Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 23, 1896, Image 4

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    TO THE
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For fall details call on O. B. ft N.
Agent ta Heppner, or address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pobtland. Oregon.
E. McNEluL, President and Manager.
(San. Iiroxiolsoo
And all polnU Id California, via the Mt, Bhasts
rout of the
Southern Pacific Co
Tb armt hlhwa.y throne-h California t all
point oaM urn Month. Urnnn Bosnia Iterate
of th Psolfio Cot. Pnllman Hnffet
HlMIxr. Beoond-olass Hleepers
Attached to eipress train, affording superior
accommodation for esound-olsas paaaanser.
For rata, UokaU. almpiut oar reservations,
to., flail anon or address
K. EOKHUR, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Ben. w. s r. Agt., roruana, wres on
Through Pullman Palace R!ifwri.
Ton MM Hlit-pa-re end Pre Kei'Ilnlng Chklr
unuAii.1 toimiaico.
Man hourt uvtxl via thli Una to Eastern
It. H'. BAXTER. Gen. Agent.
I'orttand, Oregon.
J. C, I! ART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon.
Dibion furiRT.
COtevaifiMVa. atJ
rwinfmumiM rr namim. wrtw to
I a Id. l la.i..r. Mw it.
IM4m H-)-ru fle awrnrin l-lllalM Anieitre.
9mf fk-M (je tm I f U I. .f HI. hi brF'H.
IM rwt-ti, by a aorBia ti U caanr le the
(icntiCic $wcwatt
li'l HmmUwo M nr n-ml" fee a IM
..mI , ..(vIMI, tl.trMU Hl Ittl, Ht.
a afca-d-l l- iih.i It, M
H -r..Hh. atdraM HI V-T a CU
llkatiwltl IWvevlaai, k.-t i-ekllty.
milwauKBB & SI. Paul H'y
Glanco at this Map
fif l.rtkarv Mil aa4 at f'tl kail
f a4 Ita wim tt. Hit l l.iinm
llMMtal Hna 4 a, rani aa4 I nkt, aa4
... it vkl H lai r ttit4 aiikatM
uMt M aiJ f im lu -ciitil u
aib 111 H'.fM, Lll rary, am. lr a
ai4n ar. Ufc ra rvil' raaim fw
ivii a bMi Wa aa ) t a 1u.g taata,
a4 Itadiata an ax IM aat la tka xi4
iMaa una at Ifcaa lata, tnrt ajoaa ax
wrW, M 4I iMthit lii.ilm
mMHMl.l..a fMM aatMaol aitn
tIValatitafaMilaalm." r
IH ta iwf ailM4 ) alll
mi IxfUtal l l-walUMsa ait4nia
C. I. If "T, C.t
. J W tr. Tf. raaa,rV
rM, Pt
T Sobntlflo American
f Agency fofA
I n T ' M f
.." V AS
The Many Useful Purposes Wblob
'It Serves.
Barmleaa and '8afe to Handle If Freeaa-
tlona Are Taken Both Beat and
- Ferenaafon Needed to Explode
It Mektaoda of Man of act are.
Dynamite is a name that, to the ma
jority of people, is synon jrmous with
murder, ruin and anarchy. In reality
ia a "very safe and useful commodity
when properly handled, and will not
explode except under peculiar condi
tions. When a match is applied it will
merely burn and sizzle as the ordinary
red fire does, says the Providence Jour
nal, and ninety-nine times out of a
hundred it may be thrown from the
top of a building; without doing any
harm. To explode the substance there
must be the heat and concussion com
bined, and this can be obtained only by
the use of the dynamite cap or fulmin
ate of mercury, discharged either by a
lighted fuse or by the passage of an
electric current.
The explosive substance itself is a
mass of sawdust or lamp black soaked
in nitro-glycerine. Either of these two
preparations is called dynamite. There
is another, the latest explosive yet in
vented, which is obtained by mixing
the nitro-glycerine with gelatine, or
any suitable glutinous substance.
This is called forcite, and has the
double advantage over dynamite of be
ing safe to handle and more effective
in its working. The dynamite is made
up in sticks or cartridges, generally of
half a pound weight, and held in hol
low pape r cylinders eight inches long
and one and a quarter inches in diame
ter. For shipment these sticks are put
up fcrst in ten-pound packages, and
then five of these packages are placed
in a strong wooden case, and in that
bulk they are sent out from the facto
ries to the selling agents. It is not
brought here by train, and neither is
ordinary gunpowder, for that matter,
because none of the railroads which
run freight lineB in Providence will
carry any kind of explosives. But the
dynamite is brought as far as Acton,
Mass., in the freight cars, and then
carried from there in four-horse teams.
It takes the team a day and a half to
make the trip, and the selling parties
pay the cartage. Of course there is
more or less of the stuff smuggled in
here by train; sometimes it comes
marked as snap or some equally harm
less commodity, and the freight hand
lers throw it around accordingly, and
very frequently workmen who are going
a short distance by train out of town to
do some blasting take enough with
them in a valise to cause a full-fledged
modern railroad horror if it should
go off.
In the retail stores, where the dyna
mite is for hale, there is no unusual
precaution taken in the storing of it.
It Is kept under the counter or on the
shelves, very much the sumo as com
mon salt Is; Only the dealer is very
careful to keep his dynamite cartridgea
atone end of the store and the dyna
mite cups at the other. The latter is
the more dangerous of the two, and it
when they are brought together
Hint dynamite is a most excellent
thing to keep tnvuy from. It Is the cap
ttnd the cartridge that are so often con
founded in the accounts of explosions,
eo. The prevailing idea about Anar
chist Llngg's death is that he exploded
cartridge in his mouth; instead it
was the much smaller but just as dead
ly cap.
The explosive retails for anywhere
from twenty-five t sixty cents a
pound, according to the percentum of
iiitro-glyecrlne with the sawdust or
luiiipliluck. The uses to which the
dynamite Is put In everyday work on
the farms, leilt.es and hlirhwavs are
ninny, for sliuplt .-ock blasting, remov
ing bowlders, lircuklng up Iron, clear
ing tree stump and shuttering ice and
frown ground. It has Wen frequent
ly used at Ilencdict pond, where its ex
plosion under water, after a drowning
accident, has brought to the surface
some Ixxly that could not be aeenred
with the dragging irons.
If the charge la to be used under
water or In break Ing up Ire the cap
haa tA be made water-tight where the
fuse enters In-fore it la inserted In the
tartrldge by tilling In the opening
ith tar or some kind of grease
Water rtoea not injure the dynamite,
but it must be kept from the fulmin
ate. The powder ia Injured, however,
and Ita power greatly diminished by a
low temperature. High explosives
frene at a temperature of forty de
greea to forty-three degrees, Fahren
heit, ami when in this condition will
rxplode, If at all, with but little effect.
No to un them In cold weather the
workmen have aotite contrivance for
wanning the cartridge, either by leav
ing It in an Iron kettle which la lm
merard In a larger one containing hot
water, or by burying It In sand heated
lo a temperature of aevrnty degree.
raretruturke In this part of the work
has on aerrral oo-loit resulted In a
premature eiphmion and accident, for
while Uith concuwlon and hret are
generally neersaary to produce any re
ult, either one of the two agenta alone
may do e, aa waa the ran In the re
cent eataotrophe at Santander.
There I one rule of safety that la al-
waya herded In blatltig experiments.
If the charge fait to rvplod after the
fua tiea ten ltghtrd or the current
turned on the operator will neenllg
it out to find the rraaon why It la Ihi
apt to art like the Orecra. Urr that the
matt ly pick ep after he thinka It
bat gone off, or llkt the toy pUtol that
iant loaded. When the firt attempt
la uiurrrkfui, a arcond charge la
placed In rloae pro Imlly to the Urt,
ami when that goes they llh go.
Ilrppner to I'etiJIeloB via IUptiaif
ttcbo Blag Una. rreaa dealroea et
lllio( lVaJUtoa fan time and
rutin bp 11 leg Hit feat, lly a
quatiiltna lb agent th prvte o
li( tb lag mil al rnnneettoN lib
I MrkM't train at I . bo ( l'rti.!lt"n
time at Oil lfug More. VY. I. UN,
ftrrfM O tag
I a aerfoea, lired, ImttUe aad
a fe. Kail a (1m K m Tea baa ma t
in veil and bapff.
M I! It. Woai at.
F.rf ! f Vlla A Warren.
N t lb lint let g ta Walt
ttfearnat, Ike g reel! apHr el
lb Weal. Wilb lL.(U.HsU.lb alr.rl
If I lene,oee )r, 1 no. No brtt
uwhtaatto) tf ap-r b nia.U
latbatate. iWai laa will give aa a
irmia aa al.lilkel Joaraeltb W
ril llealef, aa atini!laral
ao a4 lateen.
Full Text of the Declaration
of Principles.
The Uepabiicaoa of the United States,
assembled by their representatives in
oational convention, appealing for popu
lar and historical justification of their
claims to the matchless achievement of
80 years of Republican rale, earnestly
and confidently address themselves to
the awakened intelligence, experience
and conscience of their countrymen in
the following declaration of facts and
For the first time Binoe the oivil war
the Amerioan people have witnessed tbe
calamitous consequences of full and un
restricted Democratic oontrol of tbe
government. It has been a record of
unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and
disaster. In administrative management
it has ruthlessly sacrificed indispensible
revenue, entailed an increasing deficit,
eked out ordinary onrrent expenses with
borrowed money, piled np the public
debt by 9262,000,000 in time of peace,
foroed an adverse balance of trade, kept
perpetual menace hanging over tbe re
demption fund, pawned Amerioan Credit
to alien syndicates and reversed all the
measures and resnlts of snooessfal Re
publican rule. In the broad effeot of its
polioy it has precipitated panio, blighted
industry and trade with prolonged de
pression, dosed factories, reduced work
and wages, baited enterprise and crip
pled Amerioan production while stimu
lating foreign production tor the Ameri
oan market. Every consideration of
public safety and Individual interest
demands that tbe government shall be
rescued from tbe hands of those who
have shown themselves inoapable to
con d not it without disaster at borne and
dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to
the party whiob tor 30 years admin
istered it with no equaled success and
prosperity; and In this connection we
heartily indorse the wisdom, patriotism
and suooess of tbe administration of
President Harrison.
We renew aod emphasize oar alle-
gisooe to tbe policy of protection as tbe
bulwark of Amerioan industrial inde
pendence and tbe foundation of Ameri
can development and prosperity. This
rue Amerioan policy taxes foreign pro
ducts and encourages borne industry and
puts Ibe burden of revenue on foreign
goods; it seoures tbe Amerioan market
for tbe Amerioan producer; it upholds
the Amerioan staodard ol wages for tbe
Amerioan workingmen ; it pots the fac
tory by tbe side of tbe farm, and makes
the Amerioan farmer less dependent on
foreign demand and price; It diffuses
general thrill, and founds the strength
ol all on the strength of eaoh. In Us
reasonable application it is just, fair and
Impartial, equally oppoatd to foreign
conlrol and domeatio monopoly; to see
tiuoal diacriminatioa and Individual
favoritism. W denonnee tb prevent
democratic tariff as sectional. Injurious
to public credit aod destructive to bust-
oeas enterprise. We demand sob
tqottable tariff on foreign Imports which
com into competition with Amerioao
products aa will not only forniab ade-
qnsl rev no lor tbe neoeeeary tipeo
tee of tb government, bot will protect
Amenrao tabor from tb degradation lo
tb wag level of other lands.
W are oot pledged to aoy particular
ached u I. Tb question of rate lea
practical question lo be governed by
condition of tbe time and of prednetior
Tb raliog aod Beesopromistog prioel
pi is th protect ioa ao J development of
America labor and ladoatrr. Tb
eoontrf demand right aettlemaet and
than it wants rest,
iia aanraorrrT.
W balUve lb repeal of Ibe reclproel
ly arrangement eegolielad by Ibe laat
Ilrpublk-aa admlalelralioa was nation
al ealemtlf and w demand Ibeir renew
al end eileeakio en ao.b terms as will
equalise onr trade with other eatioas,
remote reetrietiona eblch new nbelrael
lb eat of A merle a a products in porta
of ether eoootriee, ao4 Secure ee!atgJ
Mink at for tb product ef oer farms,
furt and faeiorte.
rreteetk a ad faflpeoeily are Iwta
ea re of ltepabliea policy, a4 v
band la band. laortki 11 has
rrekleealy struck down both, anj both
nml be re eetabliebeJ; pm(ela) fur
bat pradace; (re aJsjlaalon fut the
eeeaealle of I if kU)k 4 1x4 p
tlum, reipru4 agreeoteal ol nialual
lu Ureal nblek gain cpe kiarkeU I re
turn f,r ear open saarkeat to cHhere.
froteetHHi ball J np donl'i laJaelry
aaJtraJe, aad ownree ewrowo aakH
f.tf ouieelve reeipnx-ity baili for
eiR tr. a4 ini tte4 fuf oor
W condemn tb present administra
tion for not keepiog faith with the sugar
producers of this country. Tbe Repub
liosn party favors such protection as will
lead to the production on Amerioan soil
of all sugar wbioh Amerioan people nee
and for wbich they pay other eountriee
more than $100,000,000 annually.
To all our products, to those of mine
and field as well as those of tbe shop
and factory; to bemp, to wool, to tbe
product of the great industry husbandry,
as well as to finished woolens of the
mill, we promise most ample protection.
We favor restoring tbe early Amerioan
polioy of discriminating duties for tbe
upbuilding of our merobant marine and
tbe protection of our shipping interests
in tbe foreign-carrying trade, to Amer
ican ships the product of American
labor employed in Amerioan shipyards,
tailing under tbe rJtars and Stripes, and
manned, officered and owned by Amer
icansmar regain the carrying of our
foreign commerce.
Tbe republican party is unreservedly
for sound money. It oaused the enaot
ment of the law providing for tbe
resumption of specie payments in 1879;
since then every dollar has been as good
as gold.
We are unalterably opposed to every
measure calculated to debase our cur
rency or impair tbe oredit of our coun
try. We are, therefore, opposed lo tbe free
coinage of silver, ezoept by International
agreement with the leading commercial
nations of the world, which we pledge
ourselves to promote, and until suoh an
agreement can be obtained, tbe existing
gold standard must be preserved. All
of our silver and paper currency now in
circulation -must be maintained at a
parity with gold, and we favor all meas
ures designed to maintain inviolable the
obligatione of tbe United States and all
our money, whether oolo or paper, at tbe
present standard the standard of the
most enligbteoed nations of tbe earth.
The veterans of tbe Unioo armies de
serve and should receive fair treatment
aod generous recognition. Whenever
praotioable they should be given prefer
ence in the matter of employment and
they are entitled to tbe enactmeut ot
sucb laws as are best calculated to ee-
oure the fulfillment ot pledges made to
them in the dark days of the oountry'e
peril. We denounce tbe praotioe in tbe
pension bureau, so recklessly aod un
justly oarried on by the present adminis
tration, of reduoitg pensions and arbi
trarily droppiog names from the role as
deserving tbe severest condemnation ot
the Amerioan people.
ou a pobeion policy.
Our foreign policy should be at all
times firm, vigorous aod dignified, and
all our interests in tbe western beml
phers carefully watched and guarded.
The Hawaiian Islands should be controll
ed by tbe United States, aod no toreigo
power should b permitted to interfere
with them; tbe Nicarsgua canal should
be built, owned and operated by tbe
Doited Stales; and by Ibe purcbaa of
tb Danish island w should seour a
proper and much oeeded station In the
West ladle.
Tb tnteeaoie in Armani bar arous
ed Ihe deep sympathy aod Jualiodigo
lion ot tb Amerioan people, and w be
lieve tb United Htale should risrria
all tb ioSuaae It can properly irl to
bring the atrooilie lo en eod. Is
Turkey American reaideot bar been
sipneed lo lb grave! deoger aad
America property destroyed. There
aod everywhere American citiseos aod
Amerioao property mast be absolutely
protected at all batarda and at aoy cost.
W reaeeert tb Monroe doelrto in
It tallest tint tod w reaffirm Ibe
right of lb UolUd State to lv tb
doetrie effeet by raepooJiog lo tb ap
peala of aoy Aomkmib star or friendly
intervention la tee of Enrepeaa b
We shall ol be inter terad aad sball
Bel iaterlart wltb Ibe OibliBg poeeeae
kwe of aoy KBropAea power Is Ibla
bemkipbeve, bet tboe peioBI Banal
eel, on any preteit, be til Jed. We
bopefully lvk ftweard to lb veot
aal eilbJraeal ot Karopeen power
frora Ikle bemUpU. aad lotbealUcaaU
aak-Bof all EegtwB Speaking pails of
IbeeoBtiaeal by free eeaaeot of lis In
babilaata. rtBt BBaotrrniB.
Proa tb boor ef eklvtng Ibeir
taJepaudenea, tbe Baupl ,4 Ike I'aiUd
Rial bare regarded wilb rranpelby lb
eiraggta f oiker AaHeeo pple lo
free thwl fnej CarotwaB eVwitaa
1ib. Wg waieb nub deep aej abldieg
Ibteeaet the bM belli el lb Cq-b
palrM agkieet eetly aad eppreaalo;
aad oar beet k-pe ge oal f Ibe ftl
4 lb4f Bterwieeed Bueleel lua?
liberty. Tbe government of Spain hav
ing lost oontrol ot Cuba and being unable
to protect the property or lives of resi
dent American citizens or to comply witb
its treaty obligations, we believe the
government of the United States should
actively use its influence and good i ffi
oes to restore peace end give indepen
dence to tbe island.
Tbe peace and security of the repnblio
and the maintenance of its rightful in
fluence among the nations of the earth
demand a naval power commensurate
witb its position and responsibility. We,
therefore, favor oontinued enlargement
of tbe navv and complete system of bar
bor and seacoast defenses.
For the protection of tbe quality of our
Amerioan oitizensbip and of wages of
our workingmen against the fatal com
petition of low prioed labor, we demand
that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly
enforced and so extended as to exclude
from entranoe to the United States those
who can neither read nor write.
CIVIL bbbviob.
The oivil service law was placed on
the statute books by the republican
party, which has always sustained it,
and we renew our repeated declarations
that it shall be thoroughly and honestly
enforced and extended wherever praoti
We demand . that every oitizen of the
United States shall be allowed to oast a
free and unrestricted ballot, and such
ballot shall be counted and returned as
We proclaim our unqualified condem
nation of the uncivilized and barbarous
praotice known as the lynching or killing
of human beings suspected or obarged
with orime, without process of law.
We favor the creation ot a national
board of arbitration to settle and adjust
the differences wbioh may arise between
employers and employed engaged in in
terstate oommeroe.
We believe in tbe immediate return
to tbe free homestead olicy of the Re
publican party, and urge the pseasge
by congress ot tbe satisfactory free
homestead measure wbich bae already
passed tbe bouse and is now pending
in the senate-
We favor the admission of Ibe remain
ing territories at tbe earliest praotioable
date, having du? regard to the interest of
the territories and tbe United Slate. All
federal officers appointed for territories
should be selected from bona fide resi
dents thereof, aod the right of self-govern
ment eboo'd be aocorded a far as prac
lioabl. We believe tbe citizen ot Alas
ka should nave representation in the
congreaa of tbe United States to the end
that needed legislation may be intelli
gently enacted.
We eympathize with all wise and le
gitimate efforts to leisea and prevent tbe
evils of intemperance and promote mor
1: Ilepublioao party 1 miod'ul ot
tbe right of women. Protection of
Amerioan iodnatriea inctodee equal
opportunities, equal pay for equal
work aod protection to tbe borne. We
favor the admwioo of woman lo wider
spheres of usefulness aod weloome their
oo-operktion in reeeniog tbe oontry from
Demooratio and Populiatmiamaoagemeot
and miauee.
Soobar tb principles and policies
of tb republican party. By tbe prin
ciples w will abide, and Ibe policies
w will put loto execution. W aak for
them tb oonaiileraU jidgmeot of tb
American people. Con (1 lent aiike In
lb history of our great party aod lo the
justice of oof caua we present our plat
form and our candidate in tb tult ae
suraaea that tb election will bring
vietory le lb Republican party aod
pro pen ty lo lbs people ot tbe Uoited
Th Intra lUbina? and emanine- liu-l
dent to era-ma, tetter, ealt rheorn, arvl other
dWaareofth Un k IrwUiuly a lie red by
applying tbambrrtsin a an J Hkin
Ointment, Many very bad ra- have been
permanently nirrd by It. 1 1 equally
efficient r itching piww and a favoril rm
dv for wr riippleis rrtat.l karats, chil
blain, frat bils and rhruftle anr err.
t or eal by druggwit al li cents per boa.
Try Dp. rdj Ceoni.a rwaVra, ilwy
are juel w bat a knna ner.1 ben lo bad mml.
uub. Tonvc, bhJ purifier aad Vermifug.
For sal by Cob err k Ureck, drBggUt
"I i immaterial, in jmtjmsmt.
wkrfW IK ihrtp gntrrr revel re any
fKsrnr mm I He luri J or nof , , ,
H hflhrr rf.a or . f nm ft
frr nt t timet fmrn em-rk vf
n uu.tm i.ry.im in ih ll, mm nr .Vi
rraref,if)i e trTioi th Wlmn bttl trat
under eontttirrtttum.
tlirk Mbew lil at tbe o!. teod
Btl dr le Hi fat bffiea, wkera a
pfare4 le da etili.g n bia lie,
Hkaving, kair ratliaa' ball.' te
popular pfio
TM le mmt VPraalr,
On rl4 rl U-n ff'l, f Mb ef atn,
B gaaertMi a-frnW will he maiW4 i4 IHe
a--l ') uL-r t 'ai nk nl liar l .nit nr.
I 1 a I Mi I'm m jmMi I lit '.
atrai tbe gi-l e.u m U t n ly.
ill 1 1. num.
a Wart. II . P.w t-ak I Mt
lt Jtaf.H Jr ,i.fnn.i fAHal
tavww .-1 1 I t a la Ba.
ean eavi !.. m wiwtl "tl I r-l
l rare f raiarti If aa tlr44 "
I e. fa . '.4 aM.-l t'lai
t kfe, II
t )y"e fr. tw m U Iba U.t-I
eira f e r rr aa-l eua aiaa r kfr tj
a tHj arena a. IXaa, M
To the Editor : I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. Sr proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty to
send two bottlet free to those of your readers
who nave consumption, l nroat, uroncmai or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
. A. SLOCUM, M. (, I S3 Karl St., new Tort.
- Th Editorial and Business Management of
thia Paper Guarantee tola generoua Proposition.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-'
ent business conducted tor Moderate Fee.
Our Orrici ia Opposite. U, S. Patent Office
and we can secure patent ia less tune than those
remote from Washington.
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion. Vie advise, if patentable or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured,
a b.usui t " How to Obtain Patents." with
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries;
sent tree. Address,
Op. Patent Oppice. Washington, d. C.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
ault House,
Half block went of the Union Depot of C. B, &
H V. M. S St. r., U. & A., V. Ft. w. & c,
mid the C. St. LAP. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts.,
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive s pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owe it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
ryWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRCTT, General Manager,
618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
If. RThlt Company it eontrotlrd If nearly on tKoutand leading newt
paper fit (A Vniled Stale, and it guaranteed by them.
TFmW S.T iIS cfic
Attorneys nt Law,
All business attended to lb a prompt aod satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Leaving Aldar Street Dock. Portland,
aaua auu mocnus. iirrai oofinentlOB WHO 1IWBOO Mimr BBd rail
road ; also at Yooag's Bay with Keaabor llailroad.
Leaves Portlsnd 1 A. Vf. Dally, eit-er Sunday. Leave Astoria T P. M. Daily, tirpt Sunday,
haiijBt OATsnxariT
Leave Portland t f. M llly. e-pl Munday. KataMay oletat. II r II. Leaves Aaiurla Dailr a
al In A. M., -pt Sunday and Monday. Sunday Bifni. 1 r. H.
Leave Portland snd rune dlrert to Ilwsm. Tnasrlay snd Thnredayatl A. M. Baro,,-,! 1
lresllaaWediMe'lsyandrrl.Uyall.sVA.M. On Sunday algal at P. M.
hzs? CbfAfi to RiHroiii Niulw Ev!i Btifb Tm fif hjti
Tot "afety, Spt, CutntWl, lleaenre. Travel on lb Telepboa. Bailey CsLetrt and Oreaa Wsv.
It to Advertisers at .1 jrcat financial sacri
fice. .You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business ve miut sell it.
The comparative value ef these twoearoe:
la known to uoat persona.
They illustrate that greater quantity ia
Not always most to be desired.
These cards express the beneficial qual
ity or
Aa compared with any previously known
Rlpana Tabules: Price, 50 cents a boa.
Of druggists, or by mail.
RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spract U.. .t.
thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they may
bring you wealth. Writ JOHN WEDDBft
BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. O., for their $1,800 prize offer.
The regular subscription price of the
8emi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Any one subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3.60. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advanoe will be entitled to
tbe same.
New Feed Tabd. Wm. Gordon has
opened up tbe feed yard next door to
the Gazette office, and now solicits a
share of your patronage. Billy is right
at home at Ibis business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prices
reasonable. Bay sod grain forsale. tf
for Astoria, Ilwseo, Long Beaeh. Oeeae'
For tho Ouro o
Liquor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits
It I lor Lad SI Sale., Ore,
TU Muni Decmttfnl To 0 IU VaaH
Call al lb Oatsrra e1e lee pastlrvlar
utrlyea.laiUal. treauaaalMlveieaBdeaf
. OF . . .
r i.