J9JJL4L5.-S.Z. & g) M'KINLEY WIXS. The election ia over and while it is not yet possible to give exact majorities enough has been receiy. ed to show conclusively that Mc Kinley wins, hands down. lie will have not less than 2G4 elector al votes and it is more than likely it will reach all of 277. The ma jorities given in ' all the states are decisive. New York gives 259,000 majority, Pennsylvania, 5300,000, Let us get down to business now and let politics alone for awhile. Oar town and county needs atten tion. Every business man io Ileppner, not now advertising, should wake up and put an ad. in the Gazette. The democrats of Heppner were claimiug the election of Bryan yesterday, but later dispatches dis sipated all thoughts of their hav ing succeeded. ni is ii OREGON can say to her neighbor, Washington, "You are not in it." Washington is a populist state and this fact alone will make capital fight shy of it. An Albany man, A. II. Kroschel, was held op by footpads, and rob bed of $1016. A man who will carrv that much money on his person ought to be robbed. As soon as our constitution can be "remodeled" with a new one, the state legislature should pass registry law. It is the only way to prevent frauds in election. He is Assured of 264 Elec toral Votes and Proba bly 277. Dreadful Bknmatisi Mr. Henry W xrd Bfrcbfr oi the Large Waist I am glad that I have lived to ne the day wbea women are beginning to die card the abominations io dress which have beeo robbing tbem of their good health and happiness and niefnloeas as women and members of society. In my eighty-four years of life I Lave noticed many things, and one of the most dis tressing from" ray standpoint has been No disease has puzzled the doctors the habit, on the part of women, ot so completely as rheumatism that de- I orampio? and pushing the vital organs plorable condition or the Diooa wnicn out o their true po8itjOIJ8 i the 8nat so often renders the strongest man as j . heloless as a babe. Their mercurial m7. b "Kh7 l-a"1 corsets. For this and potash remedies may in some eopposed enhancement of their beauty I cases impart temporary relief, but are have seen women afterwards pay heavy sure to ultimately result in wrecking .,... r rt.,t nhiapi h, oorBBt. hot the entire system. they must bs worn with discretion. My Rheumatism is a deep-sedated blood fc , d , fc f faJ , ,hft' disease and only a real blood remedy J t gt8VFrnra ..The F ZmJ?Le?fiZt i". of the Small W.t- in Demorest. V," "rrV. t."' r' Isrrrr Magazine for November. uica cll i cat. un not reach an obstinate blood trouble One of the most frequent symptoms of BOOTS AND SH0ES! THE PLACC TO GCTTHEM IS AT He liu auything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good article when Mat guarantees it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing Specialty. KENTUCKY IS CLAIMED FOR Mckinley. Oregon and California In Line, but Wash ington Goes "Pop" Jones and Bryan Both Give up the Fight. Homer Davenport, the Oregon boy, born down in the Waldo hills, Massachusetts, 158,000, Illinois, i8 now drawing a salary of $16,000 125,000 and so on. Altgeld is ftyear as cartoonist for the New beaton in Illinois for governor, Y0rk Journal. Oregon bovs are 1 WWW Kentucky is claimed for McKmley ftn right. by 2,000, Oregon and Morrow vuuuiy lui.un o. -., .n, ,, Want to be a Martyr? 1 1 1 1 J - I appearances, a grau janusuue. Probably not! But if you do, try and While this lias been a royal bat- Rt,t the dyspepsia by unwise feeding tin of nrinciule. cften dividinc Tbno you'll enffer martyrdom with a fuller and son. sometimes array- vflngeanoe! 8ome people are martyrs to I ..: I a -I. .'i ll. i . IK mc brother acaiMBt brother in the L . . . , 4 contest of ballots, yet we believe horrorg of heartburn, wind and pain in that the election of McKinley Will the stomach, weary slambar and night result in much good, backed as he mare, Jcapirions appatite, nausea, Inl no doubt will be by a congress iouuea. leanness aud sallowness. No - I . . It . i : mi . - l..l. , i . tl nroeas ly ior an iui. iuo ouuipiaiut, sharing his opinions. It is sate to .... ... . ,, ' I nhifin.t. if im whan fnA nrntnnrv ..ii.in i i -fi- iu " B8V iuhi tue ueii uouHr, mier me rBme(li(11! ... bronffnt to bear uoon it. close of the coming short sssion, invariably yield to the great stomachio, will be largely republican, and that Hostetter's 8tomaoh bitters, whioh re- theBenate will gain enough new lorei' tranquility to the srsstric region t.l K,.;0;,HiUI.Un-fl erve". regulates the liver and b I Kntvala lint h ft nvhinh bp ill-tiirhorl hv in all legislation proposed. If, as wmkaMt of th9 ttomM.h, Bd promotes the . Gazette believes, prosperity .ppetitu and nn increase of flesh. That will telurn through McKinley's "tocsin of the soul," the dinuer bell, i ii mi l . f i ! 1 I r liaii t naala n nnn I ha Air AilcrtfABril nn Uectton an win suaro u aiua i- - n , .,. .:,! premoultioo of dire qnalms after a era With all due restioct to ourinenus ; , . . ... ... . ... . X 1 ' " ' "VI. " .. j ' .v w..w " " " who worked so earnestly lor liryan, i. thablU wh)()h B80 Unigbei bi, the Gazette is quite positive that honnnsas, rheumatism, ner-ousnrss, mala. his election would hove beeu fol- ria and kidney trouble. lowed by terriblo distress. The . .,,.,. I, ,.t 4lm tiiiuiimual IONIC ITKJU. ilWJ J 1IK1V.11 111' I J Wfc W ui.o ....ii i I w,l uriiium mm ur.u , eouoolence dictates ii ..t i . . t i . i: :.. i.:... if :.. im-y cou.a uui imuuvu iu uiui. u Tljiw ,,,, Wfty up LiKl , 0, liuuncial pliins were uutrioil, as Hani Wulker's. cotupuri'il Willi HHj tlili.g Oi tlie The lumber for the olmroh is being piiht, and till the forco of legiuUtioD bauled this wees. could not have clinuged the condi- tittup, ns the ('(iiiinii'rriiil world uu- dorxtiiiul them. Addod to this went tlio ndvoency tf platiks ho op- piined to the very principles ujkju which our government stand that men ho had aUkji Wen demo crata btocnl sghant The fearful spoctre ot womo thnu freo trails' Pobtland, Nov. 5. Retnrns reoeived today authorize the changing of at least two states, Indiana and Kentusky, from the donbtful column to that ot states known to have gone for MoKinley. Fall returns from 73 ont of 02 oonnties in the former state give McKinley a plurality of 20,252, and, while the retnrns from the other 19 oonnties may cause thia plurality to be somewhat reduoed, it oaonot fall below 18,000. This morning 215 plurality was claim ed in Kentucky for Bryan, with two couutifs acd several precinots yet Io hear from, but later acd more complete returns give the stute to MoKinley by a plurality of between 1000 and 2000, with only a few unimportant precinots yet in doubt. MoKinley, therefore, is now certain of 277 electoral votes, as follows. California 9 New Jerney 10 Connecticut 6 New York 86 Delaware 3 North Dakota 8 Illlnoli ?4 Ohio 23 InrllRna 15 Oreifon Iowa Pennsylvania 82 Kentucky 13 Khoile Inland 4 Maine... 8 Honth Dakota Maryland H Vermont Mamachuiettt IS West Virginia Michigan J 1 Wisconsin Minnesota 9 New Hampshire 4 Tetal Walter Caaou nmved on his new lot and built a barn thereon Joe WiMilery has mads a number of luipruvemt Ots on his plaoe. There was a good atlendanos at Bab- batb sobuol sad churcli servics Monday. A. W. Ilaliiger has departed for Lei- iugtoo to take charge ot the school, Ths tame teauberi art employ sd. Wekly meatings are again boing held hovered over th country, and the by our Chriatiao KmUavor Hotiety rehl Uun liil.ged I1Jh.ii tho aoleniD Kft-rylnnly isoordially iovited I attend. fact that it U rvttyalu'te in thia A datire was given at ths Ion ball on l.r.,.,1 I I ..r l r llw.n, .... .l,t In 0J ttua ,b Hill I - it s .- v I a. . m A l m . i , i ii surrounding ponoiry auu inn 10 itv H iiiy, i win nui "" , ,rroM- i. i: ... i . ... i ...i:i.. fi. tcist avoided tho real iauo ami L,nii(lj ni i, 8v,)g B!resting pro- the piM'ple Iinve willed Mint tl.cy grams ery week. IM Ksllef Is prl W ill hat tioiifl t f tin-Ill. aaJ Mlas Alios Cllassoock secretary llveiillinuL'h William Mclvinlev Hnerf..rtU the work ot ourehnreb will nt tak hia neat till unit M "-"7 l"'' -7 . ., . , . aM-ks will ses one or lbs besieal and March, yet in antu-lpnUou of what L ( ehwh Miw co0o(. Lis a.liuiuiairaiiun win urmg io ua ,imled la oof bills vitlag. aa a nation, money ill corns out of Ioni, Nov. 8, TW. Jaa. ita hiding I'laro fr inveal incut Tiuwa Will pick tin c'i)iderably. Wbea ont slmrU Ugins to iroaM Y. I mativ arli, I. a that am now n " ' ""P 11 "'Ji 1 II I, a. .1 I . I !i . . I II t i , i . ,. ,i I i W ugt-pi ynr hhi, iihi, until ii ri . . foil tOtt I ttiT pttu, HtuIIlfM iu-muBirj iu ri.iiieas 'uuuuci, (ogU d .lr...irg, very obstl rrli fDotlgU to aupplj tha Ua- !, tery daogenxt. Maoy of ll.s Wand for taoor tbrrf Jfara. With a- Jaoswaa diseaa tgla with .11 tl.!. i H. - .-l.i-.i .i slmiila tadigntloa. Tba rsasoa mi tbal II litis) k ,,M w "tt v ' IP) iril , -;m ..: . ln l i W'ihImi (not dlgMl.m, aol aoerlah ... - al. a a a:. ff a I ! . I couw'iuemij i-Hici unira. oi iuis d,.w g.f ms l alia, ll. Tl.s aetld.rt leaii't thi'K l l.t tl.fl alljihtll laHhakrra I glls fi lial, strength il,iil t I I'"1', (n4f uliing. ruraliT. Il tat InJigratiiw and renews strength aa ft. l, -I I S. m M. M.I...W O.uuljr and thek-n fol b Mh. t blpteg lit. dl t AlcKlbl") ' ' foar Im4. II aeatlabea ta. Hbakar IhMtltt Cvf J.al U sals ( paia TlIC cLalulM l'U')Ci ia tha plant and iaa, l rifil; artls lah.t ltUailta.ik admira. " ftalt ear- all gi.ats I. ..iA .it .a.-t . iimaew imauis, n "ii ry amgguia. Indiana Is Hate. Inimanapolib, Nov, B. Seventy-threa counties out ot 02 in Indiana show a plurality in the state for McKinley ot 20,252. The remaining oonnties may bring it down to l'J.OoO or 18,000. Nine republican congressmen are eleoted. It is probable that Lands, republican, in the ninth, is eleoted over CheadU, fusion free ailrer. WaMhlimton Goes 'Top." Bpokamb, Nov. 0, Washington has gone for Bryan by 8,000 and the fosion 1st "pop" Rogers, has carried ths state by about 6,000. The legislature io both brandies will be controlled by Ihs mou grols. Jnnoa Gives II t'. CiueAdi), Nov. B, li)::!0 . m Press dispatob, liiuooln, Web., 8:L'0 p. m. Heuator Jones leli'graidia to Mr. Dry an that be give np ths fibt. Mr. llrysn said that the election of McKinley I oonoeded and that he will Issue a state men! tonight. stomsefc Imabls. rW 10 frets In It) f Utile. vt IMhitaU sit Trt.a Karl's .Clover Root Tea rheumatism is a tingling sensation of is evn-e cure for Headache and nervous the tarts affected. enerally Drougnt "'BeasBB. iwrmun reueyes nu 4uii;i. about from a lack of free circulation Dor sale by Wells & Warren. of the blood through the very small h- ih- ii rp of 8.8. 8.: buwmvimb. It thins the Diooa. gives it airec anu .v -n- rivnviT pnriRT rw rrnr. statu forcible circulation, aestroys tne pois- I x of Oregon tor Morrow -ounty. onous microbes and restores the circu- A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Mays, Plalulifft, lation to its normal Condition. nhRrlo. lmiv and Clara KimseT. his wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, Wm. Kimsey and N. Kimsey, , his wife, W. 8. Mercer and Sarah Mer cer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, Samuel Hall and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas . Kimsey and Nellie J. Croft. Defendant. To Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his wife. A. J. Kimsey ana Kimsey, nis wne, William Kimsev and N. Ktmsev. his wife. Rich ard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, William Kerrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kim scv and Nellie J. Croft, of above defendants, tn the name of the State of Oregon, vou and each nf von will take notice that the above Dlalntlffs', A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Mays, have commenced a sutt aeainst the above defend ants In the above court to foreclose a mortgage Mr. Robert H. Kincr, a prominent and influential citizen of West Point, Va., -writes of his experience with thia dread disease: - About five years ago I was a great ufferer from rheumatism. I was treated by all the leading physicians Mr. given them by the above defendants upon the eastinait oi inn nortnwesi quarter, me siiuin west quarter of the northeast quarter and the ENGL1SHBUSINES COLLEGE PORTLAND OREGON 2 .1 -.VCtt-s rsrr F?-Sa FULL ENGLISH COURSE. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy. BOMBING DEPARTMENT'0 LAMES -1 ". n -- VlUW .'VTrtil'; in n av si i zi-v m " -SSr; -Ra Robert H. Kino. northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 18 township 1 south range 25 East In said county. That the relief demanded In the complaint tn said suit Is for a decree that plain. inns said mortgage oe iorecioseu, uie iiuingaKeu property sold, and the proceeds applied to pay ment of costs and dixburscmenta of said suit, to the note secured by said mortgage and the I attorney's fees set forth therein. That the court also decree In plaintiffs' favor a recovery I from Charles Kimsey, A. j. Kimsey ana nn Uam Kimsey nf seven hundred dollars ((700.0(1) and interest thereon at ten per cent per annum Irom Heptemoer il, ww, ana seventy-nve aoi lars (175.00) attorney's fees, besides cost and disbursements of suit. And further decree that all the other defendants he foreclosed of all right, claim or equity of redemption In and to Lid anda. or anv nart therein, ana mat plaintiffs have such other and further relief as Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? " Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, . Heppner, Oregon. These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Croolt. Gilliam and other counties and can save money and time In making these sections with traveling men. Prices in keeping with the times. TJrioM psoisr & Bisrisrs. X.I-rS-l"5r---BT, HBPP1TBB, in ine state, dui wunour. reiiei. in i. pi,itHle. fact, my Bufferings grew worse daily, 'l his summons is served upon you by publt- i Until I despaired of ever being cured, fayon t,v oroer oi non. mermen a , i.t i. j i. i it.- a: )ud(re of the above court, made by him at 'I had been in this wretched condi- chambers on the nrl day of September, law), tion for many months and was almost and each of the defendants above named are a complete wreck, when I first read the FT1" -"1 "w.er ald complaint on or before advertisement Of 8. fa. S. Having tried cm,rt tn.wit? the first Monday of March, wm. dozen or more 'rheumatic cures' and or the plaintiffs will apply to said court for the blood remedies' with no success, I was reuei acmanaeain saia complaint. . . , .... I VAnlmnir,, almost nopeiess, dui aeciaea xo irivc 9.qi in,n. r pi.tntitrt. . . , T 1-1 , ! I ...w. --J your meaicine a trim, i uiu u, nu in a few weeks it had made a permanent Notice Of Mention. and have never had a touch of rheuma tism to this day. 8. S. b. is indeed 1 j Oct. 21, 1M. Notice Is hereby given i t ii ..,. ,! tlce of hs intention to make nnai prooi in sun- recommend it to all sufferers from this pt,,,,- .nd thllt MlQ p'roof wlll h. Worst of blood diseases. made before 1. tv. Morrow, county rleik, at 8. S. S. Stands out distinctly to it- Heppner, Oregon, on UeoemnerBtli, law, vis: eelf aa a real blood remedy, and for Hd. E. No. 4ioa'"0r8theEKEHLHW 8 N.V54 half a century hai been curing obsti- n wu. Sec. i, Tn. 2 8.. U. ai E. nate and deeo-seatcd blooa diseases . Me names me loiiowinu witnesses in prove which other medicines fail to reach. J ZTZSZl. up"" culuva"OD H. 8. 8. ia not a drug store preparation Wim p Dlltnrl. Charles p. Maiiory, A. A ana no aruggiai can uu uuuun wren, j. vt ren, an oi ncpnner oresnn. Rrjas CuxralalaUis Mae. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. S, 10:25, p.m. Mr. Bryan wrote ths following telegram "Hoo. Wm. MoKiuloy, Cautoo. Ohio: 8eostor Jones has jaat Informed us that tbs retaros iodic -ts jour tleotlon sod bastrn In eiteinl my rongratolatioDS. Ws havs sutimittfJ ths tasoM to tbs America- rotle and their will Is law "Wiliun J. Harm.1 "Actions speak louder than words" ask your gro cer ifwc really mean money- back if you don't like Schil ling's Bat tea. S taacHi Til r lit, fall "atliT is tl tuatV l-ul l.asSffO irffg.n tirfsut I- ..a.f lbs I'sWn Vt(ia few tatL. ssUm tissls lis trains lhr.inal hr tlm tteat frrca Its tsfis. thns ak Till LHa(t,f trt'tMrtiUUv is ltftrl all tars 1 l. In i.-.n t. ntM W4rar.la.ia. II aiao liguis MS rrs V,.,.vr." . - . - - I . . ...... a , 1(11 man fit I .' I Ih.ra , tianl al bl-L rMSr rwml daitr It mall, tot N.i!,n (Ii ' i 1 tiK'iirj ,,-ff i,tiliuN, t. kt, a. vfT r en MrKitilfj- vasb'l laleti. Utmat..a. rail r s.lm H MT. It a Ut,. 1 Ut WHtlsl. 1" ""' ls4. Vf" r(rraas Kills laa ToalsL C'rigranian Rtlls and if, aoeom anled bf Master IIJia. lears loaisjhl lr Waal Ingtoo P. tj., via I'ortlasd aod Has f raocisoix Thy will slop oftr lor fw dsjs In Cal f rois and sronoipao party of frien.ls In a tonr tbroufb YtwemlU valley. Mr. and Mrs. Kills will return (men Wsahintlnii al lbs elos of ths short SMtiii in Marrb, anleas I'leal.laal slxK lloKlulf ahnuld salt n spM lal ssi rq'iiiir.w Mr. Dllts' ptrtir. (rramaa Kills has (altisd si Ua did lepoUtioo as caifalor. tl bas anaaarxt Io tier rail la Ills stats, smanetietf Irnia Ihs slals toelral Pom aiitu. and lbs lli-lt w ffoad Io sat Ihal ! is rg afdd as ots i4 ths most i(tral and xrtq aiprs la lbs slats. This is lb Ortt trirtanllf Ibal bs bas bad tuotl tbs w U ut lra. as ! was nnal.la Io -t-H.lhs sasspvig ot .,ar )as t I-m-ssss ot bis lajarvd limh. and ster thai tis bas b Snm fwtUd Io rat al bis pn t da'y ben Iltiel mtiis wsr fa is Orr. lis ! alaajs tn la tb kas lant b ffi'n la. and II stmslbal bS liM But Su5rJ Ihvftbf . Tbaoi'tW Mr. I.ar w.lla, nf F-4 f AND OFFICK AT THE DAU.R8, OKEOON 1 J Oct. 21. lh'jfi. Notice Is hereby Riven wonderful medicine, and I shall ever that the followtna: named settler has filed no, for it. It i iruarantecd purely vege table, and contains not a particle ot potash, mercury, or any other product of the chemUt's shop. 8. 8. 8. never fails to cure Rheuma tism, Eczema, Cancer, Scrofula, or any otherdiaeaae of theblood.it mattera VTOTKK in HEREBY ah. r MoOltE, KeKlster, Notice of Intention. Land Orrn s at La iimkiiii, Okkuon, tVntcinhcr Mh. 1HH olVKN THAT THE i,i -,i ri.adiicnth.ia filed. A followuiR Iiameil settler has nied notice of not What Other raVn'' ,. intention t" make final pr.x.f In support of Our books on blrnKl and akin diseases ,i,rim. and tha-aald pr.Hif will l made be- will be mailed free to any addreaa. furn the ('ounty clerk of Morrow Co., orexon, Bwift 8 pccllic Company, Atlanta, Ga. at lwwu"!?;l X'M-vll: Uomeatcad Appltcatlnn No. -M, for the HK NW'i. NK'; HW,. Ni bf-'i, BW4 X tiec '-I. uis. k r,. w. M. He nainm the followlns; m lttii'' to prote his cniiiiniiotis riildeiics upon and cultlvauon of. said laud. l: Jaiiics W.IeahpT,Mat HURhea, J.ihnnr SeTllle, Jimra Neville, all nf Hrppner. (irrtnn. 174 at. B. 1. V 11-iO.S. lu-ftster. rROW 1IAHSKY COfSTV. Joba E. Lalhrnp haa aa txperlrare la Hta- drlvlHi.-Tb Kaaalar Irl, r laaaae. Jubp E. Latbrop aod T. A. R'isa came in last evenitiit from Moonmeot, Mr. Latbrop Laving been transformed on lbs trip from Mooumeut to Ileopner from a political speaker to Ibal of a stsgsdrivrr. Uis story is a straogs ods. KOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. VOTK'E Is hrraby Riven, thst tha undenlRn i 1 t Adtnlnl'tralrit of the KsUt ol Mmuel N. Morsan, dn-miMH, tll make Final Krltle nciil of hrr areounta ollh aald F.ataUt aa such AdmlnUtnttrU. at tha January Irrm ol tha ( on n tv Court nl Morrow ( ountr. al Hrppnar tn BUCKS! BUCKS! &Mp- -r -v. Don't buy your Bucks until you see the Full Blooded and Grade Delaine Merinos from the Cunning ham band, of Pilot Rock, which will soon be in Heppner. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM. LEGAI MUU) j LIU Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH. Ila arrive. 1 at Mm. timrtil nn liia ail (o . ,, ...... , I ha holdpn at itrpptter, or., la aai.i t ti'iniy.on from 11 or US on last Wadaeadajr rveuing, the tb ,1t of January A. I. l, at I orlnca lnln.1ln Ii. I.t. ta nnt A I S. m. PAR.ua. aunu.d, mursday. me dr.vrr, iyas rbomp- Nottca of Intention. . 1 . ... ...! .. .1 , . I bhid, uroiuer oi iu proprietor, n ail Tboinpt.n, b'Oams suddenly losses aod I AM OFF! X AT Tin ftjM.r. oRF.rio" ' 4 I I . I . , 1 I Ik .., 1.. I. kI.W lfe , 1. . a detained t UuOUmoDt. SO thst Mr. th. ..lnlni named arttlerhaa tiled not Irvnf llhrn l.-.t n ii,.. -1 Ma iitntin U Biaka Snal prnol In support til Latbrop bad do otbir cboics tbao to h rU,.- Ih ;.,, . m' m1.f lakscbargaur Ihs ribbons and pilot tbt mij. i..rounir nan. am.ppn.r ., .,, r I Oroa.in, en Irrmtwf I, l. ts ; coDTPjaooe or. iius. itusa socom-i rnwaKDC. AaitiH. pauled bim, and itU bis ss.ldls I.oim rC,. P" '" aided mu. b iu balling lbs team ap ' Mmm '"''"-" !"- n pr , ' I hi. mntln, urn. ral.loc upon and cultivation Sleep )lrbe, OliS 01 tbs animals being of aald land, , . . M 1 firman v aiiiaon, i yma i. roqu. r-iinfiH. very Daisy. I auMon. of di hi Mi;t, oron,il.urtD.Uiat at. I -ll. ...n Ilk. it . J,... lot Hardman. Ltrraon. TbotDfaoD, a.-tml quperly belors last log I la ktr. Ueppner, as bs lailsd Io sat bis break- (t after ttderlog it and also sskad At II. A I lea's bs D. A. Hera IAJmOFFttl ATlAOtANM. nRFuo", 4 Itri .0 im, Jinti.- la art-T altan Uial tha lullaalns aanlxl atlf has St4 nullraal notice of Intention. . ms queer (uwliuus. sated very strange and talked like a . ... ai. 1 - -.s . staay man. us was lata an ins 1,1, im.twa b iui lil nnt in ripport of Ibronghand did tv reax-b Mono-atil "', T! ,41 """i" till 10 o'clock, p. as. Aftrr alUnding Io t a t in-uii (ws at Ulaum. imwon, on bis bursts ba d d H-t Io Ul Of !"' JTii'L brUg Ihs mail IU. About a o'ol-ck, a. rt It Xn t lb. l -, K'a A m., ba Sam tuUt I. M. Wtlwiu's 1 1 apa i, m,- UTp a a b.rs bsi.i al lual sod and boill a " "'''" !"- ors. t'o big ak4 anal waa Ihs 0i n i.,i. .1, mallM bs Said ibal b was ail rwfat, and n '.iii. Itm It ahr. Ibas In stan.b li g mannrr slalmid Ibal Mu,h f li'i ti. ttrt. art krk bs did b4 rub Itia I?. H mall, fuidka ' V'"""" K . r.IMn-. aa aesnavj id II but Ibal ultiais M a'. guilty. Ilsaas Buallt pra.Ud Io gii 14 bad. Us lll bs hrun.t l la today priit,; stid siami-sHl aa l) bis saatly . lis is a young aiaa aboal 3) ysars of sgs and bas always baa stsiadr and la-1 t in. t,uti-. k..ii -in.n.. lt, tlli... 'I l. - - - - - . tn. ImhM. I I .1 . . IU ii-a IKS f ,alt ar.4 ..,l.l,,l..,t.nl i,.t4 wl'l l-i4 a tmh.l ataraixattam ! IIm e nri at NVpW, n..ir. t,.i.t. a i.ia i. iu( IM. 4 ,t.i ol l- J 4 v alttt-ltv, ar4 aui-i. !itva t Uachen' Examination. N'hth t is mnrnv itx tnT n lb btttsa. .tln aa atailnIWHi l I bS SaiM t bl IfoobU Is all I--"- " '.-.! ' But knoaa. Mr. Laibr-p says ibal bs bad sr-Ua di4 ilms of tn II aruaf twasly and 1 1, at bs saw bttaf ut btggaf brV sd llos Itila is lbs aataaraal VarJirl air, l-i buy gis tba lolluwiag r stilta, m far tia'd ft.-m, la tlranl .amy: i'any, a t'lty, Itryan, II majro iyi Joba l's. WKn.uy ff4Va'yai,l. MtkiKiay lUisisrk. Riw il. d.xia- a Aa . at . . ka kl , -h.,iv,i.i,.. i, ...,. , ,.,a.. 7.ii lalVtsr fui. H'yaa Si . Ilaaaitia, H'taa II Tka . m a.4 koVct of Intention. t,.a mtu S at la "a.at-n " p..... a. Desires to inform Sheep men that he will represent D. N. Baker, oi Weiscr, Idaho, in the line of Fine Delaine Bucks. He has 180 head at his residence in Hepp ner, also some fine Merinos. Prices range from S3 to 810 hit head. Call at ones oa, or nU to. D. A. HERREN, Heppner, Or. o. 1 14 a. . -V DI3A.I- t SPRAY & PROFIT a jroti can ct ft First- "I I r1V TT frn f. T Me-Ut Livipg IUU-a. KjLX 1 llUlllilj, Mw llnve Chnru of tltsa.a Whfit Clan M Good Foomsand Excellent Service Vss Iks fatow t S Syai aaiiaiatal maj -rny la Ul 1 r It'ysa Is t a tn...i.. a s-.i .. 1 I ' t'M MUU 1 ktai a4 iaaM rJ in m I fta.gag a r.k4 IbrtHif b fmta le ?rj j --yzzrz:.;:. i u.d u d.....-.. n.. ' Haw ri all Sla tHaaaaaa " Hily si pif "aaas tb ilmaal. N i istbJ u-litn rttr4. I'wtas IW.ttfl.ld. Maaa. lal anffwtps ! !" . ! --.t.-w .-. ,.1 ..m,,,,-, r ...!.,. i. 1.. .i..a. --rsiaau. a ,, i-at.g 11 asia aa I -- nrt- t tba Cshta raiS sra aa leal lad Irark a4 f taiWal. uku d.wta, fact liaaa, IbMSgb ara, ttsam bawl, llalwb Ugbl and fv.rtnst raliaal to aasgra oroa. -. f.i and laf rril s api-'y to IL Ag V Y jstoi, l ift lkL. ttttr t MiTr. N t 11MIM at 4 a. II. Ty I a J K M S..'MI. ,i-..lll II 1 at.la I., at-tp ar kardty kp sl.ll. a , -""IT l,J'tm iPa V aa.TaTl 1 t4 U"V ' ,,",' W. Hattoa. U.a Mr l..ldw. It--kan laaa r T 4 Jarl. f-wara sra (.aH !. , rU4.t. pit ban. b I am's lal. Halm, and ; l, M ('- ''"- U...M...r. l a-k.d IUal.bag.is ll sb....b trial Oa . lwan. a Umtsa... , I . , 1 1 I. " a,.l.rg Mr. U.lla Ib.a.il s.MsM 1 W ,,,,, a 1 .. U !t' tWpm f,s Slags Wtawt lll.tl-1 .lay -a hill ami fuhNVlfm. ! I. 1 1 Ibal a' a a. I I.' t, lt. ata al t. a-.M t CrUi filial W !iasv(l v'Mt ..tW.wmltlWT 11 1 "I .Ll, KiHtniU kul'. ciw, Ii.. billlsH I. a ln a. a so t .. ,t. ... . Mi.-r .1 .1 mt m M ' ' HI t 1 'r' .!? .. . ! ,t,r.,.. V,li. I K U ra,at.a.a Iba Ilia wf tMHi, 0..aiit,i.rti, aaaa ai-rw lhaa bslf IM tila af wma. Kail s rov JW, Taa la a la-t, ,nrm fu, fMiiMti,, r sais by Halls A Wanwa. la aaaa AH pfn a.rM M ta m - s -sMslUt i. Mi, I. ! :(. is ,,, r. H .lia a. rate T4ti rti t. Batsf .ra'a-ar)!M afaw tHkt t'i'-'J lia a U I I Sfaawvllb. ti a