Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 13, 1896, Image 4

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Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on 0. K. A N.
Agent ta Heppner, or address
Gen, Puss. Agt.
E. McNEluL, President and Manager.
San Troixolsoo
And aU point In California, via the Mt. Bhast
rout of tli
Southern Pacific Co
The irreet highway thronah California to all
point Kant and Hnuth. Grand Bmtnlo Koute
of the Pacific 1'oast. Pullman HnRet
Hleeuer. Beoond-olass rjlmpers
Attached to axprese trains, affording superior
eooouimodatione for Mwonrt-olmw naMMignre.
For rates, ticket, almpius oar resorratlon.,
ta.. null npon or address
B. KOKHMCK, Manager, K. P. ROOER8, A Sit,
Gen. r. r. AtU, r-ortlaua, urenou
TlirotiKh Pullman I'alncn H'ropiT.
Tniirl.l Hlii'i and Pre Ktvllnliif Chair
Can PAIL) lo ( iik(ii.
Many hniira aavtd via tlili linn to Hasten!
It. M'. BAXTER, On. Agent,
I'arthnul, Oregon
J, C. II AUT, Agent, Ihpynrr, Oregon.
Soltntlflo America!
Atjtncy TOP
Tdaoa ami.
rmi ai1 Trmm IUn.ll rlttn
Krai hl pi loi.f, haw
ftl'lMt tor 1 mrnttnt trnl. la At'!",
a 9mtt fwtrf! taha mi I., t la litl,t tw-fr-r
tb yvi4t.il ttviiilM five W taaige ta the
Scientific Atactica!
I el lwilaltM Mtmr - ! fanr la rK
Nh.t It. !. tea
1tlM.lrlvl ImH It
! l h. L f
lu. I llf.
Hiuwaukee k si. Paul R'y
Glanco at this Map
H tl. ( ti1aail at. U vlRall
a t4 Me !! all Iim
tlxental !) awl W ail a4 I IxaNa. M
ll.al l Ifalna ae HaM eiikaer
liwli aM kal4 ! Mm ia la
I Hw(, lii'a'f. axit U( a4
).'. 9H fte Hl"la keif tar
.tl-i4 ti t4t lM aa mirU tmn4 teatf.
a) t 4IkI m Ue Uel la IM I4.
mk mm a ltMt Ike ihia. wm ma ax
elM-tt, t4 MM " I tt UtVa
mmln 1 txa . mi r naa
I itt ii.la.ia'l-n. a-14e
r. I M'T, C.. -..I t,
; iM,i'.i Af
laar.A'f, VHt
Sfm mm
Member Pledged ta Wage
War on the Fair Sex.
I accepted an invitation the other day
to dine with a friend at a club that he
assured me was unlike, in some re
spects, any other club in tho world,
says a New York correspondent of the
Cincinnati Enquirer. We went to
Twenty-ninth street and entered a
building that was not materially dif
ferent in appearance from a thousand
other houses in town that are used as
residences by the well to do. The
menu cards and the servants' buttons
were marked by a neat monogram of
the letters "J. C." My companion set
tled himself in an easy chair, and pro
ceeded to explain.
This club," he said, "owes existence
to the whim of a very rioh man who has
hardly turned thirty years. Ho was en
gaged. The lady was wealthy, well
connected and moved in tha same social
circles that ho did. lie was rich
enough to satisfy any reasonable wom
an. Moreover, his character was be
yond reproach.
"Perhaps he was a little cold m his
wooing. I don t know. He did not
know what defeat meant. Perhaps he
unconsciously took it for granted that
any woman must lind him all sufficient,
and that it would be unnecessary, even
unbecoming, to ply the ordinary lover's
arts that are generally believed to be
so fetching with tho fair sex. At all
events, the young lady one day gave
him to plainly understand that he
wouldn't do. She returned his pres
ents I don't suppose he had ever writ
ten her a love letter, so she couldn't re
turn any burning literature and told
him to apply elsewhere for a wife. Con
siderably stunned, he could only ex
claim: "Jilted! jilted!" lie bought this
house at first simply with tho idea of
living in it, but one day he chanced
across a friend who had had a similar
xperienco with tho fair sex, and, after
comparing notes, they decided to live
together to pursue the same line of
campaign m society; that is, to
make themselves as interesting as
possible to women, but never on any
provocation to marry. liefore long
they heard of another acquaintance
whose engagement had been broken by
the lady, nnd they took hiin in. So,
little by little, the affair has grown to
Its present proportions, a small, but 86'
lectand contented club."
"And the initial:! J. C. mean, tho "
"Jilted club, exactly. Every member
must have been jilted, and every mem'
ber is supposed to enter society freely
and play for hearts to take them, but
never to surrender his own. In the
event of his getting entangled nnd en
tcring upon a new engagement his
membership lapses at once."
Bat the I.mly Who Dropped the Dottle
K.li.l Nrv.T il Wunl.
A large crowd of spectators, the ma
jority of whom were women, were
standing in front of a show window on
Uroudway ono day, says a New York
exchange, watching tho movements of
a muscular young man, who wus busily
engaged in il.ji.ioas'.niling tho useful
qualitiesnf a new exercising apparatus.
lulu the eyes of tho crowd were
fixed on tho graceful lion. lings aud
twiNtings of tho exhibitor, there was a
sharp report, us though something
frngilo hail fallen upon the sidewalk.
Ihe woman from whoso band the pack
age had fallen, und who was a picturo
of respectability, stooped nnd picked
tip the pap.-r, which was dripping wet,
and, casting ono l"Kpairinr glance at
It, dropped it quietly iu the putter arid
hastened up Jlroadwuy, as tlioiigh she
hud uu Important engagement which
demanded her ii.uiieiliate attention.
In the meantime the cimUnU of the
package had been spreading over the
hidewalk, and us the odor of good old
rye iiiMumitcd itself into the iiostriUof
the crowd n broad rin spread over the
lures of everyone except un obi tramp.
wln hut ilow it (in the edge of the gutter
and wept bitterly nt the sad sight of
uch a wu'.tr of giNxl muterlul.
tlatrtiK Allvr Twriily Year.
lie was asking the old man for hia
duughtrr in murrluTC. He was talking
trciuhlinglv, lirsitutiuglv, say the
tpringliel.l I'liion, as you read of in
atory IkI(h, and the nfviw wan full of
color, m fur as an inite fullu r and
nervrlrsH young in.in could iiuike it. It
came the oll man's turn to s nk, and
aa n brgun hit face was white with
passion and his voiee shook with rx
I'ltemi ni. ")ou w.mt lo marry my
dniiirlitrr?" he hJii.l. "Ah, now ia the
time for my revenge. Twenty yean
ago your f it her cripplrd me la a aUsk
deal and I swore lo ln rerrnged. And
Dow my time has coine." lie paused for
breuMi, and the aspirant for the
liiuitlena li.iinl was otxiut to tteal
Imsty rrtrrut In Ihe fure of snptxieed
defetit, when the father broke forth
gain: "tea, air, I awor to lie re
venged, ami now 1 II atrlko the father
through the aon. Want my daughter,
eh? Well, take hrr, and may ahe proe
a rpenire lo you aa she liaa to me
The old mnn lripx il Into hla chair,
orn out it li the rx Itenient of hla plot,
nil the young man fainted.
A t alent IWxIaa Official.
Count Wonm?o!T iHiehkofT, th Hua
alun court mini, ler, who la one of tb
lm.l Important ot'.I.Ula In the atate,
taa one of thine t hief friend of the
late rMir end the mil aurvWInf one.
At lli hew rrir't earnest mjupal h
as t.t reinuln In nllii-e until Ihe eor
i.ii.itlun t -k plaee to regulate the
ren-iiioiiUI of that crrat event. Imv
lilea nfiil.it in;; the court errnnonlal
he liaa Hie i-i.ui.ip mrnl of the cur'l
private projx-rty. which trlnirln rv-
roue of U n luiUinn dollar )rerly.
II IU-e lle rr ls.
1hiiaanl nf f a- of Oonaunptii
Aallima, (Vngl.t, I'nl.li ,) ('map are
ent4 da h Mnli.b'a IWe, Ym
ale by Well A Werfea.
liTlxief lo lti.lUta ! IU pr
t cbn Hlae I.tna. Vraiee JetrM of
iailiB( t'aeJUlo a lime aoj
uolief I f lalltf II. M cl. Vf
qqalhlin Ike ael (he ren
lag I Ix alaa'a ill Make ennaelinn lk
3 n'tlurk train at ho fit IVadMon.
Oilioe at City liog More. W. 1 1. Ukb,
I aurrft l'ar4.
Ilealik aad ! I a I k eaare-l, ky
rUll.'t'a Oalarrk Ue.ty.
Now I lb lira to f tb Weekly
te-niaa, lb eaieel aeaepapef of
II, West. W lib lb0M,rlb strict
ly I aJae,a )r, p 8V M bettee
.. UsaH ii f aesire eaa be ma.le
lallealale. WI,Im will glee aa a
i iiimm a a,l .III kii al J.ia'nel. tk W.b-1
ai. iae
f"t 1'iaalef, a atK-i
!. Is an 1 f'Hb.
Full Text of the Declaration
of Principles.
The Kepublicaos of the United Stales,
assembled by tbeir repreeeDtatativea in
national convention, appealing for popu
lar and historical justification ot their
claims to the matchless achievement of
30 years of Republican rale, earnestly
and confidently address themselves to
the awakened intelligence, experience
and conscience ot their countrymen in
the following declaration of facts and
principles :
For the first time since the oivil war
the American people have witnessed the
oalamltons oonaequenoes of fall and un
restricted Democratic oontrol of tbe
government. It has been a record of
unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and
disaster. In administrative management
it baa ruthlessly sacrificed indispensible
revenue, entailed an increasing deficit,
eked oat ordinary oarrent expense with
borrowed money, piled np the public
debt by $262,00(1,000 in time of peace,
toroed an adverse balance of trade, kept
perpetual menace banging over the re
demption (and, pawned American credit
to alien syndicates and reversed all tbe
measures and remits of successful Re
publican rale. In tbe broad effect of its
polioy it has precipitated panic, blighted
industry and trade with prolonged de
pression, olosed factories, reduced work
and wages, baited enterprise and crip
pled Amerioan production while stimu
lating foreign production for tbe Ameri
can market Every consideration of
poblio safety and individual interest
demands that tbe government shall be
resoaed from tbe bands of those who
hate shown themselves inoapabla to
ooodnot it without disaster at borne and
dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to
tbe party wblob for 30 years admin
Istered it with nneqaaled success and
prosperity; and In tbis connection we
heartily indorse tbe wisdom, patriotism
and suooess of tbe administration of
President Harrison.
We renew and emphasize our alle
giance to the polioy of protection as tbs
bulwark of American industrial Inde
pendence and tbe foundation of Ameri
can development and prosperity. Tbis
true Amerioan policy taxes foreign pro
ducts and encourages borne industry and
puts tbs burden of revenue on foreign
goods; it seoures tbe Amerioan market
tor the Amerioan producer; it upholds
the Amerioan standard of wages (or tbs
Amerioan workingmen ; it puts tbs fac
tory by tbe side of Ibe farm, and makes
Ihe Ameriosn farmer Iras dependent oo
foreign demand and price; it diffuse
general thrift, and founds tbs s)rengtb
of all on lbs alreogtb of ch. In it
reasonable application it is jut, (sir and
impartial, euually opposed to foreign
control and domestic monopoly; to sec
tional tliatriniiuetion and individual
f ivoritiim. Ws denounos tha present
democratic tariff as sectional, lojnrlon
to publio credit and deetrticlivs to bui
ne enterprise, We demand oh
eqnitabls tariff on foreign Imports which
come into competition with Amerioan
products a e.111 not only fornleh ade-
qnete rrvana fur tbe Deoreeary eipeo
of Ibe gumnment, bat will protect
American labor from tbe degradation to
Ibe wage !! o( oibr lands.
We are not pledged to y particolar
schedule, Tbe .tteetioa of rates ia
practical qoralioi to be governed by
condition of lb time and of prodaliun
Tbe rating and uooompromieiog princi
ple i lb protection and developaeal of
American labor and Industry. Tbe
country deaaada right MlUeotettt and
then it want rest
on murntirm.
Wo trailer tbs repeal of the reclprooi
ly arrangement atfolieied by the Uet
lUpuhllcan aJmlsbtretiofJ IU MlMO-
a) calamity and we demand tbeir renew
a aod eiUualoa oa sack term as will
equalise ear trade with otbef Ballot
remote restrictions ebkh aoo obetrael
tbe tale of American prodoct la ports
tf other eoeatrleo, nod Sec nr velar (ad
markets for lb prwjaet wf oar tara.
(areel a4 fertoflee.
rrvteotlo aad reciprocity ar leia
naaaere ( lUpabtiea polity, aad go
heed ia band, DeaMeratl rale ha
reekleoaly struck dues both, nod both
meal be r eetahTiabad; pmteettoa (ut
bat predor; Ire adaMoa foe the
eeereearW of lit Witch we A not pee
da; reeiproeei agreeeaeal mala)
Marvel wbleh gala epea oterket I re
Nra I ear atarheta to otbore.
rreieotiea baltJ ap doatat' Udoetry
4 trait. a4 eare ea at whet
, l B.,aala ! ta.n,Mili ba.tU mm .
j t'"d) o4 mIM Iu ar
We condemn the present administra
tion for not keeping faith with the sugar
producer of this country. Tbe Bepub
lion party favor nch protection aa will
lead to the production on Amerioan soil
of all sugar whioh Amerioan people use
and for which they pay other countries
more than $100,000,000 annually.
To all our products, to those of mine
and field as well as those of tbe shop
and factory; to hemp, to wool, to tbe
prod not of tbe great industry husbandry,
as well as to iioisbed woolens of tbe
mill, we promise most ample protection.
We favor restoring tbe early Amerioan
polioy of discriminating duties for the
pbnilding of oar merobant marine and
tbe protection of our shipping interests
in tbe foreign carrying trade, to Amer
ican ships tbe product of American
labor employed in Amerioan shipyards,
sailing under tbe Htsrs and Stripes, and
manned, officered and owned by Amer
icansmar regain tbe carrying of our
foreign commerce.
Tbe republican party is unreservedly
for sound money. It oauied the enact
ment of the law providing for the
resumption ot specie payments in 1879;
since then every dollar has been as good
as gold.
We are unalterably opposed to every
measure calculated to debaae our cur
rency or impair tbe oredit of our coun
try. We are. therefore, opposed to tbe free
coinage of silver, except by international
greement with the leading commercial
nations of tbe world, whioh we pledge
ourselves to promote, and until suoh an
agreement oan be obtained, tbe existing
gold standard must be preserved. All
ot our silver and paper currency now in
circulation must be maintained at a
parity with gold, and we favor all meas
ures designed to maintain inviolable tbe
obligations ot tbe United States and all
our money, whether coin or paper, at tbe
present standard the standard of tbe
most enlightened nations ot tne ttb.
The veterans of tbe Union armies de
serve and should receive fair treatment
aod generous recognition. Whenever
praotioable they should be given prefer
ence in the matter of employment and
tbey ar entitled to the enactment ol
snob laws a ar best calculated to se
cure the fulfillment of pledges made to
them iu tbs dark days ot tbs country's
peril. Ws denounos tbe practioe in tbe
pension bureau, so reoklessly and nn-
jmtly carried on by the present admini
tration, of reduoicg pensions and arbi
trarily dropping names from tbs role as
deserving tbe severest condemnation of
lbs Amerioan people.
Our foreign policy should b at all
times firm, vigorous sad dignified, nnd
all oar interests in tbs western hemis
phere carefully w ate bed and guarded
Tbe Hawaiian bland should be oontrol!
ed by tbe United States, and ao foreign
power should be permitted to interfere
with them; tbe Nicaragua canal sbonld
be built, owned and operated by tbe
United Htate; and by tbs purcbaae of
tbs Daniab islands we sbonld secars a
proper and much needed station in tbs
West ladles.
Tbe nteeoio in Armenia bare arous
ed the deep tymptlby aad Just indigna
tion of Iba Amerioan people, and w be
lieve b United Btates sbonld in la
all tbe toaueso it can properly eiert to
bncf I bee atrooilie to on end. I
Turkey American resident bar been
eipneed to lb gravest deogers aad
American property destroyed. There
sod every where American etliaeo and
Amerioan property atatt be abeolately
protected at all baaerds and at any ot
ktoeaoa doctiixb.
W rafi lb Moo roe doelrto to
It fullest silaat aad w reafflrm tb
right ol tbs Csllod Blate to tit lb
doetria ffeot by reepoadisg to lb p
p)sof aay Aaasr i stal or trieodty
inUrveatioa la of Eorope. n
W hai; aot b laltferd aad shall
tot later lev tl. lb sletiaf pnee
loo of aay Larope. power is this
beaist oece, bat tbe foaetioe mnsl
aol, o y pretest, be 1 1 Waded. W
bepefully Vsk tWwaH I th event
sal withdrawal i Eornti powers
Imta lbs bt ( o4 kolbealliaaU
aako. d all EU speatieg pit of
lb oatMsit by rW eeweiit of its le
erA. aoanirrto.
Prooi tb of ol Mbhrvtng taeit ewe
t4pe)4eoss tb HofJ 4 CetWd
State bat rgard4 with tyejpeiaf lb
stroftte 4 otbew Aasfkra p pi U
free tbaei Ive frnea Ev 4moro
tkaa. W tb wUb deep a J abtJieg
lateet Ik Went OwMte lb CrM
pelriul etly aad rtrM,9ai
ft4 ear bwet aopa t ot to fall
l tb4( etrt.h4 Ootleel lef
liberty. Tbe government of Spain hav
ing lost oontrol of Cuba and being unable
to proteot the property or lives ot resi
dent American citizens or to oomply with
its treaty obligations, we believe the
government of the United States should
actively use its inflaenoe and good offi
ces to restore peaoe and give mdepen-
3 A 1 1 I 3
ubuco to me island.
Tbe peaoe and aeonrity of the republic
iuo .ouuuu
and the maintenance of its rightful in-
MneDCe among the nations of tbe earth
demand a naval power commensurate
with its position and responsibility. We,
therefore, favor oootinued enlargement
of tbe navv and oomplete system of har
bor and seacoast defenses.
For the protection of the quality ot oar
Amerioan citizenship and of wages of
oar workingmen against tlie fatal com
petition of low prioed labor, we demsnd
that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly
enforced and so extended as to exclude
from entranoe to the United States those
who oan neither read nor write.
The oivil service law was placed on
the statute books by the republican
party, which has always sustained it, I
and we renew our repeated declarations
that it shall be thoroughly and honestly
enforced and extended wherever practi
We demand that every oitizeo of the
United States shall be allowed to cast a
free and unrestricted ballot, and snob
ballot shall be countod and returned as
We proclaim our unqualified condem
nation of tbe uncivilized aod barbarous
practice known as the lynching or killing
of human beings suspected or charged
with orime, without process of law.
We favor tbe creation of a national
board of arbitration to settle and adjust
the differences whioh may arise between
employers and employed engaged in in
terstate oommeroe.
We believe in tbe immediate return
to tbe free homestead olicy ot tbe Re
publican party, and urge the passsge
by oongres ot tbe satisfactory free
homestead measure whioh has already
passed tbe bouse and is now pending
in tbe senate-
We favor the admission of ibe remain
ing territories at tbe earliest practicable
date, having dui regard to the interest ot
Ibe territories and tbeTJnited Slates. All
federal officers appointed for territories
should be seleoted from boon fide resi
dent thereof, and the right of aelf-goTern-
men! should be accorded as far as prac
ticable. We believe the citizen of Alas
ka should bavs representation in the
congress of tbe United States to tbe end
Ibat needed legislation may be intelli
gently enacted.
We sympathize with all wise and le
gitimate efforts to lesseo and prevent the
evils ot intemperance and promote mor
IN Upublioan party is miodfnl of
tbs rights of women. Protection of
American Industrie includes equal
opportunities, equal pay fur equal
work aod protection to tbe borne. We
fof ths admiaiou of women lo wider
apherse ot oeefatnM end welcome their
oo-operktioo in reeoiitug the eoutry from
IVmneratie and Pnpuiiat mirmsnagFmeol
snd miiuse.
Hneh ar tbe principles and polirie
of lbs republican purty. ISy the prin
ciple w will abiJe, ami tbeee pulk ie
we will nut Into eireution. We ask fur
ih.m ih. ffB.i.fw.t l.lr..i.f
A mar lean nem,!. n.,nfl.lenl ailka 1..
Ihe Mature nf nnr irraat tia.lv an. I In ll. I
l.,t- . , . . .
JU...O u. uir ....... w. prnHM., our pia-
mia idu dnr oeouinaiee id ins inn aa -
laraae that the election lll brine
Victor to tbe Kenabliran Oarlv and
' -
- ' a a. . a a . I at a A It fa a
proper,., to ... oeop, o, ,n. un,,.,,
The inletta iuhing snd etnartin
dmt lo ertrma, k ltrr, aalt-rlirtim, ait,
ting Im i-
duwa of lli alio la IneUtiilr allsred by
.ll.. W.n.l-.l.i- . t . ...I till-
I rvH,i v..iii.m w A-.-v w r.w
Oinlmnt. Xsnr vrry bad hs bera
prmuneniiT nirm i h. ji u enauy i
AkMrit ( iU bins; il n.l a favorite rem-1
lf fi entw Bi1U; rbalU harult, chll
blaina, IPM IU, ana rhmtiio anr e;en.
I ot sale y dniQUi) al rrnu pev h i.
Try Dr. radyi Csv:il!ea) rwdr, tb
srejiMt hat s Imrse itmli ebrn in bed modi-
tsuo. Tmte, bkJ purifier ana vtmuuge.
for sal by Coaavr A Krorh, dronbt
"71 it immnlerit, in pay jtt.ljmtml,
wktlkr Ik tknp yn.trr rarfird a
hrfftfnm tk Inn or wot
II keiker k tl.0i or d.trt mt I nm of
frt )mnf t'.rtrart fmm trtk of I
lt'i.him J. lirp-tn in th ll-nt tf lUi-
mrnlaliitm m kern Ike It l l-ttl m.tt
mmlrr rttnit'U rufi'ia.
lin k Uatbe U Kill al lb old eUbd
I at I Iks l t.irie. wker h U
fsre-t I do eavtt in la ti line,
vieg. pair (atliag' balU' tie., si
laeprie II.
pnftsjla f trv
TVIs I tf trmrtmmHf.
P rarvtH , eatila, rk f
nt.MH paiKt-te I pik4 1 1 lb
- tmtHiM l'eiU'b al lta f ee fan
(Cf teai i'il er!ej lo koe.
UM Ike frl H LU lSWly.
. , tLi Mwriii i ,
, . N Wm ft, Ktw Tul City
tee. J -l.afe.it h ifi Fa KM & .
.. I. j t' I iww lap. I. aa.
eaa ei I -'r t , , m, r,(j 'It
tlr pit 1.0 rlr.fk j ..! m rttrwHM "
l v. ) re i t . r l't.t ttrl 1"
( Curxk, I!-wia, lil
I'i'i fri fa'a. Is lU w l.4rJ
9f tm u'.'ik v nv'.iMtoivAYi
0w aey saeHkSM 4r g i na, 4 esota,
frail VAJnmmt of jMfceo
of ao yrara' atanding
cureu vy
I i I 1 1 ha d,
Ill II n II II which
he sends
aa bH1 11 Wmw h
llS of hIs ab5i0?t? "S tTtl mr fert
whom ay send their P. O. and Ex presa address.
i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-;
rent business conducted tor Moderate fees.
Our Office is Ofrosite. U.S. Patent Office
4 and we can secure natent in less tune uaa UUffie
f r.mnf. fmm Washington.
bend model, drawing or photo., tntn oescnp-i
rtion. Wo advise, it patentable or not, treeol
5 charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ,
i A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," vith
5 cost of same in tha U. S. and foreign countries
jsent tree. Address,
Off. Patent Office, Washington, D. C.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Q., C. M. fe St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta.,
Itmu.s. government!
S To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
1 Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
2 relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
0 on whom you depended for support ?
! To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
2 law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owe it
J) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the
2 time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
v fyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
3 No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
) PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
618 P Street, WASHINQTON, D. C.
) X. RThll Company i$ controlled by tuarly on thoutand leading ntnt-
pnirt in ike Vniitd Unlet, and it guaranteed by IKetn. , Q
Attorneys ot lyti-w,
AU buaiuena attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public aud Collectors.
in Dirr
Lln Alder Street IXck. Portland,
vnnitd lnnoAt Aiini ll
V o ItllU A, U
I ark ar.a ftsncutte. Ihrct ootineetioa with Ilwaoo eteamer and rnil-
'"i Young'
iMtrt rw,!.,,,, p. M ,,,,, ,lr.(rt a,lnrt.r.
i .w . n. m.,w.r oiiiuy am
" rortiaiwi an runs ilrert to iarn. Tneaiay and Tbnraday ai A. w. SalnHar'at I F. at.
i mm ie neqimiay anq rrwiay
for aafrlr , Speed, Cotalort. PlraAqra, Travel
Keelsy Institute
Tf' 1 1 f
f H
A, S I .
it to Advertisers at .n groU fin.inci.il sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
Tin; Patterson Punt.isiUNC Co.
The comparative value ofthese two card
la known to moat persona.
They Illustrate that greater quantity ia
Net always moat to be desired.
These cards express the beneficial qual
ity or
4a compared with any previously knew
RlpanaTabules: Price, 50 cents a boa.
Of druggiaU, or by mail.
WANTED-AN IDEATbeSm.,.fm,?i.
thins-to natentr Protect toot ideas: they ma r
brine you wealth. Write JOHN WJCDDER.
& CO.. Patent Attorneys. Washington.
for their $1,800 prise offer.
The regular subscription price of tbe
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tbs
regular price of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
advanoe can Ret both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for 83.50. All old sub
scribers paying tbeir subscriptions for
one year in advanoe will be entitled to
tbe seme.
New Feed Tabd. Wm. Gordon has
opened up tbe feed yard next door to
the Gszetie office, and now solioits
share ot your patronage. Billy is right
at borne at this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prioes
reasonable. Bay and grain torsale. tf
1 J t
in l it
in in l it
fKiiinn I . a
'llVAT Alin1 IVfll'l
sV 1 I I
w v V rjuuiiiA a.1'.i ImV
for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beach, Oeea
Bay with Seashore Railroad.
a,t.ir4ay nliht, l P M. Um Astoria Dallr a
huum;. vuuuay mgat, i r.
ai i.sv a. a. on sanoar nil H el r. M.
oa the Telephone, tulles' GaUert aad Ocaaa Wste.
For tho Curo o
Liquor, Opiu m iU Tobacco Habits
It Is lorat4 at OaleeA, OrefMs,
7TU AT Beautiful Tor ow (A Out
Call al Ike Otierra Sac trUsUr
Mrtrtlt cMiS4eauai. Treaiaisal eflsaaeaa ear
OF . . .