Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 06, 1896, Image 4

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Ur ATraarement Sec la Other Fart
of the World.
Until quite recently the postal system
In Persia was very loosely conducted.
It was under the superintendence of a
minister of posts, who, however, does
not work the system himself. Each
road is fanned to some merchant or
wealthy person, who pays a certain sum
to the minister for the privilege, and
makes as much money out of the busi
ness as he can.
On the south coast of Patagonia is the
most remarkable postal service in the
world. Close to the post is a large sign
post with the inscription: "Poet Office."
Attached by chains to the foot of the
sign poet is a strong chest, which has
served as a post office, master, clerk, all
in one, for many years. The ships pass
ing through the Magellan straits send
a boat to the shore to Tetch any letters
that may be addressed to their places of
all, and at the same time to leave any
letters tbey may wish to have taken in
other directions.
ODOkcine UenVfcr south coastof Iceland the islanders have
the wind. Yhen the wind blows from
ine soutn tney put tneir letters into a
well-corked bottle. : To insure delivery,
- . in plug Ul ltlA y,j J l a. viai in j'M l jii-
St. Paul 'KanSaS CltV ie, and people on the mainland are
I liminllv ft tli, lrw-ilrsiii f w nil rntv in
deliver the letters so dispatched, in re
turn for the inclosed remuneration.
Wall U
Of Two Transcontinental
Invents a
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
Champion Lady at the - Sport
Maw Kind.
"Barrel kites" ore the novel invention
of Miss Nellie Rons, of Fruit Vale, Cal.
says the New York World. Three
months ago she demonstrated ' then
practicability, and since then hai
QAM FRAMOIQOO proved, as she claims, that they fly
OHIM mnllWlOVUi hiirhpr than anv other kites ever made
on the Pacific coast. A recent visitor
to what Miss Bose calls her "kitery"
saw simply a very clean and neatly
whitewashed back yard. Against some
deserted henroosts leaned some queer
cloth and bamboo objects that looked
like flattened balloons with the ends
knocked out. The largest were five feet
high by four feet broad, and they were
of all colors. The string used in flying
them is about two miles long.
The young kite-flyer, who holds that
every woman should have a hobby and
who thoroughly enjoys hers, makes all
her own kites. Then she flies nine or
ten at onee, to the great edification of
the surrounding neighborhood and to
the delight of the small boys, who are
always willing to help haul them in.
Each kite is named, and "McKiuley"
and "Orover" compete with those bear
ing less famous names to see which can
climb the highest. Parrel-kite flying
is said to te as pretty as It is success
ful, and California's champion kite-
flyer wears her distinction very grace
For full details oall on 0. E. k N.
Agent ta Heppner, cr address
Gen. Fhbs. Agt.
E. McNEkL, President and Manager.
Ihrasee Do Kot Soaad
Children' Months.
The Transcript has been appealed to
in a matter that has proved perplexing
in other families than that of the mother
who asks for advice. It is the question
of teaching children to refrain from say
ing: "Yes, sir," and "No, sir," and have
them repeat the name of the person ad
dressed in replying, as, "Yes, Mrs.
Smith," "No, mamma," and the like.
English children are taught that this is
correct, the reason assigned over there
being that the endlessly reiterated "Sir
and "Ma'am" belong to the servants and
tradespeople, and is indicative of in
feriority. As the correspondent points
out, however, in France, where class dis
tinctions also exist, the monsieur and
madame are not left off in polite society.
It is laborious, as many will testify,
both to the small child and his listener,
to hear the struggles with his manners
in this respect. He is often not sure of
the new name, anil in his effort to do
as he has been told the artless talk of
the child becomes priggish and cum
bersome, or if he abandons the attempt
altogether, his "Yes." and "No" bound
curt and unmannerly. A compromise
that has been known to be effective
is to teach the children of a household
to use: "Yes, mamma," "No, papa,"
"Yes, Uncle Ned," and so on, with the
familiar names of the family connec
tion, leaving the "Ma'ams" and "Sirs"
for the strangers who may come. This
distinction, snys the mother who offers
It, is for the children while they are
young. When they are in their teens
it is easy to make them understand
the little niceties of courteous speech
and follow them correctly.
In summing up the matter, to refer
again to the Boston controversy, this
paragraph is used: "No doubt there is
such a thing as being too lavish in our
following of English manners, and the
listener is half inclined to think that
this may be one of the good many mat
ters in which it might have been just
an well to declare our independence as
In the matter of paying taxes on tea,"
Boston Transcript.
Son FVoiiolsoo
And til point In California, vis th Mt, Bhasta
rout or uis
Southern Pacific Co
Th BTMt hlahwsr through California to al)
point Kesf and south, ursnd Hnenio Itonte
of the Faoiflo Coast. Pullman Hnflet
Meatier. Beoond-elass Hleniier
Attached to express trains, aflorrtin snperior
aoenmBodntions for smond-oliiKs paMtengwrs,
For ratee, tinkers, sleeping oar reservation,
to. esll upon or address
R. KdKlil.KR, MsiisKr, K. P. ROGEJU, Asst.
lion, r. a r. a hi., rorusna, ureuou
Tlirouuh I'll II mnll I'slsru K ccpi r.
lonrl.l H,r,iT sml Kri'o Itti lining Chair
Inni I AM 1 in I iilmiiii.
Msuf hours
tiid vis this lino to Ksstfrn
11'. RASTER, Gen. Aantl.
I'orllanil, Vrrgan.
J. C. HAliT, Aijnit, 7tirr, Oregon.
T SoUnllfio America"
i Agcnoy forA
Jl A aV TOi esAeS,
I -i t- union TINT.
COaillCMTa. mtmA
P tnf witle s I fr. llwll,.i a.iMM
HI 1 a Ski l4l.f. f.s
flt fcMMM, f sellout lhl. ta
. KKM !' l-r U lfiht tml,m
IM mUm br iwIki lna4issisla sM
'ticniific awcrtcau
lr rtrr-il.M , of mvt b-UMwlaMi
t,.4 Hi ll f .,,.rai l It , imIIIIc
MS -11 la tih.a.i ii. K.ii, ml IM
'"Ji.., I lt Mi Vt I ujl.
IwMee & 51. Paul a's
: )
7 M
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Glanco at this Map
f I (. st Mllss-tkM s4 M ttt ft.sU
S 4 M lininll"l )) sl I
tlMi lSl l a4 s (n st.a, t4
tSW"lS Iksl Its lrMS' aps
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,.'si.' TSSSr Snttilvnl
k- S'l IS Is .'V s 4 fV (,i a
lnl 'Hull l-l riM, s s.) r.s
Uow tha Bookkssper Got HI Bavancs
oa tha laagj Messaoger. .
This l the story of a crusty book
keeper and a bad, bad messenger boy.
The bookkeeper in employed iu a large
Chestnut street house. The messenger
boy Ui a irt of the mighty service of
the V esteru I uion Telegraph comany,
says the Philadelphia Kecord. The boy
crawled into, the ofilce where tha book-
keeiM-r fat at hU desk early yesterday
morning and akcd for Mr. C . the
head of tho firm.
"(!ot a merauge?"
"No," wild the hoy ; "a man asked me
to come here and see if he waa in."
'Well, he's out," anaH'd Uie look
Til wuiU" aaiil the boy.
"What for?" iniiuireil the other.
"( lit fur," retorted the Ikiv, ciuiekly.
'I'lw bimkkiTprr liMilied laiek for
iiiiiiuU', Hu n ln'Miiiil: "All riglit, wait,
and vent on with his work. The buy
sal i low ii mill Ih l'iiii to whiHtlp'TarniliHf
Alley." lie tlilp'ti'd around nml sung
n bit just to tt-nse the IsMikkeeiM-r. The
hitter paid no uttt'iitiou to him. The
Imv grew fnry after an hour or so,
unil ft mill v hr naked:
"Siiy. w hen's de main guy o' dis place
riiiuiir IiSi K
"lloii't kiiinv," siilil tha ImokUreprr,
wit limit liMiking up.
' hete's V at '."' asked the Iwiy.
"In lairm, auid the other.
In n tde I. ml boy uwl lungusge that
llioruMKlilv proviil his tmilnrna and
Hindi It ueei'w.itry for tle porter to
eject him.
Itirrsl ir.il .lb Ins lBpruTBst
IHlif khahaspsara.
He la the voung mini a ho rllca the
neAinrr advert Im nieiil for '"(T
liieiratitil firm, rss the lkriiit lire
1'rrss. He viritea Uiriu well, too, am!
enjiivs life as lm the privilrfr of man
who baa siieir ssfullr ai'iilinl Mniarlf
to his tiuiiHa. AttHtnir ri un i tier of
friends wlib aIuiii lie w.i talking
one uliinr lung aeiiiainttie make it
iwlile for hi to ay think' hHh
MiMiUI l resent''! from ol her prraona,
It e.ius lo tn." reinurkeil the frit lid.
"tlisl jou re a luekv irin.
Well, i as the fei J v. that tawbat tM
en ions alsa sav ol hvn no mssrs
of lil.-rstorr. hate noduuli
mark has Iwen made of iwarty
. . ... . i
man wtiii las worhril nara ana
Bn.illr 1'rosis-ml,'
Vim srrni to lake rather arrloat
lira of four rallirf "
"I huf to It nteana shura anil nrek-
l.r and hiist rmt and thrre nwals
isy and lota of nihrr Mile lhlttra that
ia life ieaanl."
"Mill, I oWl ibtiik II Is rry murk to
be iimiwl of"
"vrtis rn I atrnrfla Uh mj
self rslrrm rrf) JM'W and thru."
Writ, this t-rt.d of i lilkrall.m ban
eerlsin'y iiniMr, sirarira itetnnl."
"Tkat'a It. Tlierv a the Vrl nf
Mil whole lluslu-n. W he I rrflri t that
I am n.sk in r .t lulinf In on
ab'n Mtskmf.rar or llrjan miIi
lnliaMf walk the slrsvts la ai i.s4
ng I w a J-.i. t tll jnn 1 r'l tlrrt-
I ff li'il- .i prtoid. sod I rni1t )a4
at )! n t-p to it "
fled, however, and the next moment
shoved one of her own fair hunds iato
the tank and grabbed a carp by the
gills. She yanked it up in the air after
the manner of one who doesn't propone
to be fooled in so important a matter as
buying a fish, and held it at arm's
length for inspection.
At least, she started to hold it out.
Unfortunately she had picked up the
biggest fish in the cart. It was a carp
that didn't care much about womrn,
anyway, and particularly a woman who
considered herself well enough ac
quainted to run her fingers through his
breathing apparatus. He at once be
gan to go through a contortion act of
the most intricate and vigorous descrip
tion, his mouth wide open and his tail
marking out three-foot circles at the
rate of 40 a minute.
The suddenness with which the fish
started in on this programme was too
much for the woman. In her hurry to
let go of the carp &he forgot about her
basket and their contents. As her
linns flow un the baskets flew down. In
the Eleventh ward the sidewalks are as
hard as if not harder than in any of the
other wards, and eggs have very little
show in a contest with them. There
were eggs in one basket two dozen of
Unlewa the rain has washed thf-m
away, those eggs are down on tne .Elev
enth ward sidewalk yet. They wouldn't
have been of very much use to the wom
an after they struck the walk, except as
scrambled eggs. In the other basket
there were strawberries and a steak and
a roll of butter.
All of these were saved from the gen
eral wreck, however, with theexception
of the1 st eak. Ah enterprising Eleventh
ward dog feasted upon that.
The woman didn't stay to buy any
fish. Perhaps she had lost her appetite
for carp. Anyway, she gathered up the
remnants of her marketing and sailed
majestically down the street.
The fish peddler gazed after her a mo
ment. Then he chuckled to himself:
Yah : dose carp ish fresh but not so
fresh ni dot tomans, pyehimminy!"
Philndt Iphia Enquirer.
Aa AUstrsd fadleatloa of Xernmi Da
faataasaat That la Obssnrsd Commonly.
"When I went to a nerve specialist
first," said a man who was once an in
valid, "he told me that one way to judge
of the condition of a person' nerves
was to watch hi thumbs. Ever since
that time I have found the greatest
fascination in looking at people's
thumbs. The doctor said that if they
moved involuntarily outward it was a
sign that the nerves of that man or
woman were not in the best condition.
I find myself now sweeping the line
that sits opposite me in a car, and if
that doctor's test is a good one there is
a surprising number of people in his
town whose nerves need looking after.
There are few among the women who do
not involuntarily move the thumbs out
ward at intervals of every few minutes,
and when your attention has once been
attracted to it the process of watching
their gloved hands grows very interest
ing. I have found the habit much lees
frequent among men; but take the av
erage number of women in a cable car
and it will be a surprise to you to see
how many of them indulge unconscious
ly in this little habit. I only hope it
does not mean anything as serious as
it might indicate if that nerve special
ist's diagnosis was a good one."
To tot Editor s-4 have an tbsohite
remedy for Consumption. By Hs timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. Sr proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty to
und too bottUs fret to those of your readers
who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
t. A. 8LOCUM.M.C IS3 Pearl St., Hew Tork.
S f The Editorial sad Business Mansffemsnfe o4
this Paper Guarantee t&is generous Proposition.
i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-1
...... . i
gent buuneis conaucteaior MODERATE FCC8.
Sous office ia Opposite. U.S. patent Office
and we can secure patent in less tune tnaa those
I Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-
f tion. We advise, it patentable or not, tree ol
J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. (
' flow to ubtain ratenis, wnn
he U. S. and foreiEO countries
Off. Patent Office, Washington. D. 0.
A Pamphlet,
The comparative value of than twaearaa
Is known to most persona.
'They illustrate that grssttr qusntlty Is
Met always meat to be desire.
' ' These cards express tha beneficial qual
ity of
Ripans Tabules ,
4s compared with any previously fcoowa
Rlpsnt Tsbules : Price, 50 cents a'bwr.
Of druggists, or by mail.
thing to patent? Protect yonrideas: they may -bring
you wealth. Write JOUX WgDTBR
BUHN& CXX, Patent Attorneys, Washington,
u. u., tot tneir si,ouu prize oner.
Disastrous Effect of Foolish Question
Upon Congressional Oratory.
There are times when the question or
remark of a persistent interrupter will
destroy the effect of a speech and dis-
ourage the orator almost to the point
of breaking down, says the Troy Times.
When Bryan, of Nebraska, in the Fifty-
third congress, wug in the midst of a
hetorical climax and with arms up-
ifted was gushing a very familiar line.
(he house was convulsed by the quea-
lon of Walker, of Massachusetts:
"Who wrote that?" The whole thing
vvaa so ridiculous that it waa five min
utes before Bryan could go on. Here ia
nother: Thomas Bartlett, of Vermont,
ivas renowned for his nights of elab
orate rhetorical oratory, and a seat in
ongress was the special goal of his
ambition. When he was elected a story
of how he had been silenced by an audi-
nee of college boys got around, and on
the occasion of the new member's first
ippearance the hoime was prepared to
receive him in anything but a serious
hplrit. Kising to Indorse a proposition
which had jut been vigorously st
acked be begun to declaim imprewdve-
ly : "Sir, were it not for the rules of the
house I would )our upon the opponents
of this measure the vials of my wrath-
He got no farther. Mr. Polk, of Ten-
nesuwe, was ujion his feet in a moment,
moving, with every appearance of eager
ntercst, "thnt the rules le MLHpendid
mid the gentleman allowed to lmurl"
finch a disconcerting burnt of laughter
followed that the unfortunate orator
could only Hiibpldn wrathfully into si
lence and his nut.
A Lesson In Courtesy.
A flable Stranger Kindly tell me what
time the four o'clock train leaves.
Ticket Agent Well, of all the chump
questions! Say, you'd better chase
yourself away before the depot falls on
"Oh, never mind if the question Irri
tates you. I just wanted a little infor
mation. I'm the new superintendent of
the road, you 'know." Cleveland Plain
Tho Snake Had the Beat of It,
A Quaker driving a single horse
chaise up a narrow lane happened to
meet a young man who was also in a
single horse chaise. There was not
room enough for them to pass each
other, unless one of them would back
his carriage, which both refused. "I'll
not make way for you," said the young
fellow, with an oath. "I think I am
older than thou art," said the Quaker,
"and therefore have a right to expect
thee to make way for me." "I won't.
resumed the first. He then pulled out
a newspaper and began to read, as be
sat still in his chaise. The Quaker, ob
serving him, pulled out a pipe and some
tobacco from bis pocket, lighted his
pipe, and sat and puffed away very
comfortably. "Friend," said he, "when
thou hast read that paper I should be
glad if thou wouldst lend it to me."
The young man gave up the contest. '
Cummings & Fall,
01 the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B.
Q C. M. di Bt. P., C. di A., P. Ft. W. A C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton SU .,
oaiCAao, xxjXj.
The regular subscription price of tha
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tha -
regular prioe of tha Weekly Oregonlan
is $1.50. Any one subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year is
advance can gel both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3.60. All old snb
Bonbers paying their subscriptions fcr
one year in advsnoe will be entitled la
the sama.
Nw Feed Yard. Wm. Gordon haa
opened np the feed yard next door to
the Gazette office, and now solicits a
share of your patronage. Billy ia right
at heme at this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prion
reasonable. Bar and grain forsale. tf
some Beadles That Will Prove Iaterestias to
Young Mothers How to Uasrd Against
tho Disease.
Oronp Is a terror to young mothers
and to post them concerning the csnse,
first symptoms sod treatment is the ob
ject of this item. The origin of croup ii
a common cold. Children who are sub
ject to it take cold very easily and croup
ia almost sure to follow. The first
symptom ia hoarseness; this ia soon fol
lowed by a peculiar rough cough, whioh
which is easily reoognized and will
oever be forgotten by one who
baa beard it The time to sot
is when the obild first becomes hoarse,
If Chamberlain's Congo Remedy is free
ly given all tendency to eronpy ooogh
has developed it will prevent the atlsek.
There ia do danger io giving this remedy
for it contains nothing iniariona. For
sale by Conser 4 Brook.
This Is Your OiportuuIty.
On receipt of ten cents, rush or stnujv
a generous sample win De inauea 01 iiu
most popular Cutnrrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Halm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
66 Warren Kt., New Tork City.
Rev. John Iteid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. 1
esn emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive care for catarrh if used at directed."
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
enre for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any Injurious drug, rnoe, oil cents.
Embarrassing rUtiialliin of a Young Maa
Out tesu
In tbrae dnva of cheap neckwear a
man Ik MMr Indeed ulio run not afford s
llirge collection of lies. There is one
young luuu In this city, however, Miys
the lH-nter Tillies, who would have
willingly paid Ave times the coat of a
cratat, if neei'ury, a few days ago.
Hn ia a genius hi his way.snd, like moat
of hia trilw, requires a guardian. It
waa on a bright, warm morning, not
long since, t but be auuiitered from his
home. Just a Unit shopping time, and
In hia abarnt-mimlrd way Asnderrd
low u town. Aa he walked alon Six
ternth atret-t iteople ga.rd sfkini curi
ously. Slid aoine were ill-bred enough
to laugh. Their curiosity waa lost upon
him, however, fir In waa far away in
retrrira of the bright, happy times
when editor accept everything that Is
offered without even asking suibltions
young authors to ruthlessly eutnistiU'
arript "to satisfy our readers." lie
wandered Into a crowded drug store,
and, elbow littf hia way through the
throngs of wrll-drreard women, aaked
for hia favorite bupbaU, a ml thn
continued hia stroll until he reached
the ofili-e of the Tlmra. Th'O aoin o
aakrd hint why he did aotdreaa brfnrt
roniing on the afreet. He looked up la
mild amareuirot, sought a mirror, and
then made a rush for tha nrarrai bah
rdashrry. Since then he has become
pnaaraur of a rvtuplrt Collection of
lira, and whrn beaeoa hU sister wearing
the eholenl specimens, his hand tn
variably areks hia roller bend to ea it
h has SgaJa tare O nrf Irctf ul.
Ollmpetie or tha Unmeet le Life of the
Bard tor the neighbors.
During1 the present financial crisis it
is probable that a p-reat deal of charity
has been as badly misdirected as waa
that of a charitably disposed young;
woman in Providence, who is noted for
her novel ways of helping the needy.
'I have such a pity for these poor
street musicians!" she said one day. "I
pay one old Italian forty cents a week
regularly. He plays in the yard every
Thursday afternoon." "Hut that muht
be hard. To be always on hand and
the noise must be tedious," said a
mcwhat nervous friend. "Oh, no,"
was the complacent reply; "the maid
has to attend to that; and aa for the
music, I don't hear it, for Thursday it
my afternoon at the club."
To persons who served In the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Ware
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing; and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
trWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
!) No Fee unless successful.
I The Press Claims Company
) PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General MaMfer,
) 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C
) jr. KTktt Company U Controlled iy ntarlf one Ounuand leading newa.
pujKTt in lh Vntlrd Suite, und U guaranteed by IXem.
Met the
a breel IW
t tlrMf ta MxaikM Teeae4ee
1at 1. it lr ..( InJiaor lo Iwl gitU j
la tiecirklty, the etimtl batlrf
tf lh grval shtiiie f lm, si
KohHsm. Hsr Mniklt, la(et,lu.
ai.d la In W f..t)..,, by lh equally
el aaJ st.lrt ftmbde I f Ilia s
Ksoti. Is I tie mim Wl 11. 1 1st nn Wff
lima br tsl'l e-l-ft llx aarjte lm-
ffmrt.till all ise Mt t.leraf I ha
rf5tril sra Ae.jM j.'vr Jibst .T rf,-1
It f t u'i we tWr fin t letUe'lr l'.',f,
r'-l. ' l S iW tsKUX ft tbilr,
Ti t. e a finrh to fi !
as $ V.i e a I r t f tm LrtUU .
kaMaU tea eat lWe. '
ffsrtaiaaae W aa
t n In the r.Urnih ward a thrifty
(irrmtvo snefce a gid li'lng dllln
Hi rvrp. The Hah ar hauled about
llu si err la la a auiaJI lalik act tiaa
wl.rrla, Ihn tshole snilnt IsrlnsT
I1h by the eurrjry grrwrsll froia
the (.rrtusn's tiiuH Ira. I f there ia one
ll'lfs! tniir I haa eiHtlhrr tba tsnkller
I llba tiiiiiwif tm. It Is that Me warv.
twlrtsf all, ere tieHarily frvah.
Tit ttibrr tiHu;os tha carp mrr
cheat waa sli-ftwd t) a Oman mint, II
tl, writ nllrd l'akrls hn h bunf fnts
Itt fal 1 ins r ant ltwlirell.iB.aes
iu iwr iii-me rriMtt n.arkrt. The
tutiiaa lisurd mri the raft and il'l
tip the iiiiiiiinf ti'U tarefullr
"Are lbr trehrai Auelit aaleU.
The I'i'V of d.f4t that sprraJot
lh l.rfnsn s r,uLlrntna would Wave
fllf.l will M( I He fralarvaef aanui.d.
. ! y ilm. tat b'i Is tsrlfif l. Ilist
e (nmninfr rsnl"'s' Is aire l.i be
t-f tltns''t al lb i rtM-eftl mnutlli'S,
h,t ,,l kf I tins n h l If ,.l rnslina.
' th. rtt Uh fre.h." ht r JissJ.
trt I t U i b lal t th ttsh
4 1 j t'U J o.l tio.; I-. U b It a U
lf I '.'- WU )ilil(,
Ct4 u t I e ls.Stoean, Imi
le lv jl I tki air, &s a 1 ee'ie
III Ilomestle
Greet Motart.
The ive4 of (rer.iu.sea are so often
not happy that It in plraaant to read of
the tender, affectionate and cheerful
compunion that Constance Moiart
found In her husband An example of
the tone of hU correspondence with her
Is this fay little letter:
'If I should tell you, dear adored
one, all thnt I say to your portrait yon
would laugh at my fully. hen I take
It out of Its rase I say: Uod bless
you, my deer little Constance: fjod
keep you, amiable mfrue, little curly
hesd snd pnlntrd nose, my Joy sod my
jrrlrf' And then I must separate
fro to the dear picture I slide It slowly,
slowly into the case and say:, 'Walt,
wait, wait, waltr Then when it hss
quite disappeared I say: Hiood night,
deer little friend! Hern well
He was a tnnet reotle narae when
Conatanee was UL At five o'cliwk he
stole out of the house on tiptoe to go
for a riil on hotx-berk. but never
without leaving ttnJvr Constance' nil
low a little note euntethloe; like this:
' I wish jou good mornlac. dear
little wit.! I bone that yon slept well
and that nolhlOsT troubled your real
"Take care not to ret eold, do not ret
np too soot), do not slip down, do not
fr I tlrext, do not r' t rmst with the
maid. Take car not to trip on the sill
as yo r fnm one ronra to another.
Hevp sit your doioeetle tnmtile saUl I
com bavk, snd that will be sonn.
Hie sist.rU-law. N-phl. td this
story of his dotkn. One day eke
sod Mutart ware wat. hlor tT Con
laora, who had fallen a lee p. A end
dn nnlae reus.! Mosart to jaeip ep
quickly. Ilia chair !.ppJ snd he fell.
drtelna a knife whlrU he had open Ut
his head deep Into hia thlrh.
Mtitart wsa oiMtasrliy very eervoaa,
sod a.i Boasiitte to pa.s that the allfht
eat gtrU-k fnna a pin ! him lure
pat, but ,e did ext iitier a eonad.
Hwly sr.4 reall.msty he went sway to
hia own rMirn lo dnrsa the Injury.
The wound waa o srr that he
limjvd f..f aevtrst dsjra, bnt he dla
(uia4 ht sutfrlff end lb Hasp
bsly that Curia' ani- knew ef
Ik i, iUnL - "uih Contpeakoek
Suf ar (irostlnf In Jamaica
Work on a Jamaica auger plantation
commences at six in the morning- snd
lahts until dusk. The period of ii(nr-
iiiuklnir extends from the bt-irlnnlnir of
Ik'crmber till the middle of June, the
esne being plsnted so ss to ripen in I DEPrNF.R.
succession during thoae months, fur If
t all ripened at once it would be lm-
umalble to find either the labor or the
uachtnrry to drsl with it In an or-
Unary plantation, say of seven hnn
Irrd acrra, the output will b abnut
A-n tons of suirar per day, or forty-fl
.0 fifty tons a work, but that Is anger
11011 if h to sweeten two million flvt
Mti'lred thousand ruoa of tea.
KT aiT iiSS c- ILaiYOBIS,
AttorneyH tit IQW,
All bnaioeaa attended to ib a prompt and aatisfaotory
manner. Notaries Public and Collector.
s 1 1 ; t
I Columbia River ani Put Sound Navigation Co
rileet l1ial llehlsfl rile.
Hytnptotne: Molelare; lotene Iloblng
end etiogiDf; ntoet at night; worse by
eeretohleg. If allowed to eontlnee tors
on form, blob often bleed and uloerat,
beeoaiieg very eora. Bnayae'e Oiol
meet atopa the Iteblnf and btewding,
heala atoereliosi, and in most ee re
moves th In mors. AtdtDgrrteU, or by
ntail, for 90 aenta. Dr. 6;oe A Son,
Lesring Alder Hi reel IXek. Portlaod, for Aetnris, Ilvsoo, Loeg Beeeh. Oosa
1'srk aod Neheotla. Ihreel aonneelion wilb tlwseo elesmere and rail
road; aleo at Tonog's Bay with 8eaebore lUilroed.
Ueres rNwtland T A. M. Pally, eieetH SnfMlay. Leavae Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, txoepf Busday.
tsara PerUas4 I P. at lsUy. eim StinHsy. Satanlay alrht, It r M. tear AttorU Pallf S
at t A. ., aieetH Suo4ay and Monday, Sunday Bight, I ML
Leeve Portlaad sad ran dlraH t la. Taewtay 4 THaredsy si I A. ht. SshiMsy at 1 P. It
Laaraallaaro Nedaaeday aad rrlday al 7 A. M. Oe Saaday alfhtait P. M.
Buti (Vsfd ii EiibU Drsiluliii M Bevh fm if kpv.
Pot (aiety, tpead. Comfort, rUaaara, Trsrel aa the Teteesea, naltvy Gslrert and Oeaaa ,
tefartsaat (I
The greet and unfortunate D
Lps. la hie eitrero old age ttada
hlmkrlf a eery pr man. ft married
1st In life and haa a family of thir
teen rhlldrrn. It ta generally believed
that th bleader of the I'snama were
nut rrtmlnal on hi part. lies rcll-
lag his pavat great errvirve to wae
In th ematrek) of the
We anal. It la pird by )
Ity of the sharrhol.Ura that during
th rvsl of M. I Imp i life he shall
t given an ananlty of en.tvu f rarw-a, or
aUit 111."", and that sfur his dath
and till his ynwnrt child la of are.
eo.nia) freM a yr abatl g U the
tine and ehlMrvn. This UiastraUe
that th er vss ah greet
ea.rstl.Nie show thr ar ttnt a..;;.
For tho Ouro oa
Liquor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits
it Is totaled at SaWsB, Ovegen,
DU Jfuef Benafini Totm ew fJU Cboet
Cell St the Hi terra Is arlra1e
kow-U; sesH.sllsl, traatasaat firsts ea4 sm
Dtr.A(Di or tiik ski.
The lntos lb king tad araartip lari
Ankt t erwna, tif, asH-thsisas, aaJtW
d laa ease) ef the akt at lasts ntly siUrad ty
arrhln (baatkertatas l"te eei Htm
(Haiawvi. Visay Very Wad ease lire We
frwsaieally twrad ef U. It la eeaJly
rbctevtt in king fum ease rsnrite srea.
.! M ne aipfJeat tksnd hands, (kit
t'iaiaa. rrist ktW and raeneikt anra t
I v sale hf dfMf s at ti ( et hea.
ry I., 1 a t eni rwra ta
are Jws a hat awls tww la had eneklV
es, Taat, U.d fHsnftef Sv Vwkmfti,
for sale ri fee A lire I, 4r(f late
The Oaty rkew Car Us
I Te lb et Is lb Veten reatfk. Kael-
er elke are rr4e4 tie tkaj fine wlik
fewer rbste) of ewre the eie 4br
)-lUUe al? Ik taaaei. TVI I
to er Ireea nateiU ta th Certs ft!.
(Veeda, e sterope M eeie hf H. W
Hetla. O. At, ll ktd l, rH!el
fs et!t erfarattrte). mrMl fig
Ik plaintiff p!re U4, stng th r
nwa. MiaTlltiiil nf Wetaaaaftt
II Vprl4 th tttarvvr of lb haa-
Vf4 sa brated.. -dt aal
OF . ...
It to Advertisers at a great lin.mcial sacri
Are tee.
MkMtsM bf sdveti. liertiM.
It. Uw ssai. taa 4 ArrK Veiles
fiW."l S VltaJiea t a
fetaeeebr Wslid A Viiftt,
m a TV- tv. h-Jl . a lu .a - n 1
.ie Hrs.iM -ft,w tM a f,cc You need it in your business, and as a
etjitrfuL ) tn r4 a e r ' I J
rw'.i: matter of business
taaawt , evt' U'e lalls
;uviV at
vc mun sen it.
The Pattkwok IVbluhing Co.