Where They Met. McKinley Bill, with Napoleon eye, Bays "Bryan let's drink some Linwood Rye; We meet a friends, my words are few I hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U." And Bryan says, in a joklnf manner, "I wonder if that's what's the matter with Hauna That's horse and horse, you funny feller When I see my wife I am bound to Teller." Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an eye, And they drank some more good Linwood Rye. Sold only at the Belvedere Saloon, E. G. Sperry, Prop. Accident on Deadntan'a tirade. A map by the name of Chaa. Bead" 'who resides at Hardman, met with a erious accident on the Deaduann canyon grade on the road between Hardman end Haystack valley, says the Long Greek Eagle. He was banling wood, and his team ran - awav on this grade, upsetting bis wagon, be lending under neath. Had it not been for the prompt assistance rendered by another freighter on the grade be would have lost bis life. As it was, he is badly brained, and even if no bones were fonnd to have been broken, be will be laid np for some time. He got one of his wheel horses badly crippled in tbeacoident, necessitating its being killed. Via the Union Pacific System Baggage is checked through from Port land to destination. The specialties of the Union Pacific are nnexoelled track , and equipment, nnion depots, fast time, through cars, steam beat, Pintscb light and courteous treatment to passengers. For rates and information apply to R. W. Baxter, Gen. A.t U. P. system, Port land, Oregon. The oonnty court baa just received a new lot of county warrants that oertaio ly have on them a very appropriate emblem, a photo lithograph of Uoole Jack Morrow, lor whom the oonnty was named. This nmque idea originated with Judge Bartholomew who had ob served that warrants from many other cnntipa weie stamped with various emblem. . The Only Ghalr Car Line To the east is the Union Pacific East rn cities are reached via this line with fewer changes of cars tbaj via other lines Bates always the lowest. Tickets to or from points in the United States, Canada, or E a rope for sale by B. W. Baxter, Gen. Agt., 135 3rd St., Portland "It U tmmntertat, in my judgment whether the sheep grower receives any benefit from th tariff or not . . . . Whether he dor or doe not I am for free woof Extract from epeech of H t'liam J. Bryan in the House of Rep retentatwe when the Uson out wa nnder consideration. He ear vm mere griavaai wrotif dene the Asmara ef ear eonulrjr lhaa that eo anJeaMr I a dieted during tba past three year, a bob the waal grower. A llhnngh M aar asset aeeful eltliena, tkalr la areata hee beea rMtiee.ll dealroed. KcaUalar'a lattt ef eceeplanee. You can bet your last winter's duds that this fair Is no "frost But Jack Frost Is one of the boys that comes around annually and no mistake. E. W. RHEA & CO., eeteert ! ttottftt Out. Vt b will eiet. fr tal.aat 4eVa tU iavaavwt f Iba fi fatnllp. Hocb a II a of alaUr tnlbtaf fvt saw Ufora, sa l al prU 'as down. Tiawa r prally bat J" aaa buy ba to t !'', y ? Call on E. W. RHEA & CO.. at tbe first Natl I. N. MtTillL . :ikimn. Here and There. J 'bn M. Allen ia over from Monument. The Heppoer Transfer Co., baa wood (or sale. 87tf. Gov. Rea got borne from Portland Sunday morning. Joe Eoos, a sheepman frtm Mt. Ver non, is over after supplies. Tom Durham oame borne from Port land last Saturday morning. Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Cutter On tap at Chris Borohers'. whiskey Wm. Tiliard went down to Tbe Dalles Saturday night to attend the fair this week. E. O. : Fred J. Hallock left Sunday morning for Baker City on a short busi nese trip. Uncle Jock Morrow came upon Satur day night's train after a two week's visit at the metropolis. Hugh Fields came up from below last Saturday to look after his extensive Morrow county interests. Frank McFarland returned home last Saturday evening from a week's visit at Portland and Hood River. Mrs. -W. E. Kahler, of Tbe Dalles, accompanied by ber child, is visiting with Morrow county friends. Mrs. W. A. Johnson and children came up from The Dalles last Saturday night to visit with Heppner friends. Mrs. Wm. Dunn and children and Gertrude Bishop were passengers home from below on Saturday uight's train Dr. P. B. McSwords and wife and daughter and Mrs. Geo.Oonser returned home Sunday morning from Portland. E. L. Freeland, A. W. and O. L Pat- tersou got home Sunday morning from Portland where they attended tbe grand lodge, Knights of Pythias. Father Thomas Briordy kindly re quests the Gazette to state that be will bold services at tbe Heppner Catnolio obnrch on Sunday, Nov, 22 Fall weather brings cool weather, coo weather calls for winter clothing. See E. W. Rbea's line of goods. Ad in this issue. sl8-lm. A dance will be given at tbe opera house on the n.-Bt and third Friday evenings of each month, for an indefi nite period. tf. Lost A Trilby heart watch charm on the streets of Heppner. Finder will kindly return same to this office and reoeive reward. Canyon City News: We are iuformed that Dr. Eugene Vanghan wag married latit Sunday. That will spoil bis obanoes for doing any further business in this vioiuity. Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as sociated together down at Charley's old plaoe in tb tonsorial business Call on them and get your whiskers pushed in. - Harry Bagley departed Saturday even ing for Hillsboro, bis former home. He expeots to take a law course at tbe State University at Portland, this winter Harry will probably return to Heppner at some future time P L. Campbell, president of tbe State Normul sobool at Monmouth and E. H Chapman, president of tbe Stats Univer sity at Engene, are in tbe city and will address the people at the M. E. ohuroh. South, tbis evening on tbe subject of education. All are oordially invited. Admission free. At the opera bouse on Wednesday evening, Oct. 21, tbe ladies aid snoielj or the Christian cbaroh will give a Novelty social. You will be greatly entertained and a good sooial time ia promised. Admission will be free and a general invitation is extended to all to attend. Soma good music la also protnbed for tbis ocoaston. "It is immaterial, in my judgment whether the aheep grower receive any tteneut from the tariff or not Whether he. doe or doet not I am for free woof Extract from tpetc.h of W tiifim J. Bryan tn the. House of Hen resenlalives when the Wilson bill was under consideration. Mrs. 0. A. Castell, of Moscow, Idaho,! and T V. Lake, of Hpokaoe, mother and brother of John U. Lake, arrivrd in Urppner lt Sunday morning to b prt-dpct at tbe wadding ol Mr. Lake and Miaa Mamie Mtotl whicb o -flora at noon today at Iba residence of tbe bride's parent, Mr. and Mis. W. R. Ellis, of this oily. Be 'prepared to receive him by calling on Bar)K Gorger. E.W. RHEA & CO., Proprietors. EEMAINS Of A MAN FOCND. Prortd to be J. A. Masteraoa, aa Old Soldier, Formerly of Colby, Kansas. Considerable interest and excitement was aroused in Heppner early Sunday morning by the story of John Diees, a herder for Alex Thompson, who brought in the report of the discovery the pre vious day, of a portion of the remains of a man down on the sand about 30 miles northeast of Heppner and probably abot six miles from Castle Rock. A oorooer's jury was at once empanel ed composed of the following persons: G. 8. Gray, J. H. Myers, W. J. Plem mens, V?. F. Benner, J. T. Turley and aiuguuaen, wno m company wiin Justioe Richardson, aotiug coroner, de parted for tbe locality as described by their informant. Late last evening tbe above parties re" turned and from them a Gazette report er learned that the remains were that of J . A. Masterson. formerly of Colby. Kansas. Among tbe articles found in his clothing was his discharge, pension and voucher papers, showing that he was a veteran of the late civil strife and a member of a G. A. R. post at Colby, Kansas. Letters, a silver watch, gold chain, 11 cents in money and other articles were also found among tbe re mains of bis clothing. The head, and lees to tbe knees were severed from tbe body and were found at quite a distance from tbe remains. As no one by this name was known in tbis oonnty, it Is supposed that tbe un fortunate man hal left tbe railroad and was passing through that desolate por tion of tbe oountry kuown as be Colum bia river sands, when from hunger or sunstroke be came to bis death. Tbe remains were brought to Lexington where Ibey will be buried by tbe G. A. R. post at that plaoe. Tbe following is the verdict rendered by the coroner's jury : We, the undersigned jury, summoned to tcqnire into the cause of the death of J. A. Masterson, after investigation, deolare ou oath that deoeased came to his death from nnknown oauses, proba bly snnstroKe and has been dead possi bly three or four months. G. S. Gray, J. H. Myiks, W. J. Plsmmons, W. F. liENNBB, J. T. TtJRHY, Nbls Magnus kn Yon Caa be Well When your blood is pure, rich and nour ishing for nerves and mutoles. Tbe blood is tbe vital fluid, and when it is poor, tbin and impure you must either suffer from some distressing disease or you will easily fall a victim to sudden changes, exposure, or overwork. Keep your blood pure with Hood's Satsspar il ia and be well. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pill; assist digeslion, enre headache. 25 oen's SPIRIT WORLD IN 1883. Visions Claimed to lia Mean by Haiponsl- bla I'm-aous In Hiffurrut flare. We have heard couipurutively little lately from the torioua tsocit-tica for psychical nseurch, und there wruia to be a U-iiipoiary lull in the activity of the hypnttiBta; hut the theowiphutts, who uro far uptrior lu knowledge of the "uukiiown" to tin people, w how mahatniaa know all thut is in iT.utiou, all that lum been and pretty much all that "ill la-, huvo had Mime iutereHt ing prow dings, and the year 1 iJi bus, tljux fur, bud its full eoiujili Hu nt of ghost atorica. The unnfD but notxy spooks lu KiUrrton abbry have received many ouiiiIj:iih of e&rerul attention tn the KngKUi cej. era, aud arc still unlaid. In Snbrooke, N. 11., the fare of the first wife of a rcently-decrasd farmer appeared ruddet,' upon, the torobdtone rrri-t.d to hia memory, much to tbe snr.o;. ene of bla arcoix! if, ho M d'tibtle looking! for- varl to a irieefnl v t.lou lurfxl. In on of the n nry Itnlinn aettlenienta In the heart of ?.w joik city the face of the Virgin Mary, crowned itu a tmlo, ap- rara al rn upp; r wlndmv of a partly irert"l hoiiae, and the omen thrills ien the pilicenn'n on the beat. These .lon and ii!jt,nu are all authenlieari t,y "reoniIil T- ona, aa (rhot atoriea alwaya ar. But they art atill lei worthy of crrtleoea than the long and Informing letter dictatml trt a Beln!m by the .pint of a f byiir an who at killed In a airwi a -r !ffit. Ilia witlow flimlr ttelietra In the aii'lirattelty of tbie ilnrtniient. and he ought to know. The letter i as rrrl nae and t.lattludin ma aa ueh rrtmmunieatinna generally ara. Iml It la Imiorlant tirraua of Its i!i reel eot.lrail ctmit of th moat eher i.hed lel;ef of ihm thrmaphinfa and Hieir tnahaimaa. They elnf t Ihi" llraliHia ''udilliml d.tetrlne of rrlft-a re flation. Th aoula of mra ara ur4 orr and orr again In t)t pmerMra of erealfon, and aea ttoti! aerortiinf t their alta. When two tnendirra of th hk i-ty arra rweattr rearried by a teiled raaliatma, il was etprraaly atalwl thai ,ey bad I linn a ami le eaesj O'hrr I.C1Q year tieforej aol Itttw r1' L b deliverwl aa add ma to the enit.i v "tartitic ujn an a round thr-workl tniMkin of vtil rhtenmeat rematkni mat whij ber Iwlv waa iar, bef anql Waa tery old. Indeed. Sow ift.a fcale,ati B anm, b snn- eat It raaliM that It bad t-a arpa tad tram Iba tly, found itaelf ta ntitattjr wilh tba amita of tha iby teian'a (tfrtwl rk;lie, b's lareala. tut wire a ru, their rrantraai M aare.wa-a for a rrtrtml,. Il'fa were the afHriia, rti1Mly w Ma o mi on ati-t,H, miir ttif ahttt oa ear'h f t Mht nr. r"-". aa wa ran aaa, nrrpt n t,.proa iM fWiriaa of rrittrftfttalMtit. TH ini urwnta ft i alt tk r I fVl t.f ttuae, w Rteaft, la w l a cMa; a"p.Ur ot tl Lie baiag ara kaa lo Wti--ia r laarialitt mmk la t.rttl,fcf aad iatl.ff tltaa Ik .nra. If lf ry UUe,f wri'eraof fn.a. ! Sa tfca 4mmf of lb trHr tor-. tUmnm ia4 tfc eeaatoai trfm aiKa of Ha Hahaaeaa arw M aafly m rur aM ). ftie aa tba aeat trkka of O.a r-rftr,n "ajaf kiaaa" ' f ih mhn t,ii ter ftm f A CREDITABLE CONCERT. The coiioert Riven at the opera house last evening by Messrs. A. W . Lundell and M. L. Akers, graduates from the Conservatory of Music, of Albany, Oreg on, assisted by local talent, nnder tbe auspioes of the T. P. S. C. E. of Hepp ner, was oertainly very pleasing and creditable. Every number was heartily received and several times appropriate enobores were givn. - Tbe following is the program as ren dered: 1. Overture, "Flitterwoche." .Ripley Heppner Orchestra. 2. Male Quartette, "Stars of the 8ummer MRht," Woodbury Messrs. Akers, Rev. E. P. Greene, Freeland and Lundell. 3. Tenor Polo, "The Bloom is on the Rye," BUIiop M. L. Akers. 4. Voeal Duet, "A. B. C." Parry Messrs. Lundell and Akers. 5. Male Quartette, "My Native Isle," White . A kers, Greene, Jfreelaud and LuudelU 6. Bass Solo, "Thy Sentinel am I," Watson A. W. Lundell. 7. Piano Duet, "11 Trovatore,".... ifelnotte Mrs. Bartholomew and Mrs. Brown. 8. Tenor Solo, "The Roll Call," ...Pentuii M. L. Akers. 9. Vocal Duet, "Love and War," . . Cooke Messrs. LtuKien ana Asers. 10. Bass Solo, "Honor and Arms," .Handel A. W. Lundell. 11. Mixed Quartette, "Now Good might," .Ogden juiss AaKius, Mrs. mcaworas, Messrs. Lundell and Akera. '.How to Care all Bkln Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itoh, all eruptions on tbe face, bands, nose, &o., leaving the skin dear, white and healthy. Its great beat ing at)d curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. - Ask your drug gist tor Swayne's Ointment. RKSOLUTIONU OF CONDOLENCE, We, your committee, appointed to draft resolutions on the death of our late brother, E. O. Sloan, report as fol lows: Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme Buler to oall from our midst our beloved and highly esteemed brother, E. G. Sloan. Therefore be it Resolved, By Bulb Chapter No. 32, Eastern Star, that by his death we are caused t" mourn for one who waa a faith fnl and efficient member. Resolved, That while we deeply mourn the loss we have sustained we are resign ed to tbe will of tbe Omnipotent Buler of the universe. , Resolved, That we extend our sympa thy to the wife and family ot our deoeas ed brother in their loss ot an earnest and evoted husband and father, with the comforting assurance that though be bas departed, be left ns an example by tbe upright and noble lite be lead, he has gained bis reward, a borne in beaven. Resolved, That our charter be draped In mourning for a period ot thirty days ns a token of our grief. Resolved. That these resolutions be pread npon tbe minutes of tbis Chapter a copy sent to family of deoeased, and one published in the Heppner Ouzet e all in grateful remembrance ot our de ceased brother. Respectfully submitted, B. F. Drsn, l.ILLII CON8F.R, Lizzib Matlock, . Committee If Tmahlrd With Kbeamatlsat Head This. Aonapnlia, Md., Apr. 10, 1WI4. I bave used Chamberlain's l'ain Dalm for rheu- matiam and fonnd it to be all that it claimed for it. I believe it to be tbe beat preparation for rheumatism and deep seated muscular pains on lbs mar ket and ctiearfnlly reoommeud it to the palilie, J mo. (i. B Moo kb, dealer in boots shoes, etc., No. 18 Main St. Aim MAD THIS. MrrhatiicavIHe, St. Mary Co , Md. I sold a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm to a man who bad bwen siiFT-rina itb rheumatism for several years, it mada him a wall man. A. J. kffflti.u For eala at 50 cents per bottle by Uonsar Urock. IN H-"II --""i - Aa Irtehaiaas Attllade. 1 hers baa lioeo a good deal of surprise uioiig tf 1 ublieaas whv tba l'lb vote ta foist to llcKialay, Heretofore tba lrih Lava bern democrats as a rnle Tba folio lot, rhpped from ao f icbaate, and ottered by a abrawd IrUbmao. - plaina their altitude toward frae trade, bleb asexual for them leaving tba MtHraiic faith. II lays: "Free trad baa fumed Ireland, beiarr A Its peopl aad driwo them Into Mil. It will do tba ten by any people wbo adopt it. ia tba daly of r Irtabman lo tot fur Ki Kluh y, the rharopfow of protect end lb U of British frva trad. And any IrUbma wb will vol for Bryao oagbt lo bava wrillea serosa bis (orb ad ia line of blood aad brlntaloa, Ibal all I epl srif M a it.'I am to loagtraa liielfrs ; I aa a traitor lo say im aa a'srotGrt lirtlala." Tba Laflifa, Wis., Jnareaj editorially of a impalar oatrat Btrdlain "W ! from ripeflea Ibat Cham bat lata' Cn'tn, Cbolera and tbartbora lUptady I all Ibat I atalmrd lot K, s um t)) wruioM II fnpp4 seriirltlitg baio aad taiawlbli tared from aa timalf grsra, W woaUl sol feat ay over ftlfbl wilaoat It ta lb ba. Tbia Itnxlf Slabtedr tnota hal aad tvStimt Ibaa aar alba aaatli. . la Iba waflri. liter y family atwiold ia it la Iba bona, far It ta aea to ti aa44 aeowar or later. Fr tale l; ('oar A JlT"e k. aw MiHiwrf aar II 4air lo ia('rttri It. patki f ftp ar aad ttataiiy Ual I bi opa4 as j a etueb of atilliaaty la tba bniMing aa I Utf ttreat, art! dnr t- Ib i air 04 Way eireal. Smm f4 U (Mltt ill a . ,, - . tl. lad ill tm SF w4e irf e, t Wee ,1,1-. S.4 sol -I fM.fr t... af Ul I Faster (li't, mm Maia. Ia I. IfM, f ? !, baattb St4 aa Mealk awreteM. tM.llo ('aU'i He4r l''e pmUk. Kal a)erW Ifaa. Well Wmd. fs ef Thar Tired Feeling Makes you seem "all broken np," with out life, ambition, energy or appetite It is often the forerunner of serious ill ness, or the accompaniment of nervous troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood; for, if the blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im parts life and energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling is therefore apparent to every ono, and the good it will do you ia equally beyond question. Remember Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hrtnrl'o Dill, cure liver ills, easy to take, IIUUU s r HIS easy to operate. 26 cents. SUMMONS. TN THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE A c of Oresron for Morrow 1 ountv. A. 8. Bennett and K. P. Mays, Plaintiffs, vs. Charles Kimsey and Clara Klmsey, Mb wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, Wm. Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wife, W. 8. Mercer and Barah Mer cer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella ' Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, Samuel Hall and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kimsey and Nellie J, Croft. Defendants. To Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, William Kimsey and N. Kimsev, his wife. Rich ard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, William errell and Eva Ferrell. his wife. Thomas Kim sey and Nellie J. Croft, of above defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you will take notice that the above piainnns, a. b. jsenneu ana r. r. Mays, nave commenced a suit against the above defend ants In the above court to foreclose a mortgage given them by the above defendants upon the eastjhalf of the northwest quarter, the south west quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast auarWr of section 18 township 1 south range 25 East in said county. That the relief demanded In the complaint in said suit is for a decree that plain- tilts' said mortgage be foreclosed, the mortgaged property sola, ano tne proceeils applied to pay ment of costs and disbursements of said suit, to the note secured by said mortgage and the attorney's fees set forth therein. That the court also decree in plaintiffs' favor a recovery from Charles Kimsey, A. J. Klmsey and Wil liam Kimsey of seven hundred dollars (70O.Otl) and Interest thereon at ten per cent per annum from Heptember 11, lHHil, and seventy-five dol lars (175.00) attorney's fees, besides costs and disbursements of suit. And further decree that all the other defendants be foreclosed of all rtght. claim or eon it v of redumption in and to siiia laims, or any part thereof, and that plaintiffs have such other and further relief as s equitable. This summons is served upon vou bv publi cation by order ol Hon. Stephen A. Uiwell, udge of the above court, made bv him at Chambers on the 22nd dav of Hentember. 18'.M. and each of the defendants above named are required to answer said comnlaliit on or before the first day of the next term of the above court, to-wit: the first Mnndav of March. 1W7. or the plaintiffs will apply to said court for the reuei aemauneain saw complaint. liAKf.l a. MAIM, 78-91. Attorneys for Plaintiffs, SUMMONS. N JUSTICE'S COURT FOR THE HIXTR DI9- irlet, Htate 01 Oreunn. County of Morrow. J. A. Woolcry, Plulutttr, vs. S. E. Jones. Defendant. To 8. E. Hones, Defendant: In the name ol the Hute of Oreiron. we com mand you to appear before the unririneil, a justice 01 me reace in nunpner, in shiii county am! fclnte, ou or before the I nth day of Oetobvr, IMA, at the hour of 10 of o elock tn the forenoon said day, at my ofllee In the said town to answer the eotnilaIht ot J. A. Woolery founded on promissory notes ana wnerein he demands the sum of One Hundred Thlrty-sln and no-ttn Dol- ara, lor wnien sum iiuiKinent will lie rendered anlnst you If you fall so to appear and answer ilil eompiaiiii, (ilven iindar tny hand this 2nd dsr of Sent. A. n., lwitt. w. a. KidiAitnsoN, 4H-M. Justice of the Vtiu-e. SHERIFFS SALE. fOOTU'K IS IfKRKHV OIVEN THAT I'NDKR l and bv virtue of an exei'iitlou Issued nut of the elreiiit court nf the Hlate of flreuon, for 1 hi 11 1 y ol Morrow, and U me dlreeUnl and d. Ilveri'd. npnn a JiidKiiieut rendered and entered In shIiI eourt on the (Ml duv of heptetnlier, jw.at. In favur ol The Northern Coiiutti4 Inventnmnt Trimt, l.lmlled. a I'liriHirnll.ill. nlalntltl'. and annliist l eevlla Taylor. H. H. K Iiik. N. H. Mi Hee id J.I.I hnmtwiiu. di'feudaiita. for the sum ol "veil Himdml and Heven'y Three and I.VKS1 UnUara llh Interest thermn from the ltilr of June, at the rate of el flit per cent per annum, and the further sum l 1 hlrty liollara eoala. and acerulna eosla; whlrh judmneut waa enrolled and dorkcteil lu the Clerk s ollii-e nf Mid eiiirt In said eounty on the pith day of uimiier. ihmh: ami. whereas. ty Mid luda ment It aaa orieret and adjudged that the Pillow Iiik dearrllied morlKaanl nroiiertr. U.wlt theHiiulii half of the Surlheaat iiiiarter, and northeut quarter of Northeut quarter leseept ten eerr lu a aiunre form tn the northeast corner tlifreof I and aoutheaat quarter of North west quarter of Hertlun Ten (I") III Township One (1) North of Kanae Twenty AtaUt) Kat w M., be aold m aslimy Mhl ludameul, eoata aitn BJY'ruiiiR crisis, 1 win, un Saturday. Slat osv of Octoaar. IB90. at I u elm k I. M,, ill Mid day. at the fruiil dixir of Uiaeamrt house In Heppner, Morrow Cmiiity, (ir.Kon. sell lite rl!it, title and Interest ot said delrtidaiilsCaealla Taylor. N H, Kill. N. II. Meliva and J. C 1h"iiii"a In and to the almtednvrlbH pmpefty at I'ublle Auction to the Mahast and M bidder for rash In hand, tha proceeds to be applied to the satlsfartlun of aald eaecuMuu, and all eita and Cfwis Uiat way accrue a i.maimn k. enenn 01 suirrow i ouiuy, ureaoa, fialeil this 2nd day ol (let. Ii. W m. Notlct of Intention. l.so Orrtisat U '.aiaiis. fisn.oa. MeptxmtierHlh. It OTlrR IS lirsrBY . THAT THK fiillowlnf named aHtlee liaa file. I nntica n4 her totonfb.it In make Sual ttrte In soi.prirt h elalia. and thai aald vffl will ba made hrlia t niiuly lerk, nf Mnrmw '.unit, al nrtiner imtm, on iwvnmr ikh, i MsHV J VAI , HAH. Mary J Hnutrwin H. K Ho. &, lot Ilia H, mm H, T I ft. It If K. W. M ah names ttiefnltnaliif wlloi ai lo prme ber ci,in....ii eniiienee uputl awl eullltallon M, mm ia(i. i : Jahn Marahall. William Bsfr.lt rimer (lea try, Martin Anderson, ad ol ll.i.nr iifam. ft t- MItXJN, Kewer. Notlct of Intention. La (trniS at La iatarl. (issana. twirfmiiier sin. imH xfrTi ta Hrttrnv iilmi iht ihi i a ..n.. n. inmM .'!. rr hM Sle4 dlfa el pislntMitl.rti t.i atake Soal sftef la support nl bMetim aad tba aM pt...( win m aale ha bm U.m I nunly I lerk nf Miarrtiw I a . Imi at llel auef (ilo l K.rteit.l-f b, ts luviu MM 1 u.i ((tit HnnteeiMMt Ai l b H ..il foe tba a a .4, a nl pt'i, ink rt'i is Tele at R. k n He aaiaae tba Mloalnff all mini ta aeme kla wiiinu.ma wWdus ita and eulUaUa al. as 14 oM. ls Jm.a W leanef Vat Nul4 Jobniif lletllla. aailile, ad ul mi i. in,.,n -. 11 r tajljaiji. atir. NOTICE US At. tiETII.r.itKST. N trTtt S I hmkf ft Ibal tbe aadealra 4 t laili.iMialMa , Iba kaln U.tan. aVa(H. a III awise fl.ial eaiiia e.el ..I .v.f.a abb a.i-1 t.te aa . laii ais ( (fee .. ry 1ta nl Ida ( mmmil ( onll M Hmm I n.aa l MfMf ke) da aKti a( Hm, ( , la 4 I !(. m IM a da, ol Jaoiwy A I . al lartnrl p a laklH Mill '... ofr of Intention. 1 iwrri' ATiA'.irr ekMn. ; ' m.. n i,...n ui " '" S K-d 11. f ft, a I h..na M 1. , ....,.,i.. (,. ..,... 1 v,4 i, ,,.,.., ( t. '1 X . VS.', L'T Xll . '( ( I. , ll., n, an I "-( l I 1 at a tif i H I M F a I t t. a,. , a J 4 iF(li. 11 T e I . ia s a at I II. ft..',e IK. I... ..aL.f MM M ln .4 m lh ai'a . a i. . a . u a lit ..I Mil ''! I' . J.-.- It ImIi, M.'l If I urn 1 p r ft Net. The highest .VlJAh tM tobaccos is "Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is as-good You will find one eacn two ounce r WOJL V SSIiaOa uniFott pons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of this cele brated tobacco and read the coupon which cives a list of valuable presents and bow V 3tv. fa 10 Eet "'em. Va5fcS5a HAVE YOU HEAED to a fa 1 ED. R. Hsb bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Slaughter Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleu goods, boots, shoos, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman, ED. The National Bank Gilliam & Bisbee We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, Xs. weare not itie Largesi inefttis in ir(eWol! a a a But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of a a Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Olaaswara, Wood and Willow ware, Nalli, Iron, Burbwtre, Cumberland Coal, Oasa and Water Pipe, Pipe fittings, Btovct and Ranges, Wagons, Backs, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Saws, Sledges, Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jan, Grau lteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tuba. Wash BuiUers and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Prices. We have Oood Ooods at Kaii Prices, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chep John Prices. GILLIA-M & BISB13K, II 3 Do you know what there are sixteen reasons why you should buy your Groceries. Supplies and Gents Furnish ings at T. R. HOWARD'S for every one objection made against it. This should decide the matter. It does. People want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for the smallest amount of money. Buy the lest when you can get it at the same figure paid for an inferior article. HOWARD'S IS THE PLACE. Old Stand, Main Street, near Bob Krtck's. THE PALACE J. C. OQIlOriJCRS. Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. .WITH fibs ; mm : pills Youro BOUND lo Tnko Miu. Lenvc$ No ContipMlon,- wvl '.. II. wall M ail HiilMaaaMM, Hx h Ilalatie ajalafl Tk Mlf riMPaTai sou in laa woeia. Kwlil. iax.i(.l tA ft, MfU pH lit Tin: Lancashire Insukan MAMCIIItMlltll, ICNttl.AMl I I t ifflR M, MAT ! Iti lte. ta (Isaa WnrhJ claim for other none just as coupon iusidc bag, and two cou a 1 111 1 m BISHOP R. BISHOP, Prop. Building, Heppner, Ore. 1 to H this means ? This, that HOTEL BAR, i ) E rv.i 1 1 ail flre(.ei. e ea, lt mum I I I MIM MIIUCaL Ul. He I'iMaleaa, Ci.