Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 20, 1896, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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fl'l.tn c. I
The Heppner Gazette
fcdited by the
Tlw MoKinley Law Checked Im-
portation and Gave a
Home Market
Canadian Farmer Has Protection
but the American Farmer
Hat None.
f 4Ira m tin ran nr. n vahv Panaila UatI
4ft, China, or any other country 'should
Bpfiy the United States with a single
ML CnnnAn rind. Tint hnv a sincrU actp
i ut, and there is no reason why we
lM hnv frnm h4r Whan A. h
tricar, farmpr los th hpnpfir of nnrt
nia nnrnvai m a m Imr
l'rl.h nnrnnta nf rhia a i il a a itiim
jr a few figures the benefit which the
La. j ; i r . i .
mwviiLau imiuet- uenveu iruin me Aic
Klnley law; not merely because the
Uw atopepd imports from other countries,
at because under that law he receiveof
mm average of 15 cents a dozen for his
ffi all the year around. Under the
W . , , u uviiunu "in, "c uaiuiy
rages 5 cents a dozen; and the people
Bui J V. .. . . flf . . V . '
rewu ueupr uiura to pay 10 cents a
teen in 1882, than they can 5 cents a
Ml In 1W(rt
From 1883 to 1890, there was no tariff
area eggs, me unnauian farmer could
Mad his eggs across the line from Maine
la California. Mexico, ChinH, France,
tarmany and other countries supplied
mm iu,uw,uuv aozens or eggs, an-
ftoallv. on the arersiro IV . ;,i ...
- . . , - -" M ' ' L uniu CTC1J
p to tne toreign farmer on this small
uui-l H1UIIP. IT in canra a tin-a )
).000. This ImnncfaHnn t i'
.UOU dozen month ate Kfi AAA A
----- - , -- - va uu7.ru
ar was felt, in the way of competition.
9 aur farmerx chief! v in th. i - ;.;
ua ' "J ' " w mi r V.l III ,
rarmera ran oat- tha I.-.,
IS? tueir .Prod"ct m the large cities;
IT 'L Vew Ior. miadelpbia, Boa
jaa, Buffalo, Cleveland. Chicago, San
Tranclsco and many other mnrUt.
i. .u uy water, now
Z e J,rmer expect to compete who
Mai to hin Ma 1 : i 'j
aM foJlow,D atateuient shows impor-
WT"""' i-uuumes, tDe year be-
fara the Mckinley tariff went into effect,
ar tde year ending June 80. 1889:
untrles. i Dozcdi. i V.i.
8. 425
12 :tan
rtaac . . A
Ba Scotia, New
rnniwink a
Frince Edward lalaad
mwc, untarlo, Man-
iwoi Territory. .
Km no Columbia .
Uly.. .."
. 20
MatkarlaadaV.".'.". .
'kay Is Ifrln..
Lh5 t,Dl haya tha polats at walck
" '"i" i"Ti fra :
Dostaa. Value.
Xtwtaok. Main
aaaor. Main
U. klalD
Vaataa and Cbarleaton.
Ratals Creek, N. Y...
aaa Vlawat. N. Y....
kanpltlo. N. Y
nus Ohrtitl, Teiaa..
ayakoga, O
Xtralt. Mlrb
fa we. N. Y
Ieatr. Maaa. ....
area. Mick
if West. Fla
(aralahead. Mat
taw Loudon, Con a...
aw York. S.
Ilafara, N. Y
Mwacatrkle, N. Y
. N. Y
'aaa del Norte. Teiaa
646. 'Jit
I O ta 9rr
a. 142
170 M
SJ 40946
.W! 4l(l
1.4 1 2.1X13
aaa new Meilrn
faaMnaanoddr, HaVnV.
ffcliadalDBla. f t
rrtndand t altnouth.
fHrtaaiaatk, S. H
ftovldence, R.
wat Hound. Wt.h ..
and Htverly,
aadstky, O
(Mrlor. Mick. ...'.".'.'
Iraldaboraaik. Urn .
uiin, ur
Otkar ualAna Si.
.15.816.80V 12.418 976
It would arl.lently ha impoaaihla for
faraaora fifty uiU-a In tba Interior of any
f tka at a tea bordering oa tha Great
Lakea. to rompete with egga skipped by
rater from Canada.
Tha McKlnley tariff Iranoaed a duty
m S cne a doten oa agga. Thla law
feat Ufa affect October 1. Iur.
lag tha year aadlng Jnoe .10. K!Ki, wo
Imported aearly Ix-iOixj dotea ega b-aa
Aaa la tbo year prlou. whra there
4aa aa pratertioo. Tha tmr-rtation of
aga eteaditr derreaaed until tba retal
ft tba MrKlaley law In HW, m that
taataad of aearly IH.raat.rwio dniea tf
k-Hag brought Into thla country, a her
ofora, la Iwavi Jmrmrted Hi.H..i
waaea: 6.faHio a ic, jtaatnot
la l'.2a; I.TVtnrwi in Hy l4
arly 2,0ruiil had bea takes fmm
tha fereig b aliirr. whkh anw weal tatu
U aorkea of the Am-ruaa farmer.
Tka feliowlng table ahowa tba laitMtrta
Uaa of eaga aineo 1H.VI'
aaaaal Iwaonatleaa f foraiga ega. laav
L .
Tear 4 g Ja K) I xMna i '.lM
n.i ...
il4 .......... . .
a !
a la
a lr
i l-i
a ia
a I r.
,.,ia i-a A " Tt a-j
, ,f 1 MM
,.'16 i f I
I mm, am
i t i a a j ira
if. ii
2 ? ' j
a j: iHi
4 l f j
8 p
I 7 f
IT' 4llj
to V-'.
Ij .a
k r.let4, Ocl.Wf & tkM. at ! af
a i.-r.ia 8 Tint
IiHt,g (be Let yearof'thTll r K la ley
aanff tha aaly m bht wee n
Ceaa4a, a ad fr.c Cklaa for tka t.hi
Wl bought i tkun.f frsta
Earpaa ratra. aa trro at
t eeata a daaea tka Ur f woold a a
ay laa b gk. It atKaiy aiado a d fee.
a-a to tb eoaa'rteo aeeooa tka Ooaa. or
a"e aa Caaada. far fro tka ak?.ec
What does all this talk about
It means that free coinage of
If the MlTTin!v laar liarl ti..n 1.
alone, the American farmer in 1805-6
would be supplying nearly every egg in
the American market. The farmer'a
wife would hare felt encouraged to in
crease her stock of poultry, on which
she depended for pin money to clothe
herself and her children. When the
XfK-inl. I. .. ....I .v.. ....
i .. . . n in nirn anu inn IBI
iff on eggs reduced from 5 cents to 3
eenin a aozen, importation increased
1.000.000 Hnv.en In nna fur afr an In.
creased price of $125,000. 'Unless tha
American rarmer can aee it to be hia In
terest to rota for McKinley and the
rearnratlAn nf a nrntu. H,it nn v. .
Canadian and otner foreign farmera'will
aOOn BUn shin n. lAtaMltVlO Anvan m
year and the price of domestic eggs will
i-onunue io neciine, as mey nare none
ior ioe insi two years.
QueatloB. WhyHhonld Deinorrata l.agla.
oto In favor of the Canadian agatnat
tha American FarmarT
The American farmer could not aell
egg In Canada, even If they had no
tariff on American egga. There are only
a few larg cities there, and they are
near to tne uanaaian cheap farms. The
half-a-dozen small markets In Canada
have a total population oiilr one-nuarter
aa large aa that of the city of New York.
A few election districts in the city of
New York, or in Philadelphia, or in
Chicago, afford a better market for
American eggs than the whole of Can
ada. Yet Canada imposes a duty of ft
cents a dozen on our egg, while we im-
Eose a duty of only 3 ceula a dozen on
er egg.
The Canadian havo protection, bat
aadartka WllaoB bill wo hove not.
A Pointer fbr Farmer.
I remember one Instance that heare
particularly upon thia question that came
to me today aa I aat here, and that waa
thia: My father came from the New
England atatea upon thia prairie in 1R.T77
He told me tnia Instance ouca: laat
after aowing a cron of wheat by hand.
cutting It with the cradle, binding It with
the rake, ami threshing it with the ball
upon the floor, be put It upon a wagon
and drove it to tbia city of Milwaukee,
ninety-all mi Irs away, and sold It her
for 41 cent a huhel. This waa in tlw
Via. and ailver then waa f 1.30 an ounce.
Now tell the ailver men to etplaln to you
how It waa that in the early 'fUta wheat
waa 4A cent a buhel, and silver fl.:to
an ounce. If the prii-a of silver alwe
carrica with it the price nf wheat. And
when he hem aud baw. aay to hnn:
It la nnt only confined to wheat, but
that other commodity you yoke tin with
ailver, cotton: and tell hint that for the
four yeara ending ia IH45 cotton In the
city of New ork averaged only 7 rent
a pound; and that for the four yeara
ending in k'M the aame rlaaa averagrd
R cents a pound. Tell hint to eiplain
that to you. I hat waa when e hal
free coinage and ailver waa then It .'to
an ounce, lie cannot einlain It. That
one llliitrtion. my friend, utterly di-
atroya the whole ailver berey. 4 on
grentnaa Fowler of New Jersey.
What "lewart Thought In IM06.
ftenatnr Rtewart of Nevada made a
aprerh In Cntigrea February II, 1174. la
wbirbj be a Id
t everybody know what a dollar la
worth. The farmrra will then kn-.w Im
to meaaure the iliBtreore In nrn-e !
tween bla wheat In lllinoi and the wheat
la MverpiMil. The wheat will U ne
n red to the same atandaM gll -in
Minn a It ta la .iri.l and any inaa
ran figure It up. Hut now It I a uj-
lery; the ahote anljerl ol Bnanre I a
miatery. d ahat d- aa a every day?
'e are thoae who d'Vnte their tlrni..trt
to it making large furturw- out of tbia
11 n do a all the people or the world
have lawn doing from the ,pmrg -inttre
our value .y gold. eltt the
tadrd that ail ran aoder and. and
gn rid nf tbia mvatary.
a a.'.. . . .
sir iga nnai goa toe aeoator
Mr, Ctewart I waat the aianard gH,
and aa iiwr aaooey at rvertnr. la
gold, ro r atottey the value of whirh
i hot an-anaiue-i. aa i-aper n.'-try thai
III arganna a gold board to viru-ate
with It. W bo ft 1" thia gold t-or4r
H'kn fats tkea IniuaiiH fortoaeViT llnw
ia It that aiiH.eo 1 iiDh.fe raa t
r!id ut. anaua f theret hd aattmtr
er rawia ho f-aid fo t T It
raiiwe oat of Ik t'nl'eva I low it.
! m at? fit Ik lafitod wktrb
your dft4 rorraary $ - te apera)-
't.,j and ahiftg !
par. wka) are tcii!aisag la rows
4'Krad earrawr ar wvik'rg the
nvm. aal tkef will eoatiaue aaak
it l.rtig aa ya kava a iid rr
rof t
If the farmer n!4 aef rl'-b Ike
have r- la besse aki.M ia thla tal-
tag rttrraory a1 atak .aa 4 at
IfHtlate the aabt. 4 If lbf da tht
Ibey roaaet ffw 41 a(faa naal ttaw.
ard forty third Oagra, r BMataw.
vat, a, p. l lSil
sixteen to one mean ?
silver will ruin business and close th.
Payment of Debts in Debased Cur
rency Means Practioally
Fallacy of What is Considered the
Strongest Free Trade
The following letter ia one of many
that are daily received by the Time
Herald. It i aupposed to contain the
strongest free silver argument that can
be addressed to the farmer, and it I
used by the free ailver omtora with im
mense assurance of it ucceaa:
MnonlB. Sett.. Aug. 3.-To the F.dltor:
My land I eiiciiiiiliered by a mortgage of
11000. payable In lawful timni-y Nnvemher
1. 197. I ninal pay this debt with the
product of my frm. I nder nrdlnry Hr
riimtiice I will l able tn ral lout)
bimbrla of wheat tie it year. If there I mi
rhsnr In our nnanclil )teni, tul wheat,
at 60 crat per buehel, will pay half the
debt. When the value of a sliver dollar
la reduced to 6l ceata by free i-oln(e a
biiabel of wheat, without an rhange In
It value, will be worth a .vtcent dollar.
With free i-olnag of silver I aball. there,
fore, b able to pay the entire drht with
the lOul buahel of wheat. The burden of
fir lli a da-lit r tlms) h doulilad alnre
borrowed the nioury I have ottered the
law of my country under the guld standard
and shall obey them under a silver atsndsrd.
Th opponents of free ralnsae nf allter are
appealing to the laborer, the creditor and
pulley holder to protect their owa per
sonal Interests If I should fall tn look nut
for air own Interest who will do ao fur
me? I there any reason why I shonld not
vote for the free and unlimited coinage of
liter? Very respectfully, J, W. Hlngvr.
The answer la not far to aeek.
When thia farmer borrowed the money
It van the equivalent of Slum in gold.
It waa the name as if be bad received It
all in gold l.i I piece. H i-ould have
had it that way ii be ao desired. Per
ha pa be ltd, for many smli loan have
been made. Wbrn be eieudei It be gut
llUtal m gold euivaletil. lie robal.ly
ItnpMved bla farm to thai ettent or
bought tn k or machinery. In whatever
way he i !.! it. utile he burned It up or
miaudcred i. he got value receive..
The burrowing and lending waa a buai
lie transaction and the borrower uenl
the money to prouinte hi buaiue la
tircats At ho time loe that mortgag waa
etea tiled, for few ntortgagi run over
five yeara without renewal, would a
tin. na lid bushel nf wheat bare paid it,
liip;M.ae we had l.rrotc. the money
from a tteigblaoring farmer more ro.
arroua than he. I hat hrightmr Would
probably have In carry "inHlimg like
lan tlioiiaand l.uahrla of w h. st to loan,
sell It for a thousand ilolisra. get the
mnii t and band it ou r lu hi
friend. 'I here hV l--a-u n the
pat tlioiand of sin b Irsnsac
I i. us In fit. In every farming
n.iiiiniil.il t there are a few farmers,
more ihnftv and of h-ttr business q.isl
ili'stmns ilisn l be other, who aloata
bate tuonef In U rid out of their aavitig
They get the nriH-r front the pf.xliet
id their farm, but they are nnt bhing
those prndd'ts Tbev are b-snir.g the
mom y. and a.i..e ;t hss l. g .,
or It iiitl. nl. Why shnuid lbe
hail have the aame kind of tnoey In re
p intent?
I it any wnnder that the edvwair nf
anlimited free rt.tnage ar rhrl with
diahnneaty and that silisr I t.l-d d
kohrst ni'-nrv, when hf He asag of
a law a Ihnnsand .Vlfer.l d Lars w.il !
Uftirjet.t tit at aal arra a dM a.f a Ihoit-
and l''i'm doiisrs? tu. h a I
maoint tn th r.( u I nf one h.f
the at. l.t t.l.i rstiot, of ail tb debtuta la
the I nited h'alr
U bn Mr It i g.r la tb ! letter
ail "The l.if l f fsirg s 41 4 .f
ll b dol.tal lt.ra .a,We th
je.nev." be os nn,iii U. if he tl
Itif Wht I true. hat Ik "htjfdea" I Ha
Biol.e MiX.a k SI. but upa.O esrry other
I'l.l.esa tn an w bo ha l"lt.,s.J Winner
Vlei-bsf.ts and f.atr'iiera fal tl.
m tl.et of I he bar l.ssaa a th
farmer atn It I teat luaa tti.r fVn'
t"l g-4d and kt to fr;.y IKsl
tha .nr.B t greater, tut II, at tti.f
esirt rf asd art b ! toned but
Ibey h' e and tae.ted .t.
Iioa Bad Vel"J.Illrtu b orleated
the whole wart id. but rsjto I tMta ta a4
Ik f'-r '' l"t
llasestf I Ike karot f.,l,rr- f., I-r
aters r. wltha.nl refe, la f
fsi.i;-fr aai '-aa a il aa fr it. a
workshops so that when there Is a
viduals. A man who has repudiated his
debts is never trusted again and is re
garded with contempt by all his neigh
bors. And so is a nation.
A free-coinage litw is repudiation, and
that it is understood in that sense is in
dicated by such letters as the above.
I'or if under free coiimge the silver dol
lar is to appreciate to the value of a gold
dollar how will the farmer get more of
them for his tlioiisiiml biiHhels of wheat?
How can he pay bia debt anv eaaier than
he can now?
No, it is repudiation the ailver men
want, and repudiation is dishonor. Chi
cago Titnes-Hcriild.
Trice of Live Stock I mler Kepubllttaa
and liemoeratlc Itule.
When we resumed specie pay
ment In INT'.t our domestic
animals, horses, mules, cat
tle, sheep and swine were
.valued at 11.445,423.002
During the ensiling six yeara,
until the election r
Cleveland lu lt,s4, the value
Increased to 2.4tl7,88,924
A gain during sit yeara of
Kepiibllcan rule nf 11.022 445 863
During the ensuing four yer ,
until the fieri i,,n of Mr.
Harrison In IhXh, tlue de
creased frou 2.407.863 924
To 2.4ill,04a.4l8
A los during four ycr of
lii-mocrallc rule of 66,825,606
Hiring the ensuing f.uir years,
until the seiiitir eleetloii of
Mr. Cleveland In mua, tallies
gln Increased from 2.4O9 043 4I8
Tu 2.4ol.7.ViU!i
A rsln during four years nf
Republican rule of..... 62 7I2 2HO
Iltiiiug the last tjn year.
under th se. on.l adminis
tration of Mr. I'letelaud. and
under premised sod -com-
till. lied free trade and weep.
lug tariff red u.-t Ions, value
ln decreased fiont ilwi.li, 2.111.1, vm.ilKI
lo the conipatatltelr Inslgnl.
ant total of I.NIft.44tl.36
(thnolng the enori is lo.s
In fwn year of I tern, m i tie
rala f 4.iin,.i75
t'heai Ihillara.
F.veryihing i i heap or tlear according
tn what we have in pay fur it. Sugxr ta
cheap at ."i is-nta a patum!, but would be
dear al IO cent.
A cheap dollar, therefore, ia one lhat
the inereliant but with lea good than
be Would bare In gite for a dearer do
lar. If a men bant now git twenty
bound nf ugar for a dollar, aud the dol
lar abith h get i a Jisi.ent dollar;
and if the tgi cenl dollar ia a dishonest
dollar and ought tn lie replaced by Im
rent dollar, worth only half a much; in
Ibal iae. tb mer haul will give inly
half a miii h ugr for tb fbeaper dol
lar a he l.ow give for the diaSn le.l
'."tent dollar 1 hl Is clear. Is .1 riot?
Una i preiiaely what "cheap unmet"
I tin what th farmer and the w-nk
Ingiiian really want?
Apply tin illustration In lale.r. if t.n,
please ,e Wnrkingman btiya t'oloir
itb lalr ae be waul a i hetip ilol
Ur. for ln. h ihe ncr. bant oil g,ie
Illy ten .OI.s of .lllatf Or abacs I,.'
nt a ."t.ttt dollar, for who h it -titer,
ham ,11 te tarniy taninds of
ogrT t besp dollar would ml bis
e m half, lie surely do. s not i.si.1
ih. ".. mii il.e workingmsn. "that
I tt.it whsl I tl l. lotl, ,f ,.,f. were
ibiap woiti.l ,.t t-. n,., ,lf
Ibi-ttj f.-r a tl work "
Wotihl )..ii ii,, I, ..if ,4 un ,,,, ,f
I tee sl'd llhlillil . a loot, (e a.f iter si
be tsl.o i,f il 1,, , t. .,,,,(, , b;,tW
tairlll.e ..l.r Ws(- Kllh.-Ot i, k h.lW
log II or bating n n.iis. fr Crikm
Uhl g'-l wi.itid it dn ti.tt to ar.i im, si
n.si.r dollar ,-r a dsy a wank it IJ
wa.til.1 Lot no ,, sogsr. and ho iio.,e
of ant thing else, than SI w.jl now bo?
Ite.ide. if ,rs !,, t,f
r..u..ge. . tl,,., w,l w. admit ih.i
d.s-o "I III a. 'lni, o, an know II,. I it,.
lit a It.i.s f,, ., ,jl j,,,, ()i
It'll ll.l Will f.. ,f,.l,, ,M
the leal Ih.lg Wiil la. ,l,.f? ,,, f
.l ge, ll..t. ad a f I. i.g Utt,, ,.f7
'rk i M w .. i.. I l wurs ff b
I taa.w
Jjit,k ll.. ever, and w what II all
t.. sis ia fa.ai and to jaoir fan,,;; .
cV.fcgfi.l-l 1 .1 i Joomal
A O a . I iihimi
If th !..., f n...i . y ra.titra.1 I
l-..rs ss im iff e. ,t..f a..iil hst
a l-I.eia list it ( as ! 11,11 it,, ne.r
Star f Haete i it) f il, ulst,.., 1 1,
t'-'t t lb f ,l, ,4 H,
la s.li.r r..m tl.er. I ia i t.,,,,1,..
la I.. ear II.. Pi.a if wheat, ut a .,
., fti.el, w Im l .u.s in Ihe f
t nsge f a over at l to I, ansaer the
aa St ma
II-, d4 ii St.aa it,at wheat w
bae pro In ) it.,, .... f,rf.
While Its o,.t, 1. 1 fcf iv,iaH ll.f IB Ik
wr.i. as (isal.r U,, ,,,, ,fMf.l
n. Mat JawiaaL
Job for one man there will be sixteen men out of work applying for It.
Arithmatio for Wheat Growers
Which Neglects Tax and In
terest Considerations,
Silver Accountants Concede Double
Expense in Mexico and As
sume Equal Profits.
arren, Minn., Aug. rl.A-To th Kditor:
I entdoae comparative alipa circulateil by
an advocate of free ailver, which subject
I would like your opinion on. It, of
course, is intended to catch the firmer
wlin raises wheat, and deduction of thia
kind have had their influence in thia dis
trict, which ia largely wheat growing.
I would like Ihe going wage in Mexico
anil the rale of interest in countries on
ailver basia a compared with the gold
alandtird countries. I,. I.amhersun.
The first slip professes tn show ihe net
profit to a farmer of raising Mmo husliels
of whest in Ihe I'nited Stales:
Mail bushels, at (Vtl cent per bushel , I't.WMI
Ktpeii.es SI.Oiki
Freight nisi
Interest oisi
Tsie an
A iimed net profit la American
farmer ;iki
The second slip make a similar state
ment nf the assumed profit of riiting
.' lni.,el of wheat in Mexico:
6tsi hn.hris, al II 12 per bushel . . .Vmm
K t tens J.. tssi
Interest m
Tate 4,,
Asatinied net ploflt la Metban
. frmer IJMtu
Hedm ed lo gold I.an
Aa thi assumed profit would n
ailver ami the wheat would bate to lie
sold ltKin Ibe gold standard. Ihia skillful
inia nl re.lu.ia ibis in go., niaktng
he net prnhl in the Meiban farmer
IIJHil, (im in prndu.e this result this
.foinmo.lsiii,g a'li.iiuisiit. while inn-i-eallng
that the eteuse of raising Ibe
wheal would be tal.e as man) silver
dtillars aa in Ibe I'nited Males, -auntea
lhat the nrofil on II would lie the
ssine liinnUr of silver dollar a In the
lulled States As a ins tier nf fait th
freight rale in Meti.ti are l.i.lier et
presd in Ibe gold tudrd lbn In the
riulaol (staff, but assuming lhat they
are the same, ihe A merit n rail nurd coin
fsni.-s. a siHin a l bey t r.es ihe letrder.
re., one iwi.e as rnaiir .-ta.li dollsrs
In pay a giieti frriirl l rale a thet re
iiuiie i.f A no r i. so alollnr mi Aioa ri. so
lerritott, so thai the fr. lubi rste in Met
en wotil.l la- i;iai u,.t.a. f tstsi, a
our free slur .-iotiiliit stales II.
Morvi.ter lliti-rasl r.l's sre lusher nl
Ma-tw-n 1 1. ail Ml the I til'i-. lste., f
paid ill M ii. sn sil,. r ilollsr. and more
ottr the lot. real Mol. hse In las pael
n iw be ihe ntiiols r i.f mu-r dollar l,r
ra.aa.l 1. 1 il. Alio a,, an farmer, aa, thai
eta n an,, iaa.it. f itic ,aea a.f ii.la r. st
t.a la- Hie .all.-, the aim I i.f ll.lereal
would I.- il..tit..., ra.ait.g M from ."tl In
ltl M-ira.,. r. Ihe . litl. I.I a.f (III
1st' fl l-v ihe Aiiirroan fsrti.a-r
"iil-l la i in Men. i, iloiiars. so t,.t
Hie ...oi.l e.f the . n, sn faroor, thus
...,t.-,l.. wool. I .tso. I as folloas
V.SI l....t,,)s SI II 12 f to..l,a l, OISI
I l-a ... J ....
I ".lal - .... I
I r,e .est j tel
1 !' . , . , , ao
4 teat
Pr.lo. ,t ll.. la, t, as in Ibe r.i(ll,,
'sl.l. il.l I' e l.a I I I. ! I i.f ,e It,.,,, a
fsriuar a,i, la. g;iy. its. Il whsl tl si
if the Atricr.isti fsrinir wooil ta- this
ts a f,r !. ui.en ,,f ti.e ,i!.is,-rf si, I
ilea. I tl.e .Sir,,.. l( j.,, ,,, .a f ,
-tot nien ( iloiii Atneiean 'at n. ts
IWfan a larcenl.oi ker
Mr Itifcn ' i so n.'i. b a ),ar.t
he is U, 1,1 ss I, ..ti H.e
f a.f a.f tie oae a.f f ' - ' a a. i, I a 1 . 1 1 in
s'il.g'..h J ll.e ,'a, Va
I la !' a.f It ..lar I r I' (r,n
It," I at-retr lo lt- ta) I givas ns a
as'ar rmn,.. y n's l al isl la... I,, .1
and S. lo Ha pe..t ie a a Wh.-le I l.e
pi. .1,1 II I l ff.ni i' l.a I. When
hark Isao.s s,.,i.a, . . a,.i.l f i,,
ll'l 1st a.f It.lra.., ,, (, , I .,
When H.e g . f. OS if las.ie Ma'.la f He
a- a. Ml. tl l. t.. f Ihe wn.net a
af'aiaa'l ale. tn, and tl.ef , Ihe
t.a ,f ll,, w, .n, a l4 .i iB ,
M. .1 a. "
II Ssarttes tbt I'eeaU'kS "iBB b
used to pay the expenses of the govern
ment. The tariff on some of tha neces
saries of life might be reduced, and tha
deficit made up by an issue of money.
Or, if this is not deemed advisable, "gv
ernnient paper can he issued to pay for
special improvements; harbors can ba
deepened and rivers improved In thla
?1S.T IIe Introduced a bill to issue
$10,000,000 of United .States treasury
notes, with which to inaugurate tha con
struction of the Nicaragua canal. Ha
further auggested that "we can use any
available coin on hand to take up ma
tured bonds and replace the coin ao uaad)
with paper money.' He Introduced an
other bill providing in thia way for tba
payment of the $.",.nni.ihi0 outstanding
per cent. bond. He ditl not atop even
at that point, but gravely proposed that
"government p.ier should ba iasued 1st
the place of national bank notea, as thay
are retired." His theory of tba ultimata
redemption of government obligations,
aa atated by himself, was that tha larger
the iasue of treasury notea, the smaller
will be the "coin" reserve required with,
which to meet them. Hr "coin" he ex
plained thnt he nit-ant both gold and ail
ver, wilfully ignoring the disparity in la
trinsic value between the gold and ailveg
Ami this ia the financier and atatea
man for whom honest and sensible men
are asked to cast their votea, next Na-
Itryan Mhowii tu tie t'nccrtln.
There is abundant proof that Mr.
III. tan ia an insincere politician and aa
uiiivliulile adviser of the people. ' Ha
waa n bolter In 18.1.1 and in that year,
toil, he made a atteceh in which be de.
dn red that the exchangeable value of a
dollar ilt'itemlcd on aomethiiig heaidca a
congressional edict.
When Frank Irvine aa running oa
the Memoirs tic ticke for judge of th
rinpreme court of Nebraska Mr. Ilryaa
uplsirted a Populit. In reply to a let
ter from Mr. Irvine, calling Mr. Mryair'B
atfi'ttliiiii lo hi titiexfffic7 iMisltion, tha
present ,-andidaie for President on tha
liemtM-ratic ticket wrote a statement of
hi reason for tailting which contained
the following ctHil remarks and emur
erne of M-rsonsl and a.-i u ha r ewtcea
for the llfinocratic candidate:
I regret thai our people chose for alsaghtag
sai deserving a man. 1 hey oiifhl I
ba aelected (nine one nf the numer
oua Item. arsis who ar resatnsihla t
for the falling nit nf in Itenoa tslle , I
vol I hav spoken lo you iksa I
frankly and eonn.leiitlally. becau '
I feel that yu deserve better fai
i'hi "i n b ' fa
Ihirltig the etiraor.llnsry session of
t iiiigres of K., ralM by 'rei,cnt
Cleveland. Mr. Iltyan made a ieei h Is
which be declareat Ibal:
While Ik gotvrnmenl eaa aar thai a glva
elalil of fold r sitter shall consll
Inte a dollar and latest itssi dollar
with legsl lender qnslllles. II is tl nnt
t the part bsalng (H.Ser of Ihe aol. I
lr lhat ainai ibpend up,. the I
la of enpply and di maud I
If 'he t ta-r of dollars lnare
more ratcii, than the need of a..i
isrs ss It .11. 1 after the (.,14 ,i-,,,a.
lea a.f ll't ihe el, hai.eal.le I aloe f
e. a dollar will fall and pfi.es ria
Tim il sp-s.s Hist Mr Itrtan knew
what Ihe ci, hang. .11. talne nf a dnl
lar dea.nfe, on. His i hange of tune.
Ho ti f.,re. is not l.a, aoa- a..ii,,il,,na ,ata
ibsligi-l. hot I is bum- he ahifla hi prtn.
1 ,l.a a ilh il.e tilting ..hii, .1 l-i.s-tea,
and Hist be I Willing In .In aiifllui.g for
l.f'il a-.
In Ibe spri,, of fr' I'.ttsn .1.-1 sre 4
In a at. Ii tnsile bt hnn on the isr,
Itti-afio,, H,s Il.e fall i.f pri. .. , lm
Itltrit.ll'l-al -
Ta Hie iM.ri.'li. (ea,liia that ha tl..!M,, lag
th,,i.si,'l too a a III h.soi to.lan.ea
Ilia- a'niili i.t e.i.f.a- s'ta, ssl
'-SI- . I aaa lo aa t.rt.t oa .-ate .a
io' rt-j 1 -a c..i,. s .t . nr., t
tl I 1 list I. hat I. r. I 1 1
p.- a. d-.aa la thia ad . i.
a f.t le
A I to, a Inne anil lor a l.si.ge hs 100 a
"I.f l.,e ap,nl a.f ,,a all,,,- , o.a
diestn a- ai, los Ii lloa p.. ll,.l
a. lila. l,a fall In I l,e t ,. a of .
tins l. tl.e fill ,1 Hi pi... ,.f a,.ar,
Mr I'.risu s,, I I... s-. -,.'.s l...,e
Hal 'tl.e tritLf of ;.l a I, . I, la
i a ,s l..a t, I ,i late l.a ta t, . a,,, e
I ll, b (oilo-l , taljtl.it. g ..,o,, e ., ,
It-.W ,a le e.- le lain, ,.
W t II, toltll as 1.,11-a. If si I I ,' I. ,.,
a if i ll la.lh S, I. a.f ... a, ,. .1 , ,
a ' e at H.e t.e liti.e e i. .,. .. .
a te a, bl SI'r tie. olnl I ! . J
Nra s.
Il.e Irishman awl I be 1'i.tai.i It. a
Mr larti-t .i. if at ,,t a a.f i
,, w on asif-o,, a ..i., i,
S t. I l..t ,l,ae of I'sfiS fa., o, ,,, i
I.- j. a.f k-i og H.e .a. I. I,,, ,,,,
H. e . it.. .1 llial, Ihe tl... I,,
a 'to erl.sn ,tl l. flee lasde
I .' S',1 I lo a nle I l.e (a, . i a I.
I. e t soft. e- r. -.. e Ihe p. .
aos S tl.l. t tltii.g la ll. I. -e I. ,.,
... --.a aa m-cn. i. ,l.. ,,f i.ee a,i
ll.il if ll.a a..a, ias lata tl he a
Had. When II I ... Isle. Ikst lb iwte
Wat lb th dia.