OFFICIAL PAPElt A LARGE NUA1BER.... Of Morrow County's citizens read tlte Heppner Gazette. Abf much of an authority on agriculture or poli tics, but true to the interests of its neighbors. - FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW . COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1896. WEEKLY NO. 711 1 SEMI-WEEKLY NO 4!. A HOT NUA1BER- e- Ia f 7w Heppner Gazette. Without it the Heppner hills would appear dry and barren. People read it; business men advertise in it. SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. PCBMBHKI) Tuesdays and Fridays BY ' VRE PATTERSON POBUSBIXS COilFAM. OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON, , .-. Editor Business Manager At $2.50 per year, $1,25 for six months, 75 ots. tor three moncns. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER ia kept on file at E. C. J lake's Advertising Agency, Hi and 65 Merohiinta Exchange, Ban Francisoo, California, where cox raota for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leave Heppner 10:44 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Arrive 5:00 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 1:11 a. m.; east bound 1:33 a. m. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 7:45 p. m. and 9:10 a. in.; going west, 4:30 p, m. and 6.15 a.m. OETT01A.Ii DIBECTOBT. tutted State Official. President G rover Cleveland Vioe-Preeident Adlai Btevenson Secretary of State liiohard 8. Olney Beoretary of Treasury John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior ,...K. B. Francis Heoretary of War Daniel S. Lament Kenretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William L. Wilson Attorney-Oenoral Judtton Harmon Secretary of Agriculture j. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. governor..... W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Meteohan Bapt. Pubho Instruction R. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idlnman Benatora W; McBnd. Congraesmen j wifterEUim,U,,' Printer . .'.W. H. Leeds . , (B. 8. Bean, Supreme Judge I F, A. Moore, f C. . Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Jndge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H, . . . Morrow Countj Officials. Joint Senator A, W. Gowan KepreeentBtive. J. N. Hrown (!'unty Judge A. G. Hariliolomew ' Omraiseioner J, It. Howard J. W. Beckett. " 4'lerk. J.W.Morrow " Sheriff K. L. Matlock " Treasurer Frank tiillisui " Assewor J. V. Willis " Hurveyor. J. W, Hornor " Hnhool BuD't Jar W. Sli niev " Coroner i). F. Vaughan BEPPNttt TOWN OmoiR. Mayor .Tlin. Morgan C "tncllmen R. 8. Horner. K. J. Hloonm, Frank llngor, Uco. Couwr, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor. Kesirder F. J. Hallock Treasaners K, L. ywUid llarahal A. A. Ki.twrts Precinct OBI er. Justice of the Peace W. K. ltirlianlaon ( unstable N. 8. Whetstone Cnlted Bute Unit Officer. tui mum, ob. J. t. Moor H..itr A. 8. Higga Itecniver LA (tSAKDK, OR. B. F. Wilson Kcl-Ir J. H. Kohhin Hocaiver BECBIT BOOIXTIES. KAWU.N8 POST, NO. II. 0. A. n. Moot at Lexington, Or., the last Halorday of oeh month. All veteran are invited to loin. C'C. Hnn. uso. W. rtaiTH. Adintant, tf 1 D. J. McFaul, M. D. OI'PICK At Mrs. H. Welch's Residence. Might telephone rotmwtlon alih the I'aiart Hotel. E. L. FREELAND, ca COLLECTIONS, w!tc INSURANCE, ABSTRACTS. U. S. LAM) COMMISSIONER. Land Filing and Final Proofs Taken. STLNOGRlPUEB. JiOTlRV I'l'ELIC icxrnrzii. ojccit. Rational BanK oi MW. . rtMLAHO. r.D. ft. BISHOP. rmKWat. Caabler. TM.NUCTS i GLMULl BiftlNS ECSXNESS COLLKOTIONH Mab a favorable Tana. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD u eit x eh. u orkoon Oolario-Burns Siije lice a, r i BOBKS-GHHYDH STH5EUHE M. WIUUMI, P pp. OSTAUKhllUnS'H Lr INreta ttai a mm. I five kl ()htft tf Mjr. Sinqle Fore S7.DO. Round Trip $10.00 flUIl.S'S-CASYOS m ar4aMf Se4 ? Ufill)H , b4 ifmvAi U hurt f?v 7antcdln Idea SrH p . r Just Received ! -IV ViV 'JLV ' We have just received a Large Line of Ladies' and Misses Jackets and Capes In First National Bank OF IIKITNElt A. A. Rhea, RHEA. W. CONSER, SPENCER, President Vie President - Cathlor Asa't Cashier GCO. Is. W, Trawls a General Baiiliti; EiHucsi On all parts o( the world Houirh t and Sold. C'lllertloii made on all points on reasonable Term. Harpl'" and undivided I'mtlts, ;IS.00 00. tTora RAMo. Wlil! ro ap yaw aheerlpUuii beiil p yr a kip yoarbmnj in freeof ehart. V. O.. M..fnf. (r-H'm, riotlifl nouljari eattla. eaiae on left bit. I'hsi ln. H., Hardman. Or.-Il"r (wmn4l ioertM hip- '! hnuwlt ihm wm, Alau brand 4 1 tn boroa l'ht ihlahi ea'tie farendna rtht atwieldw, and cl uf as4 l rth ear. w I all la. tmmmim rurtil htp: mmf Mk eqaare fip a9 Ufl aiMl tltt la nh t. D.lM. W .CtalWnrat, n.-4lMtK !" rUtil aU. amalM-lMk I aaca Mti i rn. U on lH bin. vi. n - - - -' ' " - am alaill, eettle ws urn Uriblp. but i nt. ear. flnranMk L. A- lUptHMT. nr4'uio, l.t mm rtch In pi bnrMsi iib bar mftm m riabl tmekW. Jnaaa, Hanr. Hit. Ur-Nneaaa Sradd H 1 wm iba Ml bra xtM i m rgbl Kip. ala ead4iil ia Ml aar, liaace ia M.-rira anaaiy. 4br, fall. Ia. (V.-Hiiwm. HiWT kn ausi aatila. mm aa fbi bin, aadat ball la nM .! Uit UHmt Rer. Miba, II . ff -Wrmm ImwmU4 III n bA bta wiiaaMai mtm mt kH laalialwiW.M ! nwa nr. I I. eaiua . netil aa4 yi l,inllm fob la t ft a a4 s- la riM Unaaa na b1 mtf. liwaa M iral ana! tftaa. 'aa. tnt.Or.m L. a bt aa aaxia ne a4 as4i aa) rtarM aar. Nrwan aw braa4 vm raft eaaJh. Maaa line) Uf. J. W. Hvi. tr - M 1 1 wn Waadae t.aa4 k t1 ab.4art ta am aa lafl bip. aaHaa ri(i ar. tbe aiM l raM aaf Mtar". tama. waptaa rr..4 attia, P aa rUMai.,baa a " aS.HilAaf. MnfTw, a Hiiav, l - Hiaa, M ) aa M abMl-tai aauta aawaa aA bip. ai.ta. t. W . I .-.' it i IkmII aa M aKnalari aaU a.aa mm rM h.p. rwkat A Uaaaaai. 14 a tn aa.l Mar If a ru-f.i II .!'''. Ma, 1 1 ana. aaria4 a kaH a K aaa laf bip, act- b( la aab aar. i .. $, . Iiaaaae. 4 -His. IQ at Ufl aaa.ilf. ( atl, l Hb4 kip, 4k,an r 4t. H-inaat. t - f'attla I' aa la .p Mn -'y aa4 a-iaa ! tm lafl fakt, aWWp-. kjaaa ( kafl aak.4ar TV-ata. i A, Hataa IK MM a W a. H aa la, I aa lafl atoaiMa Tl'M N W lfaaa, aia Wl t kn aVaa.4 b law- atia sum aa aW b a 'b au,i ia mm Vaw, 14. M . I fV . N t -a-4 aa k- M.aa, aa aaa aaartar ar a IW aa aKa,iar mu a-aat a aMa 4 Vj a, il I kif. a-4 n M ajW raav4la4M)l bM. PWa tliaajia aaj t ajatlaa pn n rrrrlrvri Pi I Is iest Sty m ti, arwr-ii-jll aM Ladies desiring anything in this line will do well to call early and make their selections before the assortment is We HQVC 0 These ties Ranging $2 to 44; VARIETIES OF CURRENCY. Th Circulation ul I'aufr Money la Tbl Country suit In Knrope. Almoht, if not finite, all civilized countries use pner i.nuiey to fueilitato payments within their own jurisdic tion, kitys the St. IaiuIs ( lobe-Democrat. The I'nited States uae paper money to a greater extent thau any other country, and in notes of smaller denomination than any other country of equal importance. All of our paper bKls except the gold rertltlcnU-a are In the denominations of II. fi, J."., fid, o, t:0, $100. IAOO and , Il.oun; our gold certificates do Dot ap- pear in denominations leas than IJO. The Dominion of Canada iaaues 11 and i notes, and various banks lanue notes! varylng from i to 11.000. Mexico la. sura paper money of 10 pesos and op- ward, and Ilia South American states , iaaua paper of similar denominations, The llank of Kngland Iaaues all liah notes In denominations of CS, 10, 120, 150, 10(1. a WO. W0. 500 and 1.000. The banks of Scotland and Ire land Iwiua notes of II and opaard. The Hank of t rance Iaaues Dotes for M franca. 100, 300, 500 and franca. The Itsi k of llelglum laaae Dotes of ( soirancs ana Dpwani. Italian banks , 1 at a a t a a . I laaua notes 01 1 lira ana apwara to 1,000 lira. The llank of Oertnany puts , out notes for S msrks and upward to 41 hna A a I - m ' i.wu BiiriK. ABMrn Muri nwis vi I gulden and upward. Iluaaia I tha only Kumpesa eoantry which iMtiri government ttntee, iu pa pr money Iwlng of tha denomination of I ruble and upward. Sweden, Nor way and Denmark Uue br Ihelr bsub Dotes for A krone. 10, z SO and tuu krone. India d.wa not Uaua paper money, d'c China Dow. Japan pfovldea paper tnonry of I yen. t, . 10. to and luo yens and I he other coun tries, aa a rule. iue paper money, the toweel drn.r-iluatioo of w hlrh la ttaaal ly tea tltnea tha value of tha a,la null of value. rVaalla MarMa, la ona aeount of lme tha author Mr niton Rva ra7 als ll of plaatia tnarlde as tvlng In lha p.aaealon of lYlnea tbirghea. tiring set oa end. they tend backaarvl and forward; when lali borleou tally and raleed at on and they f arm a rori If piaead on a Uble and a pler of Wmal a? any other aalntanea la laid under them lty fall InUi a hind f curve, rack and Urarhlna I l.e table. Abba fort I WSa lold that the WefW daf D Uar tha ) of MnndnagrHk. la lha stftff l'MN of Naj la, Tba graia la lib lhal'.f flne tarrara mafl le, of perhstw of l,a Rnet Itrvak. They aeaia tn la m!?fd a.,a sitawk of tra A !' of tnf ! eirai af la evary rapr b tlwna 4awla.. and ttigttly p. iatd. baa rm ataibtlad awai llau twenty eve tear at lb JlriiUb avaaaa'av. M lleavlaada twla a rW.a-l la Risking .itMn rrn'sr liavtaa, a grsnaiar rcrt. a4v pletely (!'. e l. etranir-g to a na a A tea of ! I In rl Iril. ,,0,m l,.r a " b t.s ,1 . !.,' ,t l,i l -b a f al jU.-'.'rf l- a lra.l, l rvtarn'.t.j of r u 1 ; f ., t e'tf nal a 4.iW n If t" , i. l. a , , a , 1 Ibvvet KaaS Tea ; le a tare e-,a (la.lart aal mt-- Jmsiti S-o a foiwra at ai .l'y ira4-lak Weiia A sfa. broken. Goods fill Quali iq Price fron) $18. SHIPS AND WHALES. Tassel and Cetareev Collide Hometlmr with IMaaalrons KfTrrt. The steamslilp 1'etersburg, of the Russian volunteer fleet, hud a unique experience near Minieoy, In tho South Indian ocean, bays Chambers' Journal. A bharp ahiK-k w as felt by all on board and bhe stopp-il aa tliough grippd in a viae. The aea was found to be colored with the life-blood of two huge whales, which lay floating In their last agonv. One waa cut through by the ateamrr' Misrp atem ami the other killed by r p-ntel blow of the screw propeller. The German atesmnhip Waeeland, bound from Antwerp to New York, ran Into and killed a bleeping whale. A small steamer, the Kelloe, eol- lided with a whale near Sea' bam harbor and wounded it badly. 1 he celebrated yacht (ieneata barrow- iy avohled colllalon with a dead ceUk''eran during the jubilee race around our laland. In 1 h-h a Shields steam- snip, tne james lurpie, nearly cut a whale In two one starlight night. Tha schooner O. M. Marrctt was altnit wrecked by psaalog whales In tha north AtlaDtic Many of tha school struck her repeated) with such vlo- tone mat ber w hole bull shook and . a a a a articles in inn onicers rooms wrrs thrown to tha floor. In ttvo a small sailing veaaeL tbo . At a a ... cmn nprT, uouna from iiajvtfttoB to England, struck a sleeping whale a ad received damage. Cm tha morning of the 17th of July, a what fifty feet long made I la appearanea cloaa alongside Ilia teamhlp I'ort Adelaide. Capt C aa aa .a ax. ax, a . a. M. iiepwortn, It. It., in 41 degrees aKJtn, 7) degrees aaat. He followed in veaarl for four days, never Dva-f than atventy yards away, and reneral ly cloaa auro. much Ut tha td.Ccstloa of Bumrnrus paaaengers. He threw p lha aponga In II dt-greea son lb, T da greea en 1. after traveling ulna aaay dre.1 at, I eighty alaluU miles, ear U.dly witlwut reeling and apparently laatdif , la November lha shla Camork.Canl, I'araoo. was under sail la t degrees south, ll degvaea weal, w be a a large whale lahe I be era Into foam with hi tail an near tha ship that tha chief fllcer, who bafinKl to ha below fe want, ran. tjuii kly on dark to nee what bad Lsppie, lla actually fll lha ia.rl uf iba water a.'sinei bar lara) a la Jane, l71. while her wsiealr's ship Immortal. ( ws usmli.g fruea Araa t-ay l t,i!iar at tba rata of tal?a kn-da an lir, aha Vrptm4 Jot S himgh a bergad dahf-f he-1 taa .ratr It wa prawnl! I'"M ).a bad rat deeply Into a whale, and II l en.e nri ri Uifi aalrra la outer to gal rid of lha ineaia lasaea, , mr m .ntl.s later Ihei Anrhof iifca ateamaliip l.lh.op a e4lple4 with a a,!,,!. ,a al-.nt eight he lad red liea fruot New York If 'f (kit t-s are asbjaet fa rmae aiekj M I be El ;w of law die see teaaf If Cbaeattaekaia's Ca(bWad la give Si Sees M va Sl4 ba-aama b eaa it iil keVa! . . afief tf- fl'-e.f leafh a oj I il.. 'ir re slaafsba eaU I by ill llo te-a ly -m ia '. i f . e .i 1 a4 k a.ii tab 1 K t A l'va ;acuke :trove. Native . :-, I'-Biiw-Wksre It l Eager to T' 'l r!o'. ijocrnts. cThc ii Ii. " lir.r ta of Stonehaven, Eng.-, k: t 1 tc:i utta little excited of lain l tl-v vcxll.t f. f.omoiuiieations tr- in ,cj '.". kr l i-ita. offering 4o point ,! lut tlio tpot where a large nraour.t tf - .buried tveutiure is to be found.!. The latt of these letters, which is tsigBcl f'Ccoar, do.. CQftloba," ,and dated; li.rclout. ; ia,-really a. remark able docurai'nt. .Csar -oiierc. re ward the ' troubles" of the geiileman addrtisjt;.! a Iftiilio of Stonehaven- with "thj third portion- of the money hided" ou yert;?4u conditions. To bop-m with, he taust "never make to noV)0(1y - the" least revelation con cerning tha secret which I am trusting you.-'- Secondly, j "you. must come to Spain t j t.tico my daughter and ft re RpectiiMo r', who; ought ,to,.ac- Coraf'.inj her till your gauntry, where my daughter will give you a . topo graphic of the spot where the money I3: hided." . The payment of traveling exynaes for the daughter and duenna i ), insisted upon as a pre liminary, : Cos:ir i:i not in a position to curry hi i philanthropy , to such ft piteh. In f :ct, hi;; poKition seems to be Komewhat peeulittr, for he adds: "I cannot ivc. ive your ljttera directly be cause I u.n too : vvntulied, you must have the go-. l-iesa to answer me at the address of 0. friend . cf mino whom I fully tr.Nit." 'J'ho writer adds that the tren"v.i rniount-j to 810,000 pesetas (3:i,(.i.'0 i:i g(dd. money and French bank 2i- to :. We cr.'-.-'t honostl say that the offer 8':-r ; It v'uthcr reassuring. It amount.' iv.ujtSe.iily t this: That the sptculat'.r Iris to plant down some 200 on t'i c't.-.nce of el jirin-r 11.000. and take aim niev into Spain into the bnr'.ti!!. T 1 1 i iv-,tment might pos sibly tippenl t sauifuine ama teurs who plunge into theatrical man agement. TO TURN PACKS ON ROYALTY. Emperor 17llir,i Ie-.U n n 8i'lirrae of rrotorHo.i A Mutt Hnm Throwers. There nre f hioiri in everything, in- chidin, the protection of pr.nuinent persons whm they arc ou parade. The most re?.-nt rogulr-tion coneern- Ing the pr t jl'rn of lif j in liurope, wiys the .""re'..' York Sun. in that of Kaiser ViUi:in. S.ime tinr.? there was 11 good de il of soeUli ,t iu ngitatioa In lU'riiu, a i.l it vuh el:ii:n: I that tho nntiivhi .t't v.'oul I ntt.'iirit t throw a bomb I,', the e'n-vror 11 a lie drove through t'." r!' view. r ' 0 bi'i way to u re of th.; c::iTia,fe was, i'iid bark of lined i-;i pd thetn tMiH liiv" ei 1 iii iry in b of wight seernon eiU "r i le nf the way. Tho kaiser pv o.-Jern l'i: t as t!ie royal coach ii"i),-'"i 1 t;i . ) i,'c, in had hrrelofi-r i.l 1, 4 : 1 , 1! with their biiekn to t :io 1 r .w I. . n t s.lute I lie eeli'lirill.' i in l!iv 'mi:, el, i.!i"Uld turn their b:i I: i ti tlii- : !r. .'. fine the mob an 1 :.(. 1. :! 1 -, m 1 uv . . from the front oi t i or v I. It .! ! Inrther 1 .-r i . ' il I be bept I.- , .1.; ., in t 'i::t !'..( eurriage it mi.' i'i :; ! c from the '1 ; . . 1 . r s : Ia The- .I c. ii'ii l , 11;. iii' l lUcy ap it,' 1 - Iy I 1 I'i Ui v-iitti lllil- l 1 t h i.i':i ii.l.-al-d tlicm ordered ; on 111.- : 1 would ! line of ! ! orders . Hli' 1 1. bin.' mb r to St. IV . r er r an I t i - .- h ,e now Ix-en a '.''. I by Ch i: l. u 11 .lice. Hy l;eei".' tin- er.iwd v,tl b:i,.!4 from the earri.i-.'i' corrddi r ;M 1.1 .'ion waa mode in'ic.k ury on t; .,ni 1.,' nn an archlst In throw a bom'i ie r.-i .sfully, and. at the p diee were niiiir r-ms, his aetiona Woi'M Uri'cn l.y . of the gunriU If tli e f'ni.'li ,t:.u i. wi re at ill will- sv.:l.o. Th- Ixdlce, ia sd.lill ill t ', liiese lil.'lM.un a, aUoluU ly 1 err .und the t;ri iaya tf the emperor wiiii hor. u. HE CHANCCD HI3 MINO. A Waa Wba Iraee '. -...:. I lie Vt oald Ha Urate la a ' ia 1 I'o i t p. 'I Uard I I I'd. i'i Ci t it w.i , a mar velous, ekhibltioii of o,iar.!l f.,y a train load of nn leBii'M luul. ily auti- aiit to U-I. g held un by u:tv or two trala rot.U i. and I u. l lL.d.I to hope for t!a tiimiica of elciwi'i ( ,. Uut I Would do If tlto cotnintud 'hjiida up!' should Im fclven 00 s coach ia which I waa traveling." said a lul.ville drum- Bier, ireently. "Tha cham-a) came, and my hlcaa un- derwefit a r.' change. It waa a Little tlocW A. l,.rl r-o.HI, Imln. It waa Desr I'aik. I think, t. Ii.-u a man bfK-arvd at the d-a a id aang out; 'Holdup your hen.U. rvcrj llr:' Jb" for a I bad time tidowhal I tie m-' hi 1 would ! two h.l were I.n d al.ipt aiaaltaneoatv. The nrxl rante from Uta piVid Uie conduet'ir, J.,.ri Kane, of t. Il tie Itork, a brave man. v. drew and Bred I lie moment ha r:illbl what tha trouble waa. The aond kh'H Waa Bred by the train fobla r. and Kane frit dead. The l.rakriiiau lb. n fir. andaaecHid later he f. II wfll a bullet through hi lotii. ht Il 1 r.,'.tr I him for life. Since that r;a rh 11. e I t'.ilnk a Man (a a f ed Inatcad cfar .Mard whodoew hH r.rtidly tl.r w up hie hand arxUr ii h i-.r. uinalauer-a, I'ro- kted all tha paawntrara wra armed. ia nr two robla ra eoul I not Bht Ihe whole b4. I- it a a rit only a ( are artiM-t, ai,d n. n tha (,rl 0111 I lake h'atile aw ti m w ml I e..,aMy IH'e Id dul 4te o lne tm w a woanxlrd by t ilhr r V a7 lti I rak, loan Slid l,i rva-a ar 1.4. Wire -ti,r -I if lha trail of I l eal. I was bf) lo allend Ihcir Itaiitfio st llil-r.e. Afk faw snl Ul-f- f t ixii hibw I !': ."at "It U fasuwifeeiii. fa m$ jwljmfnt a-sai1 f Ik sAev grmree reeeltwa flay brafAf ma fk far! or a.f .... ii-i-,t.. 1 -i . - t 1 - free afsatJ A airar C.i.a next U il4s J. prmn la fa ft-aa lit ft 1 feaea'.tfirea trie a IKt Wtlmn blt'i be III av W aea C"Se.,ale a. eaa-ea at-rfa ISaa ktf tie lie if a ..... a Kel llavee W4, ts bt a -Uai I r M fV'ShU -. f if tm be W ttl A A sires. ----- SPANICW TP. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report AQ50WTEI.Y PURE INVITED TO HER SUICIDE. 4 Chinese Woman Calls In Her Friend to Witness Her Adieu. Mr. Medhurst.for many years British consul at Shanghai, tells of a singular "card of invitation" which, says the Million, he once received in China. It was from a lady, intimating her inten tion to commit suicide at a specified date. She was very young and attrac tive, and belonged to a wealthy family; but the Chinese gentleman to whom she had been affianced from childhood, having died just before the date fixed upon for their nuptials, she gave out that she , deemed it her duty to render her widowhood irrevocable by dying with her betrothed. So she sent cards around to the local gentry giving no tice of her purpose. No attempt was made by her rela tives or the local, authorities to frus trate her design, though Mrt Medhurst appealed to the mandarins, the gen eral opinion being that she was about to poriorm a meritorious act, Eventu ally, on the day named, the woman did deliberately sacrifice her life in the presence of thousands of spectators. A stage was erected in the open fields. with a tented frame over it, from which was suspended a slip of scarlet crepe. One end of this slip she fastened round her neck, and then, embracing a little boy presented by one of the bystanders,1 she mounted a chair and resolutely jumped off, "her little, clasped hands saluting the assemblage as her body twirled round with the tightening cord." Tho woman was not hounded on by a frantic mob, as was the practice at suttees in India, but immolation ap peared to bo an entirely voluntary act. Sacrifices of this kind, according to Mr. Medhurst, are not uncommon in certain districts of China, and, stranga to say, they arc rewarded with monu ments, sometimes erected by order of me emperor. DASHING A DUDE. A Masher Who Could Not Ntand a Olrl with a hheti'li llooh. Three decidedly attractive girls got on a Sixth avenue elevated train and iiumciiiau'iy a Kc.orn 01 masculine eyes were leveled ii.t them, savs the New York Advertiser, The girls found sent i;rct:nT and tried to appear ui 11 men nun quite oniivioiis In the pro noun I nilvanecH for 11 llii'tatioii from two young swells who sut, onnosit ltut all their effort', to appear nt ein were iinuviuiing. J lie young men cr- Hlstcii unit the girls blu.dicd nnd loolo d lincomfortuble. I iiMilly one of the girls opened email hUctch hook on her Inp, and then .Using her eyes she guwd Mral'dit lit her admirer opposite. I!e pelted hU mustache and Mailed. She imide a few Mnd.c with her pi iuil In Ihe du tch Mink, but did not emlle. When alio raised her rye, again he renlb.'d that sh" was s'.etchlnrr him. The oCicr two glrln wstehed the progress of 11 sketch and giggled. This, with the Millies 01 inn oilier laHMh'.'erH. wnt more (bun the subject of the sketch could endure, lie crooned Mid crofa d lila IcgH, pulled his list down until it touched bit nose, and at lust ru died dcapcraUdy Into tho next car When ho hud gone the girls closed tha unwilled pages of the h'tcteli boo't and luu'.'hlngly threw avuv the bit of pen rll, which, when plcU' d up by another, proved to lie quite devoid of lead. A atraeae alibi. One nf the uioal amusing fnerlacles of tk lolnmblan exposition wa seen In front of the California building on the uay 01 the state: celebration. free distribution of fruit had been widely advertUed, and carloada o fruit had been Sent great luscious penchea, plum, pears, nectarines and hulfjanl bunches of white Muacst grspe and flaming Tokay, lirval booth were erected ouUlde Ihe build lug, and a doten fin a young California men, her beat prod arts, handed out fruit lo a vociferous, struggling, i s 1 r crowd seven long hours. It wa 1 a blgbl to be rcittcnila-red. Sometimes the air waa full of the larger fruits, which were l scl out among tbq rfod and promptly caught, but tha htlM-he of grape had lo las treated more tenderly, lists, bands and baa a.'U reached nut for lha generous hill,, hea, a lid billloreda cainc a By hearing their wtll fou bur.b n to share With frk tide. 111! this orcsslon many bad come from distant perl of the ground. A a4 lll i laaab. At lha fa'ia of U. HuUhin. seven Nil lea from ,'lr) illo. bee tree waa f'Miiel har Ihe i a batik rf lea, her rlnr, ehi.Si n tut lo obtain lha bonrr. Afu-r Hie In ws cut down to tha ground an ltie.lij-t n In tituled and ll.e l.oi . j ..l. d in a h..tb.w halfway I, lewnainr It wa cut and Ihe l..p tm rutting open lha Italy of the lre Ibeyserarer slartit eighty pound f b'mry. ib rrn duck erg and a dead drk. It S prr that a Waal ,iu. k 1.4 I Ia7wied a ratliy llir m .-'i a IcIh I' as riglnally Isfa cto( H 1 1 s U . t bar laaly After iiij rlevii, r-;' le ha I to tei I .lin lo l.. I It iNon In.t r le '. .Il ,' ,t I', I. e fi t I Bib I l,e hola w,lli r. i,'., ,., l,4t l,c covid "t r't".itai-l 1 !te ilk d on lh eat - b'd l.l'il I' sl I I- liHataU ! fine Iw a-4 I ae. fd!. d.i a.4 aura v.ali ia. Ti. ' aaly tr.ia harl tV.eef II -4 I Tea (itea pa.f.el eaffalsfllf of li e iawueie. far aal If Wail aa4 VVaffsn.' WAS PREPARED TO DIE. Dut When the Time Came HI TUloa Palled to Come True. Some time since, says the New York Telegram, a certain farmer in the mid dle of this state, an eccentric old fel low tho neighbors said, had a vision. Somebody appeared to him, a spirit, hobgoblin or what not, and informed him that he had only a few months to live. The date fixed was in Novem ber. The farmer took the matter very seriously, but he had no fears. He told his friends that he was about to depart, and began to get ready. He paid all his debts, which is more than even death can induce every one to do, and offered his farm utensils and his stock for sale. He wanted to clean things up handsomely, as every hon est man should do, and leave no an- . tauglements behind him. Among oth er things to be disposed of were two cows, but as he wanted to live com fortably while he did live ho concluded to hold on to those cows until the last moment Oddly enough, now that tho time of his exit Is close at hand, he has had an other vision. A new set of ghosts or hobgoblins have appeared to him and informed him that arrangements have been mode to allow him to stay in this wicked world a little longer. He was rather relieved at the postponement of his funeral, but still felt a degree of embarrassment.for pretty nearly every thing he had, wagonsi horses and har nesses, rakes, hoes, axes, some cords of wood behind the house, had all been got rid of, and the farm looked aa though it had just been abandoned. The old follow is a bit rued, how ever. "Ihis vision business," he said the other day, "has cost me dear," and he has been heard to use some rather strong expressions about hobgoblins in general and this particular hobgob lin that seems to have been playing a practical joke on him. lie is specially glad that he didn't sell those cows. I hey nre about all he ha left, but they w ill serve as a nil el.MiN for the things he will have to buy in order to run the farm. When a drniitrer eoines along nowadays and niyi he would like to take a peep at "i.i.,. cows with a view to purchase l liein. Hie farmer comes as close to pro faiiily as 11 country ehnivh deacon ever I'ets. He thinks the swear words, but biti n his tongue 1111. 1 remarks that :ie lnr n't any cows for Mile, but is thiiiMne, of buying a herd and going l.!o I lie dairy business. T!ic moral of this Is that hobgoblins ire v -i-v useful creatures In their way; that e hen they tell you to pay your b bl . you hud licit, r follow their ad vice, but if they tell y 1 111 you are going iodic you had licttcr tuko camomile '. a nnd M ud for the diN'tor. At any rule, don't u rt ilh your cows. ELEPHANTINE LIFE. st la lie Taken In I'revenk lie Waatoai iM-alructliHi. tine of the pressing question of the Uy In Africa relates lo tho preserva tion of IV- elephant, which will bo o sic vMliin t there at no distant data ml '.s 1. n ans are taken to stop the In li i-'in.iinte slaughter now going on. There Inn Im'cii s prevalent notion that the A f. Iran elephilllt la inferior to his Indian cousin In Inteiilgnce and docil ity, but It iI.h's not seem to bfl fouudad on ".lid observutloll. It Is now pointed out I 'ml the Itoinsnssnd Carthaginians used the African lieasl to good purpoae, and Mr. I. I Sclater, of the lAindon .iHilogical aoclety, declare that they hue had African rlephsnts in their garden for mom than twenty years an I have found them quite a lutein- g.'in as those ot the Asialio keclra, altiioiigh perhsps not quite as docile. A young male African now about four teen vesr of age Is dally engaged dur ing Ihe Miuimcr months In 1 arr) lug tha ehitdrt'ii and other visitors slxml lha garden and theru has never been aa accident w ith hi 111. Mr. S. later prrsae the opinion that the African rhplisnt should li prewrved a tha pr .-r la-ssl of burden to .-n up tha trade roti le In the lnterl.r of tha Afri can continent, and suggest that a klie.blali of Indian elephants and their alteiidanta be lrsntrted to lha est Afm an eoaat and that the Indian t-la-phanl ba set In work to raptur and lame their African brethren. It la toted, moreover, that (en, t.ordon, jul la-fore lha fall of hl.aitoiim, wfola a letter In which he ationgly sdv.a ated ll.e .loin. a(. ale ill and Use of tha Afil cau elephant. bulii f. to rstnt'a. Tuna will Dot l alloaa l snrona after July 11. All per.. ftdieg lo pf f I l.e lttt of each month L'fesftar uiil ba I i ff. Ilanaia !,liMt A Wts(. CATARRu ' I I a LOCAL DISEASE aae b la mm 4 rata ml llmm aua ay a , . .-t.. P4 . m4 4.. I" l l . hmm hflWm Balm If ViMaWlaitaJ ts f hm, i txva,, tw4 to U4 4 Mr rn rt- kaWtstraV j I MW4 aV4 g--4hsWa uart a'i fte I ta 4ywiaa.e vX ' ' s-WbW-ta4 tl e-e.- . i '-ms ) ,u . a. k 4a. I NW4 tabaVS, Watt Hat 4 tr ysMpN Jb.S5kf- see Say