Where They Bet. McKlnley Bill, with Napoleon eye, Saya "Bryan let's drink some Llnwood Eye; we meet aa friends, my words are few I hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U." And Bryan lays, In a Joking manner, 1 wonder if that's what's the matter with Hanna x mi uorse ana norse, you funny feller When I see mv wife, I am k,ii iiiA. Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an eye, And they drank aome more good Llnwood Rye. Sold only at the Belvedere Saloon, E. vj. operry, rrop. He Wan Indicted. J. H Campbell, who killed Inane Swesrengin on Newaome creek, in Crook county on July 4th last, was last week indicted at Prineyille fur murder in the first degree. Now if tbe authorities will banx tbe fellow right away Crook oonnty Will in part redeem herself from tbe reputation of not having tbe oourage to hang a murderer. It will be remember ed that Oanpbell was one of those yoong oalprito who make a -study of female weakness, and that be finally suooeeded in breaking up the Searenjin family- it being tbe tame old story over again xoung uamprjeu and tbe woman, Bwearengin's wife, wore at tbe house when tbe bnaband came iu. Naturally a row ensued, io whiob Campbell shot tbe old m in down in oold blood. The feel ing against tbe murderer was intense and be barely escaped lynohng, and would probably bave reoeived a dose of that medicine anyway bad not tbe court rendered, tbe above verdict. Antelope Herald. The Only Chair Car Line To tbe east is the Uoion Pacific. East ern cities are reached via this line witb fewer changes of oars tbaa via other lines Rates always tbe lowest. Tiokete to or from points in the Dnited State, Canada, or Europe fur aale by R. W Baxter, Oen. Agt., 133 3rd 81., Portland. Wm. Smith's Death. Tbe Eagle his reoeived report of tbe death of Wm. 8mitb, one ot the Btnith Bros, of this oomtr, wbioh ooourred at Coolgardie, in Aastralia, reoeotly, tbe oanse of his demise being dysentery. No further news was received, more than Mr. Smith had been seQt to that place to ioapect aome mioee for English esoitilists, and on taking ill, died Ik fore relatives eonld reach bim. Mr. Smith wis a brother ot Tom Smith, of Jubn Day, and for many ye re resided witb bis brother at their boras renab near Sasanvills. lie waa a talent ed gentleman, and tbe news ot hie death will be reoeived witb regret by bie tnaoy frieode ia tbia eounty. Long Creek Eagle. I '" rrelt for Hal sr Trade. Jaroea Oager bae floe lot ot fruit, consisting of fall sod winter apples, wbiob be flVs for sale at one cent per pound. De will also aocett ia eirbange or same poets, wood or wbeat, delivered at bis place foor tnilee abnve Hoppoer Tbose desiring fruit should confer witb bim. If. Csssws Male Wndlag Ov Iset Roads?, at 5 o'clock, p. m., at the reeideeee of Jae. Jones, wear Oepp er, Miee May Hale wee Joloed ia boly wedlock t-i Mr. flenry Ceaeoa, both of Hsppoer. Tbe eeramooy wis lapreee ively Derforaord by Rev. 0. R Howard, of tbe Booth L E. church, of Ibie place, ia Ibe bsaoiliul words of tbe marriage ritual Tbe bide looked lovely ia pretty wbile eirors g own, trimmed in peaIs and Isre. Tbe groom wee aeaif el tired ia a black salt Tble event occurred ia tbe praetece el a aombsf of rlalive and a fe friends of Ibe eonlrarMef pari We. Tbe a ret wee rwlabralej by e graad wedding e poer, given by Mrs. Je. Jooee la boeor of tbe yoasg eoqpl, to shkk all did amp'e JaaUea. VI re. Jooee' re paUttoe ee a spUndid" sank Is proverb J aad M ell J a has to bar, she fairly eet did beraoVea Ibieoeeesloa.fnr tbeleblee fairly groeaed withUnpltog vUeJa. Tbe preeMle were a a me aa. aad alt fcesaUfalaa woliee aeefel. Mr. end M re. Ct.aa will Make tawir Mare bnese ta Mrew onwety, end wita tbeta go the etar-or wioa ibei their 1 1 tee af be ervfllabla, essfal aed r-eppy. fall weetbe baa ft tl'fcoev fle bave ae at lat. tlel pielnte te seeks oa Ibe weal Kef ae far. Now Ie IU tine U rt Ibe vTs-Hy rWAiU. Ibe graat-at aeoopeper I the Meat, W it9 tka (. b"e etriet- ly ra adeaiM.owe e, !e if xwMeettnoi f aoptre eaa M ade to Uo . w.4-Uo will ie e pevojtsai aa at !l'tea )naraat.Ue b fwt iteetof, aa ectHe'eJ pet". (' ta ew oM onWrths. e ftathttt' lamination. Notu a t wtetet twt r - It iim 4 iMltf M n t I . t, i as s s4 .4 . mlmr In JtetrT aawt '. b. v Here and There. Charley Barnett is up from Lexington lodiy. , Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., baa wood 37-tt . for sale. Mr. Maxwell. Sr., of Dry Fork, was in town Friday, San Clark and family are over from Uamaa prairie. Andrew Neal was over from Lione Book Saturday. Fred Allison ia baok to Heppner after a two years absence. N.R. MoVay and wife were in from Dry Fork Saturday. Saturday as "dig day" was universal ly observed ia Heppner, Robert Bayers, of Douglas, was in town tbe first of tbe week. Leo M ft Meson is iu from a summei's rustling in tbe mouotaius. Bom Near Lods Rock, Oct., 7ih to the wife of Andrew Neal, a girl, ' There ia considerable excitement on the street today over tbe election. Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'. Born To tbe wife of Jay W. Shlolev. or mis piaoe, on oataraay, Oct. Hi, a girl. W. H. Smith, representing H. E. BuoKiin & uo,, is in town todny repre senting bis Brin g famous remedies. Stnov Roberts and son were io from Eight Mile last Monday. The boy has been ill for quite a wbile but ia ooDvaleeo iog. , Eagle: Dr. Lannerberg, the oooulist, came over from Canyon City Saturday, taking bis departure tor Heppner Tues day. John Campbell, wbo shot and killed Ike Swearegin over near Priueville, has beeu sentenced to the penitentiary for life. Fall weather brings cool weather, cool weather calls for wiuter olotbing. See E. W. Rhea's line ot goods. Ad in this issue. sl8-lm. A dance wi'l In givn at the opera honse on the fi st au.l third Friday evenings of uaou iu iuiU, tor an indefi nite period. , tf. Frank Sloan, Jubn Barker and Henry Thompson came iu from Butter creek yesterday and will remain oyer till after the eleotion. . - ' M. Licntentbal is the old standby of the iieppner people and keepa only tbe best grades of boots and shoes. See his ad iu aootber column. a. " Tbe locks at Cascades will be opened on next' ruursdav with appropriate cer emonies. That evening a grand ball will be given at The Dulles. Al Murphy, a relative of tbe Adams Bros., of Uardman, is now in Helena, Montana, and doing exoelleotly. Al was formerly in Heppner. Good advice ; Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamber lain's Colin, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For Bale by Coneer and Biock. Gid Hatt and Oharley Jonee are as sociated together down at Charley's old plaoe iu tba toosorial business. Call on tbem and get your whiskers pushed Iu. y Eagle: P. P Kiltoore returned early last week fr m Po land, where be at tended tbe Knlgh a of Pythias grand lodge aa a elege from Uermion lodge of mis oi v. Th Eagle man, also a dole gate to ba te gathering, returned Friday l at. The coyote bunt last Sunday waa not suooeseful, dry weather preventing tbe doga from following the scent. Messrs. Ben Mathews, Willard Herren, Wileun Urick, Art Minor, Geo Darker, Morris Bull and Mike Roberta participated in the sport, all having a good time. Tbe eleotion todsy ie paesiog off quietly, though both sides are fearfally in earaeet. A little difficulty between John Kinsmen end Pat Kilkenny, tbia moraiog was stopped before any damage wee doue. There are more McKioley meo out than waa anticipated and it looka like they would win Morrow county. A Snoday racket dnwo In tho Arcade saloon coat Lea Malleaoa Uu Freocb, Frank Elder end Mao Smith the rego latmo prioe for eaob fun. A little dif ficulty waa started dowo io tbe same re sort early M ondey morning but it was squelcbod before it emounted to any thing. Tie a fact that tall fights are oomuieooiog early. J. 0. Hart, tbe O. R, A N. ageol al tbie place, will sell apeoial tiekeie to Cascade Jjcks aad rstum. Uavieg bsre Uodueeday eveetng, arnviog at fjoeoade feks Tboreday morales; leeviog Ibere Tboraday eveamg. arriving bore Frtdey juraing rare 93 for tla roeed trip, Tble eicuraioa ie graaied In booor ot the opening of tbe Caaceie Locks. Tbroogb traioa oa tbe Q.R AN, will rea via. Umatilla, Welle WaJla aad Peodlotoa. Tbroogb aleopere, first aed eeonud elaae, will roe ia oooaeoUoa witb tba fjalwn Farina, tbe seme ae hereto fore. A tbrnogh flral-oieee sloe par port land to Ppokaoe, ooeeediog witb tbe first elaea eleepaw to tH. Peal, aad a through trrarlei eleepev Pertleed to Hi. i'aal, will rea la aueeeottoa with the Ureal Nortbera railway. tf If. L Keyte, formerly of Ueppatr, Ibe well keowa E retell pnoter, heeeoeeeed- ed taergaeMiag a eompaay to develop M of bte talaable ealotug dtoeovort la Ibe Hniiageeasiab disirtct, near Hilvor tow. Tbe w entBbeey will he keowa ee tbe till Mining. Ottmpeey.aod tbe let' poraurs aaaae4 la the ertirhe Bl4 with It. eedliot are J. W. Bwbly. IL L. Ke)te aed (X (). Ihrwhef . e4 Ids Sap Hal etouJ ie piaci at ijwu,uin. It a way f e t era LWeee ie to eaUUtob UeJtb. Pore, rich bUi Bae good baelta. Hood's fWeepeetile ie tbe one tree Woui pond er, it toeee ap tbe ! eyelets, glveo eptlie aed trh end aeaeoa week eoee. torweeeeee eei peia to diepaear. No olla Baodteiae bae eaeb a reroed (f oadotfel eorwe ee U'o4 s tWeeparille. t1mre PlUe are the bawl at-t 4n fill ; at d.geetisM, prvvaet eeatlp- tme. i Jake Tewee4 s tMaxh t.ely Hied ay eeoreieg al the aoeieef Mr an I Mre. waa. Teaaa ee this eity, eerr4 tbe d's'h f J;ba Te eo J. H t.a-1 be etitef f r a tuag lime bavieg bmi ia very ba d'a'b wee ex4 aMty aesae4. TkO !( were ttt'4 M lt if e.tfy Tee.iay e'teea a Nee trWote e4 I !- gaike4 to lay IVwr lH eie Tbe Ca as tfntn4 tbat tie f eef. al ! te pau4 Ihio oils ta Ibe a leee e ibe en! af aeeWf frew Ralc fg'e. DR. LANNEKBERQ'8 SUCCESS. Cross Eye ui be Straight With Proper Glasses Sosse Ttstiaoelala. Dr. J. C. Lannerberg, tbe eye special ist, is at ill in Heppner and tboee who derire to bave their evee examined and fitted ebould not fail to call on him al tbe City Hotel - He baa tbe endorse ment of physicians all over the oontry. Tbe following endorsements are given to tbe public that they may see how tbe doctor is appreciated : Dr. Lannerberg, the ocoulist, will stay at the Altnrae Hotel another day or so. Wbile here be has treated many persons, all of whom are satisfied witb bim and his prices. Dr. Lannerberg ib not a peJ IInr tf spfotacles, like most bo called ocuulists. He is a graduate ot one ot the foremost colleges of oplbalmatology, and the better be is known tbe greater is the cotfidecoe reposed iu bim. . Wood River Times, Idaho. Dr. Lannerberg, tbe eye specialist, now tusking temporary headquarters at tbe Paoiflc Hotel, is Baid to be performing some very difficult operations, The Berald ia not in tbe habit ot lauding traveling doctors, but from all we can learn we are warranted in recommending Dr. Lannerberg as not only an eminent, but a trustworthy eye specialist. Pooa tello (Idaho) Herald. There are many good worda spoken of Dr. J. C. Lannerberg, the eye specialist. It should be remembered that the dootor ia experienced in his line and has earned for himself a wide reputation in his pro fession, the practice of wbioh can only be safely entrusted to thoe who bave been tried. Tbia opportunity afford ed, to our people to have their eyes examin ed and fitted with glasses shonid not be overlooked. Qood eyesight ia a fortune in itself. The dootor makes no charges tor examinations. If be cannot help you be will tell yon so. He is al present at the Florence Hotel, where be will be (pleased to meet alt in quest ot hie ser vices. Missoula (Mont.) Missonlian. . A SrJCOXSBFDL SPECIALIST. DrvJ. C. Lannerberg, the eye special ist, wbo is at tbe Grand Hotel tbia week, ia giving entire satisfaction to all patients, ho number the very beet residents in tbe city. He thoroughly understands bis profession, nod those requiring treat ment need bave no hesitancy in consult ing bim. He has decided to looate per manently In Butte, but will visit Billings annually ; on this oooasion will remain notil Tuesday morning. As this is tbe last opportunity you may bave before bis next, visit, all peraons having any affliction of tbe eye abould take immed iate advantage of it Billinga (Mont.) Daily GB4tte. Dr. Lannerberg, tbe oooulist, is not en entire stranger to some of our citiiens, having auoof aafully treated tbem before. Tbese people fully endorse bim as be ing master ot bis profession. Since com iog here be successfully attended many of onr leading residents who Join in tes tifying to his merit. Tboeo having trouble with their eves in any manner should not delay eeeiog him at the City botel. HOW TO PBGVCNf CMUlP foaie tUedlag That Will Prove Iatereatiag te Yoaag Mot her-How to tiaarg Ataiast the Disease. Croup ia a terror to young motbets and to poet tbem concerning Ibe reoee, firs I symptoms and treatment ia tbe ob J tot of tble item. Tbe origia'ot croup Is e common oold. Children wbo are sub ject to it take oold very easily erd croop ia almost euro to follow. The first symptom ia boereeoeea; tbie is eooe fol lowed by a peoolier rough cough, wbioh hiob Ie eeeily reoognited and will oevor be forgot lea by ono wbo baa heard it Tbe time to act ia when tbe child firet becomes bo arse If Cbamberlaio'e Oongb lUmedy ie free ly give all tendency to eroopy oongb baa developed it will prevent tbe atlaek. There ia an danger la giving tbia remedy for it e on t aloe aotbiog loiarloue, For aale by Coneer k Brook. Daeae ea Tsaskagivlec. Wettaoberger A leg rehem will give naau,aofsde ball at the opera boaeeoa November 3ft, 13 -TeetkaHv leg even ing. Tba beet of meeio a ill be given od a good lima gaaraateed. Tirlsta 1100 for geetlemea, aad 60 ces te for ladies wlthoot saaaquM. Lad.se sneak ed, free. Mailable pntee wit be swarded woe ami be oa ibtbtUoa el u. K VVerraa's at an early dele. Those wbo are Beaked moat leave tbair reepeetivs earns and characters repeeeeetad witb tbe daofhevpsr. Tble rale will be rbrtd ly enforced. tf. ',H ia rare ell Bate ! " Bitapiy apply "ftsayse's OUtmset." Ko taterasi nedleiae repaired. Cerse Utu. eesawe, tub, stl arsptioeo aa lae fsaa, beads, ana, ii, laavtag Ibe at la elsar, white ead bssltbf. las great best ial ee4 ear stive powsre are piisaass by ski oW reraedv. ak year drag -gtet for Hes tee's Oiatseset. " MAKING MAIUPINS." TS tr laasraMse-4s It) a M-aaaey. far sir. a is lb bro (Items trV, lh nr'-ah end Frt,-) rostewlM thm tnaanfsrtnre af hairanaa. aM M la only Hfeia the last M years 11 at h gonl bae t pvtttr4 ta oHr reaolraretosnvetuaf. T lra'ttir.ry ya4 la .f e tr!(s' M etrirai eir. er'er. a U fine el tbb tbe pMsre m4 tor I K thearv at aii't kkxI taj l .'-f r. btb eaa elv pt tnr4 by atiimeite tpa-!) rs, Tir I ed ff.str f-r twr Sfid ful f ia Is'ge eia. U'h see p's'M le a t itp t4 rari to im na ebie while U ir g ait f fl's rra.l,,rt rl. trtJ. es I. l y a J-lc rai sn4 ;sim.uwc t ia. aUatj ra Ik J.i rs i f t l.ilj , M l tf a m i;e tko.fr eey T .?.,.,. l t smttttt k trvp tpf ,,w J awl rl,(L Tbe t,.tt H rf He , t M )) h eeasrwl r. . ( A- e t t g W iea la e iMti M Vtg la a ! I b e ist i ssMt eMs. aet s4 refiI at' ia ei 't ta tU f ft r n ' I'e'r tKrb 4 Vum tt.a.-! i.s-4 e n.tt yi W Tbetjitt cSaidtsae-lo. fetfetUi sad rax-'a.. Thirteen Ytra a a slave. Atveo tores of aa lealiaa Frtoat la the Boadaaw Father Paolo Roaeigtioli, who, after a long eence of almost incredible ad ventures and 13 yeara' slavery in the Soudan, succeeded in miraculously es caping from the 'hands of the caliph, has been received by the pope before returning to Africa, to the scene of his former painful sufferings. He ia a broad, strong, well-built man, tanned a deep brown by the African, sun, and wears a full beard, which ia rapidly turning white from the sufferings he has gone through. Father Rossignoli wae a, priest of tbe Austrian mission of El Obeid, in the Kordofan, and went through the hor rors of . the four and a half months' siege until January, 1883, when he was taken prisoner. It would be impossible to describe all he suffered for 13 long years, until assisted to escape by the Englishman, Maj. Wingate Bey and Mgr. Sogaro, archbishop of the Sou dan. "So you are really returning to Af rica?" I said to him the day before he left "Oh, yes, and I go back with pleas ure, as Africa is to me now a second fatherland. I feel that my work is there; and, besides, think of all the prisoners, less fortunate than myself, whom 1 left behind and whom I must do my utmost to deliver." "Are there still many?" , "About 50, including five Italians." "Are there no Englishmen ?" "No; all of them died long ago. Amonk those atill alive are 12 Syrians, ten Jewa from Smyrna, some Greek and Swiss, a few Germans and one Aus trian, a certain Niefelit, who ia the iSost learned and intelligent person uow in the hands of the Soudanese. He was a banker at Assouan and three or four yeara after the fall of Khartoum he led an expedition to the' center of the Soudan, his purpose being to help the Kabbablah tribe on the other side of the Dongola against the mahdi. The latter, informed in time of hla plans, surprised the expedition, de feated it completely, the men being eiostly killed or taken prisoners, among the latter the leader Niefelit, who waa condemned to death. The rope had already passed around his neck to hang him, when he w as asked : "How do you die? As a Christian or a Mussulman?" Niefelit answered quickly: 'I die a Mussulman.' "So his life was saved, butj he was left for years in chains until he gave proof of hie ability and he waa then used by the caliph to manufacture saltpeter aad gunpowder. He also en deavored to make dice for coins and deaigned a beautiful tomb for the mahdi, which the caliph, however, did not approve of, considering it too European and fearing that if executed Niefelit would acquire a certain im portance In the eyes of the Soudanese." Paasing to the situation in the Sou dan, Father Rossignoli said that ac cording to the latest news received by mm it is most unhappy, because of the fearful misery, dreadful anarchy and widespread corruption. "It is some thing heartrending!" exclaimed the missionary. "It seema really that the hand of (od is striking and extermin ating that people, on whom lie so many aina. r.ngland could now easllv recon -uer the Soudan, especially as a large portion of the inhabitants there would favor it to eecape the tyranny of the calipb. J here Is, in fact, a party strong enough which wishes the Intervention wi Egypt inns, English or Italians, or any etnwtrer. In fart, to end the hor rors of which tbey are the victim and witnesses. This party is becoming so important that the ralinh nme time ego had all the so-called coftre tiouw demolished In whirl) they were accna- tcuwd to meet and threatened them with a general massacre. However, it is my opinion that Frgtand will not teronquer the Soiidtin until her orcu pation of rVypt is permanent and until she needs no pretext to justify her presence on the Xllr. After the rc rent ilefrata on the I to I ara sitle the Kouilaneve have a holy terror of the Italians also, snd their m't trrrilde curae la; ".May nu !e alrurk by an Italian tiall.' I'stl Mall flawtte, t aw Is ISa swimI eisry. ft nam! to lie he favorll ninuemi lit of collrgw lm) e to bad botaen of rows tip to tbe second story of builditsga In rdcr that the college author)! rolglit Iise tbe aaisafsrtion of tsk'rg the n imaU dam a strain by tnewns of derrick It ia very seldom that tme of the pKrr creature veniores to hse Uie aorcnt Itswlf. hut such itiatsoceai ocfseinttaltv kfl.-n. One Is reporiMl from Miy ISruoh, Conn, where a farmer uils-d otte of bis rows, end aa hi family had tnne to call on a aeigviVVar, be InrkeH tp (He boua and went out to bunt for the missing animal, lis tramr-d lolo HW and aearr bef every plane he thought It powaiM I lst tne row might heve strayed to, Imt without sorer a. S hen be rtsrttt brime kb stulir) waa at tracted by a peculiar aoise In the boose and barrVd Insi.te, and tbcre waa tbe erw la a fiami nm tlx- aeonml fle. Tlie aainieJ hs4 rllmlwil the eialra after waederieaT ra the ofsa dnnr. It awk (be faear three bmire to gwt Ibe low ifws.ia ra serala, Tmy Tttawe, sw ue WMlhswt Ate, Tbe rnsssin snail, altbougb It I Itisgs, besrt sad geeera! rirsaiatkva. Iief ia evrry reapxrt ea air brveUtleg aaisssl, esa yet lite for aa laoVtalu prWsd wliboet labsllef aa ausa af sir. Oa the eppruawb of winter tbe nail retreats lata Me shell, esd ixr Sbetwslly eloaes the opeaieg or 1st feomti witli a awcrvtsnsi ( silky Usl are, wbtrb ta ebactlwUly (mirWn, la luib air and eW. t!laasal bert s esatl bersnetirelly aaid la a gtsas tut. frw wab ell air bad rerfuliy Us removed, f' fesr year aa4 two fconllt. sax yet It rtl Ms aoereisl fnaethMie wltbte I'SS (Mm a brwir after rrf spMM1 Io a teirfwrsiwre etf Hegrese - ( IS'lSSaU lrilfl a)lir m a re1wwem. law rsw.r gimmi -lulls' srw si IriiiuU I it n l.W if f jtf t ( ao.j. fa f. t ,i, fl It h4 i -'sn... I f ll"l i ll, ft it.,...u ! ll,w ia Iwrl.aa, ad. -s .1 r s ia 4 -rn t. lit ftlwn, It! It' l. I frt ef ,flalM,i.. Ut sstaa rH. is t f nlUt si, tJ, It, -t fmrinoM Will, wj,wl) t "s Me ft. tt t Is It. Mra t.id.M I . a Ke ( a . trf iVi vni'i'sey sfT.trs is s-i K m ttt l iS f-alw f af its r-e , H . r -! it w Vi-sa A -.r aa iisr. o) Ini ays I test prove Sarsaparilla Of severest trial and test prove In regard to Hood's Sars&parilla 1st, Greatest Merit Secured bv a peculiar Comblna- ' Secured by a peculiar Combina tion, proportion una Process unknown to others which naturally and actually produces 2d, Greatest Cures Shown by thousands of honest, voluntary testimonials which naturally and actually produce 3d, Greatest Sales ' According to the statements ot -druggists all over the country. In these three points Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself. inbdr Sarsaparilla Is the best It Is the One True Blood Purifier. H nnA ' c Dills ar tne on,y Pi" to take nOOa S PUIS witliHmxl'sSarsaparilla. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE X 0 of Orceon for Morrow l onntv. A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Mays, Plaintiffs, vs. Charles Ktmaey and Clara Kimsay, his wife, A. J. Klmsey and Kimsey, his wife, Wm. Klmsey and N. Kimsey, his wife, W. 8. Mercer and Sarah Mer cer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, Samuel Hall ' and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Klmsey and Nellie J. Croft. Defendants. To Charles Klmsey and Clara Kimsey, hla wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, William Klmsey and N. Klmsev, his wife, Rich ard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, William Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kim- :y ana neuie J. uroit, oi above defendant. In the name of the State of Oreson. vou and each of you will take notice that the above plaintiffs, A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Maya, have commenced a suit against the above defend ants In the above court to foreclose a mortgage liven them bv the above dnfnnrlants unnn thn easthalf of the northwest quarter, the south west quarter oi tne northeast quarter and northwest quarter of the southeast quarter ot section 18 townshiD 1 south ratine 25 East In said county. That the relief demanded in the complaint in said suit is for a decree that plain. tirls' said mortgage be foreclosed, the mortgaged property sold, and the proceeds applied to pay ment of costs and disbursements of said suit. to the note secured by said morteaire and the attorney's fees set forth therein. That the court also decree In plaintiffs' favor a recovery from Charles Klmsey, A. J. Kimsey and Wil liam Klmsey of seven hundred dollars ($700.00) and Interest thereon at ten per cent per annum from September 1 1, 1H89. and seventv-flve dol lars (175.00) attorney's fees, besides costs and disbursement ol suit. And further decree that all the other defendants be foreclosed of all right, claim or equity of redemption In and io sain lanos, or any part thereof, ana that plaintiffs have such other and further relief as equitable. i his summons la served nnon von bv nubll- cation by order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Indue of the above court, made by him at Chambers on the '22nd day of September, 1HIM, and each of th defendant above named are requlrea to answer said comulaint on or before the first day of the next term of the above court, to-wlt: the first Monday of March, lH'.n, or the plaintiffs will apply to said court for the reuei aemanaeuin saia complaint. CAREY A MAYS, 7-91. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and bv virtue of an execution issued out of th circuit court of the Htate of Oregon, for County of Morrow, and to ma directed and de livered, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the Uth day of fe-ptemher, HM, In favor of The Northern Coiintiva Investment Trust, Limited, a corporation, plaintiff, and against Cerrlla Taylor, n. 8. King, N. H. McHee aim i. .. i nompson, npiemiant. lor the sum of Pcven Hundred and Reventy Three and lVlin Dollars with Interest thereon from the 1st day of June, laud, at the rale of eight per cent per annum, and the further sum ol Thirty Dollars coats, and arc ruin costs; which jmlKinetit was enrolled and docketed In the dork's otNi-e of said court In aald county on the pith day of lemlier, 1MW: and, whereas, bv ssld Imlr- ment It was ordered and adjiiclgnl that the following rii-srrltwd mnrtiragivl prnrty, to-wlt: Ih Mouth half ol the Sorllmaat iiarlor. and Northeaatiiuarter ot Northnut uuartcr (eirvnt Un arrva In a sonsr form In the nonhrast corner thereof) and Honthessl iinarur of North west quarter ol Hectlon Ten (101 III Townaliln One (1) North of Knnife Twenty five (Z.,) Kt V). m be solil Ui Satlslv said ludmneiit. nu and wrriilng orals. I will, on Saturday, Slat dav ol October. Iflea. al I iiilin k I. M ol said day, al the (rout cl.xir Hi iniii rl honixlii Heiinner. Morrow Couilr. (innon, sell the right, titles and Interest ol aald dele, 1,1, nl t'arclla T.ylur. H a. Kins. N. H. Mi llee and J. C Ihoniiwon In and tn Ilia stHivedew rllinl pmperty at Public Auction to the hlahawt and leat hllder for rash In hand, the proceeds Ut h antilled to the sellatsi lion of said eierullon, and aH out and coat that Biayaerrue. K. U mATUM'K, unenrroi Morrow I ounljr, Oreon. Dated this ind day ol IH 1M, iau as. Motlce of Intention. I ANDOrrifE AT THE DAM.... OHEftOM- ..... ... . . - i.i- -J lL 21. Iua, Nnllre I here hv alt inai in following named settler has Bled no, Ureof his Intention to msk anal hiool In sun- port ol his claim, and that aald proof will be marie beliire J. w. Morrow, rniinlt eteik. at llrl.plier, Oregon, nn llereitilter SCh. IMS, via: Jl I I I H kKITHI.V II I K. Ko. ni, (or the hr i HH Nsta II name the following wltn.saes to lirov Bl roffllinuoil real.lalirM utM.ll and eulli.allnn of. aaio laii'i, vis: William P. Pulton, hsrle p. Mallory, A. A Wren, i. A, res, all of llei.i.nef orr.on JAIL P MiMlftP. rt Kel.ll. Notice of Intention. sUsa Orru a at La lisism, naaaow. at,ftitf sa. fwat Nc otki is nranr i.hm iht mi lollowiag naowl saHllet ba SIM sxrflre ol huHnUntlo in Mk final f.rn.4 la rl a( nw riaim. am inai Mil pf will M Sna.ta ha fnt thl Mltilr t UlS oi WofrnW o . Ilreciifl. at ll.ppoev. Ir" oa Howmiei th, Iswa. IU; ItaOu . i Un mi. H'Mnaslead A rt'ltra""" . al Ine th sru a"1 ar.'a. at '4 w ifi". n w k. e m. N aamae lit i., How In wllneaw In an kMeotiilnwaa ne4,nrs upwa nd rullli alios el, sal4 land, vis Urn W ImIvv M.I Itntha. Johnnf Jtetlll. l.mm Svlti, ail al M i "ef r i h. a. r. aiuaia, ftir NOTICK OF FINAL SKTTLKUKNT. VOTli r I Vt., fttMi. II.. I lb andmtas il l AdetlntMrairts 4 lha ! nt Mi. i M.rtf. 4awan. SHI saaaa glNal MMIIs MI nl aaf KmwM ll Said r.lalw aa wh 1wlal,all at Uk l.if 1,, ,. ..waif I .Mtrt nt M.wenw t iat, at Hft .t-af In a !. Hri.wt. ih , in aald luontf.am In IIS daf ui Ikwii A. t !:, al U,l.. a a a a si a Hoiiwaa Notice of Intention. I AnnnrrKf AT Thi fattr. oa t'tun it 71. lm Snllr. a lxnl.1 tins ltl IMSuuillMMnel SMIM t.aa S.1 a.rflo nA l.toaltaa to MS naj s4 la -,1 a aw tiaim ,m tfces Satd t-fmH will tm mAt w Balnv MMlf iimI, , Smaw imwm, aw !. 1. , ia. , rrtwaaiir sttiusj "M In l a aw , a4 U-4 4 M alnaj Ik MMIM - In a knii.imi Nlu uf M UtsikHI as a.M la'-l. ait ti Si im r,rn Q ft,. 'fi,n B Mbm 4 li.si W'la a ...nl It I . a Butail, f a it r wf oHte of Inttfttlon I Asii'-rrt'f it ui.iiii hlUt,tt't tfKi, I a Salt- I )) tfcal 11.. k.iMit Meat .). a S 4 n- ml naM.,aa S S -J m S-.frta u t .ut.m eS aa.4 w , i to nvl. t -w i n . ,,taw4. I .M.t.wa i 1 " lSI.V-, lK-Mt. M S f a Mae m t . se ik toe a, a 'iii in, ii a etas lie ka !. t mi. II. ... to , 'ma rant lae nSeHi Sn4 nill . li . 4 aw4 i. J, . $ma BJ .tt M.'l tl .k .4 l ti, tttt IVajS A UsieVkW, u-a. i, r.wttavt ENUINC DURHAI Tow will flmd as eowpoaa Inside each two sasss bag, and two coupons Inside each fowr ounce ttatg of Black well's Durham. Buy a bats; of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable pres ents aund how to get them. Gilliam & Bisbee We are not small meD, lbs. We are small men, s. we are nol me Largest piercWs in worm ! But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Glassware, Wood and Willowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water Pipe, Pipe Klttlnga, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons, Hacka, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Saws, oledgcs, Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran iteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tuba. Wash Boillers and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examineour GoodB and Get Prices. We have Good Gooda at Faib Prices, and Cheap fohn Goods at Chcp John Pricca. MA.IN STREET - IIEPPNER, OREGON IL3 to He BMiiBnWaaTaaaaSaaBnwlaalwjlaVBaVaBaaBaaaa Do you know what this means ? This, that there are sixteen reasons why you should buy your Groceries. Supplies and Gents' Furnish ings at T. R. HOWARD'S for every one objection should decide the matter. It does. People want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for the smallest amount of money. Buy the best when you can get it at the same figure paid for an inferior article. HOWARD'S IS ThJE PLACE. Old Stand, Main Street, near Bob Krlck's. THE PALACE J. C. BOROI-TJSItS, Pitp. S ' " aaaaawawW)aeaawas Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. You can bet your last winter's duds that this fair Is no "frost' But Jack Frost Is one of the boys that comes around annually and Be (prepared to receive no mistake. him by calling on E. W. RHEA k CO., Awccsssara fa Wba will pretss fot for a vaJltat d.feass afalast IU (atsi.sof IbsFmst ramllp. Barb a Has of aleUr lolbla yosi aavef saw twfars, aa4 al ariras 'wst dowo. Tisne ara pretty loafs tal tn saa mf abn ta f si Wraaiaa, asa'l yoa 7 Call on E. W. RHEA & CO., at tbe First Natl BoqK Conner. E.VV. nilEAiCO., 1 N' "lnT' Proprietors. IIISmaXJSK, OKICOOX. Tiik Lancashire Insuranu: Co. MArtl'llltatTUM, ICrWtll.ArW l fimrji; it. :. . t i.i M. si.. SEE? Hii made against it. This HOTEL BAR, Noaat t hia. Ws.rl's