Where They Met. McKinley Bill, with Napoleon eye. Says "Bryan let's drink some Unwood Rye: we meet as friends, my words are few I hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U." And RrVAll UVI In a Inbln. -iw?nl!er " thRi 'what' matter with Hanna wu OD yuu runny ic er bun T ana urlf I 1. S ... ,. -,. '-" , uuuuu to leiier." Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an pvn. And they drank some more wind T.imvnn d Sold only nt the Belvedere Saloon, E. u. operry, jrrop. PiREttiN AND BRAKBMAN KILLED. A Terlble Accident ou the 0. K. & N. Line Near Wallnla. From the E. 0. At about 10 o'olook Tuesday morniDR, the O. R. & N. freight train No. 21 was wreoked a few miles enst of Wallnla. With the train rnnninR at full speed the engine, Na. 13a, atraok a defective rail on hill aide grade and a moment later the whole train was in ruina and the lives of two men ornshed out, Owiug to the aocident having taken plaoe several m lea from a telegraph offlje it is diffi onlt to obtain positive Information. It ia reported that the flremso, named Car penter, and the brakemiio.Riy Williams, were killed. Carpenter was found crush ed to death betweeu the engine and ten da soon after the aooident happened, but the body of Williams waa not found for several hours. Finally anme cue dis covered a hand, protruding from under the wreok snronnding the engine and after muoh difficulty poor William's mangled body was extracted from among iho mass of iron and splinters. Engin eer Runke escaped withont serious in jury and it now being oared for at the Walla Walla hospital. Conductor AI jmri waa not hurt. Tug wain line where the wreok nrnnr. red ia blookei!, the engine ia a wreck at the foot of the embankment and eibt or ten oars are oruftbed into a shapeless mass. The Spokane train made ooimeo tion here instead of at Walla Walla last light and this morning. It ia expected lhaf. tha iranb lu aIa.a I .! J that the passenger train will run as nsual and be on time. I Brakemao Carpenter leaves a wife and (our small children. Ills body Las Veen taken to L Grande, where hi lamily reside, for burial. Williams was i new man and is not known here. Carpenter waa a regular brakemao on Ibe mountain division and waa working titra a few days on the Waahiogt m iiviaion. Don't bolt yoor food, it irrilatea your Itmaob. Choose digestible food and chew it. Iadigestloo is a dangerous liokoeaa. I'm per oare prevent it. Shaker Digpslive Cordial enrea it. That it the long and abort of indigestion. Niw, the question is: Have yon got la digestion? Ye, if yoa have pain or disoomfjrl after eating, beadache, Atr.U neas, nausea, offensive breath, heartburn, lajigour, weaknesa, fever, jiudioe, Data lenoe, loss of sppctile, constipation, etc. Tee, yoa have indigestion. To core it, take Shaker Digestive Cordial. Tbe medienal barbs and plants of wbiob Shaker Digestive Cordial is coropoed, help to digest tbe food In yoor atomaob. Wbeo your stomach ia strong, care will keep it ao. Shaker Digeetlve Cordial la (of eale by druggist, prioe lOcente toll. 00 per Sot I Is. Baals) Wkf After atotloa. Bpeaklnfl of Ibe politieal aitaalion In Poitlaod, sajs tbe K. Mayor Foroiib (demorr t), wbo relaraed from Ibat elty thla eaorning, mi.I: "I did not bear mao spsak for Bryan or a Bryao button while I waa there, Wbat I mesa ia tbel I did Dot reeo rolls Ilryao's picture on aay of tbe boltoos I saw, bat saw baadreds of klcKialey buttons end McKloUy ns. I took pains to get ao tipreaaloo of oplaloo froia toea I keew to bo oooMrvative aod from what I learned I tbiak ktaltaomab't sb In, can a niajonty for MsKisley may bo aafily placex) at 4000, Itepnblioeoa are ontifklMt of tarryiaf tbe elate aod of Ibe georral raeolt. "Tbere le a dedJed itnprovemeot ia basin la Ibe city of late, vbleb to at Iribatod to tbe proeoect of Wc Kialey's tlocttoa. Out many basteees ppU ere alill ia aoepenee, end o feeling of taloly still bolls tbn back. Jatea mm m tbe rtnre to and tbre e Inager remains aay doU aa lo th Olretloo of 0 fwpoblleen pltl. all kl4enf bueM will alert flt wiib a r ash. T.te is tbe way mettare ! to a, aod say biuiroM to .'ortlaad wee to aeoartala ao far aa pnemble Ibe oatloak." ' H.w le Car etl Vkie In-- ftleapty apply Bwaa OiQlmaol No tattfial anedMne rnlrd Vntr WtUt. N'tai, Ub. all efeteoo too 'Uela. .1. lata IU eats lf. aad ba lay. u frt.l -l. tag aad rurlit were ate teMd by an e'boe reaflv. Al yit 4rQg M fnf ptt i 0aect If .li C',I .iife- !, lri r. f i t Af.t, IIIW bk.tt i.'i V.'"' t ! a j.-ai'n-o (If. .'! l-'i'MVfM Here and There. Frank Lee ia up from Tbe Dalles. Bill Tillard ia back from The Dal lee. The Heppoer Transfer Co., baa wood tor aale. 37-tf. John S. Jobneon, the eycliet, baa rid den a paoed quarter ia 030 2 5. Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Cutter whiakey. On tap at Cbrie Borohera'. Wm. Brown ia in town this week after a hard aummer'a rustling in tbe moon taina. Norman Kelley ia quite ill and tbia morning a physician was called to gee him. John Carmicbael and family were in Wednesday laat from their home east of Lexington. Nick Willingbsm got in Wednenday from the East having completed tbe sheep drive. Mr. end Mrs. Jobn R. Lake relumed home Wednesday morniug frtm tbeir wedding trip. The Junior base ball nines will play a game of ball on Schoohonae Flat Satur day, the 31bI. Mrs. J. O. Lannerberg arrived this morning from Baker City to join her husband at this place. CeoU Hornor, a little daughter of Mrs. Lilhe Horner, fell into a oetlar Wednea- aay ana was severely bruised. Fall weather brings cool weather, oool weather calls for winter olotbiog. See E. W. Rhea's line of goods. Ad in this ,88Ue- 818-lm. A dance will be given at tbe opera house on the first and third Friday evenings of eaoh month, for an indefi nite period. tf. The looks at Cascades will open on Thursday, Nov. 5, at 2 p. m., for the pas sage of the first boat from the lower to upper river. Daring tbe past 10 days or two weeks fully 200,000 pounds of wool have been sold at Heppner at prices rangiug from 6 to 1 cents per pound. Dr. J. W. Vogel, tbe well known oo enlist, expects to be in Heppoer about Nov. 15, or soouer. Those desiring work in bis line should not fail to oall ou bini. (4 (1 TTlttt Anrt Phttplav Tnnaa h ' -'" vii.hu W Jill D pi, sociated together down at Cbarley'a om piaoe in in tonsonal businesa. Call on them and get your whiskers pushed in. Mfos R. T. Smith, Deputy Supreme Commander of tbe L. 0. T. M , will ad dreas tbe ladies at Odd Fellows Hall on Saturday, Oct. 81. at 2 p. m. All ladiea are invited to be present. Frank Rogers, Ike Ennes and Harry Warren g it back from Chicago and St. Paul yesterday morning. The boys bad a royal good time. Oscar Minor is atill East, but ia expected soon. The ladiea of th M. V. nhnrnh atill give an exoellent dinner on election day for25o. The dinnner will be aervrd in tbe Avera buildins on Ma at.. nvrMnnr to tbe bakery. Tbe publio invited. Christian ohnroh anrvlnea wilt ha ImLI in tbe onera honaa Hnnriav. Hnv lat Elder J. W. Jeokina will preaob at 11 a. m. aoi i p. m. subjects, "Ood a Tem ple" and "Qod'a Love." Sunday robool at 10 a. m.. Endeavor at 4:15 o. m. All are invited. Dr. J. C. Lannerberg, the ocoulist, wbo arriyed here Wednesday from the interior, baa tbe endorsement of nrnm- Inent and reputable physioiana every- wnere, as oe thoroughly understands bia profession, betas a sradnate of an Ext ern institution. It always dsvs to Dat. ronize those wbo know what thev are doing. At Tl irdmnn nn ltinfl da. a nmrm r. I Kuaa hull sill l, Ul.... .11 l1.mmiF.il . . n rwm .jj. m ,1 .11 ..k1,I(. ... " .u wuv .uvi m . ans on tbe other. Harrieon Chapin in forms us that tbis game of ball will de cide aa to bow the election goes; but be tailed to eay whether or not tbe repub licans have as ranch tbe boat of this little game as tbey do tbe larger one of carrying tbe election. la Traaay f the Itok. We will suppose that J our occupation is sedentary that you are obaioed, ao to speak to tbe desk to some eoonliog bouse, or perbapa to tbe loom In soma vast mill where yon are compelled lo labor from moroiog till night. Sunday ia onr only day of relaxation. Yoa re turn borne wvery evening wearied men tally and bodily. Yonr health aad strength begio to fail What will moat effectually recuperate yonr vital energy? Tbe weight of evideoco poiota to no other oottcluaion thao that !ioatettre Stomach Bit tare l yonr aaleat, moat re- name abeet anchor. Use it persistently and yoor system will enoo regain lie prist i os -Igor. Every fooolion will rev eeive a bealthfnl impulse. There ia ao remedy lo eqaal Ibe bitters for nervone aeae and want of sleep, dyspepsia. Ooo- stipalloa and bilionsorsa. It averte aod rrmediee all forme of malarial dieses a. aod te a preventive of rbeomatiatn aad oearalgia. reswrratle Pswaklag Tbe speakiog last Toeeday eveolog. ooder the emptors of tbe popooratkt club of this oily, waa fairly well attoad. ad. 8o a lor John Q. 8 sitb, of Astoria, wsa tbe Orel talker and eon fined bia re marks principally to enliclerat of El lie and Mitchell, tbiokleg perbapa Ibat tbeee wortblee oould Dot take eare of tbemeelveo. Mr. Hmitb wee earaeeL bowtver ooairaatlog atraagely with Ibe remarks of fraaeie Claroo, oo lael Monday oight, wbo "played lo Ibe grand stead" aod eoaghl to eall furtb tbe ap- plaoae of tbe saultitele by asaklag aaeerekioa the! were oot tree. Heaalor tealta te boneet aad booorable, aad tbonab bo did at oall forth tbe epplaoe that Clara o did by bia boooo taetloa, bo impf a-d Iblckisg esea, tboeo wbo bev arHBeihiof to Iblok with, m b-ieg fae Ibe eoportor naa of tbe twsbotbia rea eotiieg power aad lo etrvegtb of cbereo- Mr. tfuiead. aUo of Askna, Ufked fof a bnf eeaatMi witbl eitteg ft aay thing Mf, fiowever, be wee well re-oetta-l. Too tttMleel part of Ibe alrtlafit was etoallael, eod wemly epptaod!. lae III Veeieo. Cneiplino, eeeMe tanre I baa balf the ills of wme. Karfe (lover fUms, Ta te a ta-fit rnr 1 1 CoaalipatSKi. fur sale t-y Welle Warrea. .N.w i the lixe ta gi t bo Weakly Of.aiae, Ibe i oeetpep of the W mi. W ilh lh (. M, nnr. ly to ad e e, nee ). IXUi ?i b-nr eerUnaia4i uf ates ea be na-U la tt . Iut l we wtii f t m t'tti!-i aa a-1 li'U l t-.omal.lte U.b- fK.t niete. ee e,rw el'f ai -ie,j Crsra lo ft"? an irfrirf, WHAT NEXT 1 Working in a Few Ca nards for a Little Effect. JUST AS "TRANSPARENT" AS DISHWATER. H. W. Scott Deales Emphatically That Ha Ever Said That Bryan Would Wla-Be-publicans .Will Carry Oregoa. A reoent issue of the Portland Tribune, a campaign sheet, gave it ont that H. W. Scott, of tbe Oregoniao, had given op the fight and had admitted that Bryan would be eleoted. Absurd as this report was, it waa taken greedily for the gospel truth and the dejected pnpoorate took fresh courage. Tbe Qaaette wired Mr. Scott yester day, not Ibat it believed tbe idle rerxirt. but desired to have the complete denial for this issue. The Gazette's telegram wae as follows : . Heppner, Or., Oot. 29, '96 H. W. 8cott, Portland Or. : Have you conceded eleotion of Bryan f Otis Patterson. His answer came speedily and ia decis ive enough to suit anyone. Here it is : Portland, Or., Oot. 29. O. Patterson. Heppner: No air, I have not. I fully believe McKinley will be elected. More over, that be will carry Oregon. H. W. Scott. Catarrh la the Head Is a dangerous disease. It may lead directly to consumption. Catarrh ia caused by impure blood, and tbe true way to cure it is by purifying tbe blond. Hoods Sarsaprilla oures catarrh beoause it removes tbe oauae of it by purifying tbe blood. Thousands testify that tbey have been oured by Hood's Saraaparilla. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do not purfye. pain gripe. AH druggists. 45o. HOW 1st YOUB EYESIGHT? Dr. J. O. Lanafrbert;, Kye ttprelallat, Grad uate or Ppeneer Opthalmle College, or New York City, la Towa-lf Your Eyes Bother You, Be Him. Dr. J. O. Lannerberg, of Butte, Moo. tana, a graduate of Spenoer Optbalmlo College, of New York, arrived Wednee day evening from tbe interior and will remain a few daya People baying weak eyeaight ahould not miss this opportunity to have their eyee properly examined and fitted. Tbe Doctor baa instruments with wbiob be oan examine every part of the interior of tbe eyes, and can tell in ao Instant whether be can benefit yoa or not. Maoy ohildreo complain of pain in tbe eyee and feel unable to keep np with their claasmatea in sohool. They un doubtedly have trouble with tbeir vision, which if corrected will beoefit tbem for life. Judging from what the press aay of him be must be master of bia profession. Below we append a few olippiogs : Dr. J. C. Lannerberg, the celebrated ooulist. will be in Prairie City Thursday. Oot 15. Tbe doctor baa done muoh work for parlies lo Cauyoo City, Long Creek and Burns, and bas been endorsed by all the leading pbjsioiani of these aod other plaoee aa a thoroughly eom peteot optician. If yoor eyeelgbt ia de fective lei tbe doctor make ao examina tion, it will eoet yon ootbing. Urent County Newa. Dr. J. O. Lannerberg, tbe eye special ist, will remain at Park C ty only o few days longer. Therefore wo advise tboeo deelring to have tbeir eyee eiamioed by o mao qualified to do an, a mao wbnee work al Park City daring hie stay bre baa been aetlefaolory to all, to eaU aad aee bim al the Park City hotel. Tbe eye ia a delioaia orgao, aod oo ooo bot a skillful oculist aboold bo allowed to treat it-Park City Patriot, Ulab. Dr. J, C. Leoarbrg , ao eye specialist of anted ability, arrived in Eureka yea tordayaed is stopping at tbe Eoroka hotel aod will reruaia aotil Toeeday. tie oomee highly reooameaded from Teriooe plaoeo ia tble atalo, aad will give eel iaf actio) a bia work. If yea have aay trouble with four eyee do oot fail to eall oo bia aad have yoor eyee exanleed. Coesoltatioo free. Eureka (Utah) Deaocrat If TraWt4 With tkeasMtima H4 Tito. Aaaapolia. MJ Apr. 18, lft4 I have seed Cbaaborlala'a i'aio Bala f rboo taaltea and found It to bo all that ia elelaed for It. I believe it to bo tbe beet preporatioo for rbeoaalieeB aad deep eeeted aoarmlar peine oa Ibe aer let aod ebeorfaJly reooameod II to Ibe poblio. JkxQ. Baooca, dealer is boots, sboee, eo., No. 1) Main St. u asm Ttla. MetbeelesvUle, Ht Mary Co., MJ.-I sold a bottle of taoberlata'a Taia) Bala to a o who had bee eoffering with rbomatta for aeveral years eaede bin a well aee. A. J. Mltii Tot eeie at 60 oeata pee botUe by LWaw k tiffx-k. rtt4 m owi. TU Bret of Ibia w. D,. p, Sworoa. of Ibis ftUm, wae oeJU4 wf to Olei by Dr. Ooewdotfer. of Arlieg tn,ie oooealt ever Ibe eaet of. D. Taylor, wbo wae tery III with tyettt aod ffJ poeitoiilli Tbe eafferev wae foaad to a aertuoa onodltiaM oad eey opev ettoo wee out of tbe a,,. Tbe ee eo aH live bM aad stay bo dead era Ihte reeobas oar reedere. bari Ctovev Uh Ira 'a t lore tvt fvT llaederbeaai wuo4 d.aa4 '"Met ralMe OO tOir!y. for sale by Welle Were. Yke Os rVMgk reee la HbiloVe tar A a We4 nm,k 4aaeema. M,p n a wwb KtUbi Cor t1 M'e M vee $ Kmt 'S WAGE ROLL. Salem Typographical Union Analyzes It. Bevea Printers at Wages Worse Than Those Paid ia Free-Silver China. From the Salem Statesman. The following preamble and resolu tions were adopted at the last meeting of Salem Typographical Union, No. 210, and will be issued in circular form for distribution to all of the labor organiza tions throughout Oregon : "Whereas, Tbe Salem Typographical Do ion, No. 210, ia a labor organization, united for the purpose of u lifting the intellectual, moral aod peouniary stand ard of tbe working classes, as law-abiding citizens; it is, therefore, the bounden duty of eaoh and every member and members as a whole to further our inter, esta by any legitimate aotion aiming to that end. Therefore, il is not only in harmony with good unionism, but it is our duty to resorl to our rights of suf frage when all other efforts hare failed to accomplish suob purposes ; and when an enemy to our cause and an antagonist to our principles seeks political prefer ment at tbe bands of the voters we, as organized people with tbe right to vote, should exercise that right in accordance to tbe welfare of our obligation ; and "Whereas, We find snob a man in Hofer, editor and proprietor of tbe 8alem Capital Journal, and candidate for United Statea presidential eleotor on tbe Bryao-.lemocratio ticket, to be voted tor 00 the 3d day of November, this year. For yeara Mr. Hofer baa been a menace to labor aod its anion in tbis oity, work ing his employee at starvation wagea. "He had been petitioned many times to grant this Union some concessions, but without avail, until in the year 1891 bia office was deolared "unfair," aod again in 1893, in tbe month of Marob, for tbe laat lime. A boycott waa then ordered by tbe anion, aod tbe following notice printed in the Statesman of April 1 by the secretary : " To Business Meu By order of Capital Typographical Union, No. 210, the following are tbe 'fair printing offioes in the oity of Salem: State, . M. Waits, R, . Mooree A Co., aod tbe Statesman. All other offices are 'unfair.' W. D. Torrey, secretary.' "On the following day, April 2, the Capital Journal published the above ootioe at Ibe bead of a balf oolumo of abuse, denouncing labor nniona and their methods. Editorially were aeveral paragrapha devoted to the members of tbis onion, to -wit : . M 'Tbe destardly un-American method of dictating to business men whom they shall employ aod whom tbey sball do buamsss with is played out aod ought to be smashed here io Salem aa it bee been everywhere." 'A tew eigaretts-smoking blatherskites oanoot diotato to tbe busi ness men of this city who tbey may or may oot order printing of.' 'Meu wbo oanuot mo their owo buainese have no right to dictate to others bow they shall mo theirs.' 'It remains lo be seen whether a few labor agitators oan bold np tba town.' "Io Ibe face of all tbia Mr. Hofor baa aod ia oow stumping Ibe etate deolatimr that be ia tbe friend of tbe farming aod laboring clasaee, while one week eiro be discharged e typeeetter with a family that be was paying f6 a week aod hired two io bie stead, paying one 13 W per week and tbe other $100. He aaid be did it to 'cot dowo eipenaee' of 1 pr week. Tbree more typesetters he pats M each per week, who have worked years at the bottoees; another 11 a week and bis pre man 3 per week, making a Mai of IA per werl for aevaa people; aa avsraa-s of 13 lt wak n. a r.. week's wages for one mao. His foreman ia a 'rat' and receives $10 per week. Aad yet Mr. Uufer says Ibat ha la tbe work iagmao'e Meed. Tbe swralshuso( New York eeoool be worse. fJia em ployes are all poor people aad drpeod opoo tbntr wagae for ibeir brerd. Oaa young woman keepe bereelt ' and aged Bother npnn It per week aad a maa aa I bia wife tabeht oo 13 50 per week. Tbeee era trotba oo record; therefore, bait "Reeolved. That wt deoounoo each demeaMe opprteeiio of Ibe poor labor ers aad refnee lo eepprt any maa that la reepooeible for It. We, therefore, ask tba laboriag eleaeaa tad oeioos to la with as ia the defeat of Mr. Ilifef for preeUeetial eieetor. W. I. Toaasr, fcea. TypntrepbtwelUBtoB.So.airt." Attach") to Ibe above aad forming a pert if lUe rimtlar Is tba following eft- levil : Hi ate of Oregow, Canty of Mariow-ea.: L 0. IX tUania. betag first dalv s-ora, 00 oalb aay, Ibat Ibe tux paid by the MaUfli Cetntal JoqraaJ to its eaiplvyea, ea eel tWtb lo Ibe reeolatieee adopted by Ibe UUa Trpotrspbiral CoUe, No 110, al lie laet smbms, are merer np to tbe irtk of Oekibev, the iiuae wmm 1 eteered ay eonarike with that pepae, O. U Itaaeie. leheerirwd end eworw In bf aae Ihte wb day of Or-tohee, A. I t. U. Hucrtb, ewxery pebis tor Ore. la onwreMMMi wnb tbe ebove II aigbt U wall to hilora Ibe pablio ltM owe of Ibe Uufara buUe a lejtwaliee puetitnw at avaeent bal of eiete pnaiieg eapat aotwitbaUadiag tbe fa thai !r . Ml daily to always retenteg the 'pt'-oa'ara'' aad "pep ewekera." Tbe italiegtno, Wie Joorael eeys editorially of a pupoler patetl aadutne. "We kaew frea etpwrieoee tbel Cbea. klaia's CVle, Cboieea aad Dterrbiwe lbaedy te all that la elaa. ..r it. ee oo toe iwewa.ww II S4fd eitwariaiibg p4re end f-waiMy Sate-i fn,ra ao ob u ly s'sa. We es!d bot reel eeey over etgbl wwbl H le Ibe hew," Te reaajy NtdeabWIy aeiee owte pale eod so ff ring tkao aay etU' a4. e:e tw ibw lt ffy faaily k'e M te ibe ta. fe l ia mtm is l- Mk4 a. eaf f IHef. f f t. by Ct 4 Pf i Sales With Hood's Sarsapa rilla,"8alea Talk," and show that tbia medi Tal cine baa enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accord ed any other proprietary medicine. This ia simply because it possesses -greater merit and produces greater cures than any other. It is not what we say, but what Hood 'a Saraaparilla does, that telle tbe story. All advertisements of Hood"; Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla It self, are honest. We have never deceive, the public, and tbia with its Bupci-IaM medicinal merit, Is why the people hi" abiding confidence in it, and buy ruOOd Sarsaparilla Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, li wm rt-u are the only pills to t HOOU S HlllS with Hood's Sarsai SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE 8TATE of Oregon for Morrow i ounty. A. S. Bennett and P. P. Maya, Plaintiffs, vs. Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, Wm. Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wife, W. 8. Mercer and Sarah Mer cer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, Samuel Halt and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kimsey and Nellie J, Croft. Defendants. To Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his wife. A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, William Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wife. Rich ard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, William Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife. Thomas Kim sey and Nellie J. Croft, of above defendants. In the name of the 8tate of Oregon, you and each of you will take notice that the above plaintiffs, A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Mays, have commenced a suit against the above defend ants in the above'eourt to foreclose a mortgage given them by the above defendants upon the easthalf of the northwest quarter, the south west quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 18 township 1 south range 26 East In aaid county. That the relief demanded in the complaint in said suit is for a decree that plain, tills' said mortgage be foreclosed, the mortgaged property sold, and the proceeds applied to pay ment of costs and disbursements of said suit, to the note secured by said mortgage and the attorney'! fees wt forth therein. That the court also decree in plaintiffs' favor a recovery from Charles Kimsey, A. J. Kimsey and Wil liam Kimsey of seven hundred dollars ($700.00) and interest thereon at ten percent per annum from (September 11, 1IW9, and seventy-five dol lars ($76.00) attorney's foes, besides costs and disbursements of suit. And further decree that all the other defendants be foreclosed of all right, claim or equity of redemption in and to said lands, or any part thereof, and that plaintiffs have such other and further relief as la equitable. This summons is served upon you by publi cation by order of Hon. Htephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above court, made by him at Chambers on the 22nd day of Heptember, lrest, and each of the defendants aliove named are required to answer said complaint on or before the first day of the next term of the almve court, to-wit: the first Monday of March, 1HH7, or the plaintiffs will apply to said court for the relief demandedln aaid complaint. CAREY A MAYS, -9l- Attorneys for Plaintiffs. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution Issued out of the circuit court of the Mate of Oregon, for County of Morrow, and to me directed and de livered, upon a Jiidgnien rendered and entered In said court on the th dav of Heptember, 1WW, in favor of The Northern Counties Investment Trust, Limited, a corporation, plalnttfl", and against Cecelia Taylor, 8. 8. King, N. B. McBne and J.C.I hompson, defendants, for the sum ol Rnvxn Hundred and Heven'y Three and Ifi-lim Hollars with Interest thereon from the 1st day of June, W.W, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and the further sum of Thirty Dollars coata, and accruing costs; which judgment was enrolled and dockeU-d In the Clerk's office of said court In aaid county on the liith day of he torn her, 1WA; and, whereas, l.v said Judg ment It was ordered and adjudged that the following descrllx-d mortgaged property, to wlt: the Mouth half of the Northeast quarter, and Northcastqiiartr ol Northeast quarter (except ten acres in a square form In the northeast corner thereof) and Koutheiiat quarter of North west quarter of Hectlon Ten (10) In Townnlilp One (1) North of Kanire Twenty five C4') K.t W. M., be sold to satisfy said Judgment, coats and accruing coats. I will, on Saturday, Slat day of October. IflBfl, at l o cluck I', M., of said day, si the front door ol the court noun in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of said defendant Caeella Taylor, 8 8. King, N. H. Mi lire and 1. C. Tiiuiiipann III ami to the alMivedearrlbed property at Public Auction to the hlaheat and beat bidder for cash In hand, th pr.ee.ls to b applied to the satlahu'tlon of said execution, and all coata. and coals that may accrue. K. I. MATMH K, Hherlff of Morrow County, Oreson. Dated this 2nd day of Oct Into.. tx) Ml. Motlce of Intention. I AND OFriCB AT TUB PAl.t.M. flHKIION o'L 21, 1st. Noiica Is hereby given that lh following named settler has filed no, lie of his Intention in msaa final proof In sun port of his claim, and that said proof will t mada helora J. ta. Morrow, count; clerk, al Heppner, Oreaon. on Iereinlrath. Iwat. ii; ... ji ure KKirHi.v lid K. No. liV lor tha N HWk NOW II names lh following wllneaae to prove his continuous rmldenca upon and cultivation of, aaid land, vis: William P. tuition, Charles P. Mallnry, A. A w run, 4, A. rn, ali of Heppner i ireron. Jam. f. Moore, Hollce of Intention. Lane Orrtra at La oat, ono. Hepiernlair "lh. al XJOTtriia RtRtMY I.Hr.N 1HAT 1 HI Inltnainf asms aattiaf has SonI nolle nf hlalnlmllna to naaaa Soal proof In support of Ma claim, and thai aald proof t mad t era ittm County lrk ol Morrow Co . irregon, at Hppr, irrn a n.emir vth, Una, vis, IiaVIU M. I IJil oh. Hnmaaxead Api.lUai..n No a'JI, for th KFU iWZiWW ''- H nam tba following wllneaaea to pmv his eontinuwis raaldanr upon and eultlvatlo el. aaid land, l Jane W iMhev.Mat tlnghe. Johnny Nattlla, Jam Kftlll. all ol Hepi ef lretft,n. . a. r, wiIjkin, luftsur. sot we or hsal bkttieuest. VOTIr'lt t heealiV frl, thai lha nnA.nign ed Admli.woatrl t ol Ilia Piaie H eaooiel H M..f.n. SmaaH. will Ml. final !! ment at nr arTunt lilt aald K'at aaa.Hh AdmlalaOalrls. al Ik January t-iia nf lha Cmtnly t .mti n Snrma I o.inly al Hrppnvr Ui h h.i.1 al Mrpi-Mf. Of , la aali f iHinly. nn tli h day ot Jaawary A. I. Ian, al lo.i. 0 PAKAII K MOhlN. Motlce of Intention. IAkHorri't AT TH I tit MM, HI..J t . HI, l". h'rf" K h. f a l.ea ll.al lha foik.ln t,aw4 aoilier kaa iMMI'anl al Intent to biMK Sr yi.m n f-frn a la rimint. n4 ll.at aald .... a ,,4, I o.e t. O Mt.., wrily rMvrk, al tltppiMar tirpi. m Iwui i, iai. ,. ' I'MiXli i' a'tHtl l,l ftp ft u . t 4 ss 4M4 U I ai.4 l" H.lr'.l l. NlUaa) II. b.lu.ali.g ln.i,.a lo am kla ernillnwaus ra)4aar aM au4 flll.allo A mtA k4, at trM It l.llex r( f F.,, :hnB M..i,m. m 1 ,,t Mil. Ciraana.l.nvfl I ,ml H MartM, Hfm. Ik, t at'tfiftV. 0la, notice of Intention. IA i or rt at tana it g. inttui . a i ath i.ai l- 1- , ... mmH a' aa ft .- ktfatai k h.,U Ut t'-al ftmj la taw1 f . ewl ! 4 Irr 4 III Sal 4 tl l- k L . wtaai-aar n ih t . Hr.v t Ltt (Nfl'.a, I. :!' i -;i . . .. 'lt f ar WW aje . !.. s, itb mm, a au a r , ira a Allsal f4M thm fc. ..a)ra; ll.....a In ..... ' e' II .... ffl-1n. t..a wt r a ll. allofl ml a.14 . ' 1 U l.-m ft V. I l.aW m i. far;.., tart h-mk af I t "t'-'j,- -V m ' v., , 1VEST With ft htaT . fllVvalVei n.nMM X3.,M Durham la Id a claaa by mam acD iwo ounce Dag, ana two cou pons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco Buy n bag of this celebrated tobacco and rftflrl t.h AAiinnn vTuiuugivwisuBtoi vBuuttuio proseuu aua now to get theau Gilliam & Bisbee We are not small men, we are not ine Largest merciianis in ifia worifl! a But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of . . Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Nulls, Iron, Barbwire Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons, ' Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Saws, Sledges, Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran lteware, Plows, Harrows, Raltes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers aud Boards, Sheet Iron, Ziuc, etc., etc, Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices. We have Good Goods at Faib Prices, and Cheap Tohn Goods at Chop John Prices. Q-ILLIAM & BI8BEE, MA.IN STREET - HEPPNER. ORKnON IlcS to ILo Do you know what this means ? This, that there are sixteen reasons why you should buy your Groceries. Supplies and Gents' Furnish ings at T. R. HOWARD'S for every one objection made against it. This should decide the matter. It does. People want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for the smallest amount of money. Buy the best when you can get it at the same figure paid for an inferior article. HOWARD'S IS THE PLACE. Old Stand, Alain Street, near Bob Krlck's. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. You can bet your last winter's duds that this fair Is no "frost," But Jack Frost Is one of the boys that comes around annually and Be .prepared to receive no mistake. Mm by calling on E. W. RHEA & CO., swasas t Hon la BiirA. Wb will prepare tot (. valiaot d.f.oea aoinit lha lovaaions of IbeFroal rsrailp. 8cb lias of nUr elolhia jrt oavsr saw Ufart, saJ al prfcas 'mtf down. Tim ars frll; lough tal a aa U; wbea roa f ( bar(alas, eaa't jom T Call on E. W. RHEA & CO., at tbe First Nat'l BoqK CorQcr. t. VV. nilKA & CO.. I. n. IllfllltS. fa(iM( rw, r- . Salesman, PrOpriCtOIS. niaCiiaXaisi9 oiiijr.UaV. Tin: Lancashirf. Insukan i. Co. ol MAfciiitri;if, i:Niii,A,Nti itaelf: You will find one aT"Fj0JF lbs. We are small men, 9.