HISTORIC WALLS. Where the Old Sonar "Yankee Doodle" Was Written. to this JB GIVES TUB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental "O" TP 3E3 Greenbuah Haa Building That la Being Despoiled by tha Haade of Curioe Ity Seekers No Effort to Preeerre It. Though hundreds of people in that vicinity know that near Fort Cralo, which stands upon the eastern bank of the Hudson in the little village of Greenbush, the famous old song, "Yankee Doodle" was written, yet not an effort is being made to preserve its historic walls. After standing for over two centuries nd a half, says the Troy Times, this structure, which is the oldest house in a state of preservation in America and the last landmark of early colonization REPUBLIGflN PLATFORM. GREAT UNION x'iorTiEDV V PAfMPIi" T?V near this city, has been abandoned, INUKlricKlN Ky- rALiriL RI. and neglect and the despoiling hand of the curiosity seeker are rapidly reduc- IVIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS VIA Denver OMAHA ing it to a state of dilapidation. It is an authentically established fact that the erection of this old mansion was begun in 1630, but the structure was not completed until 1642. Con jecture places the causes for the delay upon the Indians, but the real reason i ot. raUl IvanSaS VltV The old mansion was built as much ivi a lyiuuc ui icxujQ auu ucxcuoc as dwelling purposes, and in its earliest days was known as Fort Cralo. Sev eral of the portholes, through which guns wore protruded that sent many an Indian to the "happy hunting ground," still remain in the walls. That the place must have been repeat- Portland e'y attacked is proven by the marks of. orrow-heuus ana bullets that are plainly to be seen about the portholes. W hue the Dutchmen were on friend- LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Every 5 Days For Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. The Republicans of the United States, assembled by Ibeir representatives in national convention, appealing for popu lar and historical just inflation of their claims to the matchless achievements of 80 years of Republican rale, earnestly and confidently address themselves to the awskened intelligence, expenenoe and conscience of their countrymen in CAM CRAMOIQOO lv terms with the Mohawks, the tribe OHlM rnHMWlOVW. of Indians that lived in this vicinity, SCOaB. We condemn tha present administra tion for tot keeping faith with the aagar producers of tbia country. The Repub lican party favors aoch protection aa will lead to the production on Amerioan soil of all sugar which Amerioan people nse and for which they pay other oonntries mora than $100,000,000 annually. WOOL AND WOOLBM8. To all our products, to those of mine and field as well aa those of tbe shop and factory; to hemp, to wool, to the product of tbe great industry husbandry, aa well aa to tiuisbed woolens of the mill, we promise moat ample protection. MERCHANT MARINE. We favor restoring the early Amerioan policy of discriminating daties for the the following declaration of facta and uponnaing oi our merounm uinc principles : the protection of our shipping ioterests For the first time since the civil war in the foreign carryine trade, to Amer- tbe Amerioan people have witnessed tha ican shipa-tbe product of American oalamltous consequences of full and no- labor employed in Amerioan shipyards, restricted Democratic control of tbe Bailing nnder the Stare and Stripes, and government. It baa been a record of manned, officered and owned by Amer- unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and icana-may regain the carrying of oor disaster. Io administrative management foreign commerce, it has ruthlessly sacrificed in dispenaible - financial flank. revenue, entailed an increasing, deficit, ... reDublio(in party is unreservedly eked out ordinary ourrent expenses with fo Bound It oauged the enBot. borrowed money, piled up tbe public I t of tbe aw providinB for the debt by fWUW,uuu in umeoi peace, re8n ,io1 of ipecie paymenta in 1879; foroed an adverae balance of trade, kepi B,nce theB eTMy dolar haa been M good For full details oall on 0. K. A N. Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Oen. Fass. Agt. l'OHTLAND, OBKOON. E. McNEUL, President and Manager. c? trio is; tzjvxxi t (San. Fronolsoo And sUpoinU In California, Tia the MU Bhaata nmta of tha Southern Pacific Co Tha armt hiahwajr through California tn all points Kaat and Honth. Grand Hoanlo Route of the Pantfio Coast. Pullman llnffet Hleepera. Haoond-olasa Hlmiwrs Attaohad to express traina, affording superior accommodations fur srmond-fllaM DKMwngnni. Fur nttaa, tiokela. slanpiug oar rentrrationa, ato,. nail upon or aililraat R. KOKHUCH, Manager, K. P. ROflERa, Aut. Gen. I. f. Agt., Portland, Oregon the Mohegans, or river Indians, often made raids upon them. When these savages massacred the inhabitants of Kingston (then Esopus) in 1063, the people living along the Hudson from that place to Fort Orange fled to Fort Cralo for safety. The pluco was always prepared for a siege, und was capable of making a thorough resistance. Six years after the attack on Kingston, the combined forces of the Mohegan and Massachu setts Indians burned tho villages about (Schenectady and murdered the inhab itants, but tlicy did not come near the fort, though refugees from all along the river had again sought the protec tion of its walls. Whun, in 1775, the British ministry endeavored to reduce the French power in Canada, the colonists were ordered to enlist for an expedition against their northern neighbors. Oen. Amherst was up.xiinted to command the Eng lish army in northeastern America, und in the summer of that year he liberty. Tbe government of Spain hav ing loat control of Cuba and being unable to protect tbe property or lives of resi dent American citizens or to oomply with its treaty obligations, we believe tbe government of the United States should actively nee its lnfioenoe and good effi oea to restore peace and give indepen dence to tbe island. TBB NAVY. Tbe peace and security of tbe republio and the maintenance of its rightful in fluence among the nations of the earth demand a naval power commensurate with its position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor continued enlargement of the navv and complete system of bar bor and seacoast defenses. FOREIGN IMMIGRATION . For the protection of tbe quality of our Amerioan citizenship and of wages of our workingmeo against fie fatal coin- petition of low priced labor, we demund tfiat the immigration laws b? thoroughly enforced and so extended as to exclude from entrance to the United States those who can neither read nor write. CIVIL BERVIOK. The civil servioe law was placed on the statute books by the republican party, which has always sustained it, and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practi cable. FREE BALLOT. aa gold. E irtmiV.8.Jimnuf MtMemt Prof. W. H. Feske, who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, baa without doubt treated and cur ed more cases than any living Physician; bia I success is astonishing:. We have beard of cases of ao years' standing lira larpe bot tle of bla absolute cure, f.-ee to any suffererr who may send their P. O. and Express address. Wo advise anv one wiahing a cure to addrcsa Prol.W. H. ?2EKE, F. 4 Cedar St, Hew Tor a ! Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-j rent business conducted tor moderate fees. Sous OrncE is Oppobite. U, s. patent-Office and we can secure patent la less tune was. those f DCUU moaeu drawing ur puuiu., witu wca.ip- itinn. vve advise. 11 natentable or not. iree oi (charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. I a tiuim rr. "How to Obtain Patents," with (cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries (sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washington, d. C. Cummings 8c Fall, The comparative value of tbsaetwoearda la known to moat persona. They Illustrate that greater quantity ta Not always moat to ba desired. Tbeaa cards express tha beneficial qual ity of R!pansTabules 4s compared with any previously knowa DYSPEPSIA CURE Ripans Tabulea : Price, 50 cents a boa,. Of druggists, or by mail. ' BIPaMS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sprue M..1.T. PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, We demand tbat every citizen of the United States shall be allowed to cast a free and unrestricted ballot, and such We are unalterably opposed to every balo( BQall bfj coante(J BDd retarned B8 measure calonlsted to debase oar car- oas(. 1 renoy or impair tbe credit of oar coun ITT O LflUUtaiLU UUI UltUUIllJUOU UUUUDUl ro , luoroiorc, uypuoou .v ,!,, nf tho nnmt,il(v.fl and hhr,.nB W. V . , . LYNCHING. perpetual menace hanging over tbe re demption tnnd, pawned Amerioan eredit to alien syndicates and reversed all tbe measurea and resulta of auooeestal Re publican rule. In the broad effect of its polioy it baa precipitated paoio, blighted . . 1 I I J- industry ana ueae wim I'roiongeu ue- . . ., t b , t ,iona, ...,., , 1 r . I prauuee auuwu uh tue iucijiuK or HiiuuK pression, olosed factonea, reduced worfc BgrM)meD with the leading commercial of boman beings suspected or oharged and wages, baited enterpriae "'f natiorji of the world, "bioh w pledge with orime, without prooess of law pled American production while atimu- oarBeIvei t0 promote, ,nd until so oh an . . . . . . a . 1 . 11 oi. no rnrainn nrnaimtinn ior ins ameri . ..t i.t.. .1 """ 1 atrreemeni oan oe OD.ainea, me existing rn. ,. . (:i can market. Every consideration of h nraaerred. All Ln.,j f .,hitt.nn etfU a,i a,iini pubho BaMy and indiyidaal mtereai . .. earrency now in the differences whioh may arise between Wy demanda that the government ihall be I ,,. nnmk mainlllin((i .t , employera and employed engaged in in- C 1 roFarnia nn ttt itiupna 1 parity with gold, and we favor all meaa urea deaigned to maintain inviolable the homestbads .Miaatinna nf tha United Htates and all We believe in tbe immediate retnrn CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. dt Q C. M. & 8t. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. KATKS WU.OO l'KH DAY Cor. W. MadlBon and Clinton Sts., CIIIC-O-O. IXiXu WANTED-AN IDEAcTSl. thing to patent? Protect vour ideas; they mar bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDER BUKN Sc Ca, Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. 0.. for their 81,800 prize oHer. The regular anbsonption price of tha Semi-Weekly Gazette ia 82.60 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Oregonian ia SI. 50. Any one subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one yearia advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions foi one year in advanoe will be entitled te tha same. Naw Fbed Yard. Wm. Gordon hat opened np tbe feed yard next door te the Gazette office, and now solioits a share of your patronage. Billy ia right nt home at this bnainess, and youl horses will be well looked after. Prioea reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf I T2i U.S. GOVERNMENT! IS ... reeoaed from the hands of those who have thown themselves Incapable to oondnol it without disaster at borne and dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to tbe party whioh for 80 yeara admin- nn mnnif vjltAthAP Anln or riArjAr. at the I 1 , ..... 1.11 1.. 1 ... .1.. liuuuunu inrijr, nun ui(o iud piteanKe 1 . . ... ,.1 I. j . 11 camped his regular troops on the laterea 11 wim noequmeu buoOB. .uu . t niiBnteDed DBtiona of the earth. grounils of the patroons, in Ureenbush, prosperity; and in tbia oonneotlon we ami here tho "Yankees" from New .... , :.j ..i.i.n. England joined them. loioW lhe mMm' PWol,,m This motley crowd of farmers pre- and suocesa of tbe administration of sented a most ludicrous appearance to pMgjdent Harrison. intr jiribinu noiiiivra, snu biiev umtt 1 . . . 1 r preaeni aianunru-.uo ...uu..u . by eoogreM ot tue Bti0fa0tory free homestead measnre which has already -To THK- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION TACIFIC SYSTKM Tlinmitli Pullman 1'hIsiii H f. ).. r. TnniUI HIim-ixts and Kr.c KitllninK (hair Cars I'All.Y lu ( I1I1 sii'i. Msnjr Imiira ssvrd la llils lluu lu Knalfrn I'llltltS. I.rcut delight ill rliliculinif their Amcri can allies. The raw recruits did pre' sent a most ludicrous a pperance, hav ing (fathered tojrt -ther with no attempt at uniformity of dress anil totally with out discipline. Dr. Minckliurir, a 11 11 riny surgeon, eel eliriiteil for IiIh wit, composil a soiitf, in w li it'll he satiri.ed thesu farmer-sol-(tiers, anil culled it "Yutikee DimhIIc." The Kiifflish Mililiers hetnui hinitiff it In ridicule, Imt it Immediately lieciimo TBI TABirt. We renew and emphasize oar alle- AS TO PENSIONS. The velerana of the Union armies de serve and should reoeive Mr treatment and generous recognition. Whenever praotioable they should be given prefer- passed tbe house and is now pending in the aenate- TERBITOBIBS. We favor the admission ot the remain ing territories at the earliest praotioable date, ha vini dnt ressrd to the intarest of I ence tn me maiter 01 employment ana ,Qe terrUoriei B0(1 the United States. All ik.u ..lillyl aA Alt. ananimaiii t I a a 1 J i . . a !!! irianoa to the Dolloj of oroteotion Mlhe UD' -u "M rearrai oncers sppomieu ioriern.or.es " - - I . a a a t1a.J I M1At,. .M R a a. UOD 1KWI M mTm DOBl OHlUUtBteU W BO" I buuuiu ud Dciouinu kuui uuiib uuo imp I ... I 1- A In At ..ft -I .at Irii4a. nu.wara ; ! " Mr, lh- bailment of pledge, made to -U .hereof, and the riKbt of. e.f-govern-pendence and the foundation of Ameri- , ment ibonld be accorded as far aa prao- can development and prosperity. Tbia m. Aman nolicv t.s foreign pro- Pru' weaenoonoemeprao.ioein.ne k, luollJ h,ve re.,re8BIltll,iou b lhe sr - - - . ie al . . . .IV- ts and enoonrage. borne Induatry and PeDB,0D Dnraan' ,0 congrea. olthe United Htate. to lhe end ix.i.iilar with the Vunkees. and tl.ev u........ ... .! jasuy oarriea on dj ne present aumin.a- .um uou ,...... D .u.,,,.- ..,,....1 1 .... ..1 ' pu.u-u.u w. """ ... .1 .,,.! gently enacted le. even th..uKh Its linmorwasat their 'li " " Ava"i0a m"M irri,. .mM ,rnm rnU rll,a American (.reducer: it ODboldl ' ",v""" . , . . , . . ... deserving tbe aeverest condemnation of the American standard of wegee tor tbe .. ., the Amerioan people. Amerioan workingraenj it pala the fac tory by the aide of the farm, aud makes oti fobbion policy. the Amerioan farmer lera dependeot oo Our toreigo policy should be at all TKMPKIIANCK. We aympAthize with all wise aud le gitimate efforts to leseo and prevent tbe evils of intemperance and promote mor- STEAM HEAT. Ih, tWICH I" PINTSCH LIGHTS. iw'ricea. own expense. I.itl le 1l.1l the tailor iiimle sulilii'i's tliiuk then that this was the tune that they would lie Iiimle to dunce to 11 few years later. 1 pt'i within thirty years the old inansiciii wiih htill nwiied liy the lie N'emlants of the luitrisuiH. lr. Jcre- ii.inh Vun Ketissclai r W inir the last foreign demaud and price; It diffuses times firm, vigorona and digmflaJ, and niemiHT .r ii.e family to vupy IU , i( ,j fu0U(Ji lh, itreBb a onr iateresU to tbe western hernia- Alt li Inn a if I It as 11 1 t.i it if i tf 1 ha It. ill eta ' I ran be m.t fully r. aliwd when the of all on the atrength of each. Io its phere carefully watched and guarded. Amerioan indaatriea rventsof its ihtIinI am considered. It rraaoaable application it la last, fair and! The Hawaiian islands about J be oootroll-1 opportunities, c,al PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their" Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owea it to vou and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present (f your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the 2 time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. vV crWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. mfl No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, (?) 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C JT. Il.Diti Com nan it controlled by nearly ana tkoutand leading IW jxiprrt in Ifui United mala, and it guarantied by them. UIU.ITS Cr WOMaM. lhe Hopniiltoau party ia mindfnl of I the ri.ibte of women. 1'rnteotlon of incladea eqoal pay for equal Ca0 Attorneys tit Iti'wr All bnsinoae attended to in a prompt and aatisfaotory manner. Notaries Fobltc and Oollectora. OFFICE IK NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. UKPPNF.K, : 1 1 : : OREOOH i, to for.,,0 Hbyth. United St.tM, and oe foreign work ud J. ('. IIAKT, Arl. Itnvr Vreyon. " " """",","'"'". , ' " ' . ' " . " " . ' . . . epheree of oaefalo and wdoome thrir .... --1 1 a . .i,u.iai.(MiiH ami iitiii Miii 11 1 aw 11 ra ana.ni 1 lies rtu'araMrnn ranaaa siiiiiuiu otauilfor Yirrinlav until tlftern "'ml,u"u u . 7 . . " operklu.n in rescuing the eontry from WHITE COLLAR LINE. Solentlflo Amerieta Ajfcy for Columbia llivcr and Pusi a f3 in n T iirv e 1 wars. U a J- YKaoa asaaie. t fnil. anl tW Hwli'B . ru M a en ml t'.'.T. as f'i'irM .unn. U-nU In Snwrfa. tn .'..u i.r ki, ifr.4ianr la laa af rienflfic American NSM liil iiiii yi-ara aftrr the Ikhiw waarrtH ttMl tivoritiam. We denounoe the present be Onilt, owned ana operutea uy me Urmocratie and Populist miamsnagameol A Mrui'turn of thi kind ahould aurr- j.mnralia tariff aa aattionaL ioiurlons United tilatee: and by tbe purchase of end miruse. 1 tll 1 I 1 I y it-mriMi (..r. iiaiMinni i. r.-iiiiun . ... . u.i t I-S. Ul. 4- -. .V....M .1 U..k ... ik. .,..l..t . I ,.lil. 1.. li. ,.hi .,...,i....i...i 11 in lo nuolio creou ana oaaiructiTa hi uuai' uw .ui.u - "-,w - 1 J"1'" -". ,-...,,.. a...,. 1.. in f ...... ,i..i- .in... .1.1 .........!.. tr. A.mA .nnh I Drotrar and mnch naadaJ station io tbe I "f be rfpn)lien parly. Ity thcee prio- tt..n. A pin. e round whi.il hUtory has ..... , , u..ii.i, L'-tl.,!,- rir4 we will abide, aril Iboae r.lulri I Iatlna 'Alder Htreel iX-ck, Portlaod, for Aatorla. II waeo. Loog Beach, Orae r - we w 11 out into eteenimn. wimi lur ,. v.,.utui, .,, Illnv ana ran- wan Slaatn TFiEI'DON'E, BAILEY GATZERT AND OCEAN WAYt 1. iri)tl(!lilo M VI VII VV Wound au. h a wreath (if fatuous Incl d. nta. as it has about old Fort Train, come into eompelitioa with Ameriean foe naasaecee in Armenia bate arona- Urm tbe txmaidarale J-idgme nt of lhe uitpfft to.ia Niwf t raa fMiar itm.1, 1.11 T p. .... a a ui. Park and Naheotta. road ; also at Tonog'a Bay with Seaabore lUilroad ah.ml.1 W waUlu'd and trraaurrd aa I ...i,...i. .111 n,,i an fornUh ada- led tbe daan erDDalbf and laal Indiana- a m.rin.11 nam.u f.,..fi t.ni aiiia inl TBIjHXltON13 one of the drarval Ua.-iaU.-a of the na- . .... 1 j a. .t l. . . . . 1 1 .1 Uaves Hwrtlamlt A. M. Pally , atj uB4ar. Laavsa Aalorta 7 P. M, tstlr, aterpl Sunday, li. iuiuiiHniair. hi inriir . I :,. f iKa Im.n.ui Mnh . anil ara k. I lha tilalnr nl nnr nal rarl ami in II. a I . r. .mu. tlon.andaaa rrmtndrr ot Amrrl.aa S"" r- r . r - IIAIIjEY OATZEUT ... . 1 t . 1 ... 1 . : 1 1 . I 1... 1 ft. . TTI,.., Ut.l.a .linn .1 I 111SIIQ- UI uur 7aM- w Kir III Ulir Dial I I . . hiril.Hl I. at fb.li. i .-- m-M ..H . imam t iTiiiiaium aim aini Sirica ior 1 ee or lue gti?arnmani, na finnmm ami v-iri """' ... . 1 - ... ... .. 1 ; . , J " "Tl '""'',,"r . h r. irt aiuria oaiir a fr..l..m. ThaiMi wMraikm mat . ...... .. .l-i.. 1. 1 rorro ana oor eaoawaiea in ma ioii aa- ... . .u..i., Bi,ni, t r, m. ' Aairrii an labor from toe aaareaatlua to 1 en iuuu-o i wa ynin; mn w ..... 1 h.it appwlau lu true hUtl iJu. 1 . ,t , ,. , . . anraaee that Ibe election will bring i. .......11..... ... i..u lh. ..j. lavai or nl liar larnu. 1 anna: iw-j .iwoiii-ti tu mi -uu. a-i... 1. .1.. u....ui... .m. ..j .... p. ... ......... ... V'.im ni'Ui.,R 1 .w. p v. I 1 TID1WI W IU. .V. f M III It . M . I , Ul. Mp..nll with far more lntrrt and vVe are oot pledgeJ to aay partlcolai Terkey Amerieaa reeidente bete Ua pmepshty to tbe iaof' ' tbe t'nltad jraung. OOBAN' XV A. XT 13 airra fnrtlatKl ant rn". cllr-H In l!avv Toaaalsr and thur-U .ill w ti- mil Kwi-iq aiw riwwj HI VI.S. Ua MrMUJT biC fit al I f, "attinUr at I f . M. M. LobmluW Tbe question of ratee la a eipoeed to Ibe grateat daegere and Htatee. Tho.....tl..n he. ,.f.. n Wrn a.kWI lMiloal o,e.tioa to be feneJ b; I America prot-rty deetroyeO. There hr tno army .-a.!.-!, at V r. nut wrar IrotiJitlnos of tbe lime and ef prod act ton. I sod eeerjebere AtnerKaa ciuaaae ana DisF.A9t:4 of Tin: mi. The Inlvnae lulling end maning Inti- for WHf, Comfort, fl-astira, Tratal aa W TadthMi. aWtlvy Qataart Sa4 Oraaa Wsra. CIUOACIO. jniiwaukee & si. Paul ft'y a ifray unifiirm whilr the uniform of lhe Tb, ,aUt,t and ODeompromtaiog prii- Aaia property mast U abaolalalr 6.1 u, -,.,., tni.r, tali-iWum, smloih army la I.Up. 1 heorlglnof thl. .ILtlm V . . . . .,11 .11 k.aaM. ai al aat diaaaara of lhe .Via la ttwtanlly alUra.1 by ti.ui.lai.- I. k to tha air of lIJ l. pie letbe pntleMUiej and derelopeaeel of afoleeted al all b a tarda and at any eoat. ,rl chambrtUins Kie sod rim t. . I . l 1 . a ak . . a a a pfTsranwrie i jf.PaMW j V 0 1 ' emweuetiV -1 r a , . vS -.hrn moMinmiaaar grnrra or the . ,br and ledoelrr. Tbe armv mii ttit prur tna Muerioth .-......i .. i..rt..i.i H....11. I eunnlrv dimaadi a rlahl aetlleoMol and ga-t... ant a.i thry rn clad In gray. I ,bf0 ,1 ,ott rrti. Nt ili.litiiuUli(H mi the CiMi'lm t of llial t I ...Im .1 l..,n.t t . .ml I'll In. trMatl.alhin.afWrtHearof 1IJ. ,r,",'m a l.VialM m . the r.l n.lnl W balleee tho rapaal of Ibe reetpfoei aalliUry a-a lrrtiy a made, out of , eompUmriil t.ili-.!. K-.tt and his Uljr If arraogameato aeffntieled by laelael a-lf tl.a uiiif .rni ..f tl.o r-.r of raOaU! U,utlian a.liuiatslraloa wae a aalioa-1 wa hati.-vd fr-m t.Sue t.i gray. , ... . eroeenmaei ' I al ealmll and a ilKnaeJ lbr rrnaw-1 UiutmptiL prrnianrntlf U'a Itva afaaroa doalrlna in tRk-M-nt ! I I a.1 die anna ita follaal eiUat aa4 we raararra ue tlain. InM Uim. Hgbl of Ibe CelUd 8taUe Io gite tbe U " f druUii al cmta jat boa. MOKBOa tKKTBtXB. esfl Iba Ifoaros doalrtoe la I atari tary td csm hare tra m ff I fill :ffijaS lh Keeley In I UtM. and thronle anre dnelriae effael by reepadie Io tbe ap poeleef aey Aeaorieea etaa oe friaadly inttUoa ia eee of Earopeaa ea Try Ir. fadt'a rewdltlpa I'awoVrx iba 1 . I. L. I . I! a jim nai a rmrav imn a nvn in w rrmt- laufk Ton. Ul nrttirr sal r rnu(U(-a. For sale by Coasar A Itrork. dreg gtata For tho Curo o Liquor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits II la IomM M BaJta, Orvf-a, TIU JVuef fleoefiuJ Torn m 1X4 Cboef Gall al la fl .ItTTa aa)M Urn mli. uv U ; caa4a.uai. ImuwI pmaiaaaa aare 1 nn. Glance at this Map ( lh !(. Vl:. ..!.. a. I tail Nail r a4 11a t-mr. rii,..s .n 1. . ttnavtal ll4 a4 t I .il ' I u a. aa4 n thai ' ara l .'i.l aH.W. .t. ilf Kl i..- I I t.Mt .,. ru...i a.-e.. in f.-i.if ai'i. I w. .' lb a ea4( kas aa .-. tI tai, a-l 1 o..a aa l. mi ii H m wii I'M Wws a iia ., I I a... st S --. a. 4 t- a.k l ntmrmmt -... -a t a 1 m Ta."aa . . s. r r H .." 1 . '.a In tw-t : , . ia r I. lM. i,. ..! . , I W I iT, T-. t.M !(, vsa, iavO ll',tirr .i rmj alini tie Ita fles.e t.ebahtaaa I. ma. tane daairoea of vtailieg l'ra.l;l..a n eae lime and woaai l laaii g II. ia i. ula. II; ae qnalbling ll.a aala il.e ries a lag tbe ttaa-a mill aiake rannaelii wllb 1 1 o'lHM k train at I. b.i M I'JI''0. f-raia sai fackxtea. lXT.ee al IMy IHo Mnra. W. II, l.ao. rrii... al aad eitaMk aa each Urate ea will leeltMenr Irade oilb otba aettooa. reaoe raelrielMme wbkb aeo ibatae ibe ealaot Aaaaneaa pmJocta ia porta of tbaf eoaolrvaa, and aerareealargad aikate tut Iba prudane of oar tar a. a. We shall aol be ietetfered aad eball "( ia 4mm ffrt-if. in my jn.ljmmt. k.1 1.1.1m .ilk Ika .,U.. rae- rfc'r ' Vr,"r,r r,r"l", ""l Ml leterlwre ll Ike eikaiiag Pnff,t fntm tht p, mi kasa of as Kerooaea iow la Ihtel tl ktthrr k .. or ! nm fr . , . ... .. . 1 . , , frr I ftnirt fr,.m rfr ; ""l I n ,llu,m J. Iirr,n tn IKt H..mm of .Vil li a,,, ,.S I .,r ft.f 1 1,.. 11. ati Is i l raaa i.f ('( .iia.lua Atltm. (' ofi.a, la and I'n ap aia r.. I'lT, r.is riitJiiT'iilu l i -l.il h'a C'uia. .- ..., ..I , 1 u.ll. A U.,... al. oa aay oreteil, ba eiUadaJ. We bepefally bxb forward ta the event al withdrawal of Earopeaa poaere Imea Ule beeaatpbswa aad lelbealUaiaU oaioaof all Eagtta peak ing pane of Iba eoaliaeal by frae oaeal ef lie la babiteaia. rraia aaaot,rTha. Fmea Ibe baf ef aebbainf their ewa rvar.in r trkrn Iht It aadrr cmi.U rifi. . InH ra. fraUda aad raclpmoily are lata aaaarae ef lUpaU.eaa paliey, aad t bead la baud . Va.aalM tale bee faeklaeal elrarh duaa bolb, aoj amb ajaal ba te ealabllabad, froeta tut bal mm pi4a. Iree e4aMBUa to Ibe eaaaeaatwe f l.fe atab ae d m4 lJapeM.teaea. tbe aaople Ibe I'a.Ud la ll.a Im.a tT-aiabt Iba (taal-al aea'ae li e Mib iHt(Ulia.b. ib rnrt If In alia... a, ua I. ! Na ball! e j Irtaai.-f f ra ee 1 i-1 lal'.fiU'a I' .1 '. aa a ,1 (ita aa S lf,.iui aa a! i, .i al i- u'al.lta Uibi ff- .if, aa a,.M-lural lam la au aa I tnicilk. . ... .1 ii J. te6a araa-al f laatael Hilar mmmm - lata M rra awkeaa ta olbera. ttAi,m bolide ap d.aaaa4 Iada4ry aa J Its ta, aad exerae ear aa taaflel f ir nr.ita ; r !, k'i batWe aa fr- ieiflo ttede aad lada aa eallal t.aj ear la; -f, H la las beie rfdl Otlb ) re rla tbe Mtetftaaef oWat Awartoaa ewtfle le freo tbaaaalaa fna Earaaaaa aaiaa. Ii-ia Vit aateti alb dwp aoJ eKtJioa ial'al ISa bmte bait la ot itt CiSae falii..a aaia rtaall a I pfiem, ad nai baa bre 0 ot f. lha fall t. eM el I Waif aMaai4 aalal f -f Hub efaibaaa la eHll al iba old sUa-l aatt d.'f i Iba r-l i-ffiaa, ate ti le rrralat la An atiilllrif l tia lie. Hhetief, bair ratliag ttaiba' etc., al fNipale tna II- Ta la t ir-wi",' CVn r-fi, t4 V "''. b rr i,r. a f n.fT.i. ; ' .t.i l anaiWd t4 !. a.l -fitf l'a-S .a t Pal I star Cr 1II11 ry l' - ni.il t 'I- a ' lliaia ll.a t . . i .1. I I f- mi l I Li I H ! 'II I t: i Xn t. t. It . 1 r KM -.1 . av-t . I I --. I . l- a. t ran ) I- I,..'. - . I 'Il HI - ' li.a r-f . t- .... . 1. 1, a. I . A fi-l " f ', ff.-, V, S. I I -rf; lVl . I I atafc. I! a.. 1 I I ta fratTi fa i. a- U.I. I tn t .'in . I ! - y M aa U,.tl-4 4r g t Imb, an aaata. OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACI:. IS TOO HEAVY AND VK ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fict . "m ncul it in your lni;ine::.. and .ii ,i ni.ittir f lu inc vc must sell it. Tin. P.vni.Rso.N PwniisniNG Co.