Republican Ticket. For President, william Mckinley, Of Ohio. For Vice President, GARRETT A. HOBART, 01 New Jersey. . '- For Presidential Elector, T. T. GEER, of Marlon County, 8. M. YORAN, of Lane, E. L. SMITH, of Wasco, J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah. THE CUBAN INCIDENT. to War with epain was narrowly averted last week. Tho American steamer, Vigilancia, steamed into II avail a harbor having on board one, oenor Angel rernandez, a ,' Mexican. Weyler claimed that Fernandez was a Spanish subject and asked tbat he be surrendered to the Spanish authorities. Capt Mcintosh remonstrated. Weyler ( thereatened tbat if the ship at tempted to leave port that she would be sank by the big guns of Mono castle. Consul-General Lee was appealed to and at once ordered the Vigilancia not to sur render r ernanaez under any cir cumstances, commended the brav ery of McIntoiBh, and told him to go to sea when be pleased. Then the sturdy old soldier and patriot, Lee, informed Weyler that if the vessal were sunk, Havana would be bombarded just as soon as cruisers could be brought down, The Spanish general weakened, it is said. Later reports state that Weyler asked the surrender not knowing that the Mexican was on board an American vessel; that be never ordered the cuns of Morro castle to be trained on the Vigilancia that there is but little truth in the original story. There is an old time saying that where there is so much smoke there must be some fire. Add to this . the sentiment that Weyler has always ei pressed when Ameri cans and Americanism were the . subject of consideration in his domain and we doubt not the or iginal story, as given out to the associated press. Weyler Las shown himself be fully as incompetent as was his predocessor, in the management of the Spanish interest in Cuba. II is brutal A brute is always a coward. The fathers of liberty once fought for freedom against their oppressors, not as brutal, let it be said, as are the Spaniards, but the fires of liberty, kindled in the bearts of our sues, have never died in the many successive gen erations for want of fuel, and to day all over this great country, and amid the turbuleut sceues of - tha political field, people pause long enough to otter a prayer, to ipress a heartfelt wish, that the Cubans will win theit contest, and that the rich and fruitful bland will again be filled with happy homesa veritabla "land of the free." Id this connection the Gazette desires to rail the attention of its readers to the following, one of the stirring planks of the repub lican platform, adopt! at HI Louis last sumrrer : "From the boor of achieving their own independence, the peo ple of the United States bars rt- gardeJ with sympathy the struggles of other American imoi1s to free themselves from 1'unpoan dora ination. iNs watch with deep and 11 t a a i a i aowiog mioreti me neroio ime of the Cuban patriots against a . ax it cruelly and otrrejioo; ana our boat hopes go out for the full sue cm of their determined contest for liberty. The gnverment of Spaia having lt control of Cut and Wing unable to protect the property or tires uf reaMent AtaerL eao ritiiens or ti cntnpty with its treaty obligations, ws twtista ths government ' tDilad Flat aa a . t M should acutely om its lenasocw and gttd offices to restore and give independence to ths UUn LM thousand times, in many instan ces, the strength of a single arm, and enables us to do today witn one man what fifty men could not do fifty years ago. That is what has bronght down prices in this country and .everywhere." Mr. Bryan said in 1892 under his oath as a congressman tnat man s in ventive genius has multiplied a thousand times the strength of a single arm, and has brought down the prices. Now in his partisan speeches without the restrain of an oath to support the constitution of the United states, he says it is the demonetization of silver that has brought down prices. His speech in congress waB nearly cor rect. Protection had stimulated man's inventive genius. Thos pro tection and geniuB had brought down prices of the products of the American laborer while his wages were unaffected till the threat of tearing down protection by a free trade president and congress brought down prices to the bed rock, where they now he. not express themselves against the free silver proposition as strongly as the converted democrat, but the entire republican platform certain ly appeals to the wisdom of a great many people in the Southern States. Southern men, or those who were raised in the South, who will support McEinley are num bered by the hundreds in our own beloved state of Oregon. They are patriotio if anything. cooo fob. CANTON. Pofocracy started in to make this campaign a one-idea affair, but it failed to work. October 31 has been designated as McEinley flag day. All sup porters of the major are requested to display flags on tbat occasion. It is said that Hon. Jonathan Bourne has accepted the manage ment of the trio opposition to Mc Einley in Oregon. Mr. Bourne is the best political manager in Ore gon yet he can't hope to overcome the McKinleyites and bring his forces out of the woods to victory. The Gazette has a great deal of respect for the new leader of the allied forces but it regrets that his efforts are not put forward in a better cause. Mr. Bourne, as an advocate of silver, and nothing else, is handicapped from the fact that he has as much as a million dollars tied up in silver mines, and this is likely to lead people to think that self-interest is of vastly more concern to Mr. Bourne than that the great principle which he is supporting should become the policy of our United States. POLITICAL POINTERS. - Here it a good story : Ad employer asked bis porter, Mike, how be was going to vole. Mike answered tbat be tu going to vote for McKinley. "Why, exclaimed the employer, "I thought yon were a democrat." "Yes," responded Mike, "I am a democrat, but I won't vote (or Bryan, for I don't tbink mooh of man tbat bae to ran all around the coun try to get job." Tbe above paragraph is from tbe Can ton, Oh o, Repository. It U t good tory. Bat it is especially appreciated in Canton, Ohio, tbe borne of Major Mc Kinley, whither tern and scores of thous ands are beaded to see and bear the great protectionist, The Cantonites are reaping a golden end silver harvest tbat would be bigbly appreciated these bard times by any American oily to say noth ing of the distinguished bonor. Nothing of tbe kind and magnitude bag been be fore witnessed in tbe history ot oar ooaotry. Wheat is still going up. No.l is worth more than 60 ceots per bushel in Morrow county. The farmers are not getting the worst of it this year. "Cyclone" Davis has declared tbat populists of Texas bad better a thousand times vote for McEin ley and Uobart than to lose their identity, their all, by supporting Bryan and Sewall. TIIK TM'TII IK A leading fciitr of Oregon botes what 1'ryan said So l.rj, la Lis f-lacw oa ths &,mt of evegrf: "Vvtt rauat atlnbaU it to ths in ms geolas that dm muttiplisxl Tbe popoorati are a frightened crowd just now, and the publication of Bryan's statement of bit alleged confidence over bis own signature about three weeks ago is generally regarded bi farcioal nnder existing oironmataooes. Not only are tbey frightened about tbe states which tbe republican managers conoeded to be in doubt at the beginning of tbe campaign, bat wbioh tbey now consider safe (or MoKinley, nut also about seven or eight Southern states, some ot wbicb tbe republicans bad no idea ot making any serious campaign in until very re cently. Tbey realize that Maryland, West Virginia, and Kentucky, which have from tbe beginning been strongly oontested by tbe republicans, are more likely to be oarried tor McKinley than for Bryan, and now tbe antios of Tom Watson have got tbem into a state ot fright over North Carolina, Florida, Al bam a, Tennessee and Louisiana, and tbey are no longer certain even of carry log Texas. What tbey especially fear in several ot these states is tbat tbe re- publioaDS may withdraw their electoral ticket and support tbat of the gold dem ocrats, an idea that is being advooated by some shrewd republicans for suob stales as Louisiana where the gold dem ocrats are numerous and influential. A Jacksonville, Fla., business man- Mr. W. J. Fsrrell-uow in Washington, dropped a few words wbioh have let a lot of people to thinking. Be said: "I lake hut little interest iu politics, snd do not presume to predict tbe result ot the coming eleotion in Florida. I take it for granted tbat tbe etate and ooonty democratic tickets will suooeed, and tbat democratic congressmen will be elected. It dues not follow, however, tbat Bryan 111 carry the stale. In fact, I think tbat MoKiuley's obaooee are baiter, There are a great many sound money men in lbs demooratio parly in Florida, wbo will gn over to tbe republicans be- oaose of their hostility to tree silver. Among lbs farmers are many Northern men wbo are naturally for McKinley. I think Florida oao fairly be elatted among tbe doubtful stalee, so tar as the electoral votes are conoerced." Tbe general distribution of campaign literature by tbe lepuhlioas congress ional ootninttte le practically finished, although orders for documents will be filled right ap to election day. Mure Till following prayer la said to documots, both in somber and in balk, To tbe credit of our fellow townsman, Hon. W. It. Ellis, it is conceded everywhere that he has proven himself one of the best campaigners in Uregon. Every. where he has gone this has been the verdict. Tbe latest news from Eentucky is decidedly good. It indicates that McEinley will carry tbe state by not less than 15,000 majority, notwithstanding the fusion of dem ocrats ana populists, and tbat a majority of the congressional dis tricts will elect republicans. Iu short, it looks like tbe state might bo swept by a republican land slide in November, Tbe Tyranny of the Desk. We will suppose tbat your occupation is sedentary tbat you areobaiued, eo to speak to tbe desk in some ooantiog bouse, or perhaps to tbe loom in some vast mill where you are compelled to labor from morning till night. Monday is your only day of relaxation. You re- tarn borne every evening wearied men tally and bodily. Your health and strength begin to fail' What will most effectually recuperate your vital energy Tbe weight ot evidence points to no other ooDolueion tban tbat Hostetter'e Stomaoh Bitters is yonr eafest. most re liable sheet anchor. Use it persistently and your system will soon regain its pristine vigor. Every function will re oeive a healthful impulse. There is no remedy to equal tbe Bitters for nervous ness and want of sleep, dyspepsia, oon stipation and biliousness. It averts and remedies all forms ot malarial disease, and is a preventive of rheumatism and neuralgia. First a Mole, Then Cancer. Probably no disease carries such ter ror in its path as Cancer and well may thia dreadful affliction be regarded with horror. In an alarming manner, it slowly but surely preys upon the life's blood, bearing- the victim nearer the grave day by day. Beyond the use of the knife the physician is powerless, j and too much cannot be said against tne folly of resorting to the knife for a cure of this terrible disease. Can cer is in the blood, hence it is apparent to all that no relief can be expected from an operation. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the cancer promptly returns, if not in the same place, la the same locality, and is far more ma lignant than before. The same is true of attempts to remove the cancer by means of caustic plasters, etc., and all who have had this treatment claim that death cannot be more painful. But there is a cure for cancer one which gets at the seat of the disease, and removes its cause, ts. S. a. is the only real blood remedy, and cures can cer and all other blood diseases, even after other treatment has failed. One of the well-known residents ox Macon, Ga., isHr. H. Powers, the con tractor and builder, who lives at 515 Ross street. For twenty years Mr. Powers has suffered intensely from a cancer on his face, which was treated constantly, but grew worse all the while. He sought the best medical skill in vain, and could see no hope of ever being cured. On June 22, 18, he writes: "Twenty years ago, while being shaved, a small mole on my face was cut, leaving an B 00TS AND SHOEStl THE PLACE TO GETTHEM IS AT AX. IylCHTBNTHAIv'S He has anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a good article when Mat guarantees it. SHOES IN ALL THE Old Stand, Main Street. LATEST STYLES. Repairing Specialty. is. a rw nil..., i iv. i j Or INTEREST TO WOMEN. v. is a l EW rppuDiicans nave imi a doubt alwut how the electoral vote of III. will be cattl since tho meet ing of the Chicago convention, and those few have been oouviuced that McKinlfy will carry the state by au immense majority, by a thorough investigation which has junt been completed. Bo certain is the result now regarded that wagors have been made that Mo- Kiuley's majority, in that state, will exceed UOO.000. Tbe General Federation of Women's Olubs has an officer in each state, known at tbe State Obairman of Correspond ence; this officer's duty is to inform her self concerning all the women's olubs in tbe state, to interest tbem, if possible, in tbe aims snd work ot tbe general federa tion, to assist in sny way she can in forming new olubs, to famish all olubs desiring tbem with progrsmi of stady, copies of constitutions, or any other printed information issued by tbe gen- eral federation. Mrs. O. B. Wade was Oregon's first state chairman, snd was reappointed st at tbe biennial meeting ot the general federation at Louisville, Ky., last May. There are three clubs in tbii state be longing to the general federation, but tbe state chairman It interested in all clubs, and would weloome a correspond' eot from each and every one So tbe state; tbe bat thus fsr been able to learn ot only aboal a doien, and feels tare that there matt be many more to hear from. Many ot tht stales have stste federa tions, and our own great state should not bs tbe last to organize such s federation, Women's dabs, wherever tbey exist, are helpful in farthering tbe best inter ests of tooiety. Tbe clab woman is Ibe better wife sod mother for the broaden' log infinenoe of ber clab. Tbe tlste obairman earnestly wishes tor snd cordially invites the oot,eration of all Ibe clab in the state; without this tbe can do very little. All letters should be addressed to Mr. a D. Wsde, Pendleton, Oregon. ENGLISMUSINESS 1 w Bja. asm sasa m sjsaw - PORTLAND OREGON Full English course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy. BOASDIHG DEPARTMENT LADIES Do You Want a Rig? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney. Crook. Gilliam and other counties and can save money aud time in making these sections with traveling men. Prices In keeping with the times. THOMPSON & BINNS, LITTEETMEIT, HEPP1TEE, iftFIi bare been actual! delivered bj an aged colored minister in Va., a few days ago: "O Lord, save this oountry from the hands of tbem who is trying to bast it up. Give us plenty ot work and good money for it, so as we can take care of our w ires and cbildien, and buy good bread aud moat and pay for it. We want to keep politics out oi churches ana out of our prayer meeting, but we can't help asking thee to keep a lookout for tbat poor miserable sinner, llryan, who wt hear is coming io the sUU hand in Land with Satan. Ws hsve bees sent oat than were ever before seal from Washington ia a ticgle oaov palgn, and the aorreepoodeecs of lbs Oommltl leaves a doubt tbst lb documents bevt scronplisBed ta sor mont smoant of good, ia selling right those wbo had bea misled by having read only one tide of lbs financial sod otber q Bastions. Tbe work of tbe earn. nulla will aot, of soars, be daubed as til after e ledum. Wanted I Your tea trade from now on. Schilling s Best wants it ask thee don't let hita do no harm, your money back if VOU don t like it and, if it ain't analog too much, please forgive his sins that bs is committing every day, and then knock the studio' out of biro ueit Novemter.' AMMvHariceougrtHtsmaa from Alabama has two telling tales out ci school, lis sate ibers are not lra than 1 .",()) democrats in Ins stats, wbo will, undr no cir omittances, vole for Bryan, and he adds; "Kentucky wilt probably Tots for McKinley, and likewise) Msrjlan I and West Yirgt&ta. I think Hers is no chance for Uryao to U elecled. TLs lis silver tncvrruetit is not bow as strong as It tu only a little while ago. Il crows sUalt1y weaker. This is not to t wonder! at. As men si aiuiu tb fjuftlioa lhy twtvm convince! that fir oatacs is a delation." AH rvpwblicsos would MR. H. POWERS. insignificant sore, to which I paid little attention at nrst. This sore refused to heal, and after a while became quite obstinate, and began to prow. I placed myself under the treatment of promi nent physiciana, who said I had cancer of tne most stubborn type, and though I took their treatment faithfully, ths cancer grew steadily all the while. increasing in size and severity. I also took nearly every medicine tbat waa recommended for the blood, and applied varioua salves and ointments, all without the aliirhteat benefit Year by year, I found myaelf ateadily growing worse, for the cancer waa aavpping my life away, although I spent Hundreds or dollars with doctors, and as much more experimenting with various ao-canea remedies, l was atrongly urged by the doctora to aub- tuit to an operation, which they claimed was the only hope for tne. " I had well-nigh abandoned hope of ever being cured, when I was induced to try . b. S and even the first bottle afforded relief. The medicine caused the cancer to discharge, thua forcing out ine poiaon, ana ridding the sys tem oi it. l continued to take S. S. S. until the discharge ceased, and the cancer healed up entirely, and I am perfectly well. My cure ia regarded Its ('onfurUlils Walls Traveliat; as truly remarkable, and demonatratea Ia cool weather. Tht Union raciflo T . l,. . woner,ul "r , i . w 1 na11 uk plur in always rccom- tyttem heats its trains tbrongboot by mending it' steam beat from the engine, thus mek-1 B. 8. H. is the only remedy that ing every part of all its esrs plessaol at the root of all blood diaeaoes. muA mf,.rl.!,i. It .U Ii. D" . .ao-cauco rrmcaiCS lill to by Iht oelebrsted I'iolncb Light making Ihem brilliant at night. Passengers carried daily oo the fast mail. F alee flog ear reservations, lirktta, or io all so-called remedies It is guaranteed Purely Vegetable formation, call on or address 11. W. Bettor, Oeo. AgU 135 Third St., Port- lead, Oregoo. AfUr steals vos tbealj bare sisaply s felisgotsainfortaa4slifslio. Tow sHoalJ ant feel set s peieJ tod irallons tbat iiigeetias) Is going ot). It jrow d, fo hsve lifti.o, wales tseaas f digstltoa. This en ay be lbs bftneiBg t to mssy dasgaross lissiwa, tbat it is boat to laks II Is kas I at oses sad treat II with Hhakar Igtlvt Orwdtal ttt yes kaow tbal ladtgaatmw aaake pnr, 'ties rent pats and Mks. Aad that fttuke !Hgeti Cordial self difMlin td sur) ladlfetUa. Ffcaksv (H-tiv Ontdtai do this by feovMisg the d'gMiiv taslat Wit Is wbleh ths stek stomach Is wsalisg. II at tusas as la I sAraaftttaas the dtgaativw arcana se t taakat !! faffartly feaaliby. Tbta ta lbs rtiN.m.iJ i4 ttt tMltinl of ear, at the dHrtrs woald sat Kail tiy dnt gts's, p'ke la easts to II 00 fat UHlla. kwls t Raat la la a avra aura f. llaa-lanttaaed rvMt iltaa K'Xlitaf rlve SO aKllf. fv sale iy lie a v KflrawS yrast PrUoa. Almost two weekt ago, J odd Wiley, lbs young man seat op last tprlng from Ibis ooonty for perjury, was returned to bia friends and relatives is Corvallit, baviog received s foil pardon from (Jov. Lord. Effort io hit behalf bgaa some tiro ago, lbs grand lory of lb Marob lrm. lbs offlotrs ot Morrow county at lb tirn of soaviolios, several promiaot cIMseot, looloJiog JoJJ't stlorsy,tlo- legs petition lor hi rtlae. Jodg Lowell alto added to Ibis bia lattr ravoesmasdisg lbs perloa, though atu ally b U much tvvra to torn prooaad sr. Many prominent cllitao and pub lic ns of Oragos, friends of Wiley's faoaily, ala argad lb par J.ia, asd aot witbtiendtof 0.iv. Lord's well tsows posit loo oa lb altr of parJoot. gr ally rafoaiDg to In tar fore, tb rvlaaa of lb yooag bms wa aeamplMNd. Wiley's family r blfblj rvepartad la Dola county Sad alsaaber waar kbB,aaJ It la said tbal J a J 1 was s tplaadid boy aalil a tall lit bad Sora saay aftr lvlng buma. Tb faet tbal a had hitbrla ban, a sptaadid rapnia lloa. thai b wa vary yaag waaa b SnCBaiittad tb en ma. ad tbal whaa said rritM was stwoiiUad II wa do with tb Ida of tbtaidiog l tbr aod t4 with a full aeor4tka of jit wbtl ot atdifflswllf b in t'tliag bisaaalf lata, all want t imiiI Ms tavrig lb Mir. ration. Tb Usiail bpa Ibal lb Uaana M t gniht t4 IBM JwM 1V Wl ta ward bit raiaMva aad frtaad by baMaj. lag a aaafal aaJ tpiad ataa. and enrea Cancer, Cotagious Illood roiaon, Scrofula, Kxioma, Tetter, Rheutnatlam, Catarrh, or any other diaraa having Its origin in the blood. nook a on blood and akin diacaaee mailed free to any address, by ths awtft Specific Co., Atlanta, O. tWtler 'M. frofs. 0. II. Chapman, of tb Htal University al Eugan. and P. L. Camp- ball, of tb Monmouth Slate Normal, Sam In Tuesday morning to Visit tb IWppoer teheott and to drlivar a Irclarv oa luellotial maltars. Tb gautla. tsen ar working to tb ad tbal all gredad aibooli ot oar slat shall aJrpl lb Mist Soar ol tiiidjr, and Ibal Ibara may b mort amforsitty Is all rhMl woik. Tbelaskl a dfnall oo. so for lb tueee of tlieir eff ilt lb (Is tall thall var earaeally prty. A ti padagctg o a rdily Ibal tb tnort of tb t'laa prpd by lb gaaltaca'a mB ma' b f t lb fnlnr of oar arboola, mll mmmltrtul, la. mg jvljm wKrIKtr Ikt ihtrp gru'trer ttM oa brnttt fmm Iks titnf f.r a. . . . It krtkrr a ifcws or if,t a. f urn f ft srw" Kltrmfl fnm l laar t U' J. .'r.ia ta tk l'.mt nf lit) rrmnt.tttrti a li frili I. r romi . riifu.a. th kc Caask Fara M ttl.ilob rata. A aaglae'al t daraena, Mi.p It al mii wit Mhtl .a l tif. mt 1 by Wall U at taw . fan taii ran v. Itarls ff 1-.1I 0a Marina ti ka, in Oifnfd f s pira at O. t'.. arasaortU. if. BUCKS! BUCKS! C v . wi ) Don't buy your Bucks until you see the Full Blooded and Grade Delaine Merinos from the Cunning ham band, of Pilot Rock, which will soon be in Heppner. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. . , - CHARLES CUNNINGHAM. LI 'MIj Ml 1)1 UHTC flmo Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH. D. i Herren Desires to inform Sheep men that he will represent D. N. Baker, oi Wciscr, Idaho, in the line of Fine Delaine Bucks. He has 180 head at his residence in Hepp ner, afso some fine Merinos. Prices range from.?') to $10 per head. Call al ore oa, or writ Io, D. A. HERREN, Heppner, Or. v IJ it. flWV ftlrs! tklag into H)t,tnj: Moislar, Inlana iirbiDg 4 sliaiagi mm algbl; jaby aafs'rbla. If alUiaad to alia las. on fiNCB, wkleboflaa blaad aol alaaf ala, 4 aaerntiag vary -r. fly' Oin ntaal l b iletirg J btalioj, aaalt alrarala-a, sad ia tanat Saaa (a av IB ivaiai. Al diS ar by l Tita Mar 1 l, I -a. i to ,. ! x -. 4 I Via lk Cala rants tysfcH Oat( is cbeekad tbroaga from rori laad Io deattaalloa. Tb tpdallia ot lb Cabs r6fie ar ess leallad track aid tqnlpneat, aaloa depnts, fast lira, IbroBgb Sara, tit at bl, rtaterb light aad SoarUoa lrtlmaat Io paagra. For rat aad iaforvaUoa apply to R. W. Iteilae, O.a, Agt C. V. sytlan. Tort laad, Oragoa. r a r m r rail f"f Data ar Traa. Jama lUsrar ba a fls lot al frail, .4iing tf fall aad wiotar tppla. abieb b ff-r for tal al ob seal par pound. Its will lo aeratl la atrbaaga for sa poala, Wtm4 pf wbaat, lUllvaraJ M bia pla fnsir rnl'aa alma lleppaar Tbaa d.tmg ftait aboald sraftf witb bias. If. ''II is tmmitUtittt, in any jn.l,jmrnl, trhrlkrr Iks tJktrp yn.f tr rmlrfi ng rWaHI rr Ikt ltrf nr nn( ..... II Ktlhsr ks il 't ar , af am J frrs trtmd"" t'tlntft frnm )rk of .Ui.,m J trpm tm IK Ihmm nf Kr rrarfrtra wktm Iks II tim-m lull sreta a rndrr rva-fral.. j lt,roab iri a tb U K A 21. will I me via. IVsltll. Walt Wall aad faJlatn). Ibroatb iarpar. Brat aad ! aavraj e.'aM, il na la tn with I la I rji I'ariAa. Iba Hns a batala Lira, A lkfakj Erat alaaa Uapaf I'avi. Isnl ! r tsaa. anaaarliag lit lb Sr Sm sk!- I N I'saL B-l a lSr.wg ks M Upf I'llaad U HI afak- ay IM laM al la Um.t I'mI.iII mn la e-aaartH. with thai M k a m ,...rv Wall. Tbotnpana rtib !- bat waaa HenpB aad Unnotaaal. Brnvtog eaavy day tr4 Miwilay asd laavlB ovary day ete(t ftnadav. Hbortaal and bp aat rl m tl laUrmr. (,Mav A PfMik, aia U Irblaaibal I lb aid tndr.y of tha llappaaf ba4a aJ kaap aely II, bast f'ia ti bo- d tboa. B' b 4 la asolbar snlBaaa. a. Ta awa awa. S'l a"- f ! a4 la 4lt m ka4 SB ail, f4 tmi !, Ur. a A) IVhi, r i.(l-iial,nlttk mm i a fK ra i "a! Urval .ttB fsilasr tf M m.tum M la t I h a. I III H k. M.v til i a. l a I A fcraat ttm s rraa,n4-a i klakia by adiaa. (A-.I'B- tAoaaad eraalipalHa. aad kld- i l.a. fca M. f, f ri-Xa. fl9 Bay hra aad baWal IsnabU am avrad t ' , r.. v.iai a- t a aaittva H Karl CNvaf Kwt Tea. jrtra. IhbbJ by MtlM AWarra. Hl) Warw. fat ! bf