Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 30, 1896, Image 2

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    Bryan is a freetrader.
The Curse
He baa auythlns In thU line that you may dealre and you can depend on It you get a good
article when Hat guarantee! it.
Old Stand. Main Street. Repairing a Specialty.
No federal interference.-Bryan.
To be torn off by the Chairman
To be torn off by the
First Clerk
If you want free mobs voto for
Protection to our homes. Mc-Kinley.
o Mankind!
Republican Ticket.
For President,
Of Ohio.
For Vice President,
Of New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GEE it. of Marion County,
S. M. YORAN, of Uno.
E.L. SMITH, of Wasco,
J. F. CArLES, of Multnomah.
"More mills open" is the Mc
Kinley motto.
Wheat is going up.
nacrats did it.
The Kan-
Official Ballot
Mark Between the Number and Nam of
Voted For.
Eggs are getting higher. The
Hannacrats did it.
The Bryan people claim .Mew
iork state. Might as well claim bror Electors of President and Vice President
.WnHRlm. of the United Mates.
Each Candidate er Answer
The most horrible disease to which
the human family is subject is conta
gions blood poison. It has always
baffled the doctors, for notwithstanding
the crotrress made in some branches of
medicine, they have failed absolutely to
discover a cure for it Whether in the
form of powder, pill or liqnid, the doc
tor's prescription is always the same
ootash or mercurv.
Mr. Otto H. Elbert, who resides at the
corner of 22d Street, and Avenue N.,
Galveston. Texas, had a severe experi
ence with this dreadful disease, and
under date of April sth, 1896, writes:
"Several vears aeo I was so nnfortu-
nate as to contract contagious blood
1 . . . r
poison, ana was unaer ueauneni 01 u
best physicians continuously for four
i. As soon as I discovered tnat I Had
vmi ,oni n,nnl r,rntpr.fftrl tVin u- JOHN F. CAPLES, of Portland, Multnomah Co Republican the disease, I hastened to place myself
IF YOU want wool protected, tne x y f QEER Qf MacUay Marhn County Republican under the care of one of the foremost
only way to accomplish it is to vote
for McKinley,
14. X E. L. SMITH, of Hood River, Wasco County .
15. X 8. M. YORAN, of Eugene, Lane County
To the Kepublioan Clubs of Oregon:
Saturday, October 31, having been
designated by Chairman Hanna, of the
republican national oommittee, as -'Flag
Day," when all who intend to vote for
McKinley and Hobart and to maintain
the honor of the nntioo aud tbe perpetu
ity of its institutions, are requested to
decorate their homes and pi noes of busi
ness with the national oolors and display
tbe stars snd stripes, to remain until
after election, tbe exeoutive committee
of the Kepublioan League of Oregon
urges republican clubs in the state to
make a liberal dinplay of tbe national
colors ; also that each individual mem
ber of the clubs do the same and wear a
bow or knot of the national oolors on
tbe lapel of tbe coat. It is tbe desire of
tbe national oommittee that all olubs
get up as large a local demonstration as
possible, winding up with a processioD
and speeches. This should be tho pro
gram iu every looality.
II. L. Wblls,
The Hannacrats have been ac
cused of everything but the cruci
fixion of Christ.
Bryan said in 1894 that any W.
ratio would do on which to give
silver free coinage. The commer
cial ratio now is 32 to 1.
doctors In my State, and took bit
treatment faithfully for several mon hs.
It was a very short time after he pro
nounced me well, that the disease broke
a. t- J T m H a nnraa
p-Th, dition that at first. Irge lumps lormea
E. HOFER, of Salem, Marion County. ; . .Peoples, Democratic,
Silver Republican
W. H. 8PAUOH, of Harrisburg, Linn County Peoples, Demoeratic,
Silver Republican
HARRY WATK1NS, of McMinnville, Yamhill Co.. Peoples, Democratic,
Silver Republican
Not more money so
more work. Not so much more
circulating medium as a chance to
earn what we have already.
20. D. BEWERMAN, of Salem, Marion County Prohibition
21. C. J. BRIGHT, of Wasco, Sherman County ProhibitionX
22. LESLIE BUTLER, of The Dalles, Wasco County Prohibition
much an 23- C. w.iivA, oj sprtngorooK, xammu uouniy rronwniwn
24. LEWIS B. COX, of Portland, Multnomah Co National Democratic
25. ALEXANDER M. HOLMES, of McCoy, Polk Co. . . National Democratic
26. FRANK A. SE UFER T,of Seufert, Oregon National Democratic
21. CURTIS J. TRENCHARD, of Astoria, Clatsop Co. i ational Vemocrattc
Editor C. E. Wilson, of the
Pueblo (Col.) Call, has been dis
missed for carrying a McKinley
banner in a St. Louis parade. How
is this for coercion ?
I il nii'SSWi m"i in niiiiiiP"iHl 11 'Mi
rr Tf?T iTVW.i' rr-"i i- r-i T .-I
Full English Course.
The rowdies of Covington who
treated Carlisle so shabbily and
those republican students
The action of the Bryan element
in Portland last Monday night has
made votes for McKinley, right
and left The McKinley people
tried to hold an open air Bpeaking,
but could not do so because the
police stood idly by and permitted
a lot of hoboes and "strong arm"
men to break up the meeting. No
blood wbb shed, but it ie a wonder.
It is a fact that many good men
are supporting Mr. Bryan. But it
is also a fact that ninety-nine one-
hundredths of the business element
are supporting McKinley, Why
is this?
McKinley Btands upon safe busi
ncHS principles. The party that
ho reproHouts hns uovor had to
apologizo to the country for its
acts, or 1ms it ever had leaders that
it put into nflico in 0110 breath and
repudiated tho next. Its policies
are true ntid tried. Itdoosnot
moot tho opposition with untriod
theories jHt in order to get into
oflice. Its 1 il at for in is too broai
for that That is tho reason why
the busiuoHS men of this country
are autiportiue Mr. McKinley and
opposing Mr. Hryau.
They want no untriod neophyte
to baudle tho reins; uo boy orator
to formulato a pint) of action on
theoretical linen in to the xlicy of
this govern ineiit
Tho pojxx'rat have avoided any
other ihhuii but tho iij'nncial 0110.
l'otir yeiirs ago montof them were
yelling thntum-lrc honmo for tariff
reform. The true and tried hI icy
of protection hp good but they
had something better. Tho trial
h'ti been luado and tlie result it
well known. On tho aamo issue
defeat waa fettitin. Kotuething
now must bo worked ti secure a
The rnuMicau j ntty oiTera the
ot.ly absolutely mto j.lan to aettlo
tho fm uncoil iirfition. All others
aro tin to or loss theoretical aud tho
Bryan mon know it, rnHH'ially
without pretoctivo -licy. The
McKinley allietenl a ro nd rn.
tending for uo piineipto but for
many. IS,sidi tho tariff aud uioii
c)f ipitioiiM, they ak for rocipr
cal rrUttoua with other govern
ments, they b'!irvo iu building up
titir iun limit mstiiio, (bey favor
1 1 iisioiiM l.i tho iMihlier in the Iwnt
momy of tie "il, I, they want a
strong foteigu '!icy, tho Monrx
d.Kltiin i (itlotMvl, an! ttia
stiufiiliiig .tii"ta .f Cuba are
I'ttiiiiittd iud pou looca through
Ihn g'Hkl c f.icet t f tli 1 arly. 1W
i lea tin o It.rro are many other
iaiir U f..ro th'pjtlo, of suprriua
iuiiMtrUnro, Ono in particular is
that of frN s. h and a fro b.
I.'L 1 1,o m iiUi.'an party altr
Voters should note that to vote for any elector they must put a cross a dozen times, the disease returning
who between the number and the name of the candidate. The ticket as ."ta coilo e"o 7ooi.
egged a Bryan parade in Chicago marked above is a sample of a ballot marked for the electors of Mc- 1 am
on my neck, my throat was filled with
sores, and a horrible nicer broke out oa
my jaw. After being treated again with
no success, I became disgusted and
changed doctors. I was again given
the usual treatment of mercury, and
took enough to kill an ordinary man.
Of course, I was pronounced curea nan
Do You Want a Rig?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
k these can be procured at Thompson A Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Gilliam and other counties
and can aave money and time In making these sections with traveling men".
Pricei In keeping with the times.
s 111
nave all been reuuiteu.
actions are shameful,
Such Kinley and Hobart.
The Tribune, of Portland, a rep
resentative of Bryan ism, claims
that Harvey Scott has conceded
tbe election of Bryan. This is an
absolute falsehood. Bryan has no
sort of show to succeed.
Bkyanites are very handy with " 1 lM ,DBl ,M momtJ ,aw
the term "goldbug" which they use fitted more artiolee free of duty Ibao
as a means to cast approbrium upon does the Wilson -Gorman tariff. One,
the McKinley adherents. Better wbil producing revenue, gave tbe
stand convicted than admit by . , . ... RM.,M.
every action ana wora inai one is a
I I ..1 IU ri
SOMWmiUed hft
proteotioo. Tbe other admits those
things free of duty tbat lbs Americans
"YOU AUK A ROBBER. YOU produce, plscing onr people in oompeti
AllE PUBLIC BEQGAUS.n tion ofttimes with tbe ignorant and im-
Bo au's words to manufacturers
and Iiihorrrs asking at the hauds
of congress protection against
ruinous and pauperizing foreign
1 ItANt'M vLAIINO, Silver IU1U0
owner like J. Bourne, made three
speeches of misrepresentation, ml
Morrow county. Pacta are not so
plentiful with such people as he as
they are full of figures, figures
aro tho hottest liars on earth in the
hauds of a skillful ms.oipula.tor.
poverished olasset of the "Old World."
Even as revenue bill it is a failure.
KXOimtti fat
Clclual FTeeTTade.
The pTopott'isTi 0 VmporH
aihmtled abtalultlt) f let of
dull) ,uias never so great as
in 1894 -the tat par 4 On
mcamlejs Isrtjjj
Introduction of
GomrnToTij 1
Kvtuv voter in Oregon, Kpocrat,
deintK'rat, republican or prohibi
tiouiMt, iu Portland or elsewhere,
UlTslT IfAVI.' A ItlflHT T
VOTE. No interference with the lhou Mainn wa. donbt ul too,
exercise of this supreme act of
In coNonEHH, Candidate Bryan
spoke aud workexl and voted for
free lumber. And yet the friends
and followers of Mr. Bryan pretend
that Michigan, Minnesota and Wis
consin are all doubtful states. We
believe that, at oue time, they
citizenship must be allowed.
There must I a full vote and a
fair count Kidom Statesman.
Ir siLVEit aud gold do out circa-
with the chances a little ic their
favor. Recent events have given
them reason to discard that belief,
however. Tbe mehaage which the
Maine lumbermen sent in Bepteta
ber to Free-Trailer Dryan and hit
other warm friends of Canadian
late side by side, under free coin, lumbermen of Michigan, Miuneao.
ago, then we have lest money than lt fcnj WUoontio wilt repeat with
now, we have silver monometallism emphasii in November. American
a eonwacieu currency, rree Finoiuist.
fallen by the handful, my feet were so
swollen that I could scarcely work, and
I waa in a sad Dliffht.
"I had seen S.S. S. advertised as a
enre (or this disease, and determined to
try it, and before I had taken one bottle
I I frit much better. I continued to take
the remedy, and a dozen bottles curea
me comDletelv. so that for five years I
have had no aim of the terrible disease.
8. S. S. is the greatest blood remedy of
the sge, and is truly a God-send to those
afflicted with contagious blood poison."
For fifty years S. S. S. has been curing
this terrible disease, even after all other
treatment failed. It is guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
and never fails to enre contagious blood
nniaon. arrofnla. eczema, rheumatism,
r.nrrr. catarrh, or anv other disease of
the blood. If you hsve a blood disease,
t.ka a reined v which will Dot injure
you. Beware of mercury; don't do vio
lence to your system.
Onr books on blood and skin diseases
will be mailed free to any address. Swift
Specific Co., Atlanta, Cs.
Don't buy your Bucks until you
see the Full Blooded and Grade
Delaine Merinos from the Cunning
ham band, of Pilot Rock, which will
soon be in Heppner. Prices and
terms to suit purchasers.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
LEGAL nuns
The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH.
Jobooy, we know Its tongb medicine
to tats, but Dr. MoKlnlsy has disgnoseJ
onr esse and the directions ere plais.
Boll tariffs ia Asserioa.
oinio, according t the Kast
Oregtmian, it only feasible uuder a It M haidly necHisary for tbe
Potective tariff, if at alt Tbe Oaeette to call attention to the
polenta will not even think of wotk of the bungling Oiropoaitur
terifl , I to 1 ucslsj a issue, to tne etliUtnal
under the caption, "It be big
HiiUN a hiro. by the ttate enough T The aonloucf, "But be
fair rutnsgfnient to wake an ad- ia demagogic and shallow on lb"
drwa about to yeart ag. Just political nmtrum," wat transforrn-
l fore ho U gao his ajwch there el into a mast of nothing. Other
werabieycla racca and the gtand- ineicuaable errort appear in tbe
stand was filled to overflowing, earne article. The exlittir Uga of
By the time ho w at through lot the public to let Lin livelong
than !UN.) imviIj U remained and 3() enouch to thin out a few of tie
of those arte "craiioa, under tnaoipulUrt of aotimooy well
charge of the man who gave tbe meaning people for all tbat who
.. a s a
(lartU this tnformatnn. The raiee the vtry douce jual w neo yon
0etto claims that the comparison eipact them to be careful
i,f I.ii,s.!n isitli I'.rian (a an insalt
I . . a W-a a la.
IlOt. llf XKT 1UACKW1V tiaioii in
the 11 0. that Erytn will carry
Morrow county sure. Uro. Black.
man hat evidently pulled off bit
"Jcflersouiau" button, which tneact
anything. glto down off tbe f-DC
i.d otns out I r Brvao. Our !
It trtNi karskly on ,pft ,r j( ft lirij ma ttl tttdrrtr.d
J i doe Ilrm.EY, wbo it out from
Wisconsin to talk to the "one gal-
lus" boys, is too much of a pluto
crat to accomplish much. Why he
.liasnnmls SVS -t SI IVAft WT1 1
wrniB uinuiuuut vwuv iiuu iuiuvw i s0q
aod iodalcoa in such luxariet m tbmdic.oroM kill oa but It nl
i I . . . . j... a
, , ii... i i, uur flmmcinr.DU nil f .rringt bh
spouess suiri ironia. C(kll,4 rr Llke ,D philosophers
n . v. . i i . of old, take your enp of pruteotino brro-
Hon. Cta Nolaxd, who epoke lofl di, '(b dfJh oor tMd
here the other evening, said that has boeeiiy esmsd. ho more JoLsdj
onr tariff was all right, and that if
one could buy cheaper clothing in
England than in thtt country, why
England should be patronized.
Teople of thia section don't ap
preciate Mr. Noland't position.
OCR readers will notice tbat F.
M. Arthur, Grand Chief of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive En gin
eera, E, P. Sargent, Grand Matter
of tbe Brotharkoml of Loot motive
Firemen and F. W. Arnold, Grand
Secretary of the same order, are
eupportinc McKinley regardleae of
reporta to tbe contrary.
Wl CBit.l.CNOE any popocratic
I apef or person to tell ut bow tLe
valae of silver can M raiaisl by
legislation- It it can be done, then
we propone to apply tbe tame
method to advance tbe price of
farm products, which are of far
more importance than silver tnlne.
llaker llcpuUican.
t the patriotism of our ople and
a disgrace to Ihiacuuutry. Pry an
t.intlrtil.t...n faulv and ailli" l'U w ai..i .lr-tnogogic; ne it a
t.ot rtit.tnnt!(Ht any aitioQ that i phtasemakrr ttol a aound thinker,
l.-ket i any other eu.L It askt) I.inc.la was a patriot, retiring in
that all U I ai I and tbat tho , roantirr and hoooet io evert
A tn"t icon i ... j l- U! g i till.o mt rsiH wlieh waa a jawel ( f
I Rio t i-4 itw ill, Ut tnolcsta- r1,, ihtou.ty.
I ai. , H, i ii.i s u ey liae, so
PUm! flint Itrklaf Tl-
HymplnBs: Moistore; iotscse Hcbiof
tod slingleg ; most at nlfbt; worse by
aorstcblof . If slloeed to onnllDas loss-
on form, tsblch fwo b sad Bleersla,
bseomieg very sore, 8ss;ss's Oiot-
mol slope tbe
puis alcerstina
Bove lbs Inmors. At dioguts, er by
nail, fur .V) eeals. lt. f wajoe A 8oa, oh.
D. A. Henen
Desires to inform Sheep
men that he will represent D. N. Baker, of
Weiscr, Idaho, in the line of
Fine Delaine Bucks.
He has 100 head at his residence in Hcpp-
i r c tv -
ncr, also some nnc iuennos. rnccs range
i ,ch.f 4 from S3 to S10 per head.
, snd in raosl iim re-
Call si otee oe, or write Ia
D. A. HERREN, Heppner, Or.
fp rssrs fkra Cy
A gmij story Is tHif WIJ abl
Frsncis (larso, abonade a trre ether
speara at lbs A mry aot tons stsss. A
frail r Hale ee Trwl.
Jseaa llarf bat a flse M ef trait.
nMisliet of tall tad wialer spiile,
repeblkaa fitted bad lMsa4 attsatite- wbieb bs fff-rs for ssle at eat eel pt
ad. lie will also eeretf la eirasec
beet, Mlvete4
above llstipesv
" Tb eineg frail slmol4 ecerse siMB
T I k .
It ee4 asrao UairsJ. -Whal ei4 oa faa. lie will also eecer
IblokoCIl!- -Ilsaa g4 .,-h of foi rs, ooH or eh
........ , at lis frmr sb1:m an
its ktoJ; txit, rraea, abv la U,sJ.r -rWa-ineg frail sbool
ail ya Ml so meev Iim V UmT
r4ere4 tbe ffftf"el silvrile.br
Ibst's bal lb d-a tools enoMoutte
i.mb's ear t.l heat th good, grand ' , 11 1
'r,l4i,o.4n is.iui.aff4 wi'U tfc: fbctp J1 " w,l
Wc arc spending more
than our profits on Sctil
hug's its tea to t;ct you to
try ititist tt trv it
our money liack if you :
a a a s
UOn t like IL I ffrjr
... ...... M
H l"eifwtoi-ls Wkile Vr.l,a
fe e. aaiUt. TVs Psina 1's.ilU
sitss tu Its lra.ee lbnboei tv
slMta bal frr Im tests. Ibaa sk
leg ir f't all Me tare p ! I
st4 etnafjifUtie. Il alsn hgdie Its ear
l lb esWUsleJ t'islsra Iabl tsakisg
tUm Wtlliaal al alghk rsst
rarrwj J.l; nm tbe feet stall fat
Ixflas eat lM4Mllia. th k.ta. ui )
fnfoaltva, tH ea r s'J'ses K W.
"It is immsitrrHil. in m jtimrnt,
wkttksr Ik4 Sr grmrrr rrfrttf J
hemefH from fas ttnf or tu4 . . . . .
U tWff "r "l I nrnfor
fn Frtrxwt fn.m . nf
WiUiam J. fiiyvn i th R'
Tbroeg iratas e tbe a IL A N. will
me eta. at ills. Walls Valla a4
rodlMni. Tbroagb str, Bret sa4
WMrm-1 flaaa, il roe Is sneisaeUoa WHb
IS I'bImi iVif.a, Ibe ease as bri-
fure. A lbn.es U firsl rlaas sleep t'Mt
UM to rptkass. ee a - wars
I'sel, as J
Sr.l laaa iInm kt Bl, reel, as J a
ttit, (! Ag. IU Tt. r4 Rl, foil I ihnraah tnaitat !t-f l'ottis4 M M
;r.l. .tl 'e a la -.esewHi ana lbs
Via Us Cal rants tjmrm
Bagfaga ki ehecked Ibroagli frost Tort
Us 4 la desbastloa. The Sid allies of
Ibe Ctbe reeifk srt atsseelUd Irtrk
ta4 inliroet. aaloe 4pett, feet liata,
Ibroagh tart, lleaia beat, pleterk ligbl
so4 toarleoae treatsseel Io aaaaeageta.
f of tsWa ao4 iafaraiaUea applf to R.
W. Beit, lies. Agl. D. P. 7tco, Tort.
Ian 4, Ortgoa.
Wall. TVrbt8 mas stage twlveaa
lleeef a4 aionarMt, arnrlng every
day ia(4 Monda; sad Itb every
4sv t epl o'la7. Rbortael sn4 ebess
t meie ! tba Islarwr. Onaeav A
Itrrwk, sets.
a a
4 t
II. bcMtb4 la lbs et. te4hy ef
Ibe llps aopl s4 kwpa eel the
ba grti of U se4 sbaea. Be bie
4 la eibr ewlaae. a
ttl art ar1 ik4 ie rt,e m t4
sr mI t ia Iaa4 ibe e4r(4.
II U lul k. I nl h. ivt
r . . 111
a a, snui.
al mtM k ta t 1 a M t.
fin r a4 (st. I
t'.ita 4a tx4 safe ir,". Tb J
n't s'a' Ks'l's tl4
rut Ttafg raw t?.
flanks ftr s.'s- yi ! Marie rtcla
f) df-fj g'vi't. K'nif rf i. K,
(urointK. !i-.l that tl
chum U i
iIm ri $,ui rg'.' lb
jMrsi, f ? r WliS1 Sffn j