chaa. Johnson, the member of the hoard of eqnalifttioa for Morrow end Umatilla comities, waa op from Lexing ton jreaterdsy. W. M. Radio earns is from Long Greek last Friday and left that evening for IVndleton. - He will return home, vis Heppner, shortly. Lost In Ueppoe r, ao Iroo Moulder's Uuioo ord. in ths oame of Barney 1111, and also due book. Finder will please leave same at Osteite ofDoe. Mrs. Bradley's Hooday dinner of Nov. Btn was trend sows. Tbs Oasatte boms raoeb aekonwledgwl ao loviutioo by coming out la foil force. Tbe Endowment Rank, K. ot P.. Is now fully organised and ready to lake lo membere. Only members of tbe order to good etaoding are eligible. Ed. R. Blahop Is ever at Faedlettia, while Mrs. Bishop la visiting ths boss eoeees of the metropolis, where she will be Joined by Mr. Bishop later on Good ad rire; Sever leave borne oo a learner wliboot a bottle of Charober- Isle's Col vi. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For Bale by Gooeer and Brock Dr. J. W. Vsl. the nnrntwl, daire ths Oaeetta to say that be baa deferred bis vtalt to lleowwr from 'he 15th leal. to lb 2ib. Oof readers will tak Boll re W. W Tnlmi: Married, io Ibis eity. Xrf. B. IK, at tbe 8aib Methodist Mnvmis. Geo. M. La'-ffT aod Mrs. M lacks Hmiib, hots l Morrow eoosly Oregna. Tbe OeaMie mjt bave snore patrons for Its eaeoe la order lo live. Tbie pep aeke o ebatltf but It d we appeal to baeieeea saea to asks op asd da business ooee saors. Dr. J. O. Laeaeiberg 4it the Oe a.da la eat I bat be Will rafaele lo tleaa- ef ens weak b . and that be will tea free eisnalnslloe tod eotaHalMe to ebltJ never was io sounder condition tban at present and that "Old Conser" as be is familiarly called, can always be found at the bank ooonter with plenty ot cash to pay everybody. Two ot our heretofore honored oitieens. Sam Walker, of Gooseberry, aud Beu foppen, of Hardmao, have absented themselves recently from this section without tbe consent ot their creditors, taking their families with them. This aoti n on tbeir part is much deplored and indeed a surprise to all. "Any man oan bent his friends," is an old saying. A whole lot of tbose good people wbo have been trusted for the Gxzette, year in and year out, and who have no cash but plenty of cord wood can equate tbeir ac counts by hanliuK in some right away. A bard winter is before us. and to beiuht plain so that nooce misunderstands us. we want a setlemeut of some sort VV ood is oiieh to us. Among tbose of Heppner who took in tbe celebration at the opening of tbe Crfsonde looks, jbeGnz-ttte notes Messrs. Horry Warren, Geo. Wells, Tom-Morgan, Geo. Muir and wife, Mrs. LaousPeolaud and Leonard Akers wbo went from there to Albany to attend tbe Conservatory of Musio this winter, aod A. W. Patterson. ot the (JBzette. , E. W. Rhea & Co. have just reoeived a ooat and vest that was ordered for Johnny Walker, who lives near Hard man. Johnny is 61 inches tali, just that big aronnd ths waist and weighs 326 pounds yet be has lost about 30 pounds of flesh lately. His ooat oontains enough olotb for two ordinary garments ot that sort. The good old-time Sontbern darkey with his queer onstom an t soperatitions is admirably fonii i i the Christmas number of DmoreBl Magazine by Mary Annablt Funtnn. Howard Helmiok contributes six fnll-pase drawings, and tbe smaller illustrations ere character istic) and delightful. Tbe Dalles Chronicle: Telegrams were received by wool buyers here yesterday afternoon from eastern bonses. tbe general tenor of which was: Don't sell your wool without giving ns a obance to bid for it. ' How is that for a cm ment on the election, and the policies of tbe two parties? Married At the parsonage ot tbe M E. obnroh, 8oatb, on last Sunday after noon at ft o'clock, Mr. Frank Thomas aod Miss Lou Donation, Rev. G. R. Howard, officiating. Only a few relatives sod friends were -present. Theyonngooupls have the best wishes of all. Condon Globe: W. P. Gray of Hepp oer was In this seotioo this week trying to bny sheep, but whether or not he se onred any we have not learned. Charley Sburte of Arlingtoo was out through here last week on a similar errand. Id the last issue of the Gazette, it was stated that Geo. B. Tedrowe was oon ducting the Uity hotel. The paper bould bave said that Mr. Tedrowe is employed as night clerk by Messrs. Spray & ProSl, tbe lessees. An Iowa man bet $10 tbat he conld Vide the fly wbnnl of a sawmill. When his widow pti.l tbs bet she remsrked, tvmpatbetinalljr : "William was a good, kind husband, nut be didn't know moon about flywheels, Clem Ilogne is down from Pendleton and will winter out at Hard man. Mr, Hofftie in an organizr of the Artiaaoa md will endeavor to put io a lodge at Hardman very soon days and attained manhood's estate. At tbe age of 28 he was married to Miss Mary Ellen Robertson, of Adams Co., I1L Of this nnion were born nine chil dren, six sons mi three daughters, seven of whom are now living. After living eight years in Illinois they moved to Missouri and settled in Livingston county. In 1862, with bis wife and family, he orossed the plains amid scenes of desolation and war, and incon stant fear of death at tbe bauds of tbe savage Indians. After tbe long and perilous jonroey they safely reached Oregon where they spent the winter at a temporary residence on Rook oreek. Io the spring of '63 they settled on Willow creek where he lived until his death. . He was a man admired and beloved by all who knew bim for his sterling quali ties and honorable uprightness ot char acter. In his last days be was minister ed to by his beloved and aged wife wbo bad throughout life shared all bis sor rows and jiys, and bis two remaining daughters, Mrs. T. A. Rhea, ot Heppner, and Mrs. J. L. Bobison, ot Walla Walla. Sons, daughters and grandabildreo sur rounded bis dying bed, and on Nov. 7 laid to rest the beloved remains, knowiog that some day we may meet those gone before and all be happy again. Tbe relatives ot the deceased all unite io extending thanks to friends for tbe kindness shown tbem In tbeir sorrow and bereavement. A loved one from ui li gone, A voice we loved it still ; A place Is vacant in our hearts Tbat never can be filled WHAT OCR EXCHANGES SAT. Mr. Bryan's overwhelming defeat no donbt is due to bia tree trade views more tban from tbe money or any other oanse. The people of this country bave learned from bitter experience tbat free trade benefits no one except tbe foreign coun tries, and particularly England, tbeir bitterest enemy. Much better have tbe factories ot onr own conntry running day and nigbt, furnishing bread tor mil lions of poor families than that tbey re main idle while the foreign countries revel in luxury at onr expense. Condon Globe. Tbe result in Oregon la particularly gratifying. It has been a fight against odds. McKinley managers were con fronted by a combined opposition ot 5000 votes and a serious loss ot republic an voters. The ontloi k was certainly disheartening. But tbe apparently im possible bas been aooomphsbed and we are proud of Oregon. To Mr. Hireob and Mr. Denny, too mnob oredit oaonot be given. They bave been vigilant and tireless. Tbe management could not baye been in better bands. : It must also be said tbat tbe attitude of the Oregonian, from the very begin ning ot the financial agitation, bas pre served a nnoleus of sound money senti ment around wbioh has gathered the MoKinley movement in Oregon. Tbe country republican press has done vrl iant service (or tbe cause. Binger Hermann, W. R. 'Ellis, aod Thomas Tongue bave worked faithfully and effectively. Senator MoBrlde, as far as bia health would permit, has spoken and worked tor tbe man from Ohio, and the eloquent and persuasive gentlemen who have given np tbeir time MOURNING GARB RENTED. Dance os Tbaaksgivlng. Wattenberger & Iograham will give a masquerade ball at the Opera boose on November 20, 1896 Thanksgiving even ing. Tbe best ot musio will be given and a good time gaaranteed.' Tickets J 1.00 for gentlemen, and 60 cents for ladies without masques. Ladies mask ed, free. Suitable prizes will be awarded mob will be on exhibition at H. E Warren s at an early date. Tbose wbo are masked must leave their respective name and characters represented with tbe doorkeeper. This role will be rigid ly entoroed. ' tf. Nsral Bulnwi Built l'p by Enterpris ing Dealer in Old Clothes. Persons who are forced to undergo s sudden change of clothing because of tbe death of relatives, and who haven't the ready money to buy out right an entire outfit of block for brief use, have found a welcome assistance in tbeir embarrassment in a man whose business is obscure, comparatively, and of recent origin, but who has an active trade. The office of this man has a funereal aspect, filled as it is with heaps of somber garments, but its proprietor is anything but grave. He was, until lately, a dealer in old clothes, and wai dismayed at the amount of competi tion. Everybody seemed to him to be dealing in that commodity. A friend, short of cash, whose father died, borrowed a mourning outfit from him one day, paying a small sum for tbe loan. This transaction suggested to the dealer the idea of hiring out mourn ing dress as a business. He tried it, and soon found his peculiar trade well patronized. He began to read death notices in the newspapers, and to send his agents to visit those whom he considered, were not in extra good circumstances. Seven agente now act for him, being paid in commissions. Each has a regular cir cuit of streets marked out for his can-vaes. The PAPER Latest GARMENTS. Afraid ot Fad for foople Lightning. A glass house and a feather bed used to be considered the lightning-proof mediums behind which tini'.d persons could seek refuge from the possibility of being stricken by nn electric bolt. But these arc okl-fashioned ideas now, compered with the lightning-proof puper suit which a New York geniuf has just invented, patented aud invited fearful and apprehensive people to try. This suit is made of fiber pulp and can and talents for tbe sake of the oaose, are be n)lule to look eXttctly like nny her More Caratlve fowrr 1 Is contained io I bottle of Hood's 8arsa parilla tbao io soy other similar prepare lioo. It costs ths proprietor sod maoo factnrer more. It ooats Ibejober more and it Is worth more lo the coosamsr. It bas a record ot curea onkoowo to soy other preparation. It is the beat to boy beraose it is tbe One Tf oe Mood Porifl Hood s Pills srs tbe txst family ea- ibartio and liver medicine. Or otle, re liable, sore. rkarwy 1th Is4. Die I sear Lrilsflto", on lal Friday, Nov. 6ib. of heart trooble, Cbas. Smith, son ol Mr. aod Mrs. ueo. w. Bmiio, agej sboot 17 years. Tbe remaias were Interred io the Lm legion eeoMtery oa last Petards. Tbe young dso b4 beet 111 for some time, aod rereetly wee! op lo Walla Walla for treatment. Not ettiag relief, ard tooeclont of tbe fact tbat be so ait die, the pereots brought blm beck to bis Morrow roonty botae oa last Tboredey. Os lived only Iwsoty foor boors after retoreieg. Tbe dreeseeJ was ooiversa'ly beloved aod be lose Is sadly deplored. The pr vote ssd relatives have tbe sympathy of stl la Ibeir boor of sore trial aod be- reavesatot Novel Telephone Line. Of all tbe novel telepbooe lines in ex istence tbe one opersted by tbe oitixeos of Heppner olaps tbe climax. They bave a oity exebaoge composed ol about 25 phones. Io patting in this ssrvioe it beosme convenient to use a barbed wire that was oo the fenoe in conceding with tbe soda factory, about a bait mile above town. To all appearaooes tbe barbed wire transmittsl ths sound as psrfeotly as tbs copper wire, so it was decided to try line (to tbe borne of J as. Hsger, about three miles from town, to whose plaoe there was a bsrbed wirs fence almost tbe eotire distsnoe from Hepp ner. Tbe result of this experiment wss very satisfactory; il being said Ibat ons talking over Ibis line oao be beard more distiootly tban over any lioe oouneoted with tbe exebaoge. This la a nw Idea and may somewhat reduos the ei peoie ot oonstrncliog tele phone lines. Nearly every raneb io tbe bnncbgrsas counties of Oregon conld easily, aod at sen til eipeoae, seour til epbone connections, as the wire fsooe is the ooly fenoe lo soob looalilies. There is another tbiog that recommends tbe wire fence Idea : Tbs barbs oa tbe wires will give point lo the argomenl tbat may be transmitted over lbs lioe. Beef Mil too Eagle. A lioe to Herd man over bar bod wire is talked of. It ftevte lives It very Dsy. Tbooiaada of easts of Consumption Astbroa, Coogha, Colde aod Croop are eared every day by fcbilob'e Cora, tat sale by Wells A Warreo. MKlnUy ail!. Ilk MstwUne ?. ' Bmsw M 4r1nt mm Uran4 kys. mm . ss lrvmw, mf asms srs iw hnpm lhf 4Mi t 4mmt OHaa I sod n,a nil is s iBsnns. Is siUt tl usi fcsi im miw lik Bsase thsi s mm ss4 kntss. yos) lant M h I mwm mw alls I sat anaftl Tlts " fbsa thmt gtv'Sif bbss4, a4 lift las4 S AM 'y draat ana atoee r4 Maeaa4 Srs. Hold ooly al the IWIvedore Halo, f. U. tWr j. Prep. 1114 If alt and CherUy Joawe are a nrteted togatbaf dnwa at Cb '!' a 1,1 bleee la lb toaaoflaJ btnio4. Cll oa lba sad tout w(s.lafs posUaJ la. tla-b Meibewf U ettll lb old staitd. wlt dnnf la lbs tt 8e, wfcare M Is et.r4 la 4 aevi - H Mh.., kar tatties' beibe' eU , al frpale p liJf T.lUt I aiJ l a t4 f Ibal ' IsnlM ssaiafdsy I It 19 t Mad Tbsy a iti b etMit o ! t heed Wfore el-eina. ead ! I aysfe t.e et ibt tgf list I I'.sJ Le) tie tltps' tks Vaast fcxaeraas MIm UM, re"e 4 1 us .lil ku Laaw esal S ! VImUs I J aa ve III epfMite tbe I My IM-1 t i. ! i."f t y Ui t tb uai. Iy m a!l ?j sfa at al! Ml ! qalni M "" I i ..i., i. ... ! 1' I ii si 'fa 1 i.s i b ..a ei.'i ls el'k ,.t ,t. ,mJ it "I ' I a'.i'l t' 1. t ... .... .. ut,., I mil k eia. Ik e d" K ' u .! k"f a a. v, m. rrH al Walls alla. Geo. Uf.e-gy sad Mrs Mlaale Hailb, b-(b f IttiO ptere, were Ha4 al Walla Wslla, Web.,ea M Tir4.y, Sot. ith, rUrt.leg la thai fotare beesS at Ilp ea last tUlefsy. Mr. f'ttgy is with tbe O R. II,m Ike rrhty nf eegia lo Mrs. rtoitib kae bwt a falt wl Ihie plane fit Ssare I has es )' fast. 1Mb are bigbly eatr4, Md ateey frlaade Ha to eegfiltoee. Mste sa4 0iast Pew4ar. 8. 0. Sparks, abo reeldtt al Bios River, baa tbe nostras! fo delivering topplles aod malerlal al tbe Laeky Roy miss. Tbe supplies are delivered a I Bios Riser and from there are eerrUd sit miles aver Iba Larky Boy trail la the oiloe ea moles, A few days aga a par of the load tarried by ess of Iba aiolea onapneed a tx! ef gieal powder. Wba well ep tbe trail Iba Bale beeeme llred of bis load sad btgaa lo bock to rid blovaalf of IL Etartbod gn eat of lbs way, espeetlsf eeeb aaiesle tee Iba aiole ead the aide af Iba avoaataia blewa lolo atossa. Bel bia fttaleebla. holly aaanoeeinat of Iba death daallag baraatat af tbe ked oa bis bees, kepi oa baekiag aetil be looseesd tbe park sad II rolled ef dowa the side at tbe avMiateie. The bog waa bmka oa Iba neks. aed stleks af float pawdr aeel UaJ U every direeiiea, bet ae eaa af ttasra siplndsd ffwfa tba eaaaaeeMsa. Ikal esala 4m keow wbel be hmM, fur fee I pov aaealty einiudsa al tea leealjer.-M. HtUas Miat. entitled lo a great share ot tbe oredit tor Oregon's position. The turn ot the tide io Oregon, bow- ever, was due more to John H. Mitchell tbsn to any other ioflueooe. Wbeo ; Mitohell began to stamp tbe stats tbe ' reel work oa tbe part of tba republicans began. His speeches infused confidence, strength came from bops, and tbe suc cessful assault upon the opposition majority was inaugurated. The assistance ot tbonaaods of reel demoorats throughout tbe state mads success possible. Tbeir oatriotism ia not tinged with hope of personal partisan reward, and on tbat aoooont tbey oan justly claim a greater joy in tbe triumph. Every man wbo worked and voted against tbe Ohioago ticket oan take a just pride In tbe result. Tba 26th day of November will ba a day ot thanks giving, indeed. Corvallis Gazette. Wbo is to blame on the Bryan side? Arthur 8ewall tbe Maine millionaire, financial and tariff monopolist and Arkansas Jones, obsirmao ot tbe nation al democratic committee. They had very little patriotism 10 their small souls. Valley Record. There is one provision of the Oregon eleotion laws wbioh demands tbe atten tion of tbe legislators at its flrl sessioo, sod Ibat is ths section allowing the voter lo cast bis ballot ootsids of tbe precinct io which he resides aod where bis boms is. Ia most preoinois in tbe stste the electioo judges refused to receive totes offered by voters outside of their owo precincts, bat in snms of tbem, as lo ths North Brownsville precinct, voters who reside lo ontaide preclnats were allowed to vote. Tbe tsw needs smeuiliog and it should be attended to by Ibe orxt legis lators. Brownsville Tiroes McKinley and Uubtrl are elected. Tbe battle of the ballots has been foogbt and woo lo Ibe lolereet of good government. Tbe Intslligaooe ot tbs oatloo has placed tbe stamp of eoodemoatina npoo be wbo would blight Iba oams of this fepnb'ia. and bave said by lbs ballot Ibat tba red flag of aaaroby shall aol ba unfurled above Ibe el era aod stripes; that law aod order sbsll prevail In Ibis fair lead; that tbe eloeaee shall not ba err yd sgalnst IbOBsaeae; Ibal tbe goveremeol will prolval tba lives sod property of bar Htiaeos; In abort, la Iba laagaage of Iba martyred OartUld, "God reigns aad tba gnvsrnmeet at Waablnftoa still litta." 8L Heleo'S Mist ELECTION RETURNS FOR MORROW 60. FOR ' PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. o John F. Caples T. T. Oeer E. L. Smith.... 8. M. Vorau Harry N. L. Butler E. Holer W. H. Snanah..., Watktm. D. Bewerman . C. J. Bright ... Leslie Butler. .. C. . Hoskina. Lewis B. Cox... Alexander M. Holmes. Frank A. Beufert Curtis J. Trenehurd .. 30 14 10 !B SI 1 20 28 29 7 90 35 56 1:17 28 588 29 11 10 23 79 20 28 29 8 90 So 5ti 1S7 28 586 29 14 10 23 79 20 28 29 7 89 35 5li 136 28 583 29 14 10 23 80 20 28 29 7 90 35 56 135 28 584 1J 11 8 6 74 21 47 S3 11 87 12 51 97 74 544 12 11 8 6 74 21 47 83 10 86 12 51 98 74 543 12 11 8 6 74 21 47 33 11 86 J2 51 96 74 542 12 11 8 6 76 j 21 47 33 10 86 12 51 96 74 543 1 1 3 5 111 38 1 3 4 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 15 2 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 15 2 111115 2 1 15 2 11115 2 1 14 The average plurality in the county for McKiuley is about 42 votes. suit of clothes. Taper is a poor con ductor, and a man arrayed in such grar inents might po forth and defy lig'ht n i 1 1)7, even if it should show special preference for him. This ia particularly the case if a hat Is worn made of the same stuff. In side of this should be placed a piece of newspaper, and inside the clothing vhould also be laid folds of a news impcr, which would do as well as a paper suit. The paper suit Is also a good thing for summer excursions, for if it ia ruined in the rain there won't be much loss. Those whose nerve are upse-t by atmospheric disturbances had better wrap themselves np in paper during the electric summer storms, even if they do rot hove suits made up a la. mode and with seams and buttons to hold them together. A HOLE IN THE MOUNTAIN. f The highest claim for other tobaccos 13 "Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as good as VLV UOiU UPivM I )nnn n rm Siiiiigroteco You will find one coupon inside eacn two ounce bag, and two cou pons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of this cele brated tobacco and read the coupon which srivea n list of valuable presents and how to get tbem. x Woailers of a Cave Near fhatlanooga lhkt 1'uir.ls (IsnlngUt. The most peculiur cave I ever anw," said a Chattanooga man to a Washing ton Ktar writer, "is on Kocroon nioun- tuin, near Chattanooga. It biia never been explored, and no one renlly know4 whether or not their is much of a cave. The Indians have severs! logenda con cerning it, and It is remurknble tbat no one has ever entered it. It was su post'd by the Indiana to lie haunted, and there nre some gruesome tales told about it. The only 0M-nlng yet dis covered Is on top of tbe inouiituin. It lias Iwen sounded with s line of ronsld ernUe length without finding s iMittoin to the cbnnilier through the roof of ivliirh the (enlig exials. There Is a constant roaring sound, like tbe wind Hometinies inn ken. It dins not seem like wntrr. and Is limloiibtedly cnueil by air circulating in the Immense hole In the mountain. There are no vol cntilc imlicit llor.a. ami the envc Is a puz ale to geologist." Gillia.ui & Bisbee' We are cot small men, Iba. We are small men, Xs. we are not Largest mercnants werin i But when the people of all the unrounding country are in need ot . Hardware, Tinware, Crocksryware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Oau and Water Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Stoves and Ranfcns, Wbroiii, H ki, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, Baws, Sledgui, Wedges, Uuns, Platoli, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, (Iran iteware, Plows, Harrows. Rskot. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers and Boards, Shoot Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., The eleel Inn U esr aod MoKinley a ill ba ths aril eraeideel of tba Ceiled riiale. Oe bee beea sleeted by aa oeer whelming vote. Ills majority will reaeh aver a aiillloa votrs, aal ba winkers from 10 lo SO mra lee oral votes Ibaa is aereeeerv lo eletl. Ia Oregea Iba ra pa'lkeas be reads retasrlsbla gains. That ba) ebonl iSO) aalnly at Iba fnsiuvisli .i efnaa. The aol only UI II.m but beve ml lad ao a repablleaa ir; ef etl tpin, a gaiaof ?Jkw vuUa. Tbta Is a greet vieUry for Or e- goa TL O. rVattiiesa. L O Nat Tba Keel 0f togalb with 4. 11. ntillssaa, (. H, lAtb aed J. p. Wsitiaf are 4efae4ats la a libat aaea, la abisbaaaT. T. Kewatea eaa Is la te eevar 17 tt 4sn s lor dsfaottdae af sbsreeiee. la Aeril, lVS, Krwsssa wm Mfssttlaf the"Rys; r.a4aevor,"aliHb was rareaal4 N ba a bf eeeb el IWa Maodeaaa el Ibe Wervl. ea4 Iba Ka4 Ursfaelea aa4 lb felteae) ! saji aa4tm4 l sbw ibal be wee a t ffae 1. bv ibe eailb A aVaat Bliasif WbaWrw else Mark Hesse assy b, ba la aerlalaly a t4 oewneiga aaa aer, aed baa all Iba e lessee's Ibal f a la foals apgax graersleblB. Cempmfi with Jam, Iba daejncrslia Basaeger, be Is as Ml. flood U a avle bill. Ha eoornaa af MsreistUe frowi eay stste bave lsa well ebnea. aad bis eel melee have prove VJsxet wnederfalty e-rat Oo Ibe elber bsa4 Jem bea Krra 4m. ewta4 badly, aa4 lm la lata itsiva4 bia f'JIowafa II b rlalnssd isie aa 4xiMrl thai ere eiatfrly ae ai.rt.aa f fsasibl eaaUst, asJ be bae eila-l aai4 eUkse $rm Ibal llaeae, ellifg s Ma aa. gatbar4 la ee be s M wmil4 e4 beef tbar alttsraj eaaitai It tbe raswtriirea twit. Ilsasa aa a il al laa tvs4 all fi. eaJ J ea - all amag - Tbe IMWa tbfae. Mssplag Rooms la Oaeieser. To be healthful, Ibe alreping apart ments should lie tbe' moat ewlhrtlc rooms of the houw; the furniture should be aiuiplc, the floor uncovered and the lieil comfortable. No rooms on tbe sunny aide of a houw ran tie kept rool without inside Minus, or sun ewuiugs outside. Many bouse keeprrs make tbe mistake of rxciudiug eunllght and air from the houae In ordrr to keep It nxil. Windows and doors abould be thrown open early in ths morolog, ao ss to freely sdmiteun shine and light, thrn tbey may lie cIummI to exclude the brat in the mid die of the day, to be again throws opeo io tbe coul of tbe rvenlog. Mi agerurot aod methou must lie e&rr claed In order to keep cool lo eu turner. In all elae irtaioliig to tbe family comfort, and will be found to produce good results in even the wsruirst ell mate. Ladlea Home Compankn. He He4 Siaa issss Osritis atafare. Tbry watrbrd the graceful mote meals of the players on the teonii eourt. Tbe count" sakl aba of the auburn torba,'la a Sae player. Is be not?" "Ab, tee." replied sbe ol tba ravea treeeee. ,Tjtrla!ly do I admire bta nerve. Hut what are tboae etrange vroHs wbkrb be rvssu ear b time m- fisrv be eervee the 111 7" "I fcnow tbem sol," the oUer sn sweratl. "Il Is said tbat ba l-ariii tbrta) bea be firet brgaa to arrve, end ran not lrak blmarlf of tbe baJiU" Moaad by rnriosily, Ibey Sfpma4bel tbe atlileiie ant4eman, and lrnl their brate to listen. "Yes e. aer," said the fount, "porVr konaUah ftHitl Iwf rnutUia rbofi. lolafwe Cbtragq TriMiae, A rafs aaaeaa BaaaleaV larmr'a lky-Kstbrr, byrsaat riaa In the or.J the asm as .( her me a fur iBsiartr, why rsnaot I aorna day Itfwima mrrtrimry af sgflrullurer flld 1'iritwf - T'o Iste, Utn leie, my ane). Vol mfm Int Itiifli el farm la.--. V. Weakly. UTitt uar Itttres af RtrrMa as-viee saesM a tba at-Wek In . ivf'. saT,B f " La", O ., , M t SifU , a , h a i w e Is aata i"ae t'- i aV'aXisaa. i, f. Visaaaea, I, bV Naw k Ike tlfoe It gat ifce Wa..1f lf(l, Iba g raaiaat Mtplf ef IM Owl, Hub la()4t.U4t seM, l la, S tse,a ,. l &V. fie ferllaf asr Msaib4 wf s,fs esa b in 9mm4 mt Wlfas af frsf- AroofdlAf la the sgrkatiaral depart OX a I, (I fr rest, of the ra1 of ha k ala. rroe aad IJakbiHs rnsistaof aaimels and Inaaru far avire dsrr ous to agrV-Hure tba a tb bird iberaaatsee. Tba mra eataa by the vrvwe te auaiy atssie earn, prk4 e la Iba rail a4 lntsr. I wkm ar Sle f'rtiivl be ba vary arfu l lb f rater. 1 - - - N4 aaS asl If ft set wt'i t Uff sMatfMvi il I f beaal ff e I.Mnr, rmild at tf A aM m iff" m I'h errr raf ! mwt iellst'a, Wibs ill atta aa e I ' "' M itft"i ea a i !,! ji';.u e ; '' il." I-'H a lipla M 14 I'.tsUf, sa in.lt sl a;-r, :"1 ? u g m ir.f,, ka a tMspa ia aw a4 sWaflWa. ( r-f ".a Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Trices. Ws have Oooo Qoodi at FAia Prices, and Cheap John floods at Cbep John 1' GILLIAM & BISBISK, rln MAIN STREET IIEPPNEH. OREO ON 3L B to IL o Do you know what this means ? This, that here arc sixteen reasons why you should buy your Groceries. Supplies and Gents Furnish- ngs at T. R. HOWARD'S for ever)' one objection made against it. This should decide the matter. It does. People want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for the smallest amount of money. Buy the best when you can get it at the same figure paid for an inferior article. HOWARD'S IS THE PLACE. Old Stand, Main Street, near BobKrlck's. THE PALACE HOTEL BAlt, J. O. J3QROTI3CRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. mm : WITH S Youro HOUND to Tiiko'Kni. Lcnvcs No Const! pntion. ,na Cares h, as wall ee all Hlllinna.e Hi ll.sis'-bs aa I Malaria The ealf f.ar..af ia f.ill in lae wor4. t , I all tm(isie m t f mail ea tm p of arise, eenla (wf l.i I I.IMI-H MIIMl'Al, 1(1. HsB ffaretaAo, t'al. Tm: Lancashiki: Insura' ci: Co. . i til M ANl'M I'M I I. If, I.Mil.AM)