Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 06, 1896, Image 3

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This is the oorcplaint of
thousands at this aeason.
They have no appetite; food
does not relish. They need the toning up of
the stomach and digestive organs, which
course of Hood's Sarsaparilla wHl give
them. It afco purines and enriches the
blood, cures that distress after eating and
Internal misery only a dyspeptio can
know, creates an appetite, overcomes that
tired feeling and builds up and sustains
the whole physical system. It so prompt
ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp
toms and cures nervous headaches, that it
seems to have almost " a magic touch."
Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
I4aa,C n:il are 0,8 best after-dinner
uuuu s fills pills, aid digestion.
tlOO Reward 1100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science bas
been able to cure in all its staves, and
that ia catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Oars
is the only positive oars known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a oousti
tational treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken internaly, aoting directly upon
the blood and mnoons surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by bnilding ap the oonstiation
and assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in
onrative powers, that they offer Oas
Hundred Dollars for any case tbat it
fails to oure. Ssnd tor list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. Chknbt & Co Toledo, O,
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Here and There.
Trioe Florence is over at Pendleton.
T Frank Whetstone is up from Portland.
Og Mitobell was up from line yester
day. , - . , . .
Harry Myers left laet
road ?
bight for Bla
about oar proposed Mitobell
The Heppner Transfer Co., ha wood
lor sale. - 37 tf.
Jus. Wylaiiil was down from Hardman
' Geo Vir.oect was
ibis week.
over from Galloway
a new ad. Now is the
was the ooldest of
The question. "Would Free Coin ace
Benefit Wage-earners." is debated by
Dr. Charles 11. 8phr and Prof. Rich
mond Mayo 8mith in the November Re
view of Reviews. Dr. Hpahr presents
the arguments for the affirmative, and
Prof. Mayo-Smith tor the negative, of
this question, in compact and well-digested
briefs. '
lie Hat at
264 Electoral
Oregon Too.
Danoe on Tliapksgiving,.
Wattenberger & Ingraham will give a
mar querade ball at the opera house on
November 26, 1896 Thanksgiving even
ing. The beet of mosio will be given
and a good time guaranteed. Tickets
$1.00 for gentlemen, and 50 cents for
ladies without masques. Ladles mask
ed, free. Huitable prizes will be awarded
whiob will be on exhibition at H. E.
Warren's at an early date. ' Those who
are mnsked must leave their respective
n rune and oharnoters represented witb
the doorkeeper. This rule will be rigid
ly enforced. - tf.
Early Tuesday evening reports began
to pour in and immediately it beoame
apparent that McKinley hnd won the
yiotory, and easily at that. At the time
of going to press it is known tbat hs
bas 264 electoral votes and perhaps
Yesterday at 1:30, p. m., this office re
oeived tbe following dispatch :
Portland, Or., Nov. 5. Otis Patterson,
Heppner, Or. 261 electoral votes for
McKinley sure. Possibly more.
Sol Hibsoh.
Hearing a report tbat adverse news
had been reoeived, this offloe wired that
claims bad been made tbat Bryan was
elected, on private reports tbat bad been
reoeived. The answer came speedily
and decisively at 3 p. m :
Portland, Or., Nov. 5, '96 Otis Pat
terson, Heppner, Or. All wind. Mo-
Einley has 2o5 6afe electoral votes.
Oregon safe. Sol Hibsch.
Tbe claim is mnde tbat McKinley bas
over a million votes more than Bryan,
therefore reoeiviug the popular as well
as the electoral vote.
Come tip with
time to rustle.
Wednesday night
the season so fur. .
Rev. J. T. Hoskins was over from
Butter oreek yesterday
Joe LndkmAn naa in veafAFitav tmm
his Hinton creek ranoh. 91
Tat Kelebar is in from the mountains
after a bard summer's rustling
There are thirty ona life timers serv
ing time in the Oregon penitentiary.
Drink the oelebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. Oa tap at Chris Borobers'
A Kanaka leper was found in P rtland
Teoently by a Hawaiian bioyole dealer,
Qnite a number of nntsid voters name
to Heppner to catt their ballots on Turn
Mao Monteith, a representative of
tailoring establishment, woe in Heppner
Mrs. Bradley bas taken oharg of the
Palace hotel while Qeo, B. TeJrowe
takes the City.
Congressman EMU spoke to an enthu
siastic audience down at A liogton last
Monday night.
Quite a number of Heppner people
went down Wedensilay night to be at
lbs opening of the looks.
Tbos. Driskell and family have moved
into town for tbe purpose of taking ad
vantage or school privileges
Mrs. Tbos. Rhea left for Arlington on
last Tuesday, having been oalled there
by serious illness of ber father,
Jobn Rasmus and J. W. Wellingham
have opened a saloon in tbe Morrow
bnilding, formerly tbe Gem salooo.
una Bagga was arrested in Long
Creek last Tuesday for stealing a bat
out of Radio's store. He was bound
Heppner baa formed a section of lbs
Endowment Rank, K. of P. All mem
bers of the order will find it good, safe
Out at Hardman on election day tbs
republicans played tbs "pops s game of
ball sod scooped tbem, just like Billy
MoKialey did.
J. M. Hnmpbrev recently returned
from tbs valley whet bs went Iset sum
mer to sell some horsas. Us reports
tbem dull sals.
Mrs, J . Mollaley and Mrs. Thoa.
Qnaid left on last Wednesday's train for
Anmsvllle, Oregon, wbers they will visit
for a short lima.
Eban Andrews earns all tbs way from
DayloD, Washington, to vols for MoKia
ley, Dot having resided In Washington
long SDOOgh to vota there,
A Aadrews was op fma Alplns yes
terday. Uis preeinel is tbeheoaef Ms
Kloley locality of Morrow anonty, Me
Kinlsy reoeiviot 23 to 6 fur Bryao.
Oood ad vice t Never leave h"ms no a
1i or nay wltbool a bottle of Chamber
alo's Colie. Cholera and Ihsernnwa
Rained v. For Bala by Gonswr sod B.oek.
Old Halt and Charley J one ara as
sociated titgwlbar down at Charley's
Id plana in tha tonaorlal bnalaeas
Call on Ihera and gel Jour whlekers
pushed la.
Dirk Meibews Is still at ib olj stand
Mil donr to Iba poet nffioe, skere b Is
rtapared ta do seviMof la his lloa,
febsvlaf, bair catttaf' baths' etc., at
popolar prices, tf.
Oear Minor git back from tha
oa Toe-Hay morning, last In tints ta
vote. Wbila swat ba fehaaa.f
pas aatt'a wl'b wbiob la stoek bis tsieb
Just balow Iowa
Mr. II. E. Dakar aad t K R II en
s' el cams to Wadnaaday fmm Iea
IWk. Mi. ltakar snivel' J In satab
Itabmg a eerima of lbs Endaanant
Rack at Unas R'wk
The tf ieawe Mrr, af Tri Orave.
od Miss A I lls Jerk, of Tbs Dallaa,
wao have ba Sloprta !! ralatl
bars fr lima, af tVadneaJev for
tbatr leepwotive beea
T.kf 1 Ttia Itt sptmprtaitns f Ibe
Cascade f sek was gut It fwisH Snareewe
try Una Lafavafis L-na a A. eas IM
laat f Oiftva lrrae-a as Y.U
a4 rUeatxre Milrhell as J Hi llrt la la
n.a M'fVmel 1 a Cba. BMrta
reae ta l4V t"-m MrobU and Clraal
snaetr wbara ll,af bat t-" Wl
saaaa fnf eaatarw shtal Beak was
loa lti(iil I snil law saalUnkaa sad
eon 1"uy aarrb
Dr. J. C. Lannerberg will remain with
as only a few days more and those who
need his servines elvi.ild not fail to call
soon I is in nft'i that nn eye
eceoinlist o m tnn who fnlly nn
derdtands his pr,,fcKsi(iu and the people
nbonld take ndv iiitiige of the oppor
Where They Met.
McKlnlev Bill, with Napoleon eve.
Seyt "Bryan ltt's drink lome Llnwood Rye;
vve meet an irienas, my worm are lew
1 hope they ilou't, dear Brian Bore U."
Ann Hrvan bhvu. in a 1okln manner.
" I wonder tf that's w hat'i the matter with Hanna
1 hat b home and horse, you funny feller
When I ee my wife I am bound to Teller."
Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an
And they drank aorae more good Llnwood Rye.
Sold only at the Belvedere Saloon, E.
Q. a perry, Prop.
Salem Statesman: John H. Boott, who
left Salem in September of last year for
the purpose of attending the Ann Arbor
law sohool for a year, has returned. Hs
made tbe borne trip as far as Tbe Dal
les on a bioycle, (Mr. Scott passed
through Ueppner reoently.)
Fruit for Dale or Trade.
'James Hager has a fine lot of frnit,
oonsistiug ct fall and winter apples,
whiob be offers fur sale at one oent per
pound, lie ill alao aocept io eicbioge
tor same posU, vod or wheat, delivered
athisplaoe K-ur miles above Heppner.
Those deririiiK fruit should confer with
bim. tf
AntasTaph Hat Mow tha Rage with Col-
las; Students and Sameaar Girl.
One of the new fads that started with
the Cornell university boys is the fash-
on of wearing autograph hats. One
sees them everywhere, for college wen
m other colleges have taken it up, and
have scattered themselves here and
there among the summer girls. The
hats are made of white camves, with
stitched brims. Names can be written
in ink anywhere on tbe surface. One
of these had several names of well
known men written upon it, among
them the man who pulled stroke for
the Cornell eight that won such a glori
ous victory over Pennsylvania, Harvard
ind Columbia in that memorable boat
''e ot roughkeepsie.
Sentimental young men collect the
names of their sweethearts, though
this hns its drawbacks, because there is
always the chance that the fast girl will
want to know all about the other girls
whose names she finds written on the
hat before hers. The words are usual
ly printed, though script makes a pret
tici hat and looks less like an advertis
ing device. To stalwart young col
lege men stalking along w ith these hats
on gives one the impression of one of
those impecunious individuals who
march up and down upon the business
streets with a printed placard on their
backs to the effect that "a regular din
ner can be had at the Blank dairy luncb
for 20 cents."
However, the fad is growing, and by
fall the white hats will be black.
Democratic Party Mant Now be Completely
i Reorganized
Chicago, Nov. 4. Controller Eokels,
who was at national democratic head
qnsrters, said:
"I think the result is jnst what migbt
have been expeoted. Whenever tbe
question has been put to tbe voters,
Will the Amerioan peorjle pay their
debts?' it has been decided tbat they
ill. If we pay our debts tbs nation
pays its debts. The iraportancs of tbe
result la tbe busiuess world is tbat it
means tbs rehi.bilimeut of Atierioan
credit abroad. This means that invest
ors are willing to put tbeir Idle oapital
in onr enterprises.
"This election means the completu re
organization of the democratic party,
For a long period of time tbs demoorsoy
baa been tbs haven ot refuge for svery
element of discontent In the oountry.
It bad to bs reorganised sud now is ss
good s time si any. Tbs democratic
politicians will learn from this election
tbat it is better to bavs tbs business in
terests witb them tbsn to bsva Ihs dis
turbing elements."
The Model resturaut, N. J. Myers,
proprietor, was started early this week
in the Swaggort bnilding Mr. Myers'
ventnr promises to bs a socoess. Tbs
Fszetts shop acknowledges an iovitatiou
to dins with bim, which was acoeptsd.
Norman is all right.
The Real Way to Cars
Disease is to establish baaltb. Purs.
riob blood means good health. . Hood's
Sarsaparilla ia tbs ona trus blood pnri
fler. It tones np tbs wbolo system,
gives appetite snd strength and cause
weakness, nervousness and pain to dis
appear. Nn other medioins bas snob s
reoord ot wonderful oures as Hood's
' M. K. C'harrh, Hustb, Asaosaeemest.
Next Suodsy beiog tbs monthly sp
pointment oa Rhea ereek, there will ba
an old fasbionod Method is! class meet
ing at 11 o'oiook, a. m., ioatead of tha
prsaoblng seryics. Regular ssrvioes in
tbs svsulng at 7 o'oiook, p. ni.
Rev. Potwlne will bs la Ueppner,
Tue day tbs 101b, to bold divioe Servians.
Olebratloo of lbs boly rommsaion
Tuesday m.rolog st 11 o'oiook and
evening service si 7 o'oiook. All ara
eordialy Invited.
Through trains oo Ihs O. R. A N. will
rua via. Umatilla, Walla Walla and
Pendleton. Through sleepers. Oral sod
seoonddaaa, will ruo io eouneetion witb
tbs Union Partus, tbs Sanaa as hereto
fore. A through firat-elaae sleeper Port
land to Ppokeoe, ooosertieg with lbs
flrsl elaaa eleapof to Ht. Peal, and a
through tonrial sleeper Portland to HI.
Paol. will ran la ea sect ion with Iba
Ureal Northern railway . tf
Hood's Pills are tha best after-dinner
pill; sesist digestion, preysot constipa
A3 To" Thi UArVit LILL.
Ueppner to l'eodleloo via Urppeer-
Eobo Slags Lin. Psraoaa detmos of
viaiiing Prsdletoa eaa cava lima and
money by taking this rents. By ss
qqalnllng tbs assets tbs previous svso
log lbs etage will tasks conneolloO with
o'clock traiq al E bo for Psadlaton
Oflios al City Li og feiora. W. D. (.oao,
Now la Iba tins to rt tbs Weekly
Oregnsian. lbs greatest spapv of
Ihs Weal, with lbsUasHi,bb strict
ly la sdvanrw.oea tear. t-T Ml Na beltav
9..rr-tlnalN.ti of seapra sss bs tnads
ia tbs slals. Iteoi la wa will $ Iva aa a
perm mm aa adHt"l JnaraaUtlis wb
foil llaaUr, aa agrwalicral fit,
Cora ta an and anbaHh.
fyrltol wtib
Ik M4t Keaisraal
A s rMlaraal baa be et-aal sp
srwxtts Its fitf H"Ul by Jt.J.Myavs
bars SMMt'S aill U s-o4 si at) k-'S,
Hb'te lrof H ffFl"V4 la INs I 'tt
S4.J t')ia w i."l 'it'r fa
al ail ne. Th m 4air .f Bl S
at lyi'a as is kM4, lat
Kvary Bay Bearlag It BbaaM Ba Praaa
af tha Title.
Thera Is some thing conkal and frank
about tbe name of Rill, any a the Chiragc
I.'roord. It U a strong and sterling old
liame, which gors on inultiplyiug ilaelf
in a moat nierltorioua niaunrr. A large
jroMrtlon ot the nten who brsvr it are
Rood urn, and Ihs reason ia simple
Mowt Of tbe "Williams' ara named for
some other Willis ma. ft Is notaoaumed
hat it la poaaibls for any uvtbrr to
tbooas that rough old cuarnoturn for
Iter pretty baby unlrwa shw dura it ta
honor some particular prrwtn. Other
Ihlnga bring equal, she would rail bim
Clifford or AoVIWt or lUgtnald. Hut
i he remembers t'nrle ItiU KArna worth.
ho ii tha heat and falmt man la
W hite Oak precinct when aba was a
girl, and so aba calls tbs child for blot.
Or tha father reralla to mind a good,
be arty and joyous r tiara-Ur of earlier
Paje aotiia friendly Hill of otbrr Utnes
a righteous man, and a fond eltlrm.
and ba rworomends ths nam of W il
liam for the HiUs chart, so aa Io bring
back tbs memory of tbat otber DUL Or
intra ara lulls la tha family of Bills
known to fstni.
And now rome the key ta It all.
TVaa tartotta Hills wera all faud for
other H.IU.sod lbs oiber Hills tauai bava
tievm ratrrmrd fnraj rlliei and
worthy, ! no rt would bestow
lb nama ton tbatwhwk la ntl Ionia
I art. bis man-child. Whenever you
find a rasa nemH W illiam, and yon will
f. nd any of i hem. you will raa r-
metnlwr ha i ao railed bev-auaa Ihra
waa a r ( table and aprigbt William
mrk of and t)nd bim, aitd Ibalotlw
Wtl.iam waa rand ar a fartbfr W il
Immh of gully aorv
It .! not pay to balllUa Iba mm
mon, f.lala nam of Hill. r.ry bmU
I hat ttas repraarata anma -r-Mn.
i ruDally wnethy. and f b aim
wif diagrarw and 4-thl I Ha a a rua
ikeabls 'alkmal wil balhelao lUtla
i',1 bs aJl4 la bla h.aor.
llahy ploa amx la au af tar, roa
wto4 by 8 aa f'd 'Kaina.
IrHty twa-toe4 atrawWrry fwks
abnw twrry is and lae Is eVnwa
ssamlrd ksirpias, at wild
lewale, aaaiat la avlra fcaiHrirg
Cst glsas lorn t-n tk tile p!aid
sxMiaUrr ln-ra la Uaa4 as Iba
aa au adiaaxea.
siiltay avaatd tlia sad bags ara ia
rinded antnesT tlr Siiter aviaaU
lr Ih fair ryellal.
((ateauat trrtaliliW In th
rbalrg 4ukj sea il rhaSag 4wb ra
aat aMbt lagHi at !.
Cat gtsaa sugar sifters wtb startlag
Deaerted Wife Won tha
Four Boon.
A race across 2,000 miles of water for
a wife was recently enaea at i.nis
Island. The race was between Mrs,
Franz Molineaux, a deserted wife, and
a young girl, Bertha Neibling, the hus
band s sweetheart.
The wife won the race by four hours
and, incidentally, the erring husband.
Molineaux had been wealthy in Ber
lln. He had married the daughter of a
rich grain merchant. When ho failed
in business he quarreled with his wife,
for she made some remark about his
poverty which angered him. lie left
her, saying that he would go to Arner
ica and begin life over again. They
were proud and she permitted him.togo
alone, although iu her henrt she loved
him. '
The man came over here and by hard
work established himself and wasinre'
ccipt of a good salary. lie thought
sometimes of the woman over in Berlin
She v.'ns living with her wealthy futhcr,
who was very foud of her. In a spirit of
pique tbe husband sent across the sea
for another woman to share the home
he bad made here at 1360 Lexington
Mra. Molineaux beard of the other
woman and embarked in all haste on
the steamer Lahn. bound for New York,
The other one, Bertha Neibling, was a
steerage passenger on the Venctia from
Hamburg. Tbe enetia sailed first,
yet the fast steamer Lahn best her into
port by four hours, with Mrs. Molineaux
In tbe fl rst cabin.
She hnd little dliTiculty in interesting
the authorities in ber case. Detective
Peter (Iro-.lcn found her husband and in
formed Lim that a woman was at Ellis
Inland wultlng to see bim. Molineaux
was t uk tin there and the roiumlsnioiier
of immigration asked sonic very search'
hie iu; rtion:t. Then be dismissed bim
to nnothf r room and talked to Mrs. Mol
Ineaux. Neither husband nor wife knew
of the nrcsenre of the other on the
They were brought Into the same
room. The wire at tue aiguior ner nus
baud threw her arms around bis nrck
snd fuiiitod.
She recovered 'opportunely and told
hlin bow cruelly she hsd misunder
stood him snd that she would willingly
share povcrt v and a crust of bread witb
No man could resist talk like that
Molineaux kissed ber on tbe forehead
snd vowed be would be trus to her to
the end of time. 8o they went to sf0
I xlngtcn strnue together, where they
will dwell.
The other woman? The story Is pisc-
tlrnlly finished ss far ss she Is con
eerned. Tbe Immigration authorities
came Io the com lua'on that a she had
no friend here now snd wss likely lobe-
come a piibllo charge lbs Wat thing
thry could do would 1 to send her back
to (.ermany. Clilraro Record
Simple and Direct Method Employed by
tha Met Percea Indiana.
An old custom was revived by the
Nez Perces Indians and their visitors
during the celebration on the last
Fourth of July, says the Morning Ore
gonian. The natives of the local tribe
are very wealthy people, and there are
designing mothers among the aborig
ines as well as in the different classes
of civilized society. The young bucks
of the Nez Perces tribe ere regarded
somewhat like the scions of royalty in
matrimonial circles. The maidens from
all visiting tribes were brought to Lap
wai to find husbands. The customs of
the tribes, which were revived for the
occasion, were more effective than the
Boston man's wnv.
The marriageable maidens were by
common accord quartered in a selected
spot in the valley of the Lnpwai. At an
appointed hour the young men who
wanted wives to share their annuities,
their homesteads and the affections of
their hearts oppeured in procession on
the hallowed camp ground. The hour
was midnight, and the scene was in a
grove of trees made fragrant by the
wild flowers, and everv heart rlnneev1 tn
the music of the rippling waters. The
young men marched forth, ord none
but candidates for matrimony loirel
the march. Thev were dve.ssed in thMi
brightest colors, and ench carried a
white willow onne. As they approached
the tents thoy chnnted nn Indian chorus
that wns as doleful ai the song of the
owl, and l out time by bentirg upon the
tents with thir ennes. The drummlrp
was drnfrnnig to the d'stantnpcctntor
and must hove bern distT.ntinrr Ui the
woitipp maUfcn in the tents. At last
the Bijiginrr and the drumming had tin
dcslr.d rflYet.
The mn:donsenm forth. nftprn delay
jupt. long enough to satisfy thnt uni
versal nn-sion of the mird of n wom
en to drive a lover mad with doubt.
There were more n;en th:;n ma'cTrns.
The former kept up the march mid the
music without. The rn:clciis counter
marched on th line of thn simc circle,
ench Rloctin' n huslxrd from the line.
The chosen ones hrvstonrd to follow
their brides rnvny into the dnrkness.
The unfortunate suitors were left to de
is iii it Hi if i i i
FOR Pistil: j
PRESIDENTIAL . ' ' ' ? ' 5 a : '
electors. ; : j : ; ; : f j :
John F. Copies 30 14 10 23 81 20 28 29 7 90 35 56 137 28 588
T. T. Oeer 29 H 10 23 79 20 28 29 8 90 35 art 17 28 586
E. L. Smith.... 29 14 10 23 79 20 28 29 7 89 35 56 136 28 68
8. M. Yoran 29 14 10 2380202829 790 35 56 135 28581
N. I Butler 12 11 8 6 74 21 47 83 11 87 12 51 97 74 544
E. Hofer ... 12 11 8 0 74 21 47 83 10 86 12 51 98 74 543
W. H. Bpaujrh 12 11 8 74 21 47 S3 11 86 12 51 96 74 542 .
Harry YYatking 12 11 8 6 76 21 47 33 10 86 12 SI 96 74 643
D. Bewerman 11 3 5
C. J. Bright 1 ,11 3 6
Leslie Butler 1 g 4
C. E. Hoskins 1 3 4
Lewii B. Cox 2 11125 21 15
Alexander M. Holmes 2 11126 21 15
Frank A. Seufert 2 111116 2116
Curtis J. Trenchard 2 11116 2 1 14
The average plurality in tbe county for McKinley is about 42 votes.
eae Lf
faltl r bi'ir s-r detii l.apj
rn. ) tt -n UrT,U. Tif"ii
Erf ..chi r . I. Muffia. elxrt.leabaas1
jntlrr, and I. )ai, rl '.aU-uaa la
I he employ cf I. fiolarrl. Ib HalT.
bad Srrnrl a bWrrcla Inalrk tA s
kllotnelrra Irriro lh MsUna If1,li rail
ay bf i'lpa ki ll( rl A .NoailW-e atl
bak. lb-T ba4 slmnat fo,.Ml !b
rsra t-ei Mtrrta. Sri aa a lull
heart. IrwtUriJ 4 k tt ar bow far IiS
rfca tiri'inl. sn4 la i4- g a kl Ie4 bta
ma h'tw tun e:tft ibrrtln. fh
imfi'Mutei fUr ram Io ll frmtal
aal I f k bia Ut Urm lk ar. M
ria. ! aa follo-alns' clnM balod.
rotiM imt aOHl bla ft. Ila effaBt ar4
l,s h nri'wl tfcr..il
irr ri r j l a lc a t.le Ug
arl b I' I A U If f r ' :lM naj lh
gtnvuA. if 1 fc )r ia
t 14 ra. tr" t ! .' l': . fwm
ft- 4 lr -.ng , I'kow i-
tm t! a n , 's s . Uats as ib ' s;ir wja saa.a a a liarruaa
frr.4 l ta e-J enritf iba Ha U a4t taa lrr 1
JratVca (lWaf,
4a .Urlf.e Maaia UMlaaaS la I aaae Iba
MaaeveS rise.
Tbe lit nr rat theory roncrrniitg the
evbuuMion o( an ntany oil ai 11 ia Ibal
I he oil, ill ut-aainif Ibrouyb the alone,
Lea rlofgeil I he miu etunr lib iar
tdlnr In aiuh ouiniil that llx- fur
titer B.i ! Io,m .1 and lbs rll cea. a
Io wr.'iiirf, la n.any taws. e Uie
Agf nf Hfeel. the kjt'.t lit the esrth haa
not T.rt tiul, but only crawl to flaw
when the exit U iopj.. The aim e
thrMip'n uli'Ch the nil ara iarfatrry
xr)i lurr, 6il. aa lb tri. la In
4 crU tia. II. lor-k lustier brcotiis
ilresr", ee4t:iif la lb rork rsr lb
1p el lh Utiiru rif I), rl. Tor
,.l-ir. ,i,t irw-, r, ,niirr flie
lime al U.iu.iu f lln Hell. Ibu
hi i ,1 . tier). ppr r aiur.bm H.U
1... i 1 I, 1 .j. i,i to. A hew iKlhel
r. ... a .n Inntrnj a ril arly-cwn
tn.iTril lr li Wafer Into tl. r,l,
T5. Inf. i 'w, 'h', "1 l r'1-'j f. .nf
inl !, !r an jrrin ta'l'lilif, I
Jar,. In the 1 01
'nn ff Ike a a I erl IS
mririil rrfuUlrU that the b'S''l
rrTle Jnl rnoitffi Io pcrlvre an m
tlx. is Iifl :h'u rtflfirr lb Mel-il
Py It's (. ., I,ar enstimril, a .f tl-e
rfU nf a Lr ihilliWra Ih ll.l' -bal
la rtialet alnl Inln IS. r-rl In
all ilirfrfw, Ttu lb farar.ee an I
ile rt ara f'rB1 a n't n.rlie-t
. at it al Ikev ma, aexl akea tha r!
la trtrd a fmh fl.rta likea pnn, Ji.l
aa Irr.nf as II tti. ba Iba ael w
Jw.t ink.
They Tell Us That They Are Mow Bmoked
In "Society."
The greea tea cigarette has arrivt d,
and promises to cause greater ravages
than its predecessor, the slender rou of
alleged tobacco, which now poisons the
sir almost everywhere in Asia, Europe
and American. The person who first
discovered that green tea would smoR
is responsible, says tbe New York Jour
nal, for milions of disoidered nerves,
stomachs and heads, but is probably
too far gone In adoration of the encr
vating habit to feel any remorse. Al'
ready the new fad bas taken posses1
slon of England ; it will soon storm 1 he
walls of 1'aris, and before wo ci'.n
fortify against it here we shall be be
sieged. It will penetrate the boudoi
of the ladies, and even the strait-laced,
orthodox public will see no harm in
an innocent tea cignrette. Rut none
the less a deadly peril lurks within it.
rew areas for the growth of tea ore
constantly opened up in the east, and
the product will be pushed witb all the
energy of merchants determined to
make fortunes. We can even foretce
the time when to every iound of tea
purrhnrcd for legitimate consumption
as a cheering snd nonincbriating bever
age tbe subtle grocer will sdd tbe
dainty pneksge of tea cigarettes, en
veloped In paicr covered with pretty
Chinese or Crylonrse designs, thus uig-
Ing the entrance of the tl-nion Into the
household. There l but one coniM-n-
sating feature In the whole biminrMs,
and that Is that at its worst tbe ra
cigarette cun never furnish an ef
fluvium so stifling aa that of the Anier
Iran Mper roll with whleh every oflio
boy deliberately exposes bis lungs to
psrtisl paralysis daily.
Oas af Tbeas Walk treat Maalaaa la
'Why, you talk about rrsnka," said
hdlaon recently st Orange to a rew
York World irportrr; "I have mora of
tbem corns srounu here than soy muu
In the country. They come out witb all
sorts of acbrniea whiob I hey wsnt ins
to purx.s through. These loiig-bsrrd
fellows, witb dandruff on Ibe shoulders
of their coats, meander s round bers In
shosls. One of them got In bers lbs
other day, and be was a walker, loo.
lit lie lor grd out In Montaos snd got
the Idea that be was Ibe first man who
eer Inteotrd an electric light, sod Ibal
I bad rubbed hliu of It. So be rsiue on
ber U make me give up half tbe pro
ceeds, snd bs walked ery foot of Ibe
wsy. Yoo ought lobsvesecabtmwbrs
be got brre.
"home of lb bo)S ssw bis trail down
etelra snd followed bim up snd told him
I wsn't bers but out st Ibe minea, snd
I'll t hsngel If lie iliiln'l wslk I here
W bea be got oul llier lbs fiirernso
we'd iMied bint skd him if bs hadn't
Invented lbs are light, lbs man from
Montana said be bad. Iheu the fore
man told him that I bed nut Invented
Ibe arc I'.gbl. but Ibal It bal bn-n la
enied ty llMima. Th MohUns
malt wanted to know where Tbmin
aa rl.'bt away, snd Ibe foreman ml
bim 1 b"inH.n wsadowa In !.). M.w
" "Haw di yon ft lnnT a1.l
the man fn'i.i y. .plana Tb fn-man
Inld bitn I lie road and be alarlrd l
Iranip ) a there, I etprrl any la) Io
hear of hi ra n,ig I he l, nre there Mitie
bow. Mr baa 'nu here ail the lime
bul iby don't Ixiber rue any.'
j; fm (wmmr J
11 . if ill
Ir iain- 11 1 l
I 1 I la f mm an 1 r
To Do
Given Away
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
The Best
I SmoklngTobacco Made
You will find one coupon ln
side each a-ouuee bag, snd two
coupons inside each 4-ounce
bag. Euyabag, read the coupon
and sec how to get your share.
Gilliam & Bisbee
. rrr;i
Tbs story la l!d sf s Ishm ';
tasilrisa (bat It freistl,r (;iy
darieg bs roarik;p f walk af ibe
Cfeaier rt a .i wia lh ;.r ff
lady r-f bis ( k ma wiikmit -Wii.f
Ihia saisf aba look adeaatarv f k
Sbaaal Bia4alaa Id plf kri r In k
rka "Lj -I bar kaad fr.n k ana a l
brted bums a asrvr w t lle-.l,
wl ! bold a Is srw la lb aaa ;.-.n
walked Sp lfc atef nf r fa.a.i
If. sd eajrg IV Sli. M
(ltallwiel, ke ef efe- I It-e
4wr, U (lael ia sa ia-r4niMw aa
ar sad etla sll "tt kv. . k-w
la Its waf'.J C. I Js J aa Ibsl sits M
1 iimi iba ais-
1,1 llul'S" I lioiy I Im I III
I ghl feiwlrf .f nturl :iii. i, ff
are l-.lt. be alrtnluiely . .,!, ,.
!) rule fit ll.a IVIjl.M .,, I t,,,.-llr
hy Ibe .,( t ro. ff lak 1 T
m.g .ii. luK, Sfler liea.lii.p ;t Iti
lila r I'lary, who tilled and inntttt
I 1 tr--l d and l fihHe 1,1 1 11
tf 1 . .'I v a a gm 'I'al .'.,
" d b.i 'h i-'rutftf . 1iit h ra li
Ika eaWw admiral!; , snd si Mi
fa'iard rlf arenas l I banded rMrid
wile) Ika rill Ibsl IJ llantf ann f.nind
bis ritina as lafr aas af "spUa J.d
iaolat,a "
We are not email men, Iba. We are email meu, Xe.
we are not tie Largest rnercnants in tne Waria i
But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need ol
Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, OUaiwara, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwire,
Cumberland Coal, Oais snd Water Pipe, Pipe Mttlniri, Btoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Backi, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Baws, Bledges,
Wedges, Uiini, Platoli, Cartridges and Ammunition, Uaaon Jars, Gran
Iteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Waih Botllers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Prices.
1 havs Ooon floods st Fia fried, and Cheap tohn Ooodi st Chep John Prlc
Ws havs Oood Ooodi st Fia rrlcei, ami Cheap lohn Ooodi st Chep John rnces. I
GILM A.M & :
3L B to 2. o
Do you know what this means ? This, that
here are sixteen reasons why you should buy
your Groceries. Supplies and Gents Furnish
ings at
for every one objection made against it. This
should decide the matter. It docs. People
want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for
the smallest amount of money. Buy the best
when you can get it at the same figure paid for
an inferior article.
Old Stand, Main Street, near BobKrlck's.
J. O. 33QHCI13CRS. Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines,' Liquors and Cigars.
iaa a ie ,ta r
Near) fuwrBfiks wf Ikw SMt.tasriae
tW, vf laa vf 14 sr ia lbs Leads a4
ItriUea mi a a a, w ko a a Ur f 'kff
aaora it. a a I vo ai!a t.f tall, tail al
t tMl sf f I lif II ral.W'
wfwaa Ika Ailafttte Wt AMrwa, fiaae.
as oas ss I I'fitaia s, wklls s
! .! srs U.a I n ). taLUs thai slax
cl af svry bs Wffims sis 4-s
mm : pis
JiOUKB to Take MCm.
-enves No Constipation, .awv
fares l, ss well as all llllltaaiaaais. Mirk llewlaat.a aa4 Malafla Tka aatf
(r ar' Sf ais ill la) Iks Wofl4. f1Hj tv all Hrf .ia we sH I f asll aa
!o rtUe. ei.U Ui ;INIlM MfMCaL IO,
Has re !, Cai.
'iik Lanca5;iiirk Insukanck Co.