jit Wu a Long One and for an - Enormous Stake. TO THIS J3 A. T GIVES TUB CHOICE Of . Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ky- PACIFIC RY. .VIA VIA Spokane Denvtr MINNEAl'OLIS OMAHA -AND- AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW HATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every .5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. K. A N. Agiiit ta HoppDPr, c r address W. II. HUllLliUUTt Gou. 1'iihh. Agt. I'OIITLAND. OllKOON. E. McNEluL, President and Manager. QDXCH: TIME ! TO Snn lrtmoissoo And nil point In California, tia Uis Mt, BhMta route of Hie Southern Pacific Co A MEMORABLE RACE. .estern Post Riders Travel Against Time from the Pacific Coast to the Mis souri River for Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. Tli trent hiuhwnr tlmnifth California to all point Kiwi Hti'l Smith. I, rand rWriir ltiit Of tllO l'K.'inC t'uast. 1'lllllliKI) HtlRHt HliHrB. HiMioiitl-clHMi 8li.ni.ier. Attw'liHl liniprwii trump, Mlunliiiar npnrior sr-MinuiHlHti'iiiH fur H4Minri.4MiiMi fuMHne.ni. For rates. tirkHtH. nlwiiiiK car raeervatione, ete. ohM nfion nr wtdrHM R. KnKHI.KK, MauK..r, R. V, RfKlKUrl, Asst. Gen. K. & I'. Act, 1'iirtlr.nil. Oregon T'l INK EAST AND SOUTHEAST VII THE I'NUIX IMririC SVSTKM. Tlilniitftt I'lJhhHM l'nlttr.1 l.llli.l ") . t H"-l t ri I ii. I .Ml V I. ( hnnii, .-r.--t. I.. lining t 1 1 Ml r Utiy li'iiltn ai. lit tUft lim- Ut I h.Utii l'..illl. STEAM HEAT. P.NTSCH LIGHTS MlWItHT lA.'I'ICM. :. ir. h.wth:, t:.- .t.,.nf. I'm lluml, ()ri-(n. J. ('. ll.M, T, A ' iif, Ih'i i'wr, (hnjon. E:!c:i'.ula Amrrlcafl Act ncy fur A rvtT- TntOI MARS. lOPVelCMTS. MaJ r ir n.i - i fr i i. i t M A .. ,! li.'ji til, l-ft.. ! I-.' I f ...- .it in tt.t(if. I .it I huti . . I.M i i . i. i (.. I'.,.. c.k iK". l.m MIM Jfcicnlific panaknu t (. ..' , i, , , . . 1 (. I, -,( 1- I- .. . . S (HI - - r i v -M ' - ! , , . i ftt.-yt In 1850 St. Joseph, Mo., was the ter minus of railroad communication, says a writer in the Savannah News. Be yond, the stage coach, the saddle horse, the ox team and prairie schoon er were the means of transportation thence to the Rockies and the I'acific slope. In the winter of 1859-00 there was a Wall street lobby at Washing-ton trying to get five million dollars for car rying the mail overland for one year between New York and San Francisco. The proposition was extremely cheeky, and William II. Kussell, backed by Sec retary of War Floyd, resolved to give the lobby a cold shower bath. He therefore offered to bet two hundred thousand dollars that he could put on a mail from Sacramento Cal., to St. Jo seph, Mo., that would make the dis tance nineteen hundred and fifty miles in ten days. The bet was taken and April 8 fixed upon as the day for starting. Mr. Russell called upon his partner and general manager of mail route business upon the plains, A. B. Miller, and asked if he could perform the feat. Miller replied: "Ves, sir, I will do it, and by a pony express." To accomplish this, Miller purchased three hundred of the fleetest horses he could find in the west, and employed one hundred and twenty-five men. Eighty of these men were to be post riders. These he selected with refer ence to their light weight and known courage. It was very essential that the horses be loaded as light as pos sible; therefore the lighter the man the better. It was necessary that some portions of the route should be made at the rate of twenty miles an hour. The horses were stationed from ten to twenty miles npart and each rider would be required to ride sixty miles. For the change of animals and the shifting of the mails, two minutes were allowed. Whore there were no stage stations at proper distances, tenls sufficient to accommodate one man and two horses would be pro vided. Indians would sometimes give chase, but their cayuse ponies made but sorry show in their stern chase after Miller's thoroughbreds, many of which could make a single mile in one minute and forty-six seconds. All arrangements being completed, a signal gun on the steamer Sacramento proclaimed the meridian of 8th April, 1i'.0 I ho hour for starting when Border Hiiil'ian. Mr. Miller's private saddle horss, with Hilly Baiter in the saddle, bounded away townrd the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, and made his ride of twenty miles in forty nine minutes. The snows were deep in tlie mountains mid one rider was lost for several hours in a snowstorm; and after the Salt Lake valley was reached additional speed became nec essary to reach St. Joseph on time. From there all went well until the l'latte was to be crossed at .luleshurg. The river was up and running rapidly, but into the flood the ruler plunged his horse, only, however, to mire and drown in the quicksand. The courier Miccecded in reiiehing the shore with the iimil bug in hand, and traveled ten miles on foot to reach the next relay. Johnny Fry, a popular rider of his day, was to make the finish. He had sixty miles to ride mid six hours to do it in. When the last courier arrived n the sixty-mile post, out from St. ilosrpli, he whs one hour behind time. A heavy ruin hud set in ami the road wiissllp- iktv. Two hundred t housanil dollars turned iimii u single minute. Fry hud just three hours and thirty minutes in which to win. J his was the finish of the longest ruee for the largest stake ever run in America. When the time for Ida arrival was nearly up at least livo thousand people stood iiin the river hunk, with vyv turned toward the wihmIh from which the hors and ridi r shortly emerged into the iM'ii country in the rear of FIihwihhI, one mile from the finish, lick! tick! Ink went thousand of wutches. The time v nearly tip-but seven minute re- uiuiie"!'. Il.ii k! A shout i.M s up froiii the asu'itiblrd throng.'' "lie comes! Ilr comes!" '1 he noble little man! '-ylli. I hi daughter of "Little Arthur." durW like nil arrow from thu bow Mini make the run of the lust mile in L.'xl, binding mi thfl ferrylxMit with live minute aud trll M-Cobda to spare! REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. The Republicans of the United States, assembled by their repreeentatativeg id oational convention, appealing for popu lar aud historical justification of their claims to the matchless achievements of 30 years of Republics!! rnle, earnestly and confidently address themselves lo the awakened intelligence, experience and conscience of their countrymen iu the following declaration of facts and principles: For the first time since the civil war tbe American people have witnessed the. oalamitons consequences of full and un restricted Democratic control of the government. It has been a record of unparalldled incapacity, dishonor and disaster. In administrative management it has ruthlessly sacrificed lndiepensible revenue, entailed an increasing deficit, eked out ordinary onrrent expenses with borrowed money, piled up the public debt by 8262,000,000 In time of peaoe, forced an adverse balance of trade, kept perpetual menace hanging over the re demption fund, pawned Amerioan credit to alien syndicates and reversed all the measures and results of successful Re- DubliouD rule. In the broad effectof its policy it has precipitated panic, blighted industry and trade with prolonged de pression, olosed faotories, reduced work and wages, halted enterprise and orip pled American production while stimu lating foreign production for the Ameri oan market. Every consideration of publio uafdty and individual interest demands that the government shall be resoueil from the hands of those who have shown themselves lnoapable to oonduot it without disaster at borne aud lisbonor abroad, aud shall be restored to the party whlou for 30 years admin istered it with nnequaled success and prosperity; and In this oonneotion we heartily indorse the wisdom, patriotism aud snocpss of tbe administration of President Harrison. TUB TARIFF. BUQAH. We condemn tb present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar producers of this country. Tbe Repub lioan ( arty favors such protection as will lead to the production on Amerioan soil of all sugar which Amerioan people nse and for which they pay other ooantriee more than $100,000,000 annually. WOOIi AND WOOLKN8. To all our products, to those of mine and field as well as those of tbe shop and factory; to bemp, to wool, to tbe product of tbe great industry husbandry, as well as to finished woolens of the mill, we promise most ample protection. MERCHANT MARINE. We favor restoring the early Amerioan policy of -discriminating duties for the upbuilding of our merchant marine and the protection of our shipping interests in tbe foreign carrying trade, to Amer ican ships tbe product of American labor employed in American shipyards, sailing under the Stars and Stripes, and manned, offioered and owned by Amer icans mav regain the carrying of onr foreign commeroe. MIS TnL W. E. Peexe, who d more cases than any living; Physician; his success is astonishing-. We have beard of cases Of so years' standing liberty. Tbe government of Spain bsv- 10 g lost control of Cuba and being unable to protect the property or lives of resi dent American citizens or to comply with its treaty obligations, we believe the government of tbe United States should actively nse its inflaenca and good effi- oes to restore pesos and give indepen dence to tbe island. tub ayi. "-large bot- . , ..... ,,- I tie of bit absolute cure, free to any sufferer Tbe peace and security of the repoblio Ls m. nri their p. o and Exoress address. a iu . i -i in.i : We advise anv one -wlahinir a cure to address and the maintenance of its rightful in- pw.w. H. KEEXEi F.S., Cedar SU Hew Tori fluenoe among the nations of tbe earth demand a naval power commensurate with its position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor continued enlargement of the navv and complete system of bar bor-and seaooast defenses. FOREIGN IMMIGRATION. MIC M It). PlilWMES & 51. Faul Ry j ',alu 1 U s. rAuu J - I ''I v Xl : LL ta Glance at this Map Hal. I. II I aw la I ntlaad. A vrry funny slate of fT.tlrs In r vralrl in F.iiglnlul through a ault brought roiir, ruing depredation lv tuhlulv '1 lie ruM'iW eiime nut of a WinhI and il. -.r... l a Cel l of bailey. I hn n in r r lln en -p sihnI tin- on m-r oftliewiH.I f ,r il. iiiu it it iiil.'il tluil I tie plaint III was not eiil illed lo d.!i.ic lllll.-M the ilefi tldlilit hud by artitlel.il i ropnk'ali..ii in. n bm-.I th iiutiil.. r f ril l.r. i n hi laud lo mn Ii an rtu tit a m i a n injure n. w a h"l lia'.'e, i n n Hi. mi, h i, In,. I n rfi sm-. 11, e iiuiuU'r of tal.l it by kill ltif off tin ir rtieinira, X lie only rem r'lr In j4ii.ii ,,f tint nian who . liia barley ni l.i kill the rabbit vt hli h eiiinr iiin.ii Hi,-i.la - o But tbla ,A to I it. e W il 1 tint- regard t.l aomi bat 1'iHiiplU-aint gam la. '1 Ii killing lnlil U- i...e by thi' f.illlii r l ir nn iii. uiivr ot lo iioii-K-iioiii in.iii IUM..H 1 .y , m Hltlilig l.f ' 'fill 1 1-... f -r i. v.ii-l to kill iuI-ImIv"" In killing llu rut l ii the li e of .l..i or i ro M ,-io U i.. il-il. .( ami ,ri. aiitiaraniii-l I ii--I at . I k-1 t . i .1 l . . . t l - . I I . -- ! . on 'I ' (M !.- f - m-M I !. t -i f ! I 0 .vt i f tMa r I" lH It wt I .ft - l4-t Ike . , 'ft t ; t. ..ft? "..a 1 . -. i.- -ftiftf .;'lgl ... n . ... , I , I I I . ll.,i, , i r .( i . i .. - . ft i ft, I,, . We renew aod emphasize our alle- gianoe to the policy of proteotion as tbe bulwark of American industrial inde pendence and the foundation of Ameri- sn development and prosperity. This true American policy taxes foreign pro ducts and encourages home industry and puts His burden of revenue on foreign goods; it secures tlw Amerioan market for the Amerioan producer; it upholds the AmericKD standurd of wages for the Americau workingiut n ; it puts the f so- try by tLo side of the farm, aud makes the Arncrifirin farmer less dependent on foreign dea-aod and pric; It diffuses guneral thrift, and funuds the strength of all on the strength of each. In its reasonable a; plication it Is j mt.fnir and mpartial, iiiilly upward to foreign control ami dnnieslia monopoly; to sec tinuiil dierin iustion and Individual tiviuitimu W ileiiuiinoii th preaent h mooriitio taritT on sectional, iiijurlons In iub!ie credit and destructive to busi ness tiiterpris. We demand such r-ijuituble Ur ill ell foreia'U Imports hicli cirua into c-inipetitioii with Amerioan jiriiiluets a mill nl only furniab ade- qua) revariun for tlia iiecraary eipen sea nt Ilia g .v.-riinirut, but will protect Anicrii an lab if from th degreilation to the ag IfVel of other lauds. r n t -l -1.(r-1 to any parti. ular av'hr.lttUa. 1 lit pilun if fates Ma preo'leal itatloa to b guvrrnaJ by coinlili. tit i f the lima and of produnll'M l lm lulu g ami mientui n-m sing pf inci plaisthe it-tioo and davelepmetit ol tmrrican lalnir ami InduslrT. The asuniilrv ili-man 1 a tiitlit atilrnji nt aud then it wants r.st- FINANOIAIi PLANK. ' The republican party is unreservedly for sound money. It oansed tbe enaot ment of the law providing for the resumption of specie payments in 1879; since tben every dollar bas been as good as gold. We are unalterably opposed to every J measure calculated to debase onr enr renoy or impair tbe credit of oar coun try. We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free coinnge of silver, except bv international agreement with the leading commercial natiooB of the world, wbioh we pledge ourselves to promote, and until such an agreement oan be obtained, tbe existing gold standard must be preserved. All of onr silver and paper ourrency now in circulation must be maintained at a arity with gold, and we favor all meas ures designed to maintain inviolable tbe bligations of tbe United States and all our money, whether coin or paper, at the present standard the standard of tbe most enlightened nations of tbe earth. AS TO PENSIONS. The veterans of the Union armies de serve and should receive fuir treatment and generous recognition. Whenever practicable tbey should be given prefer ence in the matter of employment and tbey are entitled to tbe enactment of such laws as are best calculated to se- ure the fulfillment ot pledges made to them in the dark days of the country's peril. We denounce the praotioe in tbe pension bureau, so recklessly and nn- ustly carried on by the present adminis tration, of reduoii g pensions and arbi trarily dropping names from tbe role as leserving tbe severest condemnation ot tbe Amerioan people. . OT II FOHKION PoUCY. Our foreign policy should be at all limes firm, vigorous and dignified, and all our interest in tbe western hemis phere carefully ash bed and guarded The Hawaiian islands should be control! ed by the United Btatts, and no foreign power should be permitted to interfere aitli them; tb Nicaragua canal should be built, owned and operated by tbe United States; and by the purchase of tbe Danish islands we should eeenre a propr and in neb needed station In tbe West Indies. l bs maasaeie in Armenia bate arous ed the deep sympathy and juat indigna tion of tbe Ainrriosu people, and w be lieve tbe United Htalrs should e I ere Is all the tnfluaaoe it can properly eiart to bring these atrocities to an end. Ia Turkey Amerioan residents bate been exposed to the gravest dangers aod Amerioan property destroy.!. Thar and every abere American cltlieoa and American properly moat b absolutely protected at all asiards and at any oel. Monani tKMiatia. For tbe protection of tbe quality ot our Amerioan oitizsnsbip and of wages of our workingmen against the fatal com petition ot low prioed labor, we demand that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly enforced and so extended as' to exclude from entranoe to the United States those who oan neither read nor write. CIVIL SERVICE. Tbe civil servioe law was placed on the statute books by the republican party, whioh bas always sustained it, and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practi cable. FBEE BALLOT. I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- rent business conducted for MODCRATC Fees. Sour Orricr is Opposite, u, 8. Patent Opfici Sand we cansecure patent m fcs tunc thaa those ft t W..h;nvtnn (remuw iium , . . . Send model, drawing or pnoio vma uaKxiy it nti. Wa advise, it oatentaoie or nou ir ui chares. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , S A Pamphlet. " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and ioreign countries (sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Op. Patent Office. Washington. D. C. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable GaultHouse, -' . , " " t ' ni hr- ii a.4 m. V b1leT liter repeal of tbe rorlpmci ly arrsng -nirhta negoliat.! by the last ll. iltilleaii sdinliil-lfsllon was ballon al eatamitv and demand lhtr rrnrw laid eitrusloB no en. h lrtns as ill jiti our Ira te with oibr naltona, nnum felntiine al.l.li an obstmcl the ! rd Amrr'.eaa r."l' te in ptiria of nth-r i inlrle, an I e ore enlarged iini'k.tt fof tie pHftln.He of tof Urme, f.irette ai l fei-loriee. l'r. teli..n ant i.i,ritf are lia meaAirr f l.e ubl a "dif, and g tiai.l la haul (atix'tatt tele baa freklrsftly e'rnek t ia ltU, and hot b nil tat re etlhU.l, prolrettoa f.t We demand tbat every oitizen of the United States shall be allowed to oast a free and unrestricted ballot, and such ballot shall be counted and returned as oast. LYNCHING. We proolaim onr unqualified condem nation of tbe uncivilized and barbarous practice known as tbe lynching or killing of bnman beings suspected or charged with crime, without process of law. NATIONAL ARBITRATION. We favor tbe creation ot a national board of arbitration to settle and adjust tbe differences wbioh may arise between employers and employed engaged in in terstate oommeroe. . HOMESTEADS. We believe in tbe Immediate retnrn to tbe free homestead t olicy of tbe Re publican party, and urge the passage by oongress ot the satisfactory free homestead measure whioh bas already passed the bouse and is now pending in tbe senate- TERRITORIES. We favor the admission of tbe remain ing territories at tbe earliest praolicable date, having dm regard to tbe interest of tbe territories and tbeUnited States. All federal officers appointed for territories should be selected from boo a fide resi dents thereof, aod tbe right of self-govern ment should be aocorded as far as prao licable. We believe tbe citizens ot Alas ka should bave representation in the congress of tbe United States to the end (but needed legislation may be intelli gently enacted. TIMPEKANCB. We sympathise with all wise and le gitimate efforts lo lessen and prevent tbe evils ot intemperance and promote mor ality. HIGIITS Or WOMEN. lhe Ilepublioan party la mindful of tbe ri,.bta ot women. Proteotion of Amerioan iodostries includes equal opportunities, rqoal pay for equal work aod protection to tbe borne. We favor the admisioo of women to wider spheres ot usefulness and weloome their eo-operatloo In reaemog tbe oontry from Imoeretlo and Populist mismanagement and misuse. Such are tbe principle aod policies of lb republican party. By these prin CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q C. M. S St. P., C. & A., r. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L.Jb P. Railroads. RATES 9oo PKK DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts., CSICASO, ILL. The comparative value of tbsse rwoeards Is known to most persona. They Illustrate that greater quantity ta " Net always moat to be desired. .". Tbeae cards express the benencla! qual ity of Ripans9Tabutes A.s compared with any prsvioualy knows) DYSPEPSIA CURB Rlpana Tabules : Price, 50 cents a boa, ; Of druggists, or by mail. 8IPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce ttH.T. WANTED-AN IDEA5iSS.B3 thing to patent? Protect your ideas ; they may on wealth, write jutiis vn&uv&tt & CO.. Patent Attorneys, Waabinstoa. D. C.i for their 11,800 prize ofles . The regular subscription price ot tbe Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.60 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is 11.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year ia; advance can get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub sonbers paying their subscriptions fcr one year in advance will be entitled U the same. . New Fbed Tabd. Wm. Gordon bai, opened np tbe feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solicits 1 share of your patronage. Billy is right at home at Ibis business, and yout horses will be well looked after. Prises reasonable. ' Bay and grain forsale. tf TM.U. S. GOVERNMENT I IS PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion. Indian or Mexican Wars ' on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under th new Vy7 law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it f(t) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not prejeuf your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the 2 time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. V crWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. (T Mo Fee unless successful. j The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manajef, (ft 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C ft paptri in. IT. B.TM1 Company U tonlnlUd by nearly on thtmtand leadlnf tmt$- th4 Vnittd fttnlei, and t$ guaranteed ojf Meet. Of Attorneys ot 11, nw, W reassert Ibe Monro doelrlu nt He fullest etleot and reaffirm lb right ot th UniUd Htat to ait lb .I.K-trin rfTeet by reopondiag to tb ap peal of aay Amrie (' or friendly inlertstiti.'O la cas of Kuropean en eroebuiat. We shall aolU interfered aJ shall 0t Inlerlefe with tb UlstlBg pnae. Ion of aay KaropMia power ia thi hemisphere, bul thoe p w Sees Kin S tonal not, oa ear ril, b ito4i W bnpfu!y l-i k ftsrward I lb al nal withdrawal of Kafpeiaa pnoers Iri'W tine bmlepM aad lo ll.e otllraaU All bnsinea attended to in a prompt and tatiafaoiory manner. Notaries Poblic and Oollectora. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. HEPPNER, it!;; OREGON , 4 WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia Hirer aod Puiet Soon J Navigation Co Slfiafri mmiONE, BAHn G1TZERT AND OCEAS WiVE. rlple wewill abid. and tn policies I Lsarinf Alder Btreet lXck. Tortlsod, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Loog Beach, Ooeae we will out Into eieoution. We ask for rara ana ttancoua. uiroi oonoeeiioo witn iiwaoo elearosrs and rail them tb OooelderaU judgment of tb Amerioan people. CooflJeot aiik In lb history of onr great party and In tb road; alao at Tooog's Bay with 8aabor lUilroeA TBZiZIPXZOIii'B Leave rorUand T A. H. Dally, eseept Sunday. Leaves AUrta 7 P. M. Dally, iopt Sunday. T-l . TT ,1H V rLAirmiimiii justio of onr Can we present OUf plat- I teares Porttanil S P. at l.llr..irea.,nrt.f. Saturday alaht, II F. M, Laevee Astoria Dally form aod onr Candidal la lb foil I at A. at., eiet Sunday an4 Monday. Sunday night, T Y. M. OOHAN WAVH Leave pnHland and runs dlntrt lo llwaeo. Tueeday and Thursday tilt M BalnMay at I P V. Leave lie am Wedneatay and Friday at t.JO A. M. Oa eaaday aigaia f. k. Eifi Cklti to lihd Drstiulioi Bo!k EVifEfi Fret ef Eipei Per Kalely, pe4, Caealort. rleaeiir. Travel oa lbs Telephone, ftelley Oalatrt and Oreaa . sursaee that tbe election will bring victory to Ibe Republican party and prosperity to the poopl ' (b United Mtalea. MRI'.ASia OF T1IE RKI!. Tb Inlmas luhinf and smarting Inci dent to ersrnia, letter, salt-rhetim, are othe duataera of l) skin M UMtantly alls red by -' applying Chamberlain's tly and fkia Ml III I lSVSXvJS 1'flB KggIbv fcl 111 2 r.lv Ux oe nliU, rr.st-pe.1 hala, ctnl- B CelllllllV blaina, fnai bttra, and rliMnlo sore eye. t'vf aaW by dnmriat at 25 oral pr bos. . Try Dr. Cadi Ceadltleoj rwdrt, iKy are jia bat a bora ejts I .en la bad nU Ua. Toal, blnod Hirinr aad vvtmifug-e. For sal by Coar k Itrecl, dratglet For tho Curo o ; Liquor, Opium vi Tobacco Habi?s It Is leraied at aleea, Oeefaa, TU MM Vtalifl Town m (A Qv Celt SI lee Oftlsvv 4Bo tmf Sullen t.- rry eMSdeouai. Teasuoe! aeltsw sa4 e. r "II is ,aasife-rtal, l say jwtttjmu'nt, arAWA th thrrp pent rwretr any lmrfit fn'm f Ae tnnff or hi( It kethtr kt ifu or met I am for frr IrOiif "t.iXrort frvm we pj II ifiam J. fry.ia la (A lltmt of llfp- rvsen f in es ernea A II Umn mu i a a frr rim.rrofM. Hi. k Malbew I tall t lb IJ tad aetttkmfl lt pnt ijSoe, Obere b t I prvctarod I eVt aevlriar la si Its, nefciatif all Eeettsk fakln fstle iV Heevio. bair callisa' balbe V . at it. a 1 1.. .. . I,, i.. I fT"i r II. abrtaai. tt awwH.rtMl. I'n.ea lis hoar abivir.f tir II. I i. . .1 v. 1 r, t., !. t , Nil Inr1 ! ! An!" ksi! a th,l 'tr by .e ff a' Ibe Mi'ft ll hi hi ! iff lid. 11 1-4 ! U remote 1 f 4 oar 4klrt an t -. . I r r li t tin f-m ly a -rltnv ae well as ttesa ee list ) i lil'-e, lf a Iinasi-O f t ll ' a,eain "I l.fe l t' U h- l pro- i la Iffvn.lei), lb Mx.pl i-f lb UnWd i.tuer; rei al ' Ti'i. I t HuNal Ktale bare rgar led ailtl ) nipatkf lb ' ,ti, oUi.'li f ' ! ti ex b t la r- elrafgUe of tdber Atttrte pl to il'i'a la fceik! t oil . , fio tbetnaelve trues Knae a'Ue-I'l.ilei-ti-ii b'nl le d twol ia.Ustry j . W wa1 wMb deep and abiding eaJtrale, al l - i "i ma. 11 inl-al IU brM belli t the Cu'-a f . ft,!, re- n't' buil t BP tf paliw.t tfataa na.ll aad r raale( ein tia.1 aat ! outlet f.f at , a4 - ap al ta fsll tae't'ina. TWie I teatr (VewleoHy. (l enreipt c4 t a. reek e4etA a (,sIum ft.la iU I- enaited 4 Ute sh.1 rm.).ul t'atnrtl, eJ 1 lay lever Cur , iJy ' l re. I ia m ' sanVwi.1 la) eVBc. strata Ue ( m. id Uw rea-ly l Ll I" '" I Hi t M H , ?t.w Tl t riy Ur. J.4. n-it, Jr r4i.nir.KMM - - ri.. i t. t raa ee-.ae Jm eafc.a4, It a tei I Ciri tl.e eve. f. .-.i.trli if iiwl ea rl.ee4 I OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HHAVV AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sarri- You necil it in your business, and as a ew. e Ikeif lejied aueteet tut (aMifri, it. ea, kinait matter ot business we mut sell it. Tly's (" ?e"" le Ike AfiaSewwUaJftt! I v f etsrea Mew.ia.arl 1 ATTEKON 1 fi t UKINC Co.