Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 16, 1896, Image 4

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An American's Discoveries in Peru
and Bolivia.
Thought to B the HmI Ancient
of Lower ClvUintlon to Be Feud
Upon the Western
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. R. A N.
Agent ta Ileppner, cr address
GeD. Pass. Agt.
' E. McNEliL, President and Manager.
n.n. Fronolsoo
And all points In California, via the MU Bhasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co
The great highway through California to all
' point Kant and Month, Grand Hmnln limit
of the Paniflo Coast. Pullman Rnffet
Hlmiwra. Heoond-nlam Hleeirs
Attached to express traina, affording anperfor
aoonmaamiatiiins foraMiond-laaa iiaMwngara.
For rut, tuikaU, elmping oar reservations,
to,, mil npon or artdrme
, KOKHI.KK, Manser, K. P. R0GKR8, Asst.
Ben. w. a Y. Agt., rortiaua, uregou
m mm
iv muik
Through I'lillinan I'slsie Hlrrpcra.
Tourist Hlaepars ami Free rUvlluliig ( hair
Van uaii.i to t im ago.
Many hours ssrr
via tills line to Pastern
K. It'. DAXTKIl, Grn. Aornt. .
Portion'!, Ortgon,
J. C, 11AIIT, Aytnt, f'tiier, Orfyon.
1 Tl.tT IMF
I M i2r
m r 'r-. mm
is- V"
Sclenting America
Ajency for
TBAdb naangB.
Oleic) (tartar.
ria a1 Tr ILiwItu IIWH
at an a o. ii iw.aa.v, aaw t,.
fMai tajtaa fa ej,rifcg h ia a
te rUia a a"ra; gi. frae 4 . e la
fricnttfic American
lT"t 0 HI a-all eaaV !
a.,..fel,r llMlrte.l h iMI-llif-ftt
a.. I am-aa m, iwti el
.1 nnalaa, a iwi itir.
a. t kiNiwwih. A't.t
eu.ea. gel
muwaukee & si. ram n
r75i noiTi )
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Glanco at this Map
r eM to4e l Miar !! en all tree)
tiMttiel iwe an4 aa fl I oaaa. a4
mttMIHIniMii i.l tin
Irw Mf a4 lti4 W. ti lie irMi
.., I !wft, aw 1 1 kg k4
axwfhg . to rwSlM-g aei lft
a tg Mt Mtk Ka e M4tBg len.
4 i 4it we li W-H ike etv
iiim It Me eg Ihk ike Uta. knl im. ert
fi e4 aa aakat ewe I a M laavrVne
.......n. Taea . w re.
4lt f- f k l .l.kM " r e
. .rl UI.- M . I'M
I W.tgagT, ? Kaa gl,
hNMfl, MAat.
Maj. William Sully Beebe, a retired
army officer living at Thompson,
Conn., is about to (tend to the leading
archaiologists of this country and
Europe what he considers proofs of
some very remarkable discoveries that
he has made during; researches that
have coKt him twenty years of study
and a large sum of money expended in
novel lines of investigation. lie be
lieves, says the New York Sun, that
his findings will convince scientists
that America is the s',-;it of an older
source of occidental civilization than
either Assyria or Eypt. Maj. Heebe
claims that the races that flourished
around the Mediterranean the Acca-
ian, the Assyrian, the Egyptian, the
Roman and the Greek provo them
selves to have been the borrowers
from an earlier people on this conti
nent, because in the parallel,) t'.i'il
occur in the early traces of both civili
zations the greater purity is fouud in
the American examples. Myth.'; and
symbols unci folklore tales that Euro
pean students have not bean uhl'i to
make clear are simplified when roa 1
by the li;,'lit of his American discov
eries. In tna lonrnw to rti-stavit l i i is
they havj be 3 a a't-ure 1, eapij I '! i i'.v
or rep jatij I i ynorantly, hj t'li-i'.ti. bo
lat they have obtained altera I or
modified meanings on the ot'i :i'
o give only one example: Maj. 15 j jhj
asserts that tho zodiacal tu;' i of
Sagittarius was at fir:it an armadillo,
the name of which in Peru meant an
armored hare or rabbit. The sign and
name remained the same wherever the
armadillo was known, but by tin time
the symbol reached northern Mexico
and the region of our status it IwSmc
changed to an "armed rabbit" a rab-
it carrying a bow au.l arrow. It is
the same sign, Maj. lloeba l ays, a id
stands for tho same constellation in
the heavens us the European symbol of
man with a bow 'and arrow, Majittar-
Maj. Beobe declares the most ancient
remains of former civilization on tins
continent to be those ruins of temples
and of cities that are found in the
eighborhood of Lake Titicaca, on the
Boliviu-l'eru border. These relics are
scattered over a great extent of coun
try and reveal remarkable skill in
stone cutting, .in architecture and la or
nament. This region is fourteen thou
sand feet above the sea level and too
cold to provide sustenance for more
than a sparse population, but there is
little doubt that it climate and its
population wore once very different.
It once supported thonsan Is of stone
cutters who could neither live nor
wfrk there now. The Ayinara tribe
of Indians, the present inhabitants,
have retained in great purity the lan
guage they spoke when the Spaniards
conquered the country, and at t'.iat
time the Spaniards took down their
fubles and legends in great numbers.
Maj. Kcchc sent a capable man there
to verify the old observations and
make new ones, and, after a study of
eight other American tongues and
people to the north of the Aymaras,
he in convince I hat they tire the rel
et of Hi" oldest American semicivil-
lzation, and that their inllueiicn i pread
over Aortli America. I roofs of tins
he claims to have found as far awuy as
Iowa and New Jersey, lie uiserU
that there are in Egypt, and, fur that
matter, all around the Mediterranean,
the most evident duplications of the
ork of thcMU Ay muni In dials like
that at Ntoneheuge, In Assyrian and
Egvpliiiu buildings, in the folklore and
111 the language of many people.
Of ulmo.t riiul interest to Ameri
cana la Maj. Heche' discovery with re
gard to the plctographlc tablet found
at !avciiMtrt, la,, ami declared by
Smithsonian expert to b apurioua
and worse than valuelea. ' Mtj. Ike-
Ixi drcltrea that ha la ablo to read it,
lie a.iy that it reproduce tho sym
bol and myth of the Avmara Indiana,
ami Icllit the aai'j storle that are
conveyed by mean of the gn at dial
temple at Tla lluanacu in their coun
try the same that Mr. Inward. of Lon
don. found lit correspond an nearly in
appearance with a miniature temple
left In .Wyrla. Maj, Heebe ha re
duced all hW proof lo writing, and ar
ranged I he vast number of analogic
that lie i lniiii to have dlM-overrd Im
tweeii old and new world lH-gliinliiga
In such a manner that when all are
collected and preM tit.-.l In print and
scut out. the S4'holara of the world
may, with the leut siv.lliii trouble,
examine hi workaud judge claim.
lit l a man of IcWuru and of mean,
who in taking up the atudy of Hebrew
had hla attention directed lo thoa
ainiilaritle U-lwrrn the Irarlitea
and our North American Indiana
which have Wen often and geurrally
Full Text of the Declaration
of Principles.
re4 Harkvea arge.
liranl lueti.- Nrg nf Ruaala
mint, with her liuoband and lirand
)uke Paul, ha lw lo Halmoral on I
ta,t to ;u.en Yletorla. U the hand
.inl of ! ai rhter of the laU
Prln.-e Allt-0 of ll.-M-. A a young"
girl rrln.-e .hralM-lh of llrw at
iratr.i irreal atu-mion, ana aha va
only twenty when ah waa marrtrd
At the iiuerti a Jubilee lirand Pn, hra
trg w ImmrnM lr admlrrd. while
Ihe jewrla ahp wore at arvrral atale ea
In a!iniirtil-llirr were rnag-nlltce
lnro.iM and diamond-, ,.eit-d ant
rrroal rni; The (rand dararaa ha
rl.ll lrrn. an I tl la an oprn aevrvl
lht her iiMrtl. d life ha u.t bee
happy n
The Kepnblicaos of the United States,
assembled by tbeir repreeentatativas in
national convention, appealing for popu
lar and historical justification of tbeir
olaims to the matchless achievements of
30 years ot Republican rale, earnestly
and confidently address themselves lo
the awakened intelligence, experience
and conscience of their countrymen in
the following declaration of faots and
principles :
For the first time since (be civil war
tbe American people have witnessed the
calamitous oonsequences of fall and un
restricted Democratic oontrol ot tbe
government. It has been a reoord of
unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and
disaster. In administrative management
it bas ruthlessly sacrificed indiepensible
revenue, entailed an increasing deficit,
eked out ordinary current expenses with
borrowed money, piled up the public
debt by $262,000,000 In time of peace,
forced an adverse balance ot trade, kept
perpetual menace banging over tbe re
demption fund, pawned American credit
to alien syndicates and reversed all the
measures and results ot suooeasful Re
publican rule. In the broad effect of its
polioy it has precipitated paoio, blighted
industry and trade with prolonged de
pression, olosed factories, reduced work
and wages, halted enterprise and erip-
pled American production while stimu
lating foreign production tor tbe Ameri
can market. Every consideration ot
public safety and Individual interest
demands that the government shall be
resoued from the bands ot those who
have shown themselves inospable to
oonduot it without disaster at borne and
dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to
Ibe narty wbiob for 80 years admin
istered it with uneqnaled success and
prosperity ; and In this connection we
heartily indorse the wisdom, patriotism
and suooess of tbe administration of
President Harrison.
tui TABirr.
We renew and emphasize our alle-
gianoe to tbe policy ot protection as the
bulwark ot American industrial Inde
pendence and the foundation of Ameri
can development and prosperity. This
true Amerioan policy taxes foreign pro
ducts and encourages borne industry and
puts tbe burden of revenue on foreign
goods; il secures tbe Amerioan market
for tbe Amerioan producer; il npbolds
the Amerioan standard of wages for lbs
Amerioan workingmsn; il pots the fac
tory by Ibe side ot Ibe farm, and makes
the American farmer less depended on
loreign demand and price; it diffuses
general thrift, and founds the strength
o( all on Ibe strength ot each. In Its
reasonable application II is just, fair and
impartial, equally opposed to lore I go
control and domestic monopoly; to sec
t tonal diacrimination and individual
Nvoiitiam. We deuoanos lb preeeot
democratic tariff as sectional. Injurious
lo public credit and destructive lo buai
aess enterprise. We dea.and taeb
equitable tariff on foreign imports which
come into com petit loo with American
products aa will no only faraiah ade
quate revenue lor Ibe eeoeaeary eipea
see of tbe goveramsot, but will protect
America labor from lb degradation lo
lb wag level of other land.
W are sol pledged to say partlrnlar
echeduW Tb qneetioB ot rata is
practical qoeetio to b govern ad by
condition at lb time aa! el peodaeticn.
Tb rating and aDeoinpromialcg plooi
pi t the pro left k tad deTelopmeel of
Ameriea labor and Udaatrr. Tb
aoaatrr dessaads a right teti!euat and
(Ua il wants real
W condemn tb present administra
tion for not keeping faith with tbe sugar
producer of this country. The Repub
lican party favors such protection as will
lead to the production on Amerioan soil
of all sugar wbioh American people use
and for which they pay other eonntries
more than $100,000,000 annually.
To all our products, to those of mine
and field a well aa those of tbe shop
and factory; to hemp, to wool, to tbe
product of the great industry husbandry,
well as to finished woolens of the
mill, we promise most ample protection.
We favor restoring tbe early American
polioy of discriminating duties for the
upbuilding of our merchant marine and
tbe protection of our shipping interests
in tbe foreign carrying trade, to Amer
ican ships the product of American
labor employed in Amerioan shipyards,
sailing under tb rjtars and Stripes, and
manned, officered and owned by Amer
icans may regain the carrying ot our
foreign commeroe.
Ilepptiat lo roJllo via IWppagv
Kebo Hla line. 'eraM deal mas of
viailiag redlla ea sav lima aa4
RHteet by taking lli lost, Ity
nteinling- lb al lh ftrevtnus
leg Ih ! a ill Mala reaeeettna wilt
f ' rhM-l ueia al t .lm f. feadlelun
OiDm at (My Ifcag riofa W. I, loan
1 tea Ira lege.
1 was aervona. Iire.. trtttabl
K ail's I1i,f H4 Tee bas ede
la well ted baj i r
Ma P. ft. Woat.
t'. ! l y Walts i Wart.
Me la la lib t gl lb Weekly
(Wg-'-Mo, the i !( papf f4
II a Meet. Wild lh. V-4
lm l b.lcanM Ma u at Ait i likw
r I IKI h! ciwie eaa l ana-l i
tm kanraorm.
W 11 lav In rapeal at tb rcipro4
ly arrMgetaeal aefowalaj by tb Wet
IWpnbltraa almiatatratloj we a aalioa
al ealamltf and w dVeaaad Ibir rvasw
al aad aileaeai) ea taeb lam a will
qaltaur trad II at otltat nalkia
rao realrlelkon abkb bWM
lb tale of Asaerta pendaei U port
nf etbr oaatria. aad twrart talargad
saaikea fir lb ptodaeu at oar tana.
forest tad f aftnrie.
freWeikoa aad ferlpnily art lata
aaeaaare at lUaabli) polity, aad ft
bead la band. tVawavalM tal bas
reekleealy (trweh dnaa bolb, aad bh
aiaal be r eefabliahtd; pr4tn fur
bat pr4 ar ; fre 4ajlearo for la
aeaia nf lift ! A 4 ptw-
daa. ripveal agraeaaeal 4 laalaal
tat wbtab gala apa1 atatlea la ra
in ra f.4 tmt ei raatkaa I at hart
rroteetla trail I ladatlrf
in T?.&Jomrnl of JMUh
Prof. W. H. Fteke, who
mares a apecialty oc
doubt treated and cur.
ed more caaea than any
living Physician ; hit
ancceaa ia astonishing.
We have heard of caaea
of so years' standing
liberty. The government of Spain hav-1
iDg lost control of Cuba and being nnable
to proteot the property or lives of resi
dent American citizens or to oomply with
its treaty obligations, we believe tbe
government of the United States should
actively use its influence and good offi
ces to restore peaoe and give indepen
dence to the island.
I large bot-
and the mnintananna of ita ri,.hlf..l in . we advise anv one i wishing a cure to addresa
. ... nproI.W.H.P2EF.B.,4Ce4arSt.,llewTork
fluenoe amoDg the nations of tbe earth
demand a naval power commensurate
with its position and responsibility. We,
therefore, favor Continued enlargement
of tbe navv and complete system of har
bor and seacoast defenses.
The republican party is unreservedly
for sound money. It oaused the enaot
ment of the law providing for the
resumption of specie payments in 1879;
since tben every dollar bas been as good
as gold.
Wa ere unalterably opposed to every
measure caloulsted to debase our cur
rency or impair the oredit of our country.
We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free
ooinage of silver, except by international
agreement with tbe leading commercial
nation of the world, wbioh we pledge
ourselves to promote, and until suoh an
agreement can be obtained, tbe existing
gold standard must be preserved. All
ot our silver and paper currency now in
circulation must be maintained at a
parity with gold, and we favor all meas
ure designed to maiotain inviolable the
obligations of the United States and all
our money, whether coin or paper, al the
present standard the standard of tbe
mosl enlightened nations ot 'he 'tvn.
Tb veterans of tbe Union armies de-
ssrv and should receive fair treatment
and generous recognition. Whenever
practicable Ibey should be given prefer
ence in tbe matter of employment and
they are entitled lo tbe enactment ot
such laws aa are best calculated lo se
cure tbe fulfillment ot pledge made to
them in the dark days ot lh country's
peril. We denounce tbe praotioe in the
pension bureau, so recklessly and un-
ustly oarried on by the present adminia-
trttion, ot rednoicg pensions and arbi
trtrily dropping namea from the role as
deserving tb severest condemnation of
tb Amerioan people.
ota roBEian policy.
Our foreigo policy abould b at all
time firm, vigorous aod dignified, and
all oor Interest in tb western herolt-
pber carefully watcbad and guar Jed
The Hawaiian ielend should be Control!
ed by tb United Slates, aod so foreigo
power abould b permitted to ioterfere
witb Ibem; lb Nicaragua Canal sbould
b boilt, wnd and operated by tb
United tttalee; and by tb porcbaetof
tb Uanlab lalandt w abuuld atenr a
prop and much needed station in tb
Wast Indie.
Tb meataote lo Armenia bat arona-
ad lb deep tympttby aad jual Indigna
tion of tba Amrnoan people, tod w be
liv tb United Btatt tbonlj titrvbt
all tba iafjuaa II eaa properly tierl to
brief I bee atrocities to aa tod. I
Turkey Americea residents hav baa
tipnted lo lb grave danger
America property destroyed. Tbar
tad twry bar American clliaeas and
Amtvieea property mat be abeolately
prolvcteJ l all b a tarda aod at any eel
Moaaoa nocrstvav.
For tbe protection of the quality of our
Amerioan oitizensbip and of wages of
our workiogmen against the fatal com
petition of low priced labor, we demand
that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly
enforced and so extended as to exclude
from entianoe to the United States those
who can neither read nor write.
The civil service law was placed on
the statute books by the republican
party, wbioh bas always sustained it,
and we renew our repeated declarations
that it shall be thoroughly and honestly
enforced and extended wherever
5 Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-
Jent business conducted for Modckatc Fee, i
Sou Officii Opposite; U, s. patent Offict
(and we can secure patent in leas time uiaa those
iremote from Washington. ,
i Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion. Wo advise, if patentable or not, free of
jcbarge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
A Pamphlet, "now to ustam ratents,' wnm
(cost of same in the U. & and foreign countries
(sent tree. Address,
Opp. Patent Office, Washington. 0. C.
The comparative value of these twocanls
Ia known to moat persona.
They Illustrate that greater gu entity la
Net always moat to be desired.
Thee carda express the beneficial qual
ity of
4a compared with any previously know
Ripana Tabulea : Price, so cent a be
Of druggista, or by mail.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
We demand that every oitizen of the
United States shall be allowed to cast a
free and unrestricted ballot, and such
ballot shall be counted sod returned as
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. dt
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C.,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sti.,
caicAao, xxix,.
thing to patent? Protect yonr ideas ; they may
bring you wealth. Writ JOHN WKDDKR
BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, WaabinBtoo,
D. C. for tbeir $1,800 prist oflei.
The regular Subscription price of tba
Semi-Weekly Gazette is 32.50 and tb
regular price of tbe Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tha
Gazette and paying for one year ia
advance can gel both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub
scribers paying tbeir subscriptions for
one year in advance will be entitled lo
the same.
NbwFbed Yabd. Wm. Gordon ba
opened up the feed yard next door to
the Gazette office, and now soiioits a
share ot your patronage. Billy la right
at home al this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prioes
reasonable. Bar and grain forsala. tf
We proolaim our unqualified condem
nation ot the uncivilized and barbarous
practice known ss tbe lynching or killing
of human beings suspected or charged
witb orime, without process of law.
We favor the creation ot a national
board of arbitration to settle snd adjust
the differences which may arise between
employers and employed engaged in in
terstate commerce.
We believe in tbe immediate return
to tbe free homestead tolicy of tbe Re-
pooiioan party, ana urge the passage
by oongress ot tbe satisfactory free
homestead measure which bas already
passed tbs houss and is now pending
in Ibe senate-
We favor tbe admission of tbe remain
ing territories al tho earliest practicable
date, having dm regard to the interest of
Ibe territories and tbe United States. All
federal officers appointed for territories
should bs selected from bona fide resi
dents thereof, and tbe rigbtof self-govern
ment should be accorded at far aa prsc-
tiotblt. We believe tbe citizens ot Alas
ka sbould have representation in the
congress of tbe United States to the end
that needed legislation lu'iy be intelli
gently en toted.
We sympathiae with all wise and le
gitimate effort lo lessen and prevent tbe
evils of inlemperaooe and promote mor
IN Republican party Is mindful of
tb right of women. Protection nf
Amerioan industries include equal
opporlooitiea, rqual pay for rqual
work and protection lo tbe bom. We
favor lh tilrolaloD ui women lo wider
Spheres of ntrfalneaa sn I welonm tbeir
Co operation In reaouing tbe eontry from
Democratic and Fipniist mismanagement
and mitttta.
Much art tb principle and polities
of lb republican party. By l he prin
Itmu.s. government!
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
p"Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
fa PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manarer,
6 618 P 5treet, WASHINGTON, D. C
X. P. nil Company U tonlrolltH 6g nearly one tXoutand Itaiing Newa
( paprrt in (he Vnitrd States, and it guaranteed by (Asm.
Attorneys ot Iciw,
All busioee attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collector.
nlnmliio KirAPnnil I
to t inn a
t j n i t
'11ipat xmim pvnrif
u imu uuu i miciuvu una ma
riMlewwill abid. and tbea polt.-it Letvtng Alder Hlreel IX-ck. Portitnd, for islorit, Ilwaeo, Long Beach, Ooeaa
ill put Into eieeulijn. W k for i arg ana nanc-.tia. inreci onoetioa witb Ilwaoo eUamers aad rall-
tl.em tb eooeid-raU jadgmeal nf lb ' Bl onni " Baaoor uatiroao.
Amerleaa peoi-l. G8Jnl aiika In I . TDIjBPnONH
"-- . nr. wwpi puiKiax. usm aewna ? r. m, fany, airefx aaaaty.
Haturday night, II f. M, Uf AstnvU Dally t
BMtay Blgbl, 7 r. M.
Iba blaloty of oor great party and ia lbs
jntlie of oar can w prvaent our plat-
tuna and oar ondidla la Ibe fall aa-
tqrtaet thai lb aleetioa will bring
victory to lb
prosperity lo lb
Uavta rortland I P. M iHillv. eiraM Nnndav.
si s si A. M., aep SnaUaf aad ktaasr. am
i as t r. M.
Racatdirtn rarl and I ""'"and awl run dlrar-t tn llsram, Tnaedar and THaraday al t A, M, I
swpaiMirao peny ami I tee.t lleano waweOay and Prbiay at l.w A. M. o a4ay algal
. . .o. vuii.o rt. l.i i. n i. I n , a .i a t o an
for Safety, !"!, Camtmt, llaasura, Trsiet aa la Tslapfcona. Baflay OaUerl a4 Oeeaa Wee.
di4i:asi'ji op thc rki.
Tli Inlrnat 11. Ii'n an.1 smarting Irai
cWnt to aornia, W-iier, all-fheam,anjmlier
duraea of ilia skia t tnsaanlly til red ,y I
applying IhambrrUint t, aad kin
at J M-r asr w atatket
pa tl.. .UU. e will , fBf 0f ,), rvoipMetty bail t a fv-
MninNi aa alinieil Hirati.ia '
W reaatert lb afoaro dolrlot ta
It lalleal atUal aJ w raafflrst tb
rig bt of lb Catted HIat) I alt lb
doetritt iff erl tf rpondi( to lb tp
peals of aay Attes ta! or frleadly
laUtveaUoa ta ta of Buropaaa ta
W abali aol U ilrtrd aaJ tball
l lataftwr witb la alttiag poetet
tnaa of aay t.arapa power ia thi
beet ! &-, btl I bee pnae stnat aiaal
aot, ea aay preuit, ba ilea 4 ad. Wt
bepefnlty lok forward it tb tveat
aal wllbdrt al nf Campaaa power
truss tela ttataiepb a4 to Iba alUwMta
aatna f all EegHeft pkrg paiianf
lb tt! by frw att at it la
ktbllatla. eras anoi.rrMi.
Fiwta lb baf at Mbivtrg tbeir
taatpaadtawa. lb penfW nf tb twited
lata bat ratJ wit yapatby IU
trfgb4 asbaf kmi pwpt la
frw tbeeaeelvw fmea I was a Vmib
Ik. W waib wi'b d aal aUJiag
tataswal K korni belli af lb lKt
paltM agaiaet rf!ly t I aftr,
UiniowtiL Many Vrry bad cur lav bm F4I
pMTManetilly rwred bf tl. Il t e.piall; I A
elfuWfil f..r Ikblng iUw an-l a favnriumn- I 1 11
4v f-f enrt aitfUw; rlitr-l hand, chil-l
I Ml I
tJeia, fmsl btb-a, and rbmni ar tvea.
r or mm by dmggwit al ru prr b. t.
Try tVr. rami's (wtlii.a rewaVrv, iW
are jual ehal a nnrae nk ehra la lw-1 nrntti-
Wav, J,mir, U.l purinrr and vf oufura.
for sal by Ossrr A ltrork, draggUiel
'II ia nmifr.it, I ny jm ljmrml.l
trklkr lh U(i grt-ttrr rwttrr .iy I
WM'I frvs f A fori ,T pr s.f
ntr if, art nr a.t .. f am fr
fr riJ f itmrt ftvm ;w nl
n lbls J. rtn la I A If.Haaa of
rafnfi,t ' f'. It a lUVu
mmdft rimebUrl tm.
For tho Curo 04
Liquor, Opium ui Tobacco Habits
la tenia) at tale, Oregoa,
74 Mvt Bautifi rear ea (A Cooef
Call al Ite Oiltvr aW tag tnrttratara
trvtly snsil Isnllsl. Ireaimeal rnsaa4 srt
lUk Mtbet tee ill al tbenljelaad.
Il !. ! It.e pr ,ffia, h la I
f-r-rl I 4.1 aetilirg tn be lift"
Ht.g, kir itiiiti' balUs' air . al
rtlf ftf) tl.
TS la last Papa !.
Oa e4 rf l. ', raali re a.Mg,
a gatervae aw la la nal4 ff U
an Uf t'4tti . al list I af t art
t ray I r i -a - NtAwi We eVaar),
tkra U.e gt . ' tf Ua raly
(4 ... , .ra f
e Jaia r.-t It ,4 '. r K X !
y. ..!. I - 1 reik I u, 1 , 1
CM aa I a. aa 1 . . ,. ( S g
U a- t a ..... if 4 4 a4a4
, ran., f .i, ( .Mrt ,.
t hmnh, ll-, l..ai
m C A I BMk
VUl kit vvu
OF ...
It to Advertisers at .1 great financial sacri
fice. Von need it in your businej-s, and as a
n. ittcr of l)iisine: vc must sell it.
Tin; Itti,rsn rt'uusHjNG Co.
' t litalev, ta a(rUlial
t6 Ud 4 lais to MlW tatr
mm-mw-m, aa a es gw wm ttw al4 f '' a. g a,'.., s aaa. vy
Cvt ta av aa nbwtlb.
. 4 tbast 4elarsae4 aatl U I , -M ar4 ii eaVk