El Si 11 Where They Slit. McKinley Bill, with Napoleon eye, Says "Bryan let's drink some Llnwood Ryei We meet aa IrlemlB, my words are few 1 hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U." And Bryan says, In a joklnu manner, "I wonder If that's what's the matter with Hanna That's horse and horse, you fminv teller When I see my wife I am bound tit) Teller." Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an eye, And they drank some more good Llnwood Rye. Sold only At the Belvedere Saloon, E. Q. Sperry, Prop. If Troubled With Rheumatism Htjid This. Annapolis, Md., Apr. 16, 1894 l have used Chamberlain's Paiii Balm for rheu mfttism and found it to be all that ia claimed for it. I believe it to be tbe best preparation for rheumatism and deep seated muscular pain on tbe mar ket and cheerfully reooramend it to the public Jno. O, Brooks, dealer in boots, shoes, etc, No. 18 Main St. ALSO BEAD THIS. Mechaniosville, St. Mary Co , Md. I old a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm to a man who bad been suffering with rheumatism for several years. It made him a well man. A. J. MoGii.l For sale at 50 oents per bottle by Causer $ BrooK. . Some bets are being made in Heppner as to tbe result of the election on Nov. 3rd.' A little money has been wagered on the Btnte and also even on Morrow county. One small bet was made yes terday 2 to 1 tbat MoKiuley wonid carry West Virginia. The popoorats have some money to wager on tbe state and county, and other combinations, but fight shy of the position of 2 to 1 nu Mc Kialey on the general result. Portland on was in from Eight Mile '.How to Core all Bkln Plseaaea." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itob, all eruptions on tbe faoe, bands, nose, &o., leaving tbe skin dear, wbite and healthy. Its great beat ing sod curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Auk your drug gist tor Swayne's Ointment. Fossil Journal: Tbe newspaper men tand away no high in the K. of P. order in this at'te. At tbe grand lodge Reunion jast closed in Portland the seonnd high- est offine, that of vine-chancellor, fell to Otis Patterson, editor of tbe fcteppner Gazette; and J. It. Beegle, editor nf tbe St. Helen's Mist, was elected grand inner guard. ult it immntertat, tn my judgment whether the sheep grower receives any benefit from the tariff or not . . . , Whether he. does or due not I am for free woof Extract from nteevh of Wi ham J, Bryan tn the House of Hep resentativet when the It iimn (nil was under consideration. A Fact Worth Knowing. Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lnng diMaas are tared by SUiloh's Care. For sale by Wells ft Warren. Here and There. Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., baa wood for sale. 87-tf. Snow fell at Toll Rock. cearHardmao, IHBt Duuuaj. Qeo. Vinoent was over frnm falhinv Friday last. Bob Sbaw oame od from Sundr.y last. Jake Young last Saturday. Cbas. H. Green, tbe woolbnver. rptnrn. ed this morning. wheat is advanoicg again and is near ly as big b as ever. John Murpby left for Monumout yea terduy with a lot ot merchandise. Geo B. TedroweBnd Dave MoAtee got home Suuday from the race oiroait Drink tbe oelebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borehers. Nick Roberts, the well known travel ing man, called on onr merchants last Friday . The Prineville raoes will be attended by several horsemen of Grant aud Mor row counties. This r ffioe wag favored with a oall from Mr. FranoU Clarno, tbe demoorat io orator, on yesterday. D. W. Kinniard, who formerly lived here, wbs reoeutly appointed U. S. dep uty mineral surveyor of Oregon. D. Matlook got in from Tbe Dalles this morning. If red Patton and Ed. Getobel are expected to arrive tomorrow. General Cnxey, last Tuesday at The Dalles, took first money in the four and one-nait rarlong dasb in 0:58. Mr. W. E. Baker, representing the En dowment Kaukof tbeEoightsof Pythias, is in town in me interest or tbe order. Fall weather brings oool weather, oool wentber culls for winter clothing. See E. W. Rhea's line of goods. Ad in this issue. sl8-lm. A . dance will be given at the opera nooae on the nrst and third Friday evenings of eaoh month, for an indefi nite period, tf. A. J. Lelaud, representing tbe North western R. R., ami J. W. Casey, of tbe Chicago, Milwuukoo & St. Paul, were here this week. Francis Clarno left this morning for Bardman and will address the citizens of tbat plaoe and also of lone before leav ing the county. Wriaht Saling was over from Eight Mile Friday last with a big load ot wheat. He hauls 100 sacks of wheat or barley at a load. Dave Mo A tee's General Cnxey won the three-fourths dash at the Da.les last Saturday. in the traok time of 1:02. Tbe track is very slow. Cbas. H. Green, the well known wool- buyer, was here last Friday and to use bis own words, be "got skunked" tbis time for he bought not a pound nf wool. frank, Lacy accompanied by several of tbe Heppner boys, started eastward this morning witb 6,000 bead ot mutton sheep. Their destinatiou is Kansas City. A vouog man by the tiame ot Bob. Warren, of Eight Mile, received a letter ot warning recently, giving him ten days in which to leave tbe country. He did not go. Gidllattand Charley Jones are as sociated together down at Charley's old plaoe in tub tonaorial business. Call on them and get onr whiakers pushed in. Two children of tbe Davis family lir no Thirty mile, Uilliam county, were thrown from a wagon recently and kill ed. Three others were Beverly injured at lb it t;mo, "It is immaterial, in my judgment wlu'ther the sheep grower receives any lienrtlt from the tariff or not Whether he doen or does not I am for free wool." Extract from epeech of It tlliam J Bryan tn tM House of Hep. resentatives when the IVWaoti lull wait under consideration. Hons. Ji'ho H. Hiniih, state senator for Clatsop county, and Geo. Nolaod, one ot the old guard of the same county, arrived this morning and will add the people of Ueppner at tbe opera house tonight on the political iaenes of tbe day. Though the Gazette does not agree with the gentlemen In tbeir advo cacy of Bryan, yet indeed, Iboaa wbo at tend will be royally entertained. LADIES' M KINLKY CLUB. Holdaa Enthusiastic Meeting Saturday Night Aa Orderly Gathering. LAY PREACHERS : The Ladies' MoKinley Club held it last regular meeting on Saturday night. The opera house was fairly well filled, aud a more enthusiastic crowd would be bard lo find. Miss Aoua J. Balsiger, ex- county tcbool superiotendeut, presided and culled tbe meeting to order prompt ly at 8 o'clook. Tbe cxeroises wero opened witb a oampaign song by a well trained chorus. Mrs. J. N. Brown gave a comia recitation, after which T. R. Lyons presented the issues of tbe day in a speech ot 60 minutes' duration, in which be scored the populist and demo oratio platforms, especially those parts relatiug to federal interference and the attack upon the supreme oonrt. Mr. Lyons pres nted an unanswerable argument, and held tbe close attention of bis audienoe, and was frequently ap plauded. He showed tbe fallacy ot the fes-silver argument tbat silver and wheat rise and fall together, by oalling attention to the late object lesson where wheat has advanoed skyward and silver downward. He made a strong plea for protection. A solo by Frank McFarland and a select reading by B. F. Hvnd, brought d'.wo tbe house Several ladies were oalled upon to re spond, in a sort of an old-fashioned ex perience meeting. They did nobly. Hon. W. R. Ellis closed tbe meeting witb a masterful address, advising against pop cilia t rule, showing as an example what populism did tor Kansas. At tbe olose of tbe meeting Hon. J. N. Brown, state oentral committeeman for Morrow county, announced tbat on next Saturday a grand republican rally would bs held in Heppner with good speakers from abroad including in all probability tbe Hon. Binger Hermann, congressman from the first district. Eng-Uah Lords Vkt Deliver Baa day Dla- Emperor William's taste for preach ing', even where there is duty quali fied ecclesiastic within reach, is far more common fancy than most people might be, willing to imagine. Under the circumstances it is difficult to under stand the surprise which has been caused by his insistence in delivering; the Sunday discourse during the recent jachting trip in tbe Mediterranean, al though he had on board with him the chief of the court chaplains. Thus in England there evre at least a dozen secular members of the house af lords who, not content with preaching to their own households and tenants, actually travel about in England and on the continent preaching wherever they can find cither a congregation or a pul pit at their disposal. Several of them, such as, for instance, Lord Radstock, have incurred the wrath of foreign governments in consequence of their religious zeal. The young Earl Beau champ, is an other of these lay preachers, but he con fines his ministrations to the East end of London. Then there is Lord Bid net, married to an American wife and heir to the earl of Tankerville, who has been arrested for street preaching on several occasions. The present duke of Hamilton does a little in the preaching line, chiefly among the poorer classes of London. Hut none of these peers come anywhere near the late earl of Shaftesbury so far as pulpit oratory is concerned, the earl being known by the nickname of "the lay bishop." The Whole Story Of tbe great sales attained and great cures aooomplished by Hood's 8arsa- parilla is quiokly told. It purifies aud enriches tbe blood, tones tbe etomaob and gives strength and vigor. Disease cannot enter tbe system fortified by the rich red blood wbiob comes by taking Hood s Harsxparilla. Hood's Pills ouree aobe, indigestion, druggists. 25o. Francis Clarno, Followers of You can bet your last winter's duds that this fair Is no "frost," Cut Jack Frost Is one of the boys that comes around annually and Be prepared to receive no mistake. him by calling on E. W. RHEA & CO., waara te Mo rial a A unt. Wbl will Jtapart fo a talieot de'res SfainSt tb lotMlotil ff tbe Frwt famltp. 8rb lis of wloUr elolbiaf Br v Matt, and at fertr 'way down. Tin are pfatty tonga bet lint wha y ol gl tfiriB, eaq't yi ? nansea, siok bead- billiouscrss. All FOPOCKATIC SPEAKING. COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE, Other "Cures talk "in favor mrm m of Hood's Sarsaparilla, Pjl B I f as for no other medi- B C4 1 Irk cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language ot grateful men and women, constitute Its most effective ad vertising. Many ot these cures are mar velous. They have won tbe confidence ot the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa rilla the largest sales in the world, and have made necessary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood'a Sarsaparilla la known by t he cures it has made cures ot scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cures ot rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh cures which prove InlOOd Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure liver Ills; easy to take, easy to opmte. 25o. SUMMONS. ot Fortlaud, Knthnirs the the Popocratlc Nominee. Tbe Bryan club of this city was ad dressed last evening by Francis Clario, ot Portland, at tbe opera bonse where a fair-slzd and an enthusiast io audience bad assembled. Tbe meeting opened witb an instrumental solo by Mrs. H. W. Bartholomew. "America" by the audi ence and a vocal solo by Mrs. Effla Parriah, all of whioh were heartily ohrered. A. E. Binns, as presiding officer, then introduced Mr. Clarno, tbe speaker ot tbe evening, wbo spent two hours in trying to ennviooe bit audience tbat free silver was the only panacea for 11 tbe ills now affecting tbe American people and our iuduatrici. Mr. Clarno Is an entertaining talker and his senteneei of well-rounded rheto ric olten oreated enthusiastic applaiioa, but his talk was one ot flowery state ments and not of oonvinoible argameot. ue asserted mat rranos witb bait oar population maintained more silver tbau the United States, bnt It was very notioe. able tbat be oarefoliy avoided tn state that Franoe entirely stopped lb enio- age or silver mora than niteen years ago, Boding that she had all that eonld possibly be maintained. One of bia statements that created great applaasi as tbe aaaertioo that international agreement meant free trad and free ool. Tbe speaker said tbat lbs follow ers or nryan wert eaiii names, when a onmnorai in ids eonieooe yelled "so archiata." In answer tbe speaker as serted tbat in time of da gr repuhll eaos woold ties while popoorats would be tbe first to shoulder go os in dafenae of our fovarnmant Load ehewa f .1. lowed, bat louder still' were the aria at oo";troni every part of lb bonse. Silver to IoJia. bs said, waa worth L37H' and lo tbe same statement be aaeortad that India bought oar silver for song. Tbis root latency was also loodly cheered. The protective tariff policy was answered la lbs naoal damo- cratia style by belittllog aad igaorlsg tbe asms, lUoagb tbe speahar alaiiiul pftvaialy that be was a steuaob ad vo cals of Llgb tariff. Tbe attack oa tbe supreme oonrt aad t'raeideat tlevalaad for lappreaelog lbs CbieagD riot, by lbs popocrallc platform, ware carefully avoided. la all, tbe adJraa was aoe consisting of the naoal pnpoeralle arga- mast Cnrloaa Customs ITactlcart la Parta of the World. Some of the customs peculiar to courtship and marriage among the race of dwarfs who inhabit the Andaman island are, according to M. de Quat refages, who recently published a book called "The Pygmies," about these peo ple, very peculiar. Not the leost re markable of them is the procedure of courtship. The young man who has made his choice uddresses himself to the parents, who never refuse, but send the girl into the forest, where, before day, she conceals herself. The young man must find her. If he docs not succeed he must re nounce all claim to her. The wedding ceremony of these people is equally curious. M. Quatrefages thus describes it: "The two parties climb two flex ible trees growing near each other, which an old man then makes to bend toward euch other. When the head of the man touches that of the girl they are legally married." Turning from Asia to Europe, we find a very curious custom prevailing in Rouinania. Among the peasantry of this country, when a girl attains a marriageable age' her trousseau, which has in the menu while been cnrefully woven, spun and cmbroldpred by her mother and herself, is placed in u painted wooden box When a young man thinks of asking to be allowed to pay his attentions to the girl he is at liberty to open the box. which is always placed in a convenient position, and examine the trousseau If he is satlcflcd with the quantity and quality of the dowry he mokes formal application for the girl's hand, but, if not, he is quite at liberty to retire. IN THE CIRCUIT COUKT OF THE STATE of Oreeon lor Morrow County. A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Mays, Plaintiffs, vs. Charles Klmsey and Clara Kinney, his wife, A. J. Kinney and Klmsey, his wife, Wm. Kimsey and N. Kinney, his wife, W. 8. Mercer and Sarah Mer cer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, Samuel Hall and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas ' Klmsey and Nellie J. Croft. Defendants. To Charles Klmsey and Clara Kimsey, his wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, William Klmsey and N. Klmsey, his wife. Rich ard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, William Ferrell and Eva Ferreu, his wife, Thomas Klm sey and Nellie J. Croft, of above defendants. In the name of the State of Oreron. vou and each of you will take notice that the above plaintiffs, A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Maya, have commenced a suit against the above defend ants in the above court to foreclose mortgage !i, .ii::, '!, if aft O This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. Blackwell's Genuine BULL DURHAM Yon will And one coupon Inside each t ounce bag and two coupons inside sacn 4 ouno bag. auj a wag, ran uie coupon ana ms now o gel your snare or 1260,000 In presents. W VI HAVE YOU HEARD AN EARLY START. the given them by the above defendants upon the eaatlhalf of the northwest quarter, the south west quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 18 township 1 south range 29 East In said county. That the relief demanded in the complaint in said suit is for a decree that plain. nns nam mortgage De foreclosed, the mortgaged property sola, ana tne proceeus applied to pay ment of costs and disbursements of said suit, to the note secured by said mortgage and the attorney's fees set forth therein. That the court also decree In plaintiffs' favor a recovery irom unanea iwimsey, a. j. Kimsey ana Wil liam Klmsey of seven hundred dollars (700.00) and Interest thoreon at ten per cent per annum from September 11, 139, and seventy-five dol lars (175.00) attorney's fees, besides costs and disbursements of suit. And further decree that all the other defendants be foreclosed of all right, claim or equity of redemption l.1 and to said lands, or any part thereof, and that plaintiffs have such other and further relief as Is equitable. This summons is served upon vou by publi cation by order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. ndge ot the above court, made by him at chambers on the 22nd day of September. 18!. and each of the defendants above named are required to answer said complaint on or before the first day of the next term of the alxve court, to-wit: the first Monday of March, 1H'.7, or the plaintiffs will apply to said court for the reuei aemauueuin aaia compinint. CAKEY A MAYS, 7V91. Attorneys for I'lalntilli. THAT THISl-tJS'sa Been a Change Jn Business ill tail ED. 11. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Malt Slaughter Pri REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleu goods. Tboots, shoes, overshoes, ete.. are beinor sold below wholesale cost Great disoounts on hardware, tinware, class ware. hats. caps, blankets and in faet everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late. m ED. R, BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. FRANK MTARLAND, Manager and Salesman. Gilliam & Bisbee '-- Tb Drlisf1fl, Wia., Journal says Jllortally of popular paleat toJittaa; "Ws kao from ipsio Ibat Cham- bwlala'a CoV, Cbotars sod lharrba lUtiiaxIy is all tbat Is ela! for II, aa oa I o Daioie It st.ps4 eicroriaiinf flto aoJ -atnir savJ $ tiutn as a. tinaly rea. Ws wooU kol ravt ajy ova ibt H boat II Is lbs boosa." Tbis rtv4f otclogtUtl'y tars ux pais aoJ safTarisf lbs soy slbst slk. Ins Hi lbs worli. gravy fa (ally six 14 II la Iba boaaa, f..t u sra la be Mia4 anowav f IsUf. fpf , by Ocaar bra, k. Call on E. W. RHEA & CO., at trje E?S First Nafl BarjR Corr)er. rVnrUif!' fcav rMba4 lbs Mrs of I tbs Oaaatla'S M'W Ibal ba 4ve at- ftaaaa Mpnrati paiia. a iba aao 4 aaytblaf t4 H ay aa aak4. For- ! Iba Uatatta la aiaays saitoaa to isoa(biaff auk .bwls In My Iba avar 'tel OMnaa U tmr sn-U npnm ! Mi bisMaaaa toaitara tbis Mtt aoe at prtj. I. ft. III'OIICS, ", M E.W. nilEA&COo Proprietors, iuiirs:iiv!. OKUGOaV. W. r. lUarl. bta m, jia, Ueb Oaatrf SS4 i ! H bMaa a.4 La. assay avaAia hum tKa Osaa-f.a ' t".f bal M bala j S t4 tA 7 bl c4 MM la a raa(a. I Mr. Baart aa4 fan,l!y aCva m wm I tbair aa b"t. Aaotber Marval CaaaaataS with Blaysla. An uptown citizen was awakened very isirly on a recent morning by a chorus of mimical voices. Heart aud went to the wimlow. Dimly In the ahadow y dawn he saw a, half-dozen glrlihh forma grouped before the liouae urxt door. There was a wheel bcaldn tsx-h and lie eoniprrhendpd that this inrnnt an early outing. As he discreet ly ducked bark hla liead a shower of f! ravel struck Uie nearest window of ltn next door. "Mabel, oh, Malx-l!" aun out a shrill aoprnno. "Iluali, you'll wake the neighbor hood," murmured a warning voice. "Something ought to wake It up once in awhile," an id another voice. "Who lives next door? This In a loud whlftier. "Mr. Crimiulna." Tbe man at Iba wimlow ducked back n ralti. "l-ct'a arreruKle him." "(iueaa not. He'd throw bootjarka at .." "Mayl he'd go along If ws asked Mm." Wild chorus of g'gglea. "Not much, lie loves hla pillow too well." Tlwu tbe ahrill voice rose again. "Mabel, oh, Mabel!" Then an alto no's descended front the win-low. ' "Hay, girls, keep still. You'll wake pa. Jual wall a mlnot mamma la glnir w Ith na." A few minutea later Ibrre waa the sound of footatepa In the grsvel drive- ay and two mote shadowy forma Jul nd I lie (roup. There were hurried greet Itia and then an older oie naked: "Where An we go?" "Tn WUIot gbby. rlon'l w, Marie V There rrf more g'rf lea and a llnJe acta-' () rf fori on Ue roadway and l.;r n tv. i sry wheeled down the street ll ', 1 l He deepeat shaikiWa. Mr. ( rlmmlns tame an ay from the w htdow and aonirbl Ma pillow agsl. When he atepped out of the noa It might na lieen elgtil o'clock -he looked up at his etghhnra Shaded pnrrh aa he aed and I here aat bia nr'ghbor'n wife and hla brlgbbnr'a tlatigbter. In dainty while goae, look Inf aa mrrf and reatful aa If ndle morain rld were never beard of. Mr. (rimmlea alared a little as be bowed to the ImI tea. The Idea nf afelag them there rami like a mild shark after the 4aln(e In Iba aasly (Ui "fly Jove!" he anatuwed. as be strode down the street, "tbe hW-yela U a nar vet, sure enough."-Cleveland Ttal flraler. W. K Mmtt4 la Is f x fan dajt' Tbos W. Iliaasa aad Ralnb) II ale at tef fraai Loaf Oaa. i. W. Rlaka 0m la lass MnJat fmaa Cad aad rnsas4 rvav yeateedty. Jol.a MrblMlan as4 aea an frosa tbeir le aaa .a bear Lei teg t. la day. Marab w b baily barf r Seatif bf reete a bekaw leg,! Mark bet tar. Hn, II, Illaclwas. lleeoe 4 lata aal reese,spe rjaalay Mb bit Isavl ly Kaa, SHERIFFS SALE. XTOTICR 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER 11 and by virtue ol an execntlon Issued out of the circuit court ol the Stale ol Oregon, lor County of Morrow, and to me directed and de livered, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said court on the ttth day of Heutemlier, lH'.W, InlarorofThe Northern Counties Investment Trust, Limited, a corporation, plalntllf, and against Cecelia Taylor, ft. H. King, N, B. McBue and I. (-. Thompson, delendanU, lor the sum of Seven Hundred and Rrvan'y Three and l.VHK) iKillara with Interest thereon from the ltday of June, lmM, at the rata of eight per cent per annum, and the further sum of Thirty Dollars costs, and accruing costs; which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's olHee of said court In said county on tha Kith day of He teraoer, lWti; and, whereas, liy said Judg ment It was ordered and adjudged that the following deacrllied mortgaged property, to-wlt: the Mouth half nf tha Northeast quarter, and Northeast quarter of Northxast ciisrtr (except tun acres In a souara form In the northeast corner thereof) and Moutheast quarter nf North west quarter ol Hm'tion Ten llttl In Townshln One (1) North of Hanga Twenty flva (&) Kmt W. M., be sold Ui satUfy said Judgment, costs aud accruing costs. 1 will, on Saturday, Slat day of October, MOO, at l u clork P. M., ol said day, al the (rout door of the court house In Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell the right, title and Interest nf said defendants Cecelia Taylor. H 8. King, N. H. MrHee and J. C. Thomneon In and to tha alMivadearrllied property at I'lihllo Auetlon to tha hlgheat and lieat bidder for cash In hand, tha tiriw.l tnbaspDlled to the sstlsla'tlon of said execution, and all coats ami .. that may aocrue. B. u maimh k, enenrroi normw county, )non. Dated this 2nd day ol I1 1M.. irt) -t. Notice of Intention. Lakd Orrn at La f)Br, Osruox. Heutemlier Itth. Iirst. XTOTICE 18 IIKRKRY t.lVKN THAT Tllg 11 followliig'tiameit settler has nlad notlr of her Intention to make final proot In support of her claim, and that said pneil will be made before oiinty Clark, of Morrow County. t ne,nner, uregon, on tirumer tiri, i"t, is; MAKV 1 VAt'tlHAN. nr Marv J. Henderson. II. K. N,VJ, lor tbs NWI4, Hec V, Tu I B, K 17 E. W, M. Mba names the following witnesses tn timve her eonilniKHts residence opou snd cultivation of. no lann, vis ; Jehn Marshall. William RarratL Klmer (Jen try. MarUn Anderun.all of Heppner, tiregou. 4,'sa. n. w. WIIMtN, KlsUir. Notice of Intention. f ami orrirg at thk DAiJ.ia.oRKiMiM MJ t II, laua. Not Ira Is hereby gtvaa thai Iba following named saltier has Bled no. Ifwef hla tntanuoa In make Btial pi ool In sup. nft of bis rialm, and that aatd proof will he ade be lore t. n. Mirow, ennli rlerk. al Heppnar, Oregna, nn emlxr Mb, lm, vis Jl UI II I1HLY H I K. No. turn, r Ui Nv SWk sa Knu b WW. See. . Tp M, K K t Ma name tba fnllawlna wltnissss In Prove ais eonnnuous reatasnca Bpoaaoa ruiuvattoa a, aara woo, vis; llllsta r rxillon CbsrlM p. Mslloty, A. A ra, i. a. " rva, ail Ol neppnar oren. uf Mixing. V aa fcxtatar, Notlce'of Intention. fan Orri'S at La iis.t.s. Ossitoa. N1 KefeRlr lh i" tirtcg is nraray i.ivrN nur ink Mlnwing e.na.l settler has ated notlra if htalntenilna ! Make Snal pent In sopirt biarlatni. aa4 thai sabl timl will t vta-le b eta tba I mihty i lerfc of Mwr,w to, ttt.ttt at Heppner. iwen na ..rmir via, I, vis IIAV III M.l t Uii nil. Hnmaaea4 aeplleail-.a R l M tba aft eH.'" J""H "1 K't, l" " I a T a a a. A fc. W M Ma reee tba f-.lu.wlng wllneasea Intm.. blamitlaaM ewtdaom apon and rulU.aU.tai as, aaia wim jiaW laabev.Msl llngbaa, i'tbany liavllle, $tmm Se.llla, ail h! Hrp.ee . P. r " IWia. KegMter. sorter, or ns'At. sr.TTtr.MKST. N(Ti W la kt.y gl. ea tbat I he i. bwa d A4a.liikMairts M Iba leal, at em, U Mqihii. Ser.aei i, as S 1 1 sease rinal neoia Ml.lMlinllllll SM felata a b a4a.latet.al.lft, at tbe ianuery t'oa nt tlia I .anly I urt M Untmm I iHly at Het-pnaf In M at Neprwer. ! , la ai4 I .u.iy, m the its 4y ml Jaanarf a ft Iw, ,i p as. SARAH t MOIMiAS. We are not email meD, lbs. We are small men, Xs. we are not ms Largest Hants in (riB Worm i s But when the people of all the surrounding country are tn need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware. Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlra, Cumberland Coal, Oaas and Water Pipe, Pipe Httlngs, Moves and Kangea, Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Aies, Hammers, Raws, Sledges, Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran lteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllera and Boards, Bhoet Iron, Zinc, etc, etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Prices. We have Oooo Goods at Faib Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chop John TrUea. GIKLIA.M & BISBK3S, MA.IN STKKET - HEPPNER. OREGON 2.(3 to 3Lo Do you know what this means ? This, that there arc sixteen reasons why you should buy your Groceries. Supplies and Gents' Furnish ings at T. R. HOWARD'S for every one objection made against it. This should decide the matter. It docs. People want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for the smallest amount of money. Buy the best when you can get it at the same figure paid for an inferior article. HOWARD'S IS THE PLACE. Old Stand, Main Street, near Bob Krlck's. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, .J. O. BOHOIIJgRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. :Avrni notice of Intention. rAtftiorrtrt at 1 Asitg. iistf., (as M ua ss . Ihol Ih. ..i.lrt aaa4 an.f kaa 4 swea M fcia tntae,tsn tn salt Sa) pemf la anpanrt -t kw mmm, 4 t .1 a Id MI aa aata twowa I. i.i la a. Imkimimm at tha I a I l..it 1 met at Lai !, (.., aw vMSIaf eik ie .1. a' si ar a ' M K t a H im r iih tat. , t A f, trt w it tr s a y r m M. aa-M t In lali.c ali hiii s ka a aia "" ewntetna shi 4 a iiiu.a at, a..4 ta4. r. ..t . W.iti-a. ina ft l-i.t W.M Itu.ta l l. ! -, Ir.l..a, k.'i H f I t.. i...,, l.r-, ... 1 y, wi:mv j tM k.tX. FIIIK : nil : FILLS ! Youro IJOIJKp to 'J'nko 'Km. Lenves No Constipation, -wv Cares it. as wall aa all fliilwi sanaa. Hi. k ll.a-lKa aa4 Malaria. Tba aalf raiSffoattai S till In Iba worl.l. H .11 y all Ut'tl t. aet.l y Sksll nm far 1 U yt.sa, eatU b.,1 II.I .MIrH Ml 1'ICAl, CO , Ha 1'iaaai.ac,, taJ. Thk Lancashhu: Insukanci: Co. . . ... fit M M'ltlts I ISI, HNtllMNII L W. fiTItLSS, AU.M. ssa . ft. a- llewt Itt stsa. W..ri.