mrjt RepuDHcan Ticket. For President, william Mckinley, Of Ohio. For Vice President, GARRETT A. HOBART, Of New Jersey. For Presidential Electors, T. T. GEER, of Marion County, 8. M. YORAN, of Lane, E. L. SMITH, of Wasco, . J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah. Let's stop talking politics long enough to eay a few kind worda for Heppiier and Morrow county. The greatest parade ever seen in Portland occurred last Saturday night in honor of McEinley and Hobart THE EXPECTED VERDICT. Tflia paper takes pleasure in an nouncing that the locks at Cas cades will be opened for business on Oct. 5th, 189G. This celebra tion should be attended by all citi zens of Eastern Oregon, who can possibly be there at that time. It means much for the Inland Empire. With election over Heppner should come back to earth once more and wake up. The appear ance of the county paper indicates that Heppner either has very few business men or tbat they are not up to snuff." It takes rustling its to get business. DIAMOND DIGGERS. Laws Which Are Made to Keep Them Honest Th DetetW Mfltom nnd IU Working;! la Mine of South Africa How th Precious Genu Ar Shipped. -J Before this paper reaches readers the election of president and vice president will have been Cleveland has his ax out, it is settled, we hope for the best inter- said, for those government officials ests of this great country and to who have been taking too much in the entire satisfaction of a majority terest in politics and too little in of the voters of the land. ThiB the duties assigned them. The election of all in the last decade, Gazette does not know that there if not for more than a half century are any "offensive partisans" in past, is of great moment this state, but the president is There are many issues in the liable to dig up a few very shortly, campaign just closing. It is not the money question alone, as the "pops" would have you think, that is exercising the people. For many years and always under re publican rule this country has prospered as it never did before, to call it good is to seem to It is to this regime that the people jg boilt it should and. without doubt, will return. This is their only hope 1 fte gr0Cer. Slves J1" for better and more prosperous money back, without a word, times. if you want it. That don't The Bryan platform does not jook ljke j jn& does jt? suit our people. It declares for a,mUm nhonna in fria mnnotr tif rf 1 San Frtnciico 188 wyUUUfgV au UW MJ WUiJ DIUUUU1VI VI this country, without regard for or consideration of the well tried plan of protection to American indus tries; without any thought that commercial conditions of the wot Id The staple good Japan tea is Schilling's Best. The price is so low that EDITORIAL NOTES. country that bulieves and trusts its greatest tribunal, the A personal friend of Presided Cleve land says tbat lie baa made op bia mind to reoouoize tba iodepeodeooe of Cuba. will settle the matter of ratio, and I unless the rebellion ia put down by that independent action, in the face Spain within tba next three months, and nf tha donlpfp.l nnrwlifinn of th that a hiot to that rffrol baa been Riven Ii . OL'BIIl unancea oi our country, cannoi buo- t n . i ;i. ii i - I cesBiuwy cuange u; mai our coun- r, beine now pretty well understood try is a patriotic country that does tbat the Venezuelan Boundary Commis- not consent or give aid to revolu- ,'ou w'" report iu favor of tbe claims ot tion or mob violmio.iv. that this ia a Waiiela, Enlaud, with view to sav ' - I I 1 f. I !l!4 1 . idk nerneii uumiiittiiuu, oh unciueu to agree to arbitration before that report ii supreme ,, court; a nation of business men strivmc to do business acain in the From all over Indiana oomes news best inonev that the world bvot M"1 ,B,e bsol.ill safe for Mo- rrt, , . . ... Kinley. Tbe followioK Ulter from gave. Iheno are but a fow of the , ,. ... . . , , , . .ii. Indianapolis is a fair aumpleof what Is things contended for by tho oppo- b,illB writteo from 01Hf BeoUoni of sition to lSrynuism. Hoosierdnm: "Tbe raid that Algr, That tho verdict is for tho best, Howard, Hiokles and Tanner have made this turner ia well hHHiireil. It will ,n I"liHa has stirred up tba patriotism l.o Ur,lUI 5 ,!, ;,,. ,l, wiwn wiiiohm lisimoaiasur winner. ... i nlif. in 2 1st 1 on M oKlnlay audi 00 to Brew, grana siammm-warer, uie M ,m jD(lil,0 j noUkert.H aoioonic rcpreHoniauveoi Amer-l ' lea Ucst likxxl and liOBt thought, Tbe republicans were not turpriaed to the grand man of Ohio, the Hon. learn tbat Al'irld's manaenrs bad aban William Mpk'inli.v It U no nl. doned all hone of oarrylnv Illinois for Mm ii mj f rw mv u I w i ley. a qtication of h6w tnnch will be the majoiily. A TKiiiiiPi u storm vinitcd the East recently and many Iivpb were opened, l0Mt. Bin an ufHrttr tore down the American ling at Chicago and atatutxHl u(K)0 it. How about the Mitcholl-llepp. nor road? Has it died and will the adverse deciaton of the (Irani comely circuit court keep it doad? Tux Colombia U now practically pjen to The Pallra. 1a the ob tructioes bo rr moved at Cclilo and the graudeat river io America will twin ith buaineea. Toe II O. will g t a good long rest Dow. 1 1 can go l ark to its old sjstrru of Ix'itig anywhere and rvrrylicro till the text campaigu. The M O. la a nt onlorlaiuing journal. Toijt'a oik means more bui ticet for this country or terrible dialrtM and harder time. We le liev that tto gHKl judgmcLt of ll.e AtuPtlcan --o le will raua II. em to rant a tuajot ily of tbe vote t-f McKlnley and roWlioti. I'l rTt of Inonry baa len d io llri iurr for the past ! tlt to Ut on the Rereral rwult, il ! '2 to 1 on McKloley, tut lillleof it ! Un taken. The ixlU on McKinlry ihoull lave Wrn morh UrL'ff. iudaptf from are ixt s atany oIU The returns will ahoW hllrr or i t Uoi Jo.iti. n U joafiiJ. Uryan and were nfTerinc to trade Totrs for MoKiuley tor votes for Altgeld for goTcroor. Tbey knew tba Rain tbat Me Kinley and sound money bate been mak log in that atate ever aim s tbe eampalna liow great that gain ia may be Judged from tbe following letter fro Mr. Prank M. Ganger, of Granite City : "Everything looks favorable here. Tbls county was always considered a dr mo. oiatie oooot. but a poll shows 1,000 msjorlty for McKialey." UntmpeacbeJ and a n I m p s a liable liaode tbe repnblioaa claim of ant less tban 370 electoral votee lor McKinley and Uobart and of a republican majority of mors lhao 30 ia tbe nril bona, Nobody kuowa letter than tbe popaerat to managnrs lbs rnrkboend fooinUtlou upon which tbt-ae claims are laal, aud instead tf tring Ut prove them false Ibey are talking wildly atxnil lliyaa carrying sm'h stairs as New York, New Jersey, eej rrnnsylTanla-stalMi assail to gt oeerwbelmlcigly fur MrKleley sod llutwrt as arc Maiuc aod Vermoat. tbe piMKirtir demoralisation growa realer each day ae Ibc eleflioa draes ear, and odd ot 3. 4. and eeen ft te I re rlforrd by totting aaee ee ktiKlnley's Ire tin without eereriag takers. Thai tlle tbe atory toller tbaa roluoua of type. Tlis man who tola etprcts to wia sad done eat allow bi peraucal prefer nee or nlia to in rl bte jidgal Tbe tolling eleineel Is becking kJcKia Ut elmply toeao all their Mraatioe lJa Ibem to believe Hat be Is hoead to win, and tbey have Cuagbt lafuratattoe )(! as tby woatd om a horse raea, In irdr Ibat Ibey could pat ltlr avieey oa the faeofilc. tint Ibeir wtnalais will baldly pay tbtes for their trouble, be cause of tbelr Inability to lad torn will ing Io tot oe Hryae, etea at Ihc big ol le eo toing etrre I Of course the expenses of a company owning a block of claims are enormous, and a large number of stones have to be found before the margin for a dividend arrives. The expense and difficulty of reaching the diamond field in the early days kept away the rowdy element to be found in our western mines. Such diggers a have remained on the fields since the "early days" seem never to be tired of talking of the life they then led as the happiest they have ever known. Then each would peg out his claim and go to work therein with a pick and shovel, depending scarcely at all upon the uncertain help of the lazy kaffir, and with his own strong arm at tacked the hard, pebbly soil in which the diamond was imprisoned and in n primitive way "washed" the soil for diamonds. They are not to be picked up walking through the Btreets or over tihe "floors" where the soil lies pulver ized by sun and rain. It is illegal to own a diamond unless one is a cluun holder or a licensed buyer. If a private individual wishes to purchase a etono or two for himself he must first obtain a permit from the authorities. These precautions will be seen to be necessary, because the value of the diamond, its portability, the facility with which it can. be concealed and the uncertainty regarding its existence make it a source of temptation to di. honesty among all classes. It is there' fore against the law for anyone, even If a licensed buyer, to purchase a dia mond from anyone not a claimholder unless he can produce a permit. The law has become so stringent and the detective force so active that ter ror has stricken the I. D. B.'e (illicit diamond buyers), for it is a matter of "15 years' hard" to be convicted of buying a stolen diamond. Before this stringent law was passed many went owny rich in a few years who could not possibly have made their pile in any legitimate business in that length of time. Men who have been suepected for years but have managed to evade detection have been pounced upon by detectives at most unexpected mo ments, but the temptation is so strong that, despite the penalty, the practice still goes on, but to a smaller extent than, before. ' It was astonishing to find out how often the eulinrit turned out to be man in a good and responsible position and often the very men who were the loudest in the denunciation of the crime were themselves practicing it. The writer was in a cafe one evening when there was a sudden hush.followed bv a startled buzz of conversation, ana ho heard the name ol a well-known ninn, followed by the word "detectives. A man standing near, who was suspect exl of currying on the same trade, be came suddenly pale and hit uneasily on his vlor, and, witlk a careless laugli said: "Serves him right," then eontin' ed in a scarcely audible tone: "What a fool not to lie more curefult" Ite fore the writer left the camp that ewne man wna working in conviciurrwa. Detectives themselves hove been tempted to dabble in the trade, and have been trapped and are now work- ng In convict dress by the ide of tha ... 1 . - 1 A .1....... men they lllle neiprci io iiuiiv ii""". This fiiKcinntiiig trade of gems oners .'i-ent temptations to the weak willed, mid it ta!;es a certain amount of hull-do-,' eoimi(fr, combined with CHufion nnd patience, to eoiitlnu'i in this dun gei ims l)iit,ineo. On mail ihiva great envelope of dia monds are sent to umdon. Nome of these ni'.eUHires contain flaw lei din iiHtiiilH. others smoky dlnmonda used In machinery for polishing and cutting the stones, others, again, would conlum atone of all colors, sizes ami purity One package, worth many Ihotieendaof lMiundM. contain yellow tiiamoiMia, w- lertcil stones in !. color and purity. Those of yellow tinge are bought and worn by the Kast Indian. The purr v till stone I of more valm than the yellow. Iiecamte not ao plenti ful. It la a strange fact that thrsr die- mond merchant seldom wear Ui.t mond Jewelry; they prefer ruble or criil to the too common gem, tne oi mond. The mine have now drifted Into tM hand of a few Urge companies, and the Transvasl I the K.ldorado to which It eve In Africa are turned. 8t I'aul'a. THOREAU'S COMPANIONS. B Iliad Friends la th Forest with th , Ufa Around Him. . The mice which, haunted my bouse were not the common onea which are said to have been introduced into the country, but a ild native kind not found in the village. I eent one to a distinguished naturalist, and it inter ested him very much. ' When 1 was building, one of these had its nest un derneath the house, and before I bad laid the second floor and swept out the shavings would come out regulr)y at lunch time end pick up the crumbs at my feet. It probably had never seen a man before; and it soon became quite familiar and would run over my shoes and lip my clothes. It could readily ascend the sides of the room by short impulses, like a squirrel, which it re sembled in its motions. At length, as I leaned, with my elbow- on the bench one day, it ran up my clothes, anil olong my sleeve, and round and around the paper which held my dinner, while I kept the latter close and dodged and ployed at bo-peep with it; and when at last I held still a piece of cheese between my thumband finger, came and nibbled -it, sitting in my hand, and afterward cleaned its face and paws like a fly, and walked away A phocbe soon built in my shed, ana a robin for protection in a pine which grew against the house. In June the partridge, which is so shy a bird, led her brood past my windows from the AN IMMHNSB MEETING. Gottea ap t the tart Mosteat, bat Batar- day Might's Meeting was Saeeerl. D00TS AND SHOES!-. D The largest crowd that ever gathered at a political meeting that waa not ad vertised nor spoken of until 24 bonra beforehand, say tbe Heppner correspon dent to tbe Oregooian, met at the opera boose Saturday night, theoooasion being the last meeting of tbe Morrow County McKinley and Hobart Club. Tbe speaker Of tbe evening wl Frank Blotter, of Portland, who, at the outset, told the popoorats tbat if they bad any qncetions tbey desired to ask, to fire Ibem in as be was loaded to tbe obin with information, and desirous of unloading. Only one person bad the temerity to propound one wbioh was: "Why wonld tbe dollar under free coinage be worth only 53 oeDtt?" The answer be got was sucb that the questioner bad nothing more to say. "dimply beoaoee," said tbe speak er, "there would be only 53 oents' worth of money in tbe dollar." Then he went into a dinoussioo ot tbe money question, and in eloquent and burning worda denounced the Bryan policy. It is admitted br all that Mr. Motter's argument on Ibis Question was by far tbe best that has been made here daring tbe campaign. He then took np tha tariff, and made an eloaoeot olea for KSSSTJ Sumgtlhen cotton, comparing onr present con- Wfc0 nmiin nil her behavior nrov- dilions with those or I8a. tie men ing herself the hen of the woods. The too op reaerai lnierierence, nu me young suddenly disperse on your ap- toasting me isryaniies goi wbb suon oa proach at a signof from the mother, as tbey never before received here. Mr. If a wtunwina nas bwcdi mew nulla evsrvthinar by its oroDer and they so exactly resemDie tne arieu leaves and twigs that many a traveler has placed his foot in the midst of a brood and heard the whir or the oia Diro as she flew off, and her anxious calls and mewing, or seen her trail her wings to attract his attention, without sus- jectine their neighborhood. The parent will sometimes, roll and spin round be fore you in such a dishabille that you cannot for a few moments detect what kind of a creature it is. The young squat still and net, often THE PLACCTOGETTHtrw im Hi h auvthing in this line that you may desire nd you cn depend on It you get a good He nai auyiniug iu rti,.i. when Mat uarntee It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty. Fm P- PORTLAND OREGON Ra name, and proved every statement ne made in a logioal argumentative manner that carried oocviotion to the minds of bia auditors. Tbe enthusiasm was nn bounded and the speaker waa applauded freqnently as be made bis bappy bits About 500 people were in attendance Mr. Motter is a vote-getter, and did good work for tbe cause here. At tbe close of the meeting every voter who in tended to vote (or McKinley was asked running tlipir heads -under a leaf and to stand and give three Cheers. About mindoulytheirmother'sdirectionsgiven I three-fourths of the voters present re- f rom a distance, nor will your approch gponded, and the cheers were given with make them run again ana oetray mem- a vim n(j wiI, that eayei po donbt M "iffl Morrow county goingfor McKinley b, KJTJZZ Tn l theVmct was 75 to 125 majority. The Osaette believe. to crtint there without fear or trem- mat morrow conniy win go tor morxin bling. So perfect is this instinct that ley out will oe sansnea oy a muon once,: when I laid them on the leaves smaller majority tban tbat given by onr again, and one accidentally fell on its worthy Oregonisn reporter. Ed side, it was found with the rest in ex aotly the same position ten minutes afterward. The remarknble adult, yet innocent, expression of their open nnd serene eyes is very memorable. All in telligence seems reflected io them. They Full. English course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY, B0A8DIKG DEPARTMENT'0" LAWES Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. . These lentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney. Crook, OlUiam and other counties and can ave money aud time in making these lections with traveling men. Prices in keeping with the times. THOMPSON & BINNS,'.- Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms: Moisture; intense itohing and stinging ; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to oontinne torn. suggest not merely the purity of in otB form wbj0h often bleed and nloerate, fancy, but a wmdoin donned by ex- beoomlDg ver, ore. flwayne's Oint- perience. Such an eye was not born when the b rd was. but 18 coeval with . r . . .v- 14 .fl... . ti, -,ia h beala oloeration, and in most oases re- yield Life. another such gem. Thoreau'a A WONDERFUL Baa a SEAWEED. Hndr4 move the tumor, mail, for 60 oents. Philadelphia. ' At dinggists, or by Dr. Swaynt & Bon, Stem Sometime Tbr , ret Vang. One of the mot extraordinary sea' H. II Won Tbelr te. Hendrioki retnrni d from Can weeds among the Laminariaceas is the I yon City Friday, having been gone two Nereocystis, the stem of which occasion-1 weekg. He won tbe oae h went oyer ally attains a length or 300 feet, inougn whlch WM ,hllt of Warren Carsner extremely slender, even at the top. i Q coanr, writ of reyiew tak v 1 t K si hurra firnt I ' r .v, it in en to set aside the action oftb.oounty nhi. e to the sea otter. This plant is tween Waterman Flat an 1 Kahlrr Baaio found' on the northeast const of America nnd the opposite shores of Asln. The filiform stem, which ii about ns thick us piu-k-t bread, sudden ly swells uliove, lien two feet or three fret, limir, into a glolxme blailiier, from the top of which spring a tuft of ger- minnte lrnve tnosMv risinff on nve BUCKS! BUCKS! Don't buy your Bucks until you see the Full Blooded and Grade Delaine Merinos from the Gunning ham band, of Pilot Rock, which will soon be in Heppner. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM. Th road ioqneatioo wasopened through tha effort of the Heppner Board of Trade, whiob it is said apent 11.100 to get tha road opened np Parriab creek was to bring trsde to Heppner; th real object was to provide eounty road tor a few big sheepmen who are members of jvtinlc. A the plant grows older the tb board, so that they could drive tbeir TWO INVENTIVE THIEVES. They Temk a Btrytl tram la BI4r a . Tha biryrko thief I InvewUv thla jrsr. A young man wa practicing rir- rle In front of hi hmiw w hri two M- Ion tuptl on the patrttM-nt U admire It I in. One of thrm, ay th New York llcrnld. aaked how much tha wheel weighed, and th young man a id It writrhrd 32 tmuntl. The siiillrr of the two aald that waa t light, and that h twlievej In wheel weighing at Irani 3(1 pound. Aluo, he inenlloiml that lw one ram In flrH In a trn-niil rc aod rixlx a whel neighing 31 wninil. At lbl the Urgrr of the lrngrr laiighnl ikrllvrly,nl ksld: "What An you know a Unit rxl7" " hy, I e rlI.W- mora whrrla than toil eer , rvplir the othrf. "I dou't Ivliev )ou can rk at II." "I'll !! )imi r)e dollar I ran. Ulm khow him on tour 1 won't hurt It." He muld rWW all right He wpt.l.M Oowly on trtewtn-rl ("tl hort ili'iMt Mid thfti wUhrl anxinJ lHrmrrand waa awav l.k th wind. "You'd tirttry ran afier that frllow," 1I th trnfrr; "I don't know biro Th nwnrr of tlv hit art of, but tne irairr rnu hav rwra a rail aay by that tlma. 1 n he ib tmmr rtmr bark th siranrr al had frit. stem Increase enormously In lenglr. lut only srrhtlv In thickness. The plolHwe bladdrr swell Into a turnip shnped or retort-like rycl'nilcr, ix fret hl.g and four feet six lnche or more IP diameter in the wiiWt port, the lower extremity gradually -n-(sng into the stein. The leave. hlch at flrst wer nirk-d with a few faint nerve, split In the direction of the hltrr. cover a w ld nre 1V their entangled tuns, nnd at tain a length cf 20 fet or more. When the riant grows in any iuantiv. it forma large floating rotund, and thr surface of the sc twromra lnipnlili to Urnts. The stem, when dry, I em ployed by the Aleutians for fishing line, some of which hove a lepglh ot 4( itr more fathom. The Urge bladders nrr tiwd by the same people syphons for pumping water out of thetr boat. Fishing liartte UNHAPPY AUSTRIA. rnr Ttnfef Mr. I o.rJ 4 t lrntrirld, M , bt b affrit ttnm U'1 lr ! i'r. t lig I. I in trp r bsrdly kp at ill. w tu Mr Hold-, th RtKbnt lbe ! h U4l tf t'hrubrrlia't l llm,s4 trial U r l pat hJ lfi rr (Hi ! hrs a.t tt tifc I. . i !!. 's Hia wotib l-)uUM it cnl.t U k J ! r- ! at 0 ats toilll I7 l'wer A U'wrs, , rtVet lirtaa lU ak4 it,atba fiitat krtaifk , , , ' , ,li,rll. kit. Wi: tl. ll lit .iid. r t, M gw4 dc a,, (K- a ,! M,lt u tilk muUa eiutitvM.Wmt with m r I tii-W or whit silk I th latrct I'.'ii for wnMiiig tr,na and wltk ut oriu.i'i1 I4.iuw ti and II.. l It I Hi liH-ir tvittiitg twlk rrk t'fslr tl a th ter whit wiin. t' il !k t rs'hrf lt.fTi-,.!-.hiI"!'iihi. but It t fhi nl l, at nw r'it k with fr y l. 'ti ttl.U it r . T h pia j t 'u it v 1 j tl-ct AS ..k p l . &J vA4 ajMia4 wltk lt Oaly ral rrllantar I Hps t It1!. The rriM-l biimlHatinn Austria auf frml lit Italy waa followed by the crushing blow at Hadowa. and tha not )ra painful eotUjwte of a brother' am bition In Mexico, j theHalurdsy Ue view. If the dignity of a Caesar wa to he aavrd for the llajwhurg out of the wrrrk. It arrnird rhmI likely to b arhirird OU th llnr suggratrd by Count IVunt. Th eboir one mdr. It was lniMslble to turn bark. What I glrn a Vin to ilmtrrMnl nation al it ir In th mm of progrr rannr flrrward m withdrawn on th plra of pruilrnr. The rilt U palhetk1, but thrrw I no hrlp for It. We r Croat. Ituthrnisna, I'lilr, Krrvtan. Wallarb and the rrt of the half trtimu borilr ending on' a otitrr' Ihroal wbrn tbey ar not rom- billing tolniult thrrlilir II unfurl na and iH-rnuns whw fat II U I I th-lr m IghW; wa r Ytrnna Ir4f In th haint of a fanatical nl Krmitir ral.t'lr. and w r tbe wrrof thenaly ri (wrtiainrntary party la Aus tria brvkra ty rioiwlr diMwtMtoaa. Truly, th d.intrtilv ttftf tb mp4r ia txttrilng tr than iKtl!. I' In ii-nr la f urop l li a thing of th pM Tb flUaa aUtra, wkt'h H frja la tha omit h, !, jmbt'irly goo r Ut I; 14. a4 M tnar jr lr.i.u,u.if plvtrl4wa it.l ditlm WitSM-titltl.aii acc witaltalf ,kkk i'fn ttalmaii. and witr. Urrmsnjr. t lrh I tooting krn f t rarth bi tHiih xitrt rvttiua l'h tiuwl. sheep without biodraoca (rom Morrow oonnty to tbe eamp Watson rooootain. Lb 8perry of Heppner was present in tba interests of tbe abeepmen, and em ployed Ueorga name of FnntTill to aasisl tba district attorney In defending tba case for tba count jr. lit. IIndricks waa employed by other seltUrs totrt- d bcaidea klr. Carantr, wbo pooled Ibair loterts to mska it a test ea. The eonrt snstsined tbe writ of review, aad tba proceedings Mtabllsblng tba road war declared Illegal. Tba Iowa of Heppner will sustain very llttl toss tbroogb tbls daebioa, otbsr tbaa tb amount ipadd ia opening tba rwd, a bat little trad wonld ever bay It over tbat root. Fossil Jooreal. Tbe Jooraal I wrong. Beppoer as wU a Uitehsll pop1s wantd tbe road oeoan Usppner it tbe arl snarktt for MilbU. BLANKS s: Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . The GAZETTE $2.50 A Year for CASH. B Cairrubt Wkll TravtliM la enol wsalber. Tbe I'aloa farlD system bU It traioe tbrohool bl atra beat from tha n la. Ihos task lag every part of all ls vara pUal and onfnrtobt. It lo ItgbU It car by the elbratd Italscb Light skls tbem brilliant at nlghl. rMegre rarrtt daily oa tha fet mafL for sWplag ear rstiaaa, lirkala, or la. formailoa, ell ow r asdra K W. flastar, Om. Agt4 133 Third Hi, rorV lawd, Oregoa. ' Ta Ha iMlirut A ratrat baa bw op4 ap apyosli Ik City Hitlby H. J.afj whr wlt wilt b r d at all boar. W bit labor ks anpkyd I lb liiol,. J dtalag rak Sbott order tarvlaa at ail a'. Tba) aWlriag tr tiart aarvkM bIJ patrwaia tk M IL lJ D. A Hera Desires to inform Sheep men that he will represent D. N. Baker, of Wciscr, Idaho, in the line of Fine Delaine Bucks. He has 100 head at his residence in Hepp ner, also some fine Merinos. Prices range from $3 to 810 per head. (VI at oaee oe, or write to. D. A. HERREN, Heppner, Or. I If. SPRAY & PROFIT CITY HOTEL, Mvo Oltasraia of tit.. VhrtT0U can Rft I'iraU Clan Meal at Uviog lUte. a tri kuar Karl's 0rr ftowt 1 fant Good Rooms and Excellent Service I M la ra rM flm Us, ! Smhiii Aa oi l I It la Itrs!, wha rnt'y rttrid kr t wit btriMty. rlt l.i it. t-irn r4 fwk rr .Me" r !'(, i o. ; fnift J . krf U k.k I.'f 'm4 Wjllll ti "it', S it. Af t Id Gd'.""-' Ck.w X'a a4 ft a tr aad yiifil J IUaf as bl4 lkk floss ril- (kiinei. rw ! by A War. u4 a 4-iinia. 1 ri al r Ik Vakiw raitW r aaafUd lews and eilftwat. aik dH. fat lias. Ikenwak tr, at kl. fi'wh ball I'.?!? .' f ",rr,M :a4oow-tri I fc aaa.(M. MM o mi.w fa tU aal laMaitiw ar'f tl UTItR liar r.inr.D af W. .M w tiM. 1 1. a J w rniB tm -w r-" "T i . w. )- .. i.i. I i a) WM. TV-ir r-w ra tt - r' C, ,T. fti , J i tU l klwWMi. atmHig wry talk tail t fta 11 S J" wl I ,r sy4 MmkI J t. y "'"- ! 1 LT?.rr,.7.,rVrr' 1 1 a.r-in m., ttn.M !. tekM.t.3n. n Y ---rv " H m r,ata a la t. (- rMuM ila- I.. ii i nm)i , ,ata ' lawfta, ( f fae4. Maltb 4 Nalk (at4, by fthltoka Catarrk Kdr. rrw tVO !. H.l Uw. frr. roraaiewf Wll I War T aa r m . r4 - t 4n m a4 ' l-a lM IM ,Mw4, N U. IhI 1 , m ml ntartwa bwiJ. U tm