2zJou lo Uuo TO THB GIVES THB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental JE0 TEX ML" JfS S GREAT NORTHERN Ry VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For (all details call on 0. R. k N. Agent ta Ileppoer, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Geo. Pass. Agt. roKTLAND. OKKOON. E. McNEIlL, President and Manager, QCXOK TIIMCU t And all polnta In California, tU the Mt. Bhaeta route 01 ine Southern Pacific Co The Tat hlahway through California tn all polnta Kan end Ronlh. Uranri Hranln Itout of the PaniAo tiest. Pullman Haffet Hleavere. Beoond-ouuie Bleenere Attached toaipraee traine, affording n parlor aoomuiuodatiuna for wxiond-olww ixvtaaniwra. For rataa, tiokata. almpiug eat reearrations, ate,, mil upon or adilraee R. KOKHI.KR, MniKr, K. P. ROOKBH, Asst. Gen. r. m r. Age ruruaua, uregou mwm FRENCH SOIL IN GERMANY. Historic Spate That Did Not Oo with AU eac and Lorraine. It is not generally known that the French still retain two little pieces of German soil one in Alsace itself and the other in Baden. The monument which Napoleon created in 180ft in honor of Gen. Desaix, who fell at Ma rengo, stands in a small garden near the bridge of boats over the Rhine at Kehl. Desaix had defended the bridge with great bravery against the Aus trians. The monument and Garden were declared by the peace of Frank fort to be French property, and they remain unto this day. Till eleven years ago, says the Pitts burgh Dispatch, this little piece of French soil regularly had a P rench vet eran as sentinel, who lived in a little house in the well-kept grounds; but at that time the German government of fered to take charge of this piece of France, and the oiler was accepted by the French government. The place is now prettily laid out and is guarded by a sentinel trom the garrison at Strasburff. The property of the French republic in the duchy of IJaden lies in the par ish of Achern, which has a station on the IJaden State railway. It is the site of the Turenne monument, a granite obelisk, with a medallion and inscrip tion. Thi land on which the monu ment stands has been French property since 1H75 till the present day, and it is still guarded by a r rench military pen sioner, who lives upon the spot. At the beginning of the Franco-Ger man war in 1870, a party of liaden fire eaters proponed to reclaim this small piece of land, but the Itaden govern ment, with a chivalrous international loyalty, put a stop to the attempt. A WISE ROBIN. a Very REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. -TO THK- EM B SOUTHEAST VIA THK UNION PACIFIC -SYS1T5L Tliroiiiih I'ullitinn I'elai'e Sti'ints. Tmirl.t Hl,.,.wr ami Fri o Kn lining ( heir Care DAILY to l'bl.u. Many hourt earnl via thla I Inn to Kaatern TidnU.- STEAM HEAT. UOWICMt PiKTSCH LIGHTS. HATICM. It, II'. BAXTER. Ce. Agent, I'ortland, Virgo , J. C. It AUT, Ayent, IIejiner, Ortgon, JScltntiflO America! Agency To to I Xi.T afJr- ctvrrra. I W T TAD aaaain. I ' f j rt . , . - COaiOMTB. at. HI kM a Hi, avl !"...T. M . Mt Nwm r amirm (wtonta la A n(4(. I painit I. .mt fc w. ta t r nt. hi m rait. I; a ! ImuIiwh la tae wuli(ic American t fmUit,m t4 a - b-tiiia. iwiw tn rfca H rtmll to II ivgai 1 m,ii, i mm ii As t laaata Sl lto.a.la, tut lilf. The Little Bird Got a Drink In ('lever Manner. That was a charming object lesson which was noticed in the yard at the "Hickories. ' up Windsor avenue, in Hartford, and it was an instruc tive lesson in helping oneself oas well. Midway between the house and barn in located a large cask as a drink ing place for tlie horses. Usually, of course, this tub is nearly full, but at the time referred to, the water lacked quite a little of reaching the top. A Inn' came a robin, spinning over the ground like mud, only stop ping for a moment, as is his wont, to listen. Keaching the tub bo quickly vaulted to the edge. A look of disop poiutment was visible when he arched his pretty neck so that one eye could look down at the water. It was too far away and the bird trotted around quite ill at case. The faucet was leak ing just a trifle only a drop at a time drop, drop, drop and the robin's eye finally caught the crystals and the lit tle fellow almost i-houtcd for joy as he danced around to that side of the tub. l'l living himself directly underneath the outlet, he threw back his head, opened his beak, and thereafter each drop landed In Iiih parched throat. More than a dozen drops disappeared down the narrow channel; then the robin bowed his hcud just a little, so that the cooling drops landed on the top of it, and trickled down on either Hide. Then it How away to a neighlior Ing tree, ns content and happy as if at peace with nil the world. UNCLE SAM, JUNK DEALER. He llaa a 1'rlrn Mat of the Old Trumpery Ho Illapoaea Of. I'licle Sam is a sort of second-hand dealer and runs n good-sixt-d junk shop on Ins own hook. Not only thut, sav Ihe New York Adverlta-r, hut he sends out clri'iilaru to Ihrso of Inquiring turn of miiiil, with di'M-riptions and price lihln of bin wiin's, j 1 1 .-1 us a hecoiiil-huud IhniU tlruliT or ostuj,rc stump or coin colli-clor wouM i in. If a grand iirmy xit kIhuiIiI conclude to fi-stiMin the rafters of Its armory with old ion licit and unliqno m-uI- nls It will Urn! l iu U Sum right on hnii'l, f r, t!i 'Mijjh ho has !i-owd of nil his heavy linns, he hat luiiiiini'rubin old pittoli. inu UrtH, Imyoiii'tn and hulu ra whii li he la not averw to din- imalng of at a fair price, and he will promptly forward a printed price list ti'iowing tli roin)iira!ire newness or antiquity of hi M-roiul-hand wares and warrmit in ( the ni l i. U s to Ih-cxaetly ns represented and to till the lull pre clwlv f"r di'i-oriilive piirpoM-s. And thry ar" olTi rci I very ctiriip. tmk Ono i nn buy nil old sword, MoihI stnlm-il mid full of ini'iiiorli a of furioiiH charges nnd w 11-mi (.lined n-Miulu, for twpu ly llvo ci nis, a li. r-.' pistol fur a dime or at SjHMicer tn-wh-loadrr for aevro ilollarH. other arllrli-a vurying to ault. CIIICAOU. Mmm & si. fam ft'u 'rr3,noi7i y Glanco at this Map lh kka. Miiaa t. an t M at a -I ant i .... i,. i. aim all h ii'Ul liia a i4 H, lail et taaha. smI MHra.W ll.al II Inlu.ii I..I.W-I allkala. ' e4 lll M rmm le ii m la I ...t k I.i' . . ik4 iH hi r m i,,h i , kia laa Of w lfil kae aa titi g immf., t t i '.( r a 0. M la Ike ai4 ' ifca ' ! ia tfcia. kmiif V -. e4 i-S. IM a lata I. iwa ft' t rilml I re k t. la ti.it t l t a Ml i't liik lfc'..H "s till' i I. n rr, iti Afint, ttta, ftt DADIES OF THE YEAR. Thtlf ( rail Ira Hnald Inta t Mm Armaad ha Marld. I'onld thn Infiints of a year I ranirrd In crailli'S, anya a atiitlalk'ian, thirra- lira would -x If tul round the plot I lo ai I lie rllir liaida at thi1 matter In a niorf pli,lun,'np lijrht. We tmaginra tin batiit a u Mitf rsrrli'd pt a given int In lli. lr ninlhiT' arm. onr by one. and the priai-wion U-lnif kept tip hU'lit and il.iv utilil the Inot hmr In thn twelve liK'iittia h id IHIhm'iI by. A auftii ii'lilly Mm ral rata U allowrd. but i i ii lit I In i,'iliitr pnat at the rat of twmtv a miniile, twrUe hnmlrril an hirtir. iliiiiurf the rntirr yrar. tin-r- tU wer at lua "t would Mtly liart arvn the aUtli part of !( Infanlilp tnat. In other wonla. Ilia 11 that had to Wrarrtl w hen the I ramp la-pan. wimlJ lie able to walk w hen (nil a mere frm lton of Ita rouira-li'S hal n arhed tha lewi r a and whan the rear'a anr ply of l-abiea waa drawing to a rloae there wmil l N a rear fiiard. not of In fnt, but ( riMiipiriir alt ) ear-old liya anda-uK Hoawill I re I her a aUrV biiif eal. uUil.m . the many tbo ! ktt lUiil le In flt-urea lUl l'iitf to I'mdlrlofl la llepvaer l.obn Mit I .iii. 1'aia.ias jMimae of Wilia! I'teJItUia ean aat lima and amiit; I f leklkf IliM IcQla, 11 S ((iiainlmi Ibe atle the pratriae lea the atea aill waka ranaeaiam Ua 1 n'tlork train at l ebn t raatlleton. Iim at Cily I Hug M..ra V 1, M an - - -A kalaral litaalittr Kat' l'ltf lt-t lea arlfta Ilia b.l aud gitta a el. er and Iwaal.ful xaitelt.4t. luteal If MrlleaWar ran N la It. tin. l-i g-. lh W a. ll Ofr.i'iiii, Ihe gnaaltat attrf of II, Mel. UilU (Ull,U ill elr.rl f in a lian. , af. l Nt Ma llla n I im al a a ! a-.a eaa I- n.-l a Ih elate. Wbt aUi glee aa a iji'ji a.lIMIuaal Iaat.l Uefe latet, aa af"-tilitif I tt Hi a nvaantSk The Republicans of the United States, assembled by their representatatives in national convention, appealing for popu lar and historical justification of their claims to the matchless achievements of 80 years of Republican rale, earnestly and confidently address themselves to the awakened intelligence, experience and conscience of their countrymen in the following declaration of facts and principles : For the first time ainoe the oivil war the Amerioan people have witnessed the oalamitons consequences of fall and un restricted Democratic control of the government. It bas been a record of unparalleled inoapaoity, dishonor . and disaster. In administrative management it has ruthlessly sacrificed indispensible revenue, entailed an increasing deficit, eked out ordinary current expenses with borrowed money, piled op the public debt by 8262,000,000 In time of peace, foroed an adverse balance of trade, kept perpetual . menaca banging over the re demption fund, pawned Amerioan oredit to alien syndicates and reversed all the measures and results of successful Re publican rule. In the broad effect of its polioy it bas precipitated panic, blighted indnstry and trade with prolonged de pression, closed faotories, reduced work and wages, baited enterprise and o rip pled Amerioan production while stimu lating foreign production for the Ameri oan market. Every consideration of publio safety and individual interest demands that the government shall be resoaed from the bands of those who have shown themselves Inospable to oondaol it without disaster at borne and dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to the party wbiob for 80 years admin istered it with nnequaled success and prosperity; and in this eoonection we heartily indorse the wisdom, patriotism and suooess of tbe administration of President Harrison. TUB TARIFF. We rsnew and emphasize oar al le gist) oe to tbe policy ot protection as tbe bulwark of Amerioan industrial Inde pendence and tbs foundation of Ameri can development and prosperity. This true Ameriosn policy taxes foreign pro ducts and enoourages borne industry and pnts Ibe burden of revenue on foreign goods; il secures the Ameriosn market for the AroeriosD producer; it uphold Ihe Amerioan standard of wages for tbe Amerioan workingmeu ; il pots the fac tory by Ibe side of Ibe farm, and makes the Amerioan farmer less dependent on foreign demand and price; it diffuses general thrift, and founds ths strength ol all on tha strength ot saoh. Io its reasonable application il Is Jusl, fair and impartial, equally opposed to foreign conlrol and domeslio monopoly; toeeo tional discrimination and Individnal favoritism. W denounce the present demoorstis tariff aa sectional, injurious to publio credit and deatractivs to busi oess enterprise. W demand snob qaitabls tariff oo foreign Imports a bleb corns into competition ilb American products as will not only tarnish ade quate revsaae lor lbs oaary sipn see of lbs government, bat will ptotaot Amerv as labor from lbs degradation to lbs wags Uval ot other lands. Ws srs aol pledged to any particular ached alee. Tbs questiosj of rales is praslloal question lo ba governed by conditions of Ihstlaieaod of prodaetion, Tbs rating and nooompromisieg prioei pis is tbs protective and development ol Ameriosa labor and loJualrr. Tbs ennnirv demands rig lit MttlasMol and thea il wants rent sea AS. Ws condemn tbs present administra tion for not keeping faith with Ihe sugar producers of this country. Tbe Repub lican party favors such protection as will lead to the production on Amerioan soil of all sugar wbiob Amerioan people use and for which tbey pay otber oonntries more than $100,000,000 annually. WOOL AND WOOIiBNS. To all our products, to those of mine and field as well as those of tbe shop and faotory; to hemp, to wool, to the product of tbe great industry husbandry, as well as to finished woolens of the ill, we promise most ample protection. MERCHANT MARINE. We fsvor restoring the early Amerioan polioy of discriminating duties for the pbuilding of onr merchant marine and the protection of our shipping interests in tbe foreign carrying trade, to Amer ican ships tbe product of American labor employed in Amerioan shipyards, sailing under tbe 8 tars and Stripes, and manned, officered and owned by Amer icans may regain tbe carrying ot our foreign commerce. FINANCIAL FLANK. Tbe republioao party is unreservedly for sound money. It caused the enact ment of the law providing for the resumption of specie payments iu 1879; since tben every dollar bas been as good aa gold. Ws are unalterably opposed to every measure caloulsted to debase our cur rency or impair the oredit of our country. We are, therefore, opposed lo tbe free ooinnge of silver, except by international agreement with the leading oommeroial nations of the world, wbioh we pledge ourselves to promote, and until saoh an agreement can be obtained, tbe existing gold standard must be preserved. All of our silver and piper ourrency now in circulation -must be maintained at a parity with gold, and we favor all meas ures designed to maintain inviolable tbe obligations of tbe United States and all our money, whether ooin or paper, at the present standard the standard of the most enlightened nations of 'De t. fay! OH amaTrV. Ws belters lbs repeal of lbs reclpred ly arraafrmtata negotiated by tbs leal Republican admlalalratloa was a nation al ealemttt and ws demand Ibeir renew al and eilenelon on sorb terms as will eqaatiae nnr IraJs with otber nations, re mot reel fiction bk b now nbtlrart tbe sals of Amerlesa neodnrts la pott of ntber sonotnes, and seenrs enlarged mntkat for tbs proditrl si oor I arm, fureels sad factories. rreteetlxa and rarlpeoMly are twin meaanfes at llepaUiean pel, and g aaad in band. iVnanevatM ml baa reekleealy ( dona bolt, and bnin at I b r ealaUiehed; protection fur anal ptadnre; Iree staiek) f. Ibe seeeaearwsof life wile ws da no fo laee; reetpeweat agrttaal of aaalaal inter! nhirb gain p ntatieto In ra lam f.4 enr ira rhta to ex bees. rMeetian bntlls np teal IsJattrj a I IreJe, aaj Sarnie trnt own aal4 M oarle, reeif rueiiy ba ld p for 6a trade and led an Ut U snt Ua'i AS TO PENSIONS. The veterans of the Union armies de serve and should receive fuir treatment and generous recognition. Whenever praotioable tbey should be given prefer ence in the matter of employment and tbey are entitled to the enactment ol auch laws as are best calculated lo se cure tbe fulfillment of pledges made to them in ths dark days of tbe oonntry's peril. We denounoe Ihe praotioe in tbe pension bureau, so recklessly scd un justly carried on by Ihe present adminit ration, ot reduoitg pensions and arbi trarily dropping names from tbe role as deserving tbe severest Condemnation of Ibe Ameriosn people. oi'B fohkiqn Policy. Our foreign policy should be at all times firm, vigoroos and dignified, and all our interests io tbe western herui pbere carefully watcbed and guarded. Tbs Hawaiian islsnds should bo control! ed by Ihs United States, aod do foreign power should bs permitted lo interfere with there; tbs Nicaragua canal should be built, owned and operated by ths United Stale; snd by tbs purchase of lbs Danish islands ws should seoars s proper snd much needed station io lbs Weet ladies. Ibe m eat so i e io Armenia bats aroiiS' sd lbs deep sympathy sod jusl indigna tion ot tbs Amerioan people, nod ws be lter tbs United Ststes sbonld eianUe sll tbs iolluesos it can properly sierl lo bring Ibees alrooitie lo aa cod. I Tnrkey American residents bavs bees sipnsed lo tbs grsveel d sogers SB America a property destroyed. There snd every n hers American clllsos sod Amerioan properly mast be absolutely protected al all baaards and at sny coat Mm ana doctshb. Ws reaaserl Ihe Monro doetrtn in Ita fullest eilenl Bad ws reaffirm lb right of lbs Called Slates lo gits lb doelriss tffpel by rpoodlag to lbs sp peals of ssy Amerioan sta's or fnendlf intervention lo eaa ot 1'aropeaa o roaebmeat. Ws shall not be interfered and shall not interfere with tbs Sllaling poeeeee it of say Earopeaa power in this beta It), hare, bat I hoe peeeeinos Banal sol, on say peeteit, be rlWa.Wi. W bepefttlly lok f eeerj lo fhsevrnt sal withdranal .f Curoieas poaers Irons IbM liemipbes sad lo Ih olllnate asinnef all Cegltan tpaaklng pails of Ibe continent by free snn of Its in kariilsat. rt ntn aotrTaa. liberty. Tbe government ot Spain bav ' ing lost control of Cuba and being unable to proleot tbe property or lives of resi dent Ameriosn citizens or to comply with its treaty obligations, we believe tbe government of the United States should actively nee its influence and good offi ces to restore peaoe and give indepen dence to the island. THB NAVY. Tbe peace and eeourity of the republio and the maintenance of its rightful in fluence amoog the nations of the eartb demand a naval power commensurate with ita position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor continued enlargement ot tbe navv and complete system of bar bor and seacoast defenses. FOREIGN IMMIGRATION. For tbe protection of tbs quality of our Amerioan oitizenship and of wages of onr workingmeu against the fatal com petition of low prioed labor, we demand tbat tbe immigration laws be thoroughly enforced and so extended as to exclude from entrance to the United States those who can neither read nor write. CIVIL BEBVIOE. The oivil service law was placed on the statute books by the republican party, which bas always sustained it, and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practi cable. FBEE BALLOT. We demand tbat every citizen of the United States shall be allowed to oast a free and nnrestricted ballot, and such ballot shall be counted and returned as bast. LYNCHING. We proolaim our unqualified condem ation of tbe uncivilized and barbarous prsotice known as tbelynoliing or killing of buman beings suspected or oharged with crime, without process ot law. NATIONAL ARBITRATION. We favor tbe creation of a national board of arbitration to settle snd adjust the differences wbioh msy arise between employers and employed engaged in in terstate oommeroe. HOMESTEADS. We believe in tbe immediate return to tbe free homestead rolicy of the Re publioan party, and nrge the passsge by oongress ot the satisfactory free homestead measure which bns already passed tbe bouse and is now pending in tbe senate- ANI ITS CTTILB To THE Editor : I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. Sr proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to send two bottles free to those ot your readers who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if. they will write me their express and postoffice address. Sincerely, A. SLOCOM.M.U, 153 rearl St., Hew Tart. 7- The Editorial and Bntinesa Management of tiuB ramr guarantee uut geaerou rropoaiuoa. TERRITORIES. We favor the adminsion of tbe remain ing territories at tbe earliest praotioable date, having dm regard to tbe interest of the territories and tbe United States. All federal officers appointed for territories should be seleoted from bona fide rest dents thereof, and the right of self-govern meet sbonld be accorded a far as prao tioabls. We believo the citizens of Alss ka should have representation in the congress of the United States to the end (bat needed legislation tuny be Inlolli gently enacted. TEMPERANCE. Ws sympathize with all wise and e- gitimate efforts to letsea and prevent tbe evils of iulvmperanoo aud promote mor ality. BIUIITN OF WOVKN. lto Republican party I mindful of the rights of women. Protection Ameriosa iodostries inolades equal opportouitiea, equal pay fur equal work aod protection to tbe borne. W favor ths admlsion of women to wider aphsres of usefulness snd weloome tlmi oo-o ration in reaemog lbs coutry from Demneralic aud Populist miemanagemeo and misuse. Such ars tbe principles aod policl of tbs republican party. By tbos prin riples ws will abide, aod Ibees policies ws will put loto elocution. W aak for them tbs considerate judgment ot ibe Amerioan people, Gmfllent aiik io lbs history of oar great parly aod in the jostios of our os use ws present our plat form aod oar eaadidstea in tbs toll a saraaes Ibal lbs elect ion will bring victory lo Ihs Republican party and prosperity lo lbs people of lb United Slates. .19 WW If piii iei I OB al 1 W Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-1 ent business conducted lor Moderate Fere, nun orriec ib Opposite U. S. Patent Office and we can secure patent in. less time tuaa those remote trom Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, tree of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. i a PAMPHLE.T, now to ubtatn ratentsr witn cost of same in the U. S. and foreign, countries sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washington, d. C. o3 J The comparativevaliie oftheeetwocard la knows to most pereoaa. Tbey illustrate that freater cruantrty la Not always moat to be desired. These carde axpreea the beneficial qual ity of R!pansTabules As compered with any previously known DYSPEPSIA CURB Ripens Tabulee : Price, so centa a boa. Of druggists, or by mall. .. BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Sprue St., H.T. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable ault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the-Union Depot of C. B. fc Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C, aud the C. St. h. & P. Railroads. I A.T IE t" eXS.oo PER DAY Cor. W. Madlgon and Clinton Sts., CXZIC-O-O. ILL. WANTED-AN IDEArett. thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they may brine you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER- ' BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. for their $1,800 prize oiler. The regular subsoription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is 92.50 and tbs regular price ot the Weekly Oregoniao is SI. 50. Any one subscribing for tha Gazette and paying tor one year in advance cao get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregoniao for 83.50. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance wilt be entitled to thesftme. New Feud Yabd. Wm. Gordon has opened np tbe feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solioits a share ot your patronage. Billy is right at home at Ibis business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prioes reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf iTMU.S. GOVERNMENT! C IS ... LS ft ft ft PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. gWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. Jf. P.Thl Company U ton trolled by nearly one (Aoueantf leading nette pnpert in Ihe Untied Rtnttt, and it guanmleed by them. UKPPNElt, Attorneys at Hr-ow, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. t OREOOS WHITE COLLAR LINE. ii j n l it I'MfVAT VAitnil IVni'iro llOUUIIUlWIg. Sltiatn TKLEIUONE, BAILEY 61TZERT AND OCEAN WAVL (Vlumnin Dtrnn nnrl 1 lUllllllIM d 111 1 a in Co DISKASI OF THE: 6KI. Tli inlrnae lulling snJ aniarling ln.1-di-nt to erirtna, V-tte-r, eall-rlieura,anJolhtr dtaraar of lite skin U InaUollr allared j applying IhaniherUin's anj Min Ointment Un very l4 raiv her lo pprnianrnily rtin-d lr II It U enally t ftklrnt ft ii hint I'lt.-a ami a favorite n m- eilv f.rr ei-r m'lra; rhaivl hatxla, cllll Maine, frM( Uiv anl tbriic afire etee. lor eal ty drutnfial at 2j wnle prr boli Try Dr. TadS Ceadllleri Pewdrra, thry are juai a hat s hone nco I. iwn In t. nnU 11. T'liir, bl"al puriAer and Vertiufufe. For sals by Conser k Urork, dmritats "II it immtileri.il, la my ju.limrmt, whether the kttp ymirer re.eii-re nay I r At from lin ttr H htlher fc or il i ail I am fur fee r,a.l " itnttt fmm )ch f ft i,' .'i.i n J, llryin in the . aar of . rvaraf.iitre artrai the ll ifmi an unlet t vntil r,tt im. Leaving Alder Hlreel lXk. Portland, for Aetorla. Ilwaoo, Long Beaeb, Ocea Park and NahcHla. Direct eonoeoiioo with Ilwaoo eteamers aod rail road; also at Yonog's Vsy llb Heaebnre IUilroad. TZIIiBPZXOM'Xl Lcare lnrtland T A. U. Dally. srrpt Hun4ar. Uave Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, leapt Bandar. rjAIIiBY OATHSEIIT Ibarra rortian.1 f. V illjf. ewpi Hunar. HaHirtley alxht. It Ml. Imvm Aitorta Pmlly a al i . M., asn-pl Sutiday and Mmlar. eumtar nilit, 7 Y. 11. oouan "WA"r3ra lara pnrtlan atxl mna HlrsH to llaaro. TiMartay aat Tkararlar al S A. M. Barnnlar at I P M. I"1" llaaco Mlnilar a4 fiMajr at J.ao a. M. Oo aumlay mi at i t. it. h?p$ Cbffifi It Eiilrod Dntiutioi Buth rVjfbfi Free tf Eipei fat Mi, speed. Cowlort. riiveura, Tratel ea the Telepbeoe, Ballry GaUert end Oreaa Wave. Keeley Uiiule For tho Curo Oa Liquor. Opiam i- Tobacco Habits It I kvatad at Balaea, Orefon, ' Tht ttmt Beautiful Town m (As Cboef Celt al tk fl. terra eOlne lor eamrnlara airvtlj eoeJutii. Treaiweat arttale aS ears tara. II rk MalhS Is el. II al th- old stan I il''f Ii lie .- iC.ee, wker h I lvpared te dct elt r In ate lln. Haailg. Iiaif tnttiag' balba' etr , at popnler pfiei IL t'e I tf ' r""1"' Oa rl I i f rii'a, erh - aA B !"' earn 1 1 ai ! e'U ,4 Wa Vm Ihe U.r pI ae.i.VM.g iM, ... j ""'' ' " ' I i rl a t twmm l a' aeaal t ittmm-ladc-eu.lebee, t aa Bepl tit lb I'aiUd ! etraie t -i e .. . I u r e--l. Htalen kst regardad nilfc .ptB the LX ' ' ' ' 1 ;" , ' fc V a It , .V tit straggles l other Amerleao penpl lo ,. ,.,. Ire) Ikeesaale froes Fsrnrwan dnsalaa j ew.a'U4 hi ih. I m ! II.. U w.-eh Mli 4-p aal aUJg ' ' "' ' " ' p ' ? lit. i tih f ' " .! Hil b u.,4 alret lt mi t-.'la M lb t'nl-aa ' I , Jt-ftt I - - ltli t w.lrai ai .1. Meet rtaelly and e -i.eel . ' K " ' ' V 1 M . , . I '' ft t a m ia ISm iawaS44 a4era4 k-fn el ! IWe fall j Jt l, iith ..,..,,,,, , tMa m4 .!., mm4 stet M I tajart 4v Ivlea, 4 eaertai OUR STOCK OF a a a SPACE IS TOO HKAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fire. Von need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. TlIK PaTTKKWi.N riJJl liMING Co.