Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 16, 1896, Image 3

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    Where They Met.
McKinley Bill, With Napoleon eye,
Bays "Bryan let's drink some Limvood Rye;
We meet as Mends, my words are few
I hope they dou't, dear Brian Bore U."
And Bryan says, in a Joking manner,
"I wonder if that's what's the matter with Hanna
That's horse and horse, vou funnv feller
When I see my wife I am bound to Teller."
Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an
And they drank some more good Linwood Rye.
Sold only at tbe Belvedere Saloon, E.
G. Snerry, Prop.
Via the Union Pacific System
Bagffnee ia checked through from Port
land to deetioHtion. The fpeoinlties of
the Uoioo Piioiflo ere unexcelled trnck
and equipment, uniou depots, fnt lime,
through ours, etenm bent, Pintaoh light
aod oourleooa treatment to passeDgers.
For rates sod information noply to R.
W. Baxter, Gen. Arft. D. P. system, Port
land, Oregon.
Are Yon Hade
Miserable by IndigeBtinn, Oonutipa
tion, Dizzineen, Lous of Appetite, ITellaw
Skin? Sbiluh's Vitalize is a positive
oure. For sale by Wells AWarren.
MTr was more trrlnvna wrong; dona
the fanners of nor country than that so
unjustly Inflicted during tbe pant three
yeara upon the wool growers. Although
among onr most useful citizens, their In
terests nave been practically destroyed.
MoKlnley's letter of acceptance.
Makes an Alignment.
H. C. Myers of this city has file.l an
assignment for tbe benefit of bis credit
ors in tbe office of Recorder Muloolm in
Portlnod. The assignee la John Myers.
Tbe assets consist of aoruge valued at
$5000 in Gilliam and Washington coun
ties; six lots In Stephen's addition, val
ued at $9000. one-third interest in P200
bnehela of wheat, (200; 30 bead of
horses, 8450; farming implements 8300;
total, fU.950. Liabilities sre $9279.
The prinoiple creditors are an follows:
J. D. Myers, Oreton, JlSOO, Snoan B.
Allen, East Portland, $800; American
Mortgage oompany, (400; MuoMaater A
Birrell, (5000; J. W. Hmith, Arlington,
$310; estate of Dr. Tbeesing, Portland,
The Oniy Chiilr Car Line
To tbe east is the Union Pueiflo. East
ern cities are reached via this line with
fewer changes of oars tbaj via other
linea -Rates always the lowest. Tickets
to or from points in the United fltates,
Oaoads, or Europe fur sale by R. W.
Baxter, Geo. Agt., 135 3rd St., Portland.
"It it tmmntertai, in my judgitu-nt
whether the sheep grower receives any
benefit from the tariff or not
Whether he due or does not J am for
free irool"Ejrtract from speech of
Wi'liant J, Bryan in the House of Kcp
resentatives when the H'ii bill wu
nnder consideration.
You can bet your last winter's duds that this
fair Is no "frost," But Jack Frost Is
one of the boys that comes
around annually and Be (prepared to receive
no mistake. him by calling on
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
tt4aaa la
Wb ill if I art j on fr talisat d.fn ' f
IIm frost (so-i p. Harb lloa t.f iotr rlolhlsf jnn af aa
Mar, an I at pftraa down. Tio-a art) ft Uy loflfb tl fnm t)aaj
troy Q sH !'), ' f ?
Call on E. W. RHEA & CO., at tbe
First Natl Bar)K CorQcr.
I. N. MIGML ,-w.r ,ca
niJllaJiK, OlCKCsOX.
Here and There.
The Heppner Transfer Co., ha wood
for sale. 37 tf.
Peter Brenner and wife were in from
Eigbt Mile Tuesday.
What's tbe matter with Fulton, onr
next governor? He's all right.
Drink tbe celebrated J. 1. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'.
Mrs. Julia Bradley has so far recov
ered from her recent illness as to be up
T. R. Lyons and his brother John, of
Condon, departed Tuesday for a few
days visit at Portland.
Mis. Dr. MoFaul departed Tuesday
evening for Adams to spend a few weeks
vluitiug with ber mother.
G W. Crawford, representing an
eastern portrait oompany, was in Hepp
ner today from Condou.
Lnodesh and Akers will give tbeir oon
oert at the opera honse on Monday
night. It protuiseB to be good.
Hon. Ben Butterworth, of Ohio, is
miikiug a few stirring oampaign speech
es tor tbe republicans in Oregon.
Ben Parker and his partner, Mr.
Gleason, were down from Parker's mill
Tuesday to hear Senator Mitchell.
E. O. : Mark P. John has gone down
to Portland for a brief visit. Mrs. John
will visit her relatives in Heppner.
Fall weather brings cool weather, oool
weather calls for winter clothing. See
E. W. Rhea's line of goods. Ad in this
ins ae. sl8-lm.
Mrs. E J. Muir returned home on
Wednesday morning after a visit of
several weeks in Southern Oregon with
A dance will be given Bt the opera
house on tbe first and third Friday
evenings of each month, tor an indefi
nite period. tf.
Lout A Trilby heart watch charm on
the streets of Heppner. Finder will
kindly return same to this office and
reoeive reward.
O. E. Farnswortb is on atrip to South
ern Oregon tor the purpose of purchas
ing a large nnmh:r ot lambs for his
Morrow county range.
G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, can
be found at bis parlors, Matlock oorner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc.
T. M.: About 30 sheep, with a brand
thought to be that of J. Ayers, of Butter
Creek, were shot and killed near tbe
bend of Meadow creek', in Grant oounty,
t.tat week.
Girt Hatt and Charley Jones are as
sociated together down at Charley's
old place in tho toosoriul business.
C 'II on tbem and get your whiskers
pushed la.
Senator Tillman of South Carolina is
to ni'ike a number ot speeches in Ore
gon, beginning on Wednesday, tbe 14th,
at Portland. The senator speaks in
Pendleton on tbe 19th.
Senator Mitchell and Hon. C. W.
Fulton departed on Tuesday night's
tram, Mr. Mitohell going from here to
Dufur, and Mr Fulton leaving for
other points in the state.
Hon. W. R. Ellis departed last even
ing on a campaigning tonr and will ad
drex th people of Miltrn this after
noon. He will be assisted in several
meetings by Hon. C. W. Fulton, ot
That repoblioau meeting Tuesday wnt
a rouser sure. McKinley' supporters
in this oounty aie growing in numbers
eai-h day and tbe republican standard
bearer will carry this oounty by safe
T.-M : Mrs. T. W. Ayers and Mrs.
Lacy, of Heppner, are in tbe city as del
egates from Heppner to the Baptist con
ventl'io. Mrs. Avers ia tbe guest of ber
daughters Mrs. Van Duyn and Mrs.
Rev. W. E. Put wine will hold service
in the M. E. church at this pi see no
next Tnesdsv evnlng. At 10:30 In tbe
morning be will hold oommanion servi
ces ht the Charon to which tbe mem
bora t,T6 iovt!ed.
At the opera house on Wednesday
evening, Oat. 21, tbe Indifi aid society
"t the Christian rbaroh will give a
Novelty sociiil. You ill be greatly
entertained and a good social tun Is
promised. Admission will Im free and
general invitation is extended to all
lu aitniul Kro good music it also
promised for this occasion.
Hon IB a BMt ..
Assisted by Hon. C. W. Fnltoa, he Address
ed tbe Largest Political Uat imring
Ever Assembled in Heppner.
About one fifth of Morrow oounty as
aembled in Heppner on Tuesday lBt to
bear the political issue of the day tlies
oueeed by Senator .loiiu If. Mitohell and
Hon Cbas. W. Folton.
The meetting was presided over by
Hon. J. N. Bron, who in a few well
obnsen remarks, intordaced Senator
Mitchell as the first speaker of the day.
He was greeted with great applause
and it was some time befora it was suf
fioiently quiet for tbe Senator to begin.
He first referred to the tbe organization
of this county and to tbe tact tb'it al
though at that time we werefrepresented
by a democrat, "Uncle Jack Morrow,"
that he, by the vote of that representa
tive had received the support of our peo
ple, and expressed bis pleasure iu being
permitted for the first time to appear
before a Moriow oounty audienoe.
The senator tbea took op tbe issues
dividing the two great parties; first pay
ing bis respects to tbe fiuancial question,
by referring to bis position on that
question, and inviting any one who
took issue with bim to speak right out.
After referring in a pleasant wey to bis
"planet of Mirs'' speeob, he read tbe
financial plank ot the republican plat
form, by section, giving a full and com
plete analysis and explanation as he
proceeded; showing to the entire satis
notion ot tbe majority of tbe large
audienoe that bimetallism could only
be maintained in this country by carry
ing out the declaration of the St. Louis
platform. The seuator showed conclu
sively that he had at no time contended
that this country would prosper with
tbe tree coinage of silver unless that
free coinage could be bad in connection
with protection and reciprocity in ac
cordance with tbe well established re
publican idea of legislation along tbose
Referring to the probability of secur
ing international bimetallism, the sen
ator said tbat tbe republican party was
its only friend in this couutry; tbe pop-
ocratio party favored independent free
coinage of silver by this oonntry alone
at the ratio of 16 to 1. The national
democratic party, being in full and com
plete harmony with President Cleve
land's views upon the subject, were m
favor ot a singlegold staudard aod
agHinst the further use of silver as
money by this oonntry; making it very
plain to all tbat international bimetal
lism has never bad h friend in President
Cleveland or tbe present demooratio ad
The senator then proceeded to show, J
by quoting from McKinley and other re
publican leaders, tbat tbe pnrty was
earnestly oomtnittnl to the principle,
and that the sentiment was not only
rapidly growing in this oonntrv bnt in
Enrope us well, England having taken a
step in that direction, when on the 17tb
of March, 189G, thu British pailiament
unanimously passod resolution which
''urges npon tbe government the advis
ability of doing all in lit power to aeonr
an international rgroemenl aod stable
monetary par of exobaoge between gold
and silver,' and also tbat Frs ce and
Germany were greatly interested and
actively moving In the direction of inter
national bimetallism. When the sen
ator tedd his audience that in bit opin
ion much could be done to fotco inter
natioest lii met si liana by doubling the
duties on prodoole from Gnat Bntlao
ami her colonies until tbat ns'i'iu shall
agree with the United Slates and otter
countries for the coinage and use of
silver, I be aptilansa tlit greeted the
srbtioieit showed tbat be bal touched
a popular chord.
Tbe arguments were plain and con
clusive that the Ciiicsgo platform mesne
silver monometallism, 'he Indianapolis
platform gold mooometa'liaai, and tbat
we eoul 1 only hwik in the osrrjlng out
of tbe declarations of the Ht. Louie plat
form opon which MeJ.tr MiKioley was
nominal! to at cure for this couutry
wbal the paoplti really desire true bi
metallism. Tl.e sp akrr tbrn proceeded to show
tbat the eoonlry wsa wot suffering to
roach from the financial Irgialatioo of
173 m it was lb tartff legislation of
lift TLe first thing to do In older to
mssjrt .rosrit sm n rnaol lafiff j l.-.n t.mt tills ci.ailitn.lUm U so com
Ut along lb lint of lb t-roUctiooof i'1,1' u to allow of prattlcalljr so
Amsftrsu io lnatrli so l Ihna git am-
ploymtBl U iboosaiKla of bob ra I Antii-
tn rlns roo bo ara bow la an
bM mala IU poaoli; .roarout in tUj
past, su. v raa allf larn unt fstfa (
toward lb alt oral of tbesa rardiasl j
pMrwip'ra of rspqtilicaolam, Ibat ta
aJ.sjs a .t) ta,.4 ia baa I mib m. !
, , , . !
Tba a-nator la c ooUaUm wa.l. ae '
J.ntttl pUa forth, aastaioibf of lb!
fral laws, aol aJ bia hrsta lol
pul palttotMta ilxiti parllssosbip ami j
a it bt a a- v aPi.tU la lb a.aii.
tnrol iitwsi a lbs Cbicsfi plstform
ia It eeasia of rrtstJt.t C'lsisn.
ab '1 IU alrrms mnrt.
Tit al -f altsoatali4 bibarra In
rsawraWr Ibal itsto U not a eampaiya of
OBslsaita It, )! a It tsa darlilH
as sibsll af of not Waattt frlara la
lb b (! prlOPipltss a-UnrslsJ by
lbs rspvMiraa .rljr it roit Iba A,m
nriratia t arty ta rofiliana In sitiu,si,l,
bil lb fU If-.
Tb f"1 f ry aiib ,lrb Ibaasnsb
Biik -. t. - .i j ..
mvv,m.r, imiKI toil
lb. la... aaJisoa. .r. I, barmftr
tblUtesoaof lb. ipnWf, jurl. UhhsW. ...y an.h.
ki lbUswti i4 lbsm)al(M'taMrlt, i Kainui I Ji.l.nvn fi aHs tlisl h p.,u.
lb rbaiaa laloi4il If . C'ba W. ' wrk wbett b ws f rrt ( i
ajt.,a, abo, al a fsty pfliiaiaary . '! Mart. neasi l-ils l!.at af.r
tnsfla, at rr.fw poa,.!,4 I 4.s Iba f r 1 T''t" " '"' '!
k.oiib4.M.t-.rr,,fiHs.y!""r,M',,,"'f1 UiU' -:..
. . ' . ' . i II.. ptioPc la t'tiiiiM.. liters it,
,.H,l,4l,ta !' a4 f. Ibfa-jh,,.,.,,, u,.rt r...,.lP, wit!, H
,anra if aa btif, aaal(1 lb 4' U', ,i M, bi U f..rjotn: .let,
I' lo" f rl.morraej la a aaf Ibal bfrtif ( e i lha lw nrg r.it,iit inri.- of l-.n
f at.wuss if arirlaaasj aa4 aba4 , f 'I1'' It b U -!( .if
I JMtff tbol baa Mtiaat awskla
Url l.lctlt.lm.a I..I IL. .... II .
. I ..... - - , . .
I r f ai r'aiaf It.,
Kwa aboaa la
light and its pretenses exposed in a way
that was pleasing and ooviteiug.
'CliBrley" Fulton was pearsonally
known by but few in this oounty prior
to bis coming among os on Tuesday, al
though his reputation as a campaign
orator was well known. He folly sustain
ed that well earned reputation and it is
safe to say he will bare calls in tbefutnre
to address Morrow oounty audiences.
Morrow oounty is the friend of Cbas. W.
Taken all in all, Tuesday's meeting was
the largest one ot its kind ever assembl
ed io this county, and tbe only regrets
is that we had no hall large enough to
accommodate all who desired to hear
tbe distincaisbed speakers. The cause
of MnKinley and protection is on the
ascendency iu Morrow oounty and our
people can be safely intrusted to vote
on the 3?d of November next, for the re
turn of tbat polioy tbat has given tbem
peaoe and prosperity in tbe past.
Move Cnrstive Power
Is oontained in a bottle ot Hood's Sarea
parilla than in any other similar prepara
tion. . It costs the proprietor and manu
facturer more. It costs tbe jober more
and it is worth more to the consumer.
It has a record of cures unknown to any
other preparation. It is the best to buy
because it is tbe Oue True Blood Purifi
er. Hood's Pills are the best family ca
thartio and liver medicine. Gentle, re
liable, sore.
"It ia immaterial, in my judgment
whether the slusep grower receives any
oenentrrom tne tariff or not . . .
Whether he does or does not I am for
free wool." Extract from speech of
William J. Bryan in the House of Rep
resentatives when the Wilson bill was
under consideration.
Wben wear begins to exoeed repair in
your body you are going to fall siok.
The Bigns of it are : loss of flesh, pale
ness, weakness, nervousness, etc. The
repair needed is food. Xou think you
eat enongb, and yet yon feel that you
wear out more tisane, energy, nerve-force,
than your food makes for you. Tbe
difficulty is that you do not digest
enough Aud this ia so serious it is
worth sitting down seriously to tbink
abont. If yon can't digest what you
eat, take a few doses of Shaker Diegesl
ive Cordial. The effect ot it will be to
increase your flash and make vou feel
stronger. You won't fall siok. Proof
tbat ia in oontrol (of yonr repair appa
ratus. Take a few bottles ot Shaker
Digestive Cordial.
Hold by druggists at 10 oents to $1 00
per bottle.
A Berlin Inventor's Scheme for Burning
Powdered Coal Is Hucceiuirul.
Wherever there's smoke there's fire
la an adnpe based on observation of
unvarying physical laws, but the re
verse docs not always hold pood, for
there may be fire without smoke, or at
all events without apparent smoke.
In lierlin, according to the New
castle Chronicle, an inventor has sue-
cecded in devising a means for Insur
ing complete combustion without the
emission of smoke, and hia method
ha, on repeated tests, proved so satis
factory thut two of the most important
slcu.o... lipping companion in Uerinuuy
have decided mi uduptlntf it to their
steamer. Ill this system coul, reduced
tu powder in centrifugal disintegrator,
in Introduced into a pear-shaped com
bustion chamber lined with firebricli,
and lil led with an induction appurutus
lilio those used III pctrolcum-tircd fur
mice, the eoul dur.l being1 drawn nloiijf
by a j-.-t (if ste.iui or compressed air.
The combustion chamber, which
takes the place of a furnace, is provided
with two apertures, one In the center
line of the boiler, occupying; the posi
t on of the Usual fire-hole door, while
I'. i, f'i r. on l'ie opposite side? of thu
e ii iii, n i.'uu.il.t r. at-rvca for intit
.'. i.' l'ie co.'.l ilust throiih a !pe, so
j.'rr; 1 :mt the ('.if t l-ievriily dispersed
if i r l'ie whole surface ot the chamber.
r first Sniiion, which maybe
e.' "".e by liny source of heat, the com
bustion t:o:itinurt regularly and In
teiiM ly under the action of the air cur
rent. whVh U regulated In accordance
with the iiaiitity of dust required
to produce the necessary heat. The
alrori t-nia and dust are Intimately
ii.ii k'ii: i l i the conn of combustion,
v. Ml t!,e sp-ed of the current, which
!iu . . rvcl as a tchlcle for the dust, la
imi .'i reduced. I".ch mrtlcle of fuel
h -1 I In stiN-iiion ia by this method
tir m '!it int. such close contact with
'i.' iiUlIi hi'Oi'fcsnrv for it ciiulia.
" brlnir gt-ni raUd
asf rrlf rtuiat a4 iMasas a4
To n.aka liu-rry work bc.lthy la a
nitni-le prwcfM, ilrisrtKllnir on tli hvmU
' h y l lltUl to It, ami
- I h mnU In wbkh lh Wljr la
' lrmln.l ami dLi-.! V
It. t i . . ,ta.. Th 0rl fra..
. , , , i,.),, , ,)ay isrll hf rarl
rU,i,K. Th wnl.rrl "llwripftrs) of
tb ( ,t mm of all aifi-a la in favor
'"'t "f a' U'''a P aarljf In thn
"""". i r' fn
!.-... I with IrtuMli of life. It l al-l
cl I) 'runt to. till happltti ami
a- is y of 'f. Ith lh early hotirt
ot 1'it iu .r ii I ni litrrsry work ta altsav
t fruit fully axH-iaUl, mbrn iU,
balol of arly work la otif ac'iulrcd.
i i.imiits arw irt-siir.i uirn; lha ar
rsriifrtt.rol of tliouiriita la .earr.l
tUra; nirtnory Is kr-ripa I hen. Thus
tb.Ht-bU inrlVsl an I memory ntipirw
lt th r, art'l laU ,nm !i-aMir.
MjIs lb sun )onr frtio workman.
In l'ie work of lha rlay of tb literary
li? nr.t',irif a mi wbolasntiw as I
'Brry out
Ilia work witlit.nl strain.
,. ' , ,
1 m"". " "V"m 'r
' '?ft H t- Uil
Il"f- '
t it - i
a f
I I iJij . I
wra a. Ii II Sf a W f i kutj. a 4
Made and Merit Maintains theconfldenoe
of the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. I f
medicine cures you when sick ; if it makes
wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond
all question tbat tutdicine possesses merit.
That is juat the truth about Hood's Sar
saparilla. We know it possesses merit
hecriu'S!? it cures, not once or twice or a
hundred times, but in thousands and
t.iousRnos of cases. We know it cure3,
absolutely, permanently, when all others
taii to do any good whatever. We repeat
Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
p;i cure nausea, indigestion,
mo uuimisness.
25 cents.
of Oregon tor Morrow i ountv.
A.S. Bennett and F. P. Mays, Plaintiffs,
ChaTles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his
wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey,
his wife, Wm. Kimsey and N. Kimsey,
his wife, W. 8. Mercer and Sarah Mer
cer, his wife, L. A.Florence snd Ella
Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and
Minnie Hall, his wife, Samuel Hall
and Mury Hall, his wife, Wm. Ferrell
and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas
Kimsey and Nellie J. Croft.
To Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his
wife. A. J. Kimsey and Ktmsev. his wife.
William Kimsey and N. Kimsev, his wife. Rich
ard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, William
Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kim
sey and Nellie J. Croft, of above defendants.
In the name of the Ktate of Oregon, vou and
each of you will take notice that the above
plaintiffs, A. 8. Bennett and V. P. Mays, have
commenced a suit against the above defend
ants in the above court to foreclose a mortgage
given them by the above defendants npon the
eastinau ot tne nortnwest quarter, tne south
west, quarter of the northeast quarter and the
northwest quarter of the southeast Quarter of
section 18 township 1 south range 25 East in
sam county, l imt tne relief uemandea in the
complaint in said suit is for a decree that plain.
mis saw mortgage ne ioreciosed, tnemorigagea
property sold, and the proceeds applied to pay
ment of costs and disbursements of said suit,
to the note secured by said mortgage and the
attorney's fees set forth therein. That the
court also decree in plaintiffs' favor a recovery
from Charles Kimsey, A. J. Kimsey and Wil
liam Kimsey of seven hundred dollars 700.00l
and interest thereon at ten per cent per annum
iroin sepipmoer 1 1, iw., ann seventy-nve aoi
lars (17'uxi) attorney's fees, besides costs and
disbursements of suit. And further decree
that all the other defendants he foreclosed of
all right, claim or equity of redemption in aud
in sam lanos, or any pari inereoi, ami mat
plaintiffs have such other and further relief as
Is equitable.
This summons is served upon vou by publi
cation by order of Hon. Htcnhen A. Uiwcll.
Judge of the above court, made by him at
Chambers on the 2iu day of September, mint,
and each of the defendants above named are
required to answer said complaint on or before
the first day of the next term of the above
court, to-wlt: the first Monday of March, 1HH7,
or the plaintiffs will apply to said court for the
reuei ueniauuvain sam complaint.
7-!U. Attorneys for Plaintiffs,
1 trlct, mate of Oreuon, County of Morrow.
J. A. Woolery, I'lftlutlff.
fl. E. Jones, Defendant.
To B. K. Hours, I li-fciiclHii t :
In the name of the Htate of Orcicon, we coin
msixl you to snncnr before the uiulerslknel, a
Justice of the Trace In Ilrppiier, In saiil County
and Htate, on or before the I'llll day of Octolier,
lh',, at the hour of lu nl o'clock in the forenoon
said day, at my olftce in the said town to answer
the complaint of J. A. Woolery founded on
promissory notes and wherein he demsnds the
sum ol One Hundred Thlrty slx sud Ao liKi Hol
ism, for which sum JudKineut "Hi l rendered
siialnst you If you fall so to appear anil answer
aid complaint.
(ilven under my hsnd this 2nd dar of Rept.
A. I , W. A. Kh'lMKDHON,
172-k'i. Justice of the I'esce.
li soil hv virtue of sn execution issued out
of the circuit court of the Mule of Oresoii, for
I onnty ol .Morrow, and to me directed aud de
livered, tiMin s Jiidiimetit rendried sud euterinl
in said court nu I he 'Mb day of Mcptemtxir, I",
in favor ol The Northern Counties Investment
lmt, l.lmllel, s corporation, plsliitlfT. st
sitalust Cecells Tsrlor. H H. Kins. N. H. Mi H
and I I . Ihomiwon, dcfeiidanta. for Ihesum of
Hven Hundred slid Heveii'y Thnw and IV III)
noiisra ann intermt inereon from lha lt rlsr
nl June, 1MI, st the rate ol eliihl iter rent wr
auiiuiii, and the further sum ol Thirty Dollars
posts, sud seeming- posts; which judKinent was
en ml Inl snd diM ketrd In the Clerk 's ofHi a of
nld court In said county on the i'l'h dsyol
i-e irniiMT, !".; snu, wiirresa, ny sain Inns
nieut II was ordered sud sdjudsel that tha
tollowliif drscrllHHl mortKasr.1 uroiiertr. to wit
I he Hon Hi half ol Ilia Norlhrsst uusrter. slid
Sorthrsst iiisrter nl Norlheatt iiiartrr Incept
Uin ai'res In a sinsrs lortn In tlie tio'lheaal
corner lhereif sud Houthr-ast qusrter nl Norlh-
est i(iirlrr nl Hntlon lu (1.0 In Township
(ins (I) North nf Hanss Twenty lira CA) Kad
W. M., I sold ! satl'ly said Judimrtit, costs
sun Si-criiun posts, l will, uii
Ssturdsy, Slat stay el Oclobsr, 1808,
si 2 o r. S H. M , ol i .1 1 day, at Ihs (runt diMir
ol Ihspourt house In Hrppner, Morrtiw CtuntT.
(in son. srll Ihs rls-hl. litis snd liitereal ol said
deleodsiiti Cacclls Isylor. s) t. Kltis. N. H.
JHi hv snd J. c lkomwn In snd In Ihs
lndr. rllM-d pMpvrty si I'lihlle Auction lo
lha IiIiiImH snd Imt i.Miier lor nun In hsnd
Ihs iirui-svdi In I spplltHl In the salUhu-tlon
nl Said esepulloll, Slid all costs Slid rMla UiSt
may axrrus K. U NA1IN K,
sheriff ol Morrow miiily, Orr(,,n
lavtpd this :ud day nl I h i. Is, 4MI nu.
Notlct of Intention.
Ltsn ( rtr i at La '!sr., nssons.
SeplemlHir 1 1 n. IM
vTi'K i iirRrnv i.ivrx that i ii k
' lollowllif nainetl settler has Sled not Irs
til her Intention tt tnsfcs Rltal wt la Stll'tetrt
nl her rlslm. snd Ihsl said tinml will ln msds
nefn-s niitity I lerh. nl Morrow County, at
ni ppier, iirmm, on ta-ittuet fifti, iwa, :
MsRY t V A I'll II AS, Mary J Henderson
II. K Ho.V, lot tl.s Nw. nmfl, la I a, H p
t. W, M
She names the fntlnwlnf with ns'l lo pfms her
eo'iiioiMMii mtiisura upou sud tultltstlna l,
aal'i laiei. n
Jtihn W.r.hall. Wllllant rHrrslt. Flmer (let)
tiy. Martin Aitdetson, sll nl Hxppner, irtHiiB.
aa R. w, wilvtiiN, rte(iu.
Nolle of Mention.
1.4 a (rrrit at I- taaiis. lmi
Nirru i nrnrnr imr. hut i A k
Mloamt tisnied settl.t has ItleH ttotltaitl
his Intention I ms total ttrttttf la sttprt
1,1st Isits. and that Said t-. alii snads bm-
inrw Ittelmttitr t lets ttf Mttrrnw to , Oraoti,
SI ll Mtrt. t na !ntttlttli, SI, U
luvm I Ult Oil.
Itott.eslxd .(.tll-.n Mo ! It if tt.s SFt
"'I."''!"1! "t"'!,
Ms etittirs ti,s loilowlns wlthesata sn ttrnv
bis ettotintottts otsldsnt'a urftn std rtjIttTstitta
trt said land. l
Jaa.rs W I !. Mat llnhes. lohnity !;!,
Istn astliis, ail tl"i .t. itraott.
i m ii r, Keatstrr.
ttin unr. "
hum Atvmnrti
At iinrr
it. lal U l.
rWeass ) at p ttt, f
inai! Ii i J..i,tt.s
r Oet J t
Wh.a eallli.a ..f hs I'O.fs !. as
Stttsrtue4 J r ilillt I' D
Motia of Mention.
IAtierri i ATiAt.siM.r
t lt l S.l.. la fcmt.t l.n thai
Ik ( Mid S,IH.r aaS 1 Drflrt4
a s It,'!.. 1., mmkm Lit, tuMtfitt M
ht st4 t't said Ml 1 sa-U
twl.-rs I. tt,tm.n t ...... l. I... v.t H Ika
I S I ltr.,H ..rt si (Writ, lrr'ttt, ntt
.t.rf a nH
M t ii..
i;t! ii )t m
S'S t-nf t i,S t. fcbi.S ;l tltSua
I.....1 . w.-.lt J.aw sf l', l.t
..- nf ' .t-.t, t.t.i..a, sf.tl fc a.h f
M (W tl l.
f !-l
UA swf'Stef.
i 4 m
The Best
SmoklngTobacco Mado
hi a be in
lias bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale S laughter Prices !
All wooleu goods, boots, hoes, overshoes, ete., are beiDg sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
Manager and Salesman.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Gilliam & Bisbee
We are not small men, lbs. We are email men, Xs.
we are not llis Largest Hauls in ifieWoiW!
But when the people ol all the surrounding country are in noed ol s
V Hardwsre, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Willowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cuinliorlaiul Coal, Oass and Water Pipe, I'lpe KlttliiKS, Htoves and Rsnnes, Wagons,
Hacks, BuKgits, Waiion Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Baws, Bledges,
Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
Iteware, Plows, Harrows, Hakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examiue our Qoodn and Qet Trices.
We have Good Goods at Pair Prices, and Cheap luhn Goods at Chcp John Prices.
GrlJi Li I A. JVL
to ILo
Do you know what this means ? This, that
here arc sixteen reasons why you should buy
your Groceries. Supplies and Gents' Furnish-
ngs at
for every one objection made against it. This
should decide the matter.' It docs. People
want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for
the smallest amount of money. Buy the best
when you can get it at the same figure paid for
an inferior article.
Old Stand, Main Street, near BobKrlck's.
.J . C. BOHCHKUS, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
wm : mm : fills i
Vouro IJOUX) to 'J'likn'JCm.
Lcnves No Con&tipntion,
t'araa It, at well as all lioar,w. Hits ll.aJasha aaj Malaria. TUa aly
0"HraTai a ill In ihs or 1 1. r1,, .j .tntf te .r atl by asailaa
l-wfl.rfff,, i.', s.t.lstf I. i. HtrMiM4 MIDICALOU.
Haa ftaaaiaan, Cat.
Tmk Lancasuiki: Insukanck Co.
m MANCintniKM, i:nii.anii
L I fiHtlsM, ItlAT. ..?.' tn tasa Isa 'Us. yt.rti,!
To Bo
Given Away
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
is r ham
You will find one coupon In
side each 2-ounce bag, and two
coupons inside each 4-ounce
bag. Buyabag, read the coupon
ana see how to get your share.
Business ill fcrf
R. BISHOP, Prop.
& 13ISB3SE.