Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 23, 1896, Image 3

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    Here and There.
Where They Met.
McKJnley BUI, with Napoleon eye,
Says "Bryan let's drink some Mnwood Rye;
We meet as friends, my words are few
I hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U."
And Rrvan RAVR. in A fnktnir trimmer.
"I woniierlf that's what's the matter with Banna
That's horse and horse, you funny fuller
When I see my wife I om bound to Teller."
Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an
And they drank some more good Llnwood Rye.
Sold only nt the Belvedere Saloon, E.
Q. Snerry, Prop.
Heppner is pretty lively tbis week,
numerous mutton mooarcha spending a
tew days in tli mad wbirl of a deal of a
good time. Oaoasiooally a diHoolored
countenance and a bruised eye again
prove the folly of attempting to pose as
a fighter while imbibing tbe nectar of a
Kentucky distillery. .
Dick Sheets is back from Portland.
The Heppner Transfer Co., has wood
for eale. , - 37-tf.
Geo. Miller was np from Ucng'ss yes
Frank Ward was down from Baidttan
yesterday and today.
Wm. Hughes hag recovered from a
very recent sick spell.
Ed Smith is over from Tom Matlock's
MoDonald car yon ranch.
Alec Coroett and J as Jiibnson were 10
from Batter oret-k jeoterday.
OummiBsiiner J. W. Beckett was over
fri m Eight Mile Wednesday.
Oot 31nt is McKinley flag day, instead
of Oct. 24th, as given out at first.
. Press Thompson has been la'tl, op
with rheumatism bat is improving.
Low Tillard is book from Pendletou.
tie found his folKs not seiiously ill.
, Tom Crow was in Wednesday after a
summer's rustling in ths mjuutaius.
O E. Famsworth and wife returned
from their Portland visit last Tuesday.
Drink the oelebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Bombers'.
Emile Marx, representing Samuel
Westbeimer & Co , was in Heppner yes
W. F. Courtney took out fourt en oars
of cattle yesterday, bonnd for the Bound
Ed C. Ashbaugh was in town yester
day to arrange to complete his home
stead proof.
Born To the wife of Rev. 0. B. How
ard, of Heppner, Thursday, Oot. 22, a
9 tound girl.
C. H. Molsnaos,
Republican League
town today.
Geo. Hufford was over from Cass
representing the
of Oregon, is in
On Tuesday, Oot. 20, at the residence
t the bride's parents. Congressman and
Mrs. W. R. Ellis, io Heppner, Mist
Mamie M. Scott and Mr. John R. Lake,
also of Heppner, were united in marriage
by Rev. W. E. Potine in that beautiful
and impressive service ( the Episcopal
ohnrob. The hapoy oonple were uaher
ed into a perftot bower of fragrant flow
ers where the bride was given away by
ber father, in acoordaooe with the Epis
copal rites. She looked her loveliest in
a gown of oream silk, trimmed in chiffon
aud pearls. The groom was attired in
conventional black. The parlors were a
perfeot sea of fl jwera. with here find
there gaily colored autumnal leaves, ar
ranged in faultless combinations, each
trjiogto outdo the other in producing
those beautiful shades that defv the deft
band of the painter to imitate.
After congratulations the guests were
invited to partake of a bounteous wed
ding repast. Mr. and Mrs. Lake depart
ed on Tuesday evening for a brief wed
ding tour after whioh they will return to
Heppner their future home. The pres
ents were numerous and many of tbem
exceedingly costly. The donors and
gifts were as follows: Mr. and Mrs.
Costello, silver bread plate and also berry
dish; Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Ellis, complete
set of silver spoons, knives and forks,
two table covers, one dozen napkins and
a set of dishes; T. R. Lyons, water set;
Frank Roberts, pickle castor; Mr. and
Mrs, Otis Pftterson, A. W. and O. L.
Patterson, silver syrup pitcher and
Baucer; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. R Bishop,
silver fruit dish; Mrs. W. E. Kabler,
mush set; Zie Patterson, sugar bowl
and oream pitober; Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Roberts, silver siop lalle; J. V. Patter
son, carving set: Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
If Troubled With Rhenmatism Head This.
Annapolis, Md., Apr. 16. 1894 I have
used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu
matism and found it to be all tbat is
claimed for it. I believe it to be the
best preparation for rheumatism and
deep seated muscular pains on the mar
ket and cheerfully recommend it to the
public J no. (. Buooks, dealer in boots,
shoes, etc, No'. 13 Main St.
Matlock's MoDonald canyon place the . ni. nninlina Bknnh of the Adi-
Ae.r. .-.9 thn inuAb I I Pl
Ulfll Ut tlUO WVCQi
Mrs. 'Gene Oilman is ill with la grippe
at her borne in Heppner, corner of May
and Obese Btr,eets.
Jerry Brosnan and wife and numerous
other Lena fneuda were Heppner s
guests Wedueeduy.
Fall weather brings cool weather, oool
weather calls for winter olothing. See
E. W. Rhea's liue of goods. Ad in this
issue. sl8-lm.
Newt Jones end family have deeided
to atop in Baker City for the winter.
at the above
Meehaniosville. St. Mary Co., Md. I Newt's Gazette finds him
nlrt h bottle r.f Chamberlain's Pain Plaoe'
Balm to a man who had been Buffering
with rheumatism for sevoral years. It
made him a well man. A. J. MoUnx
For sale at 50 oents per bottle by Couser
& Brock.
Mr. Clay Myers has deoideu to give
np the Pal bo e hotel. The Gazette is in
formed that Mrs. Julia Iiradelv will
very shortly take charge of that hotel,
while J. 0. Spray will keep the City
hotel open to the public,
'.How to Cure all Bkla Diseases."
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itob, all eruptions on the
faoe. bands, nose, &a., leaving the skin
clear, white and healthy. Its great heal
ing aud curative powers are possessed
by no other remedy. Ask your drag
gist for Bwayue's Ointment.
A. T. King, of lone, lost the end of the
middle finger of his right baud by wetting
it oangbt in a eeeUor, on last Tuesday.
Dr. MoSworda saved the member np to
A dnnce will be given at the opera
bouse on the fi'St and thud Friday
eveuinus of each month, for au iuden
Lite period. tr.
Died Near lone, yesterday, of pneu
... -i.T
niotiia. Mr. uaiioway, ratuenniaw oi
M. Keep. Deceased had been ill tor
several days.
Lost A Trilby heart watoh charm on
the streets of Heppner. tinder will
kindly return same to this offloe and
reoeive reward.
A few eleotion bets have been made in
Heppner tbis week, even money on state
and cna bet. two to one, tbat McKinley
ill win tbe eleotion.
A. Noltner, representing tbe Portland
Dispatch, was in Hepuner Wednesday
Mr. Moltner is one or toe oldest ana rjesi
known editors of tbe Northwest
Uid Halt and Charley Jones are as
eooiated together down at Charley a
old place in tht tonsorlal business.
Call on them aud get your whiskers
puBDod in.'
Hon. W. It. Ellis returned from below
Inst Tuesday, but left Wednesday nigbl
rondaoks; Ohas. Johnstou, set of fanoy
cups and saucers; Mrs. W. A.Johnston,
set of berry diebes; Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Dunn, a dozen Bilver initial teaspoons;
Mrs. J. C. Hart, Marseilles bedspread;
Conductor Fowler, a halt dozen initial
berry forks; Eddie Kahler, flower vase
The following were present: Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Dunn, Mr. aud Mrs. J. C
Hart, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Roberts, Mr.
and Mrs. J. N. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
R. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. OUs Patterson;
Mesdamea W. E. Kahler, W. A. John
ston, 0. A. Castello, Mrs. M. Webb, E,
G. Sperry; Messrs. Frank Roberts, T.
R. Lyons, J. A. Patterson, A. W. Patter
son. T. D. Lake, Rev. W. E. Potwine
Misses Z'e Patterson, Bertha Matlook;
Masters Cbas. Johnston, Eidie Kahler;
and the immediate members of tbe
Blood is Lire
It it the medium which carries to
very nerve, mnsole, organ and fibre, its
nourishment and strength. If the blood
is pare, rioh and healthy you will be well;
if imporo, disease will soon overti.ke yon.
Hood's SarsaparilU has power to keep
you in health by making your blood rich
and pure.
Hood's Pills are easy to tske. easy to
operate. Cure indigestion, bilwuna,
23 cents. f
Mark P. John and wife stopped over
at Heppner to visit relatives on their
a,r. .., u. " 'ly. " . nlU the itinerary arranged for fori ana. uavmg arrive
tnanrii joiui anu .e paweut . uomg uaxt Us .poke at here yesterday morning.
Miss h'sie Jon s oaroe np from Oscar
,, .,,..,, . , .,.,i,.,,i 1 I is immairnui, is mj imiymtni raiiuumi in"!', .n., . ........ . ........
u miic, ... ... ... j.y.. .,.- ,h..h,rn r,, receive anil
whether the hecp grower receive any he lirjH jmm m tariff or not
tvneflt from ths tariff or not
Wliether he dtte or due not I am for
free wool" Extract from upeech of
William J. Bryan tn the Ilone.of Kep
reentative when the n two it bill vat
nnder consideration.
Never was a mr (Haven wrnnc done
the farm.r of star coautry thaa tbat s
aejustl UflleUd during the part three
mn iMalks ! inwsn. Although
brio ar moat fal IUs. their la-
(vast have baaa practically dclroyd.
McKlalay' lattar of acceptance.
Whether he doe or doe not I am for
fre wool." Extract from perch of
W illiam J Urvan in me iiouae or txen-
renentative when the IViison bill wa
under comitU ration.
MoClure's Magazine for November will
oontaio lbs first installment nf a Ova or
six Part story by Kadyard Kipling. It
is Kinling's first long story of American
life, being a (ale of ttirriug adventnrs
among tba Oloaoeater fisbermso on tbe
Grsud Bank!. It will be Illustrated
with drawings from life by I. W. Tiber.
creek, eterdny, where the hat been
Visiting for the past week.
The Ladiea' McKinley Clan, of Hepp
ner, meet tomorrow night at the opera
honse. An interfiling crogrtra bit
been arranged for the ocoaeion.
8. P. Oarrignaa it erecting a building
on the Morrow properly, betweao the
Palace hotel and W. L Saline's ttnrtv
which Mr. Otrrignet will uit tor a feed
You can bet your last winter's duds that this
fair Is no "frost," But Jack Frost Is
one of the boys that comes
around annually and Be .prepared to receive
no mistake. him by calling on
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
A Maa's Eatlra Day Coald hot D Flllad
Mora ( oat plcfclf.
"Plrae atate to tU court nartly
what you did U twrrn rlphl and' niix"
oVlork tn Wrdueday morning,' said a
lawyer, aroording to t h ChlraffoChron
Irlr, l a rlrtirat looking little woman
on the witness stand.
"Wetl, ahe Mid, aftrr a mooi'nl'a
rrflirtSon, "I waaliwl my two chlldrm
and pot tlwBl rr al y for arbnol ani
arwrd a butUtn on Johnny's coat and
nvnded a rent In Nrllk-'e lrma. Tisrn
I tidira np my elttlna;-rKin and rnaile
lo hr.U and watcrrd my hoiKu plania
and rlsnml orr tb morning' nrr.
Then I iluaU'd my arlor ami i llilna
to rifhU In !U I ttaahed aiiMie ltii
rhlmm-ja and cmt"l my hahy'a hair
and arv.rd I uttun on one of hi r lit! to
ahnrt, artd ttwq I aw-cpi out my front
entry and brtiahrd and jmiI away the
rhildr-n't Piimlay rhrtbra end wrtit a
note to Johnny's Irat-hrr, a Wing Iter
lo cruv him for not bring to at lxl
on Trlday. Tbrn I frd my ranary t.lnl
and r th irrnrrry man en ofkr,
and swriit ofT lb twrfc prn h.and thru I
ml Anu and rt-iJ f.r f mlnnii
brfr tk rlork atrtirk bine. That's
-Ain- a(d tba dW lawyer. E.
ri ptr, Jwtg. I tnuat (ri my breath
Irfur 1 rail Itif next wltoraa."
Itaalare ( acaalala Vhal ThT Mafea Tory
I4lla afaacy.
"Tbrra It H Uifr rrrntga tA
profit w rif-r." aa.d l. II Tallart, ol
ta!)lii. a ripar aaltnsfl. al
Mlr....l.tan, l.i a Waal, i.g i.w Her ir
.irt r. "."iinl Ihrra la i.ll.'y no l'
..f In aK ih rulifiw- WiM l.f
dmim tilth ao liUla r..iriporl .
.,f msKkiiM, Tlrr r J'lrfin la
a tn id nf 'inar r'"-'- " thd-!'r
f-m ri r"t ' b"s',
l, t rrdita ! f1 pit's taij .
Call on E. W. RHEA & CO., at ttyC alT
I a l.f? WW tUT l-iisw - I m a "
a start te riootuo tHf A.
VTbt will prpn yot) ff tatirat dtfraae tgtiott tba tat t of
the Free fHp. Hacb of wlnUf loltif otj tr ttw
Mure, a4 at prtrr ty " Tlmaa art preUf twnf bet w
hnf wbra yen gt ta'stt, fta't yow f
(Special Correspondence.)
Cbioago, Oot. 7 A stupid and malig
nant forgery baa been widely circulated,
in tbe form of a letter purporting to hare
been written by one J. Franoia Fortythe
to Judge R. a Bell, of Fort Wayne, Iod.
Mr. Bell ia an attorney and . was the
chairman of the Indiana state conven
tion, tie is said to be tbe leading silver
ite in Northern Indiana. But who is
ForsvtheT Bell says be don't know, as
will be seen by tbe following letter from
"Fort Wayne, Oot. 2, 1896.
"Dear 8ir : I bave received a great
number of inquiries, similar to yours,
oonceming the letter received by me,
and dated New York, Oot. 19, 1896, and
signed J. Franeis Forsytbe, Tbe letter
was received by me in tbe course of mail
and benriug the New Tork postmark. It
was written with typewritter and bora
the usual mark? of an ordinary
business letter, was signed with pen,
and numerous interlineations and oor
reotions were also made with pen. I do
oot know wby it was sent me, and I have
no reoolleotion of ever having met tbe
author personally. I never answered
the letter, bnt did what I considered to
be my duty, Tia , gave it to the press for
publication and gave it such other pub
lioity as I could. That ia absolutely all
I know about tbe letter or Its source and
yon must draw your own oonolusiont.
Yours truly, R. O. Bbll."
The Forsythe letter was copied bv
many free silver papers, notably by the
Omaha World-Herald, whioh bat since
said of it (Sept. 24, 1896) : "We are now
oonvinoed that the alleged letter is a
take. Mr. Bell no doubt received it and
believed in its genuineness, bnt we are
nnable to find any trace of the alleged
banker in Wall Street, and we oonclude,
therefore, that Mr. Bell was imposed on.
We bave abstained from editorial refer
ence to tbe letter until it oould be look
ed np. It may have ben, as some tbiuk,
a practical joke played on Mr. Bell by a
goldbug friend, or it may have been a
more serious imposition. Whatever it is,
it it not what it purports to be."
The original publication by Mr. Bell
was in the Fort Wayne Journal, and tbe
letter was dated from 711 Wall street.
There is no such number. Tbe highest
number in Wall street ia 120. No 711
would be in the East river. Since tbis
fact has been pointed ont, lu all the
latter productions of the forgery, No. 11
bat been substituted tor No. 711. Tbe
number will probably now be changed
Tbe pretended Mr. Forsytbe, whose
name is not in the New York city direc
tory, claimed in hit letter to be a mem
ber of "the Committee of Political Edu
cation of Wall Street." There is no
inch committee.
Inquiries by mail and by telegraph
bave ponred in upon tbe republican
national headquarters, both in New
York and in tbit oity, asking for authen
tic information on tba anbjtot. Word
hat been received here from New York
tbat 11 Wall atreel ia tba Mortimer
building, where there It no ancb person
io any of he offloee, as J. Francis For
tythe, and tbat diligent search among
the bankers and brokers of New York
bat failed to reveal the exlateoce of aoy
one who koowt or hat ever beard of any
man beoriug that name. Tba varioot
firmt wbo oooupy roomt in tbe Mortimer
building aa tenants Lava receive! to
many letters of ioqniry rrtpeoti ig him
tbat they b-v been nnabla to antwer
them; and tbe mail addrraaed lo For
sytbe himself it Mated by ths Jani'or.
There are fonr berrela of letters tdd rest
ed to bim now ia the New York pott-
office, which bava not been called for,
and will Leva to bt destroyed.
A wit baa aaid that a lie ia alwava bet
ler than the tro'b, became 4 ha can be
amended, denied, confessed, another lie
tubstitutad for it, or yon can tell it
again; bnt when one bat given atleracea
to tbe trntb, it it past recall. Tbla
terms to be the principle on whlob tome
politHeoa are aondactiuf tbeir tide of
tba uraarnt ptlilical rampaign. Other
illustration! of Ha appllesiloo are fonnd
in the sporloot quotatiooa from tba
Ioodoa Finanoial Review, and from tbt
writlnga ol Abraham Liuoolo. At tba
old alataaaoa ased lo tay, in the dog
days, "Look out for Lot weather about
thieHm," to now tba publlo f maybe
aiard lorifoliddof similar freada
daring tba Brit four weeks.
(The pnblieatlon of tb'a Fortylba let
lr at wid tod for a Itaa Ut eathee
tirily wee aot do a hied. It purported to
be a letter tioa oat, J. Frauds Forsytbe,
representing himself lo be on ot
"eotnmlltM of political odaetlloa of
VTtll ttrart," aad was Indeed favorable
toBrjaaies. Little ia koowaof Iba
forgery out In Oregon bot II ia well lo
in'totf-at I ; aJttoee. FdJ
r X
"Merit talks" the
intrinsic value ot
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Merit in medicine means the power to
cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual
and unequalled curative power and there
fore it has true merit. When yon buy
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according
to directions, to purify your blood, or
cure any ot the many blood diseases, you
are morally certain to receive benefit.
The power to cure ia there. You are not
trying an experiment. It will make your
blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus
drive out tbe germs of disease, strengthen
the nerves and build np the whole By stem.
Is the best, In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Pills.
X of Oregon for Morrow County.
A. 8. Bennett and V. P. .Mays, Plaintiffs,
Charles Klmsey and Clara Klmsey, his
wife, A. J. Klmsey and Klmsey,
his wife, Wm. Klmsey and N. Kimsey,
his wife, W. 8. Mercer and Barah Mer
cer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella
Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and
Minnie Hall, his wife, Samuel Hall
and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Ferrell
and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas
Kimsey and Nellie J. Croft.
To Charles Klmsey and Clara Kimsey, his
wife, A. J. Kimsey and Klmsey, ms wite,
William Klmser and N. Klmsey. his wife. Rich
ard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, William
errell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kin
v and NaIIIb J. Croft, of above defendants.
In the name of the State of Oreeon. you and
each of you will take notice that the above
plaintiffs. A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Msys, have
commenced a suit arainst the above defend
ants In the above court to foreclose a mortgage
northwest auarter of the southeast quarter of
section 18 township 1 south range 25 East in
aid county, i nai me reuei nemanueu in in
nnmnlnlnt tn said suit Is for a decree that plain
tins saw mortgage oe foreclosed, ine mongaKeu
property sola, ana ine proceeus sppnea io pa
ment nt costs ana aisDursemenis ni saia bui
to the note secured by said mortgage and the
attorney's fees set forth therein. That the
court also decree In plaintiffs' favor a recovery
rrorn unanei Kimsey, a. j. lumsey ana nu
liam Klmsey of seven hundred dollars (700.00)
and Interest thereon at ten per cent per annum
from September 11, ltwj, ana seventy-nve aoi
lars 7fi.001 attorney's fees, besides costs am
disbursements of suit. And further decree
that all the other defendants be foreclosed ol
all right, claim or equity of redemption In and
to said lands, or anv part thereof, ana that
plaintiffs have such other and further relief as
s equitable.
This summons Is served nnon vou br mibll
cation by order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell
urine of the above court, marie by him at
Chambers on the 22nd day of September, 1H!W,
and each ol the defendants above named are
required to answer said complaint nn or before
the first day of the next term of the above
rnnrt. tn-wlt: tha first Mondav of March. 1H7,
or ine piainutts win apply to saia court ior ine
reuei ueuianaeain saia complaint.
given them by the above defendants upon the
tinait oi ine nortnwest c
st quarter of the northeas
quarter.- the south
t quarter and the
Attorneys for Plaintiffs,
You will find one coupon
Inside each two ounce baa
and two coupons Inside each
four ounce bagofBlackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of this
celebrated tobacco and read
the coupon which gives a
list of valuable presents and
how to get them.
THAT THEHB'Sgasaaaar
Been a Changg in Budaess All Arotiad ?
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, bats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop,
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
Gilliam & Bisbee,
We are not small men, lbs. 'We are small men, jCs.
we are not tne Largest rjiercnants in trie Voria!
and by virtue of an execution issued out
of the circuit court of the State of Orison, for
County of Morrow, and to me directed and le
Uvereo.npon a Judgment rendered and entered
In said court on the tli day of September, lH'.Hi,
In favor of The Northern Counties Investment
Trust, Limited, a corporation, plalntltl, and
aRalust Cecelia laylor, n. e. kiiist, N. H. nieuue
and J. C. 1 homnson. defendants, fnr the sum of
Seven Hundred and Seventy Three and 16101)
Dollars with Interest thereon froia the lstdav
of June. lHM. at the rste ol elicht per cent per
annum, and th further sum of Thirty Dollars
costs, and accruing costs; which Juditment was
enrolled aud docketed In the fieri olllea of
said court In said county on the liith ilsy of
he teinber, 1H; and, whereas, hy said Judg
ment It was ordered and adjudged thst the
following described mortgaged property, U-wlf.
the South half of the Northeast quarter, and
ortheastuuarter ol Northeast quarter tencept
ten aeres In a sonars form In the northesst
comer thereof! ami Southeast quarter of North-
est quarter of Section Tun (10) In Township
Ons(l) North of Range Twenty the ('A'.) Kt
w. m oe sum u iauair sain juugmuui, costs
ml aecrmnii cost. 1 will, on
Saturday. Slat div ol October. I0BO.
1 1 o'cIik s P, M., of ld dsy, at the (rout door
of the court house In tlepimer. Morrow County.
Iregon, sell the right, title ami Interest ol said
eleiiilants Cerella Taylor, rl 8. King, N
i Hec and 1. 0. Ihoiuiison In aud to
hove described property at 1'nlilln Auction to
Die highest aud leat lilibler lor cash In lisnu
proceeds to ha applied to tha satlalsetlon
of said esecuUou, and all costs ami cotts that
may accrue. a. I- maim a,
pnenn oi Morrow i (iiinty, tiresou.
Dated this 2nd day ol Oct. lmsi. -m.
But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockerywaro, Glassware, Wood and Willow wsre, Nails, Iron, Barbwtre,
Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water ripe, Pipe Killings, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Saws, Sledgos,
Wedges, Uuns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Qran
lteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Trices.
We have Good Goods at Fxia Prices, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chep John Prices.
First Nat' I Bar)k CorQcr.
E.W. nilEA&CO.,
i 1
N. Ill OHLS, ...
. m i fci t.n i it' r "" 'ia-T
anil alBi m nril ! frfla a
u Itl In thtnt. t , I iij s (usf.
tf' th a'l r In
il spr,, T h cewl .in
ileaVrt Unm Mtaay are ifill
e, tl r "ot )! l.sl ara flW
f.e. I. it it la A i tMfiil ,f II.U Is l, aa
a i ii''tT-.ff I. in i I.- 'p t. o 'f. r. I
f vt Urttatii I ."
Tba IMrhagtoa, wis., joarnal says
iliiorlallv of a (KifioUr nalaut tpeJiatna
"Ws sea frvm tlpwlaao Ibal Cba
batlsia't Co'lc, CtiuJara and IiartKa
lU-oia-ly I all Ibat k clalm4 lur tl, as
( last tH-caalops tl st(p4 tiernriatlna
ftains oJ piMib1f savad as from aa nn
tiujl grsv. Wa woaUJ tvit real easy
o ltbnt'il la Iba kn
This uniajf caaoabtsviiy mim tuor
a tn! snfT'risf ihm any alba aaad
la Iba rorl4. r.f sry lasallf sua
kp 11 la tb Loo, far II la t Im
bM.leJ anntf vf lataf. far aala tr
Oissf lii a.
HO to IL
Notice of Intention.
Laud Orrica at La OasMPi, onkoon,
HelitemlMr Hill. IMS)
S lollowlhf liRini'-l Settler has fllixl nolle
of har Inteiillon to make Anal PHMif In suiiport
nf her rlslm. and that said proof will be mans
before County Clark, ol Morrow county, at
II Mpimer. Oieoii, nn October Alnl, !.. vis:
MAttYJ. VACtMlAN. nrr Msry J. Henderson.
H. K. N0.&.1W, forth NWli, c Tp 1 H, 8 27
a. vt. m
She name th following wltneaaea to pro her
continuous resldeuca upon and auitlvatiou 01
said Isml. vis :
Jnhn Marshall, Wllllsm Psrrstt. rimer lien-
try. Martin Anderson, all ol Heppner, Oregon.
I IJHJI. negister.
Do you know what this means ? This, that
fjti there are sixteen reasons why you should buy
your Groceries. Supplies and Gents' rurnish-
ings at
T. R.
b. r. wi
Notice of Intention.
1 ami OFrire at tiir dai.i.m. oremin.
J J -t. il. IMV Nolle I henbf SlvsO I
thai Ihs billowing named settler has Died no.
tie of his Intention In mak final proof In But
oort ol his claim, ana that aaiil proof will h
read I lor i. . Morrow, emmt) clerk, at
H'inr, Ureao n. on iw.nu! sth, vis;
ltd t. . for tf tf W1 f4 Matt
k wt ti. T. 1 a , h. as a.
Ms mines Iti following wllnease tn prov I
kHeonttannii resldsttr apoa and cultlvslloa
ot, sslil lamt, vis:
Wllllsm P. flu I Ion, riiifles P Wsllory, A. A
Wns, J. A. tea. all of ll.per r'io.
jab. v. Hieina.
fM lUilstar.
for every one objection made against it. This
should decide the matter. It does. People
want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for
the smallest amount of money. Buy the best
when you can get it at the same figure paid for
an inferior article.
Old Stand, Main Street, near BobKrlck's.
J. O. BOHOH ERS, Prop.
Notice of intention. Keeps the Finest Wines, Lifjuors and Cigars.
Lisa Orrn a at La tis.at.s, Ossooa
ari.temtr sih. iwet
n.OTirit la HtiMr i.ivrx nut imii
1 loll, .!, named settler ties tied notl. of
bl. Intel. linn t , mk Snl prierf In supp"rt nt
feu, !. and thai asM proof will M nla I
the oanlv lerk f Mirnw In. lifeon
at U 'I' !!'. t'fi'rti oa N'rvemtf th, last, vis
KaVIU M. I l.ll OM.
ft'onaXead tt!Ui'.n t S.JI. I' lb T
M4, bk'4 sWw N tr.1., ktUSx
as 1 u a. H . ' M
He sum the Mtnaliii wllnesaw tn prov.
alemiilnmi r..tnr upon and culllisUo
imn W I fcey.tlsl tlnthe. lohnny Ksvllla,
Jan aevlllc, all ui Hei.pi., i
M. B. r. WllAoN, Heflstof.
fi.tT1 It I. be'el'V !". tb.l lb aiideeslgn
il 4 AdnlntMlls lb r.Ule of Sawxel
M n. 4ed, a III rinal Belli
seenl of M unmhll wll said Hal as sw b
I'rwsebltff IK-fa taoraing snl ralu
on fnedr al Ibi ff-f btaaa L!-l
J. W. iswliaa
fir al Wswina lt Tndsy wainf
to4llrdeliy.J la af t"mrt mill sad
rnalanta ailifl frf I'M) busbl n(
Uat adj svtasutf abbs fliar. ti ia
St. oa bailliit", llUua imisgti.
mmiwm : inii : mis
notice 0 Intention.
tten 11.. I
1 b Oalf rM Car I
T lb aa4 la Iba lim Vr.t. rl-
nit ara r-bJ via Ibw liaa wilt
r.vet rbai.ee $4 $n Iba via IUf
ltaa- fUUa ! Iba Ul. Twkia
lo tw f'fta 'ir,U la lb I'alM Male.
-m.A mJt riR.u t-m aala t SL w. L iliurti.a. l.f.
I AkiiOMIft AT LA caAM.r.
14 let "l-e HMb I ber. 11
the Mllrif SMd sxiler be Aled b'rtlol
III I nt Ml.. Ut sn.s. in. I la u.port M
bi . Miot. ti4 11.. 1 Mil ytnA will km ka4
ll'.t. J a k I tiit-f't I on.h,l.Knef ,4 lb
I I l'..l iMlt .1 Lelli. (., I fief "n, an
avbef iTth I" lit
air at n a H
Md) V b lh . .
11,11 itTsiaa iH
II. imi b.unwli.f iiii.s In pmv
In. (Mnnwim riViw. p au4 tallli.tbrfs
ml mi4 land, !
l ta.i.iM Jiimi M lavhv. M.tt
Hi W ml Nrf-t. Meeaa, Ka'l Ve h nt
Voiirn IjOaNDIoTnko'Km.
Leaver No Constipation, .sw.
Cur il, at veil aa all lillma.bea, Mi. k ll-1 I aa Malaria. TU ably
fviMroariMia toll In lb woiM, ., I ail lr..f ta nr ai aaatl
rarMi-H f ris, t snu pt Ian IHINUt-rt bUPIUAL, DO,
Ha k'raaai.ao, UtJ,
The Lancasiiiki; Insukanck Co.
flTTtKOX, ICLXT. !5Li?lJ rJ. r- wr
m-uixii, ukkcoaV.
fste,0, Aft, t 9r4 tK.rilia4.aA.M a,