RAMPANT DEMOCRACY. Democratic Press Burst All Bonds In Their Indignation. In every contest in Ohio, Iowa, Illinois and Michisnn when the Democrats were on a free islver or cheap money platform they have been overwhelmingly beaten. What evidence have we that there is to he a change in 'iHi'i Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser. When a great party has reached that stage of moral diiravitv that such creat ures as Tillman, Altpold & Co. are per mitted to speak to it. much less take an important . part in moulding its politics, its course K indeed, about ruu. Wa bash (Ind.) Times. American will never give this crowd control of the country until they shall have fallen to the level of the old world communists. That will not happen this year, at lopst. The people must be de graded in tlieir own esteem before they will vote for a war of class against class. -Memphis Scimitar. The finnnci:ilp!nnk in the platform adopted by the I K'liiocrntic national con vention at Chicago is distinctly a declara tion for such repudiation of existing debts, public and private, as can be secured by the enforcement upon the country as legal tender money of a de based silver coinage conformed to a de graded standard of money. New Or leans Picayune. Scratch a silver man and yon come to a Populist. In the heart of each burns the desire to get as much as possible and give as little. If either of them hap pen to be a debtor, this desire takes the form of repudiation. As most of them are debtors repudiation is (lie thing they are for. and in the Chicago platform they go for it straight. New York Times. It is but pi-oner to say in fairness and justice to the grand old Democratic party of Hamilton, .lefferson and Jack son that we cannot depart from the ways of the fathers upon the financial question, and, therefore, cannot, much to our regret, follow the Democratic banner as it trails into a foreign camp; and must, as a matter of self-respect, refuse lo support Mr, Bryan upon the financial plat form upon which he has been placed and stands. Dayton (O.) Times. Till the contest is decided our voice hall be raised and our influence given for the election of Mr. McKinley to the presidency. The security of the cur rency is the paramount question of the hour., It eclipses issues. Relieving that this security can best be attained by the success of the Republican party, we promise it our sincere and beurty support for its presidential ticket in the impending campaign. We have never believed that the Republican party made the best selection possible to it. but it is ditlicult to see how any candid man can deny that the selection of the Repub lican party was eminently more fitting and appropriate. There is an absence of dignity in the Democratic selection which is seen both in the candidate himself nnd in the circumstances that at tended his nomination. Boston Herald. The true Interests of the people ask for the election of Mr. McKinley, not for himself but for the absolute ne cessity of the whole people of the Tint ed States and of the greater world of which they are after all but a part. In any event let us be reasonable. Don't talk of "sectionalism" or of "annrchy" or of "revolution." Remember always that compared with the unity of country the gold standard is not worth fighting for; one country, one Uug. Springfield Republican (Ind.-Dcm.) Ko reasonable man can ask the Times to stultify ami dishonor itself and long time!! Democratic principles. While gun porting to" the best of our ability the state nominations for riccniiva offices and legislative nominee, we feel admired tist nil true Democrat will justify us It deciding that we cannot give the ip prt of the Time to the Chicago cr.n ntion ami its politically disensed candi date. We shall do nil we can to sustain tie good nntne and the organisation of tb Demoeritic party, but we cannot aitp- frt principle nor candidate of th land. Teller and Allgcld atripe. We rinnot concientioitay k honest men to vote for them. Hartford Time. We repudiate the 1(1 to 1 plank In Ityan'a Chicago platform anil will not tiport any candidate on smh a plat frtu. If i too PopuiiRtic and Nihilistic. -ltchiat (.Me.) Union. )nr worst fear have not only Mn tvlizrd but new and horrible doctrine lire been added to the Chicago pint form, wich cannot possibly bind a Democrat wo la unwilling to aba.idon the funds Mital principles of lis party. Rich Mid ( a.) Tune. That Harry Itingham feared only a b possibility ha i-cinie to be a stern rejty. The "madmen" of hnn he se have controlled the national ",,. eion and l.:ire, for fre silver at IBi 1. The Democrat of ew llamp eh rann.it o with them. Mnr0rur (MI.) Lnluo. tcumtance bare made William Mc Ky the nu n around a born an u,.t ral who deair to defeat d.termine.lly thimdidate for the parudollctnocrary, Warn J. Bryan, who standa for hat ante under the gni.e of bimetallism: fi'lhu.-iion of lawfully-contracted . tltie; fur communism and la lea nt ?Klnley sad the psrif b repre a bare until now Induced Irtnn ratir ilndefiielrnt voter to ln.k for mesn khin they mold oid the nerYeaity elptHirt.nl the lUnnMI, an tirhel. This kleee ihusa to lie bopelrat, and there la other way but lo 9r our support tir old npi-nrni New Yufk Maat nf. the ka.lii.g I.aatera Cierasaa lkrsiic daily, bate no fear that the sound money Dirrary will .ut.i-- m frr ailver pUm, a ti. set ut refuJistion. of aSj. r and the trampling out of the ri of the sound money delegate B tttnentia. A boil U Inevitable, a LM-rstx li.ket f.,r wbh-b Kmwriii rarot I bei-oniing a eeaity, s tnppliH. The Aatrrhiat. the IM.tt, the Cmwiaiia aad the Nihil, let ha are controlling th a eoneeattan wover roetrot tb ceoatry: tbey wal central tbt Draocrtt parly, Jt.lya bUgle, ' tiStf af lb way baa b td. iM for tb sake ef riy bee eead e leer r integrity it a to a k that the d.ti.iua will be rem. ah A pataeieont tau l a thai fr tedit.g rasaat nteMtioe dBaedt r ettlwet IM a Veter a re ttepea It bate et be hat4te. ' af party t pxtxx'y. lie a be a brt,; rorraiae ' sahii.o la tk (re tf Uajelveetea .Seat. ilaf for !e!f. ike CaarWr rteeet aar.rt! It d.'y la it t ter a4'at iM-o't af the i.ki, g rtnt. The derlaratM.ee mo st therein are abherreat la tas T'tde; they ra at rtttnar f ile 4wtrlM re easaag f ad aelf . wttb ar wubaal u at. riHwit a aa trtHa t reiaa. M af . arnaaea la I' h far ar eta apa the r fakia eatry naftiH wiih the fftiaetarataaa af trj aaWy a- pressed in the platform. Syracuse Cou rier. It is altogether probable tlut the Democrats who love Democracy and who decline to be counted among its ber ivi-s will have a ticket in ihe near future that will satisfy their desires and aims.- This would be the most desirable result, bnr, come whnt may, the Chronicle absolves itself from all responsibility for the ut terances of the alleged Democratic con vention just closed nt Chicago, and pledges itself to aid in the defeat if its nominees. To participate in a campaign for such n ticket on gueh a platform would be to be untrue to every patriotic Democratic principle. La Crosse (Wu.) Chronicle. A bright young man with a ';lvery, demagogic tongue is planted on the snti Democratic platform adopted at Chicago, 8nd the excited victims of a singular and illogical craze vie with the sympathizers with Anarchy and Populism in the long acclaim to William J. Bryan, the elo quent and eccentric representative of the bolters of Nebraska. . . . The plat form and the candidate threaten a par alysis of business until the day of elec tion: for a longer period if success could possibly attend; and they condemn the Democratic party to a fate that would be death to any other party, but the Democratic party is undying. Utica Ob server. Will Lose Hundreds of Thousands. Savannah News: All Democrats will not approve the declarations in respect to coinage, bonds, the currency, income tax and railroads. These latter declara tions are much more Topulistic than Democratic. It looks very much as if they were put into the platform for the express purpose of currying favor with the Populists. In fact, if we are not mistaken,, Senator Tillman said in his speech in the convention that the purpose of them is to influence the Populists to come into the lines of the Democracy and become a part of the Democratic party. He did rot seem to take into consideration the fact that the adoption of Popnlistic declarations might not break up the Populist party, but would pretty certainly drive hundreds of thou sands of Democrats out of the Democrat ic party. Boss Champions of Disorder. Trenton (N. J.) American (Dem.): But, whatever may be the course of the politicians and the party leaders, there will be thousands of Democrats in New Jersey who not in resentment of the contumely with which the state and its interests have been treated, but from personal nnd public motives will refuse to give their approval to a convention and a candidate which have publicly and taingloriously threatened the de struction of the nntiou's credit, the dim inution of values, the retardment of busi ness, the attack ou property, and the tri umph of disorder above the law and those called upon to administer it. And they will so refuse in the belief that all other party issues fade into insignifi cance in comparison with the issue as it has been formulated at Chicago. Danger to Liberty. Galveston New: The fact ia that the programme formulated at Chicago mere ly marks the skirmish line of a great and final battle for social revolution, indus trial reconstruction, and constitutional subversion. Without consitutional safe guards there can be do assurance of eith er free government or individual liberty. An unchecked aocial Democracy means no law but the Inw of brute force, no rule and no order but the rule and order of irresponsible tyranny. Intelligent citizens grounded in wholesome appre ciation of the constitutional essentials of a stable republic, who nnremcly cherish the priceless iiiteresta of consti tutional liberty and aecurity, who feel that there can be no true progress with out the conservation of these interest, will not fail to see in preaent emergen cies where their common danger liea. Realizing also that the problem of de fense is their common concern, they can well understand that how tbey may beat proceed to combat, defeat and disarm their common enemy ia a question of inoiuentnry expediency to be decided In the light of current eveuta and modify ing circumstance. fonth Dakota Vlaw. Sioox Fall Argu-Ider: Tbt Dem ocrat hnve declared for policy which will Inevitably establish the aingl ailver itandard; will, in our opinion, wreck the national credit and reputation; will, for many years, mske commercial confidence Imixisaible; will spread ruin over Ihe land; will destroy all hope of bimetal lism In Ihe generation; and will Indefi nitely poatpoue a retltal of good timet. J nder theae circumstanrea ibe Argua leder can sea it duty only In one chan nel. Believing, aa thi psper does, that the bonor. safety and prosperity 0f tnl I nlted Slate would lie serimialy Jeop ardized by the aueceaa of the Democratic prty nn It. preaein pl:form. tb Argu. leader, with sorrow for the broken a.ao clallon. with rrgrct at parting from a nam it ha revered snd loved, but with a ronwiouanea of unavoidable duty withdraw from tb. grand old De left It time honored principle n pursuit of atrani god and will throw what eter InBuear It ay poaana on lit 'dr of lb Nation a prosperity and boaor. Ta Attempt tha laapatalbla. Ptaantoa (Va ) Nwa: A law tf. 'hiring thai wheat, regardlett af Iba surplu. on the markets ar lb d.m.al Jor it sh.uld sell the year round at II per bu.hel, and thai era aad Vain, no m.tetr what their intrinsic alne! should alwsy. m-II at th name ego"; at wheat, would b. Ju.t ., a free rmn.i of i.lter law and wo.ild be jq.l a. ea.y to r.rry lata effect, lb iM of ihe while mailer Is thsl to at tempt i coin t,itr la ai.bmited qoao. I.tir and lo make ll rtea la ealae al a given filed ratio w,ih gold la ta attempt th lmp..ble and to do what la ta ery aatur of things cannot be dona. lahlt t Iba Haw t.rh CaataaUaa. Hyrecu N..; Tb Chlcage plat form ta a tult departure from iba pl fm adopted by tb la.i Itrmoctat state raateatioa at it..fa. It w to aid a departBr thai tb New York oitsiioa fn compelled i tbeiaia freia partiripatioa la tb aniuinatiea of candidal oa tb.t aietrvra. It r sutin fr Iht mating tmMratte atate roatentM.a ta fta.ttMii ttt j,9llf. f lb New Vork laorrry, Tbl caa tUa. la aoajna.tiag preaidaiM t hxb shaU ld In the pra.,,,,lo, the part.-th prrta af lit aa. a.lied boner aad mriiy. Ibe aarty bkb Iht yr rbraia it lunk aa ..r.ry will a-t be prat.ud ( data la a dtbrabi grata. Pa Raa for tha ta.ait. Uaatg.awry Uti) AdteriiaMi Tw. aad aad ihavaaM af L-tat la Atabama wui bta u miagi 9mm, ttea al eager aad shea taat a (. rralt t-i.al r.atoims 4a.aa4 ta 4 tiera af to.t.f it.ia4 lb ,, tralk Ibal k -b.aty. cwaernf. .' t. aad Meiitf" tartd tmm,mm4 t- tl tb baa ia at I . r.ia sa a leaee taxi , aa wbeb tba t-t a et la at.t iw i3 attad awaee ,... Aiha.a at bktej wba tb nm af the Ixtaarta. f .( tk ,u I rr44 aa la ftr al lh iaait i. tbeir ea4r, I ha lat( beat aad aari.eak.p It) la of t, a.iter raa ae It A fw avar ab bit t.l reeaer laetitabte tbe aatbee af daa Wber fmt Wtil B-4 a,t M rara. rBIXCU'LES. NOT TAKTY. The Carman Demootat'o Pross Bolt tlie Ciiica,o Ticket. Chicago Ktaats-JIeituu;:: The Democ racy which declared itself last v.cc!; in Chicago is a new ami ucgencrutcd edition of the Democracy of IStil: in it reigns the old Bourbon spirit which never leaiut. and never forgets. Who, therefore, de sires that the United States should fur ther develop their national organism; that the national government 'should be further strengthened in the interest of all; that national honor be kept unde nted; that the national credit be kept in tact, turns away from a Democracy which has placed itself at the disoosal of destructive forces and joins that party which was called in 18lil to suve the Lnion, and which in this year again has the patriotic duty to purify the na tional organism from the poison of the Populistic Democracy. The issue is not one of party, but of the highest achievements of the nation, which can be kept secure only by the authority of the Federal government, by an honest currency and by an inassail able credit. Iowa Tribune (Dem.). Davenport The recklessness and fanaticism of the silver people at the Chicago convention, who trampled all oppositon under foot, has made a very bad impression even upon many of those who sympathize with the theory of the debasers of money. The majority of our voters is not ready by any means to deliver the nation to such crazy demagogues as Bryan, Waite, Till man and others. Waechter und Anzeiger (Dem.), Cleve landThe currency plank, with its de cisive declaration against the gold stand ard, which, with total disregard of tbe entire other world of culture and com merce, is declared to be an English insti tution and is stigmatized as such, while the free coinage of silver at the ratio of lo to 1 is demanded as an immediate measure of government, cannot fail to make an altogether revolutionary impres 8'n. We should not be at all surprised if this news should cause in Europe a decline of American securities in all ex changes; anticipated this decline has long been. Louisville Anzeiger (Dem.) Nonsense, thou prevailest! From (irover Cleveland to William Jennings Bryan this ia a jump for which the real Democrat is not ao easily ready. The Anzeiger prefers at any rate not to make it. After the adop tion of the platform the Anzeiger had uo need to pause a moment for the declara tion that it would not support the can didate who would accept the nomination upon this platform. The nomination of Bryan makes this dntv easier and more agreeable. Bland and Boiea would have been fought by ihe Anzeiger on ace unit of the cause which they represent. In Bryan we do Dot only tight the cause but the person. Only a convention wnich placed Tillman above Cleveland and Blackburn above Carlisle would perpe trate the bad joke to present the young hero of phrases from the West for the highest othce in its gift. Reebote (Dem.). Milwankee: Aa the close of tbe century has brought forth the abominable "new woman," who rides a bicycle, smokes, drinks, wears trousers and teara herself loose from all old customs, ao there ha arisen in Chi cago, imbued with the aame revolution ary pirit, a "new Democratic purty." which atands everything time-honored on the head, denies the traditions of the old party, administers a kick to honesty and decency and cornea before the people with a financial programme which i a mockery lo all reason. The "uew worn au" and the "new party" are genuine fin de aierle experiences, and one would consider neither of them seriously If they were not ao aeriou in their consequence. Tbey are on the one hand the regret table and undeniable excrescences of th liberality of social view and on the other band of the freedom of the politi cal thought that the Constitution of th United Slates prevent nobody from mak ing a fool of himself aa often at be likes to. Davenport Democrat (Dem): The time ba arrived for the clean separation of tbe two irreconcilable wings of the Demorrstie party, to which tbe Demo rrat has called attention for two years. Tho Iemocrsts who remain true to th unalterable national priiuiplea, a tbey were proclaimed by Thomaa Jeffermn. Jamr Madison and the other "father of tbe republic," can have nothing in com mon with the PopiiliNlic new Democrat who tol the henner and the name of the glorioua old party to betray under It ihelier the tnblim principle aud to throw th couutry into nnapeakabl mis ery. EDITOR DANA'S ADVICE Damoorata Should Vott) for McKin ley and Not Sacrifice Prin ciple to Party. New Tork Run: Tb political reasons for not nutting up aa bonrt.mnev ran didata thia year on a genuinely Demo cratic platform ar strong and obtiau. Th nomination af auotber Democratic candidal would contribute to tb per vnal comfort of Democrat who ar re luctant la vote for Mr. McKinley, but it would accomplish nothing rie. And Ibi method of voting for a principle only would aurrly Imperil tbt rrul la auaay t rloae ttte. Itetter fr la vote for prlaclpl la way that wal count. Kterr Democratic 0t rait for W. tiam MrKimry a the rpraeotatjt af honest money and Ihe ftatiaa't honor tad Ike preaervatioa af demarraue laatilu tun tftmal the wild bnrde aw pr panag t aiiark them, will da jual twira a mub erii for th rommoa rasa a ra b 4ue by a temo-rtir vol for a third ctadMlat (landing no chance af trt k. 11 every Iemnrrt wba tpprerlttrt Ihe magmla l of tbe pr,Dt rr.au bep thx fa t deadly la m.od: It. vale for MrKiatry aad llvbarl i Worth doable b i fr the ht tfemaetat ka( lit ta part of th rtf roaij put ap a a protrat ata.oal lb tenuity caaattiw a&t4 al the ago. I 1 there any .oera Irmnrrt wba. aederataadirg .l Ibal tb Miie aoeaa for eir bl"el rcaatry, t wiiiiag la tw ei voia- ii in. a yer; lo drtrtit bia ballet af half it. J ll wiil be id thai theta art ewrt fleawfatl. ll b Ba4 that ,,a are luaeltH Who caa ftala tb'aa Ivea olr aa iirrmaare ta ra their l"f T lUpHt!" aa c.elat t'f rreexteat. Itbp Ih.l ia a. t them rf.r lhir prtrt tfa,kt rt bf tig tte ..f tfa,4na .t ! Ibeai ra,r,trat ttt ten.a eathat aaai ba tt, aata aad (aroltwhri J b' r a nl br ti la t a. w a r la 4'l'4 lb uiwii ..? a at ta riiax-d af lh lax i .,!,. which th rt-!!. M ll t.tul4.,s. Itt tr !' le.y a, , K !, a'y h.'l h ,f iut f, far blMiey 4 ll'.l-a", u, M b M h iitP i a th8 thai hf baWlf l.f tnm a eea4 m-f !.. t aofiati ,.r the el thtr patauftal (a,( aa pt, ttral r.tatr a the arffca haa4 there tee baadrx. f fcona la f I ra'a, if a4 a, at tHx. aha aa ia Iu al rsn a r I to 4it I 'rt aa4 lnfrt'1 ! that ak'h mm4 tm he feeat thn; t( ear a in otic citizens, and made them aimoat for get,, as tbey shouldered their, guns and lell into line for the Union, whether tbey had previously styled themselves Repub I'ciins or Democrats. These men. in the i.'!iice of a satisfactory Democratic cau iiil.ite on a sound platform, will not cou cnt to surrender one-half of the potency nf their suffjages for the sake of over refined ideas of political consistency, l'hcy will want to put their votes where their votes will do the most good' as igaiiist Populism, repudiation and na tional dishonor. They will tire their bal iots straight at the common enemy, even though the ballots be labeled McKinleyi It would be a piece of political folly amounting to crime to divert the atten tion of this class of Democrats from the main question, aud to jeopardize the re sult of the election, by setting up inop portune claims to a partisan allegiance which, in an emergency like this, is nom inal at the best. . . Mass every honest American vote on one candidate representing honest money, the nation's honor, aud the inten tion of this people to preserve the gov ernment and the institutions which their fathers handed down to them. Waste no ammunition when Populism is shriek ing its battle cry, and anarchy is lurking close behind iu the rear with torch in hand. Mclvinley's personality is nothing in this contest. His previous political affili ations are nothing. Accident has decreed that he shall stand for the time for some thing a thousand times more precious than any party badge, A VITAL ISSUE The Republican Party's Consistent Stand as Regards the Tariff. From 1878 to 1892, the period of maxi mum national prosperity under Republic an economic policies which the first Cleveland administration, lacking con trol of Congress, was uuable to disturb the foreign movement of our gold gave us practically no concern. It is illustrated I i ue uppeuneu tauie: ISiJS. .Imports ;, 1H71I. .Imports 1HS0. .Imports 11. .Imports 1IW2. .Imports 18S3. .Imports ISM. .Kxporta ISM. .Imports MSB.. Exports 1SX7. .Imports 1WS. .Imports ISSIl. .Exports 1SVMI. .Exports lsni. .Exports W.I2. .Exoort i 4,125,700 , 1.037.334 , 77,110.371 . 7,4StU27 , 1. 7811,174 , 6.133,201 . lS.ZMl.M 1S.2I3.S04 22.2rtS.S42 33,2o!),414 . 25.558. 0X3 . 4!I.H(I7.427 . 4,331,149 . 8S.130 0S7 495.873 During nine of these fifteen year the trend of the gold movement was in our fa vor, and during only two of the remain ing six years that is to aay, iu 188! and 181)1 was the outward movement large enough to attract attention. In 1889 tltnfa Int.. I,nn: 1 . l.. I," ooVV "noil, unuer ine mini ui iooo iur ine purpose ot antici pating the increased duties of the Mc Kinley bill, aud thi caused aa outward flux of gold iu payment. In 18(11 the ex traordinary outflow arose largely because of the Raring failure, which caught in . uiiii uiniij lureign Holders ot Ameri can Been ritiad nrlm !...!.. ..: i j I , v"; " "emu iJineilfU Ir ready money, had to return some of those 1 securitiea to thia country fror redenintion. i J hese explanation are ample to account 1 for the exceptional axporta which char acterized two of the years of the Harri aon administration, when the revenuea of i the country were upon a highly protective I basis. Adding import together and com ! paring results for the fifteen yeara in I question we find that the aggregate im porta of gold exceeded the aggregate ex porta to the amount of $101.18,310. Utirtng thia period the national debt waa $1.50J t.l2.4:M.ia in IMC, a total reduc tion of $7tf5.li:r.77tl.41. ' .iITm!" a! ,urn to ,h frora to l.siaj, when "tariff reform" held the "uniUM. I WW. .Export 1M4. .Export l7.BOfl,4rt,t 4.H2H.IHJ ao lis Jin lbUU. kxporta . tlMI'l'.'l -r.ievea month ended SIny 81 Here we have a total In.. 0f gold lnr- 1"?..'."... n.r..S.r?,?r. ' ""'"''lie "tariff '"" ' i"i...:ii.n, or a net oa in four veara of XII , 'a: n-n ".' v,rr tne net gam accumulated during tho prei-eding fifteen Viiar, lk,,ri.. .1 ' .. roue four year of W ilson-tJorm.n tar iff reform, the niti..nl hs, been in creaaed in principal f.KVA.-XU), and In Iritere.t yet to he paid almnat iXu.t). 000, or over .Vi.(sm.(Ssi in i ii. , the voter of tb. v. J. .. . " . '." j . i. i i '"" inn need- i-r. .h .,r,t".",;'ni" of l'' iocrcy In . .......,...., ,.,, ,naieai or be ar half billion dollnra In tbe interveniiic four year, would, at the asm rat, f freralled from 1S7I t $l'Ji.IV.,l.l(a through gold export, we ahould at the t,o of the preying hf. leea Republican year, bate bad a nel gain through Import amiunfing in the four Veara Ia f iiw". fti i. , . 1 iV- .t 7 --'... ue apniilat ing theae loaaea, and not aaylng anything Of th trememlnua twen..i i l . tl..y.nh'. "nff. T'"-"" lrlmenl npoa all r ! 0f Anierieaa ciimea fr h-e In tbe .rxrrt.i, ,r ,rM,u.iy lLT " Wi ''-T r 1 "change f from Mckinley protectee lo tVil-ton-Oormaa fn-e trade haa co.t tl.e fu. ernment af lb t'nitej M.te. dirertly, Q If finance, nut lea than I '.MM 1 74,. f.-.i.J.', a runrlualon reached at follow: I-" af i4 through arlual uiM.r,f ,;;4 Vhro0ii,-;-H;,,,97"no,t aid have heee in.port-4 h.4 th ftaoua iraa ratio : lo f4 oblaioed from wj t. H v 0, . w lea. t.ro, ,, rr..a I . tlol a.i.t (00,000 000 00 Ui thrmigli ob.l aod hare b lb erlnrtino of d-bt had Ih Kf'.ici'aa ra ils of daht radviiA ahl.a prevailed treat !? I lei ari,4 e flaw mt ia ltu 234(4(071 Tl u tvu.irttxau Thi l b hoibing la de with ih qaeaiioa wbeth.r a guld ar a iltr (a4ar4 I h belter, ll ia a 4ire, frail af Ibe lwn.o. t '' mwia, agtla liua faif pretxtwa. a paihle data aaatralasa lbl Ih tar.fl I mphlrallf a iat la thua (anpaga.-lHtaatoa U't.) 1 tihua. I orrosc CBur horet. tha Blalldlef ailaMaa fa ataeate ttaa aa laa Maeey (Jaaallao. 1 Al th ttal meef.Bg af lb, t'tite tale lvalue nf IkbI liuii'l.r - t Itna bi4 la l'a..a. .a.a. Jv f foiiowiag reiatua aa tae aay aaea- li0 w. 4ttl Ih I a4 hie MH of Lttral fta.tdiag aad laa Afc Mima, ia toe vaalwa aaaaa l, 4iara- . 1tf ( la It. ae -I 'I. .MM-t.ag that lb ietraat af ail hrhui4er .( t.,,.,. t( mmj m aar I tb t B.I.J tlola.o fle. aa4t ti-.l W hl at.aJ.r ut tarn apoa each '.Btay rl ba B.B beaed . the f .(,) t.a a,( (i,,o . f ia I; ra.a.o Bkrbaf4 a4 latpul) it I ha I h.,, tkl( Ibe laicreaf f eff . io (be a. B..a ';, t4 fy a . . f ta. g. .' , i af . that the K'' ( aada'd af ttiu a. I bet B a 1 !, I ba ' I l S fa.M l eterr a-kef 3 MI H'imI.'i 4Mko4 that Ihe ' 4 . .af ' hwaritig iba a.bl mt ef the t I i' aa a lb .a. af lb d .. at af tb a .. (.. t'4 ia b4 ea'i'iM t- fall faitfe tt4 ! I I ef ta rid, t4 I that 4 " ba .. i4 fraa feaj t i awapi'ie. 4. aeaat. r rep4 wa BOLTING NEWSPAPERS. Principle Above Party for Nearly 200 Democratic Eciltore. Up to date 109 Democratic newspapers have bntte,! llv K..litv tta riiA.i , - j .wu... mc ivuvniu showing is made: New England. Connecticut Hartford Times, Bridgeport Farmer, Merlden Journal, New Britain Herald, Hartford Telegram, New Haven Register, New Haven News, Waterbuty American, Windham County Reformer, Litchfield Inquirer. Main Lewiston Snn, Machlas Union. New Hampshire Manchester Union. Khode Island I'rovideuoe Journal, Provi dence Telegram. Vermont Bennington Reformer, Brattle boro Reformer. Massachusetts-Boston Herald, Boston C.lolie, Boston Post, Kltchburg Mall, Hol yoke Free Press, Lowell Times, North Adam a Democrat, Mllford Times, Spring Tm!1: Ke,PuhHcan, Lowell Star, Salem News. 1 lttsfleld Journal. Gardner Naws. Middle States. N'e!'..1rork-HarPer' Weekly, New Tork Handel h Zeitung, New York Sun, New Jork Times. New York Herald, New York World. New York Staats-Zeltuag, New York lost. New York Irish-American, Brooklyn ii k?' Brook.vn Ksgle, Buffalo Courier, ciiiqmrar, utica oserver, rroy fress, Albany Argus. Syracuse Herald. Syracuse Courier, Yonkers Gasette, Buffalo ! ,V,mo.rat- Ro,"e Dally Sentluel, Hornells vllle Tiines, Klshklll News, Cohoes Dispatch, 7in t,aa Democrat, Poughkeepsle Enter prise, Poughkeepsle News-Press, Rochester rost und Beobschetcr. Corning Democrat, Syracuse News, Ogdensbnrg Advance, Fort 1 lalna ftandsrd. Blnghamtoa Herald. ,ni',Ryl,,nla-Ihladelphla Record, Phil adelphia Times, Philadelphia German Dem ocrat Easton Express. Easton Argus, Pjorthampton Correspondent, Pottsvlll Chronicle, Erie Herald, Wllkcsharre Waech ter, Doylestown Democrat, Lock Haven Democrat, Chambersburg Valley Spirit, Connellsvllle Courier, MeKeesport News, v r.V,own It'm- Philadelphia Neu Welt, Wllllamsport Sun. New Jersey-Jersey City News, Elisabeth Herald, Treatoa True American, Trenton limes. Newark News, Newark Sunday Call. Newark Deutsche Zeltung, Hoboken Ob lZlyT' J,"rrion Record. Somervllle Mea aenger, Somerset Democrat. Th West. Illinois Chlcsco Chronicle. Chicago Staats-eltung, -Chicago Abendpost. Peoria pemokrat, Peoria Herald, Meudota Repor ter, Ottawa Free-Trader. Indlaua - Lafavette Jonrnal, Wabash era""' lanapolla News, Seymour Demo- Iowa Davenport Der Demokrat, Daven Pi?,LL ."'"m.'' 8Iou c"y Tribune, Bur lington Volksfreiind, Des Molues Aniei-er, w. . "? Reform, Davenport Tribune, 21 ii'00 Irlhun. Dubuque Herald, Mar- wi own 8'''snian, Hlgourney Review. tnir.h "-Detroit Free Press. Lansing w.tt 1 Detroit Abendpost. Detroit olkl Watt, Lake Linden Times. Minnesota -St. Paul Globe. Nebraska-Butte Gazette. Ohio-Dayton Tlmea. Dayton Volka .e!t. uug. Coluuibni Dispatch, ZHnesvlllo Ger Ula" P8t. Cincinnati Volksfreund, Cieve i"",V Waechter aud Anzeiger, Cincinnati volfcsblatt. u!!,itn..1,a!(,0t-sl0UJ rll Argus-Leader, Sioux City .Tribune. rh.i.i0l,"lnwi"l"'ln,kf' Journal, f.a Cross Chronicle. Milwaukee Seebote, Manitowoc lllot, Watertown Weltburger, Milwaukee l.ermanls., Milwaukee Frledenker, Rhlne-S'l- on-J:tu C1"lr' l"der, Pneboy. drChiVn0CourPerOCrat Th ftouth. Alabama-Mobile Register. Montgomery Advertiser, illrnilughaui New. Uuutavlll 1 rlhene, lieiaware-W'mlngton Kvery Evening. W lluilngton State Florida-Key West Eqnator Democrat. Jacksonville Cltlr.en. nunisvlll Tribune tlenrgla-Atlanta Journal. Savannah Newa Mm on Teltgrapb. Kentucky-lAulavlll Courler-Jonmal, Ioiilsvllle Post, Louisville Time. Lniilavlll Anselger, Lexington Herald. Shelbvvllle Sentinel, Frsnkfort Call. Frankfort Capital. Russellvllle Herald f weekly I, Maytleld Moni tor (weekly), Shelhyvllle Sentinel (weekly), Owlng.vlll Outlook (weekltl. Mount Ver non F.agle (weekly). Sheperdsvllla Pioneer (weekly I. Louisiana-New Orleans Utate. New Or Iratia I'lcyune, IiiiUI.d. Iteuiocrnt. Marylaud Baltimore Sun, Baltimore New.. Mlaal.slppl-Jackson New, Vlcksbnrg Pot, t;ntoa Times, Greenville Tlmea. Misaourl-Knnss f'ltv Biar, St. f.onla Arbelter de. Weaten. Ht. Loula Anaelger, St. Lnula Ainerika, South Carolloa-Charleatoa Newa and Courier. , Tennessee-Chattanooga Time, Memphis Relmeier, Na.hvlll iiauuer, Naahvlll American Teiaa-Anstln Rlate.maa. Palla. New., (ialveaton Ne. tiuln-.tnn 1 rllniiia, Sun Antaulo Ktiirvaa, Deuulaon G.utle, Dn Bi.n Herald. Virginia - Richmond Tlmea. Richmond State. Peterahiirg Index. Appeal, Alet.a drl. Tlmea. Hi. union New. Wei Vtrginia-Ch.rle.ton News, Charles ton Patriot German p.pera-Cblcago flt.at. Zeltung. Chicago AhesiliHiat, l.oul. villa Aawlger, St. Itul. Arhalt.r dea Weatena, New York Hta.ta Zeltusf. Wllkr.harr tl'a ) Wsaehter. Ii.veiipurt (I. ) Iienwikrat, Mllwankeo See-' hole, II ii ft lo Demob rat. Rmheater Ho.t tied Henlia'titer. Walerlnwa Wellhora.ri Milwaukee Germanla. Mllwaute Krel.l.n bar, Ht Iimi. An.alger, Hi l.oul. Amerl ba. Newark lieiifwh y.lliinf. Peoria lemnbraL ll lrllnglon To bafreiind, le Mots Aneei.r. Detroit Al.ol.o. y.anearlll i.erma poaf. 'ln'ln.tl Vnlka. fr.und. CleirelBl Wae hter nnd Aawlger. I In. Inn. II Volk.titaM. New York llaadela yeitiing. Philadelphia li'fmn ti.nio, rat, raaloa (P I orreapond.Bt. flea boi.iea ll I RefoiBt I'.troli (Vfl. Kl, Vnlbtlii.it, Diflao (O I VnlkXeltUBr Hhenon.a iWla) National Drmarr.t, Waterieae (Wl.) W.ltlmarrer New rnt.n1...... , , at Middle biai.a ei Soma f,7 Weat bo Tefal hollar. qa teiude4 la above total, U Ueraaa aewa ptp.r DEBTOR AKD CREDITOR CLASSES. rraaa reaapbket railtl4 1b lilaor eaee." What tSaa Men a. id ahevt th in.rlt f tb queeitea In a pblloani.hirtl aet,a ia plain and eem aouud. but may there not be ether reaaon. why silver aitouid be coined at Ihe ratio af 14 lo IT W hat el her rne caa there bT Weil, tuib fa.n. at fha givea with) reepert la Ibe debtor ciaaa at tgtind lb rred.tar cia. Ni een.e. ll la ..id that Ibe roealry for iba pot fwaaty year ha been gradually getting lata the bead of what 1 relied Iba rted Iter rtea. i.h I alleged to ha a eery mall propnrfma af ih avpulafioa. wbii Ihe great ana j..r it y have jaliea tnta th 4Mr rlac a I In'o the abw.lvta roa Irol af Ihe at beta. Now it aiUg4 Ibal the rre-l.iar. a a ml, ar bank and. ptinlraily ewtm.g Ih e,uriif af iba people and ahle ta di.taie to them, are 'male'' whl ia rl4 ibe "bia b'otel eat of th rooBlty. Ube ar lh lertibl rredltart abt re do.Bg bat N.a a .mil rise. Wall, ia beaker and ,e .n4.r fr laattaxt, tb ' e.uiy imn st il ia ai;e4. Ibea lb rooafry la gr.d-ialir getting pi l iaea fcf W&ito t b bather tie Ih repteari.taliieo, ll.eae "ftatjtlrea ' are ub.l ( t,' j.f, b..ef aol vf tha euairy, ,,n,t,,bt (k ea. rgy e.,t af tb p."V..a a4 ,, it . a,. 1 h.l It tba bi".-. tbeo, u 1, ) W.ii. a ar tim io.bf.,td, J a. lake ibe t uai.ue rbt ia laif.. I Lai f,t, a B..,aaad It, la lt,a b..b1 l'ial fitrniiur a.ii.f.r.,,r ,a p.e la tbe wotM. hu.g b'lt lo that . t.ia4 l;"l .Nw. if a bat ia .,,d twl Ih tetril.l r af rr .tBra he tre, tat If !.! ia at Un ka aaf , rti( I, ef li 4 rlaa k true, iba troni.1 ,t be aa .).af,ai a fn.a'f'.4 ia ar ahr p is ti rv,,,t t the., it.a (.ie aba bat rtr.i, is. Waaitb, the worker, are gradually b, e-m eg a-aa af ta-a wo i!r b4 a the a.a.ik after It i ft t-t the betkeea. for lar-.ae Saw obat la tee real aitnarion in Rock ford J Toe number of bankers in that city ia, alto gether, thirteen, and the total amount of carjital which these thirteen bankers have is $375,000. The total amount of de posit in their banks ia $3,400,000. So that theae thirteen bankers, with a total paying capacity of but $375,000, are entrusted with $3,400,000 of other peo ple money with which to do business in any manner they choose. Upon ita lace, it would seem that any number of S,?-?27e a tolal Pay'nK capacity of but $3 1 5,000 must be of great integrity, "Pr'Shtness and reliability to be entrust ed by the very people with whom they live aad do business with whom they their paying capacity, or $3,400,000. ii- the People who have entrusted thia thirteen with o large a sum of money, so much in excess of their pay ing capacity? They number 9,500 in i .?7 of a total Population of 30,000. V h case therefore, who are the debtors? They are undoubtedly the bankers. These thirteen men owe theae U.oOO depositors $3,400,000 th.r:.,all.thuat h"8 been 8ald bnt thfnl ?CJT ' the. cre(1itor class be true, .k of Vhe 8,tuation in which these de Sn tw t, aT? the,e Por bankers. If thi i u -,been ,ald about the Poverty, the wretchedness and the enslaved con dition of the debtor class be true, think bankets m'Serable pHght f the8e poor trZhVt ii trut ,in Ro'ord must be true of the whole country. The real and L f ,the 5?nnt-y are banker, "Qd ,,th creditors of the country ' e depositors, and it ia to the credit of the bankers of the United States, R jwliithe opedit of the bankert of Rockford, that although they could net 00 per cent, on the dollar if the coinage ftff.'lT at 10 to 1 were made legit, nLffT" ,their positors who have di? posited gold at 32 to 1 with them in 1';er a but 16 to 1, none of the bank e.5 the of Romford, and but l,J.eW ?f the bankers in the United funncv h6 "PV011 oi this free silver whiM.7, .Te ad"ocated this policy, to cle.rW.Uld e1able them at fki to clear so much money. thZi lu rief 8!atement makes It plain that all the vilification which has Wn bestowed by I'opulist orators and news- Cited SrP? ireditor clas" X. of tot.lhr,ter,t ha" beeB emitted becau who ihiT faJ.1e ""'apprehension as te the creditors are, and U is but a fvin. fh tbe,Pr?found ignorance under ying the whole free silver agitation that tney have undertaken to describe at vampires blood suckers, Shylocks, etc., the great producing classes of this coun try who are its real creditors and whe pwn all the moiiey deposited in the banks and upon which banker do bnal- ,?.uno, the borrowing of which most of the manufacturing and produc w ?r c"untry carried on. Se that the I'opulista of thit country whe have been claiming to be the friends of tne people, have been denouncing them upon the supposition that tbe denuncia tion hat been describing the bankert; r.I,'r.l8'Jthe real trutn the bankera are the debtora and the depositor! are the creditors. According to that the ropulistt won't accomplish free ailver? nrN.r.Hin,hre re ln Cnl,'d s,t w.ow.OOO depositors In tbesavlnga Institu tion of tbe country, and thev own de posita amounting to about $"i,tH)0,000,000, If all the people in the United Slatet who can Tote, should rote, tbe total vote cast in a nutionnl election would be about 14,000,00(1; but tbe largest aversge notional rote cast ia about ll,tMK),000: hence, the total number of depositor 0 tjavinga Institution, in thia couutry large ly outnumber any majority of votet which hat ever been cast iu a national election. In the tingle ttat of New York there are l.,(Kt,(HMj depositor in the tavinga bank of that slate. They have on de posit $leK),()()0,0fKI. In the state of N.w iork there are but about l.lltlO.ooo vot ers; the number of depositor, in the tar ing, banks of Hint stain exceeds tha number of voter in Hint atnie by 600,. IMH). These ligurea show the utter Im possibility of any such movement a th free silver movement auccccding in (hit country, because its success would In volve tbe conversion of more people than have ever Voted on one sido upon any question in tin. country, to (lie nb.o lute belief that it would psv them to .et tie with the s vine institutions In which fheir money lie., at Ut ecu I. on th dol lar for every UK) rente on th dollar ther bare on dco.it. From a Maalfe.to by tho llllaoi loaa Moaey Democrat. A national convention convened under the miiatitiited authority of our party ba Jual closed Ita tcaaiout iu the city of Chicago. 1 1 entered upon it work by violating all precedenla In Ihe rejet-tiou of a dla llngiilabed Democrat a if temporary prealdllig ullli-er. It deorived a oerelgn fte of a voice In Ita uYlilM-rallon by iiiiseating without caua or legal jual ilicat ion delegatee elected with all the regularity known te party organitalion. It refu.e.1 io emlorae the boneaiy tad fidelity of the prea.Lt Henio. rstic aa lioiial adiuliualialioii. It adopted a platform which fvor Ibe free end unlimited coinago of silver by thi country alone at the ratio of Hi te 1, lid thereby it repudiated a time honored leiiiocrli' print ipo which demand the irirt niBiiiienaiiie of a uum and attble lisiional turtrlicy. r lnally. lo uiak ll plainer Ibal, at though ia aame, it wa tint Iu fact a lieui'M'tatlc rontrntK.n. II nominated far i'reatdeiit one Who it hot In hi. political ronvlrti.ina, and hat not ilea; beat) tvn in hi ptofraaion., a lrraottt. BaBalvr ralaaor Obi. prlngfield. III., July Il.-Kenttor Job M. rauoef ba rome oul ojuly agiat Ih Cbirago pl.tlornt and niuoat l.ryaa and Hea.li. lie tacl t.nlay Ibal be pta.,aaiif buoat vf te.) lriu.rtt ia Ih. irai,aauia rtiunty a bo wul eat Ul'lk.rl Iba ltke, BU.J t thlllk tbert at Iwho tbl kyuiber whe a ul aL lie cuuf.buej : ".No I iu.wr.f, to far tt I bar beet) lnr.ra..d. will . . i ri tb l'ipuiil fnket aoiuibaied l I ho ago. My oaa piae ta rial tb ln.." faia of l,lin.a, m ra Bfe i.t un with !-u, ra ot other atataa, rail a .u.Biin and hoin.uate raadt dale. 1 favor trat lit brta la til Ihe vBreaa.otial il.lr.ii sal io all lae runt,e. Iu order to pr.aart lb lBo crane afiamutiul," llatibg Ibu dated h. tieat It la Ibt route tutl o.iil to be purau.d tht aoatur we ana-d If be Ihoiifhl tbert a, toy !!. r to be ii. Iront tbe .nr aiaveui.lif. lie t.. J: .Not a Bftie. Mr. t. will re re, e ll Mtet of lb 'mi l'oio,tav f e.ted lu.. iala. Ibe t.al l'.. niiala whe ia snii tu bu4 a ti.tiiiii..a S 41. I i.. aod lb" r,,a out t wba bate t.ia- eB ia it,, a .t whe a a ll. a r tod aai.l l.t a, .1 it, 9 a., I wb.p Ib'io Kb I t. ii,., r b,ia f avtut it jt fuughi fitrio a fr g, at I oani.. to 1 i ll. hut the p.,e ea'l tat,awaed l MM,te in Iba taiat. ef. V ii fciht Umih bob, buaeter, tad Ih.to h ( ii, "there i aoihieg lo t .''f .rm h,, 14 to I, and n.ere ia but b e ia iba a ao bnl Hi"'!' II ta a t -el taiber. b M a bee taiber, hot m t.r ll.al ia aa d , I I aa. l Al tb aa.ne i i ib.i.. b le ihe r M at nf aaa f .f a .!. t aa af tl .t rbari '-r to B..m o.ia. ( i.' a gather. Mg of that . ' ": "