Republican Ticket. For Preident, william Mckinley, Of Ohio. For Vice President, GARRETT A. HOBART, Of New Jersey. For Presidential Electors, T. T. GEER, of Marion County, 8. M. YORAN, of Lane, E. L. SMITH, of Wasco. J. F. CAPLE8, of Multnomah. LABOR COMES FIRST. Industry most come first La bor precedes all else. It is the foundation of all wealth. Its active employment puts money into cir culation and sends it forth through "fseand want"' "leep, dyspepsia, t t a nn. 4 tpatioD ana biliousness. It avert! OYOIY BIICIV VL UBUO. XUD U11UU) don't distribute it in that way, Start the factories in full blast, and the money will flow from bank and vault The lender will seek the borrower not, as now, the borrow er the lender. Start the factories Me. Watson says; "I have min gled among the people in this cam paign more informally than any of the candidates or any of their man agers, and I know that populist re sentment at the manner in which their party is being wrecked by mere place-hunters jepardizes Mr. Bryan most seriously." Mr. Wat- a son realizes tnat ne ftas oeen everywhere sidetracked and disre garded by the party who cares less for principle than for office, and his "kicking" is natural. Bryan cannot expect the populist support- The Tyranny of the Desk. We will suppose tbat yonr occupation is sedentary tbat yon are chained, eo to apeak to the desk in aome counties bouse, or perbapg to tbe loom in aome vaat mill where you are compelled to labor from morning till night. Hnnday ie yonr only day of relaxation. You re tarn home every evening wearied men tally and bodily. Yonr health and strength begin to fail' What will moat effectually recuperate your vital energy Tbe weight of evidence points to no other conclusion than that Hoatetter'a Stomach Bitters it your safest, mogt re liable sheet anchor. Use it persistently and your system will soon regain its pristine vigor. Every fuootion will re ceive u healthful impulse. There is no remedy to equal the Bitten for nervous- oon- everts and remedies all forme of malarial disease, and is a preventive of rheumatism and neuralgia. donbt of their carrying tbe ttaU thia year. John R. McLean, who owoi tbe Cin cinnati Enquirer and controlling in terests in tbe Washington Gaslight Co., baa been doing tbe "angel" aot for tbe popoc ratio national committee, and tbe quality of tbe gas now being famished tbe people of Washington ind icatea tbat be intends to make tbe gas consumers pay back tbe money he baa contributed to tbe popoorats. Washington, D. C. Oct. 12, 18ff6. Beware Of Mercury! Mr. Henry Roth, of 1848 South 9th Street, St. Louis, was given the usual mercurial treatment for contagious blood poison. He was twice pronounc- LET OLD GLORY WAVE. Next Satardaj, October 24th, is Flag Dy for Republicans. At Cbioago on the 17th Inst., Chairman Harms, of tbe republican national com mittee, promulgated tbe following suggestion: "The American fl-g has been in tbe present oampaign an emblem or insignia of national honor. Its influence has ed cured, but the disease returned each been for great good in the oaose of good nine, ne wa. sc.seu w.. people. Itg display, in WASHINGTON LETTER. THE SENTIMENTAL DRUMMER. And the Sweet Little Maiden Be Met on the Train. She was a pretty, sweet looking girl, and she took a seat just in front of Colby, in the parlor car. He had seen her upon the platform of the station be fore she got aboard. A young man had held her hand in his and looked sadly into her eyes. Colby thought they micht uerhans be lovers. He traveled a great deal and he generally contrived to etrike up an acquaintanceship with per sons to whom he took a fancy, no mat ter what the circumstances happened to be. The girl had not been upon the train for an hour or more, when Colby picked up a newspaper thnt somebody had left lying near her seat. "May I look nt it?" he asked. She said it didn't belong to hor, hut the ice whs broken, and they were soon chatting quite familiarly. She had never traveled alone before, she said, and that was her future hus band whom she had left at the station. She had been visiting his parents, who were the wealthiest people in the little town back there, and very proud. She was an orphan. She lived with her aunt, and Charlie's people rather looked down upon her because she did not have money. Colby felt indignant at them, and told her that if Charlie didn t teach them that a good, sweet girl was worth more than all the riches in the world, he was no true man. Colby flattered himself that he was too much a man of the world to be eas ily worried over the affairs of other peo ple, but this girl's frankness touched him, and he felt a jealous pang when he thought of Charlie's good fortune, and whatever. I pains, my left MoKinley and Hobart will to a dead certainty, carry Iowa, Illinois. Indiana and Ohio. Thia is no ante-electinn and put American machinery in bnnoombe, but is a calm, serious state- operation, and there Will not be an ment of facts, based upon fall reports idle man in the country who is from ever' Congressional district in tbe willing and able to work; there will B'atf "m'd . "hieb J? n0" in the . , i i t bands of obairmao Baboock, of tbe not db an Amencttn come wnere t..i.i:.. n uuuKer buu wui wm uui uiuuppear jut compare this statement with tbe at once and there Will not be a olaims pat forward for Bryan, the most farmer who will not be cheered and modest of which inolude Indiana and benefited by his -improved home T" will get a fair idea of how hopeless own loneliness. He had often said J fc. M.: IwrfJTS tbe popocratio compsign really is. The th " U d never ma irfwU. fc. " "J "' I l.u.i t,amiA l;m ,, . was on ne roau, nnu no u'-ycr icii juni steadier prices for his products.- 0uairmBn Butler, ot the populiit N.tion. 'rfr:"4 IS Wlhiam McKlbley. al Oommittee, and presents total of fePiilvD. through him. He told hiiinclf 282 eleotoral votes. Now deduct the that if she would be likely to prefer him electoral votes of Indiana Butler very to Charlie and hia uninviting parent., considerately conoedes tbat Illinois, ho would ask her to be his little wife, Michigan, lows and Ohio are in doubt and Bryan is a defeated man, even though he should oarry all tbe otber states claimed by Butler, among wbiob are tbe two Dakota, Washington, Wyoming, Kentuoky, Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon, California, Maryland and West ered his body. "I was in a hor rible fix" he says, "and the more treat ment I receiv ed, the worse I seemed to get. A New York specialist said he could cure me, but his treatment did me no good was suit and lull of arm was useless so that I was unable to do even the lightest work. This was my condition when I began to take S. S. S., and a few bottles convinced me that I was being benefitted. I continued the medicine, and one dozen bottles cured me sound and well. My system was under the effects of mercury, and I would soon have been a complete wreck but for S. S. S." S. S. S., guaranteed purely vegetable) is the only cure for real blood dis eases. The mer curial treatment of the doctors al ways does more harm than good. Beware of mercury! Books on the disease and its treat ment mailed free to any address by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. KCKOEB FROM BILL BIMEBV'S HOLLER. BOOTS AND SH0ES!... THE PLACC TO 6ETTHCM IS AT M. IICHTBNTHAI'S He has anything in this line that yon may desire and you can depend on It you get a good . ' article when Mat guarantees It SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty- many places, hss been potent in the advancement of the country's bsttle for tbe maintenance of its honor at home and abroad. I. therefore, suggest that on Saturday, October 24. -all who intend to vote on November 3, for the preservation of our national bonor, for sound money and tbe advancement of our people's interests and tbe general prosperity, display the national colors at their homes end places ot business, and wherever they may be seen, in order that voters whose hearts sre tor their coantry may be strengthen ed in their purpose, and those who are undetermined may the more patriotical ly and intelligently oonoludebow to per form their duties as oitizens." It is further suggested that headquart ers of tbe republican national committee, and state, county and city committees and olubs euci urage the display of the national flag on the last rjatnrdny of the campaign in every part of the country, especially on residences, baye flags and bunting ou sale at convenient places for farmers and others who live in localities remote from proper trade points, and that tbe display of flags and banting be co tiuaed until after the national election. M V'- a f. ENGLISLVBUSINESS OLLEGEs OREGON BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy. BOARDIKG DEPMinENT'LA&iE5 mj4 Full English course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. The Oregon Blade of Baker City has discontinued publication Next Saturday is flag day for tbe republicans. It will be gener ally observed throughout the coun try. Virginia, eleven stales, ox wnion mora than half will In a ilnait nartaintv Via Tn ffi!tinr,l n.nlr I ... . iu.,uDu. .u. ul uoujnuiiu oarried for McKinley. 132 will come Harrison in this campaign f Ornish- muob nearer to the number of eleotoral 68 a moat excellent answer to his hrotM BraD wi" Ret, than 232. .nniuli.. VV,of oV,.11 ... A The republican congressional cam- vna VSWDaU ft UlftV DUDU TV U 14 VJ I " 5.14-0.PI.: I pa'gn is in jubi s goou ououuiun "("""'-'"'- vmv, .. . . M.lfinl and Hohaft. There I are enough republicans whose election to tbe bouse is now absolutely certain ascertained by actual personal oontaot with the voters-to insure a republican an American pay roll, and I do not majority of more than .'Win the next believe in dimitiifihing that pay bouse, and there are about f0 more dis and they would have a modest home somewhere, and he would be willing to give up the world and its allurements forever. What these fancies rni.rht have led him to can never be known, for the sweet little maiden suddenly began pathering up her belonging's, as they neared a station which the conduc tor announced as "Urmooth." Yes," she said to Colby, "here is where I get off. Rome day I hope we may meet apnin. You have made my ride a very pleasant one, and it made me so happy to confide in you." He tried to tell her how she ind Until the man that noes it awl drops onto the tbe one little fakt that he don't no it awl, he never will no it awl. When I bear a man blowin about lick in the other feller, I begin tryin to tiger oat in mi own head how long tbe other feller mast bar belt bim down before be hollered enuff. Do onto yonr naber as yon want yonr osber to do onto yon. Mi name ain't Bill Bimeby, it I don't hev a picknick when swl my nabers in tbe Holler start in to praoticio tbis precep. A man never noes wbat a mity flabby peeoe of baggage his piety is till one of bis bosses bswks at tbe foot uv tbe bill s mile and a belt from home jest at dark in s drizslin rsin. Tbe most satisfy! n way ol learnin bow other people feel rasslin with the roomy tis is to take rassel with tbe roomytiz yourself, I hate intolerance. The man too hide bound to fit bis beleef to mine aint tbe sort of a feller creeter I'm buntin sronnd to share mi bank with. Most peeple try to shift their meanness onto the devil. I don't claim to keap a Be Comfortable While Traveling In cool weather. The Union Pacific system heats its trains throughout by steam beat from tbe engine, thus mak ing every part of all its oars pleasant and oomfortable. It also lights its oars by tbe oelebrated Piotsoh Light making them' brilliant at night. Passengers carried daily on tbe fast mail. For sleepiog-oar reservations, tickets, or in formation, call on or address R. W. Baxter, Gen. Agt., 135 Third St., Port land, Oregon. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook, Gilliam and other counties and can save money and time in making these sections with traveling men. . Prices in keeping with the times. THOMPSON & BINNS. GKANX COUNTY ITEMS. From the Long Creek Eagle. E. Sperry, of Heppner, passed through Long Creek Monday en route to Canyon City. Arobie Vasey, a popular knight of the grip, wss in Long Greek the latter part ot last week Norve Hamilton oame in Monday from Heppner with freight for Long Creek merchants. 0. E. Farnswortb returned to Hepp ner Friday, having purchased a large baud of sbeep in tbis vicinity. Mrs. If. a Wilson, ot Monument, was called to Heppner Saturday, where ber hanged the current of his thoughts of very big stock of tbe srtikle on tap. but MfS Bradleyi ,( Iyin8 gnr(mBy ui, Times-Herald. McKinkey says: "I believe in roll by giving work to anyone else under another ling while we have got an idlo man under our flag." triots in which republicans have an even ohaoee to win. Taking the whole sit uation, it is s conservative estimate to place the republican majority ia the next house in lbs near nvigborbood of fyl lah as lilt, II ia In Ilia nra- 15ooil.Eto carry on the Br j an . hon , u bia eoonilh todo campatgu has boon subscribed to business with. the amount or f.KK),(KK), and more luprMrntmivs Hepburn, ot Iowa, is Iwing added (lail ? by the wealthy baa l.en in Vt ashinglon for Ibe purpose silver ruins owners. It will Iw, of conferring with the repoblioan eon greatly to their Bryan elected. interests to boa Can mi-ate Hut an is Ixxiked for fifty-five speeches in Michigan. "If Ji'U want to get the size of the plurality he will not have in this slate," savs the Dctriot Free Tress (dom.) "multiply the number of speeches by one thousand." groMionel committee. He says lows ill give McKinley not leas than 80,000 majority, and will send a solid republic an congressional delegation, Mr. Hep burn says llryau'a appearance in Iowa has not belid his eaase any, and has probably injured it some by his saw I Ions wilbint backing tliera np with prmil Wheat goes up. Why? llecauaa there is a shortage in th crop in a a itusaia. outer continues to go down. Why? lWausa (he holders of bullion do not twlieve ilryan i going to be elected or that there ia to b any immediate change in the laws respecting the coinage of sil ver, and because tba suupply con. tmuea very largn, The Dalles Chronicle. Tbi U.& officials Marpby and Grady, who csusM tba sheep rais ers of Wasco county so much trouble) daring the summer over the forest reserve, aro now staunch suppirrWs of McKinley, Com me t4 ts uotNHMwary.-Tiraea Moun taineer. Mr. lllackman collector interna) revenue, is authority for the repott that both Lava returned to their first love, drrnorrary. Mr. 8lip raiser, Uks bUc. (Vim- lnhl is ttooereassry. life, but l fore he had finlehed she was upon the platform waving him an alleu as the troin pulled away. Half nn hour later Colby came out of dreamland to feel for his watch. It wasn't In his po'ket, and while hunt ing for It he became aware of thofm-t Hint his wallet, which contained evernl hundred dollars, was gone, too. Then be cat and scratched his head for a long time, and finally he dMded that ho would never lielleve In aj-penr- mice ngnln. Cleveland News and aid. THE FLOWERS OF THE TREE. Ih4 Stoop la Ma Trirks (a th Scal- larlas at 1'allaa. It has come about that the lowly plants, unable to secure their ends by fair words, hsve bad recourse to guile - to tempt the Insects by velvety tex tures of rich color widely spread, by tthaJing sweet and powrrful odors, by offering nectar, snd Anally by Ur vising srtful . sppliances, whereby sn insect ran It loaded with pollen without his knoM ledge whst time he is imbibing tbe seductive nectar. Rome have gone step lower, nl liecsuae iney rouiu whst I do keep is mine jest tbe same To make a dishonest sneak ot yonr boy, allors treat him as if you snspiehiooed ntm of bein one. When I see tbe missionary oontriboo- sbun box glidin along toward mi pn, I pat myself on tbe back and say, "Waal, ole feller, somebody seams to need the gospel noos worse than yon do, after awl." Too ean afford to ti to s man it be stays tide to yon after you've ran down St tbe bests snd peeled off at both el bos. When otber peeple's kids git wallaped st skool. it's beosus they sre sn ooery oat fit sad need it. When mine git it, it's becsas ths teacher never bad a lick ot sens, snyhow. A font sod bis nanny sir soon parted. I sever nnderstoed jest wbat tbis ment till Bim Hoover snd me had s little game ol poker down in Sqasabvlos, snd I bsd to borry 35 eeoti to git bsek home on. Fred Susnk, of Fox, and Mat Stussi of Hamilton, returned from Heppner early this week with freight for Qrant coouty merchants. Miss Conlee, who has been conducting a school st Heppner tbis past saminer, was s passenger on Saturday's stage ou ber way to Canyon City. Orin L. Patterson, the editor, took bis departure tor Portland Friday last, as delegate to tbe K. ot P. grand lodge. He will return one day next week. Tbe new qaarts mill machloery has all been pal on the ground at the Block Butts mine, with tbe exception ot small wheel weighing 4.VK1 pounds. team wss returned to Heppner tbis week after Ibe pari that remaina. ll Have lives Kvrry Dy Thousands of eases of Contamplioo Asthma, Cooghs, Colds snd Cfoop sre eared everr dsv br Khilnh'a rw. P. . . . . , i - - " I wss on s jory last weei, ana nni i oi ltIt uy vr,( 4 Wanes lbs otber 11 wss willin to bring in s I. Aeeording lo Mr. Hepburn, tbe t sltord to produce so brilllsntsdla- vsrdiek sckkordiolo my way ot figgerin Ix KJJ Oirf.n, AtsUros, Ver. mobt, AtkscsM snd Mains cast sndaf gregttf 2T,H.H tepabUrso vwtes and n.n,2Sl dumctslic vwls. This )sr tL arrats 10 the ssUiS ststra is 2.,2i3 republicso and 'if'' demottslia voip. Ths lows people "are taking nothing for grsnled la Ibis rsmpslgsi Ihey sre nail leg everything. lleiirrsnutstive Coffin, ot Maryland, whobasbeea a lively esmpaigniiig in tbal stale, ssys nothing ean prevent its electoral vote from being east tor Mo Klaley and Hubert. In his owa Iss usge; Maryland is se ears to go lor McKialty this (all ss I'eoesylvsnls is.' lUpoblieass se s mis bevs not eonsideriiig Ibst Ibe party have More lho s fisbtiDg ebanee to carry Mieeoarl. hoi recent sews from Ibsl aisle indicat es II will be carried for McKinley, Far loilsase, s poll has lieas made Is ose of Ibe eusgrreafcoeal dulrieie wbieb was regardsd as lettable demorrstie, ss It bas baas repreetslaJ in Ins bones by a danoerst tor years. Tbe poll she thai 11 par east, of the eelirs vote of tu dialrtcl bave daelaraJ I bate IsUslioB Is tote Ibe rrpetitiees ticket ta Nevesjber, With lbs same ratio of gals Ihmagh net tbe stela, lbs repnbtiesss will ksvs as immeeee sssjoriiy. Mr. W. It, Tbompenti, lieaaorae ot the repsbliSM snngraaaiosal (XtMsltte, has just I rl a fried Irwm kliebigas. He says be basal Ibe elibleet d.Mtbl that UeKisUy will esrty thai state ssj that the osireeetoeisl ditWiele sre all Hsht, Ibe gl.l dmierate sl.e hsvisg slrregih i h Is 1 ot thm le seieg lbs talaea of power t IneeiJeol bsl tie says Ibsl se Uktng ss Brtlte pert Is BkWng Iks traSfvis- ae et ultat. IMIieg wm bate lsf e,l lbs odd as M KibUy is M.M eiei lbs -( state I al s ItHle m mft bsl tb !. sil eeadJ. Is ess lai,aisb fr I lit f..ltwiae, f lllM baa p.Ml ! SarvJ dtS Willi tStfMMtt ! to l4 it II le t as Mi Kialay'e elet. play sa other plsnta, have set to work oat the law sod evident. Tbe nialeiab- to preaa the vulgar carrion-loving nira DM( 0 tam ppi, flu, m pQm foil ol into mew sertica uy aevriopmg peisis ..Ib. - IU1.I ...r..l. kiln ! Itln rnrlli I -r-.r.w I . . . II II : . s tjutld olr. Kauh Shsll btrU ' mysen aoaawrr-u of oak snd beech snd ssh stoop to sever gettm Islo th habit of etnokin. such trlckat Every lime I try I The foreat tree, ssys Good Words, hat ,hoi jlt I rack on ths whale Bast bsv s hundred or a IboiiMni years lo live, h u,, fnrt Joeab Bads that onei- BUCKS! BUCKS! klr " n you Don't buy your Bucks until sec the Full Blooded and Grade Delaine Merinos from the Cunning ham band, of Pilot Rock, which will soon be in Heppner. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM. UP LI ML HANKS s: Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH. Wy. NEW nln( STATE SEALS. bt SB la this ; baas eivr4. rlf noes el M Bel fftot4ifail to is 1 ICT.'J bd1 ths .UM....I. l. rut '.Til ItUtd.ln ' IWvaral brrstisaot stltee B Bate S tba (iloJiS I r)crL that ihs ,,I'T s.lsiUaJ tbat Mail laaj was ' , , ", . , . eM lu si fwt U. K e-l i'Ud- dnn ia tWt.l-.H7 a.1 versa lo tl.s j ru.,,4 ,u.. te dct&nrrala. Tl-i titnU 1 t . rtraty. Wla l rsl.base t9 tf ibtf ai Ut?, itMHt a-triiiM ' t iMt ttt a snd eahlblts no precocious anilely to produce frolu At 11, M or 30 yfr is lime enough lo think of swh thing: and when tbe time romee the drlleat eaarntial organs are proUn-ted tnerrly by s few simple green or yellow arslra, or by none si sll. The pollen Is lavish y produced, for the wind is not so pre oiae s tehlrle ot IransttilMloa ss the inaart, snd but very small perresrage of the roilen grains will raseh their lrllnalinn. This, however, la of litlla rtinrtirnre, fnr SS irl4eBt ed Bead but one pH grain lo fertilise It, snd should S hundrrd fall spns (t, ft Srosld la sirflmu. A Csrtaaa IS , Xr, gantJrmes." said an old trtUm Is Unr riy, lbey eahsnad s body the other day. It albslof slaty so died nearly half serntsrysgfk. lie died fmm lbs eflerte ot ewsltovtlaf a eo. erir At, iM whst dll ynn lodf "Well. earn B the aJrVB, ot mtiraa, hut lh mat curW-oa thing waa " "Ktxaehity hs4 attles I he sovarvigm I mi !." aakl one. "Turard Isio g4 or sersia, pf haT eittirt ssnhee. "v tailrias." Saul the eJJ fuss. hmifi ihera ws4s etch I ihlttiera. pt ira sU sa4 IsUrml "f tasrs "-B(ra M.faie Tlic Ust josm1i1c tcrmt for an) thing new to you arc: Get of your grocc r a ruck ape of SihtUiMfi fiftf tea. lie tuy you your money lack if you ilrtn't like it i B- f M-xy Bai-xf fTf paeteti I an dia. 3. aiBaav Fsiith, Is Wheel Talk. ntest Itlval Iwllag Nm ByBptoms: Moisture; Intense itching sad stknglsg j sjoat si sight; orae by eersiehieg. If alloseJ lo eontlooe lam. ore form, abirh often btea4 and aleersls. heeoffiisg very sore. Hearse's Otot roest Steps lbs Itehisg ssd blaaJisg, heels alfersttoa, ssd ra aviet eseas rs BMvea Ibe Inmore. At dtsfaiets, or by stail, toe 80 eesle. lit. Iwayes Ark, rhlla4al(vbia. nursinq'siniimint. tSa ra.S laliltxa Iba lava at a- (rnltlnrnl i S thing ot Ihe hrari, sa la.iitit t rather then JilftrM. The I rrwi H rr It by tbal B h vsrtira Ibe ifn I ii-t and lmf inlon. hr tig inif .f lh ara hrlarrs I'rsara ixl, I a 'rvih pflur VWw up In tbip la rf tret Ha tM g U. He al tli rrw all iruhl. The f mh rrsmBl rril Ibe ft.rr'a h'tiH.M hi IW ft ti . hu ae'y tirii.f rlsiia. IS lh pla Is H isaf ll h H s an h4 wr"l. iM hi tl rvrln4 till hf ttralh. mtb t i.loi l,;'ii ! !'. fail r.-t' I ' I Kit .1 Inn If i n ! f " I . .i 1 1 r I'.' I n k tin" " II. tl . I i. I foifttivtlmtl II III f i ir ,(!, i 1 1 imiI I t-l r Inn I l KIPLING'S SNAKE. Snaalas tba Varraer aa IHOrrtpra4 lax ae'ealtea. A writer in M 'lute's Msirssine U-Ha hot he nlitril s wvr In Imlis with the htp of Ituilvertl Kipling, sml h rrw'ti Hon sa S siili liwtie a rril from arakra whlrh Kipling pore nmlrrwrnt. Tbe liangtf of vrmkra In Ijilxue Wfii real rnoiif h. ami tha plfne rrh In wit picma, Tle wtnn vtho IpII tba aiory hail I ires tuiig by s rmiiin in Ivd on" tnornSng, ami Kipl pir siilml him In lti aflrrnonn In a rorpii'li hunt, Thf found ! iitiilrr tbe mstiihg in "hever- Stxts OMtiit th" laMrooin lmr, lirtti S few rrntlra-'lra. atl put the lot Into S large tuiuMrr, snd fl!lnl It nu with vihiaky. (Ilia ilny, h tra drvaaUig in tba ttmrnlng. I hoard Kll lliif nhtittllng. srwl rnt Into lu rwnn. Ilia fi pale with hnmr, snd b sa tlrtil'y rlilrT w I r ' Ihr Vnra. "Ttirr' S -nV." hi fntd."ln'tl my troiirt . arl I il 'i'i I r got him by Iba hra l, l'nl your hand up from ! low and ilrf h.r mil." wlwrr.llhal KIplrngMilv "ibrrtifl.t" ha h. It I t tu kfail. aiid tbat rany Ha brad iHiffht ! st ilia olhar end. In ah.. h esw- but tfirv I had linl-hr.l. I aaw the horror in hta far rrlst sn J fit t.!a. In S tlr. .V nrw.t-d by Si lanftitrr. r.iii1ria .atf In a' rrrt'in I y lb ra i.f ou. ti a hrlKrt It a Iba tiad he aa g tip rf. h hud ilit-rl IH It rt'd ni n-ally rW liVa f (wtt s avaiia at all. la fart it Kvt t tw ard b rl'H1 lbl feu biara tad l .'inrlirig Intiala tba trnat a h' .nt it nt and ttali llava Raraatly Had Thrtr. Mad. Tin" stair of Wyoming sol I'tnh baie rfrrntly hod tlwir arnls mude. and nre now aiJUlnff tlirm to sll public documents emanating from the gmcrn or or accrctorj of state, iiij n tbe Wah Ineton Nsiionul Triliuit. That of Wy oniing r'ir'M-lil s pdcalal allowing on the front sn mirle rcating Umn s uhlrld. l'mn the uliirlj are engraved s alar, sod the figure "II," 1 icing the numiwr ot mining in me ororrorsi- in U ii in to ulnii IkhnI. Sun. ling iijxm tbe mclal is the draiicl figure of S vtntiuin after tbe sialue of "The VMorv" at the Louvre, from hImwc w rUta hntiir the link of s broken chain. In the right hand site hold s Muff, Imm which floats s banner base- lug tbe wwrds riul Kigbu. This kilg-gl-itta the frfitlUcnl awition of S aonian In tlila slalp. On rilbrr alile of the fwlrlal. stsndirg st ll beae, sre fifftir tvtilfvitig the live atnrk snd Kiining hiilutrir of Wyoming. Ilc- hind the pnlcaisl, snd la the back ground, sre two pillar, ewch support- Iff s inrhtrd lamp, aignift ing the light of know liili1. A mu ml the plllsrs up- Mrtilg I h m- In in K sec acroli lar ll f tba woril 1 lp flnck," "firsln. " iw" end "ld." ,t the 1mm of the nlala in front Sra iba frif "IS'''." li," the fuemrr signify Inr tl or gsniratiun of the larriuiry of Wyntnlng ami tite latter in (1st or lis lmuwion to lalrbiant. Tta l of I ha state of ltatt I Well ttiixd. As raf'.a bold In i claw l arma a and S Xortnas hUI. Tbi hll hrara s tie cn s Ntiial, slaait whb h lb tae sea hamming. The word "Industry" la etrttlaw srenaa tba tep of the shield and th Bgucaa "lr sre ahows st th lower pnint, I'ekiad the abield sra rrtaaxtl Itw flat ft Ua I 1. 1 11 Hlatea. Around tba Oat. re etlga af tba attk-ld see th wnedai "The Grata ?VI of th Pie wt l uk, t . Kreil roe Hale or Trade. Jsmes Ilager bas a floe lot ot trait, consisting of fall sod winter apples, wbieh he effort for sals st one ccot per ponnd. He will slso aocept Id eschaogs for same poets, wood or wheat, delivered at bis plaee four miles sbots Heppner. Those deal ring trait should confer with bias. tt. "It U immaterial, in my jw! outfit t. ttktther ih therp grovtr rtcrivet onf tvnrjltfrom the tariff or not it fcefAer o""cs or does not I am for frtt xmiWKTtrart from tpeerk of IV illiitm J. Bryan in the IIoum of tup rtarntntim when the Wilmm Ml brae ssifer constderaftoM. Tbroagh trains oa tbe O. R. & N. will ran vis. TJmstills, Walls Wslts sad rrodleton. Tbrongh sleepers, first sad seeood class, will run la eooseetioa with lbs Uaion rsrtflo. ths tame se bareto frs, A tbrongh first else eleepee Port. Isnd to epoksss, eosseotisg with Iba flrttrelsss sleeper to Bt. I'ssl. ssd a through tosrisi sleeper Tortlssd to 81, i'ssl, wdl ran la aosserttoa with tbe Urest Northern rsilwsy, tt rati Tsupg rairM. llorks for sals-30 fia Merino backs; 2) Oitord trades, Esqalrw ol U E, Psrseworib, tt allee 4 aiWfi genw' rwrtr May lBftrt tKf f in f ! . , ll kitht r k .l-wi e il t m f f.aa wn.-J ' t jtruf fn l ! a if It l.'.utai J. I'ra.l ta II 'f ' ) rraraf.iftte a a a l a a.r ( J. en? uia, II 1,7 H t" If C.i I he It I ia 1- - "' t 1" 41 1 '!1'LL- 1; nii er.Mbf.iak.a 1 I t' .1 '' v ' Uba..M.. IA " ',e Ibe . ,1 Mi--f, t i 1 rp ! f I f 1 L .'r-er '4 , T'-a ef t-nt . ..' J l H i. hpi nieiaa.iii Mia.Sh j f,imf rte, TUI UTWTBTTLnt. Mrs. M. Ls IWHUr, lbs nppf saUlioer, has Joel reeaietd a large ssd complete line of Ihe laieet style fsll sad tolaf bale bleb eh will sell si Bask Islesdisg Brebaaf sbosld Ball sad ss the fseblossble dieplav at their earliest Bas vast see. !. Wall, Thorn r-aos rots stace bateaas llaopsae ssd Btnaasaaeit, arriving everf 4y etnapt Mnfiday ssd laavtsg every day etepttsdy. Hboetaat sod sass t mala ta the laraf. I'onaaf A Beoek, sgests. I ewe lb la We effat tkkellaadrad thjlare fUvard Meet eaaa at rslat'h that essset b csrad Or llr Cfh Cse. t. i C'bsst i tW. Frcr , Tntada, We. iba aade:t., have T. J ( t fr ihe ! 13 tear. a4 be lief hi- ll tecl'y b"rUe is sil liaea lraelt.a s4 Ceeallt l l it et y mi any h4ielioe iswle . h lhatr C. i Ml A Trst. Wb"!U Igil'.l l,Uk (Mw ! W ;-a. B. ra ) hlatvis, W balsas Is !,' nle-l-t l 0 iv i mm p ieirJ- i . titoM m4 . SSI I4ar "Bjit.iaia yo hsea s tw4 fnr 'fe es vy h-iMls of ablta'S iftif'.fs, " ite isis ts eirs ff V l r "ei . srren. It Irblasibal is the eld sissdhf of th lleepf pt'l ssd kepe ssly Ihe haad rte r4 raaae ssj eha. Me hB a-l Is sselber eolsws. a T sta.bae A ll p tinal Sa( ta 4t at b4 t . l a the lr.4 af the sMifa4, la blt M tt a-b f'.irWI mmtum M la I I S SI B 1- tiiwn am a. unm a.