Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 03, 1896, Image 4

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Tho Excruciating Experience of a
German Adventurer..
He Ventures Among the Bloodthirsty
Slng-phos of Burmh and Is Nailed
Through the Hands and Tee
to a Croat.
Of Two Transcontinental
;gO HJ 3ES S
St. Paul Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. K. A N.
Ak nt ta Heppner, cr address
OeD. Phss. Agt.
E. McNEluL, President and Manager.
And all point In California, vi the Mt, Bbss
route of tlte
Southern Pacific Co
Th trrMt highway throinjh California to all
point Kat and sonin. uranu num.... i."u.
ofthePanifio Coast. Pullman Huftet
Bleeders. Heeond-clasa Hliwpere
Attached to eiprais trains, attimlina nterior
aiKonmiixlKtiimi fur snoimd-nlaM. iwrnengera.
Fur ralee, ticket, slmpiug oar rmrMtiona,
etc,, call nion or addrea - . .
R. koKHLKB. MaiiHKr, E. P. ROGERS, Ant.
Gen. ". 4 V. Agt, Portland, Oregon
MP, wm
Ba aw .
Tlitiiiifti Pullman I'hIwt
I,, .ill. I Hli.....ra and 1
(t. I All l ltl'K".
I1.11i.Iiik t'-lialr
Man)? Ik
I via Hii ll'u lu r' astern
li. H". HAXTF.lt, dm. Atirnt,
'irffiin., Ornjon
J. C. IIAItr, A'jrul, Utipner,Ortjon
r A
Cclenllfio Amirlc9
AQency Tar
A short time ago William Brede
meyer, a Prussian by birth and a min
ing expert by profession, died in Ta
eoma. He was a quiet, unobtrusive
sort of a chap, says the San . Francisco
Examiner, and considered by those
rvhn tnpw him to be an everyday citi-
,i.r. vf Hit. frimmorinlace tvne. He died
r,f narnlvsis in the most orthodox way,
but when the undertakers began to
prepare his body for burial they found
a mnat, f nrions scar upon hisrighthand.
At one time there had been a hole made
by some sort of sharp instrument in the
nalm, troinir in at one side and coming
out at the other. There was some speo
nbitinn in recrard to its origin, when
suddenly one of the undertaker's as
sistants uttored an exclamation of as
tonishment and held up the deceaseu s
left hand. There was a precisely iden
tical scar upon that also. Men do not
generally have bullet holes through
both hands, and Uredemoyer had also
similar ar-nrs tinon each foot. The right
hand scar was not as long as the left
Kr,n,i nniv T,v an inch. Hoth were be
tween the bones of the thumb and
forefinger, in the thickest part of the
palm. The left hand scar was two and
one-half inches long, and on both sides
of the hands the scars set out like
mountain ranges, compared with the
fci -.( nf the hands, the serrated top
ridges of the ugly marks being white
and smooth, lilto snow-cappea peans.
They were exactly like the marks of cru
cifixion, and little wonaer, lureruumw
Knxiotm.vor had been, allnougn ue
hml m-vor told the story toanyone.and
the fiict was unknown until ureue
r.,..r' r.w.nnl nf his own life was
"'"J" . . r. , 1 1 .....
found among hw papers aiiermsuumu
itrfdnmever was a gradunto of the
university of ISann and had qualified as
mi.ml.or of the I'rufisian pioneer en
gineer corps. That was in KIV.. The
rmt. vour he entered tne iraicu-iuuiu
orviei a a mininrr engineer and ex
pert, and advanced stsp by step in his
chosen prof n until 113, when the
UW of Uuriuuh uia.le him chief cugi
..r ,,f (lw. fiinriii'i rubv mines in tho
,.,.r(i...rr, nrt. of tho country. Nrede
mover had headmiarteru at Medea
the ruby mine district, where hi;,' wtp
phirgs arc ubio found. The m';ie3 are
liealouslv L'Ui-.rded and all tho precious
ct,.n.i lu.iiisur to the kin.'f. l'rom the
rubv and mumlure harvest tue King
realizes from lllty tnoiiwinu vo
enty-live thonsand dollars a year.
North of Jleden, In tiio lony nn.uu
tains, there wore some ruby mines
which the king had not pro.ipte 1 for
various reasons. No white man had
ever ventnred into tho ni'r.intnins of
the north, tiiwmg the hti1f-ivilized.
Sini'Dhos. who, while partially recog
nizing the authority of tin; Uintf, wi re
unruly and lurharic. Thither the king
aeiit r.redi i'i".yr.
His advent wns the signal for great
(Xfltrmcnt among the .Singphos. Tliey
hivl never i'on a white nrin, ana, not
withstanding r.redemeyi'r annoiiTieefl
his mission muhr uuth rily of the
king, the Siirrohot wrn not !i.ili: iled.
l'hey d,-ci -led to ei-m-ify t!i' wiiita nrin
if Ik. . t . 1 not il,i! t!io eoiuitry. A iiumi-
f ul of Holdi. fi v.vr:- with Hiv lcmiyer,
prlmpH llfiv ll t.dd. I "t t'M'ii th'-re
wi'iv ( lii'. e Million live !i n dicd I hou-
mii.I in!mli!;iiits. :r --.U -srt. r ivfs'M d
to . -live tin' e.'iiiiti v nut I h" h i 1
... . ..... i .... i i... Tt...
C-lirri.'.l llllt I Mi' imilTI I I . m.;;
Sini'phoH di ohnv I war, lUvdomrvr
aoldiiTs went into iiiiihih. h' l'
hiirri'iitUT t!ie miiii'i't cxpi r'. when the
imtiv.-H mvw i' t d own u.x'ii llit in.
Wliil.. t, .l.Si r w.T' sen: r, i'" nui nl
fur rvmfor n.-iuo the imtin U.'iled
HnMlciii.'ViT t er.oit mad.' (f two
s nf iiutive oil w.nhI. I'rt-fcire the
. . . i . l'.....t......t..,r l.i
liriltUI Will K Ol IIIIUHIH iin-.i. ....... .
the eriH. w flntHhed he Ixnanm
iwrtlally un.'oii' lWH. Tin Nhin k win
aln...t fulal Th- laat thin f b"
tiiietlv rt'iniMnlfri'.l wns tin Mvnrnung
r.iiigpli, looking Id"' deViW. Willi
Iht ir Il;t f ni", Lniad hlcill .. Mr-ifl't
M.i. k hair. d.-.'p brown kitiH. .in'ii
llri'deio.-yer hu l W-en n.ill.' i t llie
roKK tin- li itive piepm ii u r.iiw iv
Full Text of the Declaration
of Principles.
The KepablicaoB of the United States,
assembled by their representatatives in
national oonvention, appealing for popu
lar and historical jnetifioation of their
olaima to the matchless achievements of
80 years of Republican rale, earnestly
and confidently address themselves to
the awakened intelligence, -experience
and conscience of their couDtrymeo in
the following declaration of facts and
principles :
gUOAB. - - I
We condemn tb present administra
tion for not keeping faith with the sugar
producers of this country. The Repub
lican psrty favors such protection as will
lead to the production on Amerioan soil
of all sugar wbioh Amerioan people use
and for which they pay other countries
more than $100,000,000 annually. .
To all our products, to those of mine
and field as well as those of tbe shop
and factory; to bemp. to wool, to tbe
product of tbe great industry husbandry,
as well as to finished woolens of he
mill, we promise most ample proteotion.
We favor restoring the early AmerioRn
policy of discriminating duties for the
upbuilding of our merchant marine and
tbe protection of our shipping interests
. . : n l-aiia tn Im.N
ainnathe civil war 'n e lorentu cw.,.u -,
roriue u... - I . .. . jt . Amorinan
. . . a .i. lean some mo inuuuu.
thn Amerioan people nave whuobhbu iuc - -
tbe America peon employed in Amerioan shipyards,
calamitous consequences of full and un v , ., RlrinM. and
1 of the 8BU1D uu r '
liberty. Tbe goYeroment of Spain Hav
ing lost control of Cuba acd being unable
to proteot tbe property or he of resi
dent American citigensorto oomply wltb
its treaty obligations, we believe tbe
government of tbe United States should
actively use ita influence and good r Al
oes to restore peaoe and give tudepen
dence to tbe island.
Tbe peace and seourity of tbe republic
and the maintenance of its rightful in
fluence among the nations of tbe earth
demand a naval power commensurate
with its position and responsibility. We,
therefore, favor oontinned enlargement
of the navy and complete system of har
bor and eeacoast defenses.
For the protection of tbe quality of our
Amerioan oitizsnship and of wages of
our workingmeu against; fie fatal com
petition of low prioed labor, we demand
tbBt tbe immigration laws be thoroughly
enforced and so extended as to exclude
from entrance to the United States those
who can neither read nor write.
The civil service law , was placed on
the statute books by tbe repumioan
party, wbioh bas always sustained it,
and we renew our repeated declarations
that it shall be thoroughly and honestly
enforced and extended wherever praoti
fnm TTJLXTilof MM
J Fro. W. H. rttxe, wno
fHafc makes a apecialty of
Hi 1 Epilepey, haa witnooi
doubt treated and cur
ed more cases uwn n j
living Physician; hia
success is astonishing.
we haye Beam 01 casea
years' stanaing
cureu uj
him. He
work on
this dls
ease, which
ne senaa
larsre bot-
tie of his absolute cure, free to an, aufl rerr
Prof ,w. it. riiJtaJii -"-
We demand that every citizen of the
United States shall be allowed to cast
free and unrestricted ballot, and such
ballot shall be counted and returned as
n..... nd Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-,
eat bmineis conducted for MODERATE FEES.
remote trom v. . .... j,
Send moaei, arawing ut
. if natrntahle or not. free oi
cbarM. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ,
. V! " How to Obtain Patents," with
cost of same in the U. S. and reign couu
sent free. , Address,
a.. BiraiT Orricc. WaaHiNQTON, D. c.
Tha comparative vala ofthese twoearde
la known to most persona.
They Illustrate that freater quantity (a
Not always most to be desired.
These cards express the beneficial qual
ity of
4 compared with any previously known
Ripens Tabules : Price, 50 eenta a be.
Of druggista, or by mail.
BIPANS CHEMICAL C0..10 tpruo tt, W.T.
WANTED-AN IDEA0ThBonfe,.lm1pnie
res'rictea 1- .1 . ffln Bnd owned by Amer-
government. It ha9 been a -
nparalleled incapacity, dishonor ana
v . . . ,.f foreien commeroe.
disaster. Inadministranvemauuis.
it bas ruthlessly sacrificed indispeosible financial plank.
revenue, entailed an increasing deficit, Tbe repUblioan party is unreservedly
eked out ordinary current expenses with or ound money. It caused the enaot-
borrowed money, piled up the public men(. of tne , law providing for tbe
debt by $262,000,000 In time of peace, resumption of specie payments in 1879;
foroed an adverse balance of trade, kept elnce then every a0llar bas been as good
perpetual menace hanging over the re- M g0d
demption fund, pawned Amerioan credit We ftre unalterably opposed to every
to alien syndicates and reversed all the
measure calculated to debase onr cur-1 0M
measures and results of auooessful Re- renoy or imp8ir the credit of our conn- ' lxnchino.
publican rule. In the broad effect of its ,ty We nroolaim onr unqualified condem-
policy it has precipitated panto, blighted We Br6t therefore, opposed to tbe free rf nnoivillited Md barbarous
dudtry and trade with prolonged de- coioi,ge 0f silver, exoept by international . kDown M the lynching or killing
pression, closed factories, reduced work Bgreement with the leading commercial o( nnman beings suspected or oharged
and wages, halted enterprise and crip- natj0Di of tbe world, whioh we pledge Wuh orime, without prooesa of law. ,
pled Amerioan production while stimu- onrgeiveg t0 promote, and until suoh an I national abbitbation.
lating foreign production for the Amen- BKreement oan be obtained, Ibe exisung w lnof tfae creBlion 0( , national
can market. Every consideration of gol(J BtBndard must be preserved. All
publio safoty and individual interest 0( our BiiTer and paper ourrenoy now in
demands that the government shall be oircaiBtiop must be maintained at a
resoued from the bands of those who parity witb gold, and we favor all meas
bae shown themselves Inospable to ure( aeBigneo to maintain inviolable the
conduct it without disaster at borne and 0Dii(jBtions of tbe United States and all
dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to 0Uf money, whether coin or paper, at tbe
the party wbioh for 30 years admin- pre8ent gtandard-the atandard of the
Istered it with nnequaled sucoess and mogt enligbtened nation! ol the earth.
prosperity; and in this oonnectlon we
heartily indorse tbe wisdom, patriotism Union armie de
serve and should reoeive fair treatment
and generous recognition. Whenever
practicable they should be given prefer
Cu minings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
ituw A m. Patent' Attorneys, vv aauuiKHmr
D.O for their $1,800 prlae oiler. ,
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. A A.. P. fft. W. & C,
7 and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W.Madison and Clinton St.,
The regular subscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 and the , ,
regular price of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Any one subscribing tor the
Gazette and paying , for one yearii ;
advance can get both the Gazette and '
Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. AU old sub
senbers paying their subscriptions fcr ,
one year in advance will be entitled t
the same.
New Feed Yabd. Wm. Gordon hai
opened up the feed yard next door to
the Gazette office, and now solicits
share of your patronage. Billy is right
at borne at this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prioes
reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf
. 1 . vj'J
board of arbitration to settle and adjust
tbe differences wbioh may arise between
employers and employed engaged in in
terstate commerce.
We believe in tbe immediate return
to the free homestead t olicy of the Re
publican party, and urge the passage
by oongresa of the satisfactory free
homestead measure whioh has already
passed the bouse and is now pending
in tbe senate-
and suooess of the administration of
President Harrison.
and emDbasiae our alle-
We favor tbe admission of tbe remain
ing territories at tbe earliest praotioable
date, having dm regard to the interest of
a 1 it I
encein the matter ol employment ana lh. terrUorieB Bnd tbe United SUtee. All
We renew and empnasi7.e our ur- .Milled to the enactment of m. .nnninted tor territories
. .. .1 it...v.w.. rr - -
giaooe to the policy ol proteouon M ,uo eb lttwi Bg Bre best calculated to se- should be selected from bona fide rest-
cure tbe fulfillment of pledges made to dents thereof, and tbe right of sell-govern
. . . i.i
bulwark of American mausina.
nendenoe and tbe foundation of Ameri
can development and prosperity. This j
true Amerioan policy taxes foreign pro
ducts and encourages home industry and
. a 1 . . J.J m. na a m npa 1.
... 1 . . it. Mnna,i-'a I meDl IDODId Vv Bogurucu o i
tbem in me uara o.y. . , b We behe.. h() citizens of Alas-
peril. We denouooe tbe praoiioe in me (hould bva ,epreB6ntation in the
pension bureau, so recklessly and nn- conBress ol tbe United States to the end
instlf oarriod on by the present adminis- that needed legislation may be Inteln-
ts the burden of revenue on foreign tftioD( of reduoiL pensions and arbi- gently enaoted.
Onr foreign policy should be at all
O a Sj TaOt aaaajaS,
', jX CSlC AtfBlT
ii W CWPtWICMTa. lt
goods; it seoures the Amerioan maraei 1 dropping 0Bme from the role as
for the American producer; nPU0,a deBerv8 tbe severest coodemoation of
the American standard 01 wag. or AmeriOSO peopl(St
American workingmeu ; it puts the lao-
lory by tbe side of tbe farm, and makes
1 . r...mae istaaaa iniimuiinui wai
l ie amerioau iBiiuo. - r . , . . j
. , ... it d,ff.,.lifl'. v''' and digmfleJ.and
.or.ign u-u. Bonr oUrtita , ,U, .Mternbemls-
aeneral thrift, and founds the strength
general , carefully watcbd and guarded,
ol all on the strength of eaoli. in v ' ..... .
1 " ...:.,". ,. ,. ln.t fair and Tbe Hawaiian Islands should be controU-
rea.oo.oie .P. 0Q oreigB wofk ptoKlioo to the borne.
impartial. e.,llir oppoaea to " ' ,B,Mfer favor th. ad.nl.ioo of woman to wider
control and domeetio monopoly; to aeo spheres of owfoloeM and weloom. their
!. ... .rf m.liviJoal I tbe Nreg.i. canal should 1 . , . f fronj
uocai iiw'N""""""" . . , 1 j ,u A. ih. . . .. , : .
W. denouoos the present M coin, ownr u Omoer.tie and ropnii.t mism.n.gemeu.
United States; .na y me parcne.. v. g0(j murott.
We sympathize with all wis. and le
gitimate effort, to lessen and prevent tbe
I evils of intemperance and promote mor
ISe Republican party Is mindful of
the riabta of women. Proteotion of I
. a 1
Amerioan indastries includes equal
opportunities, equal p.y lor eqoai
SV ar4..M W T i-W
... IS
To persons who served in tne wars 01 tne un. " ;
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, inaian or -
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive s wnsion, who now do not. Thousand, under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owe. it
to you-and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not ipresent
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
p-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge lor .avice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AV1RETT, General Manager,
I 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
I IT. B.Thlt Company it controlled b nearly ens thoutand leading nt
. . i ikM rm.Utd Statu, and Is gwu-unlttd by lAsta,
I J'""' v.v -- - ... , mm, S-'V, M
Vttonxeyei at Law,
All business attended to in a prompt and sati.faotorr
manner. Notaries Public and Collector..
id fiM.t.-n.-d th. i n l m-iint hl-t f 't democratic tariff a. actional, injurious
foliimhiaRivftrani Pnorot Sftimc. Naviorat on (a
JVlUIltrJlU tin vi viiv a .
. 1
in i
... 1.1 u l-t
m .ll l-l t" ll. l'.
a 1 . 1 I " "
t lW I f .-.... I it.
I cm. tt. I.r. I t ... I
Scientific amtam
s,.f 4 ai WM tt t' i , .1 '
MJ.MSfft iM..l
1. at un
latti th irr miid At that Instant tne
mhlk'raroiiirtMMl w"i rt i i r,'"''",
ind rtmU-d t!i natlv.-. !tr..U'im-yiT
arri. d tHi. k l Mi d -a. Hie
ruoilii.in m i-urrt-d at alwiit ii.n. At
niin the iu t day his imundi wens
. a a A
drNM-il. I n' ruinv ta'a-vm ii' "' m
In and it wai ry warn and mi'li-r th
uiif..rtiinHU r..iiditl.ni it w f-nrd
Ifangrvne would wl hi Hi- vurvtl
fiirlvndi rly umU r iir-ima irm tue
kinir and lH-litir aot'iiHloiiH-d l irn-at
oardxhipa he ap. Illy mnivrrrd, hut
nrvrr aifaill vi-ntu.fil IIH l wnu
the Migh.a.
A llrimUK tfRHNlf.
Th 7..lli riuif liiiluil In Unnte 1
tbe DauUh islands we .honld secoro a
a at Ala - .1 .llsnnliff A ii eSQsiIi
to puoiio crea t ' - ,nJ mncb 0Mdd ,uUon 0 the 0f tbo republics party
a... a.tila.rnrUii. Wtl dtBftDa IQ0D j r 1 I , i
Such are tbe principle, and policies
i .... .t.ll..... 11 IKms nrin.
-i , . .in .Kit. ,A iKM.nniirl.i f ravine Alder f4treetDeck.rortl.Bd, for AatorL, llweeo, Loof Beeeb, Ooeae
... . I nuioe w win - r i . v, . . ii
. . . ...iM lm,rt.-hii-h WO.I100IM. I :,i i... W.aakfor I ar ana w.ocot'a- wmnwou.. ......
qail.Dl. .r.U u -,.- Armenia have arous- w" w'" . . " Vl
aoo .learners and rail
road: also at Younga Day with Beasbor lUiiroed.
com. into oomftilon with American - " them tbo coo.idereU Jedgmeal ol ine TZUjSPSXONB
r,rvlrt... lll nt only furnish ade- -4 the deep sympathy and Ja.tl.dlgoa- AmwIc peopla. OontlJ.nt aiik. In . 7 4. . p.uy. ,.o iN,4.y. Astoria 1 r. M. Dally, saet4 ,oJy.
pf tion of lb. AmrHoan people, and wo b. lDbtotof, of oor free party and lathe UAIIjBY fATSBBnT
. I.. r,f nihr lnla. """" . IviMnry to Ih. RepOWlcaa pan 7 s - Ua.-illaa loea4ay and rrlHay at 1 av. . ua aonnat o.fn.M.r.
W. .r.n,tpWgedto any p.r.knlar Tnrk.f A.rio mldeato ! prcperit, to lb. ppW th. United
, , 1. . ipera w 100 gT.Tee u - niaiea.
acbeJaW Tbo anretion of r.ee ta. P Ay. Th.r.l
nracUoel our.Hon to U governed by ' ' DISEASES OF THE SKIM.
1 aaea hslpal A mrif'II CIIIKH WW I ... a S f I
a.u- " I TV ltmm iLnKif.aV ftlld alUntl)af loCl I
MWl W 7 T I
for Mrif, t4, Cenlorl. tneaettte. Travel aa lbs Telephone, Bailey OeUert aa4 Oeeaa Wave,
I it . .a.l f a At kit
a -Viir," -h. re r-,,.W f t.. drink ...-. . r - -
rt.h M.sM tf the run. of K.mt. rU.Mi- The tatiog and nneompromislof pincrt
nut t
I.Utr and laduatrv. Tbo
J Vwi y a
A rtkelli bei
j kole f tai
b..a.lt.i. -ail.H! l.v
... , I ...
VI uv ...,.... - - 1 ... . . ,
lau d U flrt rapidly frwl lnm Uoentry dems.d. rlgbl oeiutsatii
a rawfully .O'l'tw fwthml.
,t. rava
V ' ' i
HI M f tut
A mar loan property mast bo ebeolalalj I w UUf, salt i.eum, and othet
. . . .. . j j ... I JiuMBfih. akin b Instant) allayed by
he rival ,.r,tr.ti..n and . ,h .Uio a.4 devloprot ol - arfdylng fh.sabtrUta'. Ejo a.4 ua
l.y thr maUrUl frtrr. v , , . ..1 i..i.ir. The M0oB nocTilxt, j Oininmrt. Many very ba4 rwl hava bMl
tvrmaneotlv rrv4 M B. 11 S""
Wo rsaaiert tho Monroe doctrine la Wttcienl tut lUbief piU a fcwii. irn
. - I e.1 lut are nlifUai rhlli UnOt, tlui-
l. fnlleat Olleat aaa WO reamrm h ffw) Bai rBWlk,
right of the UeiUd 8IM to alto tbo for aalo by arussgiaf. at Si mn ft boa,
doelriao rffaet bf w-ponJi.f to tbo .p Trv Dr. Cija Cs4l0af r.weVr tbe;
...... i u-l . . . .... 11. I are turf vhsl a h'r o"ti Km in tl cmi-
Wo lllvo tbo rt-i ""i" neai. of aay evwe- . ... gftd nntituglt.
t, affantmtulo '' bo ImI nlf wtU( t. o0 of Enwpeaa "' Pof bf Coawr broek, 4riUU
lUpiihlican a.lmiotalia m a croaehmeat.
al ealawllf and wo demand tbir renew I Wo stiall set b lntoifer-4 a.4 obeli .( la.afrrinl, in jmtfjmfnt.
ukl fnmtwhli h It to dYrlvv4
vlntf rfttmaly lindrrifiiao lne-
laary aairgeoa. aomm
Vta eiaiwr a fm or M
tan Wr In Use waaaaa VbsVt
mnA. tho ItaOM tauaa, w
,-rrat tiaavrfit.
!lbn It wants r.!.
it: Ep.:l:j Iiluls
For tho Curo o
, Liquor, Opium isi Tobacco Habits
It IS art4 at Sale., Orefae,
Tht JTwef fn(i Toam on tAo CW
Call al the Omrrs aw aarHrqlaio
MHrtif aeaadeeUai, TraaUMnl evtvaaseaO ears
rmsi.1 Maliia,
The raflai i.f a alramrr that lla
i along the rs tMrland and that
vtaa Mliik "' I"" rut'tnl. Iciiriy
I4a4id t.fT the Main aborr, rHitra vo
rt.k of rull that
A iUUn.4 the w-Wa. the surfer ..f the tbe Ml.
1 ara, and llo WamhMi if the erlr. nf uibvt
TTr 'T7i Ibat Cl.t.aT ! U0 hard a..lL "Tb'f. " M)t, .
. . .111 ,i.iLm 1. aM .mwf rworirea 1
al.ad oitvwsk.. oa .oca a- -m. ,wU lbo Oiag l- iT rTlJrtf or f .
1... .... 1. .1. with etbet nalUins, 1 .. i ... Varooeea eowef la tide 11 k.ia or Aire mat t mter
...... ... .k.l.s.1 . , . . ..-.! fw wm--Afrwff rvaa rww 0
remote rt-irienone - i,,i.t,i,ere, u. n r' i n J, lirn tn Iks th- t Sn-
H Umm Viil rail
Glance at this Map
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Amefteaa ptwincto bi r"1 Uat. oo aay vtett, bo Hada4 Wo
fxninlnea, 0.4 0rerooeUgv4 fcapri,jr ,t f.ard to tt.0 event-
, Il.a ttmlttftS of Of leinia, , ,l,,,..l f F,aruta Mworo
rretertlofl S4 rlrrfHy ore Beti,a f all Eeg!a .pailf '"
aaeaaa'r. f lUr.hliaaa H'. ' lh svatmaot by ffo oel of IU la-
band la ban.1. IvB..W !.! j ,,iaia.
reklpsl siruci ! a onn, "" ,ta iwmrtms.
I U re eeUhtiaUd, Hell.n f of j
hat wo t-fllPf i l'o e-lasieoioo tko
rvavaf afire er4r fM
al tutf Uff II tell yn that rulls
w.wil, perrh M tfrra. Jlmn fml aaihws
Wlleve that I he trvla, nr Motor r
f arrr rliU krna. nrtrf alight errs on
ar. l ut are aiwatt Ire wing.
Tt.ry it -n't g ttwir eye. And srune
f Uts e ii.t.rW f.Uut are a. 14 as
! I,. t. ... I I -
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.k 01 I !). ... )nr JiHiH
of fx.a te a't Mi.iU4'a
.tit.. 1 ii.fi,
t'tar f-.
1 f.ef etll rvriiba 4
t .: I y vt Ue a Vtatita
1 !
11 1.... ik. Mnr.la r Lba a-ailed
" "7" r,,L ' HUle. b.,e reg.r4-l ...b .rHbf lb.
to,e,e.l. -l-b .a -I- . -1 f(M ttM.)vv4 r U..i
Intn f t Baaai vm
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wmis a
I ui '( l" I'b.
a 1 I 1 1- auJ Mil aiaeaa a. . .,..,.. mtmt t til
1'fi.trrt.a bnil 1. aa imsmi t U4r
...1 it4e, e4 ewf owa aavket
f ,r Mateelvrai fmrrtily baiU. nf I
If 11..
H . '. a '
li,. Wr w.i.h lihoVf a-4 .UJiaf
I laWeet IU berxiO bailie ( lU OH.
1 jaltiflt eial Mwll aa4 fr'-a.
' a4 e.r beet ktwe 0 eat t f
j(4 eee at tef 4tea)M4 OvOtrSt Icf
III. k Maibew. U altll (4 tbe ol4 at4,
ait dr to bo l-t 4B, wbtw b J
Irepare4 to 4 aaviltaf la b Hn.
Mhavlao. kair salliSS' MIM oa..
.-alaf prwww '
Tais I mt fr-tlMf .
Ot rw-eit f V '. b W ,
yeawmaw amf t aMWt
sm.4 foymUt t .ra a4 Haf revet Cr
. I if a t . 1 aal'.at t rtsyoe.
swete the r" tko ra..ly.
1L MnifMri.S.
( var. a M , Kw TuV t'Hy
lUf J.a J , H ftai rail. Va .
tmawl! r.!a t tee lieJaa ta a. I
e aw4J.a-. W waiewl. It la a t4
tite .r l-w rearrSj tf ael aa re4
..v. )iw.W I-..J-. 1 a-au tlrai ",
1 Ckwree li t
j !fs rWi U'm la tW aeaewlaaa.
' rw oo'avb "tewajieMi a tawtwary
I e lrW 4f I'Va, Oewte
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at .1 great financial sacri
f . i ! 1....: 1
ice. 1 Oil nceu 11 m yuur iiumih:, aim ub a
v jt r 1 1
t' V. N
matter of business we must sell it.
Tnu Patterson Pcbi ishikc Co.