Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 16, 1896, Image 2

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    KepuDilcan Ticket.
For President,
william Mckinley,
Of Ohio.
For Vice President,
01 New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GEER. of Marlon County,
S. M. YORAN, of Lane,
E. L. SMITH, of Wasco,
J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah.
Speakeb Heed will visit Cali
fornia the laet week of the cam
paign and make speeches in that
state for protection and prosperity.
A Dm
David B. Hill, senator of New
York, makes the statement that
McKinley will carry that state by
150,000. Mr. Hill understands the
situation there very thououghly
and bis words in this connection
have a great deal of weight
Cleveland's majority in Georg-
4 rn f " l r )
la in loyss was oi,uoo. ine demo
crats claim to have carried the
state by 36,190. That reminds us
of Maine.only in the case of Georg
ia a minus sign should precede
the statement of the gain
loss is only 44,866. let Senator
Butler says the outlook for Bryan heard of it
DUolar His Kaawladge of
tb Blbl.
Abashed at nothing, a commercial
traveler in the south once propounded
a qnestion to a couple of clergymen
whom he encountered on a railroad
train, which illustrate how easily a
man may be tripped on a simple little
"catch" problem.
The drummer entered into a conver
sation with the ministers and enter
tained them amazingly with his bril
liant conversation, touching men and
affairs. Gradually the topics changed,
until at last the talk was of Dr. Tal
mage and his visit to the Holy Land.
"Speaking of the Holy Land," said
the graceless commercial man, 'l was
was quite interested to read in a New
York paper recently that a party of
explorers in Palestine had discovered a
huge heap of bones, which, from their
size and quantity, are supposed to be
of the children which Herod ordered
killed. They were found in a cave
which had been closed for centuries,
The which accounts for they- preservation."
"Indeed!" replied one oi tne clergy
men, . much interested. "I had not
It is certainly a surprising
In endeavoring to bolster up
their cause popocratic orators and
papers do not hesitate to garble
the utterances of the dead. They
and free silver is much better than
it was ten days ego. This is one
of the senator's grim jokec The
Dalles Chronicle.
"Yes," continued the drummer, "and,
oddly enough, while nearly half of the
bones are bleached white, the rest were
as black as ebony."
"Remarkable," ejaculated the clergy
man who had already spoken, while
the other looked at the drummer sus
piciously. "What is your theory," he continued.
"Do you think it possible that the
bleached bones could be of males, and
Says the Chicago Inter Ocean:
"In one of hisjspeeches in Virginia
Mr Brvan said: 'Feonle can have
try the same game on the living. jugt R8 good a dollar ag they wantf JSJJS
They took sentences trom one ot becaU8e dollars are creatures of "Possibly," replied the more com-
Blaine's speeches to prove be was law aml vou can determine the munica"'e clergyman. "I am not an
1 1 b tli t th ueiermiue me lnatomist) however, and can't say what
for lo to l, wnen iney Knew tne purchasing power of a dollar when effects long exposure has on the bones
speech was against that idea. determine the number of dol- of he seJte8-" 4-
They gave up that game and jars. you want dollftr8 dear 3
are now trying to make it appear maje tnem 8Carce and they will be you think it possible that the white
that McKinley was a free silver dearer.' He might have truth- . 3V.
16 to 1 man but that he suddently fany added the dollar now is as is the problem that now excites the dis
changed his views. The Toledo d 89 th le fc But he eorerera"
T(l,la Ar, nna nnAh mart bv , . r, K ..A. . . "Really," replied the other, "I don't
uiav r - j aia noi. i is ids cnance io earo Ur w. )ii unnrtnut t
Major McKinley at Niles, Ohio, .tne dollar' the people want the white bones may be of the male
August 23, 1891, in which he said: The fact9 ftre there wa9 never
"I am in favor of the double more monev in the countrv than reached their destination and left the
itandard, but I am not in favor of noWi Dollars are dearer, and tfailV Ju8t as w.as tmo7In?,ofl.
the free and unlimited coinags of ,BCarce for the DeoDle. because of "he. wh,r thst iZ
ilverinthe United States, until the lack of confidence. Capital is he hand of one a card' "P00 whlch
the nations of the world shall waitiDg A private letter received 1M suggest that you
join US in guaranteeing to Sliver y te jnter Ocean from a party read your IHbles hereafter with greater
a status wmcn weir laws now in the state of Washington says: ld hii kZ to to bibta
accord to gold. The double stand- ,The $200,000 of trust funds we only were ordered slain by Herod."-
ard implies equality at a ratio, and huve decided not to ioan untii the N- Y- nrM.
that equality can only be establish- re8Uit of the eicct10n j8 Been. he DOCTORS IN MEXICO.
ed by the concurrent law of pre80Dt conditions is deplorable, it u a sPiendi.i rtaee tor nuins u
nations. It was the concurrent but wa mut WRlt anil honfi for m Know. th. nop..
i m.i i n, ,l.,V1 An Amencau doctor wno nas taken
law of nations that made the double botter things. Six weeks from P his residence in Mexico i. now in
standard; it will require the con- I10W we cnn better estimate how Houston, Tex-. visiting his former
current law of nations to reinstate ,,, tn 011,.n fnri(i f.?en.dl,, , H.e ,ha!, be?orae
... u " muxicanizeu in nis uress tuu utucr-
tm Xobla-HMrtcd OlrU Who Tmfi th
Horror ef a Murder.
They were sisters, these two, at the
moment in awful peril, and they were
alone in the house in their extremity,
says the Free Press.
"Here," said the elder one, handing
her sister a deadly-looking dirk, "is a
knife. Bethink you you can use it?"
"I bethink me I can," replied the
younger girl with chattering teeth,
"but oh, Celeste, is there no way but
She had read "Virginius."
"None; methinks I hear him move."
"S'do I. He is struggling to escape."
"Open the cellar door cautiously. I
have oiled the hinges. I will Btand
here and hold the light. Courage, brave
girl! HiBt! I can hear him stir."
"Now may the fates defend us,"
whispered the girl with the knife, "and
save me from a death ignoble. What
vital part shall I strike, Celeste?"
"Give it to him in the neck, ouster.
But soft, is yonder light the jocund orb
of day, and has the night faded into
"Nay, that is the electric lighton the
corner which has just showed its hand.
I go now to kill him. Yes, I have said
it, to k-k-kill him!"
The brave, heroic, beautiful girl
plunged down the stairs into the
opaque semi-darkness, and in a moment
a terrific shriek Celeste at once rec
ognized the brand told that all was
"Are you bringing him up?" asked
the girl at the head of the cellar stairs
In a voice alike on both sides. -
"Yes by hand," came the ghostly
The next moment he was dropped on
the floor, and the sisters threw them
selves into each other's arms, while
shriek after shriek clove the purple dis
tance of the night.
They had murdered a mouse.
Of the National Bank of Heppner at
Heppner, in the State of Oregon,
at the close of businesst,
Oct. Clh, lsno.
Loans and discounts $ 3,46194
Overdrafts secured and unse
cured 5,474.68
U. S. bonds to secure circulation,....-
Stocks, securities, etc 6.039.18
Bankiughouse, furniture, & fix. 2,509. 30
Due from National Banks
(not Reserve Agents) 3,550.50
Due from state b&nks and
banker 322 48
Due from approved reserve
agents 1,581.20
Checks snd other cash ilem. . 255 54
Fractional paper currency,
nickles, and cents.... 7.00
Specie.... $ 635.25
Legal-tender notes. 200.00 835.25
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per oent. of cir
culation) 562.50
He h anythin. In this Uao thatyon ' " yU 60t '
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing Specialty.
1,002 84
4 i TT J i i I
ana sustain it. unui men lor us Xlje i)(Ujka i.ere are VAtD the wise.
to decree the free and unlimited im. :J "Huw do you like it In Mexico?"
mu l.r ..:t.,. . . . . . . . ' . asKfd one oi ms irienus.
gom lUou.lu.-. tuero, and in plenty, for all the -it's a fine country for a doctor."
oruaiu U1M our Biivor uonars ,,, nf ,, rmrmln Tt io ItrvMi "I shouldn't think you would like to
would surolv demeciate. and cold ...... i.: .i. i i.'i :Jt your lot in such an out-of-the-way
- . , ouu ijib nuiiuiwin wiitj utivu buui ill niUii '
... r
would no to a
Walla Union.
premium." Walla
up in vaults and made it tempo
rarily useloaH."
Thr I jniiiny of the lmk.
We will suppose tbut your oflouimtion
is "HiicnlHry tlmt you are chained, so to
ipcsk to the dtnk in anrue oouuting
tKiime, or pxrlmps to the loom in some
vnitt null wliorn yon sre compelled lu
Uhiir from nuiruing till niylit. Hnndiiy
is your only dsy of relsiHtion. You re
turn lioniH cvnry evrnlng wesriml meu
tally and bodily. Your beslth and
I -. i f:i. ti'L.fc :ii .
m m . ... IPirPllUIII IH'UIU ttlll VVIIItl W UltlBl
prooi oi mil ll is ouiy necessary rfrotiully r.cuix-raie your vital energy?
torefertoMr. Hryau's tariff record weinhi of evidence points to no
. , . i otber eiiioliiaun thso that Hosteller's
lUCongrPHU, uunuK uie unui e- Htotnaoh Milters U yonr salfal, roost re-
perionce there as a member of the !''! tnfi anchor. Use it persistently
ani voiir pyairm win whiii rriiaiii iih
lu uoiiiinatmi! W.J. JSrynn as
unmofratio cuuduiale lor prPHi
dout, the doiuooriitic party hns
forced to the front the issue of
protection Beaiuut free trade. As
bouse of representatives.
Mr. Bryan is an out and out free
trader, lie was dissatisfied even
with the original Wtlxon bill be
fore it received the six hundred
amendment that finally enabled
its paasage through the senate.
He regard 'a tariff ot 10 per cent
levied purpoeely fur protection." as
Iwiog "just as indefensible as a
tarifl of a thousand pr cent." Of
the original free trade W.Ihou bill
Lais id; "I think the dutios all
the way through this bill are high.
r than necHary." Hut, low as
they wore, be viewed it as a "stop
ia the right direction." lie also
eat J: " I am fr free wool."
Again: "I believe in free iron ore."
"Again: "The doty on coal is in
defensible." Thene brief quotations will en
able all friends of protection to
appreciate the immient danger to
every American waga-earner and
every American industry that
would arise through the eWtion
of Mr. Uryan to the presidency.
I'ayallup Commerce,
INK acroe in t anun irulay
evening alen the inarch was niavle
to the McKinley reeidcc
ard darirg the dninonstration
following by the Fhenandoah val
Uy visiUirs was one which tiai
never been equalled ter. It was
a eight each a fall to the lot of
man. ordinarily, t but one in a
lifetime. The msoifcst pleaaare
tf the visitor w shown from
tb time they reached this city
until they trf The lnwpitality (
Canbiniac lolowe la
worthy manner t Ulh given an I
reoeivera And the masterly, in
epiritig a-l IrfM delivered by Itfjr
prlatine vitfor. Kvery fdiiotum will re-
oeivn a hfaltlifnl impnlae. There is do
leineily lo equal the Hitters for nervous
nrM and waul nf slerp, dyspepsia, eon
atiiiation an I liiliontmaa. It averts and
rcmeilips all form of malarial disease,
ami is a preventive t rbeomatism aoil
A Htg Party.
Tbe repnhliorn parly Is bin parly.
It is parly of brains, ability sod im
mense resource.
Il bs rsiipletl with and fettled all
the area! question of th sg. and It
will roDlinu lo woik and in along the
sin line.
Th republican party I big enough
oJ be ability tnougb lo ttl tb
silver (juration, and it will do il in good
Dm ml d ) it well sod for lb beat I.
Ureal of si I.
No republics i jualidml, acooool
of th s'lver erase, in leaving bi psrlyi
breoniing popnver sul uteriog tb
mpollli anarebist whom b bs
berelofor bl good resaon to besrllly
Hneb misgmded men will mw lh
error ol tlx If way.
Tb lrliottoo, Wii, Jnarnsl says
edllonslly of popalsr bsteet neltain:
"V know from eiperieoe thai Cbaa
brUia' (Vie, Cooler nl tharrboe
llrmedy I all Ibat it elaime.1 lr II, a
oa lee oreasinn it (topped f icrurtallng
pains and poeaibty ved from a ud
lirorly grave. W woal.l no I real easy
over atll witboat II ia lb bone,"
Tt remedy nsdoabtedly ve more
pal sod ulTrring I ha any oth aaa,.
elite in tb wnrtd. Every family eboald
keep ll la lb bouse, for II I r to b
ihw.I4 eoooar or Isle, for al by
t'ubarr k Itrink.
"I know tliere are objections to an
American living in Mexico, but, as I
said, for a doctor it ia the best country
in the world."
'How so?"
"You sec, If you manage things ritfht
you are never blamed, no matter
whether the patient gets well or not"
"How do you arrange it?"
"Very simply. If a patient Is sick,
no matter whether he is seriously 111 or
not, I always tell his friends to send
for a priest and have him prepared for
"Hut how does that help you?"
"In thia way: If the patient die
everybody says: 'What a good doctor
that American ia; he knew from the
very start that the patient was going
to die, and bow considerate the doctor
was to send for a priest and have the
poor man' spiritual interest looked
"Hut suppose the patient gt well
How then?"
"If th patient recovers hi friends
say: 'What a capabl physician that
American doctoi 1. Th poor patient
wa In th last eatremtty; th priest
bad even been called In to prepare him
for death, and yet th Amorlcan doctor
saved him. Ho, you see, in either event
I'm solid with the people, and conse
quently I hav splendid practice."
Taa Hitting.
1 Wllllan's Mute IMaa.
"I don't want to Injur no man's
business," said Wandering William, a
b entered th barroom and leaned
gracefully against th rail, "but I do
think that tber ought to b an Invee
ligation a to tb true character of th
Ingredient used In making alcohol I
liquor. I tear that there's adul'eraot
being used. If this Is so some on
should let th public know, to protect
them la the on raa or to render them
free from fear of barm la tb other.
Now," b continued, pulling a 01 Bask
out of hi purket, "foe thee reason I
hall be willing to accept from yow a
mall sample of your beat good foe tb
purpose of subjecting It to aaalala,
"They' aabe oa tb doorstep." said
th bartender, kindly, a be SaUbed
tb ejection, "but louk out that yo
don't slip on th
It Was Made of Wood and Ita Kay was
Remarkably Large.
In the "History of Nineveh and Its
Palaces," by Joseph Uonomi, we find a
description of perhaps the oldest lock
ever discovered, says Hardware. It
was used in securing this prates in om
of the palaces of Khorsabnd. In dc
scribing this ancient piece of hard
ware, if such terms may be applied to
wooden locks, he says: "At the end of
the chamber, just behind the first bulls,
was formerly a strong gate of one leaf,
which was fastened by a large wooden
lock, like those still used in the cast,
of which the key is as much as a man
can conveniently carry, and by a bar
which moved into a square hole in the
"It is to a key of this description
that the prophet probably alludes
'And the key of the house of Pnv'.d
will I lay upon his shoulder,' and it is
remarkable that the word for key in
this passage of Scripture, 'muftaV is
the samo in use all over the etist at flu
present time. The key of an oriiinur;,
street door is commonly thirteen oi
fourteen inches long and the key of
the gate of a public building or of a
street oc of a quarter of a town is two
feet or more in length.
"The iron pegs nt one end of the
piece of wood correspond to so iniiny
holes in the wHde n bar or bolt of the
lock, which when the door or g1e is
shut cannot he opened until the key
has been inserted and the impediment
to the drawing back of the bolt re
moved by raising up so many iron pins
that fall down into holes in the
bur or bolt corresponding to the peg in
the key."
This description mid others of a cor
roboratory character prove that this
form of lock mid key win in use in
Kgypt four or five thoiisund years, dur
ing which extended period of time il
does not apienr to have undergone any
successful ehnngc.
Total 8 87,349.17
Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00
Surplus fund 10,000.00
Undivided profit-), less expen
ses and taxes paid
National bank notes outstand
ing Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits eubjeot
to check 2,160.84
Demand certificates of de
posit 1,725.18
Bills payable 10,614 67
Total $ 87,349.17
State op Oregon, )
County of Morrow, f '
I, Ed. B. Bishop, Cashier of tbe
above-named bank, do solemnly pweor
that the above statement ia true to tbe
best of my knowledse and belief.
Ed. R. Bishop, Cashier.
8ubcribed and sworn to before me
this 14th day of Ootober, 1896.
H. T. Baolet,
Notary Publio for Oregon.
Correct Attest : Wm. Penland, O. E.
Farnswortb, E. D. Rood, Direotors.
..TmwK, xJO I Ou vva.ui a xviu ;
, ?IS -TTf.l UUI1 L IUU VVdlll d a ici
.rtarti-ir.. isUi
Put nn Your learn :
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
The American Wmf at r Vlna; Tham Vr
aua Ilia Civrinin.
rVvcrsl of the male nu-iulM-r of the
opera company nl at tlu hiitnc tabic In
the SU. t'luirc hotel. Another ifcntlc
man was friven a s-at at the oaim
tab It aceniH that at dinner oncdiiv
be ordered Saratoga chip potato'n nmi
when they were served be iM'jrun est
ln(f them with bis finifcrn. The othern
looked on in amazement and an lw
Iran talking in (ierman elxuit the im
propriety of the actl'Mi. They eppiic I
a numWr of pet names to him, prinoi
clpal amonff which was the American
hi nf. One of them thought the thinly
sliced potatoes looked (rood, ao he or
dered soma nd when they came pro
ceeded to tack I them with his fork.
II msde alMtut as rood a job of it a
he would had be tried to eat his aonp
with the same Implement, but by this
tlm the supposedly ill-bred Ain.-rlcati
bail fl niahed, and fter waU-Mn with
amuaemeat th antlca of the other,
who had to da conaldcrahle J'U'ifHn to
land th potato la hla mouth. roaud
In leaving' said in very good lirrmait'
"Pardon me, gentlemen, hut If you will
eat thoa potatoes with your finger. a
th AmerU-ana do, yon w ill And It touch
llowlnjr politely, hs departed, lee
lag tb Oerman dumfoumled.
If Troubled With Rheumatism Ursa This.
Annapolis, Md., Apr. 16. 1894. I bave
used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu
matism and found it to be all that is
claimed for it. I believe it to be tbe
best preparation tor rheumatism and
deep seated muscular psins on tbe mar
ket and cheerfully reoomtnend it to the
public. J no. U. Brooks, dealer in boots,
shoes, etc., No. 18 Main St.
Mechanicsviile, St. Mary Co, Md. I
sold a bottle ot Chamberlain's Pain
Balm to a man who bad been snffdrina
with rheumatism for severs) years It
made him a well man. A. J. MnOn.L
For sale at 50 oents per bottle by Couser
ft Brock.
Harnett Bros. vs. Rrarh.
Justice Richardson again took up the
cae yesterdsy io his court in which
Barnett Bros., of Lexington, posed ac
plaintiffs snd E. R. Bench, a reverend
divine, aod Karl Bi hcIi, of tbe same
plaoe, figured ss ricfendnuts. This casr
whs onlled for bearing on tbe Cih inst.,
with H. T. Baiiley representing Barnett
Bios, and Mr. Bescb defending his own
Tbe day was spent in wrangling over
the pleadings and submitting snd argu
ing motions and deranrrers. Mr. Beach's
answer whs flunlly disposed of snd be
was given until yesterday io wbioh to
employ oonocil suJ appear in court lu
proper stale. Tb action was brought
lo recover the small turn of f 15 but tbe
reverend gentlemen sought to flhl
rstber thao pay what proved to be n
bonesl debt. Judgment wa rendered
fur tb full smoout prsjred for, jester
dsy, by Judy Richardson.'
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Mam Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
These gentlemen arc well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook, Gilliam and other counties
and cau save money and time in making these tectioui with traveling men.
Price in keeping with the times.
He Coaiforlalile w'klle Traveliag
Io owl weather. The Union PsciGc
system bests its train Ihtoogboot by
steam beat from lb engine, Ibu Disk
ing avery part ol all it ear pieman
eud CoBifortkble. It also lights Its rare
by lb Celebrated l'lolach Light tnakiu
them brilHant st night. FseeeDgsr
carried daily oo lh (sat mall. Fo
sleeping ear reservations, ti krta, or In
formation, call on or sldrea R V
Baiter, Oeo. Agl., 13i Third 81,, Port
land, Oregon.
jM mmwKFfrm "!""""assa.
Don't buy your Bucks until you
see the Full Blooded and Grade
Delaine Merinos from the Cunning
ham band, of Pilot Rock, which will
soon be in Heppner. Prices and
terms to suit purchasers.
J I)
1)1 IN
LA mo
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH.
Mr. Bailer speaks.
Following lb grand republic so rsll
I tb oper bona on Tneadsy kfieroonu,
at 7 A) ia lb evening II. o. N. L. Ilmler,
dempop1UI caodidal fur preeldeotial
elector alJfeaaal Isrg t.llenee l
lh tain pise. II held forth for two
boar or more, trying In rsstieer to
Dwer otue of tb rgnunt prod nee I
Sy Hnlr aiitcliell end endev,Kiiig lo
show ear pe pi that lb oily policy
tbal will rtstor pr ajenty lolbie nation
is that represented aod promalgt4 by
Mr. Hrjao, lb pli f dr Ita U,
Ire silver nd fre rl, and i'taJed lo
VOU knOW CoffcC is USCtl ktJ of iUtr. no. Hat lit. ItutWr,
fresh - roasted. Tea oudit 'm J ,k''' V' V?
tt Uu...ll.. ImmMaa ka. MBI Ihkl bail
iow pai inn you i . . t , . ....
ik."-Chlcar 1U 10 DC (Or thC SaillC reason t ititl 4 into m end.eee by Ibe
-trir ticfr fteti'H pV' f-r II. republleaa
lalu 1 , 1. 1 1. ....
T.J,..,- - . .aJ are the Only tCl- il.l It U ,,t r.H.og It oo .re lo
ai-e ll,.t B-tae aaa-.si... I. fifW umrW in tfu Itnlteo "M Mr. tHe'e .ldr. ot.lv Id
" - , w " " i ...... .l . . . ' , r . ... . . v. .V . I . it , ,l I -.4
It II k. ..M..L.Ia mA I . . aiiragiti i
firlne works in the United M.M
frL It eon Id b aptronnaWlf Maedlt-... -.. r " "
Tb.rHIreM H.Wr-lUa.PUlC5i A
eualty larg tariet; f bdo alw3VS ffCsh-fircd When it
. ..... -L '
Iksnk AsasaSMet.
Tb eaoal Mvie ill b oJaete.l
In lb II . II ebuerh Itnalb o ll
Jar, the lib leal.
Tbe kiorntsg !, mil be devoted
lo tb tviaat oary , s. lit I
fooe4 I f ebaieU ofae. All
re litf ile.1.
Oa WJaJsa l I'ihiUuJ tl grsad
!! K. i f P. eleeie Trt Oliver.
MfKtt.ley (o reepniia to tb rorJ ' I. Ilraexl. (iaa.l t.cUer, On 1'al
ball 4 eluf Mlell tasaida r
eepllo. d !. IbMlr 4 lkl
roelaaaa. ilb p ot etiUr' gar
lot all tarp. Ne la)(
oats, rpe 4 aiilliry; Mrty !
buadrad lllealraiioe I all. Tb drv
lug r Ueotllally 4oe, h-
leg lil tbea 1 nf other fubio )or
al. Tb tl r kaaJ fr nao.UU
bf tUbeet boua I I'srl. A Uliog
f.alar f tb wsgvtlo I It ieeial"
palter Imi4 eaefc enuaik, tail
el mlUk r sold tl Sboal lb M
of lb I f-e U.r r I'" lb)
eeela earb).
Tb Msgai! Is ol4 l 35 Mil bf
all e dlr. Ib4 lb tral of
leaves our hands.
Afct,ttfej a ra,
Ilia eouaty. nd I b a did II '
4 I eh-ekli lb lieKtbler II le Ibst
ill a"eap the 'lr elate o M f . 3
Tb Oaverement la ell Supplied with
Kellable Map.
Avaathut fascinating problem con
fronts Rusfila on Iter Chinese frontier
problem whleh cannot be disposed of
In on or even two frenerations. No
power, however, knows better how to
wait than Ilusaia. Time Ison her side,
and as the necewary preliminary to all
wine action ia knowledge, the ItusHian
general staff has Wen making the full
est us of the opportanltie which
trestle afforded to gain accurate In
formation concern Ing the Chines ter
ritories and everything appertaining
mere to.
Not a corner of th w hole empire,
ave wht comes within th "sphere of
Influence" of the French, but has been
Intcrvcted by Ruaaian government ei
plorrrs and armed expedition during1
me pt nirty year.
These explorer. Include boUntats
and geologist, of course, but the u.lli
Ury expert and the skilled Wtpographer
re ine animating auul of Uiea expe
ditions. Oocsslonsl glimpe Into their pro
ceeding ar allowed to th world, but
every fact of mlliury or political sig
nificance Is carefully conserved loth
rehire of th Russian Intelligence
The minute Information concerning'
all the norther and western terrtto
rlea of China, which la now In th po.
kewlon of tha Hnssian uff. I not only
auch as no other power pmwe. but
is lncmiparatilv anperior to anything
in the han.la of th t hlnea govern
ment Itself.
Ilertee It I that whenever question
of houndarle arise Russia 1 prepared
with el Wat map of th. rrglon. to
which Cub baa not only nothing to
oppo. but which aba la not ever able
frill fur Bel r Trade.
James Hsger bs fin lot of frail,
oonaisting ot fait and winter pples,
wbioh be offers tor sal at on oent per
Donnd. lie will lo socert in eicbsng
for earne poets, wood or wheat, delivered
at bis pi ee four miles abov IJeppoer.
Those desiring fruit should confer with
bio. tf.
"It i immatfrtaU in my jtulament,
vhrthrr thi eheep gmvrr receire any
benelf from the tariff or not
H'fier h dor or doe not I am for
frrt yntol." Extract from Bjwtch of
W.lluim J. vrpan is IM 1 1 out o tirp
rfntatitt vhrm th H'tfeon fcif ri
H niter coniidrrotion.
Throngh tram on (b O. K & N. will
run via. Umatilla, Wall Wall and
Pendlelon. Through sleepers, first Md
eoood claaa, will run io eooueolloo with
tb Uoi'.n rc'fia, tb earn a hereto
fore. A Ibmngh firat el sleeper Port
land lo rko, ftoenecting with tb
flralelaae leepof to Bt. I'aol, aod m
throngh tonilal sleeper Porttsad to Hi.
rsnl, will run lo ooectmo with in
Oreal Nottbaro rati way. tt
a eaaatsa.
i,o qwUkly flttn make the
wheel of trad go rnnndt 10 Ilill
delpbi trolley ear dlrnalfi th ohet
daf to an aald: "Ye, my bnpther'i
mill la busy. II ha order f.r o
tboasaitd fiv hundred piece ahead,
Sd b make threw thousand thrw
buadiTd and thy yard day! tit
um rrtitiJiii km ir rtnlk $vm a
yr go IUU w.mUI acoreely ksv Wees !
oa It. Vul tUe urwvM afMiot of
CitB esrd flW tw at I !?! f nat t
f U ("mrtlrtt.lt, tn Sag JHil.JtHrmt
trktlhtr Iht tktrp grourr reerirfe Mag
hraf ma fAe far or :4
tt ktthtr kt At pr nof I am
ftf ir.,l "- , t tract fmm th eel rtf
It J Hrw tn lu Ae ffMe nf ;e
eearsf'tfirs- ir a (A tt i.' (off
k.f e roaai-lrruftosi
Urxl Uffwaa a frnrl
t)ieae4 b''-l. et Immi, ( l 1 . 1-
I sw's tkav
W effet Ooetlqsdred LMIsr lUasrJ
f,i say ea ef rtrrb ILsl ro b
eared by tlsll'e CtUrtb Cur.
f. J CiT A Co. Prop.,
Toleda, Obi.
We, Ibe oadetslaned, bate ! F.
J. Oteoey f.r lb ll yetra, a4 ba
ilee bin Ui b rwifeetlf booneaLI to ail
bast lraeiit 4 fieaaeisllf
lliiel for !-ft) fin Uarloo bnckij
Oiford ersle. Bcqnlr of U E.
Faroawurlh. tt
TH UTMT Ttl.rjt
Mr. M. U KliUr, lh Ueppor
milliner, bs ut reid large aoj
com plt tin of th lateet tyl fall od
Inur bsts l.leb b will 11 t onet.
laleodthg prbaer eboald lt Sod
th fabkiabl diapUy ot their
erliaet enorecltcre. el
Welt. Tbomtno rno stag Wlweoo
Htpir d kjonunietil, arriving evaey
dsf eieept MiMiday aod leaving every
day eteepl rineday, HbrxUal and ebeap
mi rnte to th tefur. Oioeae A
Broel, !.
i ' ll lo lrry out sey bllslo s ol
b Kff t'4-ver Hjt Tt. Fi il by i 7 '
vlel A Trl. wb..la; It(te,
Wsidieg. Kiea A Matvi, Wholeesl
J", mm - , m m T '-a l''''. Tl l Ohio.
rf Ui Vlrcinio S" 'V,1''; r 'VVI. lUo ewOr. Wk .1 th J.rt of rwo UM 1' iUlUhi , II. I faUrru ' te t.. li.r..
f UmklDj wtMh ,t.b,et.i.. A aro4 reeeriM , k , . I i ;,. .1 ...,r Ul.si eU ' M ' -" r M I ae..e ) e4 lb. .yt. pneo'
M Llehfeaib! I lb I4 todbyof
lb Heppner people ed laep ealy lh
beat aree f f Ui nd kne. rt hs
4 la otbr aoUaso. a.
T aSaekSkeo.
i mbi ar nw4 ao 4lr er See
ny M.k ! Ik Ia4 at tk vdergse,
ti ik yi V. I t if twHk
M mm Ml. I M I 1 t-f
a. MtA
I 4kkM a.
gWe4 aoogl)
I e H
i tt Well A)