Cfe- 5.J5.JZ. nan"?! iMg nap nigH2 Sheep are now in demand and have risen in price, sheep now. LOOK HERE POPOCKATS. Sheep are MB,t0ato tuttt of ucKioiys Eieetioa up- oa tbe Jlaonfactorlrs. The presidential cabinet makers are busy at work for the new chief executive, Hon. Wm. McKinley. A recent issue of the Hebrew News contains a picture of Hon. Sol. Hirsch, Oregon's clean, able and honorable republican leader. The country has gotten back to business again and let us do busi- Mukcm. Lad., Nov. 6 Ball Brothers' glass factory company ray they will build Brother mill at once, employing 500 more bands. Tbe Indiana Iron Company, wbioh baa worked about oue-tentb oapaoity for a year, ia flooded with orders and will resume witb 800 hBnds next Monday. The Mancie Iron Company put Iheir men at work on doable time yesterday. Fie other factories report more orders tban in any one week tor five months past. The Midland 8teel Company reports ness. I he way to get your buul- an immense influx of orders. ness before the people is to adver- The window glass factories are idle tise. "THE AUttlLNUa AUK Wonders That Are Being with the New MetaL Done It la Entering Vary Largely Into Haay of the Industrie and Arte anil Haa Before It a Wide Range of TJaefuloeee. Through trains on tbe O. R 4 N. will ran via. Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pendleton. Through sleepers, first and eeootid-claas, will run in connection witb tbe Union Pacific), tbe same a hereto fore. A through first-class sleeper Port land to Spokane, connecting witb tbe first class sleeper to St. Panl, and a through tonriat sleeper Portland to St Panl, will ran in connection witb tbe Great Northern railway. tt Catarrh Cored, Health and seet breath seoared, by Shilob's Catarrh Remedy. Prioe 60c. SUMMONS. because of a strike. 'TIS SETTLED. The result of the election is no longer problematical in any par ticular. While it has been clearly evident from the very eve of elec tion that it was McKinley's victory, yet there have been certain doubt ful states that were claimed by both parties. Now it is certain McKinley has w on 23 states out of 45, carrying tbat section of the United States having a total popu. lation of 45,000,000, as compared with the Bryan states having 25,. 000,000, including the Southern states having a colored population of, perhaps, 7,000,000. McKinley will have at least 273 electoral votes out of a total of 447. The states of Wyommg, South Dakota, Tennessee and many others are very close and the majorities for the populist electors are small. The popular vote this time is in McKinley's favor, for hia majoiity will be over 1,000,000. The house of representatives is overwhelmingly republican but the senate will be close. However, the republican!, ia the event that they do not have a clear majority, will have the assistance of some silver republicans, as well as dem ocrats, in the matter of revenue and protective legislation, so that a spi-diil session that will do some. thing is a matter of certainty just as soon ns Mr. McKinley is inau guratcd. The coufidenco inspired by Mc Kinley's election is man'iff'st every where. Hhfcp and wool have gone up, factories are liuaily engaged at their full ciipucilira in turning out onl'is rwived and that wero to lie filled in the event of McKiuley'n micci'hi, the govcnmiciit has plenty of pld poiuing it. t its cufTi-rs for nil furiiiH of cm icnry and lumiueHH gt i cndly is on the up grade. Even the farmer in fjivoud by a better plieo for wheat than ha been re reived for year. Of course the foreign market justifies a goo price, but the confidence of Ameri rati dealers to invent and to uao their money in wheat HjMTtilatioiiH caiiHeit the American tiheatraiacr t g't erry d' llur bin crop is woith in tin mallet of the world. It in no uo (leii)ing the fact that the commercial part of our topu lation are bark of McKinley, and with mnfid.'iieo to u their means to do buMurm, piocpetity in Uoii iih n;;uin. It ia certainly apparent to all that the renteat trotihlo was that there wan no riit'ourngcment t i do burnetii, and tlnia rver) thing m at a eduidilill. It was not mi much more money that was wanted lit it wn4 an ( p u tmnty . uo tho i'liTuetim aioouiit tltnt we have nhi a ly. '1 low tiintl.-in ate m tiled now mi I tli rouiitf) ia eavnl. Money is much easier in mercan tile circles, wheat and wool are Schilling's Besf tea is in i - -' both in demand at better prices, packages , scaled air-ticrht to and things look encouraging gen- . , , . , . , . It is cheap besides. Mbs. Castle, the San Francisco If Vou don't like it. VOUr erally. l-.l 1 lA u y wuo w urawu iu grocer returns your money luting in London recently, has , J. . , been sent to prison for three 111 ii vvc Vy uu u. months. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow ounty. A. S. Bennett and F. P. Mays, Plaintiffs, Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his wife. A. J. Kimsev and Kimsey. his wire, Win, Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wife, W. 8. Mercer and Sarah Mer cer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife. Samuel Hall and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Ferrell and Terrell, ins who, lnomas Kiinsoy and Nellie J. Croft. Defendants. To Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his Kimsey, nis wne, BOOTS AND SHOES!:: THC PLACE TO GETTHCM IS AT Me has anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on It yon get a good article when Mat guarantees it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty. A Schilling & Company ban rrancisco M'CONNELL'B SENTENCE. Jones, popocratio chairman of the national committee, dies kick ing. Before the election his man Will Serve Three Years in the Penitentiary was elected sure, now he's wasting good BryaU wind telling how it From the Portland Telegram, happened. George F. MoOonnell, for several years treasurer of the Oregon Knights of Pyth- The Eastern Oregon Observer, ias, who defaulted with funds of the of LaGrande, is the latest venture rc,er 8Dd decamped to British Columbia ii, i. it ' ,., rn some moDtos ago, appeared id judge in the line of pop papers. We , , . . "'. i.i- -l Sears' court ; with his counsel this morn- have no sympathy with its pnnci- ln Bnd pIe8ded Bn,i,y to three out of pies but hope that it may succeed five indiotments against him for wrong- ag a newspaper. fully converting money, ana roriorgery of bills of exobange upon banks. aj.iflnrinal ! r i n 1 m n nr a nn vaafarinv Tbe Eastern Oregon Observer - 00ntinned till today, when his says that "Union county done well," oounsel, Charles J. Schnabel, announoed meaning that the majority given that tbe defendant would withdraw his irvan was a cood one. The Ob- P,e o( B0 ullty ar server can slaughter English bet ter than any "pop" can kill gold- bugs. Aluminum, the youngest of all met als, ia rapidly -coming into general use. It was discovered by Frederick Wc-hler, a German professor, in 1827; but to St.. Clair Dcviile, a Frenchman, belongs tbe honor of being the founder of the aluminum industry. The first article made of this metal waa in compliment to Louis Napoleon who had hell d Devilhs a baby rattle for the Infant prioce imperial. In 1855, when the first aluminum com pany was formed, the cost of a pound of the motal was about $200. In 18S9 Charles M. Hall, of Oberlin, Q., patented an electrolytic process. He with a few nf Vita flip Kt.nrfprl a smnll nlant wite. A. J. Kimsev and on the bank of the Allegheny rnei, 18 ar) HflU an(i lnilie Hftlli ni8 wif(Si Wiiiiam miles above Pittsburgh. 1 ne nrst year Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kim- fho mnm innilu.-el 7S nniinds of ey ncl Nellie J. Croft, of above defendants, the company irouuietl I a pounos or . . , . mt f 0rpiro vou ana nlliminnm n. dn' which tliev sold at each of vou will take notice that the above i n o i iao mmn.v lmilt plaintiffs, A. 8. Bennett and V. P. Mays, have " " -"-t -j commenced a suit asalnst the above defend- a larce nlant at Ninirara falls, and this nnta in the above court to foreclose a mortgage year they are building additional works. ven them by the above defendants upon the Whea thesse are completed they will weat quarter of the northeast quarter and the have an output of 11,000 pounds daily, northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of This will put the United btates in Iront Bai,j county. That the relief demanded in the as the largest aJuminum-producing complaint in said snit Is for . decree that plain. ' id tinB. PRid mortnage be foreclosed, the mortgaKed country in the world. nmnertv sold, and the nroceeds aDDlied to pay- Aluminum's weight is about cme-third ment of costs and disbursements of said suit, ,, , , . , " . . . ,,...i to the note secured by said mortRage and the that of iron, and only steel of tbe high- attorney's fees st forth therein. That the est quality and the best aluminum court also decree in plaintiffs' favor a recovery u . trrih fn, from Charles Kimsey, A. J. Kimsey and Wl 1- uiuu.c wm gio a- ji" Dwv.ub.. ll8tn Kimsey o! seven nunarea aouars isou.un) a triven weiirht than aluminum. It and interest thereon at ten percent per annum " . . . . . .'. . frnm Mpnlcmher 11. 1KX9. mid seventv-flve dol- standshigh in the listotmaneaniemet- 1(lr, W7r00) attorney's fees, besides costs and olo otid nnn Ka rlraivn int wire l-250th dlshiirsementa of suit. And further decree i.,i, im (iiiB ' Tt is nn pv. that all the other defendants be foreclosed of of an nidi im ttxickness. it ia an ex- a rlRht clftlm or equity of redemption in and cellent conductor of electricity, and to sid lands, or any part thereof, and that ,.,.,i,i on o n tot. tho Piainuiis nave sucn omer anu luruier 101101 vu.u .u i is equitable. nlnna nf pnnnor for nil electrical uur- This summons is served nnon vou bv oubli i cation bv order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, P&es- . Judge of the above court, made by him at In fWmn.nv two armv corns art Chamhera on fie 22nd dav of HeDtember. 1S9. oniiinnprl with nlnminuin which in- and each of the defendants above named are equippea wnn aluminum, wiulii m requlre, to auwer ,Bid complaint on or before eludes chevrons and every article of. the first day of the next term of the above motnl r-nrriivt n the nereon. even the court, to-wit: tne nrst Mpnaay pi marcn, iwi, . r , - ,h niain. V OGLISHandBUSINSS 0LLEGE PORTLAND OREGON BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. BOARDING DEPARWMT LAMES ' Full English Course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. . PUBLIC LAND SALE. Judge Sears sentenced him to three, two and one year, respectively, lit years in all, bat as the sentences ran oonoar rently McOonnell will spend but three years io the Oregon penitentiary unless THE Times-Mountaineer is a lit- he is pardoned, wbiob is oot improbable tie crusty because some of our will be asked, at least. eadiug people-Btalo officials, Ben. M maicimems upon nw ator, etc-attended the opening bi o chttg, on fhe ririt Nationa, of the locks but did not, or could bank of Oorvall is for $33 60, and one up- not go up to The Dalles, The T.- on tbe First National bank of Hillsboro M. has a bad liver. Men are Dot lor $53 93, and tbe third was larcenoy by "jurapiDg-Jacks" to perform every bn"e 01 ',,,J7- n""" uiuejaoan. time a wormy editor wants them Tljeotbertwo)ndiomentiaBBinithim 'OO- I Hiamiaspd nnnn tha motion of the district attorney. ww t. i, l f I ... - .. ... HON. OOL. lllHHi'H, me cuairman I MaCnnnell's downfall, which was of the republican Btate central com- U'liie a sensation in this city, was brought mittce, has juat cloned one of the "b(mt b nd e"a- Voat , . , , months ago be disappeared witb ao un bent managed campaigns ever made . , ' . " i certain amount of oaah and went to in UiOBiiueoi v7reKou. iiir. niracu nnti(t Cclirulia. Jndge Stephens, got the factions of the republican while on vimt to Hoasland, last mm pin ty together in one ntrong col- roir, fonud McConnell In that city. Us n.nii. an.l aided hv nnlriotif! demo- w ' "J 'l'e''i"kr bat - i j i ab nlnlnHfl. nrtll onnlv (n aal A..,11f far th duiiom on uc ciowes ikuu uic 111 relief aemanueuin saia conipiaint. 11 -.1 TT.. A k.rnn.ti .Kllh. (JAKt, I MA1B, j.Ucb.u , Attorneys for Plaintiff.. Law us anu cuuurnw mc ma umuc v. the metal. In Paris there ia a cab made of aluminum, and some of our best rttcmff recurutvuavc m.CUJ v XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PUR. wearing aluminum shoes and pulling 1 suanee of instructions from theCommis- ftluminum sulkies. For decoratinfr pur- "ner of the oenerai Land OHice. unner suinor , , i iiy vesien in inm oy aeunuu iitw, u .o. ivo. did,.., nosea it is better than silver, because . .mended bv the act of Conirress approved the air. which blackens silver so quick- FoburarylM, i8ffi, wewlll proceed to offer at! ' . I nnh in ao in An run 'rt n n lav m iMamnpr ii x r . ly, has no effect on it. The president of ,t thlt onicei Bt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., the one of the largest palace car companies following tract of land, to-wit: t ..:. :. 5,1 . !,.. mrl.-l - BEVi NE!4. Sec 12, Tp. i 8.. K. 25 E., and Lot 8, 111 liun wiuui i j io o .v. . . v I sec. 7, l p.4S., K. aj fc. idnf h nrico nlnnp Vpnt aluminurh I And anv and all persons claiming adversely , . . . .. i,. ,i- the above described lands are advised to file from being used entirely in car decora- their claims in this ofllce on or before the day tion. A abort time ago an enterprising above designated for the commencement of ,M,. u;i ,ol illmjnllTn saia sale, oinerwise ineir ntinis win oe HiriHii- rm in Ohio built several aluminum . ja f. miiore. Reitistet. duckinff boats, as well as a number oi I November 7th, isiw. w-n. rowboata. Tlvey found they were very Z rTT7 'wi..i,.,ii,i1,hn.) Notice of Intention UK idh emu v rAticuie.j .ow r ANn ftFrirR AT TH E DA LI.KB. OREGON I J H t. '2. 1K96. Notice It hereby given Do You Want a Rir: ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these tan be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney. Crook, Gilliam and other counties and can save money and time in making these sections with traveling men. Prices in keeping with the times. THOMPSON & BINNS, non-sinkable. Ij ot. 21. WM. Notice is hereby x rrice has been the only drawback to ht the follow nj : nam ed set t er ii n w no. the sreneraJ use of aluminum, but that noTt of his claim, and that said proof will be will anon be such thnt tho rich and noor made belore 1. w. Morrow, county clerk, at ' I Uonnna. nrat.nn .in I t(WT,1 ItlT t I, I M'Ml VI K like will be able" to enjoy the great ry ' juliijs KEITHLY advantngea which the metal offers. It J'i'f.No. J.'"a ' NE 8W!4 8 seems likely that the year 18'J7 win see He .mwi the following: witnesses to prove alum'ntim sellinir at leaa than 35 cents his continuous residence upon and cultivation a pound. , I William P. notion. Charles P. Mallory. A. A on. oORE. Register, ciatn, and his al'lo secretary, Judge Penny, asid his nHMHtiiLt, Hon. li"ii Olenver, ttwept tho Mate. Wm. J. 1'UYAN, of Lincoln, Neb. moat of our people have heard Sm: of thn called rrj ubln ans of this) slal lm jtuntifd nut of tlio tiaceM i cct.tly to In lp Pryau liow ih they werw back. H.tiu of llirfii an pd f. '.loaa, Uk Ml M It: f i I 'll" aliill. d up a iu irdta that harn Imi ii re Ci'irl all I Wrfo t m lill. d in thr) f tret f Mf Kitiley'i rWtin. Thus the growth of thia wonderful I Wren, J. . Wren, all ot Hcpnner Oregnn. letal has been spreading out In all dl- ,Att-T HtwSu few weeks ago an alum- metal rei-tiona. Ilium bicycle was shipped to an eminent politician In Enirlatid. Mr. Ilulfour. Ilere again its beauty and non-ternifh able qualities, together with iU lights nein, make it mont desirable Coo'.k of the twentieth century will Notice of Intention. money he pi wet' Med like a piinne. When the (iftiicer went after him MoConnell stihered up and said h wonld aooomiiany them without any trouble) whatever. Whi n arniitfueJ today and asked if he bad ) tiling to say. MoConiiell said thai he bail uo dt lenae to make of bis conduct. Hentences was then nrononno- oi lilin-naa oeen ouereu tuaaj ai.,i. year to attend to the law buaineHS It is believed that tbe Orrgon Knight of a New York firm. He decliuod of lyhlae Imlgrs have loet altogether U.mku intereHl,.,! in In met. lik', t"" ,b,o0,,h ... . I.. . Delis prciiiationa. Unce tx-iure, wnen allia.n, h haya, an-l wants to upend u p(( t . , his talents in that direction, lie i)m ff,.i. ha reUiaed hie ixwitition and would father talk than to uan hisl profesard peoilemw, and amnred the in brains in buildinc up Lis shatter- that he would make good far oy lose ml fortnn in tl. tmraiiit of Ida McOmio-II ie well oonnected and bis profcaaton. ,M, .(,m,n ..,m . ... , be lufatoatrd, and who led bint on in HOW TO I'Kr.VKNr CIK'I P bis last csref until be was tempi! to take tbe uouey wbiob be could net cay m IU4lalkal Will llriii U I k aasg Halkm II w la Iaar4 aiaieM a L. . I . l u 1 i ..... I t II 111. V I -.. ('rt.un ia a terror ti loung met hers In ih. weather. Tbe I'oinn IVlOd an I li t llii m rneernleg tbe ranae, sjatrtn hvala Its trains throughout by first a nn Iotas end treat merit lathe rb steam best from the engine, tbue task- Ji-cl el II I item. Tbe origin of croup le ing every pari ol all lie care pltesaot e reminon rol.l. Children w bo are eub ami cmfrtlle. It elao ligbte lis rare j po ti It lake cl.l tj easily aril rrnop by lh e-lt hratad I'loterh Light making i lnit stir to follnw. The first them brilliant at night, raeeengar trottitn la bttaronrsa; this le etwn f.J- carried daily on the lest a all For lw,l by n peculiar nrngh roah, wbiob aWple car teaecvelloot, li.-kst. of le an teh Is aaailjr rrengniseil and will formation, cll nn er nddreee II. W. netor U f..rg .ll.n by one who Itaiior. (Iu. Agl , ) Third ML, Port- baa beard il. Tbe time In net land, Oregon. le whM the ehll'l drat bma boarae. II l naiijiwiiain .ign iinrny airtr fwl at fellhs .,... ,.ry It was loam! from peangee eon- r a dtld It will prevent the aHak , . , , , , , , , . There le n danger la giv.ltg It,.. r.e-l, ,b1 ,f f .r it coittaliie ...thing lolor Wins, foe tbal was dilcbad ner tltloon VeJee eate hi (Vueef A lnpk. Jay eight was killed or ifijnreJ. Tbe man killed wee n foreigner In tbeerrtblci A lrraileaal rtr -r h,. a.t..t. sI.mi lha mar. . . The Brat rn.tW.Unat tggar tbal ban rr, ,,t,J, ,ii. cabin eloee to beea t en Ike etreeteof ra.llrt.n f. h lf(,k Mj ttmt (hi I Jo. I M ll.a nccl- e bttg Iih pet in en nppearaoee WeJ- jrftt ee aire.. It le .tiue.l be wee na.Uy. lie U nn M aad et.e titnr eM ef u,, Jnajpl Wind. Ahllle. tim e'onn l. I ... v II.. a. l.l wa.ranaa.lbt f.iaa Omra aT La (laaps. Orkook. Ha.iiKMiilier Mth. lH'.ia. XTOT1CK 1H HK.RKBY OlVKN 1 11 AT THE 1 fiilliiwini! iihiihhI ncttli r has filial notice of his Inti'iitlon t i make final proof in support ol h sc nun. ami iiiat .mil priHH am na mane imv tio tloulit d. iniiiKl tlmt their em .vers lr liiet ouniy t lerk or morrow o .. on-son. - , , . ifti uvri'iici, .in iti-i ii". "-i phi, , .- siienlv them with aluminum cooking ha li W. ri,lii (ill. UtelWlla. a the tnt-tnl w nil eveell"r, Homi'Mes'l aiipneaiion no. lor ins nr. co.Hlnetor of heat, and it In almost im- liVw V IKmsiliie to aroreb nnvthing while coou- e naiim the lollowtnic wltnetwe. to prove ing. Denliats are lihiitly iwing it In hi. eontimioii. .l.len. e Uu and cultivation liiiikinir iilnles, um nliiiiniiiiin huaitanil- J.m,.. w.U-alifr, Mat Itiislwa, Johnny Neville, lantagra oer gold, for on etintii. t with ""fif'1" '" H.T''wIijHi!s.'Krliter. llieininc aimsiHiieea ii iiibib"' "i electric current ia act up. For scientific KoncE Qy y!XAL SETTLEMEST. IliKiriiineiiM, aucu as m-xiani. ironeim. . . .... I a 1. u veis. ne.. v. nere me incriin m a ... a., vt0tICK Is herel.v alv.n. that the nndcrst.n moving part la to lie avoided, alum. mini I il ri Adinlulxratrls HI lh Kstale ol Xamurl la the metal ear excellence. I'ho- 'IrlK.VJ.TX lof:rnphera find nltiminuin flit-hl'g!:t 1 Ainilnlirain, ai the J.nii.ry 1rm l Ilia i.ii,,, ii. . 1... ni nun. Coiitilv I'otirl ol Vnrrow I'oiiiilv. at llfpptier Ui jH.ud.-r l-ttvr limn the I'tem in mug h,,n ,.p,ri r.. In . ro'.niy.on Ix-kI ll 111. a II l. t lu nerr anil Ilt.l so r.niil.- l n.r 4th il.vol January A. I". l-"7, .1 In rlor i. ...,l..l.. I.. , rti.,i. nml rmliii-ra P. in. SAKAH k. MOUUAN . I .... 1.1. f.....d. aa. .1 la... able in tl. iiee of ninirllrwluni. Amt.i g MiC Of Mention ...I..- ...... f . . . I i . ... nr. L 1 .II...T HtW- (II. IIIIIIIIIIUIU " " I a. .a. nms'cal Instrument, rarlfj . vi ate bm. A?n ornt R at tiik nAi.i.ra. orkoom Ort, Zt. ma. Nolb-ets ht-rrl.r given thai .ii. .I..-. ,! nunf I the loll.. In named arlllrr hw nleil '"'"" " ""7 - . hlt pr,ftn .,..,r1ol other artl.-lea whVcb lack of space pre- nla ri.mi. and thai said prl olll he medr helora at. w. Miirn.w. o.untT rlera, at M.ppiwr, Ikaaan An I In , l . IWM VI. fori ritWAKIt C. AMIRAI IIH. BUCKS! BUCKS! Ph- N Don't buy your Bucks until you see the Full Blooded and Grade Delaine Merinos from the Cunning ham band, of Pilot Rock, which will soon be in Heppner. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM. LEGAI Plenty of them' at the Imu. Gazette Office. . . . The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH. di.lill.Qtee cards Irlllag l.ow tha ol I man I l It si.hl end lba lakee np a r .llrr- eb'oa-'W llafge an tne ef tbe fraigbl eara-H(t Tba eame nf the man killed Wae W d- tenia mentioning. The anli.titiition of aluminum cnpprr n.d nickel couia tie long bern a r ..W' it '"4 ' sui.jcct of drhatr, and a bill la now he- I th. 'fniinving wltneseea to pmva tor the l.miae of reprrewntetivea au t)r. U ie c Main, if rr. .tl1!i ali ait) ut.-1.-r I'rcai r,t Mi -Ku.l7 1-iri.a it u liti-.n tt r UMi.l 11 il a r- l 1 ett, Ur I etatcin .... li..n WK.nk.l SihIik he Ma in Ilia IliMtity II Wl.l I art t.l IcaacntUr .... . . .. I it 1 , . . aaaaner the oil man ittineeu inn tltm i',fa.. faee end Intitee ellealln b bl (leg enl A kaiarat leaao t,l. ball-t "'- k...M..- IL-- -1- ...... Ik. 1t.a i.l t g.l wae In Il.rpnr ,, . . . , , , . . ! t . iiiism sb i 11,-. m - ' - i " ween. (...,.. . . . . i . . . is-, ii. a u -. m I, i e -ni tut- n, r . ' wwttm m f- "lh7 at;4 e. Itln ilntsti Ut .lirjr of r ij f. h If le." eji Um . (k IL' I".. O. t.'U ,U linn r . ti.ttj k-I t n r ti II. p.'.l e'. u. Hr 1 eiuce 1 7-. an I rarliral. I jr '-' " H'l Ti. f ej uMicno I -f !, I t fraturr io The iN ef Mr. I ar J !'. f l:el ; IWiit Atll. Wsaa , .d Wen eaffwing f...m nea.algt.e -r Ua, f-4 heieg J , ,,, M -. m tw4 , . ,i , , , . Mr i. u.e a.if inn. mere ens a 1 ... . !...- tqt I It ILUnle ' , 4ie rlt k.laa e laia la'n.a4 , c.i'g e4 nintef er'ee, C i i all ti." (! r tlit it ran nif if ! ai.4 ! sl.e.e ilib.-t..O ir-.l Oe ail,Nh I a . ff ta I f sale al eve fal f-r ,!. ft 1 . 1 .1. . 1 ! i i - n! i i . 1. 1. . . -1 tlf I t 1 tulffl H I l I V HI i.. 14 ' i i- i-L ' . I .. . VI 4 a 1 a. ...a. ft, .1 .1 a I. a a... a.j. 1 .i ,, .... .., I lin 'l an nl II. Mil - A. ..I 1. t I It .1 a. I a. a. a . a. I .1 II .A . . H I.I I ' tefi let .. I.-. I - Hi..' an I IHal II . I !.- ". "! ' I. -i, . I . a Il! a.s a-M'tt f j l ll at I Hee f f II I ea at e ll j ti i m .l I- I I f. s be. r-- s.Ie al 11, a .a m g fii.l tkWJ e.aNf anb iai eaate 1-1 bvttl ty IVessi i Wick. ki-a if. Ihorliing the secretary of I be wieiiry Io make n trial of aluminum roiiia. 1 he silsnl(fra of aluminum for coinage are: It takf. a flna lmpreion taken stamped. 3. It vienra remark ahl taell. 3. It reaiata corroaion belter than coo-l-r, hronre or any of the cvrauxai l.ieUla. Ilrsidca tljla. If tt doee corrode sightly, tbe aniis formed are barnleae. vi bich le more than ca-a t aa id of en) other ma Lai. 4. Wright for welgbt. It la 4eear lLan copper, nnd only eltsfhUy dearer Uan nickrl alloy. $. Urblnna. "At lreent," toq'luto lrof. KtctmriU, "the. people of tbe I Bitot! tMaiea areea-ryliig amuoH pri aMy S.ijO tone of minor rotoa." Alum Inum'i taeighl In alit onaHblrd of lUt of cnppei ol Birkel. a e could re due thai weight tJO Wna by Sl'pl Ing aluminum. llorarlrM rarr g, tahlrh are el- Iraettng ao murk eiienlion , n.ul.t ! rntiai nUar.ia-nutr built of alum Inum. tbrrvhy making them hot on It murk I gbier. but tnurk ainmree hmrUal Inalrumenl are Wing road tif aJ ii in a tin.. The bambne-aa of the toelat toakea II plotwilty deairat.le f.rt ue Mi aurgery, a-t l-a enea ka ttt I .ra--e. up be llt ftwd elum Inum a rrrat ". V. Iun. Oevsaaa la lk t e'i4 eaea In I Vi tlt.ra rrv only twf. enne la the l iiu rf h t'n.ied lUUe Sd pke live I. tur"i rr, r r ?,. !! f ur opj, lirnans pr drhi Ueia ot (termana, re4 arwl -ek lanrtia I re t lea a-. g l'e ,r-r rls.-a In ft ir r ...j,-. itttrf n.-i-s rfa- ii ( !.-. f ! , I -I aij ,U A em in tef-rJv a r J it oe f te t 1 n I. f I4I i J.e e t J.r In ' t . - , r 1 . ' i . . . I l.,.l l UllltMll hla mntluqmis rMlilenca upon anil cultivation ot said kan-1. vis: Orntaa l. atllann. frm. O. r"ii-'ia. Cllhu . N4anln. oi Klihi Mile, tireoo.t,,lrl b.loata. ol llaMin.n, Cffgun. oavte) Kl.ur. rVofct of Intention. IA!P(rrtrg Ti inAM, hrruom. j Ife-I. : im Hotlre la herehv 1r.a lhal Ike Inline Ing aaia-t srtilrr kaa Bie4 anOeot kl. nl.n(ii I', m.t. Bn.l arrart la Su .pnft l hi. claim, anil thai eaut ro..l will ba aide r )-fk l oioana. t .mnle.iotvt alike a itriiii t'min at Lsalnston. Urveua, ea Sotenos th l k'-araT a ttfsrrt. N K. (a l-f Ike U Ml, K' A artakiaiw IJ Tf a a kM Hihim Ik. Ii.iiaalne alta.ia s la arna k' Bmiimnni. ral.lenr ata aa4 ealUiallwa ol MUl ln4. ki.rt.rt l ta.Ulna. isawai l leahv, SUM tl-isit-a. ol ll-ii-f. itr-HS, a afl ara a4 Laslna-taa, Ve-.m. . r. itw. Jiachsrt' domination. oin 1 1. ntarnT i It ih. aa.ia-Malaft.ll.isaaetamaall.4al titii i i ntarat iuvkn tnit r.n all Mnn-a. he a.v " Hale a ran-11 I ..i.iv. lie 4-I"aa, ika e..-.if ak4 ,Mitnan.Wl ihtm4 O III ko.4 pubile 1 ,.m,m al the kuia. .1 M-rr-aer. ,.p.,i.. a ..I, i.,. a hi ia, l4 lk to4 af el la jar aiitrttr. a. ku4 ar . s-SM la Hotla tf Mention. D. A. Henen Desires to inform Sheep men that he will represent D. N. Baker, oi Weiscr, Idaho, in the line of Fine Delaine Bucks. He has 100 head at his residence in Hepp ner, also some fine Merinos. Prices range from S3 to $10 per head. Ceil nl osee on, or write to, D. A. HEKREN. Heppner, Or. lw Mmvo Cliaartga.' .. tlsa.. SPRAY & PROFIT Whr oo can get ft Ftrnt- f f f 11 T T r f rii f i t aa.gMclftlLtTitgIUtc. Ul 1 llUlllilj. Good Rooms and Excellent Service I ii. s sf ks"aa.i Oaso. Notn f ta niaiar ivt ttMl int N ll aaoM.1 atf ka) t4 naa nl H l.-aftaM.. . awl la etf-1 kt. I t, Sraa-.a4. . -al W I a . laj-ll . .i af, l"ra, ea lereatVa lta, l mmii r ta-ninrr. n t ftMtMit'ta.HTrUi'i . at M, xnaiae I -I'.-.a i a i' waw-ei kl t -aai-re aya a4 .im .ia 4 a i t, .aa I. I- ..-. k'-W. l."a klf, al t la . . k f .l. laai, Oirgn-a, Vie ike team r.a etewai Paggege le f heeled Ikrangb frora rati' land to ftleliaatl. The fert allies nf Ike CeWai TeetBe ere aie-lle4 lierk aa4 rni niei, nnl-n dp-ia, fa.t liasa, IkeongH tare, eiea keal, Inmai k bgkt i nn4 ennrveone Ireatseeet Io . e gem a at H.-. aa. !.- f ,ts falaa n4 lelaral.Ml l?rlf loft W. I '.a it", l, A. i. t I-, ej.letn, fart ,l e-a .1,1, t X AaM i. .at - d 'A.- -a ,.-4 llcr-e aa i nr arrv r g ewr rK 1 -. -4 ,4 .... . Li iir ii iiiM iti s4 N r ? .. ."..''. 'I".. H r as'ei-1, ti n t ruir ! . f 1 1 "eTvT ItTI 1 aa rle ka the lekertw. Oae A , ' lt ft tl j " "' ' " ' "' " " J l.rk. ' rwneevtt. Wall, TWtl rate stat Wtaaeaj Ilcfea1 kl"etiel, a.v v g evaef A Ureal Hesataa rrrtiia tkaeaae-J t.l.a.1, C-imiI , ..Hi( MJ ney lir a. Wa. ie..-ihte nea rra4 tr K'' H Tea, ft .! bt Walla a W are, ta akMkasen Ari an a ..a. 4t., m 4 - - aM at tfca ,Ut4, a as, l. ,v K--,k rkin tt t rtH in. .-- 3(1 Cue V.f.a.j I.Hvk., ajaav i.s.iM if li L tl