STUB To be torn off by the Chairman STUB To be torn off by the First Clerk Republican Ticket. For ProIdent, william Mckinley, Of Ohio. For Vice PreBMent, GARRETT A. HOBART, 01 New Jersey. For Freildontlal Electors, T. T. GEER. of Marlon County, ' S. M. Y0RAN, of Lane, E. L. SMITH, of Wasco. J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah. IS HE BIG ENOUGH r Official Ballot FOR LEXINGTON PRECINCT, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 3, 1896. Mark Between the Number and Name of Each Candidate or Answer VotedJFor. , STATE. For Electors of President and Vice President VOTE FOR FOUR of the United States. - 12. JOHN F. CAPLES, of Portland, Multnomah Co Republican 13. T. T. GEER, of Macleay, Marion County Republican 14. E. L. SMITH, of Hood River, Wasco County Republican 15. , S. M. YORAN, of Eugene, Lane County Republican 17. 20. 21. 24. 25. 26. 27. Twice last summer Bryan made jg, application for a position as press agent for a theatrical company, Now there ia nothing wroDg about M8 this, for the position of "press jo. agent" is reputable enough, but it does show that Mr. Bryan has failed both as a lawyer and journalist, else it is not likely that L,' be would have dropped down to ?j the desire to achieve fame by booming the histrionio art The question arises, "Has Mr. Bryan proven himself to be equipped fully for the high office which he seeks?'' Mr. Bryan has a constitn tional yearning for notoriety and his jump from comparative obscur. ity to the honorable position of presidential candidate was wholly unexpected by him. His mind at that time was full of theatrioal presBmatters. lie had little thought of the White Ilouse.but remember ing a declamation that he had re cited over in Nebraska with con siderable success, he "sprang it on" the unsuspecting dolegates at Chi- cago. It contained a ringing phrase about "no crown of thorns, no cross of gold." The declamation took nuuuio nuu lug kuoau Iblll company were without the pros. pective press agent Mr. Bryan is a good looking man. lie is an honorable gentle man in all business matters. But ' he is demagogic and shallow no ! ! Intlt V1 diNiM not compare with the statesmen who have filled the presidential chair in the past In short, using the common parlance of today, he is "a cheap man." But Bryan is not a bad man, and if elected m a t . a president, oi winou there is not the slightest chanco, he would fill the office the best he knew how. Asside from the fact that Mr, Bryan a ability is questioned, the Gazette believes that it la the sen timent of the American people N. L. BUTLER, of Monmouth, Polk County, Peoples, Democratic, Silver Republican E. HOFER, of Salem, Marion County Peoples, Democratic, Silver Republican W, H. SPAUGH, of Harrisbura, Linn County Peoples. Democratic, Silver Republican HARRY W ATKINS, of McMinnville, Yamhill Co.. Peoples, Democratic, Silver Republican SPEAKER CRISP DEAD. Passes Away From Heart Fallar ia His Soatbera Hans. THE SEA THEIR BEAT. D. BEWERMAN, of Salem, Marion County Prohibition C. J. BRIGHT, of Wasco, Sherman County Prohibition LESLIE BUTLER, of The Dalles, Wasco County Prohibition C. E. HOSKINS, of Springbrook, Yamhill County Prohibition LEWIS B. COX, of Portland, Multnomah Co National Democratic ALEXANDER M. HOLMES, of McCoy, Polk Co.. .National Democratic FRANK A. SEUFERT, of Seufert, Oregon National Democratic CURTIS J. TRENCIIARD, of Astoria, Clatsop Co. National Democratic WW A Atlanta, Oot. 23. Charles K. Crisp. ex-speaker of the boose of representa tive, died here this afternoon. The csnse of bis death was heart fail ore. Thoogh oot publicly knowo, Mr. Crisp has beeo seriously ill for some time. Io tbe oaDvass of Georgia, io which he bad tbe Hon. Hoke Smith as so opponent, be was forced to re'.ire oo scoonot of bis health. However, be won bis fight and bad not bis ontimely death removed him from this mortal world be would have beeo elected us ooeof Georgia's seoators at tbe coming session of the legislature. lie was on Honorable gentleman, a foroefol speaker and greatly beloved io bis adopted state. His race for tbe speakership against Roger Q Mills, of Texas, is yet fresh in the minds of oar people, Crisp winning. The story of bis life, however, is best told from tbe ex tract below, taken from tbe Congression al Directory of 1893, Charles Frederick Crisp, of America", Georgia, was born oo the 29th of Janu ary, 1845, in Sheffield, Englaud, where bis parents bad gone on a visit; was brought by them to Ibis country tbe year of bis birtb; receiyed a common school education in Savannah and Macon, Georgia; entered tbe Confeder ate army in May, 1861; was a lieutenant in Company K, Tenth Virginia Infantry, and served with tbat regiment until tbe 12th of May, 1864, when be beoame a prisoner of war. Upon bis release from Fort Delaware, in Jane, 1865, he joined bis parents at Ellaville, Sohley oounty Georgia; read law In Americas, and was admitted to the bar there In 1866; began the practice of law in Ellaville, Georgia ; in 1872 was appointed solicitor-general of the southwestern judicial oironit, and was reappointed in 1873 for a term of four years; boated in Americas in 1873; io Jane, 1877, was appointed judge of the superior oourt of tbe same circuit; 1878 was elected by the General assembly to the same office; io 1880 was re-eleoted judge tor a term of four years; resigned that ofiioe in September, 1882, to accept the democratic nomination to congress; was permanent president of the democratic convention which assein bled in Atlanta io April, 1883, to nomi nate a candidate for governor; was elected to tbe forty-eighth, forty ninth, fiftieth, fifty-first, and fifty-second con gresses and re-eleoted to tbe fifty-third congress as a democrat, receiving 11,574 votes, against 4,982 votes for Wimberly, people's; was eleoted speaker of tbe house for tbe fifty-second oongress, and re-eleoted speaker for the fifty-third. He was defeated for speaker of tbe bouse for tbe fifty-fourth congress, Reed being ucceseful as the republican caucus oomiuee. Crisp, however, was bis party's oboioe in oaucus. The Mnjor will can "free trade" with "public opinion" and then shy a "protection brick at him that will send mm baclt to Johnny I5uii where he belonga. It AlTKAlw that Mat cub Daly and W. C. Clink mine owners, of Mon- tana, have both boon ptomised the that the Chicago and the 8t Louis ministership to France, in case of popocratio platforms do not state Bryan's election. They are mortal principles that they desire shall enemies aud the fur is flying. influence the future policy of this jnE de,nocr77ho oppose the country. Thia natiou has had ,:.i.i :.. u-.i.;i four years already of that which ia the result of tiukering with a good thing to make it better, and what they desire moat now ia a return to the old plans with a big, brave and experienced tnau at the helm to see that the ship of I'nMperitv sails into Hope harbor, unloading lU cargo at tbe wharves of Bust have their electors demguated as "democratic" on tlio ballots. This ia the oily democrat party in Washington, the Bryan electors being classed a "poojile's party". 11 Hoiek, of the Capital Journal, IUS. I ;l. I i . il H..I .1.-1 PWiuonuiM wwwr on iu i mv wnvi i a llin tlU UUIUCI I ....... . . m of our tople. without recard i0 cratic tieki l, liaa been denounced station, shall again become happy by the printers' union, of Salem, one. whitheallaon all laboritii? men and unions to cpttoee him. Hofer hires ll! SOBLK WORK. rat labor at starvation wages and called the nniou's members "ciea un last Baturday evening the ..tlesruokinablatherskilea." Vhat members of the Ladies' McKinley u h but an enemv of lain ? m a ft . a . . I hud, oi lieptuer,uel4 their last . l! 1 1 - . iuovwuk, u.Tiug ..mas ainca meir TI- i- . rl.lm. organliationwM , Effected. mctMurrow w,nu fof v Tbe omb record a Laving accoin. 0 u 0,irred( but if ,oy pltab! aa much if not more, than uu M,elr(,ol,j u, n ,u. ..u..w urg.o.Muoo oi me u lLpy mi 5u u w c)ow, ,blll toting members of the McKinley there i. aU.lutely a. much chance adherent Io states io to carry the cunty for McKinley . ....usvBHi.mgui. Mfor 15 lh i,, of ..V . . . I. ...... . . I - i n.muiiKi wiiu turn, aun ins McKinley think that they will carry the couuty by the Hryan ite claims it by the same amount. Tks If ruay Iks We will suppose Ibat )nnr oeeapattoa A t recent national republican conven tional Kt. liouia ctititinv aeveral lady dplrgatea ho otii ttfsl tbeui aelvea nobly. Must of the thinking women of Our UO.I art lr McKinley and tbe is sJfBtar;-.til jon srerhsloe.1.eo to republican platforia. This is to lbs dk is sms eoeoiisj easitf upUined. Io a.lditioo to rb, !" ., , .... . . ' Mill ti ia sis r)tIU4 ma niany impoiuiil pnks ci lLelat fr.a iB-aiag i,.t,t. Hna.Ui t latforw it M)fctaiDs out as folj-l: " r.isiwi.. Yoa t- ,,, .... '" "lM 'The rrpuMtcan party ia Blind, tally a4 bJity. Y-r hHh a.l st'etisth twsta Mfatl- Uhst will , ,, , , , "(ally nxnfa' )otir IUl o.f tertmnot Aroericao industrtea in. lb waight ol vi,lar ste tea cludea eiual Mrlunlti nb lhas that oilWr's . . , . ' I Hioaarh lliWa U .Im. , rs- pay ir rqual nik and protection !iiai.iatwt a.b.f. I . u tri.usii totbahoniN Wa fstoi tLa admia. J ' ! o-slta . ... . . I . t r Iijsi" will re- Sioa I WftD'O to wider t hms of ka tt.ral imr..l.. Te is so Osfqliiea aid t) eir ev " .,a ''' . . , snj eaiil ! il);l'ia. fi (tratum in tescuu g the muBtry ,siti s n itt.m..M iia. tanl fn.m democratic aud u.pulUt " ' ". . ... .snlias itibt,i , iliiiH,lwtu s.U lUWiSitLClit aud aiusA WaWi. Khff p I'arrhawil. Lacy Ilros., of PurtlanJ, purobsissd this week lu tbe Mitchell seotloo some 6,000 sheep, paving for tbem from tl Io $1 00 per bead. Que band of two and three yrar-old weathers miied Drought f 1.50 per bead. A band of stook sheep eonsistiug of two-year-old swee, yearling ewes, yearling weathers and lambs were parohsaml from Win. Nelson at tl per bead. Pry ewes, sit eg, brought 1 per bead. Z T. Keys sold 006 Iwo-yssr-ol l weathers at II GO. Kbaw Bros, aotsd as agxots for Laey Bros. Io Ibsse par ohes. Tbo sbsep are to be taken to Nebraaka to be M. Tbs prieee are oon sidered very low, tint were the beet tbe owners root J get. Fossil Jnuroal. If other tea were roasted fresh like Schilling's Besl, some of it would lc as good In the meantime, Schil ling's Best is your tea. At grocers in packages a Sillla m Cnmpamr M ttrmr Ike Ua( Ku- The FomiI Joarnat gnee after tbe Udtos Comlort Itsege collsrlnr over ta (lilllans eooniy anmsretfnlly ta a rs Uwq. No ene sboulj siga a bote kaow leg that il will beewme doe al a rertaln lime, tipertinf that a verbal promt fof sa eilMeioa will take lbs hereof Ibe bsiil, eobl proniee Io ray. llatisa Is basineae, sad la daslisg with Strang ere bnstae atrlbixls should always bs fnllawfd. As' to IL ebsrsoter of Ibe gomle ealj by Ibe Hone Comfort Rsegt eoOBpsDf eed I belt SMlkoJs of deisg besmre Ibe lslte ksoes aoiblsg. l Is safe lo say, bo !, thai It af lefeaa deairse Iteteeey as J stpoeUU l eerrtJ ff wbal I bey ewe, that bostd steMite bsM p'fla. Iflbey aesnlboy wbel Ibay wsol frees tbe bom BMrebael, aaj elrsngart are ft roftkas.1, lhae strict basina ketbods should be MIowsJ ssd ko einsplalets lllbebeMd. Maritime Police Who Preaarv Order la tbe North Sea. Tn the middle of the North sea would perhaps be a curious place to find a po liceman on duty; jet seme hundreds ore appointed to keep order there, and st other places where their services are liktly to be required. Great Britain, Belgium. France, Germany and Holland each keep a certain number of cruisers upon the high seas for this purpose, whilst they are empowered to prosecute, or, if necessary, take into custody any vessel belonging to either of these coun tries. Iu addition each cruiser carries a judge, in the shape of an officer in charge, who can try the case and inflict a penalty providing the defendant con sents to his trying the case beforehand and whose decision can only be al tered by the court of appeals. Allowing a ship to wander about Lhe high seas without keeping proper con trol over her is far more common than might be expected. The man whose watch it is may be asleep, and it is often a difficvlt matter to prove that a large percentage of the collisions that occur are directly due to this cause. The Kibe disaster is only one example of the many awful results of careless watching. However, Lhe eagle eye of the "sea bobby," by his bull's-eye lan ternwhich in the case of the mari time policeman is a powerful search lightis so keenly on the alert for cases of this sort, imd such a heavy fine is in flicted on conviction, that charges of "wnndering without proper control" are every year becoming less frequent. P00TSAND SH0ES!i D THC PLACCTO GET THEM IS AT M. LICHTBNTHAL'S He baa anything In thia line that you may dealre and yon can depend on It you gt good article when Mat (uarantee It. LATEST STYLES. Repairing a Specialty. SHOES IIS ALL THE Old Stand, Main Street. NGLISHandBUS!NS P.fll I FRFfe u M tmk Sam aasAiu PORTLAND OREGON PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. The different countries of the world now use 13,400 different kinds of post age stamps. One hunter in Connecticut shot 130 partridges and more than 200 woodcock during the game season recently closed. A free lodging house for tramps is to bo established in New York, where tbe rule will be, "no bath, no bed." In Jewish marriages the bride stands at the right of the bridegroom; with the people of every other creed it is the custom for the bride to take a position to the left of her mate. Prisoners in the county jail at Holt, Mo., stuck a pole with a stocking tied to it through the bars on Christmas eve and left it thi-re all Christmas day. A considerable quantity of small coin was dropped into tbe stocking by peo ple passing the jail. RENTING lv.uUHIt.lJ mNIMALS I'llMt PIImI Itching 1'ilri. Symptoms: Moisture; intense itching sod stinging ; most st night; worse by eoinluLluK. It allowed to uuuliuae tam- ors form, wbioh often bleed end ulcerate, becoming very sore. Sway tie's Oint ment stupe the itching and bleeding, ueais aicerstioo, end id moil oases re moves tbe lumors. At diUKKists, or by mail, for 50 oents. Dr. Ewityne &, Hon, Philndolphia. Madame Calvs and Madame Melb will bolb appear iu tbe utit iwuie of Tbe Lsdies Home .lonrnnl with articles on lhe voice. Madame Melbs lis written before end is, in (act no novios witb the pen, but this is Miidauie I'slve's drat at tempt el authorship. Hhe wrote Ibe aitiele lo French, end after sn Eoghab trenslstion had been made of il sbe bad the original manuscript bound between tuorix'oo oovers a a souvenir of ber debut as a writer. lie (Unifiirtatile Wklls Traveliag Io ool weather. Tbe Union Pacifio system heats its train Ihrooghool by ileum heal from the engine, thus task iog every part of all its oar plvasao and comfortable. It also light It car by th oelebrated l'iolcb Ll.tit makiog tbem brilliant at eight. Passenger carried daily oo the fsst mall. For sleeping ear reservation, tickete, or Id formation, call on or address K. W, Uaitw.Oeo. Agt.. m Third 8U. Port land, Oregon. I1J w full English Course. french and german. business branches. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegraphy. IMUniNS KPARTAENT LAMES Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Theie gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney. Crook, Gilliam and other counties and can eavo money aud time in making these aectiona with traveling men. Prlcea in keeping with the times. Thompson & Biisnsrs, liy eniQiriDg ai in Wagon onioe any llrjao in a a eao And sbwi be eae gel lo I oo h Isitb that Bryan will be electa! That is, every ilryao dollar thai i put op will be oovated h two dollar, large amount preferred but all beta tali-a. Hm'l sar Ibat Ibis la a bluff, for lbr la otottsy to lUppoer asking iovestmeot oo Ibe McKinley aide of Ibe fetioe. A Nalaral IWaalllrr. Kail' Clover Boot Tea pnnfle tb lilmfcl aod give a clear end beanliful eoruplnwin. Kor sale by Utile k War-rea. Matrted-Al lb rtda of Ibe bride's pereet. Mr. and Mr. O. C. Mar genl, al Ibe (Vnlral- booaa, ia ibi rtlv, (tot. ', H by lUv. K. I. (rw, JabC Uaitaabargaf eoJ Myrtle II. hargvot, txttb if tlappoer. Coegratttla-ttuoa. Almont Any Animal May Be Bind, from a Squirrel to ao KUphaat. Mounted aniuiulsend birds are rented for a great vuriety of purposes, and al most any animal or bird may be hired. rbe fur-bearing animals are rented prin cipally to furrier for use as show pieces. Many furriers buy show pieces but there are others who prefer to rent them, thus getting a new or different ahow piece every season. Sometimes a large number of animals, from toe smallest squirrel to the largest tiger and lion, are rented together for the decoration of a show room; and birds in large numbers and in great variety from humming birds to peacocks, are nouietime rented for similar purposes Animals and birds both are rented for thentrical purposes. A stuffed dog was needed in a play. Just the dog re quired waa found at the taxidertniat'a There may be a play with a scene In It in which a hunter conies in with a fawn over his shoulder. The fawn con be hired st the taxidermiats. It may be that in some piny an enrlc slights upon the stnL'c: sn eagle ninv lit' hired. In iilavs di'iiiotlrir circus life, if a parade forms part- of the representation, the wugnnsciin be filled with lifelike stuffed tipi-rs, bears and other onlmnN, audi might lie found in a real circus. And brars, elephants and various other mounted iinlirnlH are nt one time or an other itsrd on theatage. .Mounted are renterd for va' rious civic dij !u oihI pnrndes and for ballroom di-coiatioua and other uiwa, Timers can lie hired for politics! proecB' Kiona. Kor a precenlstion of Little lied Hiding Hood n unlf ran l' hired. Swans are rentd and all Fort of birds. Pome. time a dining-room, aa on the occasion of a game supper, la decorated with all kinds of game birds. lecturers hire mounted animals. Lee turers on na tuna I history lo a srbool. for example, the lecturer might upon the stage a rarilmu.anclk and a deer, to aliow the difference between Ihren Mounted animals and birds are rented for various photographic purpoaea. bear, or ao eagle prrhapa, to be photo graphed for a trade mark, or a parrot, to be held by a child. The live bird would not keep still; at u Ted bird will. Ill Ms are rented to artists to draw or paint front. For flab store opening big por poiaea, sharks and smrgvoo ere rented: ud rrorodilet and alllgittort art rented lo leather nd shoe stores. The mat of rrntlncr mounted animals and bird Is much Iraa proportionately for a longer than for a shorter period. The charge for show pieces Is certain rc-ntpi of the iiue, grr dusted e onlp to the length of tloe for which lliry are taken. For a single day a big t'ger could lie hired for tlo and a email t'ger for ; a hilddle-eirrd elephant for JJJ day; a big rrlily Uar fr tio.and a mll rly for IJ. An eagle, for a single rMTioj, one or two days, would ro.t fi to tl. A squirrel oould lie hired for a day for SO rent, a wolf for IJ, 4 arrot for ia eenta. a bumming bird or a robin for S$ cents, ami aa oatrlrh for 4 a dsv,- N. T. Hun. BUCKS! BUCKS! C v ,i l Don't buy your Bucks until you see the Full Blooded and Grade Delaine Merinos from the Cunning ham band, of Pilot Rock, which will soon be in Heppner. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM. fUPJ m wire MUU) J LIU Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH. J D. A. to f U Ka.rj, in mf jo-ljmtnt hktlkrr A tktrp gmrr mtltv usy 6 mas I fce Mn or nol . . , . , H tW(Kr k or Avi naf am ft fr in i." ' tr,uA frtm l fea It W.' J, llrym in tht II ohm Ktf rtfuhilnft wkm t$ II i.'e'a tlf I a,4 r (uativii rufiv. Wit, Dare, tb earetwbila Deaver ereeh rervbor men, was fnnnd godly of murdering (Ixt, A. IVotl, tbe booh agrnt, al Ibe r-eel Ura of marl to tWaol ronnty aaJ was aiitiir. fur l.r. The elilor of ibe Usstlte ktew Hare very welt. Hon. W. It F.tlr pk al rJ)in rwvnllv and was aArorded aa ie4Uni an.lieke. II made a greal eff-iet. It ts atd. IHi bis rtara be totd off al Walla Walla sad spoke al Ike er aoaae lo ta irimim andieaee. IUv. F. I'. (Iraee ant wife Ml feeler Jay for Oid.lendale. Weak , to alUad the annaal nawilrg of the Iiflet Cokfereeee ef Ibe M. F. eborrk. 1 bv tai aver land asd will Mara (Ularday, t Ut Friday! bMle (llavt tyo ! htr nl klr a4 klra Jf rv Coke, of Fort ten 4. al .t Ike fru while pT ' lag and brtike kf arm. Al ll eentale she gMiieg atneg a'e.lf J,. Hi it ! Nt. i.r.,,'.,' ee bvk fr. ra I aa. I , U j rn rg atd Will . at s f" I .abi wi.t itj m -M ikkt I but flu'bBa Motlct of Intuition. Iksn orru t ma Pll ri. oasm, 4 "i t !, S.Mu U hn t f'mn Ikal Ik Mknlnl Hnel baa IN IHlr at hf InlMillna In Mta Snal ntnl In ,tt.fwrt nl bM lim, 4 llwl SaJ4 slit ha .! M" I. . Manvm. timnlf rlk. al Hrf Mf, tmuii, va t, w, n StaKt C aaaatt u Mt It M Intllllll lM I 4 a. w . . e ... Hmm lh tnutn nil m bimiiww rwWM fa M tIUaUo ti(ki Mil. urfa, p wf Har.tMK, iiMo-a, UKt Moat Meat lu,m. irtt as urtt t i.isr Desires to inform Sheep men that he will represent D. N. Baker, ol Weiser, Idaho, in the line of Fine Delaine Bucks. He has 180 head at his residence in Hepp ner, also some fine Merinos. Prices range from S3 toSlO per head. Call al one oo, or writ lo, D. A. HERREN, Heppner, Or. (V 11 U. Fr-slt Nr Hale er Tra4e. Jam Uagev has a flse tot al frail, eooaialiog of fall and winter apples, bteb be rffers for sal at on cent per pound. Ue will also aarert la eicbeege for aos poet, wood or wheat, delivered at bi plaee fonr nilee above Uapfaer. Tboee dinng frail sbonhj acafet with bia. If. "It it immnlrritiL. in tmf ju-iijmrnl, wtttlKrr th thrrp gmwtr rrcriit esy fanrfitfmm (A tang or aol M krlhrr fc dor or itoea not am far fr iroof." Krfmrt fmm trk of W Uutm J. ftrytn in (As Hon nf Rrp. rwfml,ilrr vkrn Iht II ln fii ni mmitr etniirratmn. itrrn ra.l. a.:Mi f I .ntlr-4, Nhf t a fn. ) 1 t S i aMi .1 . Illl i t moat. r. ta i. t- r I Tbroagb iraie e tb U, R A N. will rea eta. Cwatill. Valla Wall aad Feodletoa. Tbroagb alee per, Bret sad orxid ela. will rea la eneseela witfe Ibe L'sioa FarifliV tb same as berelo. !. A Ibrnngb Iral elaa aleepvr I'ntV land to tpoksse, enaaarliaf wlta Ibe R'.lelMo eleepa to at Fan!, aad a i throng t-artl aleeper PrxHlaad lo M M, t'aal, will mo In .nmdtam wnb ibe Via Ike lalaa tamla j,m Oaggsga la checked Ibroagb fro a Fort lead to dseliaattoa. The specie!!. of Iba Ceioe rSe sre aarieelled track s"vd eaipmeel, noioe depou, feet liae, tbroagb ears, ( beat, Finterb light aad Oonrteoe trealateat to peeesagera, For raUe ao4 iofnrraatioa apply to R. W. Dai lee, (ia. Agt D. 1. aysteta, I'orV land, Urrgoo. Wall. Tbompeoa rnn lag btwa tteopner aad aionoeseat, arrtvtng every day esoept Monday aad leaving every day eteept Pandey. Hborteal nod ebeapw H roaW to Ibe taUrtsr. Cloneer k Dmeb, ag-aie. M. Lirbleetbal In tbe eld standby of tbe II appear pmple and laepe enly tha bwi graoee of bnte and sboea. 8 bi ad la aaolber loa. a. Orvel JSgrtar railway. It Te imim. mil pmw n .mad e4 le 4n ba " tbe 14 el tae er:f.t M tb t 'I r4 IK mm wm. attt U be wwa. Alt 4 M VMS Tlltlt t.irta Ak r pbya.eiae. nr dre, Sad , -- - ir fnea la eMl Hnl4i e t are ! ; Kneks fr sate-m flue Morine l ivt.t ('... it -n. T.F wttl rraid i i t) iral. r..iM .. i. i- fM aale by ! 4 wtri j taraewofiik It